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Lazulina Lapi

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Alright, so, here we go: 

If we aren't going to get Norne/Draug because IS is a bunch of meanies. Then we can easily come to a compromise, enter, Draug/Gordin: 

•Everyone can agree on it as it can make sense 

•It's sounds way better 

•They're the best pair as the OVA gave us a good idea of their relationship 

•Both of then have support bonuses

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3 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

Is this thread going to be specifically for Fire Emblem opinions, or will it include opinions on other stuff as well?

If it's focusing specifically on Fire Emblem, you may want to get this thread moved to a more relevant subforum.

That's a weird opinion.

Fuuko is best girl. Everyone should know what their Rule 63 counterpart would look like. Gordin needs a Resplendent Hero version with 'BUT KIIIIIIIIRAN' as one of his Tap Quotes.

...I could do this all day btw.

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Fates kids weren't a mistake because we got Ophelia.

Genealogy isn't fun to play beyond the Prologue.

Thracia is really fun to play but I have to hate it design wise because of the noob traps.

Three Houses' maps are really poorly designed in both layout and enemy placement and AI in the majority of cases.

Etrian Odyssey is the best Atlus property.

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2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

Gordin needs a Resplendent Hero version with 'BUT KIIIIIIIIRAN' as one of his Tap Quotes.

Shut up and take my money.

ASMR is wtf.

Ketchup and mustard are gross. Mayonnaise is best.

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8 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Ketchup and mustard are gross. Mayonnaise is best.

I dislike this opinion. It makes me angry.

I'm the opposite, mayo is really gross to me but I really like mustard. Ketchup is..... okay. It has it's time and place but it's like BBQ sauce, it can make something taste better but it super overpowers the flavor and I really only would use it to make something that doesn't taste really good better. Mustard on the other hand, in lower quantities (especially for yellow), is good at enhancing taste.
Brown mustard is best, yellow is honestly kinda gross I agree with that one.
I USED to like Mayo but I really can't stand it anymore.

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Ketchup was initially made with fish guts! Mayonnaise was made with eggs! Gee, hard choice...

*Ahem* Gheb is the best Waifu

Lyon should get a playable route if there's a remake of SS, mostly so I don't have to keep working on mine.

I think it should be explained why spellcasters throughout the series have decided that clothes are optional for fighting. (Like seriously, the post-Awakening Dark mage's outfits look like they're designed for a use other than war, if ya know what I mean...)

Edited by Benice
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People who prefer Mayo over Ketchup are the type of people who put vegetables on their pizzas

Ranch is absolutely disgusting

I dislike the Tellius games

I hate having sausage on my pizza

Burger King is the superior restaurant

ASMR is alright, it depends on who's doing it and what the ASMR is about

Soundcloud fucking sucks 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Melee Player Phase units are absolute shit in Heroes. Galeforcers are okay though, so those are the only redeemable melee Player Phase units.

It is okay to love a murderous asshole as long as that murderous asshole is Edelgard.

Awakening is the best Fire Emblem game.

Anna is best Fire Emblem waifu.

Even though Advance Wars is dead, it is still better than Fire Emblem.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but there is such a thing as too much bacon.

ASMR is the best way to get high legally.

Cat huffing will give you ASMR, so it is also one of the best ways to get high legally.

When it comes to bathroom hygiene, America is a totally shit hole country for not using bidets.

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