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Is "Ok Boomer" mean?


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If something is rude, it's rude. Hard stop. If something is meant as a derogatory insult then that's what it's meant as and it's popularity doesn't make it less of one.

Stop to consider no matter what other people say you have to be okay with yourself. If it doesn't bother you then fine. If you're asking questions then it probably bothers you and maybe you should stop.

Personally I don't care, but I am not someone to fling around insults anyway.

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I think that saying "OK Boomer" is equivalent to using a racial slur with centuries of dark history tied to it is extremely offensive, not the inverse.

I ain't an asshole who cares to say "OK Boomer" to every old person I run into, even if an old man says some incomprehensibly wrong/stupid statement to me, but I also like to think I'm a sensible individual who knows that the current era of old people weren't subjected to enslavement, brutal physical abuse in labor fields, random and senseless executions, systematic sexual violence, and other forms of subjugation and abuse, nor were subjected to institutionalized discrimination based on their age from employers, juries, and police officers that results in them staying poor and possibly dying or being wrongfully imprisoned.

But then again, I'm not a white man who was raised in the Deep South in the 50's and 60's who was taught that racism never existed and that the American Civil War was about state rights instead of the "right" of rich white men to the enslavement of an entire ethnic group.  Again, not the type to say "OK Boomer", but I feel this is the demographic of the people most offended by it and are simultaneously the type of people to say things that would most elicit an "OK Boomer" response.

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I personally don't use it, and if I'm being honest....I tend to judge people who use it a lot.

Now of course it all depend on the context of the the conversation, but "Ok Boomer" Is never truly used to add anything useful or meaningful to the said conversation, if anything I mostly see it get used to end them while making the person on the receiving end feel old. And that's pretty childish if you ask me.

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some of the boomer jokes can get a cathartic chuckle but saying something like "ok boomer" to someone kinda seems really stupid

but it isn't even vaguely in the same ballpark as the slurs some people have compared it to

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5 minutes ago, Specta said:

some of the boomer jokes can get a cathartic chuckle but saying something like "ok boomer" to someone kinda seems really stupid

but it isn't even vaguely in the same ballpark as the slurs some people have compared it to

ok boomer

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I find it a bit silly, but then I am in a weird place in that I am the late child of late children so both my parents are baby boomers while I am a millennial.   I don't use the term since all my parents friends are the same age as them.  All generations have annoying people who do and say things the shouldn't (looks at my generation's hate of type one diabetics and uncaring about how type ones need to have insulin to stay alive and that they did not cause their life and death struggle hard), but there are also good people in each generation.

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2 minutes ago, Integrity said:

ok boomer

1 minute ago, Specta said:

youre older than me

Ok Boomers, sit down and settle down. No need to break your backs over this.

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tangentially related my boomer co-worker keeps calling me kiddo even though i'm like man don't call me that in professional situations

it's driving me crazy

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10 minutes ago, Specta said:

tangentially related my boomer co-worker keeps calling me kiddo even though i'm like man don't call me that in professional situations

it's driving me crazy

4 minutes ago, Integrity said:

have you said ok boomer to him

I want to know how the students would react to that exchange.

1 minute ago, Specta said:

no because he's literally the sort of person that'd go crying to our boss over it 

Ok Boomer the principal too.

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so the principal goes crying to his boss


who cries to his boss


who cries to his boss


who c


specta, in a month, at capitol hill, to sherrod brown: ok boomer


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I usually never make hot takes on topics like these due to me 1) being generally apolitical and apathetic and 2) not sharing the same views of the majority of this site. But I’m in the mood to do something out of element and throw in my two cents.

On its own, I don’t care either way. I myself am admittedly very anti-PC, so you can bet on me using words elsewhere, albeit ironically, that’d make some people here fuming. I’m never genuinely hateful. So I don’t really mind “boomer” in that context. The problem for me starts when people start making it an “Us vs Them” situation, and ultimately start playing the blame game for the perceived failings each have.  I’m technically a millennial, though I’d never personally identify with that demographic. For me it’s just stupid to blatantly provoke people, and I feel neither side (ie the “boomers” and millennials/“zoomers”) has the high ground. I’m too cynical to suggest something like “can’t we all just get along?”, but it wouldn’t hurt some people out there to just chill out. 

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Eh, I imagine it depends on the context. I can see the phrase being used as both a playful jab about someones age or as an intentional insult to an older generation. I've only seen it used in memes, but then again I tend to end up in a meaningful discussion whenever I talk to someone older than I am, so I've never really been in a situation were snark like that would be expected.

Seeing it compared to the n-word made me facepalm, though. There is an actual historical basis for why calling someone that is derogatory, while "ok boomer" is just a meme that can be  used in lighthearted or mean-spirited ways. Unless something goes downhill very quickly, they aren't comparable.

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I've only ever said it as a joke with other friends, and also ever seen it used in such context as well, so I never really considered it to be mean personally.

Although there was this one time where a guy tried to get a mod kicked out because he didn't like his pfp, and resorted to using "Ok Boomer" to insult him which was just hilarious. Ever since I always thought it was dumb to use the phrase to actually insult someone lol. 

Edited by Flee Fleet!
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