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Regarding how the current translation of Tear Ring Saga changed a certain endgame scene.


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While I truly like how the current translation has done great amount of polish to the story, there's one change that I don't find it good for it's characters and the story.

At the endgame, Tia and Richard are separated from their armies by Gwenchaos' trap. Then he promises Richard the Kingdom of Leda in exchange for disarming and capturing her. He agrees and Tia is utterly shocked at this betrayal, asking for his reason why. 

The reason why he is willing to throw everything he and his Alliance has fought up until now is because Tia didn't immediately accept his marriage proposal as King and Queen. A ridiculously petty motive that even Gwenchaos finds it unfitting as the Lion of Marl. 

Then Tia is then prepared as a sacrifice alongside the other shamans. As the other 3 are killed and Tia is about to receive the knife, Richard and Alfred arrive just in time. 

It is from here that the translator drastically changes the Richard's motivation for rescuing Tia.

In the original, Richard realises that he still truly loves Tia and he realizes what an utter fool he was betraying her like that.

The translation has him saying that his betrayal was a plan that he and Tia made to attack Gwenchaos by surprise.

Now, the original makes him an utter fool for accepting Gwenchaos' proposal in the first place. It isn't the fact Gerxel was going to destroy the continent that makes him a fool. The people of Leda and even the Alliance would never let accept him betraying their rightful princess and ally respectively.

Throughout his appearances in Tear Ring Saga, Richard has been an arrogant asshole for the most petty reasons. He utterly mocked Runan and considered him a naive fool despite his abilities. He considered Holmes a coward for abandoning his father despite doing the same and unlike with Runan, he didn't want an alliance with him just because Holmes insulted him and would have gladly left him and party to die at the hands of the cult if it weren't for Sennet. 

Him betraying Tia is in-character for a someone like Richard. his petty arrogance makes him perform drastic actions.

His sudden change in the endgame is also in-character for him. While the guy reaped the benefits of having the Princess of Leda at his side, he truly loved her and wanted to rule the continent with her. 

After betraying Tia like that, he may have cooled down a bit and realized he still loved her and that what a terrible idea that was and rushes to the altar to rescue her.

By the time he and Alfred arrive to the altar, Enteh, Katri and Neyfa are dead and Tia is about to be killed, he then realizes what an utter fool he was for letting things escalate that far and asks Alfred to warp him to the altair in an attempt to rescue her.

The revised translation however makes him, Tia and Alfred look like callous idiots.Their grand plan was let to Tia get captured by Gwenchaos and let the three shamans die by the time Richard arrives and didn't even realize how powerful Gwenchaos was that such sneak attack was useless? It would have been better for Tia and Richard to trash Gwenchaos right then and there since Tia's holy weapon is shown later to counter Gwenchaos' immobilizing Zahak spell.

Also, If Richard's irrational actions were false, why didn't he and Alfred arrive sooner to save all the three shamans? 




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