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Sire Streams: Valkyria Chronicles


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Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/sirmarcuscalibur
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-s-G_OOqVlYZwGIrGFZVPQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaliburSir

So I decided to give Twitch Streaming a try. This is my first foray into streaming, even though I did run a Youtube Channel back in the day.

My first official stream is currently scheduled for Tuesday, September 4th, at 7:00 PM US Central Time. I will be playing Valkyria Chronicles Remastered on the PC. I have experienced the original Valkyria entirely through a Youtube Let's Play, but I personally only played up to Chapter 10. I have also watched the VC anime as well.

This stream is meant to be more casual and laid back. I'm not sure how exactly I'll be playing through VC yet (playing casually, trying for S Ranks, or trying to clear out the map), but if you decide to join in and watch, I hope you enjoy the stream!

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First Stream playing Valkyria Chronicles goes live in about 20 minutes! (Wednesday, September 5th, at 7:00 PM US Central)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Edit: Stream has ended! It was plenty enjoyable watching meself stream! The vod will be uploaded to the Youtube Channel momentarily, or you can catch the Twitch Vod while it lasts for 14 days or so.

As for future streams, I believe I may simply transition over to doing Youtube Videos. The streaming channel will remain operational, but will mainly be used for games that are the "latest and greatest" (playing older games is not a good way to grow an audience starting out). Either way, the Valkyria Chronicles playthrough will continue, but it may no longer be streamed and just made into a Youtube Let's Play instead. We'll see how things go as they progress.

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Welp, I started playing Valkyira on Twitch, might as well end it there! I'm gonna set a record for the longest running streams without any viewers!

Next scheduled stream is Saturday, September 8th, at 5:00 PM US Central Time! After that, I may try and set a schedule to stream regularly Monday to Thursday. I am considering streaming in the mornings for Tuesday and Thursday with a different game (Grandia II?) to mix things up a bit, but I will definitely be streaming Valkyria Monday and Wednesday in the afternoon.

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2nd Stream goes live in about 30 minutes! https://www.twitch.tv/sirmarcuscalibur

* * * * *

Edit: Stream has ended. Thanks for the one person who decided to follow me! So much for setting a record for streaming without viewers.

We covered Chapters 3 and 4 this round, with chapter 4 being a lot more harder than I originally remembered. I also used a opted for simplicity and got rid of all the fancy overlays and the webcam, leaving only the gameplay and my voice over it. This may become the norm for future streams

The next stream is scheduled for Monday, September 10th, at 7:00 US Central Time. I am still uncertain about the Tuesday and Thursday streams, so we'll leave that for later thinking.

Edit 2: Monday Stream has been canceled due to last minute complications. The Wednesday stream at 7:00 US Central is still planned. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Wednesday Stream goes live in about 20 minutes! https://www.twitch.tv/sirmarcuscalibur

* * * * *

Edit: Stream has ended! We went through Chapter 6 today.

I am still debating whether to continue trying Monday/Wednesday streams or convert over to doing it on Youtube. A part of me wants to finish up Valkyria on Twitch since that is where I started. Maybe I'll just try to pick a day where I can marathon through it and play through the main story in one go.

* * * * *

Edit 2: Streams are reverting to "no real schedule." I'll post when I'll be able to stream as plenty of real life issues cropped up and are impacting my stream schedule. Once again, apologizes for the inconvenience.

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