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Shitty OC thread

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Post dumb OC's you've made previously. Try to recall their personality if you can.


This... thing is my old Kirby OC, Echo (and by old I mean late 2016-early 2017). Main gimmick is that he can summon portals and use magic using that gauntlet around his arm. I was proud of this sprite work back then, and while I still am, I kinda think it's stupid now. Can't quite remember his personality, so I'll post it when I remember.

EDIT: He's a dimension hopper. HOO BOI

As for personality, he's cunning and intelligent, but also pretty socially awkward. Not as terrible as I remember, but still not great. Oh and his other primary weapon is a greatsword.


Edited by GreatKnightEcho
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Hoo boy.  I remember the Kirby OC community like it was just yesterday.  There were boatloads of Kirby clones and not enough of other species from the Kirby games, almost to the point where I disliked that OC community more than that of Sonic the Hedgehog.  I was particularly upset by the lack of OCs based on Kirby 64's Fairies, which I found surprising.

Anyway, here's mine.  Brace yourself.  It's bad.  (At least, I think so.)

Fatima Dagher (Megami Tensei OC) by VonIthipathachai

So this was a Megami Tensei OC I made a few years back as part of a Law/Neutral/Chaos Hero trio.  This character was my Chaos Heroine.  She was basically a stereotypical "repressed Muslim girl".  Also a lesbian.  Fun.  A couple of my DeviantART buddies liked it back in the day, but I've gotten increasingly less comfortable with it over time.

However, I would later end up reusing her first name for a character in the SRPG Studio game I'm working on.

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I had a shitty Dragonriders of Pern self insert, and then a shitty Eragon self insert. That should tell you all you need to know.

My current OCs are not shitty. *swells with pride*

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This Tauros was on OC back then... It was based on a shiny competitive Tauros that I still have.

The joke was that this one was like super sayian or some shit like that, my mind blocked it somehow

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This is my pussykyat personyaa~! I like myassages, get high off of kyat fur, and end my sentences with nyaa~!



Edited by XRay
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Ah, frick. What a rabbit hole of valuable learning experience. I am both fascinating and filled with apprehension.


The first fan character I can remember making was a Mega Man classic fan character called "G." He had a laser sword like Zero, but was a human in a suit instead of being an actual robot, because I was a squishy (eight-to-ten year old?) human but still wanted to imagine doing all the cool robot fighting stuff. I think I did draw him on a piece of scrap paper at school one day, and I might have actually kept that drawing.

He had no personality whatsoever. Excluding what I probably projected onto the idea, he was just a set of abilities.

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