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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom: The Special!

Metal Rabbit

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So this isn't the movie 2, but it was a side project that took me a week.

Something i've been doing is taking two unrelated plots and melt them together... until they smell like cheese.

I call this episode: The day we divided by Zero. (AKA: Serenes Forest: The Sitcom: The Special!)


(at someone's house)

Hika: A little this... and add this... Oh! It's perfect!

Woman on TV: Now let those hush puppies bake for a half hour.

Hika: Tee Hee. :D

Woman on TV: Now I need to take a quick break, but I'll be back! *kiss*

Hika: *kiss*

Okay, now what do I do?

*looks at palm pilot*

Hika: I'm caught up with the cooking shows, and Ugly Betty...


Hika: Okay, now it says... Kill Vincent to get everyone's attn.

*click, but the palm pilot explodes*

Hika: Fucking cheap Goldoan gadgetry! I thought they knew their stuff!

*puts on coat and leaves to carry out nefarious plot*


(At the base, a day earlier)

Zephrion: And for my next trick, I'm gonna pull a rabbit out my hat!

(in audience)

Metal Rabbit: Boring! >_>

Zephrion: *pulls MR out his hat*

*everyone pseudo claps*

Metal Rabbit: That was awesome! :D

Zephrion: Now for the finale! I'm going to need my lovely assistant for this.

*grabs MR*

We're gonna saw him in half!

*everyone applauds*

Metal Rabbit: Are you sure this is safe?

Zephrion: Nope.

*starts chainsaw*

Metal Rabbit: ._.

(wakes up)

Metal Rabbit: ._.

Hi, my name's Metal Rabbit. I live in the Serenes Forest with a bunch of half assed mercenaries.

CGV: ...what was that?

Metal Rabbit: I forgot, CGV isn't that smart.

Fox: Hey idiot, we can hear every word you're saying.

Metal Rabbit: How do they know that I'm trying to narrate my own life?

Fox: No, you're talking out loud...

Metal Rabbit: She must be having her time of the month. No worries.

*fox grabs sword in a flash of rage*

Metal Rabbit: Anyway, this was the start of a couple of really wierd days.

._. I seem to be bleeding...............*collapses as he writes*


(Back to the present)

Hika: I gotta first get those morons who live here to summon that dastard.

*two people are walking by with a convoy having a conversation*

Hika: *hides*

Metal Rabbit: ...so my friend had to pull it out my ass.

CGV: How fun is it to be you?

*they leave*

(you're wondering why him and I are going somewhere with a convoy? well this happened the day before)

CGV: Target pratice everyone! Just hit all 10 targets within 2 minutes.

Zephrion: *casts tornado*

Oh shit, i used the wrong spell!

*the tornado goes out of control and sends CGV flying 50 feet in the air*

Bianchi: *fires light magic*

Oh! I missed!

Metal Rabbit: You gotta pay attention to what you're doing.

*fires bolt and it hits a cloaked man*

???: Gyahh!!


Bianchi: Oops.

???: Frank?

???: ...



???: You there! Did you fire that bolt?

Kiryn: Nope.

*puts bow away*

It was him!

*points to MR*

???: You realise you just killed the archery master of Freila University?

Metal Rabbit: lol, irony.

CGV: No lolz. Bad MR.

*hits on head with newspaper*

???: Wait! Do not punish him!

CGV: But you just said he killed an archery professor.

???: Yeah, but I hated the man. I wanted to say that was the finest marksmanship I've seen... ever!

Kiryn: ._.

???: Where are my manners?

Metal Rabbit: In your pants?

???: Quite. I am Dolf, the head of staff at FU.

Metal Rabbit: And I'm your daddy's momma's baby's other friend! :D

Dolf: I'll cut right to the chase: I want you to be our new archer master!

CGV: Will he get alot of money?

Dolf: Hell yes.

CGV: Very well, I'm Coolguyvaters, his manager and best friend!

*hugs MR*

Metal Rabbit: Yesterday you said you were gonna hold me down underwater till the bubbles stopped. <3

CGV: He's only kidding.


Dolf: All you need to do is come to out campus in East Sienne tommorow. Good day, master rabbit!


Fox: ...CGV, what are you thinking?

CGV: ._.

(MR + Frelia University = Money = Hookers willing to do the crazy stuff)

The same old.


(back to the present)

Hika: Wonder where they're going... ah well. Less security is better.

*goes into forest*

Bianchi: Kiryn! Where are you?!

Hika: ...I'm right here.

Bianchi: Oh, thank goddess! Why do you have an axe?

Hika: ...um, i'm trying to be more like Hikarusa.

Bianchi: Who's that?

Hika: ...he was only your faithful servant for 5 years.

Bianchi: ...don't ring a bell.

Hika: He FED you, cleaned your toilets, did your dirty work, AND he broke in your high heels!!!

Bianchi: Hika... hika... nope.


*Hikarusa has a temper tantrum*


(in the base)

Kiryn: It's boring here.

Fox: Yeah, without those two idiots here its a little dull...

Kiryn: Um... Fox?

Fox: What?

Kiryn: We're alone, r-right?

Fox: What of it?

Kiryn: Well I... uh.

Fox: Just say it!

*she's sweating bullets*

Fox: ...I'll do it then.

*she goes and sits on Kiryn's lap and stares her in the face*

*they come closer... and they closed their eyes*


Zephrion: Sorry, I can't controll the tornadoes...

...am i interrupting something?

*Kiryn stands up suddenly making Fox fall off*

Fox: Ow!

Kiryn: Oh, im sorry! :o

Zephrion: ...I'm gonna go.


Kiryn: Fox?

Fox: There's no way.


Kiryn: :(


(Frelia University)

CGV: We're here!

Guard: Ah you must be Master Rabbit!

CGV: Nope, that's him.


Guard: Oh... well go on in. The headmaster is expecting to see you in his office.


Headmaster: Master Rabbit, this is the top school in all of Tellius...

Metal Rabbit: I thought Ostia was.

Headmaster: You are here to mold young minds...

Metal Rabbit: Doesn't mold happen on its own?

Headmaster: And I will not have you fucking everything up!

Metal Rabbit: That's okay, I know a call girl.

(obviously the dude isn't hearing him... and maybe that's a good thing)

Headmaster: That said, you begin teaching tommorow. Bright and early.

Metal Rabbit: Mkay, goodbye cheese head!


Headmaster: Who'd have thought a subhuman could teach here? Let alone teach weapon arts.


CGV: Hey baby, I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?

Student: Yah right!

CGV: Hey there bitty, you got a map? I got lost in your eyes...

Androgenous dude: I'm a boy.

CGV: Oh... well this is awkward...

Metal Rabbit: Hi CGV!

CGV: Oh you. Go get me a soda would ya?

Metal Rabbit: Can I spit in it?

CGV: Yeah, sure, just go.

*he leaves*

CGV: Hi there! I'm looking for treasure, mind if i check your chest?

Androgenous dude: It's me again!!

*MR comes back with soda*

CGV: Thanks dude.

Metal Rabbit: Can you teach me to pick up chicks too?

CGV: Okay... watch this:

CGV: *to girl reading by tree*

I'm gonna need laser surgery, cause your beauty blinded me!

Girl: *kicks him in crotch and leaves*

Metal Rabbit: My turn!!

*to a group of girls*

CGV: This is gonna be hilarious...

Metal Rabbit: You must have fallen from heaven... it'd explain why your face is so messed up.

CGV: Ouch...

girls: Your cute. Wanna have a 3 way later?


Metal Rabbit: Normally I'd say yes... but I'm a teacher here.

girls: I think I just found a new respect for men...

*they give him a peck on the cheek and leave*

CGV: I hate you.

Metal Rabbit: ._.


(At home)

Hika: Hey Bianchi, I lost my key to the base... you got yours?

Bianchi: I'm not allowed to have keys. Some guy tricked me and stole it once.

Hika: Dammit.

Bianchi: But I can call Vincent and he'll open the door!

Hika: ...! Okay!

Bianchi: But first tell me a story!

Hika: What?

Bianchi: You always tell me a story before I go to sleep.

Hika: Right... Okay. There was once this badass guy named Hikarusa...

Bianchi: That's a weird name.

Hika: ...he got expelled from a school a long time ago and since then he hasn't been able to keep a job...

Bianchi: So he's a total loser?

Hika: Quit interruppting! Now this guy's goal is to become famous, so people will actually remember his name.

Bianchi: Who?

Hika: Hikarusa!!!

Bianchi: I don't like this story. Tell me the one about the mushroom again.

(He's very close to losing it)

Hika: There was once a handsome... mushroom called Hikarusa. The end.

Bianchi: That was awesome! Good night!


Hika: NO! You have to summon Vincent! O_o


(In the base)

Kiryn: Um... fox?

Fox: *reading*


Kiryn: I'm sorry about earlier.

Fox: You bruised my butt.

Kiryn: Can I... have another chance?

Fox: *puts down book*


Kiryn: Let's go in here so noone can bother us...

*they enter an empty bedroom and lay on the bed*

*again, they get closer and... no interruptions*

*kidding, Zeph enters*

Zephrion: ._.

Fox: Get the fuck out of here!!

Zephrion: It's my room! O_o

Kiryn: We just wanna be alone!

Zephrion: You know what?! You got it! I'm gonna visit MR and CGV tommorow!

*Fox looks at Zeph's desk*

Fox: Why is there a Playboy mag on your desk?

Zephrion: Those are CGV's... idk how they got there... Here, I'll just put these in his room.

Fox: No, I'll do it.

*the other two leave, and Fox stuffs the mag under her shirt*


(Next morning, Frelia University, Archery range)

CGV: You ready!?

Metal Rabbit: Yes!

CGV: Fetch!

*pretends to throw balll*

*MR chases it*

CGV: lolz

*the headmaster and Dolf appear*

Dolf: Where is master rabbit?

CGV: Here he comes.

Metal Rabbit: I couldn't find it...

Headmaster: What?

Metal Rabbit: The tennis ball.

Headmaster: Master Rabbit, you're here to show the students your godly technique!

Metal Rabbit: ...you mean I have to sleep with them? Even the dudes?

Dolf: No, he means archery techniques.

Metal Rabbit: Okey dokey.

(He addresses the class)

Metal Rabbit: Okay class! Do what I do!

Uhmm... what now?

*he takes an arrow out of his quiver and scratches his chin with it*

*so does the class*

Student: I'm bleeding sir! Are you sure you want us to do this?

Metal Rabbit: Excuse me, but who's the teacher here?!

Students: YOU!

Metal Rabbit: That's right! :D

CGV: This is gonna be a long day...


(Back with Hika)

Hika: WAKE UP!!! For the LOVE of ME!

Bianchi: *yawns* That was a good nap!


Bianchi: You don't have to shout... whoever you are.


Bianchi: *mutters something*

*Vincent Appears*

Vincent: Good Morning miss, what is it?

Bianchi: He's being mean to me!

Hika: huh?

Vincent: An offense to a patron of this forest is an offense to me. Leave now.

Hika: But..!

*vincent casts warp and send him out of the forest*

Hika: DAMMIT!!!


(Later at the university)

CGV: You know I thought you were in trouble when you got mad at that kid and told everyone to fire at him.

Metal Rabbit: Nope. I just gotta go to an ethics commitee.

CGV: ._.

*MR leaves*

*Zeph enters a minute later*

Zephrion: Hey CGV.

CGV: What's up?

Zephrion: So where's the "master"?

CGV: Ethics commitee.

Zephrion: ...looks like i owe fireman 100 gold.


(at the hearing)

Headmaster: And now we come to Master Rabbit.

Metal Rabbit: No?

Headmaster: My fellow chairpeople, this idiot instructed his archery class to aim at one person, resulting in their death. What do you have to say to that?

Metal Rabbit: In my defense, he was chewing gum. And that's not just it, he did it very sneakily, and assumed I wouldn't see him. Plus I warned him like 3 times.

Headmaster: But you killed him!

Metal Rabbit: No, the others did. :D

Headmaster: My fellows, he's an imbicile and isnt capable of teaching here! All those who move to expel him say I!

Metal Rabbit: I!

*everyone else says it too*

Dolf: Wait! Don't you see what he's done though?

Headmaster: He murdered a student!

Dolf: But because of that, all the students are afraid to chew gum!

Headmaster: What?

Dolf: His command to his archery class was "If you see someone chewing gum, fire!". As a result, no students have chewed anything but their meals.

*everyone else agrees*

Dolf: Fellow chairpeople, we shouldn't expel him... why we should be thanking him!


(In that other room)

CGV: Did you bring me back my playboys?

Zephrion: Actually, Fox has them. I saw her reading it.

CGV: ._.

*MR returns*

CGV: So should we head back home?

Metal Rabbit: They gave me a medal.


Zephrion: Hey MR, can you show me the math department? I used to major in it...

Metal Rabbit: Okay.

CGV: ...

*takes out concealed playboy and reads*


(Math Department)

Teacher: And who might you be?

Metal Rabbit: I work here. He's my friend.

Teacher: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Master Bates.

Zephrion: May we see your ultimate calculator?

Teacher: It's over there.


Zephrion: I haven't seen one of these in 5 years.

Metal Rabbit: What is it?

Zephrion: It's an ultimate calculator. It's the most powerful calculator in the world... and its the reason I was expelled from Ostia.

Metal Rabbit: What happened?

Zephrion: Me and a friend caused a giant error and broke it. We got kicked out.

Metal Rabbit: If it's so ultimate, why did it break?

Zephrion: It's error-proof because its self aware. But there's a glitch that prevents it from error chekcking when you divide by zero.

Metal Rabbit: ...

*he types something in*

Zephrion: My dad disowned me when I got back...

What are you doing?

Metal Rabbit: 1 divided by 0 is... enter!

Zephrion: O_O

*the math department explodes*


(Ethics commitee... again)

Headmaster: Simple enough, he destroyed a very expensive piece of machinery and he should get kicked out!

*others murmur*

Headmaster: Do you have anything to add Rabbit?

Metal Rabbit: I would, but the calculator's busted, and I can't do math on my own.

Headmaster: Very well, I...

Zephrion: Hold it! You can't blame him!

Headmaster: Why not?

Zephrion: You were lied to from the begining! That calculator was the same one that Ostia Uni had 5 years ago! It wasn't very valuable if you bought it broken!

Headmaster: H-how did you know that?!

Zephrion: I was teh one who broke it before, and before I did that, I stuck a piece of minty gum right under here!

*he picks it off anf flings it at the headmaster*

Dolf: Those who find Master Rabbit not guilty say I!

Everyone else: I!

Metal Rabbit: NAY! :D

Dolf: Dodged another bullet, didn't you?

Metal Rabbit: That's fine and all, but the headmaster is chewing gum. That's very disrespectful...

Headmaster: I'm not chewing it! It's on my robes!

Metal Rabbit: Class!

*archery students surround him and fire*


Dolf: The board members and I agree, that for the services rendered to this school, we want you to be our president.

CGV: Alright! More money! We want it in cash plz.

Zephrion: Congratz man.

Metal Rabbit: ...It's an honor...

But I can't stay here. I love that forest and I can't be away from it.

Dolf: I understand. But what about your paycheck?

Metal Rabbit: Use it to buy a new Ultimate Calculator. Preferably one that is completely error free.


Dolf: Understood!

Metal Rabbit: Bye everyone!

*all the students and facuilty wave goodbye*


(outside the forest)

CGV: I fucking hate you!

Metal Rabbit: I told you I'll buy you another playboy...

Zephrion: We're almost home!

*someone jumps into the convoy*


(Inside the base)

Metal Rabbit: I'm home! :D

Fox: Were you fired?

Zephrion: He got 2 medals and a statue for special services to the school.

Fox: ._.

Vincent: Ah, the master returns!

Metal Rabbit: It's the giant bird! Hi!

???: Now that everyone's here to witness it, it's time!!!

*Hika jumps out of the convoy*

Hika: Die Vincent! *he lunges at him*

Fireman: *uses silencer*

Hika: Ahhh.... dammit...

CGV: Where've you been all episode anyway?

Kiryn: It's not like the narrator to forget you...

Fireman: I was in the shadows, taking pics for Playboy.

Zephrion: *takes out mag*

This one has Fox in it!

Fox: WHAT?!

CGV: and... Kiryn...

Kiryn: o_o

Metal Rabbit: lolz, your breasts are nice.

Vincent: ENOUGH! This episode is past the wierdness marker. If it were wierd on a scale of 1-100, it would be over 9000!

Hika: Uh...

Metal Rabbit: Hey, I'm sorry noone can remember your name dude.

Hika: ...

Metal Rabbit: But you're good with an axe! So I can probably get you a job at Frelia University.

Hika: You'd do that? No joke?

Metal Rabbit: You can say I have some pull there.


(At the uni)

Dolf: It's time to worship the great one!

*everyone bows to the statue of MR*


(East Sienne)

Hika: This is great! Now I'll be famous as an axe instructor!

*he enters the Uni*

Hika: This place is awesome! *pulls out a piece of gum and chews it*

Student: He has gum!!!


(Hika's house)

*his whole house burned down cuz his hush puppies burned everything*



So that's that. I hope you didn't mind listening to that.

It's the story of broken calculators, lesbian foreplay, and how gum was outlawed at a school.

I'm sleepy... good night! :D

-Metal Rabbit

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For what its worth Kiryn, I'm sorry that I keep that going. I wrote this thing to be cannonical with both of the movies. I'm an artist though... and slapstick humor and sex puns aren't everything to me. I put alot of effort and thought into my work, so it'll be the best quality it can be.

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You've gotta know what a Branded is... Funny scribbles on my right wrist and on my left shoulder. Means somehow I inherited the brand- twice. When I take enough damage I turn into something a heck of a lot like a human-form laguz, except I've got wings and cat ears. Kiryn's parentage is a total mystery.

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