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Heroes' Epithets Meanings Compendium!


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1 hour ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

As a Belgian guy (French side) living in Germany, I might take a look at all of them in German and French this weekend or something if no one else is found beforehand. Might be pretty fun.

thank you!

i studied french myself at middle school and more 2 years at high school, but stopped practicing after that, and i'm not confident enough to try and translate all of the french epithets (even if i actually understand a good chunk of them)

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Right, Thrasir is a thing now:

Thrasir, Massacre Witch
Note: All of the generals of Hel have a title following the pattern of "[some kind of person] of [some way of] killing". Thrasir is "Witch of Massacre Killing"... except that 鏖殺 is actually a word (rather than a compound word) that also just means "massacre". Redundancy.


Also the (currently) enemy-only characters:

Hel, King of Death
Note: Gender-neutral monarch, like with Naga.

Lif, Slaying Swordfighter
Note: Following the pattern of the generals of Hel, Lif is "Swordfighter of Attacking Killing". Or "shooting killing", but he's not a Fate Saber, so I don't think he can shoot lasers from his sword... though it does somehow do 20 damage to the nearest ally within 3 squares. I'm picking "slaying" to condense "kill by attacking", but let me know if you can come up with a better way to word it succinctly.

Gustav, Slaughtering Knight
Note: Following the pattern of the generals of Hel, Gustav is "Knight of Violent Killing". I think "slaughtering" is a decent way to condense it, but someone can let me know if they have a better match.

Veronica, Princess of the Emblian Empire
Note: Imperial princess.

???, Mysterious Masked Knight
Note: Bruno. His title is identical to Sirius's.

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On 9/21/2019 at 9:41 PM, Yexin said:


World of Heroes

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Alfonse, Prince of Askr
German: Prinz von Askr -> Prince of Askr
French: Prince d'Askr -> Prince of Askr

Alfonse, Spring Prince
German: Frühlingsprinz -> Spring prince
French: Prince vernal -> Spring prince   (vernal isn't really a very used word)

Sharena, Princess of Askr
German: Askra. Prinzessin -> Princess of Askr
French: Princesse d'Askr -> Princess of Askr

Sharena, Spring Princess
German: Frühl.-Prinzessin -> Spring Princess (Frühl. is an Abbreviation of Frühling)

French: Princesse vernale -> Spring Princess

Anna, Commander
German: Kommandantin -> Commander
French: Commandant -> Commander

Bruno, Masked Hare
German: Maskierter Hase -> Masked rabbit
French: Lièvre masqué -> masked Hare

Veronica, Brave Princess
German: Prinzessin Mutig -> Courageous Princess
French: Brave princesse -> Courageous Princess

Veronica, Spring Princess
German: Edler Frühling -> noble spring
French: Princesse vernale -> Spring princesss

Fjorm, Princess of Ice
German: Eisprinzessin -> Princess of ice
French: Princesse glaciale -> freezing princess

Fjorm, New Traditions
French: Princesse festive -> festive Princess

Fjorm, Bride of Rime
French: Mariée des glaces -> Bride of the ices

Gunnthrá, Voice of Dreams
German: Traumstimme -> voice of dream
French: Voix onirique -> Dreamlike voice

Gunnthrá, Year's First Dream
French: Rêveuse glaciale -> Freezing dreamer

Gunnthrá, Beaming Smile
German: Warmes Lächeln -> warm smile
French: Sourire radieux -> radiant mile

Hríd, Icy Blade
French: Lame glaciale -> freezing blade

Hríd, Resolute Prince
French: Prince résolu ->resolute prince

Ylgr, Fresh Snowfall
German: Frischer Schnee -> fresh snow
French: Flocon de niege -> snowflake

Ylgr, Breaking the Ice
German: Eisbrecherin -> ice breaker
French: Vague de fraîcheur -> fresh wave

Surtr, Ruler of Flame
French: Souverain du feu -> fire bruler

Laegjarn, Sheathed Steel

French: Écrin ardent -> blazing case

Laegjarn, New Experiences
French: Écrin festif -> festive case

Laegjarn, Burning Sun
French: Soleil brûlant -> burning sun

Laevatein, Searing Steel
French: Lame ardente -> blazing blade  (lame is sometimes used as sword)

Laevatein, Kumade Warrior
German: Kumade Kriegerin -> kumade warrior
French: Kumade ardent -> blazing kumade

Laevatein, Bonfire's Blaze
French: Braiser estival -> summer blaze

Helbindi, Savage Scourge
French: Fléau infernal -> infernal scourge

Helbindi, Seaside Scourge
French: Fléau côtier -> costal scourge

Eir, Merciful Death
French: Mort clémente -> merciful death

Loki, The Trickster
French: L'illusionniste ->illusionnist
Loki, Spring Trickster
French: Illusion vernale -> springly illusion

World of Mystery

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Marth, Altean Prince
French: Marié d'Altea -> 

Marth, Altean Groom
French: Marié d'Altea -> Altean groom

Marth, Hero-King

French: Roi-Héros -> Héro-King

Jagen, Veteran Knight
French: Os d'acier -> Steel bone

Cain, The Bull
French: Voix du roi -> Bull's voice

Abel, The Panther
French: Écu d'Altea -> altean shield

Draug, Gentle Giant
French: Gentil géant -> gentleman giant

Gordin, Altean Archer
French: Archer altean -> altean archer

Luke, Rowdy Squire
French: Apprenti dissipé -> [not studious] apprentice 

Roderick, Steady Squire
French: Apprenti studieux -> silent apprentice

Norne, The Volunteer

German: Die Freiwillige -> the volonteer
French: Volontaire ->volounteer

Caeda, Talys's Heart
Japanese: タリスの王女 -> Princess of Talys
German: Talysherz -> ***
Spanish (Europe): Las Alas de Talys -> ***
Spanish (Latin American): Corazón de Talys  -> ***
French: Cœur de Talys -> talys's heart

Caeda, Talys's Bride

French: Mariée de Talys ->talys's bride

Ogma, Loyal Blade
French: Lame fidèle -> faithful blade

Barst, The Hatchet
French: Hachette -> hatchet

Linde, Light Mage
French: Mage de lumière -> light mage

Linde, Summer Rays
French: Mage du soleil -> sun mage

Jeorge, Perfect Shot
French: Tireur précis -> accurate shooter

Astram, Midia's Hero
French: Héros de Midia -> Midia's hero

Michalis, Ambitious King
French: Roi ambitieux -> ambitious king

Minerva, Red Dragoon

French: Carabin rouge -> red [soldier having a carabin]

Maria, Minerva's Sister
French: Sœur de Minerva -> Minerva's sister

Palla, Eldest Whitewing
French: Sœur aînée -> eider sister

Palla, Eldest Bun-Bun

French: Ainée vernale -> sparingly eider

Catria, Middle Whitewing

French: Cadette -> little sister

Catria, Spring Whitewing

French: Cadette vernale -> springly little sister

est, ???

French: Benjamine -> last sister

Merric, Wind Mage

French: Joyeux mage -> jolly mage

Hardin, Dark Emperor
French: Sombre empereur -> dark emperor

Camus, Sable Knight

German: Der Schwarze -> the black
French: Chevalier noir -> black knight

Sirius, Mysterious Knight

French: Chevalier mystère -> mysterious knight

Sheena, Princess of Gra

French: Princesse de Gra ->princess of Gra

Tiki, Dragon Scion

French: Fille dragon -> Dragon Kid

Tiki, Beachside Scion
French: Dragon balnéaire -> seaside dragon

Tiki, Legendary Dragon
French: Dragon légendaire-> legendary dragon

Tiki, Torpid Dragon
French: Dragon assoupi -> sleepy

Nagi, Dragon Avatar
French: Reine draconique -> draconic queen

Bantu, Tiki's Guardian

French: Gardien de Tiki ->Tiki's guardian

Katarina, Wayward One
French: Stratège indécise ->undecided Strategist

Clarisse, Sniper in the Dark

French: Archère fatale -> fatal archer

Legion, Masked Maniac

French: Dément masqué -> masked mania

Navarre, Scarlet Sword

French: Épée taciturne -> taciturn sword

Phina, Roving Dancer

French: Danseuse errante -> wandering dancer

Wrys, Kindly Priest
French: Soigneur altean -> altean healer

Athena, Borderland Sword

French: Lame des confines -> [far away] Sword

Gharnef, Dark Pontifex

French: Pontife maléfique -> evil pontifex

World of Shadows

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Alm, Hero of Prophecy

French: Héros annoncé -> announced hero

Alm, Saint-King

French: Saint-Roi -> saint king

Alm, Imperial Ascent
French: Lame ardente ->blazing blade

Lukas, Sharp Soldier

French: Soldat franc ->frank solide

Lukas, Buffet for One

French: Gourmet solitaire-> lone gourmet

Gray, Wry Comrade

French: Fidèle camerade ->loyal friend

Tobin, The Clueless One

French: Jeune innocent -> young innocent

Kliff, Curious Spirit

French: Esprit curieux-> curious spirit

Faye, Devoted Heart
French: Cœur dévoué ->devoted heart

Clair, Highborn Flier

French: Noble aérienne -> aerial noble

Clive, Idealistic Knight
French: Chevalier idéaliste -> idealistic knight

Celica, Caring Princess
French: Tendre princesse -> sweet princess

Celica, Imprisoned Soul

French: Âme captive -> imprisoned soul

Celica, Warrior Priestess

French: Prêtresse guerrière -> warrior princess

Mae, Bundle of Energy
French: Boule d'énergie -> energy ball

Boey, Skillful Survivor
French: Survivant habile ->skilful survivor

Genny, Endearing Ally
French: Alliée attachante -> endearing ally

Genny, Dressed with Care

French: Gourmande chic -> stylish gourmet

Saber, Driven Mercenary

French: Mercenaire résolu -> determined mercenary

Leon, True of Heart

French:  Cœur tendre -> sweet heart

Mathilda, Legendary Knight
French: Légende vivante -> living legend

Delthea, Free Spirit

French: Espirit libre -> free spirit

Delthea, Tatarrah's Puppet

French: Jouet de Tatarrah -> tatarrah's toy

Sonya, Vengeful Mage

French: Mage implacable -> implacable mage

Berkut, Prideful Prince
French: Prince hautain -> smug prince

Berkut, Purgatorial Prince
French: Prince déchu -> fallen prince

Berkut, Debonair Noble

French: Noble charmant -> charming noble

Rinea, Reminiscent Belle
French: Écho de beauté -> écho of beauty

Duma, God of Strength

French: Dieu de la force ->god of strength

World of Holy War

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Sigurd, Holy Knight
French: Chevalier sacré -> sacred knight

Arden, Strong and Tough

French: Chevalier robuste ->tough knight

Arvis, Emperor of Flame

French: Empereur du feu -> emperor of fire

Tailtiu, Thunder Noble
French: Dame de l'éclair -> lighting lady

Quan, Luminous Lancer

French: Lancier lumineux -> lumineux lancer

Ethlyn, Spirited Princess

French: Princesse joviale -> jolly princess

Ayra, Astra's Wielder

French: Princesse stellaire -> stellar princess

Jamke, Prince of Verdane
French: Prince de Verdane -> prince of Verdane

Lewyn, Guiding Breeze
French: Sage brise -> [gentle wind] sage

Eldigan, Lionheart

French: Cœur de lion -> heart of lion

Lachesis, Lionheart's Sister

French: Sœur d'Eldigan -> eldigan sister

Deirdre, Lady of the Forest

French: Dame de la forêt -> lady of the forest

Silvia, Traveling Dancer

French: Artiste itinérante -> wanderer artist

Seliph, Heir of Light

French: Héritier de la lumière -> heir of light

Julia, Naga's Blood
French: Héritière de Naga -> heir of naga

Julia, Crusader of Light

French: Croisée lumineuse -> luminous crusader

Ares, Black Knight
French: Chevalier noir -> black knight

Lene, Yearning Dancer
French: Danseuse enjouée -> cheerful dancer

Julius, Scion of Darkness
French: Héros de l'ombre ->hero of darkness

Ishtar, Thunder Goddess

French: Déesse de l'éclair ->Lightning goddess

World of Thracia

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Leif, Prince of Leonster

French: Prince de Leonster ->prince of leonster

Finn, Lance of Legend

French: Lancier mythique -> mythic lancer

Nanna, Nordion Princess

French: Dame de Nordion -> lady of Nordion

Mareeta, The Blade's Pawn
French: Victime des lames ->victim of the blades

Reinhardt, Thunder's Fist
French: Bras droit d'Ishtar -> Ishtar right hand

Reinhardt, Thunder's Sword
Japanese: 雷神の剣 -> The God of Thunder's (Ishtar's) Sword
German: Donners Schwert -> ***
Spanish (Europe): Hoja del trueno -> ***
Spanish (Latin American): Hoja del trueno -> ***
French: Épée d'Ishtar -> sword of ishtar

Reinhardt, Lightning's Rondo
French: Hymne d'Ishtar -> anthem of ishtar

Olwen, Blue Mage Knight
French: Chevalier de foudre -> knight of thunder

Olwen, Righteous Knight

French: Chevalier juste -> rightful knight

Saias, Bishop of Flame

French: Évêque du feu -> bishop of fire

Ishtar, Thunder's Waltz

French: Valse de l'éclair -> lightning's waltz

World of Binding

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Roy, Young Lion

French: Jeune lion -> young lion

Roy, Brave Lion

French: Brave lion-> courageous lion

Roy, Youthful Gifts

French: Amant généreux ->generous lover

Roy, Blazing Lion
French: Lion flamboyant -> flaming lion

Wolt, Sunbeam Archer

French: Archer de l'été -> summer archer

Lilina, Delightful Noble

French: Élégante marquise -> élégant marquess

Lilina, Blush of Youth

French: Rose indécise ->undicided rose

Lilina, Beachside Bloom

French: Fleur côtière -> costal flower

Gwendoly, Adorable Knight

French: Belle en armure -> beautiful in armor  (beautiful is here used as a noun)

Lugh, Anima Child

French: Enfant de l'anima -> anima's child

Raigh, Dark Child

French: Enfant tourmenté -> tourmenter child

Cecilia, Etrurian General

French: Général d'Etruria ->Etruria's general

Cecilia, Festive Instructor

French: Professeur festif ->festive professor

Klein, Silver Noble

French: Noble d'argent -> silver noble

Clarine, Refined Noble

French: Noble raffinée -> refined noble

Zephiel, The Liberator

French: Le libérateur -> the liberator

Narcian, Wyvern General

French: Général wyverne ->wywern general

Thea, Stormy Flier
French: Meneuse ailée -> winged leader

Shanna, Sprightly Flier

French: Apprentie chevalier -> apprentice knight

Sue, Doe of the Plains

French: Nomade de Sacae ->nomad of sacae

Bartre, Fearless Warrior

French: Lanceur de haches -> axe thrower

Fir, Sword Student

French: Héritière de Karel -> Karel's hier

Rutger, Lone Swordsman

French: Épéiste solitaire -> the lone swordsman

Sophia, Nabata Prophet

French: Prophétesse -> profetess

Fae, Divine Dragon

French: Dragon Divin -> divine dragon

Fae, Holiday Deer

French: Renne Divin -> divine reindeer

Idunn, Dark Priestess

French: Prêtresse sombre -> dark priestess


My german is a little sloppy so if someone would double check those...

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Alright, here is my take for GERMAN/FRENCH epithets:

World of Heroes


Alfonse, Prince of Askr
German: Prinz von Askr -> Prince of Askr
French: Prince d'Askr -> Prince of Askr

Alfonse, Spring Prince
German: Frühlingsprinz -> Spring Prince
French: Prince vernal -> Vernal Prince (vernal as in 'springlike'. Seeing that vernal isn't often used in either language and it actually keeps the same meaning, one can go with Spring Prince to facilitate things)

Sharena, Princess of Askr
German: Askra. Prinzessin -> Askrian Princess (I feel they changed this one compared to Alfonse only to fit in the title more smoothly)
French: Princesse d'Askr -> Princess of Ask

Sharena, Spring Princess
German: Frühl.-Prinzessin -> Spring Princess (Frühl. is an abbreviation of Frühling = Spring)
French: Princesse vernale -> Vernal Princess (same as Alfonse, can be facilitated with Spring Princess)

Anna, Commander
German: Kommandantin -> Commander (explicitly female in German)
French: Commandant -> Commander

Bruno, Masked Hare
German: Maskierter Hase -> Masked Hare
French: Lièvre masqué -> Masked Hare

Veronica, Brave Princess
German: Prinzessin Mutig -> Princess Brave (yes, Brave is used similarly as if it was her name/title)
French: Brave princesse -> Brave Princess

Veronica, Spring Princess
German: Edler Frühling -> Noble Spring
French: Princesse vernale -> Vernal Princess (same as Sharena?)

Fjorm, Princess of Ice
German: Eisprinzessin -> Ice Princess
French: Princesse glaciale -> Icy Princess

Fjorm, New Traditions
German: Wissbegieriges Eis -> Inquisitive Ice (hard one to translate, as 'wissbegierig' means to be thirsty for knowledge. Looking up for a good equivalent term really only leaves 'inquisitive' to keep its meaning and keep it short, but one could paraphrase is as Knowledge-seeking Ice.
French: Princesse festive -> Festive Princess

Fjorm, Bride of Rime
German: Frostige Braut -> Frosty Bride
French: Mariée des glaces -> Bride of the Ice (originating from an icy place) OR  Ice's bride (possessive form, belonging to ice)

Gunnthrá, Voice of Dreams
German: Traumstimme -> Dream Voice (literal) / Voice of Dreams (clean) - also used to describe a 'dreamy voice', but in the context of Gunnthra, not so fitting, imo
French: Voix onirique -> Voice of dreams (onirique is rarely used and makes it a bit weird to translate, but compared to German strictly has the former meaning of being a voice heard in dreams)

Gunnthrá, Year's First Dream
German: Neujahrstraum -> New Year's Dream
French: Rêveuse glaciale -> Icy dreamer

Gunnthrá, Beaming Smile
German: Warmes Lächeln -> Warm Smile
French: Sourire radieux -> Radiant Smile (not far off from Beaming tbh.)

Hríd, Icy Blade
German: Eisige Klinge -> Icy Blade
French: Lame glaciale -> Icy Blade

Hríd, Resolute Prince
German: Prinz der Vorsätze -> Prince of Resolutions
French: Prince résolu -> Resolute Prince

Ylgr, Fresh Snowfall
German: Frischer Schnee -> Fresh Snow
French: Flocon de neige -> Snowflake

Ylgr, Breaking the Ice
German: Eisbrecherin -> Ice Breaker
French: Vague de fraîcheur -> Wave of Freshness (basically summer breeze freshness)

Surtr, Ruler of Flame
German: Feuerherrscher -> Ruler of Flame (Fire Ruler sounds stupid, and Fire Lord is close, but not quite)
French: Souverain du feu -> Ruler of Flame

Laegjarn, Sheathed Steel
German: Besonnener Stahl -> Level-headed Steel
French: Écrin ardent -> Ardent Casket - This one is weird to me. Ardent exists in English as well, but écrin means something like a box/encasement to contain something - often jewels -, however, in the context of a blade (her english text uses "sheath"), it would be 'fourreau'. I feel like this one is kinda off.. 😕 My guess would be a nod at her keeping her passion in her heart, even in her unfortunate circumstances - her love for her sister, mostly. Ardent Sheath is what I would have guessed

Laegjarn, New Experiences
German: Neugieriges Feuer -> Curious Fire
French: Écrin festif -> Festive Casket (same as before, Could be Festive Sheath)

Laegjarn, Burning Sun
German: Glühende Sonne -> Incandescent Sun
French: Soleil brûlant -> Burning Sun

Laevatein, Searing Steel
German: Sengender Stahl -> Torrid Steel (not far off Searing tbh)
French: Lame ardente -> Ardent Blade

Laevatein, Kumade Warrior
German: Kumade Kriegerin -> Kumade Warrior
French: Kumade ardent -> Ardent Kumade

Laevatein, Bonfire's Blaze
German: Strandfeuer -> Beach Fire
French: Braiser estival -> Summer Braising (another weird one, braiser totally being a French word describes a specific way to cook up a meal, and definitely useable for Bonfire purposes at the beach. One could also make a connection to Brazing, since we are talking about Laevatein and metal being her thing, normally.) Probably the most unsure one yet.

Helbindi, Savage Scourge
German: Wilde Geißel -> Wild Scourge (Savage not being far off and sounding better)
French: Fléau infernal -> Infernal Scourge

Helbindi, Seaside Scourge
German: Geißel d. Strände -> Scourge of the Beach
French: Fléau côtier -> Coastal Scourge

Eir, Merciful Death
German: Gnädiger Tod -> Merciful Death
French: Mort clémente -> Merciful Death

Loki, The Trickster
German: Die Gaunerin -> The Trickster (This one bugs me, as I have learned to use "Gauner" for criminals, as in hucksters, not just for playing some tricks, but I dont think it fits Loki)
French: L'illusionniste -> The Illusionist

Loki, Spring Trickster
German: Frühl.-Gaunerin -> Spring Trickster (same as above)
French: Illusion vernale -> Vernal Illusion (Springlike Illusion)

World of Mysteries


Marth, Altean Prince
German: Alteas Prinz (not Bräutigam) -> Altean Prince
French: Prince (not Marié) d'Altea -> Prince of Altea

Marth, Altean Groom
German: Alteas Bräutigam -> Altean Groom
French: Marié d'Altea -> Groom of Altea

Marth, Hero-King
German: Heldenkönig -> Hero-King
French: Roi-Héros -> Hero-King

Jagen, Veteran Knight
German: Altgedienter Ritter -> Veteran Knight
French: Os d'acier -> Bones of Steel

Cain, The Bull
German: Der Stier -> The Bull
French: Voix du roi -> Voice of the King

Abel, The Panther
German: Der Panther -> The Panther
French: Écu d'Altea -> Altea's Shield

Draug, Gentle Giant
German: Sanfter Riese -> Gentle Giant
French: Gentil géant -> Kind Giant (one could assume gentil to be the French version of gentle, but it's not quite the case)

Gordin, Altean Archer
German: Bogen von Altea -> Bow of Altea
French: Archer altean -> Altean Archer

Luke, Rowdy Squire
German: Vorlauter Knappe -> Impertinent Squire
French: Apprenti dissipé -> Scatterbrained Apprentice (this one is hard to translate. It's describing an apprentice that doesn't study properly and is chaotic in his thoughts)

Roderick, Steady Squire
German: Ruhiger Knappe -> Calm Squire
French: Apprenti studieux -> Studious Apprentice

Norne, The Volunteer
German: Die Freiwillige -> The Volunteer
French: Volontaire -> Volunteer

Caeda, Talys's Heart
German: Talysherz -> Taly's Heart
French: Cœur de Talys -> Heart of Talys

Caeda, Talys's Bride
German: Braut von Talys-> Bride of Talys
French: Mariée de Talys -> Bride of Talys

Ogma, Loyal Blade
German: Loyale Klinge -> Loyal Blade
French: Lame fidèle -> Devoted Blade

Barst, The Hatchet
German: Die Hacke -> The Hatchet
French: Hachette -> Hatchet

Linde, Light Mage
German: Lichtmagier -> Light Mage
French: Mage de lumière -> Light Mage

Linde, Summer Rays
German: Sonnenschein -> Sunbeam
French: Mage du soleil -> Mage of the Sun

Jeorge, Perfect Shot
German: Der Schütze -> The Marksman
French: Tireur précis -> Precise Marksman

Astram, Midia's Hero
German: Midias Held -> Midia's Hero
French: Héros de Midia -> Hero of Midia

Michalis, Ambitious King
German: Der Ehrgeizige -> The Ambitious (One)
French: Roi ambitieux -> Ambitious King

Minerva, Red Dragoon
German: Rote Dragonerin -> Red Dragoon
French: Carabin rouge -> Red Carabinier (Weird choicee - Carbine is 'Carabine' in French, while 'Carabin' is a student in medicine. Historically, it did mean a soldier wearing a carbin, but I'm still surprised by the choice here.)

Maria, Minerva's Sister
German: Kleine Prinzessin -> Small Princess
French: Sœur de Minerva -> Minerva's Sister

Palla, Eldest Whitewing
German: Erste Schwester -> First Sister
French: Sœur aînée -> Eldest Sister

Palla, Eldest Bun-Bun
German: Erstes Häschen -> First Bunny
French: Ainée vernale -> Vernal Eldest (Springlike Eldest)

Catria, Middle Whitewing
German: Zweite Schwester -> Second Sister
French: Cadette -> Younger Sister

Catria, Spring Whitewing
German: Frühl.-Schwinge -> Spring Wing
French: Cadette vernale -> Vernal Younger Sister (Springlike Younger Sister)

Est, Younger Sister
German: Kleine Schwester -> Younger Sister (Could literally mean 'Small Sister', but in the context of the trio, it refers to the age)
French: Benjamine -> Youngest

Merric, Wind Mage
German: Windmagier -> Wind Mage
French: Joyeux mage -> Joyous Mage

Hardin, Dark Emperor
German: Dunkler Herrscher -> Dark Ruler
French: Sombre empereur -> Dark Emperor

Camus, Sable Knight
German: Der Schwarze -> The Black
French: Chevalier noir -> Black Knight

Sirius, Mysterious Knight
German: Mysteriöser Ritter -> Mysterious Knight
French: Chevalier mystère -> Mystery Knight

Sheena, Princess of Gra
German: Prinzessin v. Gra -> Princess of Gra
French: Princesse de Gra -> Princess of Gra

Tiki, Dragon Scion
German: Die Göttin -> The Goddess
French: Fille dragon -> Dragon Girl

Tiki, Beachside Scion
German: Strandgöttin -> Beach Goddess
French: Dragon balnéaire -> Sea Dragon

Tiki, Legendary Dragon
German: Legendärer Drache -> Legendary Dragon
French: Dragon légendaire-> Legendary Dragon

Tiki, Torpid Dragon
German: Ruhender Drache -> Resting Dragon
French: Dragon assoupi -> Dozing Dragon

Nagi, Dragon Avatar
German: Drachenmeisterin -> Dragon Master
French: Reine draconique -> Draconic Queen

Bantu, Tiki's Guardian
German: Tikis Beschützer -> Tiki's Guardian
French: Gardien de Tiki -> Tiki's Guardian

Katarina, Wayward One
German: Unberechenbare -> Unpredictable One
French: Stratège indécise -> Indecisive Tactician

Clarisse, Sniper in the Dark
German: Dunkle Schützin -> Dark Archer
French: Archère fatale -> Fatal Archer

Legion, Masked Maniac
German: Lachende Maske -> Laughing Mask
French: Dément masqué -> Masked Maniac (Dément could turn into 'Moron', but I think it's more about his crazy nature than anything else)

Navarre, Scarlet Sword
German: Rote Klinge -> Red Blade (Obviously, Scarlet Blade works as well)
French: Épée taciturne -> Taciturn Sword (person of few words/rarely speaks, basically)

Phina, Roving Dancer
German: Tanzvagabundin -> Dance Vagabond
French: Danseuse errante -> Straying Dancer

Wrys, Kindly Priest
German: Sanfter Priester -> Gentle Priest
French: Soigneur altean -> Altean Healer

Athena, Borderland Sword
German: Grenzländerin -> Borderlander
French: Lame des confines -> Borderland Blade

Gharnef, Dark Pontifex
German: Dunkler Priester -> Dark Priest
French: Pontife maléfique -> Ominous Pontifex (going towards Evil Pontifex)


That's all for now. I'll continue when I have the time.

Also, the other Fire Emblem worlds are joining in at some point, I presume?

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5 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

French: Gentil géant -> Kind Giant (one could assume gentil to be the French version of gentle, but it's not quite the case)

about that one I got influenced by the english version and the translator made the matter worse...

please ignore my take for this one.

And do you have an idea about why they used so many uncommon words in the french translation?

I'm french but I had to look for some of them in a dictionary.

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19 minutes ago, Guill0 said:

about that one I got influenced by the english version and the translator made the matter worse...

please ignore my take for this one.

And do you have an idea about why they used so many uncommon words in the french translation?

I'm french but I had to look for some of them in a dictionary.

As my father always says, 'French is the language of exceptions'. The amount of times there is no actual equivalent translation from one language into French and vice versa is surprisingly high. One has to paraphrase a lot to make it useable (either through "sounding right" or, in this case, to fit the UI) and simple translators are prone to give mismatched results. French, however, has a huge repertoire of words it can use to avoid that, so my guess is that they just tend to dig a little deeper into uncommon words to have a satisfying result.

With that said, I'd never claim to be 100% certain with my translations as even the French themselves are masters at colloquially misusing their own language due to it being rather difficult in practice.

EDIT: Also, as a side note, gentleman for 'gentil' isn't even wrong, but the context isn't really Voltaire's 'gentil homme', nor the gentleman of 'gentilhomme', but more Draug's kind nature. I can see where the confusion came from, tho. French ain't easy.

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57 minutes ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Alright, here is my take for GERMAN/FRENCH epithets:

World of Heroes

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Alfonse, Prince of Askr
German: Prinz von Askr -> Prince of Askr
French: Prince d'Askr -> Prince of Askr

Alfonse, Spring Prince
German: Frühlingsprinz -> Spring Prince
French: Prince vernal -> Vernal Prince (vernal as in 'springlike'. Seeing that vernal isn't often used in either language and it actually keeps the same meaning, one can go with Spring Prince to facilitate things)

Sharena, Princess of Askr
German: Askra. Prinzessin -> Askrian Princess (I feel they changed this one compared to Alfonse only to fit in the title more smoothly)
French: Princesse d'Askr -> Princess of Ask

Sharena, Spring Princess
German: Frühl.-Prinzessin -> Spring Princess (Frühl. is an abbreviation of Frühling = Spring)
French: Princesse vernale -> Vernal Princess (same as Alfonse, can be facilitated with Spring Princess)

Anna, Commander
German: Kommandantin -> Commander (explicitly female in German)
French: Commandant -> Commander

Bruno, Masked Hare
German: Maskierter Hase -> Masked Hare
French: Lièvre masqué -> Masked Hare

Veronica, Brave Princess
German: Prinzessin Mutig -> Princess Brave (yes, Brave is used similarly as if it was her name/title)
French: Brave princesse -> Brave Princess

Veronica, Spring Princess
German: Edler Frühling -> Noble Spring
French: Princesse vernale -> Vernal Princess (same as Sharena?)

Fjorm, Princess of Ice
German: Eisprinzessin -> Ice Princess
French: Princesse glaciale -> Icy Princess

Fjorm, New Traditions
German: Wissbegieriges Eis -> Inquisitive Ice (hard one to translate, as 'wissbegierig' means to be thirsty for knowledge. Looking up for a good equivalent term really only leaves 'inquisitive' to keep its meaning and keep it short, but one could paraphrase is as Knowledge-seeking Ice.
French: Princesse festive -> Festive Princess

Fjorm, Bride of Rime
German: Frostige Braut -> Frosty Bride
French: Mariée des glaces -> Bride of the Ice (originating from an icy place) OR  Ice's bride (possessive form, belonging to ice)

Gunnthrá, Voice of Dreams
German: Traumstimme -> Dream Voice (literal) / Voice of Dreams (clean) - also used to describe a 'dreamy voice', but in the context of Gunnthra, not so fitting, imo
French: Voix onirique -> Voice of dreams (onirique is rarely used and makes it a bit weird to translate, but compared to German strictly has the former meaning of being a voice heard in dreams)

Gunnthrá, Year's First Dream
German: Neujahrstraum -> New Year's Dream
French: Rêveuse glaciale -> Icy dreamer

Gunnthrá, Beaming Smile
German: Warmes Lächeln -> Warm Smile
French: Sourire radieux -> Radiant Smile (not far off from Beaming tbh.)

Hríd, Icy Blade
German: Eisige Klinge -> Icy Blade
French: Lame glaciale -> Icy Blade

Hríd, Resolute Prince
German: Prinz der Vorsätze -> Prince of Resolutions
French: Prince résolu -> Resolute Prince

Ylgr, Fresh Snowfall
German: Frischer Schnee -> Fresh Snow
French: Flocon de neige -> Snowflake

Ylgr, Breaking the Ice
German: Eisbrecherin -> Ice Breaker
French: Vague de fraîcheur -> Wave of Freshness (basically summer breeze freshness)

Surtr, Ruler of Flame
German: Feuerherrscher -> Ruler of Flame (Fire Ruler sounds stupid, and Fire Lord is close, but not quite)
French: Souverain du feu -> Ruler of Flame

Laegjarn, Sheathed Steel
German: Besonnener Stahl -> Level-headed Steel
French: Écrin ardent -> Ardent Casket - This one is weird to me. Ardent exists in English as well, but écrin means something like a box/encasement to contain something - often jewels -, however, in the context of a blade (her english text uses "sheath"), it would be 'fourreau'. I feel like this one is kinda off.. 😕 My guess would be a nod at her keeping her passion in her heart, even in her unfortunate circumstances - her love for her sister, mostly. Ardent Sheath is what I would have guessed

Laegjarn, New Experiences
German: Neugieriges Feuer -> Curious Fire
French: Écrin festif -> Festive Casket (same as before, Could be Festive Sheath)

Laegjarn, Burning Sun
German: Glühende Sonne -> Incandescent Sun
French: Soleil brûlant -> Burning Sun

Laevatein, Searing Steel
German: Sengender Stahl -> Torrid Steel (not far off Searing tbh)
French: Lame ardente -> Ardent Blade

Laevatein, Kumade Warrior
German: Kumade Kriegerin -> Kumade Warrior
French: Kumade ardent -> Ardent Kumade

Laevatein, Bonfire's Blaze
German: Strandfeuer -> Beach Fire
French: Braiser estival -> Summer Braising (another weird one, braiser totally being a French word describes a specific way to cook up a meal, and definitely useable for Bonfire purposes at the beach. One could also make a connection to Brazing, since we are talking about Laevatein and metal being her thing, normally.) Probably the most unsure one yet.

Helbindi, Savage Scourge
German: Wilde Geißel -> Wild Scourge (Savage not being far off and sounding better)
French: Fléau infernal -> Infernal Scourge

Helbindi, Seaside Scourge
German: Geißel d. Strände -> Scourge of the Beach
French: Fléau côtier -> Coastal Scourge

Eir, Merciful Death
German: Gnädiger Tod -> Merciful Death
French: Mort clémente -> Merciful Death

Loki, The Trickster
German: Die Gaunerin -> The Trickster (This one bugs me, as I have learned to use "Gauner" for criminals, as in hucksters, not just for playing some tricks, but I dont think it fits Loki)
French: L'illusionniste -> The Illusionist

Loki, Spring Trickster
German: Frühl.-Gaunerin -> Spring Trickster (same as above)
French: Illusion vernale -> Vernal Illusion (Springlike Illusion)

World of Mysteries

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Marth, Altean Prince
German: Alteas Prinz (not Bräutigam) -> Altean Prince
French: Prince (not Marié) d'Altea -> Prince of Altea

Marth, Altean Groom
German: Alteas Bräutigam -> Altean Groom
French: Marié d'Altea -> Groom of Altea

Marth, Hero-King
German: Heldenkönig -> Hero-King
French: Roi-Héros -> Hero-King

Jagen, Veteran Knight
German: Altgedienter Ritter -> Veteran Knight
French: Os d'acier -> Bones of Steel

Cain, The Bull
German: Der Stier -> The Bull
French: Voix du roi -> Voice of the King

Abel, The Panther
German: Der Panther -> The Panther
French: Écu d'Altea -> Altea's Shield

Draug, Gentle Giant
German: Sanfter Riese -> Gentle Giant
French: Gentil géant -> Kind Giant (one could assume gentil to be the French version of gentle, but it's not quite the case)

Gordin, Altean Archer
German: Bogen von Altea -> Bow of Altea
French: Archer altean -> Altean Archer

Luke, Rowdy Squire
German: Vorlauter Knappe -> Impertinent Squire
French: Apprenti dissipé -> Scatterbrained Apprentice (this one is hard to translate. It's describing an apprentice that doesn't study properly and is chaotic in his thoughts)

Roderick, Steady Squire
German: Ruhiger Knappe -> Calm Squire
French: Apprenti studieux -> Studious Apprentice

Norne, The Volunteer
German: Die Freiwillige -> The Volunteer
French: Volontaire -> Volunteer

Caeda, Talys's Heart
German: Talysherz -> Taly's Heart
French: Cœur de Talys -> Heart of Talys

Caeda, Talys's Bride
German: Braut von Talys-> Bride of Talys
French: Mariée de Talys -> Bride of Talys

Ogma, Loyal Blade
German: Loyale Klinge -> Loyal Blade
French: Lame fidèle -> Devoted Blade

Barst, The Hatchet
German: Die Hacke -> The Hatchet
French: Hachette -> Hatchet

Linde, Light Mage
German: Lichtmagier -> Light Mage
French: Mage de lumière -> Light Mage

Linde, Summer Rays
German: Sonnenschein -> Sunbeam
French: Mage du soleil -> Mage of the Sun

Jeorge, Perfect Shot
German: Der Schütze -> The Marksman
French: Tireur précis -> Precise Marksman

Astram, Midia's Hero
German: Midias Held -> Midia's Hero
French: Héros de Midia -> Hero of Midia

Michalis, Ambitious King
German: Der Ehrgeizige -> The Ambitious (One)
French: Roi ambitieux -> Ambitious King

Minerva, Red Dragoon
German: Rote Dragonerin -> Red Dragoon
French: Carabin rouge -> Red Carabinier (Weird choicee - Carbine is 'Carabine' in French, while 'Carabin' is a student in medicine. Historically, it did mean a soldier wearing a carbin, but I'm still surprised by the choice here.)

Maria, Minerva's Sister
German: Kleine Prinzessin -> Small Princess
French: Sœur de Minerva -> Minerva's Sister

Palla, Eldest Whitewing
German: Erste Schwester -> First Sister
French: Sœur aînée -> Eldest Sister

Palla, Eldest Bun-Bun
German: Erstes Häschen -> First Bunny
French: Ainée vernale -> Vernal Eldest (Springlike Eldest)

Catria, Middle Whitewing
German: Zweite Schwester -> Second Sister
French: Cadette -> Younger Sister

Catria, Spring Whitewing
German: Frühl.-Schwinge -> Spring Wing
French: Cadette vernale -> Vernal Younger Sister (Springlike Younger Sister)

Est, Younger Sister
German: Kleine Schwester -> Younger Sister (Could literally mean 'Small Sister', but in the context of the trio, it refers to the age)
French: Benjamine -> Youngest

Merric, Wind Mage
German: Windmagier -> Wind Mage
French: Joyeux mage -> Joyous Mage

Hardin, Dark Emperor
German: Dunkler Herrscher -> Dark Ruler
French: Sombre empereur -> Dark Emperor

Camus, Sable Knight
German: Der Schwarze -> The Black
French: Chevalier noir -> Black Knight

Sirius, Mysterious Knight
German: Mysteriöser Ritter -> Mysterious Knight
French: Chevalier mystère -> Mystery Knight

Sheena, Princess of Gra
German: Prinzessin v. Gra -> Princess of Gra
French: Princesse de Gra -> Princess of Gra

Tiki, Dragon Scion
German: Die Göttin -> The Goddess
French: Fille dragon -> Dragon Girl

Tiki, Beachside Scion
German: Strandgöttin -> Beach Goddess
French: Dragon balnéaire -> Sea Dragon

Tiki, Legendary Dragon
German: Legendärer Drache -> Legendary Dragon
French: Dragon légendaire-> Legendary Dragon

Tiki, Torpid Dragon
German: Ruhender Drache -> Resting Dragon
French: Dragon assoupi -> Dozing Dragon

Nagi, Dragon Avatar
German: Drachenmeisterin -> Dragon Master
French: Reine draconique -> Draconic Queen

Bantu, Tiki's Guardian
German: Tikis Beschützer -> Tiki's Guardian
French: Gardien de Tiki -> Tiki's Guardian

Katarina, Wayward One
German: Unberechenbare -> Unpredictable One
French: Stratège indécise -> Indecisive Tactician

Clarisse, Sniper in the Dark
German: Dunkle Schützin -> Dark Archer
French: Archère fatale -> Fatal Archer

Legion, Masked Maniac
German: Lachende Maske -> Laughing Mask
French: Dément masqué -> Masked Maniac (Dément could turn into 'Moron', but I think it's more about his crazy nature than anything else)

Navarre, Scarlet Sword
German: Rote Klinge -> Red Blade (Obviously, Scarlet Blade works as well)
French: Épée taciturne -> Taciturn Sword (person of few words/rarely speaks, basically)

Phina, Roving Dancer
German: Tanzvagabundin -> Dance Vagabond
French: Danseuse errante -> Straying Dancer

Wrys, Kindly Priest
German: Sanfter Priester -> Gentle Priest
French: Soigneur altean -> Altean Healer

Athena, Borderland Sword
German: Grenzländerin -> Borderlander
French: Lame des confines -> Borderland Blade

Gharnef, Dark Pontifex
German: Dunkler Priester -> Dark Priest
French: Pontife maléfique -> Ominous Pontifex (going towards Evil Pontifex)


Also, the other Fire Emblem worlds are joining in at some point, I presume?

that's the plan, as soon as i have more time to verify if the captcha problem still pops up 

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On 10/5/2019 at 2:32 PM, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Jeorge, Perfect Shot
German: Der Schütze -> The Marksman
French: Tireur précis -> Precise Marksman

Clarisse, Sniper in the Dark
German: Dunkle Schützin -> Dark Archer
French: Archère fatale -> Fatal Archer

It doesn't make sense to me to translate Schütze as marksman in one case and archer in the other. Marksman is more of a Scharfschütze, not a simple Schütze.

On 10/5/2019 at 3:29 PM, Yexin said:

Camus, Sable Knight
German: Der Schwarze -> The Black

The Black One.

On 10/5/2019 at 3:29 PM, Yexin said:

Maria, Minerva's Sister
German: Kleine Prinzessin -> Small Princess
French: Sœur de Minerva -> Minerva's Sister

I'd still translate that as little or young princess. Considering that Maria is not an adult yet, it is very improbable that "kleine" describes her height. When used in the context of children, it's about age.

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10 hours ago, Sweet Summer Tana said:

It doesn't make sense to me to translate Schütze as marksman in one case and archer in the other. Marksman is more of a Scharfschütze, not a simple Schütze.

The Black One.

I'd still translate that as little or young princess. Considering that Maria is not an adult yet, it is very improbable that "kleine" describes her height. When used in the context of children, it's about age.

For the Archer/Marksman difference. I think I just quickly decided to use Archer on Clarisse to not use 'Markswoman', as it didn't sound smooth when translating with the Adjective. I would, however, argue that marksman is still correct for 'Schütze'. It's not always a single, correct answer. Personally, I use 'Sniper' for 'Scharfschütze', but 'Marksman' works as well.

'The Black One' is correct as well. I guess I thought of titles like 'Gandalf the Grey' and just wrote 'The Black', but I can admit to the correction being better in hindsight.

As for the Princess, that is the reason we paraphrase and don't translate literally in a lot of cases, but I'd argue that terms like 'small one' are used the same way in German as in English, i.e. referring to the age and not the height. Yet again, I don't mind the correction too much, especially since I do prefer 'Little Princess' in this case; a literal translation of small + the possible context of age.

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1 hour ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

For the Archer/Marksman difference. I think I just quickly decided to use Archer on Clarisse to not use 'Markswoman', as it didn't sound smooth when translating with the Adjective. I would, however, argue that marksman is still correct for 'Schütze'. It's not always a single, correct answer. Personally, I use 'Sniper' for 'Scharfschütze', but 'Marksman' works as well.

I think there are only a few cases in English where you'd actually be expected to specifically use the version ending in "-woman" instead of the version ending in "-man" when the gender of the person is known to be female, such as "businesswoman" and "policewoman". In most cases, though, I find that the use of the "-woman" ending is unnecessary even when the person is known to be female, and there are some words where I'm not even sure the "-woman" ending even results in a real word. At the very least, most of those just sound awkward and maybe even a slight bit pretentious. English is not strongly gendered (even if some people want it to be).

Or maybe that's just me and the people I hang out with.

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8 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I think there are only a few cases in English where you'd actually be expected to specifically use the version ending in "-woman" instead of the version ending in "-man" when the gender of the person is known to be female, such as "businesswoman" and "policewoman". In most cases, though, I find that the use of the "-woman" ending is unnecessary even when the person is known to be female, and there are some words where I'm not even sure the "-woman" ending even results in a real word. At the very least, most of those just sound awkward and maybe even a slight bit pretentious. English is not strongly gendered (even if some people want it to be).

Or maybe that's just me and the people I hang out with.

Nah, I agree with both of you. I could have been a bit smoother with the translation and just make it sound right from the get-go. Markswoman is such a niche case, I could have dropped it immediately. Admittedly, gendering words is way more prevalent in German/French, with the latter especially having an increased concern of pointing it out in many job descriptions where it wasn't before. I'll try and be more authentic with the rest when I get to it.

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On 10/5/2019 at 3:03 PM, MonkeyCheez3K said:

'French is the language of exceptions'

well i suppose this could be said of all languages, most notably the romance languages with their incredible amount of grammatical exceptions, and english with its almost random pronunciations (how in the world is that Shawn and Sean are pronunced the same)

btw i finally managed to add World of Blazing, while World of Sacred should be added on friday

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On 10/9/2019 at 5:59 AM, Yexin said:

(how in the world is that Shawn and Sean are pronunced the same)

"Sean" is what happens when you take both a word's spelling and pronunciation from a different language (in this case, Irish) without changing either of them. (Technically, there were slight changes to remove sounds that don't naturally occur in English and replace them with close sounds that do naturally occur in English.)

"Shawn" is what happens when you take a word's pronunciation from a different language (again, Irish) and then spell it how it sounds in English, which I presume was extremely common to do before English spelling was standardized.

But at least English pronunciation at least mostly makes sense. Japanese is a completely different story (it basically took all of the spelling from Chinese, but tacked on the pronunciations from Japanese, but sometimes still uses the Chinese pronunciation approximated into sounds that naturally occur in Japanese, but those Chinese pronunciations could be hundreds of years old... which results in an absolute mess).

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I wanted to take a crack at the Sacred World Epithets in Spanish... a few of these I couldn't figure out how to translate gracefully, I might come back to fix those later.

On 9/21/2019 at 3:41 PM, Yexin said:

World of Sacred

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Eirika, Restoration Lady
Spanish (Europe): La Restauradora -> The Restorer

Eirika, Anamnesis Lady
Spanish (Europe): Dama nostálgica -> Nostalgic Lady

Eirika, Graceful Resolve
Spanish (Europe): Valentía grácil -> Graceful Bravery

Eirika, Gentle as Snow
Spanish (Europe): Dulzura nívea -> Snow Sweetness

Ephraim, Restoration Lord
Spanish (Europe): Rey de Renais -> King of Renais

Ephraim, Legendary Lord
Spanish (Europe): Rey legendario -> Legendary King

Ephraim, Sacred Twin Lord
Spanish (Europe): Rey sagrado -> Sacred King

Ephraim, Sparkling Gallantly
Spanish (Europe): Fulgor regente -> Regent Brightness

Seth, Silver Knight
Spanish (Europe): Caballero Argénteo -> Silver Knight

Lute, Prodigy
Spanish (Europe): Prodigio -> Prodigy

Innes, Regal Strategician
Spanish (Europe): Estratega regio -> Royal Strategist

Innes, Flawless Form
Spanish (Europe): Estratega solar -> Solar Strategist

Tana, Winged Princess
Spanish (Europe): Princesa alada -> Fluttering Princess

Tana, Noble and Nimble
Spanish (Europe): Princesa estival -> Summer Princess

Lyon, Shadow Prince
Spanish (Europe): Príncipe sombrío -> Somber Prince

Valter, Dark Moonstone
Spanish (Europe): Adularia oscura -> Dark Moonstone

Amelia, Rose of the War
Spanish (Europe): Rosa Guerrera -> Warlike Rose / Warrior Rose

Joshua, Tempest King
Spanish (Europe): Rey de la Tormenta -> King of the Tempest

Marisa, Crimson Flash
Spanish (Europe): Centella Carmesí -> Crimson Flash

Marisa, Crimson Rabbit
Spanish (Europe): Conejita carmesí -> Crimson Bunny

L'Arachel, Princess of Light
Spanish (Europe): Dama de la luz -> Lady of the Light

L'Arachel, Harvest Princess
Spanish (Europe): Dama del festival -> Lady of the Festival

Dozla, Harvest Attendant
Spanish (Europe): Cortesano tosco -> Crude Courtier

Myrrh, Great Dragon
Spanish (Europe): Gran Dragón -> Great Dragon

Myrrh, Spooky Monster
Spanish (Europe): Monstruito -> Little Monster



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New banner. More titles.

Fols, Loyal Adjutant

Paison, Derisive Archer

Silk, With the Teachings In Her Heart

Katua, Composed Middle Daughter
Note: It seems a bit weird for them to use the word for "second daughter" instead of "second sister" here (anime parents!?), but I'm leaving it as is (but changing to "middle" due to the context of there being three of them).

Valbo, Broad-minded

EDIT: Forgot to grab Conrad's from the Twitter announcement:

Conrad, Masked Knight

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  • 3 weeks later...

I somehow missed the Halloween units? Huh.

Elaice, Harvest Festival of Gluttony

Larchel, Holy Princess of the Harvest Festival

Dozzla, Attendant of the Harvest Festival

Hector, Paired Leader
Note: 比翼 (hijoku), literally meaning "paired wings", is the Japanese name for the Duo mechanic. A single wing will not allow a bird to fly, but complementary paired wings do. If you know the bird analogy used in Darling in the Franxx, this is the same concept. The word for "leader" here refers to Hector being the leader of the League of Lycia at this point in time (and Lilina being his eventual successor).

Lofa, Trick Archer


New units:

Leaf, Inheritor of Thracia

Tethys, Dance of Beauty

Xyst, Tiger of the Desert
Note: Yes, his Japanese name is Xyst. Second only to Qulyf.

Ewan, Innocent Magecraft

Ephraim, Paired Princes
Note: Literally "prince and prince" with the first "prince" being for a kingdom (Ephraim) and the second "prince" being for an empire (Lyon), but that sounds silly in English, so I'm translating it as "princes". "Paired" has the same note as Duo Hector.

Ross, Inherited Capability
Note: 豪腕 (gouwan) literally means "strong arm" and can be used to refer to a person who gets the job done.

Cugar, Solitary Lance
Note: No, that's definitely spelled right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Because apparently I have nothing better to do.

Lalum, Cheerful Dancer

Perceval, Knight Among Knights

Ekhidna, Goddess of the West

Igrene, Guardian Deity of Nabata

Chad, Wildcat of Lycia

Brunnya, Devoted Dragon General


We apparently got a lot of gods in this batch.

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oh right

i have kinda left this thread in the dust because i had a lot to do during the last month

i'll update the list as soon as i find some free time

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New banner, new title.

Ortina, Sword Eschatos of the Dawn
Note: The Japanese version of Radiant Dawn did something cool with its class names. Each class was given a name in both Japanese (with no Western loan words) and in English, and both names were displayed on the title screen class roll (Latin character set for the English name) and the unit status screen (katakana for the English name). 剣聖 (kensei), literally "sword saint", is the Japanese name for the Trueblade class in the localization, but its English name in the Japanese version was ソードエスカトス, "Sword Eschatos", so I'm using that.

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