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If Heroes gave you any 5 star exclusive +10 unit of choice, who would you choose?

Fabulously Olivier

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Gameplay: probably Ophelia, Legend Alm, or Brave Camilla (all are pretty broken in their own ways)

Favoritism: OG Lyn (out of all Lyn variants in the game, the original arguably has the worst availability due to being a book 1 5*-exclusive red unit who has seen rather few banners), Summer Lyn (you know it's painful when it takes 270+ orbs to get a merge without even getting a single pitybreaker), Legend Lyn (sniping for a specific Focus unit on a Legendary banner is suffering).

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Gameplay: Fallen Corrin (You know I love my colorless megatanks), Matthew provides ranged power so I don't need a maxed Alm. Corrin would be a horror however. The thought of it makes me giddy.

Character: OG Lyn. My favorite character in the series and the first character I've ever wanted to +10. Sadly her banners are extremely rare and I generally don't have the orbs to pull on them when she does come around. 2nd choice would be L!Lyn on the merit that I don't have her and have been hunting for her since her debut.

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I have some characters I really want to +10 that I've already got some merges for, so I would want to choose someone who wasn't already partway there. Perhaps Legendary Azura, she sounds like she'd be such a quality of life upgrade to Arena. On the other hand, I don't have a Pair Up Legendary yet, so Legendary Alm or Legendary Julia would be nice as well.

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Can I break this up to give merges to units I'm already working on instead? If not... Hm. I'd rather wait until the offer was going to expire and choose then. I'd hate to cash in early and then have a unit I REALLY want show up in a seasonal banner or something.

Otherwise...Sothis, maybe? She'd be really good buddies with my +10 M!Kana as an infantry dragon tank.

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Since I finished Brave Roy to +10 (my only 5* exclusive +10 unit), I don't have a big desire for additional merged units (see my feather count  > 900k). Of course I wouldn't refuse such a generous gift though and I would have to take many things into consideration. 

Rarity: I'd choose a unit that is hard to merge because it's a seasonal, legendary or mythic unit. Few seasonals reach legendary powerlevel though and I haven't seen seasonal refines, so they are mostly out of question for me.  


  • One thing my barracks are missing is a super-tank
  • A highly merged legendary unit could help me with scoring in the Coliseum modes
  • I wouldn't mind a second Galeforce unit on BH!Roy's level, but I can't see one (that isn't red)

Character: I generally choose Gameplay over character, but I wouldn't invest much into a unit I don't like or where I dislike the art. If it's a tie between two strong units, I'd let favoritism choose. 

So overall many units come into mind. Some of the OP dragons could be good supertanks, or Dorcas if he ever gets a good refine (I like his art). Legendary Alm or legendary Azura would be a big help in the Coliseum. If Spring Alfonse had a good prf, I'd choose him or perhaps one of the other fun seasonals. 

Right now I'm happy I don't have to choose. ^^ 

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So yeah, that comment I made before? Pretty much duo hero’s are the reason I’d keep it until the end. This is only the first, so probably not the best. There might be a much better meta impacting unit/duo around the corner.

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I keep coming back to Helpful Chrom and how nice it'd be to have him so I can train my sword units (besides, I love his quotes.) ;-; But I have so many units I want!

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That new duo Hector/Lilina. I never expected anything to shake my will to save orbs for the eventual Nils and then IS throws that marvelous unit at my face.

Before that I probably would have said Legendary Hector, Legendary Lyn, or Claude. Maybe even Spring Chrom or Bridal Charlotte.

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