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Fire Emblem: Render onto Ceaser


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The Concept of the hack is that the main character is kidnapped and enslaved by a group reminicent of the roman empire and has to raise a rebelion to free the people of this nation as well as regain connections with his culture, I intend to create two new classes: Slave Driver and Hunter (One uses a whip the other uses a rifle, trying to figure out how to add new weapons and classes in FE editor) one character is a religios figure, and a christ allegory (I'm sorry if this offends anybody, I just like the idea of a character who explores the concept of redemption and empathy in the face of adversity) The villain is a King class (I intended to import and modify Zepheils model) and his primary guard are Paladins and Heros and soldiers as I feel they represent the Roman Legion best, the main characters are mostly archers monks and barbarians as they represent the gaelic and celtic people subjigated by the romans (I'd like to make it clear that this is not historical fiction it merely uses historical peoples and cultures as a basis for it's setting, as many Fire Emblems do)

I'm stronger as a writer than as a game designer or coder so i'm mainly here looking for help, hit me up if you're interested, what i have as far as stories and characters is down below, I'll continue to update, i'm currently experimenting with FEeditor, if anybody has any other suggestions I'm up for it


Edited by SamP832
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The premise sounds intriguing.  I like the "culture clash" idea and very early on this is what I wanted to do too, with Rema standing in for the Roman Empire and Tirna standing in for the Celts, but I thought it was a little too similar to what Fates was doing already.  (This project of mine had been in the planning phase since Fates came out in the US, possibly even earlier.)

Listing off and describing in detail the various kingdoms and countries you plan on putting in your game might help readers understand a little better what they can expect.  I would also recommend proofreading what you have so far and enforcing proper grammar to improve readability further.  Frequent grammar and spelling errors in fanworks are a big pet peeve of mine and makes the whole thing look a lot less professional.

As far as names go, all I can suggest is to rename Monarchia to something a little more subtle, like "Polenia" (derived from -polis, meaning "city").

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I was considering revising it but I figured the setting is too informal to bother, as for monarchia, I also considered "Aeniopolis" after the founder of Rome, Babylon (After the Mesopotamian city) and several others, none seem to fit. Perhaps "Tiberia" after the river Tiber river?


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1 hour ago, SamP832 said:

I was considering revising it but I figured the setting is too informal to bother, as for monarchia, I also considered "Aeniopolis" after the founder of Rome, Babylon (After the Mesopotamian city) and several others, none seem to fit. Perhaps "Tiberia" after the river Tiber river?

I will say that Tiberia sounds like a better name than Monarchia.

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