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Current captcha issues


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If you've been following this thread you or someone you love has probably been affected by an issue whereby you try to edit any content (post, profile, signature, etc.), the captcha catches you, and then you're dropped back to the previous page, the edit having been eaten. We, your charming and handsome administration, are aware of and working on this problem. For now, with the help of several users collecting data and @Robert of Normandy being a lovely guinea pig, I've managed to identify a possible cause and workaround.


The issue seems to be localized entirely to users connecting with IPv6 addresses, with IPv4 addressed users completely unaffected. If you're unable to edit stuff, head over to good old WhatIsMyIP and check the second line. If it says Your IPv6 is: <a random string of bullshit>, you may be able to revert your connection to IPv4 locally and then be able to edit. I can't really give anything but the advice of "google 'switching <device> from ipv6 to ipv4'" there, but it's a possible workaround at least.


I can't guarantee this works for all y'all, but it's something more than nothing while we hunt a fix. Thanks to everyone for letting me poke and prod them to figure out what's going on so far.



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30 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

FWIW when I check that site it tells me I have a public IPv6 address, and then also says I have an IPv4 address. Not sure how to parse that, exactly.

this is normal


if you have an IPv6 address, that means your device is configured to be able to use IPv6, and that means that IPv6 will be prioritized when connecting to things. you'll also have an IPv4 address, because not everything is configured to use IPv6 yet - think of it as a legacy thing; if you only had an IPv6 address, and you try to connect to a server hosted on a machine that hasn't been updated to the IPv6 standard..... what would it do?


for me, my computer isn't configured to use IPv6, so i will always connect with an IPv4 address, and WIMIP says unto me


Your IPv6 is: Not Detected

which means that even if i connect to a server hosted on a machine that runs the IPv6 standard, like serenes forest, i will connect using an IPv4 address, while you will connect with an IPv6 address. if you were to (hypothetically) access www.IWannaBangSasukeUchiha.com, my geocities webpage hosted from this computer, you would resolve using your backup IPv4 address because my computer doesn't know what IPv6 is.


think of it like being in a bar in rural germany, and you show your american driver's license to prove your age, and the waitress looks at you funny and says something you don't understand, so you produce your german passport and she goes oh yeah i recognize that that's legit.


hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also having trouble with this. I've been trying to update my LP since yesterday. Must've tried around 10 times and it's failed every single time. I even tried cutting half of the post out before hitting "submit", but that didn't work either.

I have an IPv4 connection, so that "fix" is not an option. I suppose I could cut the update in something like ten parts and push them in a row, but I'd rather not resort to that, it'd be a pain for everybody. Anybody got any other ideas? I'd appreciate them.

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Also had some issues with this in my last LP update, even after turning IPv6 off. Ended up having to copy the text elsewhere, letting the system abandon the update, restart my browser (and erasing cookies from the site just in case) and then starting fresh by  pasting all the text back in, and add back in the images to get it to work.

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Figured I could at least pop in to say that I have let Integrity know that you guys have still been having issues despite his solution. I don't think he's been able to check up on this thread for a while since he had just recently gotten a new job and is still working on his phd at the same time so he's gonna be suuuuuuuuuuper busy

But now he knows, so perhaps once he's got some free time that means he'll be able to poke around a bit again and figure out why you're still getting issues!

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so the deets is


it's a thing that affects some random number of people some random amount of the time; the root cause is unknown, but some folk will just never see the captcha problem at all - case in point, even on my secret test account (don't tell the other mods i'm alting) i don't run into the issue at all


the ipv4 thing seems to have been a temporary fix, i don't have the time for the next at least week to troubleshoot another temporary fix; the only person who has access to the core software that could possibly produce a true fix (outside of captcha just deciding not to be a punk) is jyosua and he's exceptionally tied up at the moment irl


the only thing i know about the root cause is that it's generally (but not entirely?) related to character count, so small post edits and signature edits should fail significantly less often than project ops and profile edits


i'll hit yous up when i have a better idea what's going on but that's how it be. you hate to see it happen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ran into another captcha, only this one let me off easy, as my post actually went through. But I tried to edit said post due to a typo, and I get a message saying that it can no longer be edited because either too much time passed, or it was moved or deleted.

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  • 7 months later...

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