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Join me on a Blind Ironman of Berwick Saga

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Now for all of the post mission dialogue and town events we triggered.


Its kinda interesting that we don't get to see the apostle yet, or see her name (despite knowing what it is.)


That is a bit of an extreme opinion, that has been partially rendered moot by the situation, as the bandits would be turning her over to the Razite church. Also Paramythis's counterpoint is solid as well, Volcens the Unready wasn't the one who was responsible for the death of the old apostle, or purging of the Shining Knights...


...That is a terrifying statement. It sounds like she is trying to describe some magical/spiritual threat that surrounds Volcens. For some reason @Saint Rubenio's comments on how dangerous Herman is are coming to mind...


That is a kind compromise, although who knows how long they can keep her presence secret in the city.

Also, I wanted to add that there is something inherently sweet about the young apostle apologizing for being a burden on her protector.


Now that is interesting, how is Bernstol connected to Paramythis? I feel like this is hinting at Bernstol's involvement in the Shining Knight purges, and sparing her as a young page, but this is only a hunch...


I guess that explains why we wont be seeing the apostle just yet. I wonder if she will be added as an NPC to the city under an assumed name at first... I may have to keep an eye out after this...


I do like how they actually walk off camera before her wistful repeat of his name.


I guess the Razite involvement wasn't know by him just yet...


I haven't really been using her, but I guess she can hold onto the orb for now. Also can't kill humans makes me think this game might introduce monsters at some point.


Why does Reese always have to be so reluctant to accept help.


Ah siblings...the arguments become so heated because of how much they care.


Just give it a little time Christine, they need to address and burn through their grievances before they get to the joyful part of this reconciliation


At least she knows when they need a little space.


Ms. Marybelle really cares about this little family doesn't she. I guess it also helps that she runs a restaurant, which might be in a position to have perfectly edible food that didn't sell, that she can easily pass along to help out.


Perfect, sounds like we get to recruit Esteban thanks to his ability to whale on Faye la-


...sigh, of course he becomes a mercenary.


Only a little, there is a war going on you know.


Another of those small things that I like is that she is starting to move away when Ms. Marybelle stops her.


Its nice of her to remember that the rest of the Sinon Knights helped out. Also I appreciate this extra reward for those that don't care about, or wont hire Esteban. It makes the fact that he becomes a merc instead of a recruit a little less annoying.


That is a heartwarming sentiment, that I think I agree with.


WHat the hell Elbert, what is with this body shaming nonsense. Is this some terrible negging strategy...


It faded to black between these two images (presumably so she could explain things to him). I understand why they did this, but it I do kinda like it when we see those explanation, as it shows us a little bit about how she sees the situation...


That explains a bit, as she didn't seem to understand a downright cliche sibling dynamic.


Poor Christine, she had responsibilities she didn't want hoisted upon her at too young an age.


I appreciate that she didn't just assume Ward was simply a deadbeat, and took the effort to try and  prove it.


...so cold and detached. I guess we haven't seen those two exhibit any family connection, despite Ward being a noted point of view character for us, which really emphasizes the emotional distance between them.


Not sure what I am going to do with these cheap horses yet...I guess Ruby could use a new horse, as her old one is very hurt, and Christine can't heal it for her.


Huh, I thought we already covered the aftermath of one of the optional objectives, so why are there still 4 of these to resolve? I guess I better work my way through these starting from the top.


Well that was simple enough.


She didn't tell him it wasn't that serious before? Why torture the poor father like that?


And that is part of the reason why she didn't confide in you about this; it isn't something trivial to her. Its a bit sad how fathers failing to connect with their daughters has become a theme of this story segment...


That is some heavy stuff to end off with


Yeah I am with you on that one Tianna, that is a little too uncomfortable a conversation to stick around for (at least when it only a passing acquaintance like Bluck...)


I guess they had to give us something for this...


He really does love his daughter, he just doesn't know how to connect with her.


I guess its nice to get some quality arrows like that.


Alright onto the next one.


As coincident would have it, Ward was in just the right place at just the right time to make it no trouble at all.


Wait, so we went through all that trouble to get it for him, and now he doesn't need it?


The nobility really are fickle...


Although I guess Ward has given the knighthood a good name.


I probably should have expected something like this after the prize last time for bringing a shipment of Pajuta Grass was some of the Pajuta Grass..


Ah, so that is why there were still 4 events


Although all of them have felt a little routine, this one has by far the least substance. I wonder if he would have something interesting to say if I dealt with Garos too...


That is a nice chunk of change, although


These three new mercenaries are a obvious new addition to this location. I will decide on whether to pay for some of them latter, but I want to take a quick look at them


Wow, that is nothing...Derrick really doesn't value his own life much does he.


I guess he hasn't changed since last I saw him, which means some absurd defense, and solid combat, but embarrassing move, and odd skill-set. I am tempted to say he is selling himself short, but 3 move is kinda torture to deal with.


...If I have to, that is an interesting way to describe being hired as a mercenary. Its interesting to see him here, when last we saw him he was claiming he had been hired by the Razites.


He looks really good for the price he is setting, especially with that great gear. Its interesting that his personal weapon is an upgraded form of Faye's, as it adds to the feeling that him and Faye are connected.


That is a worrying restriction on the negate crit skill...speaking of which it sounds like that skill makes him a great assassin hunter.


I am thinking of hiring just to help the poor guy out. Now I was looking at his stats just last update, and I see no changes in them...


Although its interesting to note that he already has the trade items option already available. I don't remember having control of him at the end of last chapter, and I think that is how that option appears on Mercenaries...


Huh, there is a green event now too...well I better finish off the Collector's side objective.


Don't worry, I have it right here...


That is a worrying looking menu; I didn't have to get a full use one did I?


Oh, I guess not. That felt a little odd, but I guess it worked. I do wonder what would have happened if I had gotten the dark mend from earlier, would I have had this completion event appear before even starting the last map?


Leave it to Erzheimer to make thing kinda creepy...


Yeah, Ward was uncomfortable enough that he almost forgot about the payment. Thank goodness Erzheimer is an honest enough fellow, despite his otherwise questionable social skills.


My finances are starting to look healthy again, which is good as I need to buy some spare equipment after that long map...


This is about to open up just like the bounties are isn't it...


Oh good, she does have a purpose. I did find her presence rather odd before, but this makes more sense.


There are a quite a few dark magic orbs in here, although some of the others sound kinda useful, like the Triple-Fire Bow, and apparently notorious Assassin's Knife. I actually thought I had the Imp. Knight Sshd for a moment, but when I double-checked, it was only an Imp. Soldier Sshd...


I get the funny feeling that this is the only one we are getting the easy way, and will have to capture most of the others, but I could be wrong...


Poor Ward is torn between the discomfort of interacting with the collector, and this being a vital source of funds...


Now for the story of this chapter's first optional map. Honestly, a lot of what we have seen this update has felt kinda routine, but hopefully the story of the Maiden and Mercenary spices things up a bit.


I know I keep pointing things like this out, but these little moments of transition, where the characters are moving around does amuse me.


Did they really need to transition to black between these two lines? It would take like 1-2 dialogue boxes at most to say "technically we are Knights of Sinon, but are under the protection of the Duke of Narvia in the city, and serve him in our agreement to aid the Berwick League"


My Princess...having that be possessive seems a little odd...


Poor little lady just worked herself up into a tizzy. Although she did end up sharing that we are trying to save Princess Aegina, whom we haven't heard of before...


Ah, the only officially named of the 7 Northern lands. Also its interesting to see another demographic of people named, the Semia...


Except for this princess apparently. Although I suppose that title could be attached to someone a bit distant from the royal family, like the King's Aunt or sister...


Or Reese's info is only a vague retelling. Again we see the Margrave making powerful connection, clearly adept in the game of thrones. Also continuing to fight after the fall of the capital, and king is some serious desperation on the part of the Rianans...


So there is some hope to return this ally to its once prominent place, with enough effort. Although displaced female heirs with important ties to Sinon is become a bit of a recurring thing this chapter isn't it...


A desperate flight then...


She may be in other forms of danger if her captors do not know her true value.


That is some harsh cynicism from Ward there...


I checked back on the maps from the first update, and I can't find a Rosenberg on them anywhere. I might have missed it, or perhaps it was mentioned or shown elsewhere, but I am not sure where this place is...


After Ward's cynicism with Rosalie's actions, its hard not to read this with some intonation that implies that Sherpa is involved in why their precautions failed, with ordering Rosalie away as a final betrayal. Despite this, I get the funny feeling that isn't the direction this next map is going at all..


The way this is framed, it sounds like Ward and Reese should really be involved in the next map, although that would break the conventions the game already established...

Alright, let me take a quick look around to see if any suspicious young women NPC has been added....


Well that wasn't what I was looking for, but interesting to note...

Well that was a bust. I will save the preps for next time, but I wanted to check if I can find out how many units I can deploy on this thing real quick before I buy out all the new mercenaries...


Well 11 units overall indicates that Reese and Ward can't be deployed, but the number of units I can deployed is obscured by the length of the name. I wonder when we will have more than 1 mission active at the same time...


6? only 6 after all these new Mercs I want to try out become available? sigh...

I guess type: Mandatory is a bit clearer than "primary"....

Whelp that is good enough for now, join me next time when take on this mandatory side mission to save a princess.


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Alright, map cleared and now you are officially better at this game then Ruben.



13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Now that is interesting, how is Bernstol connected to Paramythis? I feel like this is hinting at Bernstol's involvement in the Shining Knight purges, and sparing her as a young page, but this is only a hunch...

This is never actually referenced ever again or even alluded to. You might also remember that in her earlier scene Paramythis attributed her survival to Father Lebough.

That's not the only thing weird about this scene either. Like, when could Sanakia ever actually have meet Volcens when she lived her whole life in hiding and he doesn't even know she exists?

While nothing of the above is technically ever directly contradicted, it's still rather strange. Kinda feels like some things about the story where shuffled around after this scene was already done and they never got around to adjust it accordingly. Or maybe it was simply overlooked. But of course I'm just guessing here.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I haven't really been using her, but I guess she can hold onto the orb for now. Also can't kill humans makes me think this game might introduce monsters at some point.

This isn't like Tear Ring Saga with Raquel. Holy simply cannot kill anything.

The cool thing about Holy is that it always strikes first. Kinda like Vantage, except it has nothing to do with speed and will also work at 1 range.
Though since it can't kill anything, if an attacker is already at 1 HP, it won't be able to shut down their attack since you need to actually deal damage for that. Bit of a loophole that might be worth watching out for.

This might still not seem all that useful since healers will probably have a healing orb equipped most of the time. However, there just so happens to be a skill that reverts to your previous equipped item right after using a non-attacking orb. A skill similar to Throw essentially.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Another of those small things that I like is that she is starting to move away when Ms. Marybelle stops her.

Oh yeah. All those little details in those cutscenes are amazing.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Sounds better then it actually is, since the Daily Special is already reduced in price. Don't recall what the original discount is, though. But hey, everything helps.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Its nice of her to remember that the rest of the Sinon Knights helped out. Also I appreciate this extra reward for those that don't care about, or wont hire Esteban. It makes the fact that he becomes a merc instead of a recruit a little less annoying.

You do also get a 1% discount for every shop in the game for every 2 side objectives you do.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

She didn't tell him it wasn't that serious before? Why torture the poor father like that?

You might recall she was in a really bad shape emotionally when Tianna talked to her before the mission.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I guess its nice to get some quality arrows like that.

Can never have enough of those.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Although all of them have felt a little routine, this one has by far the least substance. I wonder if he would have something interesting to say if I dealt with Garos too...

They are all stock responses, I'm afraid. He only has a different response if you manage to take one of them in alive and you get double the bounty.

Come to think of it, it's actually rather clever to make the boss of this map a bounty target. Otherwise you might never realize that Faramir is here now. Because he only ever shows up after Faye is already hired. Giving you a bounty that's near impossible to avoid gives you a reason to revisit this place after you already did your hires.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


He looks really good for the price he is setting, especially with that great gear. Its interesting that his personal weapon is an upgraded form of Faye's, as it adds to the feeling that him and Faye are connected.

I don't know. He is actually one of the more pricey mercenaries. It's just that mercenary fees are half the usual price after you cleared the main mission.

Anyway, something that isn't listed here and I think you should know to get the most out of his critical hit immunity: He has an invisible version of Robust too. So he is immune to injuries and cripples. So even though he is rather frail, chances are he can take at least one heavy hit from a critical boosting Broad Axe without being rendered helpless immediately afterwards.

That invisible Robust skill is actually all over the place in this game. For example the three priests from the previous map all had that skill. Likely because it would turn the map into a mess if they got crippled. But at the same time, it wouldn't make a lot of sense if those frail old man had a skill called "Robust". Why Faramir has it though, I have no idea. But it most certainly helps him out a lot.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am thinking of hiring just to help the poor guy out. Now I was looking at his stats just last update, and I see no changes in them...

Since his starting equipment is kind of a joke, I would like to mention that while you can't trade or sell personal items, you CAN throw them away.
I mean, that Bronze Bow is so bad that they don't even sell them at the Bow shop. It's really just taking up space.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

There are a quite a few dark magic orbs in here, although some of the others sound kinda useful, like the Triple-Fire Bow, and apparently notorious Assassin's Knife. I actually thought I had the Imp. Knight Sshd for a moment, but when I double-checked, it was only an Imp. Soldier Sshd...

The Assassins Knife is a pref weapon for Assassins. It's useless to the player.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

After Ward's cynicism with Rosalie's actions, its hard not to read this with some intonation that implies that Sherpa is involved in why their precautions failed, with ordering Rosalie away as a final betrayal. Despite this, I get the funny feeling that isn't the direction this next map is going at all..

Yeah, this scene is written rather strangely. Ward being extremely grumpy, that weird summation at the end... Not a great scene.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Well 11 units overall indicates that Reese and Ward can't be deployed, but the number of units I can deployed is obscured by the length of the name. I wonder when we will have more than 1 mission active at the same time...

I'd imagine these titles give Aethin some headache. It's really not a lot of space to work with when you are not using Japanese symbols.

Anyway, the way this screen is laid out most certainly implies that getting to pick between different missions here was an intended feature. But no, this never actually happens.
After the main mission, most of the time there are several side missions available. But in that case, you have to do the one whose event you trigger first. Any remaining events simply become unavailable until that mission is done by either completing it or declining it.


Edited by BrightBow
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14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

For some reason @Saint Rubenio's comments on how dangerous Herman is are coming to mind...

Well, all I said was that Herman being smarter than his dumb-as-a-rock peers was far from being a good thing for you.

But, of course, anything is possible.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I may have to keep an eye out after this...

It's... really not subtle. You'll know her when you see her.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Also can't kill humans makes me think this game might introduce monsters at some point.

No, actually. No monsters in this game. Holy just plain cannot kill anything. Of course, built-in Vantage that works at 1 range is still super good.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...sigh, of course he becomes a mercenary.

Reese pays worse than Derrick's fees. Can you really blame him for not just instantly joining up?

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...so cold and detached. I guess we haven't seen those two exhibit any family connection, despite Ward being a noted point of view character for us, which really emphasizes the emotional distance between them.

Their relationship is... difficult.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

He really does love his daughter, he just doesn't know how to connect with her.

Single dad, and all. Actually... Come to think about it, there's hardly any mothers in this game. Most just have a single dad. Huh.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I guess he hasn't changed since last I saw him, which means some absurd defense, and solid combat, but embarrassing move, and odd skill-set. I am tempted to say he is selling himself short, but 3 move is kinda torture to deal with.

You must use this man in every map you can. He's epic. Also, unironically a great character, if you can believe me. Seriously, stick with him. Hire him a few times for the happiness, at least. He's not expensive, so why not?

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


He looks really good for the price he is setting, especially with that great gear.

Yes, Faramir is extremely great. Don't forget, however, that "the price he is setting" is halved because the main mission's over.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Thank goodness Erzheimer is an honest enough fellow, despite his otherwise questionable social skills.

That's a good description of Erzie. He genuinely means well, but it's clear that his vast wealth, lack of occupation and obsessive nature make him a difficult person to be around. Still, he and Ward have a nice little dynamic together that I'm quite fond of. Unlikely friends, the two of them. Their scenes are great.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I get the funny feeling that this is the only one we are getting the easy way, and will have to capture most of the others, but I could be wrong...

A lot of them are dropped, though oftentimes the enemies that drop them are out of the way, unlike Fermat. A couple of them have to get captured, but there's generally easy capture options placed intentionally for the player.

Then there's the Albatross. The Albatross is a devil sword! You don't want it, give it to Erzheimer. So how many Albatrosses are in the game? Exactly two. One can be stolen/captured from an enemy swordmaster in Kramer's paralogue, and the other one is in the final chapter of the game.

Sooooo yeah. That one sucks. There's exactly one opportunity to get it for Erzheimer, and you can miss it altogether. Oof.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


I know I keep pointing things like this out, but these little moments of transition, where the characters are moving around does amuse me.

I love them too. Berwick Saga's scenes feel so alive thanks to little details such as this.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is some harsh cynicism from Ward there...

A bit of a running gag(?) with Ward is that he's a jerk to people when it's night-time. I'm not even sure if it was intentional, maybe it's just my impression, but it seems any time it's late, the guy gets super grumpy for no reason.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The way this is framed, it sounds like Ward and Reese should really be involved in the next map, although that would break the conventions the game already established...

They aren't. And it's really odd, too, because in the map itself, Rosalie mentions that Reese "is here", when he very much is not. Maybe they initially intended to have him be available on this one map, but then decided to change it at the last minute?

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Well 11 units overall indicates that Reese and Ward can't be deployed, but the number of units I can deployed is obscured by the length of the name. I wonder when we will have more than 1 mission active at the same time...

Never lol. The menu must be a left-over from development.

46 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Alright, map cleared and now you are officially better at this game then Ruben.

Why must you do me like that, BrightBow...


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Its been a little while, but real life stuff (like covid vaccine making me drowsy, and my dog's health deteriorating) have delayed mt response, but I will try to get the next update up by say... Monday...ish...maybe...,hopefully

I am going to try to fit the whole map into the next one, but it is more than the rule of thumb I have for how many images SF forum post will take before it gets erratic so we will see...


On 4/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BrightBow said:

This isn't like Tear Ring Saga with Raquel. Holy simply cannot kill anything.

The cool thing about Holy is that it always strikes first. Kinda like Vantage, except it has nothing to do with speed and will also work at 1 range.
Though since it can't kill anything, if an attacker is already at 1 HP, it won't be able to shut down their attack since you need to actually deal damage for that. Bit of a loophole that might be worth watching out for.

This might still not seem all that useful since healers will probably have a healing orb equipped most of the time. However, there just so happens to be a skill that reverts to your previous equipped item right after using a non-attacking orb. A skill similar to Throw essentially.

Yeah, I guess it was a long shot, as monsters would have probably been mentioned by now if they were in this. It sounds useful, but Izerna doesn't have the levels to use ut properly, and I doubt she every will, so hopefully the next healer we get has functional bases...


On 4/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BrightBow said:

You do also get a 1% discount for every shop in the game for every 2 side objectives you do.

Well that is a nifty little bonus, that it slow enough that I probably wouldn't have noticed (unless I was looking back at just the right old update, at just the right time). Very much the frog in a slowly boiling pot problem...


On 4/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BrightBow said:

I don't know. He is actually one of the more pricey mercenaries. It's just that mercenary fees are half the usual price after you cleared the main mission.

Considering that he looks good enough to be a side mission mercenary carry, that puts him in same range as Volo and Ruby's dad, which he is noticeably cheaper then (perhaps I should think of Sylvis in a similar tier, but I like bringing her for the higher capture chance as opposed to carry potential)


On 4/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BrightBow said:


Anyway, something that isn't listed here and I think you should know to get the most out of his critical hit immunity: He has an invisible version of Robust too. So he is immune to injuries and cripples. So even though he is rather frail, chances are he can take at least one heavy hit from a critical boosting Broad Axe without being rendered helpless immediately afterwards.

That invisible Robust skill is actually all over the place in this game. For example the three priests from the previous map all had that skill. Likely because it would turn the map into a mess if they got crippled. But at the same time, it wouldn't make a lot of sense if those frail old man had a skill called "Robust". Why Faramir has it though, I have no idea. But it most certainly helps him out a lot.

This is kinda reminding me of the hidden immortality skill on some of the Thracia 776 units, but less impressive. Not to disrespect Robust, but when compared to immortality...


On 4/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BrightBow said:

Since his starting equipment is kind of a joke, I would like to mention that while you can't trade or sell personal items, you CAN throw them away.
I mean, that Bronze Bow is so bad that they don't even sell them at the Bow shop. It's really just taking up space.

Good to know, but as will become readily apparent in the next update, the bow shop is far too depleted for that kind of reckless item management at the moment...


On 4/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BrightBow said:

The Assassins Knife is a pref weapon for Assassins. It's useless to the player.

...sigh. Of course it is. I am a little surprised we can't have our thief(s?) promote into an assassin or something, but oh well...


On 4/24/2021 at 12:19 PM, BrightBow said:

Anyway, the way this screen is laid out most certainly implies that getting to pick between different missions here was an intended feature. But no, this never actually happens.
After the main mission, most of the time there are several side missions available. But in that case, you have to do the one whose event you trigger first. Any remaining events simply become unavailable until that mission is done by either completing it or declining it.

An interesting little look at features cut from development. I kinda wonder what ended up preventing its implementation, but that kind of specific information rarely comes out...


On 4/24/2021 at 1:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, all I said was that Herman being smarter than his dumb-as-a-rock peers was far from being a good thing for you.

But, of course, anything is possible.

Fair enough, I guess I did take that comment in a wild direction (but it was the first thing that came to mind...)


On 4/24/2021 at 1:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Reese pays worse than Derrick's fees. Can you really blame him for not just instantly joining up?

Probably true, but it would have been nice to have an actual new recruit...


On 4/24/2021 at 1:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Single dad, and all. Actually... Come to think about it, there's hardly any mothers in this game. Most just have a single dad. Huh.

Well Iserna's mom is still in the picture (with no father in sight so far), and Esteban's whole problem stems from a missing dad and aging mom...


On 4/24/2021 at 1:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You must use this man in every map you can. He's epic. Also, unironically a great character, if you can believe me. Seriously, stick with him. Hire him a few times for the happiness, at least. He's not expensive, so why not?

Sorry to say that I played through the side maps of the chapter before I saw your comment (I was eager to get back to playing Berwick after how long it too to get though the previous updates...honestly I should have slept more before playing them, as I probably would have played better...). I guess I can still hire him immediately before ending the chapter, but the deployment limits on these side maps were just too small for me to consider adding him...


On 4/24/2021 at 1:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, Faramir is extremely great. Don't forget, however, that "the price he is setting" is halved because the main mission's over.

I think my new policy of hiring the Ward "replacement" after the main map is a economically sound idea then...


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On 4/30/2021 at 11:19 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Fair enough, I guess I did take that comment in a wild direction (but it was the first thing that came to mind...)

Hey, feel free to speculate away. It's always interesting to see people's theories when you know what's going to happen.

On 4/30/2021 at 11:19 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Well Iserna's mom is still in the picture (with no father in sight so far), and Esteban's whole problem stems from a missing dad and aging mom...

Yes, that's true. There are some, just... not as many as the single dads.

On 4/30/2021 at 11:19 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sorry to say that I played through the side maps of the chapter before I saw your comment (I was eager to get back to playing Berwick after how long it too to get though the previous updates...honestly I should have slept more before playing them, as I probably would have played better...). I guess I can still hire him immediately before ending the chapter, but the deployment limits on these side maps were just too small for me to consider adding him...

Nah, nah, it's fine. Derrick's happiness requirements are that high. Still, do consider giving him a shot at some point. For the memes, if nothing else. You aren't a true Berwick player until you use Derrick and purchase furniture!

On 4/30/2021 at 11:19 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

I think my new policy of hiring the Ward "replacement" after the main map is a economically sound idea then...

It is a decent idea... Though you might find that in some primary missions, two Wards will be much appreciated.

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Alright lets start with some quick preps


Starting with getting Ruby a new horse, from our supply of free horses.


Hire Esteban...


I wish I had a bit of video here, as he pathed out of here in such a weird stilted way...


Almost forgot to sell that treasure we got earlier. My finances are looking good, but I was on that map for a while, and burned through a fair bit of weapon durability. Speaking of which


I buy some replacement lances for the supporters, although I really deplete their stock...


I wish there was another quality bow for sale, but she can use crossbows, so I nab her one of those just in case.


I guess this bow is slightly better than his current one, but not by much...I guess Sherlock will have to make due with two yellow/orangish bows he has


At least I can get him a set of alright arrows, although trading the dagger to his is mostly because I find it funny that he can use it...I guess that will do for weapons, but I better restock on vulneraries


Huh, I don't remember seeing these before...its a nice effect, but that is more than I am willing to pay for that. (I hope you all don't mind me skipping over all the people I bought vulneraries for...).

Now one last thing before I start the next map, who to hire as my Ward replacement...


Part of it is that he is new, and I want to see how he plays, but being the cheapest Ward replacement at the moment helps as well...now without further ado, its time to start


...wow this is a tiny map


this image show the majority of the map.The only thing of note not in frame is a bag in the southwest. I am not seeing where my troops will be deployed, so this is probably like Ruby and Arthur's first chapter, with them arriving later, so I better take a look at the units I will have available...


This must be the princess, and its our first combat mage. The Airblade is a bit of a mixed bag, 0-1 is a closer range than I would like with magic, but x2 hits is rather nice (and our first multiplicative extra attack weapon we get). Focus Chant looks interesting, but a 7 turn cooldown is a bit excessive. Miracle is also nice to have on a squishy mage, especially when their death triggers a game over (as the star next to her name indicates).


...That sword is wild, +2 attacks, but -50 avoid...at least counter, robust, and windsweep are there to offset the penalties -50 avoid would give. Also he is looking like another mercenary for the Ward replacement carry option.


...that is a terrible green unit. I guess she is just a maid...I have a bad feeling about this map after seeing such a bad green unit on the field.


Also of note, this incredibly generic boss. I guess his stats are solid, but he doesn't even have skills...


Alright, with the fog of war on the map I think I will deploy Esteban; Czene gets a slot too thanks to the gates she can open; Ruby gets the favoritism slot; despite Sherpa's presence, I think I will bring Faramir just in case, and bringing Faye with him makes some sense to me; that leaves me one slot, which I debate back and forth a bit who should get, but I finally settle on Sherlock.


Looks like they really didn't need us to save them did they...


Although breaking back in to recover a powerful personal weapon sounds right up our alley.


Saying an object is worth more than Sherpa's life is a dangerous thing to say, especially when your life is also in his hands...


...sigh, I am going to end up spite train Aegina too aren't I...


I guess Sherpa wasn't trying to be as much of an ass as Cliff, he was just being overly blunt...


No kidding. I probably will train her, mostly because I like mages, and she is the first mage we have access to...


Alright I better get the pri-


I get it, the troops I chose will come in like a couple turns in.


Seems easy enough. I guess this is why that boss looked so generic, he is entirely optional. Don't get me wrong, once the Sinon knights show up I will take him out, but for now we have to run. I guess I better check the tactical hints...


Yeah I figured that out already due to them having health, and by double checking the locktouch skill's description... Alright first thing first get the princess out of


Archer range. That -50 avoid kinda sucks...


Huh, so enemies can just pass through the gates...At least it shows them opening even in the dark.


Better deal with this pursuit now.


Those multihits feel almost excessive...he just kills them without even trying.


...-50 avoid...ok maybe its not the fault for all of these hits, I mean I don't think it gives him negative avoid, but it certainly feels like that...


Veria be damned, he even slaughters everything on counter thanks to his skills...

...How the Raze am I going to train the princess?


Ok, seeing that gate open is worrying, as it hints at the enemy going after the embarrassingly bad green unit, which leads to a game over, so I better make a rush for that y junction on the road..


It might not be the most direct path to the junction, but he needs to be close enough to protect the princess as well, and


I am rewarded with this little random talk conversation...I may have missed an image in there, but you get the idea, they are explaining in universe about fog of war

...yeah there is a bit of us just walking, so let me jump to


 Turn 5 ...yeah there is not a lot going on...where are those Sinon Knights, I would have expected them to show up by now, especially with this objective...


Sherpa finally got close enough to that junction


To draw the troops heading towards the green unit his direction...


He is really getting chipped down,


but he is still unstoppable.


 It really seems like this chapter will be done once Sherpa gets to that junction.


Like so...


OH, A MISS..Maybe Aegina can get some expe-


...Oh Sherpa, you are going to be supper benched for a long time.


I am starting to think the Sinon knights don't show up until we complete the "objective", but I am not entirely certain, so I think I will go after that bag that is in the southwestern part of the map before I talk, just in case...


From here he can still cover the junction, and reach the princess in case she runs into trouble...


...alright this is a little risky, but she survives a hit, has solid avoid, and its the only way she can get experience with just Sherpa around...


If she gets the counter hit in, she can finish it next turn...


That is some solid avo-


sigh...Always punished it seems...and neither of them have a vulnerary...of course. Oh well, I guess


this Jerk can consume that enemy alive...


It does seem like much is going on now, or at least none of the gates are opening...


Seeing as this is a stat booster for health, this is a nice find.


So that is turn 10...

Yeah, the Sinon Knights just aren't coming, and unless I want to have Sherpa solo that little castle, I guess I better send her over to complete the objective...and hope that doesn't end the map...

...that is a worrying precedent to set...


...so much walking for so small a map...


Finally on turn 13 we complete the (first ?) objective


...this is the start of a romantic subplot isn't it. I guess the March of Sinon and Kingdom of Riana were allies. I wonder if this is a childhood crush, or if Aegina overheard talk of a potential arranged marriage between the two.


I guess they aren't getting into it now...I mean Reese isn't actually here as this is a side map...


Perfect, the one "side" objective I was worried about...


So the map just jumped to the west, the north east, and then around the fort (which is where is image is from)...I am guessing that it were a bunch of reinforcements spawned to make this into a real map.


Its interesting that they all arrive exhausted, emphasizing that we don't get ambush spawn troops. Also it looks like Aegina displaced Ruby's starting position (based on symmetry), giving her some extra space forward, which is a minor, but lucky situation.


I did see the camera focus near the fort, so I move him a little back just in case.


We have a lot of moving, and Aegina gets the chance to chug a vulnerary, but


Turn 15 arrives before any real action happens. Which reminds me, I should probably check


What out new objective is. So seize the funky fort space in the middle of the fort...


Assuming that early camera change was indicating where enemies were spawning, this should reveal


The first enemy troops we find with the Sinon Knights.


That looks promising


Although it ends up with all whiffs all around.


Sherpa ends up revealing this one as our last acti-


...which lets us watch another one spawn before our very eyes.


Alright lets chip these guys up for Ruby




...Well he still has a replacement. A much worse replacement bow, but its something. At least the 20 bow skill is nice to get.


Well that is a little awkward, they have pinned her in there thank to the tiny size of this map.


And more missing all around.


A Pilum thrower just jumped out of the fort...yeah thing are getting a little cramped over there. Also I am surprised he doesn't have the speed to counter a 1 range attack, and double checking, of course he is one speed or strength away from that threashold.


I guess even Sherpa can evade something.


Seeing damage like that makes me glad I brought Faramir despite the presence of Sherpa.


If that hit, it would setup the kill for whomever I want, whereas Sherpa's weapon is so good that he would wipe them out. I don't even think he is getting experience due to the level split. Perhaps if I buy him a worse weapon he could function in the role I want, but that is an added expense to a unit that I am betting wont come cheap...


And here I was praising the enemies tactical acumen in isolating her...


Not a bi-


Seeing as she has been sitting on what is probably a better shield in her inventory, that is honestly a net gain overall. Plus with them no longer blocking her she can


slaughter this guy and canto away.


Nicely evaded.


At least that gets some chip onto the field.


And again the enemies cuts off one of my troops with their numbers...well I guess he could take to the cliffs, I mean with that -50 avoid its not like he was getting any avoid normally. Then again, he could easily slaughter his way out of this paper bag if I want, which is probably the easier course.


...man Sherpa is irritatingly specialized.


Not like the use of windsweep matters in this case, but its time for him to slaughter his way to safety.


As he goos that one, which that lets


Czene take that space. Attacking is a little risky, as the plan is for Sherpa to chug her vulnerary instead of her, but those are alright odds and Sherpa can take another hit and run if he has to.


that payed off a little.


No reinforcements this turn it seems.


That Sherpa needs this to keep going feels a little embarrassing.


Hmm... that move gives me a bit of an opportunity to


Isolate one of them for once


Or she could just outright kill him. That works too.


Its a miss, but with that space opened up he could take the free shot.


Seeing as this is a crossbow, that avoid is actually fairly solid.


And let Faye get off an Iaido counter.


These guys seem reluctant to move onto the cliffs, so this might be entirely sa-


...Sweet, some free Pilum uses, but I would


have to occupy another cliff to get it this turn.


I am assuming this cliff reluctance of theirs continues, as my archers are in a bit uncomfortable positions otherwise. Although this will


Let me wipe that guy out with Aegina, which will then give Czene the opportuni-


...of course a reinforcement would spawn right there...I guess I am going


To have to cut through him first


...that worries me a little as she is a squishy gameover condition, but


It missed, and I really need


to wipe this guy out, which then lets


Czene open the gate to us.


Even his dialogue is generic...Let's


miss that archer. At least she is keeping the enemy from using this choke point against us.


That accur-


...does that trigger if the enemy would have missed?


Well that was a roller coaster of a battle.


Oh well, it was worth a shot. Poor Esteban still hasn't gotten a kill yet, and I kinda want to use him. I know, I am liking far too many of the bow wielder...


It would be a little awkward if she gets countered and can't canto, but she can take the boss hit if she has to


And it proved unnecessary anyway.


Not the best odds, but I have to start working on this guy at some point.




...Veria damn him, Sherpa has a chance of just mince meating the boss. I have been talking about it for a while, but I think this cements it, Sherpa is hitting the bench. At least until the maps get harder. I haven't talked about it much, but there have been letter grades for difficulty on these side maps, and so far they have been in the E-D range, and I am guessing he is more of a B-A range kind of unit, at least for how far into the game we are. So instead he will


Keep the  archer from hurting her. Now onto turn 19


This is a little risky, but she can take the boss hit if she has to, and I need to start dealing with this archer (and she can counter both unless he leaves the safety of his terrain as well).


At least she got one hit.


All according to plan.


Now that would be some nice chip on this guy.


What a fool. He can't even reach us at range, as moving would give us the free seize.


Nice, that is a good chunk of damage to this bloated ball of stats.


... meh it was a sh-


...well that is a little awkward...


Let's canto him out of the way for now. I guess Esteban has an extra bow Sherlock can use if he starts using the worse starting bow of his...


This could hurt a lot


or it could hurt him very little.


But Faye is working her way towards sword mastery.


I do want this thing out of the way, but its not the best odds...


Ah, more Ruby kills while defying the odds.


Alright, so he is having to use his worse bow here, as you can't trade equipped weapons away, and if Shelock can get his other bow, that is more arrows flying down field at Lennox.


Seeing as the boss has already attacked, this is a particularly safe move, plus I am betting this guy has a boss quote with her


Things just have not been going Lennox's way today.


meh, at least it was some damage. And that gets us to


Turn 20.


I just feel safer with the game over condition out of the bosses attack range


Well it was a 50-50.


Oh right, she still gets the additive bonus attack from the weapon even if the first hit got blocked, and it can even trigger an adept. Too bad the damage was embarrassingly bad.


I am glad I made this whole bow trading plan as


He has a chance to kill. Not a high chance to kill mind you, but a chance none the less




Well it could st-


...the odds are just not with me.


If only Sherlock got one more hit he couldn't get the shield block to live the hit. Although the accuracy on these two really is not ideal. She can take the counter, and I do still have top slot next turn, so its not a disaster even


if he does counter. Especially since she got the block and can for certain take another hit next turn.


And she really does need that shield skill.




...Well that is interesting. It seems all of these arrows have done some good for this fight after all.


 Although Faye needs to get out of there, plus I think I will start moving Faramir to start chipping some of the remaining troops to prepare them to become extra experience (I end turn, as I like Czene's position).


I consider moving Ruby away here, but doing so now basically ensures she wont get another attack on that boss, as she could never risk the chance of him blocking the canto with a hit until after he attacks. Plus she needs to be targeted for that shield rank to grow, so Sherlock chips


At least I don't have to wait for the enemy's bottom slot to see this happen. I know her odds are terrible here, but she has defied the odds countless times


... So this is the first ally I have seen be crippled, and it is an incredibly safe time for it to happen. Nothing else is going to be able to capitalize on this to capture her, as Lennox is going to die this turn, and the rest of the enemies are too far away out in the darkness, and there is at most one more map before the next chapter (where hopefully it will heal). I was kinda curious to see how the game handled crippled allies, I know the Abbey has a bunch of beds for crippled troops, and I am betting there will be a chance to see and talk with them while they are recovering, which I am kinda excited to see.


I am really considering giving the kill to Aegina...but...I don't know for certain if she is going to stick around yet. I am fine feeding her a few kills, but a boss kill tends to be a bigger chunk of experience (if nothing else thanks to the higher levels) that I wouldn't want to risk wasting. It looks like she will, but I really can't be certain, so I think I will give a few others a chance for the kill before resorting to her, like


All she needs is a hit with +1 strength (or crit), or two hits. I did notice that there were 1 range daggers available in the shop, but she doesn't have the level for it yet (and its kinda funny to train the thief).


...of course, she leaves him at 1 health...


...yeah those are low odds. Not a big deal, if this misses, it time to just give Aegina the kill, and if she somehow fails as well, its onto Faye (even if there is a risk of miracle charm breaking), an-


Oh, nice job Esteban.


...his bow skill is already so high.


That makes this a nice easy kill for whomever I want to feed it to.


Huh, that is kinda interesting, so crippled units can't seize. I wasn't going to this turn, but I was thinking it would be funny if she was the one to seize.


Oh, so they are willing to climb the cliffs if they live long enough for that chance. It missed, but with him there, I don't want to risk the miracle charm here, so


he gets the chance to miss again,


and then die to Aegina.


I left one of them to the east alive, plus Czene gets free exp for opening this.


But it does take another turn before I see him again.


Might as well soften him up for Esteban, as I think he earned an easy kill after his hard work here.


shrug, they are still in the chipping phase.


Honestly switching to a normal dagger really hampers her combat,


But she did something, and got some skill out of it.


Yeah, turn 25...I am taking this way too slow...


That is probably overly cautious, but i am kinda hoping I get the free hit as it goes for better terrain


Well at least it denied him better terrain for all of the range attacks coming his way. Then again, it wouldn't matter to Esteban anyway


More chipping, but finally on next turn


He gets his kill.


Honestly we were done here a while ago, I just wanted to scoop up all the experience while there was nothing threatening us.

I think that is enough for today, tune in next time for all the after map talking, and possibly part of the next map. Take care.


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 21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

At least I can get him a set of alright arrows, although trading the dagger to his is mostly because I find it funny that he can use it..

To be fair, he does have better strength than the other dagger users, so he can potentially deal more damage that is unblockable. It's something. On paper he's probably the best dagger user in the game... But, of course, why would he want to use daggers when he's got bows in the one game where bows are actually kinda awesome?

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


this image show the majority of the map.The only thing of note not in frame is a bag in the southwest.

For the future, you can press select during the prepscreen or R2 during the gameplay (don't ask me why it's different) to show the entire map. It's actually a pretty decent-looking view of the map, so use that if you want.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I have a bad feeling about this map after seeing such a bad green unit on the field.

Don't forget that the fog hides your units as well as the enemy. Rosalie is effectively invisible.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...sigh, I am going to end up spite train Aegina too aren't I...

Aegina is... something, all right. I don't hate her, but honestly, she's probably the worst character in the game, plot-wise. They did her so dirty compared to both her maid and her bodyguard...

However, she's really fun in the gameplay! That is, provided you can get her a +2 magic band in a future chapter shop. If you don't do that, she's kinda garbage. So yeah, if ever you encounter a shop in a map that sells braces and charms, don't forget to get a magic-enhancing band for Aegina.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I guess this is why that boss looked so generic, he is entirely optional.


21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...How the Raze am I going to train the princess?

With great difficulty at first.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yeah, the Sinon Knights just aren't coming, and unless I want to have Sherpa solo that little castle, I guess I better send her over to complete the objective...and hope that doesn't end the map...

...that is a worrying precedent to set...

I have to say, I didn't make this mistake in my first run... But it's an understandable confusion, I suppose. They could've made it a bit more clear that talking to Rosalie was just the first objective.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Even his dialogue is generic...

I made this gif of him dancing badly in my LP.

7xwfsu8t o

It's something, I guess.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Ah, more Ruby kills while defying the odds.

Ruby is the secret MVP of this run. Mostly because you keep desperately trying to turn her into one by deploying her all the time.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Things just have not been going Lennox's way today.

Ahahaha... Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about his convo with Aegina. Guy's got one foot in the grave and yet he's worried about his boss yelling at him. Poor guy...

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I know her odds are terrible here, but she has defied the odds countless times


Oof... Yeah, taking big hits like this in this game is not a good idea. In any other game the only HP that matters is 0, but in this game, if one of your units gets knocked really low, there's always the chance of...

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


... So this is the first ally I have seen be crippled

...this happening. It doesn't depend on the enemy's raw damage, by the way. What matters is the percentage of health that the victim loses. Right here, Ruby lost over 80% of her health, so a cripple was too likely for comfort. Also, not sure if you've been told by now, but player units have a higher chance of suffering cripplings than the enemy. So that's nice.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I know the Abbey has a bunch of beds for crippled troops, and I am betting there will be a chance to see and talk with them while they are recovering, which I am kinda excited to see.

Well... Kinda. I think this functionality of the abbey must've been scrapped, because beyond one scene that happens the first time someone is crippled, you can't visit them at the abbey.

That being said, the reason I said "kinda" is that mercenaries like Ruby do return to their hiring spots and have special lines where they apologize about their inability to fight and stuff. Check Ruby's out if you can!

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Huh, that is kinda interesting, so crippled units can't seize

The pop up does not lie. The only actions a crippled unit can take are move, wait and escape.

21 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Yeah, turn 25...I am taking this way too slow...

I've gotten worse turn counts, don't worry.


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On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Part of it is that he is new, and I want to see how he plays, but being the cheapest Ward replacement at the moment helps as well...now without further ado, its time to start

I really wouldn't call him a Ward replacement. I mean, Ward has 10 defense and Faramir has... 2.
Not someone you can really hide behind when things get rough.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

...That sword is wild, +2 attacks, but -50 avoid...at least counter, robust, and windsweep are there to offset the penalties -50 avoid would give. Also he is looking like another mercenary for the Ward replacement carry option.

That 36 sword skill in particular is really sexy. That's more then what Ward and Clifford got in their strongest weapon skill. If you gave him a basic Longsword, he would have 96% accuracy just like that.
And of course Robust is great to have on Light Infantry since they often take big, meaty blows.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Yeah I figured that out already due to them having health, and by double checking the locktouch skill's description...

Of course in practice thieves usually aren't well equipped to handle the forces that are on the other side of a gate. If they do open one, they leave themselves highly vulnerable.

As a sidenote, you always have a 100% hit rate against gates, so even the most inaccurate weapons are effective against them.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Huh, so enemies can just pass through the gates...At least it shows them opening even in the dark.

Yeah. Units can pass through allied gates. Of course they still can't actually stop on the door tile.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Those multihits feel almost excessive...he just kills them without even trying.

I do have to wonder what they were smoking in the office when they decided they should make a freaking Greatsword that hits 3 times.
It's definitely a waste on those guys. I usually just have him unequip his sword and run for it along with Aegina. Then give him a different sword once the reinforcements show up.

Unequipping weapons can be a good strategy in some other situations too. It will prevent enemies from using Deathmatch or Desperation, for example. Since those skills require the opponent to be able to counterattack.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Veria be damned, he even slaughters everything on counter thanks to his skills...

...How the Raze am I going to train the princess?

The Byrmranger actually has almost identical stats to the basic Bastard Sword. Bastard Swords are just slightly lighter. So if Sherpa were to soften up an enemy with a Bastard Sword right now, with just one swing he could set up a kill for practically anyone.

Btw, Counter can in theory backfire on you because it can provoke an enemy's retry attack even if their first attack already connected. Of course you need to actually be faster then your target for a retry attack, and few things are faster then Sherpa. But it's something that can be taken advantage of if enemies have that skill.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am rewarded with this little random talk conversation...I may have missed an image in there, but you get the idea, they are explaining in universe about fog of war

Btw, if you hold Select it normally shows you everyone's lifebars, but if you do it on Fog of War maps, it will also show if your units can currently be seen by the enemy or not.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:


Just taking this random screenshot to talk about the gate here. Since enemies can pass through gates (well, their own gates at least), it's important to keep in mind how they can move from the gate tile.

In this case, there are 3 moveable tiles North of the gate but only one to the South. Coming from the South, this means you only need a single unit to prevent enemies from inside the fortress passing through the gate. But if you were on the other side of the fortress, you would need to occupy 3 whole tiles to prevent enemies from coming in from the South.
Destroying the gate and placing somebody onto it's tile while prevent enemies from passing through either direction. But you can see how if a unit were to do that for this wall, they could be attacked from 3 directions by 0-1 range enemies from the North but only by a single such unit if enemies would be coming from the South. So they would be much more exposed to enemies from the North then from enemies to the South.

Sorry if I am just stating the obvious here. I just find that these are details that are easily overlooked.

On 5/3/2021 at 9:51 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

... So this is the first ally I have seen be crippled, and it is an incredibly safe time for it to happen. Nothing else is going to be able to capitalize on this to capture her, as Lennox is going to die this turn, and the rest of the enemies are too far away out in the darkness, and there is at most one more map before the next chapter (where hopefully it will heal). I was kinda curious to see how the game handled crippled allies, I know the Abbey has a bunch of beds for crippled troops, and I am betting there will be a chance to see and talk with them while they are recovering, which I am kinda excited to see.

Well, let's use that moment to talk a bit about cripples.

You have a chance to get crippled if you take a hit that makes you lose 50%+ of your current HP.
The larger the % of the HP lost is, the bigger the chance that you get Crippled. But either way you are on the save side as long as you make sure to only ever deal less then half your current HP in one blow. Unless you are already injured, in which case you only need to lose 30%+ of your current HP for a chance to get crippled. Either way expect for the chance of a Cripple to increase dramatically if you are already injured. Fortunately Injuries are easily healed by restoring the unit back to full HP.

Now you might observe that enemies get crippled extremely rarely when reduced all the way to 1 HP while allied units get crippled all the time when taking similar large chunks of damage. That's not bad luck with the RNG. Player units actually ARE far more likely to suffer a cripple then enemy units are. For the player, causing a Cripple is unlikely to occur if the target isn't already injured.
Considering that the AI is never intentionally trying to cause Cripples, I would say it's a fair tradeoff.

Crippled units have 0 defense, face 100% hit from any attack and can be captured by any enemy unit of a faction willing to ransom them. Needless to say, they are in deep shit on the defense side of things.

Crippled units can only perform 3 actions: Wait, Escape and Move. They can't even use items or do anything at all with their inventory. "Move" however is a tricky topic in it's own right.

In theory you can use your full movement. However, each tile you move onto there is a huge chance the unit's movement will stop and they have no choice but to wait on that tile. The more of their HP a unit has left, the more likely they are to move further tiles.
There is however one way to guarantee that a unit will pass a specific tile. And that is by putting allied units in their paths. If a crippled unit moves across a tile that cannot be waited on, then it will always succeed in passing that tile.

Crippled status will only be healed at the start of the next chapter. There are potions to heal them earlier, but they are rare and expensive.

If an allied unit gets captured, you can ransom them back after the map. The captured unit will also keep their entire inventory.


Edited by BrightBow
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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry all, I have been a bit busy this month, but I should get the next update up later today (hopefully the date doesn't roll over before it gets up...), but here are some comment responses.


On 5/4/2021 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, he does have better strength than the other dagger users, so he can potentially deal more damage that is unblockable. It's something. On paper he's probably the best dagger user in the game... But, of course, why would he want to use daggers when he's got bows in the one game where bows are actually kinda awesome?

Its not the only game where bows are awesome, the silly range they get in Echoes/Gaiden make them awesome in that game for instance, they are good (but specialized) units in Fates, I think they find a healthy niche in the harder FE game difficulties.


On 5/4/2021 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


However, she's really fun in the gameplay! That is, provided you can get her a +2 magic band in a future chapter shop. If you don't do that, she's kinda garbage. So yeah, if ever you encounter a shop in a map that sells braces and charms, don't forget to get a magic-enhancing band for Aegina.

I will keep an eye open for this mysterious shop. So far chapter shops have been underwhelming, and it iss nice to hear that this changes (at least in part...)


On 5/4/2021 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I have to say, I didn't make this mistake in my first run... But it's an understandable confusion, I suppose. They could've made it a bit more clear that talking to Rosalie was just the first objective.

The setup is so similar to the Ruby and Arthur map that I expected it to work the same with the player units being reinforcements at a later turn.


On 5/4/2021 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ruby is the secret MVP of this run. Mostly because you keep desperately trying to turn her into one by deploying her all the time.

The power of favoritism!!! Despite Clifford trying to stomp on her dreams, she will become a great knight in her own right.


On 5/4/2021 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

...this happening. It doesn't depend on the enemy's raw damage, by the way. What matters is the percentage of health that the victim loses. Right here, Ruby lost over 80% of her health, so a cripple was too likely for comfort. Also, not sure if you've been told by now, but player units have a higher chance of suffering cripplings than the enemy. So that's nice.

That ally and enemy disparity in mechanics is unfortunate. If the enemy followed the same rules, I wonder how differently it would play...


On 5/4/2021 at 10:36 AM, Saint Rubenio said:


That being said, the reason I said "kinda" is that mercenaries like Ruby do return to their hiring spots and have special lines where they apologize about their inability to fight and stuff. Check Ruby's out if you can!

All right, will do, although I hadn't read this before the coming update, so expect it in the one after.


On 5/4/2021 at 4:05 PM, BrightBow said:

I really wouldn't call him a Ward replacement. I mean, Ward has 10 defense and Faramir has... 2.
Not someone you can really hide behind when things get rough.

Offensively he is, plus he has more evasion than Ward, which sorta helps hi bulk.


On 5/4/2021 at 4:05 PM, BrightBow said:

Of course in practice thieves usually aren't well equipped to handle the forces that are on the other side of a gate. If they do open one, they leave themselves highly vulnerable.

The door/gate location choke point means a thief only has to survive one melee hit, and with the turn system you could claim that choke point with one of your units if the computer doesn't acts on the removed gate immediately. Even if the door/gate tile didn't act as a choke point, Berwicks turn system would let you cover the thief with other troops mitigating this danger.


On 5/4/2021 at 4:05 PM, BrightBow said:


Unequipping weapons can be a good strategy in some other situations too. It will prevent enemies from using Deathmatch or Desperation, for example. Since those skills require the opponent to be able to counterattack.

That is something to keep in mind when enemies show up with those dangerous skills.


On 5/4/2021 at 4:05 PM, BrightBow said:

Btw, if you hold Select it normally shows you everyone's lifebars, but if you do it on Fog of War maps, it will also show if your units can currently be seen by the enemy or not.

Interesting...even if you can't see the enemy due to hide or increased vision range?


On 5/4/2021 at 4:05 PM, BrightBow said:

Just taking this random screenshot to talk about the gate here. Since enemies can pass through gates (well, their own gates at least), it's important to keep in mind how they can move from the gate tile.

In this case, there are 3 moveable tiles North of the gate but only one to the South. Coming from the South, this means you only need a single unit to prevent enemies from inside the fortress passing through the gate. But if you were on the other side of the fortress, you would need to occupy 3 whole tiles to prevent enemies from coming in from the South.
Destroying the gate and placing somebody onto it's tile while prevent enemies from passing through either direction. But you can see how if a unit were to do that for this wall, they could be attacked from 3 directions by 0-1 range enemies from the North but only by a single such unit if enemies would be coming from the South. So they would be much more exposed to enemies from the North then from enemies to the South.

Sorry if I am just stating the obvious here. I just find that these are details that are easily overlooked.

Funnily enough I was thinking about the choke point in the opposite direction.  If the enemy claimed that choke point I would only have one 0-1 range option to break through it, which you have less options to deal with than the other way around. The turn system mitigates the enemies ability to gang up on your allies as you can act between the enemies to heal, block space, or kill enemies, whereas in the FE turn system that would be a far greater concern, as they would have to take 3 hits without an opportunity to respond

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When last we left off we saved the princess Aegina and recovered


her personal magic.


Now that is a bit of sass from Sherpa.


Yeah I am used to the recruitables becoming mercs instead at this point. That doesn't mean I am happy about it.


What a tease Sherpa is.


Oh my~takei clip~, looks like Rosalie is keeping pace with Sherpa here. Will this blossom into something more...probably not, but you never know.


Why do I get the feeling this is going to get awkward


Oh poor Aegina, no one ever told Reese about whatever has your panties in a twist...


SHE IS BECOMING AN ACTUAL RECRUIT! I really should have given her the boss kill...


Oh Veria Damn you Reese, stop trying to talk her out of it, its not like you aren't your father's heir either.


Seems young ladies asking Reese to keep their presence secret from Volcens is a bit of a thing for this chapter. This is almost making me think he is a bit of a sickening philanderer...


I mean he is already keeping the apostle's secret from him, its not like this secret will be any worse.


This is giving me some Fates Felicia vibes here...


Interesting that they spare a moment for this little detail.


Oh For Fucks sake game, don't tease me like that game...sigh I guess her becoming a merc would be par for the course of thi-


Reese, if you screw me out of the first mage with your pig headed stubbornness I will...I will...well I'll be irritated.


Good. This game is just jerking me around with this nonsense isn't it...


Well that is a cute touch, seeing Tianna and Aegina starting up a friendship.


Or at least a friendly acquaintance.


Seeing as she self identifies as clutzy, I am sure many anime hijinks will ensue. Lets just hope they don't bog down the game time too much with them.


Rosalie just flirts with everyone doesn't she. Perhaps other types of anime hijinks will ensue...


That is a sweet sentiment from lord Reese, showing Tianna how much her work here is appreciated.


Well that seems like a rote response for the whole injured Ruby situation. Hopefully there is something more interesting waiting for me elsewhere.


Like this scene perhaps.


Well that is clearly a generic scene. I see one of the beds is sectioned off with curtain, so I guess they didn't bother to make a sleeping and injured version of the characters. Hopefully I can get something a little more specific to Ruby by


hmm...I was hoping I could interact with the bed...maybe one of Priestesses will have something more interesting to say.


...well that was kinda disappointing.


I guess we have another optional map...or perhaps not so optional map seeing as the last side map we did was labeled mandatory.


Ward haggles? Well that is new. I feel like I was just joking about his inability to haggle with the collector...


After the luxury horses I have bought from this guy, I am going to have to call Bullshit on this whole going out of business excuses. Dude could afford to give us a discount or two on the garbo horses after the purchases we have made.


After all the financial ruin those horses caused, Ward has a fair point how will I continue to afford my horse habit?


...Ward are you getting a little judgemental about my purchasing decisions?


Catching wild horses...what an odd idea for a chapter.


Given the horses I have purchased from you, that seems likely...and that is the only event before the map. Their is one last little bit of preparation before I start.


He did give away his last shortbow, so let's get him another.


I guess by that name we will be fighting bandits while rounding up the horses...5 deployment slots...sigh


Lets take a quick look at this map...


...well at least the impassible thickets are visually distinguishable from forests, but seeing them return is a little irritating.


....What a comically awful weapon.


That one is a bit more interesting, and worrying.


I have noticed that one from the store, and getting the chance for a free one sounds nice.


And now for the boss. A doubling weapon is really worrying, but a bounty target holding gold will be a nice little boost to our economy.


Lets also take a look at that personal magic Aegina got...x4 strikes, and it recovers 8 uses per chapter...and 1-2 range. That is a great little weapon right there.


5 deployment slots is tight, but this is what I go with. I bring the supporter pair to charge in, Esteban gets in due to the overwhelmingly many forests, and Faramir as my carry, but for the last slot I debate a bit. I end up going with Aegina to train up my new mage, but bringing Czene to see through hide easier was very tempting. Truth be told I was getting rather tired when I started this map, and found their sprite similar enough that I forgot which of the two I actually brought a few times...might as well start this train wreck


...oh wow, Seamus is just comically incompetent isn't he...alright I found it funny at the time, so good job game.


Seamus is full of bombastic hot air, but at least it seems inspiring (and a little funny).


So this guy grabs one of the horses before the map even starts to show us how its done.


Seize or escape huh, seeing as Seamus is on the seize point, and I want his wealth, this is a no brainer.


Lets start by sending my mounts around these woods, while my infantry cut through the woods a bit. Also its interesting to note that there are both green and red escape points  shown. One of the plans I had in mind at the start was to send the cavalry to block off both of the red escape points, but my sleepy mind forgot entirely about it in a turn or two...


There is no way to stop this guy, so I guess he is setting up the race between me and the bandits for all these horses.


...yep just testing.


Oh Seamus, you incompetent boob, you aren't even fooling the generics with that talk.


This horse race is on Seamus. Now lets jump to the start of turn 2


Now to smack that arc-


...missing the kill by 1, but that is still a nice start. Too bad he can't deathmatch him, as that would fix the damage issue and make it more relia-


...of course.


At least the archer returns the favor.


With one of them vanishing into the trees I am regretting leaving Czene behind a little, but that is the only real action turn 2. Now onto the start of turn 3, and


Lets not miss him again with a throw,


Plus I wanted to clear that 1 use inventory slot anyway.


All the reader commentary is getting me to appreciate the incompetence of these archers.


Its interesting how the enemy have a horse nabbing quote. No worries yet with the horse race, as I can grab that off his corpse if need be.


Speaking of corpses, lets nab a kill with our mage. Too bad her personal is her only 2 range option, hopefully I can get another 2 range magic on her soon.


Not bad for a first lev-

...is that a 0 fire magic skill? huh, I don't think I noticed that before...

Well that is all the action for turn 3 as well. Seems most of this map is just moving, so lets jump to the start of turn 4...


I should have sent Leon around the left side to cut off access to the northern retreat tile, but I really did forget all about that plan... well I am committed to this stupid plan now, so lets get Adel up there next to him


and the guy with the letter opener tries to attack him.


hah heah heh hah, it broke in the first hit, what a usele-


...well that is some awkward luck...


And now the enemy have cutoff my advance, as Adel has already moved, and I don't think I can clear a path ahead.


oof, well I guess the missed counter thanks to injury weapon drop was a bit of a null point.


Might as well grab the horse while I am ending my movement adjacent anyway.


And now all of the horses are in somebody's hands.


This is just plain frustrating, but so ends turn 4...


On to turn 5 then.


I mean all the horses have been captured already, but blather away dude.


Huh, some reinforcements have shown up...lets take a quick lo-


...well that is a dramatic version of the devil axe. Thankfully of the inaccurate variety, although 30 might is kinda terrifying.


Its not very likely, but that hit will clear away one of my big problem at the moment.


Oh well...


Again me and my enemy are matching our luck.


Lets get in a bit of free revenge chip and pull back,


which should let Leon death mat-...the other one ran? well I guess


He can try for this kill...




 Seeing an enemy retreat like that is worrying...I don't think he escaped with any loot, but things aren't going great.


I really wish she had another two range magic, but she is still below the number of uses that will be freely repaired, so why not.


Well that was a nice stroke of luck.


Things are looking good for the counter kill on th-


of course not.


A sad display from our enemies.


Those odds look terrible, but with 4 attacks she is at about 82% chance for the kill


Nice...although it kinda looks like it wastes 4 uses even if it kills before that...


Lets clear this goon wi-


...c'est la vie


I need to keep advancing, and he could get a bit of chip while moving.


Well there goes one of the horse...I think I can get the other as it just walked right next to us.


This goofball is such a drama queen.


Well its official, we are The Man (capitals included) keeping these poor bandits down.


And that is a horse sav-


Huh. Its interesting that the horse not only is set free in his space. Also this is first time I remember getting canto on a death match.


Being able to move through the horse is kinda interesting.


Finally got that counter kill from this fool.


That is irritating, as I need to kill to get the darts...


I guess I should have expected that counter kill.


hmm...I have been using more of her personal magic more than I really wanted to this map, and again she can only attack at 2 range, so lets take that horse instead.


Odd that they have the princess struggle with a wild horse. You would figure a princess would have the resources to become a horse girl, and follow through on all the pony/horse cliches...


uhh...5 percent chance of one shotting (well less thanks to the shield proc rate, but...) yeah...devil axe is really scary...


Good...I should have jumped that one with Faramir.


Damn it, why do you keep dodging darter...


I did say I wanted to jump with Faramir, and as it turns out, this turn I can


Rot in hell you theoretically one shotting enemy.


...well there goes the darts...by the taint of saint Valemtia this map is irritating me. I really should have just cut off the enemy escape points.

And of course more reinforcements show up...screw it lets starting chipping down the boss...


ugh...those odds...


How dare YOU, your goons have escaped with enough of our loot already.




At least some good is happening.


Lets see if we can't feed this kill to


...of cou-




These reinforcements are just clogging up space I could use at this point...


I probably could have given that kill to Aegina, but he would need to move first anyway (to save personal magic use at least)...


...Yeah, I am not wasting more of that personal weapon of hers on the goons. And that ends turn 8.


Lets start by smashing the teeth of this crooked axe wielder.


That is a nice little boon as well.


Its nice to get some free counter damage on this fool, and now before the crooked axe can act


Lets kill it with a throw


and canto out of the bosses doubling weapon's range.


Now all that is left is the boss, and


He is worth using a boosted personal magic attack on.


Nice hits...


But he did vulnerary up with the last action.


Turn 10, and lets chip the boss down


With a perfectly safe throw, and no-


...That Son of a Bi-


He FU-


RAN OFF...I dl...gfjyilythdfj...


This map is infuriating.,..


I really should just end it now, but I am so pissed off that I just


Start tilting. Being tired did not help here


I should be focusing more instead of just mindlessly attacking like this


That bit of bad luck didn't help either. Now he has to rely on a harpoon...


Of course I can't even ge-


...I guess that went OK


Although his level up seems kinda underwhelming.


At least calmed down enough to figure moving the mage into melee with two enemy actions left was a bad idea.




I hate this map so much...


Yeah, I am still going to stubbornly try to kill these reinforcements...I was just so pissed off and tired...


Again lets beat up the Crooked Axe while he has 0 hit.


Fortunately these enemies aren't very competent, and


The guy with a 1 shot chance dies without being able to act or hit.


A fitting level for the mood I am in.


I really wasn't thinking, why shoot the one that could


potentially counter


But the game rewards me for it. Perhaps it feels bad about how much it was screwing with me.


Yikes...that could have been bad.


Shrug...it was bound to happen.


This seems reckless, but she can live a hit, and even if she gets crippled I can seize and she will recover next map (assuming this isn't the first chapter with 3 bonus maps)


...Alright my luck is starting to sour, but at least he couldn't counter. Now onto turn 12


Lets get him into kill ran-


...at least there was no counter chance...


Yeah, this run of bad luck is a bit sobering.


Although with a gain like that it might be turning back around.


That takes care of one of these last enemies


and we are working on the last.


See, we are still perfectly safe.


Shame she missed the kill here...


...Ouch...but I still have time to


kill him before I risk character death.


We are done here. That was an awful map that I should have waited until I was fully rested to deal with. I should have rushed a unit up to sit on the enemy escape points early, killed the boss early, and not bogged my cavalry down in that quagmire of trees I walked everyone but Faramir through. See you with the after map talks, and the start of next chapter's story in the next update. Take care.


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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Interesting...even if you can't see the enemy due to hide or increased vision range?

Even then, yes. It's probably the entire reason that this functionality exists. If it would only account for enemies the player can see, it would only tell them what they already know.



2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That one is a bit more interesting, and worrying.

Although even an enemy steals from you, it will turn into a dropable item. No limits on those either. Enemies can in theory have in their entire inventory filled with droppable items.

Of course in this case, the purpose of these scrubs is to block Czene from occupying that choke point, instead of actually threatening anyone's life. This is something where you need to take turn order into account, to make sure that you can essentially move Czene twice in a row.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

5 deployment slots is tight, but this is what I go with. I bring the supporter pair to charge in, Esteban gets in due to the overwhelmingly many forests, and Faramir as my carry, but for the last slot I debate a bit. I end up going with Aegina to train up my new mage, but bringing Czene to see through hide easier was very tempting. Truth be told I was getting rather tired when I started this map, and found their sprite similar enough that I forgot which of the two I actually brought a few times...might as well start this train wreck

I am actually of the opinion that the game doesn't need to specifically tell you to bring Czene to this map like it does for other character, because it's very tailored to her abilities. Starting with the fact that she is the only unit so far capable of clearing forests with no movement penalty. But it seems like people not bringing Czene happens way too often. So I guess in practice the game should have been more overt about it. Maybe actually putting in a treasure chest onto the map or something.

Anyway, long story short: Czene has an event on this map that would have kickstarted her story arc. Which means you can no longer promote her.
Normally the game just directly tells you when you want to bring someone along for an event, but this one is the exception.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...is that a 0 fire magic skill? huh, I don't think I noticed that before...

Mages usually have their main element and a secondary element that has no base, an atrocious growth and if you somehow manage to raise it anyway, an extremely low cap. So it never gets anywhere.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Nice...although it kinda looks like it wastes 4 uses even if it kills before that...

No worries there. You only use up the charges you actually need.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Huh. Its interesting that the horse not only is set free in his space. Also this is first time I remember getting canto on a death match.

You can Canto after Deathmatch, but just like with regular attacks, this requires you to not take damage in return. Which is likely to happen during a Deathmatch because your opponent is free to counter even if they get hit.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

RAN OFF...I dl...gfjyilythdfj...


This map is infuriating.,..

As a rule of thumb, bounty targets will try to run away eventually. It might be after a specific number of turns, after they've taken some damage or maybe simply after being engaged in combat at all.
In Seamus' case, it's a turn limit. A fairly tight one, from what I recall. But I suppose it makes sense since he is a very meaty bounty while also being quite weak combat wise.


Edited by BrightBow
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5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That ally and enemy disparity in mechanics is unfortunate. If the enemy followed the same rules, I wonder how differently it would play...

It would make the game way easier, because enemies tend to get hit more often and also take bigger hits. The disparity is unfortunately necessary to ensure you won't be getting accidental cripples on the enemy left and right.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Its not the only game where bows are awesome, the silly range they get in Echoes/Gaiden make them awesome in that game for instance, they are good (but specialized) units in Fates, I think they find a healthy niche in the harder FE game difficulties.

Yeah, true enough, but still. Berwick bows are awesome.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Offensively he is, plus he has more evasion than Ward, which sorta helps hi bulk.

Trusting evasion in an Ironman? You foolish person...

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oh my~takei clip~, looks like Rosalie is keeping pace with Sherpa here. Will this blossom into something more...probably not, but you never know.

Rosalie is extremely bi.

Just... throwing that out there for no particular reason.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Seeing as she self identifies as clutzy, I am sure many anime hijinks will ensue. Lets just hope they don't bog down the game time too much with them.

Are you kidding me? Rosalie is awesome. And if you've caught some of my rants at Teehee, you know I wouldn't be saying this if she bogged down the game with trite anime shenanigans.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

bringing Czene to see through hide easier was very tempting.


Well, that's too bad... Czene had important events in this map. This is one of the very few instances of "haha Kaga and his secrets" in this game. I imagine that, since Czene is so very useful in this map (as Brightbow said, it's practically made for her to show off), Kaga assumed most people would bring her, so he didn't drop any proper clues that she was needed. Unfortunately, you just screwed yourself out of her promotion... Oh, well. Blind runs be like that.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...oh wow, Seamus is just comically incompetent isn't he...alright I found it funny at the time, so good job game.

Seamus is the best. And you didn't even see the best scene with him.

On 5/3/2020 at 4:53 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0gmv4cgo oAxlzdvin o

V5gjislt oB-Boss...! It's not what it looks like!

J5zs7onm oWere you or were you not just abusing that young foal?!

V5gjislt o......

Dgv258j0 oN-No, sir! We weren't!

J5zs7onm oYou... weren't?

Dgv258j0 oWe were disciplining this horse so it wouldn't do anything to hurt you! Isn't that right?

Lme40a9u o

V5gjislt oO-Oh, right! He's absolutely right!

J5zs7onm oYou were disciplining it?!

V5gjislt o......

Dgv258j0 o......

J5zs7onm oYou were... You were worried about me...?

Itwsybzq o

I mean, okay, the face edit was mine, but seriously, that scene is just a fucking riot.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

This goofball is such a drama queen.

Honestly, I don't know why anybody would put a bounty on this wonderful man's head. I wish he was recruitable

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Odd that they have the princess struggle with a wild horse. You would figure a princess would have the resources to become a horse girl, and follow through on all the pony/horse cliches...

She's probably used to well-tamed, clean, fancy horses. A wild steed that would kick her head off if she makes a wrong move is out of her comfort zone.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

RAN OFF...I dl...gfjyilythdfj...


This map is infuriating.,..

Okay, sure, it's annoying, but you've got to admit, the guy screaming "I SHALL END THIS MYSELF" and then running for the hills is hilarious.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

We are done here. That was an awful map that I should have waited until I was fully rested to deal with. I should have rushed a unit up to sit on the enemy escape points early, killed the boss early, and not bogged my cavalry down in that quagmire of trees I walked everyone but Faramir through. See you with the after map talks, and the start of next chapter's story in the next update. Take care.

This is a map that becomes a lot better if you hurry. The faster you reach Seamus, the less annoying it is. Oh, well, it's fine.

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

Maybe actually putting in a treasure chest onto the map or something.

You know, I think this would've sufficed. The hidden enemies and terrain that she can traverse easily isn't quite as self-explanatory, and with only 6 deployment slots, people would rather bring more fighters than a thief to a map with no apparent need for one. A chest, on the other hand, would've made 99% of people deploy her instantly. Oh, well.


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