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The League shall fall if I'm in control - A bad tactician plays Berwick Saga, Ironman mode!

Saint Rubenio

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Now look at:

This net:

That I just found.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What about the Green Knights, huh? Where are the Green Knights?

You're likely aware of this, but there is a tale called "Sir Gawain and the green knight."

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's just preposterous!

I've killed him twice and he still came back for the legendary 95-8 cripple. Because the only time I did capture him was the one where I left before capturing Minas so I had to redo it.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pffft... so the ones who completely obliterated your army were the woman who doesn't want to pursue fleeing enemies, and the kid who doesn't even want to fight at all. Talk about irony.

Minas must be that bloke's aunt or something.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

R9revija oYes, thanks to Madam Quescria, she is recovering wonderfully. I was told she will be well enough to leave the hospital in 2 or 3 months.

If Izerna dies in the prologue, would this dialogue change?

15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ps4nmuuw oLord Reese, don't you think that this all sounds a little too strange?

Meoilxpy oWhich part?

Reese is Eliwood-tier dumb in this scene.

"Lord Reese, doncha think that this is suspicious? Like, forcibly capturing a person who is unwilling to marry Barselphon because she's already married to Theodore and is clearly unhappy about being given to Barelphon seems suspect."

"How so?"

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There is no chance this Alvina will ever become relevant. None. Nada.

I love that map. Getting to sit around while green units clear the map? Priceless.

22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sadly, Ruby doesn't quite love the dish as much, so she only gets 4 HP. Still, she needs as much help as she can get in that aspect, so I'll take 4.

That moment when you give a dish to Faye and it gives her like + 4 to magic so you give it to Saphira and she takes -2 penalty to magic. That really sucked. She was finally able to heal a decent amount! Too bad her light skill cap is so low.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

apparently they have a corpse that we need to catch off-guard!

Hopefully Barselphon's corpse. That man made both me and Minas suffer! I will manually add him into FE7 and sic Florina on him!

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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I used Manuela as a savant in my one complete run. She was pretty serviceable. Made for a killer three, her, Nuke Hanneman and Lesser Nuke But Still Nuke Dorothea.

I mean, she's probably the most reliable speed wise, which is nice.

23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still a flier, my point stands.

Fists are bad though. Sure, you can fist things... or you can use a brave weapon that can be purchased at the store.

The lord classes look cool but they're really not all that when they can just as easily go wyvern for the movement and flight.

Actually, I enjoyed the customization in Three Houses. It's just a combination of very poorly balanced classes, easily broken difficulty and huge periods of time spent not fighting that drag that aspect down.

FK's not Wyvern Lord. It's speedy and has lancefaire.

Fists are actually much better than you'd expect, partly due to most being light enough that they'll slow nobody down, Dragon Claws are nice to have for The Immaculate One, Killer Knuckles are a frontrunner for my favourite new weapon in 3H especially with a class with Crit (War Masters fucking slay with these things) and even if the others don't have stupidly good things to add are a solid weapon type that allow a strong unit to circumvent lower speed without lowering themselves further with, say, a brave axe and thus are less likely to reduce evade and more likely to double..... Shame Aura knuckles only work for Byleth and that one DLC class and why are they A rank?. Training Gauntlets are actually really nice on Byleth and can be used to act as a perfect Jeiganing tool early on or to rush down a slower opponent with quads (though I do feel I should try with others in future, TG's lower might actually made a difference for that sort of thing)

I will argue the lords again on future playthroughs (Barring Claude because he flies already).

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Fair guess, and she does use lightning, but it's not her main thing. You shall see...

So kinda right, but then it's some innate ability she has that comes with the promotion then?

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I... I don't see the "of course" here. I know I had no idea what to make of him in my second run. I just happened to capture him with Daoud by pure dumb luck. There's nothing to connect the two, it could've perfectly been Leon or something.

I mean of course Daoud gets an event with some randomer who you get no context for beforehand.

Of course it is such a stretch of an event.

Kaga hated Daoud.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy o...Actually, I just want you to answer a few questions I have. First, tell me about your relationship with a man named Theo--

Ory9bf9o o

Uh oh, we're in trouble, 

Barsel's come along and it's burst our bubble.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, I know this is based off another track, which one? I was about to say it mightn't be Beriwck but it is.

Also, this could be in a bittersweet scene, I kind of wish it wasn't one where we hand a woman off to someone we shouldn't have.

35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sdgqcmr5 o

Reese is the baddies.

40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

X6zwubb8 oEdit's mine, I just thought it was a bit weird that his facial expression didn't change at any point

He looks more pissed than distraught to me.

Though to be fair he has every right to be.

41 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Indeed, ladies and gentlemen. Turns out, Barselphon told the truth. A noble did try to take Minas for himself, but failed, for she was already in love with a lesser knight who was nonetheless a greater man. And then the count, mad with lust, did all in his power so he could snatch her from her beloved's arms. Only problem is, he neglected to mention the tiny, insignificant detail that he was the terrible count, and Theodore was the good man that Minas truly loved.

Uedfz3v4 o And, of course, we have murdered Theodore and brought Minas to her lustful, manipulative stalker. In a net, no less. And the best part? This is a mandatory step toward the character arc of a completely unrelated character. Yes, I just said that. I can guarantee you won't see it coming.

9qk5ifz8 o On the bright side, this does lead to my single favorite scene in the entire game. Seriously, that scene is just... amazing. One of the best moments in the entire game, I'd say. Believe me or not, it's worth doing this shit just to see it. Look forward to it.

If this doesn't live up to it I will never do this in any playthrough.

42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ilrbpdns oThat man's been mining mithril since the days when my old man ran this atelier. Gonzij must've worked at that mine in Lebron for at least fifty years now... That mine he works in doesn't really specialize in mithril, y'know. He's on the hunt for platinum, which is many times rarer than mithril. All the mithril he sells is actually just a byproduct from trying to find platinum in the ore he digs up.

Okay, that makes sense.

Just a shame he's liable to never find a vein in his life.

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kccrqeae o

I'm sorry, but have you bro?

44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8temhpng oBg3bfhhi o

So he gets a name. A name that Daoud seems to know, as well. How can that be?

I see this is what we call a slow burn plot.

It'll probably end like a telenovela or something when the kid wakes up.

And I suppose Julian could have ran away and ended up in Raze?

46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 oIncidentally, I truly hope I can keep him and Enid alive. Like Christine and Elbert, they share their character arcs (alongside an NPC that we may've seen before). It's also one of the best arcs in the game. I'd be truly annoyed if I couldn't show this one either.

Don't jinx it!

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oIt's been about ten years now. Our village in Leia was burned down soon after the war began. I was six, and she was eight... If I met her today, I don't know if I'd be able to tell it was her...

Meoilxpy oAnd you have no other clues? What about her name?

Aofpvug6 oI had a bad head injury when I escaped, and I can't remember her name anymore...

So he has a two-year older sister who he's forgotten the name of but knows he had, 

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
M8wkrthr o

3cxl4xfi oWhat a finely carved piece... Certainly the work of an artisan.

Aofpvug6 oMy father was a wood-carver. He gave that to my sister. If she saw it now, I'm sure she would still recognize it.

3cxl4xfi oHowever, there are countless orphaned young women in Navaron who would be about her age... Finding your sister among them will certainly be no easy task.

As for who it could be, I'm going to suspect it might be a priestess. But then again I am likely wrong on this.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

H24blq3o oYou mean giving her my room key as a "lucky charm"?

Oipvxybb oOf course! In all my many years of rich experiences, I've never known a woman who didn't fall for that!

Of course it wasn't Reese, but if it was that would have been hilarious. Hell, it could have been explained that Reese gave Lynette her room key when she arrived and that conversation as a whole led to her catching feels hence Reese suggesting it to Adel now, but that implies Reese realised so probably not.

Leon would totally have been trying to get Adel someone for years:

Oipvxybb oHaaaaaave you met Adel?

51 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oipvxybb oNow that you know that, you can formulate a different plan of attack!

H24blq3o o...Leon, are you trying to make an even bigger fool out of me? No more plans or tricks. I'm giving up on her.

Lgjkwhcy oSo what you're telling me is, Adel has half-assedly tried one move on his crush and is giving up after it failed to work. Whoa, Adel is the avatar character of Berwick Saga... So relatable!

Sometimes you have to know when to fold 'em in the card game of love.

52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
2j9iq7v8 o

For some reason, the screen fades to black here.


52 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Lyvrdboo o

Uedfz3v4 o ...Ergh... okay, may I ask why you've started to laugh maniacally? Seriously, this has always mystified me! Why does he start cackling here?!

Xhqpmjzv o......

Xhqpmjzv oYou feeling all right, Leon? You're acting real funny...

I guess he think Adel of all people falling for someone just wouldn't happen, especially because war.

Also, that face looks like he found out Adel's the Flame Emperor.

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

R9revija oWhy are you laughing? Lots of famous knights are women! Like Alvina of Bornia! She's one of only 24 paladins in the whole Kingdom of Veria!

Lgjkwhcy oOh, so we're just going to casually namedrop this person, eh? Well, one thing is clear: There is no chance this Alvina will ever become relevant. None. Nada.

Alvina...... does she use two swords by any chance?

54 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy oI suppose... I think about her quite often, though I still don't know her all that well. We'd only lived under the same roof for about a year before I came here.

R9revija oWhat?! Even though you're siblings?

Enid, I understand your confusion too. I don't get how stepsiblings can let that fact fully sink in as someone who never was.

Course, Lynette is certainly not helping on that front.

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 o I don't know, she doesn't seem to hold a grudge. Quite the contrary, actually. She probably thinks of you every night. Thinks veeeeeeery hard of you.

Somehow hard doesn't seem like the right adjective.

Maybe something like- you know what, finishing that sentence is an objectively terrible idea, I keep forgetting that these characters are younger that I think they are.

58 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Tcv0kduo o

...Wha... wait, aren't they the ones destroying our bases? And... pffffft, reserve corpse?! Ahahahahahahah... apparently they have a corpse that we need to catch off-guard! Gee, what kind of corpse is it that we don't stand a chance if we fight it directly? Is it Ernst? Do they have Ernst's body? Hwahahah... Ah, I'm really sorry Aethin, I really am, but this was too funny, it would've been too cruel not to show it. Really, I'm sorry, I really am. Please forgive me...!

Sorry, is this the current version?

Oh no, that'd be depressing. Aethin probably doesn't have time to fix that.

Also, is Ernst a reference to some other game...... Because if so I think I get it? Probably not though. And it'd be massive spoilers too.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He's "functionable" because raw stats matter diddly-squat in Berwick Saga. People do grow (in fact I just went to check my endgame stats from past runs and I was legitimately impressed), but it's a lot slower, more gradual. Nothing like FE, where units get three levels per chapter and if they have less than 3 stats they're worthless.

Yeah I guess.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Enid is the daughter of the duchess of the realm. She was established last update to be really popular among the populace, but you didn't read that, of course.

Hehehe, yeah I didn't, I'm bad at following LPs. I miss one or two updates and I'm done.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahahahah... Yes she is. But there are better options. In my opinion, at least.

Haven't seen many of them... well ok that's a lie. I just don't remember them.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That would've been pretty a pretty unique plotline, actually. Two men fighting for their love for a trap.

Kaga being not only based game designer but also epic activist, not like one of those SJWs. Why couldn't this guy make it back? Why did he even leave? We will never know.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So do I, though I must say, I like the pirate song better. All in all, though, these tunes are my guilty pleasure.

I remeber hearing that song and not knowing where it was from until 2 years ago. That show was the thing back then. I still love it.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oi! Don't you dare! She's mine!

Ahem, I mean...

...No, I do mean that! She's my waifu, you back off before I kill you!

A 15 yr old ain't taking anything from you. I have my own 15 yr old waifu in Rebecca. But Ruben, just a word of advice: Be extra careful, you know how mad Palla would be if you cheated on her. I'm not telling I swear, but careful.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, it definitely was. All it lacked was a flashback with violins in the background. And a platypus.

lol lol.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In this case, it'll be solved properly. In this update, in fact.

Alright Ruben, I hold your LPs to a great standard.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Holy shit, you're compensating for 30 updates of absence by releasing all your thirst in this one. And you missed Paramythis, you poor sod...

30 updates... each a kilometer long... hahaha i cant read them all sorry. PARAMYTHIS? who dat? *mad typing* YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO woah... gorgeous woman... why can't. girls at school be even an ounce of this pretty? Wait what am I saying, their personalities are obnoxious (some of them to be fair). And yeah I just really like the artstyle of this game.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Doofenshmirtz was not a villain. Half his crap wasn't even evil. I mean, c'mon, one time all he wanted was to eat aged cheese.

Out of order but, yeah man this is just... sad... and yet he's such a supportive father. What a great guy!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I've lost two already...

If it weren't for brightbow telling me, you should have taken advantage of the fact that I haven't read 30 updates.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how we speak in different languages even though our native dialects are the same. Well, not the dialects, actually, but the languages are the same.

My point is, we're both idiot children. Let us keep ogling at fictional women now. But Sylvis is mine. Do not forget.

I don't think I get what you mean. Anyways, I never speak like that in "'so dolio" but I just did it to bring out the differences and the "wey". What I do find weird is we don't speak in spanish even though we both know spanish. We can try that and see how you like it (only for a bit).

Ya ya, si Sylvis es tuya. Pero que a ti no se te olvide Palla, ya te lo adverti.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do I really come across as such a jerk? Preposterous... Preposterous, I say! How dare you, I'll kill you!

No, pero solo lo digo porque si. Ey espera que pedo? Wey no me mateeees *corre como Edward de FF4

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, his shit-eating smile is pretty funny.

It's still not the funniest portrait in the game, though. This exists.

Stx9k60n o

"Come mierda" y ademas esa foto. Jajajajaja no manches que risa.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

They're chance based every time you use the weapon, or get hit in the case of shields. You don't have to succeed, either. Missing with a weapon and failing to use the shield can still proc a skill gain.

As for what skill does, it's like your classic FE skill, only split into different weapon types. It increases your accuracy (which is huge in Berwick) with the corresponding weapon type.

Si me acuerdo que dijeras eso de skill hace mucho. Pero no sabia eso de lo que dijiste primero.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Look next to Ward's defense. Notice how there's no green number? That's the added defense from the shield, you can notice it in plenty of other battle screens. Since rapiers bypass shields, the shield's bonus isn't displayed. That's how I knew.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes I do! My profile picture is faithful enough. Minus the fancy get-up and the lack of glasses, of course.

I can't get the stache to connect, but I've grown rather fond of the style, overall. I look like a terrorist, a bum and an otaku all at once, I love it.

Lentes-squad levantense! Y si, ya noe xiste esa ropa chida de berwick (O nunca hubo)

El bigote se ve bien. Jajajaja terrorista... te pasas! Ok. Back to English. It's cool you reference the otaky part, because like it or not all FE players that came before the newest installment is a weeb thought not all the same.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not my paella! What did it do?!

It was an accomplice! By willingly (not) letting itself transform into nutrients to allow you to keep your life and feminicidistic (wut) urges continuing!! #PaellaIsSexism (I actually reasonably see this becoming an argument of some idiot in the future, but for a different food and person. It's gonna happen with today's world).

Also now that I've confiscated it. I will be able to try it! *Ruben spits over it so I can't eat it anymore*
Me: I mean I could but... damn it Ruben you win this time!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wait, but why did you put that in spoilers? That doesn't take up any space!

Yeah I dunno why. I wouldn't have done it normally, but I just did otherwise so... 

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Of course the little girl wants to become a soldier and murder people in battlefields. Surprisingly enough, the survival of all the civilians isn't a requirement. She joins no matter what, unlike Daoud and Marcel.

Yeah lol. Like someone care to explain why Amelia wants to start fighting? She's too young. How was she even allowed in?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pobpolog oYou may still be just a child, but you are the only remaining member of the House of Warrenheit. If you have the will and the ability, the Duchy could be rebuilt.

This gives me strong Est archetype vibes.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 oYes, that is the face of a woman who is truly ecstatic.

I'm too lazy to check, but this guy isn't the same as the one in the previous battle right that we killed and came with her?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uedfz3v4 o And, of course, we have murdered Theodore and brought Minas to her lustful, manipulative stalker. In a net, no less. And the best part? This is a mandatory step toward the character arc of a completely unrelated character. Yes, I just said that. I can guarantee you won't see it coming.

Wait what?? NO this ending is sad! ABORT ABORT ABORT!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 o Something, all right. I wonder what he'll do with the platinum if he ever finds it. Will he just hang it over his door and annoy visitors with the story of how he found platinum after 50 years?

Sounds like a true boomer with a shit-eating smile face story.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Awww... That was really wholesome. Especially when compared to, y'know, the other sidequest.

What other sidequest? Mind even  summarizing it for me? I don't think the previous one of the Mythril one was un-wholesome.


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xljvssuq o


Kccrqeae oWbalcqh0 o

Take this.

Mhfktxhy oZj26ya3n o

Very good.

The audacity of this man to call Ward Bro, lol.


Zlonc8lu o

Hey Sister Luciana doesn't look half-bad I noticed. Yeah that's all.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Oh, all right. So you know there is a person in the world who is your sister. You have no idea what she looks like or what her name is, but you saw "a vision" telling you that she's here in Navaron. Holy shit, you're never going to find her at this rate...

That's sad.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Ah, all right. Yes, very good. You're just a genius of the art of talking to people who are feeling down, aren't you?

I haven't read 30 parts of this and... even I knew that guy was a douche. Congrats! You failed: Basic Human Decency.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oSo what you're telling me is, Adel has half-assedly tried one move on his crush and is giving up after it failed to work. Whoa, Adel is the avatar character of Berwick Saga... So relatable!

Can't say it isn't relatable lol.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Txzubig9 o What!? Now he's referencing Adel's Vantage? Yeah, these are definitely meta references! The absolute madman Kaga did not just one, but two meta jokes in this one scene! Unbelievable!

This reminds me of that conversation in the first map of Vestaria Saga, where a villager says something along the lines of "Hello stranger I just broke three walls today, but I must tell you this [Explains Game Mechanics] Oh no! There goes the 4th wall!" it's honestly genius.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uedfz3v4 o ...Ergh... okay, may I ask why you've started to laugh maniacally? Seriously, this has always mystified me! Why does he start cackling here?!

My guess is that he is enjoying his friend's misery. This side quest was quite sad really.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Very erotic music in this scene. Incidentally, when I retrieved the link, the song was at exactly 776 views. Talk about a coincidence.

What choice of words. What a coincidence. What a completely useless remark I just made.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

R9revija oYes! I am prepared for it! Although I'm still just a learner, so I'm more like a little knightling at this point... But I'm going to be the best woman knight you've ever seen, Lord Reese!

Est archetype incoming.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Reese? What the hell are you doing now? Please, don't make this a repeat of that one Sylvis scene... That was uncomfortable enough...

I once again am asking for context. I understand you can't put it always in your parts but could you spare an explanation in replies for me?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy oEh? What meeting, Ward? We were just going to see Sir Daoud, I don't think there's any rush to--

3cxl4xfi oLord Reese. The meeting. With Lady Tianna. We've no time to be talking about, ahem, your sister.

Meoilxpy o...are you all right, Ward? Is something amiss?

3cxl4xfi o...Sigh... Nothing, milord. Nothing at all--

Bs8nwu8m oI will allow no secrets to be kept from me. Tell the truth, maggot.

I know the Reese part is made up (has to be? Atleast an explana- ok fine I won't ask if you don't want to explain) but is the part where Ward calls out Reese on his horniness made up too? (Was that what he was even trying to say?) I am so confused...

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 o But of course! She's got Paragon, after all.

I knew it. And I'm sure you already pointed this out to whenever I called her an Est by the time you are reading this.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 o I don't know, she doesn't seem to hold a grudge. Quite the contrary, actually. She probably thinks of you every night. Thinks veeeeeeery hard of you.

How many of these replies are you saying something at this point? Who cares.

Lynette... is an archer girl? OOOOOO-weeee my favorite! Oh wait I just realized that by now you may have called me out on cheating on Rebecca because I have called several Berwick women to be cute or gorgeous. I'm always one step ahead of you, hee hee hee

You: No I wasn't even thinking about that.
Me: Well... I, I'm still a step ahead of you because you didn't take anything haha... phew I'm too smart for my own good ... right.

Anyways, I wish there was a girl that thought of me often (but none in this world exist or ever will I'm sure).

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oIs the Imperial Army responsible?

Hey I remember this guy!

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oI see... I think it might work. I doubt a sudden ambush like this would be within their expectations.

Why do I get the feeling this is an accidental Francisco I. Madero with Victoriano Huerta moment where you tell all your plans to the enemy?

Oh yeah those two guys. Who are they? Well you of course remember Mexico right?

You: Yes of course *turns to mad Ruben face* The insignificant country of peasants that dared defied my great great great great great ancestors. How could I forget?! *Back to Normal face like with Reese-moment* Yes I remember, the country south of the United States.

(Ok I'll stop this cringe)
Francsico I. Madero was a president for a few days that kicked out another president, Porfirio Diaz, that had ruled for 30 years. He was a good president but in his old years he became a dictator and he was voted out. So anyways, the conservatives and liberals didn't like Madero because he was a centrist. And he made the ettor of making his cabinet be many of the men that supported the previous president so his cabinet would be very centrist with conservatives and liberals. His heart was in the right place but a revolution broke out against him, liderated by General Victoriano Huerta. Francisco I. Madero didn't know he was betrayed and so told Huerta of his plans and everything and of course was eventually imprisoned himself and killed iirc. So that's why I say this is a Franciso I. Madero with Victoriano Huerta moment. Have you noticed yet I love linguistics and history and their lovechild?


Yzs1intw o

Oh...my...god... female myrmidon with dark hair is... just the best man. I-I mean.... blast here I was just talking history and now... *Ahem* When God gave women a pretty bad stat line-up, he noticed this and gave them a powerful skill to counter any man. Well that was left up to RNG to decide how powerful it would be, ironically this Charm skill also became the bane of their existence for some since men had higher stren- well ok I've distracted myself long enough about this. Damn it Faye. It seems I'll have to combat your charm with my love for knowledge to keep me away. Blast it Berwick!

You: ... Who are you talking to?

Damn. THis was long too.

Edited by This boi uses Nino
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On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, "rifles" can mean a lot of things. Excuse me for not immediately assuming it's pretty high.

I actually edited that part 5 minutes after posting the comment (i'm talking about two comments ago) to add the word "Sniper" before "Rifle", but it was rejected because "too much time had passed"...


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

No, it's just one.

Check again. Or just refer to the quote below, i guess:

On 6/12/2020 at 3:51 AM, Golb89 said:


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

What's with you and pizzas?

On 6/3/2020 at 5:54 AM, Golb89 said:

From this episode of this comic:

Leonidas: "Skrotos, didn't i tell you to guard this route?"

Skrotos: "Yeah, but then a guy came saying he had to deliver a pizza and i let him pass... then another one came, and then another..."


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Lcxxzvok o

9qk5ifz8 o Well, they sure got a ton of mileage out of that robe. This is, what, the fourth person we've seen wearing it? There's even an unused sprite of her without the hood, much like Sarah with Yumil.

I'd like to mention she resembles Enid much more than her mother (same hair and eyes colour)


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Speaking of Catherine, the transporter's her. I get what they were trying to convey, but with the transporter's sprite, it looks like they're carrying her out in a big crate. Hilarious.


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Dang it! Owen can't reach Axel...

As i said before, he's just not trying hard enough!


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

For whatever reason, that woman would rather cross the river through the shallow and risk a cold than go through the bridge.

Kaga did italian bridges/highways first too, i guess...


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah! A crossbowman! I hate you all...!

I wonder why though...


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Come to Papa for a most electrifying hug!



On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, I've been looking forward to this all game!

On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

God, I love this weapon type.


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course, the downside to lances is that you can't ever counter with them, so people carrying them are sitting ducks.

Basically, kaga also did GFL's "bamboos" first...


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Too bad for him that Marcel is a dodgetank on top of a regular tank!

... and M16 too, i guess.


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

On the western side, I want that killer asshole dead right this instant. To that end, Owen blasts him with thunder.



On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

With the killer dude dead, I'm feeling much safer. But that doesn't mean I'm about to slack off on you guys. You're all going down.

On 9/19/2018 at 2:02 PM, Ertrick36 said:



On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oI'm not with the Empire. I'm just passing through.

Lgjkwhcy o And they let you? I mean, you appeared right where the enemy reinforcements are coming from! In fact, the enemy leader himself will show up later on from that direction, as well! Is there something you'd like to tell us, Percy?

Aofpvug6 oI told them i had to deliver a pizza and they let me pass.


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

R9revija oHuh? A magic orb...? You're a mage?

Aofpvug6 oYeah. You should've seen the look on the faces of the last people who tried to mug me on the road.



On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

when she promotes, she gains a special brand of utility that is very difficult to replicate. Her power will rise to incredible heights... in the right situation. It's quite the interesting promotion. See if you can guess what she'll become.


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oWhy do you ask? Are you interested in magic?

R9revija o...I want to become stronger. I'm trying to become a knight... But compared to the men who are also training for it, I can't compete in strength or endurance...

Aofpvug6 oWell, that doesn't apply to magic.

... an Arts (i.e. Magic) Guard!

(Mousse also belongs to that archetype, but she doesn't use swords nor orbs as you already know...)


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Perceval is interesting. Whereas Aegina focuses on wind magic, Perceval's forte is thunder.


On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
J0yvjorg o

To compensate for the lack of a pallas orb, he has this. Aegina can't use thunder, and the next mage focuses on fire, so this might as well be his personal orb. It works exactly as you'd expect after two Kaga games of dire thunder doing the same thing: it's a brave orb. He'll mostly destroy with this... if he can hit, that is. I know it's probably just me, but in both of my previous runs, Perceval always found the worst possible times to miss. Every single time I needed him to hit, he missed, I swear to God.

Triple Action Thunder

Triple Action Thunder – ★★★★ Handgun

Tragic, just like her life up to now
Tags: Class: Handgun Skill: Small Bamboo Skill: Unique Team: ATK Tile: Buff FP

More famous for suicide memes and her ship with Calico than actually being used. I really want to like her, but she has a few glaring flaws that drag her down more than all her emotional baggage already does.

Her skill, while packing way more multiplier than any other skillshot (12x!) AND also boasting an impressive 46 Firepower on a handgun, suffers from being able to miss (uses standard acc formula).








On 6/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

We're getting some nice levels today! This can't be a good signal. Someone will die...



On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:



(Did i mention that her skill basically gives her shots a "brave" effect? And that her talent allows her to crit with every single shot?)


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Jadofpfd oImperial soldiers? Ha! Like I'd ever let 'em steal my Platinum, either!


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Jadofpfd oAin't no Imperial soldier gonna get in the way of me and my Platinum!

Jadofpfd oEspecially not that @sshole with the horse-killing axe!


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Qbd91e1f o

Wait... could it be...?

(Sorry, not sorry)


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Pn0q9sfy o

As for Daoud, he continues to cry.

I know this has most likely been mentioned already, maybe multiple times even, but "Bottle Cry"?!


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Now, the poleax guy finally moved. Thus, it's time to lance him without fear of retaliation.


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Oddly civil, considering what we've heard of the man. But I suppose it's true that the worst monsters are the ones that are good at hiding their true colors...


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

First of all, patch Ward up immediately. I don't want that one crossbowman getting any funny ideas.



On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

This could be it. I just need you to hit twice, Perceval!


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEE!? SEE!? This is exactly what I was talking about! The bastard can never land his shots when I need him to! What do I do now?!



On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rapid crossbow time! Hwahahahahahahahahah!

She missed once, but it did not save the man. Ahahahahahahah...! Ohoho... heheh... ahahaaaah! Such power... Yes...!

(You have been corrupted: there is no turning back for you now!)




On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Qx8tcqcx o


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

2wmyusje o


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhh, well... I suppose Kaga had to drop in a pantless girl at some point. Two so far. About on par with Thracia. Could be worse, could be FE1.

Or GFL...


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd like to keep Perceval going at the knights, but I need these two gone right now.



On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Eyyy, he actually did it! Kudos to you, Percyman!



On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lm1yyzrr o



On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Uprruycw o


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

O1i4hlvy o


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Skik1mio o


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Kswsckal oqjXeKXnw_o.png


On 6/18/2020 at 1:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o Of course the little girl wants to become a soldier and murder people in battlefields.



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uedfz3v4 o And, of course, we have murdered Theodore and brought Minas to her lustful, manipulative stalker. In a net, no less. And the best part? This is a mandatory step toward the character arc of a completely unrelated character. Yes, I just said that. I can guarantee you won't see it coming.

I don't suppose sparing Theodore (and thus not getting his box) would have allowed to complete the quest past the "get loadsa money" step.

(What about capturing him though? You'd still get the box and he'd still be alive by this point...)


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ilrbpdns oThat man's been spamming the "Sniper" tag since the days when my old man ran this atelier. He's on the hunt for Platinum, which is many times rarer than Kroos. All the Krooses he has are actually just a byproduct from trying to find Platinum in the recruitment pulls.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ps4nmuuw oReally? So his main waifu is platinum?

Ilrbpdns oWhat's more, that tag hasn't hit any Platinum in decades, but he still keeps on pulling every day.

Qcyguxzp o

(Sorry, not sorry. Again)


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

8temhpng oBg3bfhhi o

Zlonc8lu oWorry not, Sir Daoud. I will be watching over this boy personally. I am certain he will recover. Please do not worry...

Ugljapie o



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 o This is one thing I didn't mention about Percy, though somebody spilled the beans early. The truth is, the dire thunder might as well be his personal orb because he's a mercenary, and thus he won't give it to anybody.



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not only that, but Perceval is tied with Owen for the second-latest recruitment time. That orb will be used up long before he even has the chance to give it to anybody.



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oIt's been about ten years now. Our village in Leia was burned down soon after the war began. I was six, and she was eight... If I met her today, I don't know if I'd be able to tell it was her...

Meoilxpy oAnd you have no other clues? What about her name?

Aofpvug6 oI had a bad head injury when I escaped, and I can't remember her name anymore...



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Aofpvug6 oThank you very much! In the meantime, I will be working here for quite a while, I imagine. If you could use a mage, please consider hiring my services.

Meoilxpy oI am sure that I will.

Lgjkwhcy oIf Aegina doesn't get her act together...

Meoilxpy oWe can always use another mage.


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Iazyftcc o

The whole arc (past, present and future) in a nutshell:


The video i wanted to link has apparently been removed: it's the 4th one in the "Arknights" x "Bare Bears" parody series i already posted before.



5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oI mean, at risk of sounding pompous, I'd say the fact that she's literally a master of the otherwise lost craft of creating orbs that can do anything from healing wounds to burning people alive is more remarkable than dem boobsies.


5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

R9revija oYes! I am prepared for it! Although I'm still just a learner, so I'm more like a little knightling at this point... But I'm going to be the best woman knight you've ever seen, Lord Reese!

Sounds oddly familiar...


(I don't have her yet, so i can't post any of her quotes atm...)

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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Black Knight is just the most generic name, isn't it? There's a Black Knight in everything. Sometimes there's even a lot of Black Knights! What about the Green Knights, huh? Where are the Green Knights?

Doesn't he get decapitated in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? Actually maybe that's why the Black Knight's pissed. His color-buddy got murdered at some point by Ike's dad. Most likely during the rampage he killed his wife in.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How so? Is there something I'm forgetting? Is it roundabout?

Remember that name I gave to the forged ridersbane elsewhere? The one that more or less translates to "yellow spear". Yep still shamelessly cross-promoting.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh yeah, it really does.

...Really, the entire song fits me. Sarcastically so, of course, like Donald himself.

Oh no, I'm Donald Duck.

I mean... when you consider it, that's probably why the Narcian quote takes me back to it every time.

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

O-Oh God, that's... abominable...!

It's a general rule every Grimm's Fairy Tale is a lot more twisted in it's older incarnations. Helps when you have an old 1800s edition (It's one of the 1890s ones, as opposed to the ones personally compiled by the brothers Grimm) to work with, as then you come across stories that most people forget were even in the volumes in the first place. Though it does make me wonder, knowing the brothers actually dropped certain stories between the original printing and their final seventh revision as well as adding them. They also changed the wicked mothers from Snow White and Hansel&Gretel to step-mothers. They also stepped up the punishments for a lot of the villains. Because why not.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What kind of a monster runs over a turtle...?

The kind who crosses double lines to do it. Absolute garbage excuse of a human right there.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That would've been pretty a pretty unique plotline, actually. Two men fighting for their love for a trap.

Sounds like a Merlinus vs Fred from Scooby Doo fanfic.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy oKinda difficult not to, wouldn't you say, Tianna? I mean, he literally asked Reese to throw a net on her and he didn't realize how strange that was!

Seems to me Kaga trolled everyone by making them literally fill Slaver's roll this time. Albeit as an unwitting pawn. So nets are still more wholesome than milk.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Txzubig9 o What!? Now he's referencing Adel's Vantage? Yeah, these are definitely meta references! The absolute madman Kaga did not just one, but two meta jokes in this one scene! Unbelievable!

Either that or Aethin worked them in. But I'd like to think they're there. Either way it's brilliant.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uedfz3v4 o ...Ergh... okay, may I ask why you've started to laugh maniacally? Seriously, this has always mystified me! Why does he start cackling here?!

I think he finds the irony of Adel, the more straight-laced of the two, being the one to have a crush ironic for some reason. Can't actually see the logic, but his dialogue implicates he finds it humorous. Maybe it's just very atypical for Adel to actually be this way?

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
F85qqzbb o

Meoilxpy oOrdinarily, I might not expect such simple tactics like this to work... My hope is that their long string of successes has made them bold and blinded by overconfidence.

Let's hope Merlinus isn't with the bandits. It'd never work then.

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Wha... wait, aren't they the ones destroying our bases? And... pffffft, reserve corpse?! Ahahahahahahah... apparently they have a corpse that we need to catch off-guard! Gee, what kind of corpse is it that we don't stand a chance if we fight it directly? Is it Ernst? Do they have Ernst's body? Hwahahah... Ah, I'm really sorry Aethin, I really am, but this was too funny, it would've been too cruel not to show it. Really, I'm sorry, I really am. Please forgive me...!

I mean if they're phantoms, then they're a type of undead. So it works as a pun.



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On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh wow, really? Hah.

Yup. On my last run I only managed to capture him in chapter 11, which was his 3rd appearance. Apparently I could have gotten another shot in chapter 13. So that would be 4 opportunities for a capture. So the odds seem to be in the player's favor.
Although this is no doubt the easiest map to catch him. I mean, as you noted there are several turns where no reinforcements appear. If it wasn't for the turn limit, it would be easy to clear out all the enemies. Can't say the same thing about chapter 11.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

9qk5ifz8 oYes, that is the face of a woman who is truly ecstatic.

Yeah, but it's the only portrait she got.

Come to think of it, kinda funny how Vestaria Saga of all things ended up having quite a few different portraits for a decent amount of it's characters.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ps4nmuuw oLord Reese, don't you think that this all sounds a little too strange?

Meoilxpy oWhich part?

Ps4nmuuw o For one thing, why did you only start asking her questions when you were at Barselphon's manor? And why did you just hand her over without making sure your questions were answered? I mean, you were clearly having your doubts about the whole thing. Otherwise you wouldn't have tried to hear her side of the story.


On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ps4nmuuw oWhen Minas saw Barselphon again...

Odjachyc o

Meoilxpy o......

Meoilxpy o So you picked up on this but I didn't, despite you only knowing about these events from me telling you?

Ps4nmuuw o It's only natural you would miss such things, Lord Reese. Since you don't have any emotions.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Bdr88ccy o

Wait, you were carrying it with you the whole time but never checked it's contents? I know, pacing and all that. But this sequence really didn't need any more contrivances.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Edit's mine, I just thought it was a bit weird that his facial expression didn't change at any point

Well, it's the only face he's got.
Actually, not really. But his other portrait is just a "slightly less frowning". It's hard to notice it's even a different expression.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

0xtns5f4 o

Ps4nmuuw o  Oh sure, I'm just going to ask my contacts if they have seen any... let me check my notes... 18 year old girls. I'm sure with such a detailed description we will find her in no time.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

6rfengkr o

Well, either that or... I don't know, she may have had a lot of things on her mind considering she just survived a kidnapping and all that. Probably not the most convenient time to be hit on.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

R9revija oYes! I am prepared for it! Although I'm still just a learner, so I'm more like a little knightling at this point... But I'm going to be the best woman knight you've ever seen, Lord Reese!

Meoilxpy o  Well, the only female knights I know are Lady Ruby and a corpse. So I'm not sure such a feat would impress me all that much.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy o I suppose... I think about her quite often, though I still don't know her all that well. We'd only lived under the same roof for about a year before I came here.

"I still don't know her all that well". Doesn't that line alone just make you wanna ship those two? Such a great romance.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy o No need to be so tense! You'll adjust to things gradually.

Meoilxpy o ...is what I would have said if we weren't deep in the midgame already. But as is, we are going to have to really put you through the wringer if your career is supposed to go anywhere.

On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Meoilxpy oBased on the reports of the survivors, that appears to be the case. But in each instance, by the time any reinforcements had arrived to help, the enemy had already gone. Our scouts and rangers have yet to find any traces of enemy activities in the nearby areas, either. Most likely, this means the force who is conducting these raids does not have a fixed base of operations. Evidently, they are extremely mobile and efficient with guerrilla tactics.

Zlagxehg o I see. Which means this will be the first time where an encounter with the Empire during a sidequest will actually make sense.

Meoilxpy o Indeed. Though I have to admit that I find it hard to judge whether these circumstances will make this mission easier or harder. We are in uncharted territory here, I'm afraid.

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On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Gee, what kind of corpse is it that we don't stand a chance if we fight it directly?

Probably this kind:


On 6/21/2020 at 9:57 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Next time, we encounter the phantom corpse and discover what's so phantomical about it. It better not involve a bunch of hidden units and reinforcements...

Next time on "Rubenknights":




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Part 37 - Provoke.

Hey, so I recently finished Vision Quest and it was awesome. Now I have another recommendation for y'all. This time, it's a dude by the name of KrashBoomBang, who finished his hack Four Kings shortly after Pandan finished VQ. FK(wow that's an unfortunate abbreviation)'s main gimmick is that every single unit has a personal weapon. All of them. It's really interesting, and the difficulty and map design are very good, too! It gets my recommendation also.

...While I'm at it, here's a confession: I'm enjoying fanhacks far more than the last five official FEs I've played. Probably a predictable statement, coming from me, but after forcing myself through the agonizingly slow, poorly designed maps of Radiant Dawn, and being unable to beat Echoes, Path of Radiance and Mystery of the Emblem because they were even worse...

I don't know, it just feels so good to find FE games that actually have the things that I like in these games. Namely, actually good map and game design, challenging but fair difficulty, and fun playable casts. I don't care that they're "just" fanhacks, they're better than a good bunch of FEs.

Give me some solid gameplay and a roster that isn't completely punchable, and I'll be content. Story can suck my gravy-giver, is what I'm trying to say.

That was Saint Rubenio's Controversial Opinion of the day. While you ready your pitchforks for the lynching, I shall release an update.


On 6/21/2020 at 10:23 PM, Benice said:

That I just found.

When I say go

You're likely aware of this, but there is a tale called "Sir Gawain and the green knight."

No, I was not. That's interesting.

I've killed him twice and he still came back for the legendary 95-8 cripple. Because the only time I did capture him was the one where I left before capturing Minas so I had to redo it.

Now that is absolutely wonderful.

Minas must be that bloke's aunt or something.

Hah! Now wouldn't that be something. Something unlikely, sadly.

If Izerna dies in the prologue, would this dialogue change?

I don't see how it would. Quescria still exists even if her daughter dies. Izerna isn't involved in that scene at all.

Reese is Eliwood-tier dumb in this scene.

Yes... yes he is.

"Lord Reese, doncha think that this is suspicious? Like, forcibly capturing a person who is unwilling to marry Barselphon because she's already married to Theodore and is clearly unhappy about being given to Barelphon seems suspect."

"How so?"

To be fair, she wasn't married to Theo yet (he was about to ask the question when we killed him) and Barselphon interrupted Reese before he could ask her about Theo.

The fact that the immense red flags flew right over his head is inexcusable, though. Barselphon was a good actor, but the situation could only have been any fishier if it was underwater.

I love that map. Getting to sit around while green units clear the map? Priceless.

Well, I'm going to be doing more things than that. Sadly, I have to, I can't rely on the RNG.

That moment when you give a dish to Faye and it gives her like + 4 to magic so you give it to Saphira and she takes -2 penalty to magic. That really sucked. She was finally able to heal a decent amount! Too bad her light skill cap is so low.

That is so annoying, yeah. Still, 4 res isn't bad, and the happiness can be useful.

Hopefully Barselphon's corpse. That man made both me and Minas suffer! I will manually add him into FE7 and sic Florina on him!

Hahahahah... Considering what happens later, I don't think there's any need for that.


On 6/21/2020 at 11:20 PM, Dayni said:

I mean, she's probably the most reliable speed wise, which is nice.

Out of those three, yes. But she failed in other aspects. Like raw power. Hanneman destroyed everything he came across.

FK's not Wyvern Lord. It's speedy and has lancefaire.

It's still a flier that outclasses all the infantry.

Fists are actually much better than you'd expect, partly due to most being light enough that they'll slow nobody down, Dragon Claws are nice to have for The Immaculate One, Killer Knuckles are a frontrunner for my favourite new weapon in 3H especially with a class with Crit (War Masters fucking slay with these things) and even if the others don't have stupidly good things to add are a solid weapon type that allow a strong unit to circumvent lower speed without lowering themselves further with, say, a brave axe and thus are less likely to reduce evade and more likely to double..... Shame Aura knuckles only work for Byleth and that one DLC class and why are they A rank?. Training Gauntlets are actually really nice on Byleth and can be used to act as a perfect Jeiganing tool early on or to rush down a slower opponent with quads (though I do feel I should try with others in future, TG's lower might actually made a difference for that sort of thing)

Well, that's fair enough. I never got that much use out of them, but fair enough.

I will argue the lords again on future playthroughs (Barring Claude because he flies already).

Hey, don't get me wrong, I never moved Dimitri from his personal class because it was so awesome. But he would've been so much better as a flier.

So kinda right, but then it's some innate ability she has that comes with the promotion then?

Kinda. You'll see. Ergh, I hope.

I mean of course Daoud gets an event with some randomer who you get no context for beforehand.

Of course it is such a stretch of an event.

Kaga hated Daoud.

Ahh, I get it. Yeah... to be honest, Daoud wasn't exactly his favorite character.

Uh oh, we're in trouble, 

Barsel's come along and it's burst our bubble.

Honestly, Reese, how didn't you find that convenient timing of his suspicious at all?

Also, I know this is based off another track, which one? I was about to say it mightn't be Beriwck but it is.

Oh, really? Tell me, then.

Also, this could be in a bittersweet scene, I kind of wish it wasn't one where we hand a woman off to someone we shouldn't have.

In another universe, this would've been a regular sidequest and Barselphon would've been telling the truth. But Kaga needed to fill the rape quota for this game somehow, and he thought "hey, wouldn't it be absolutely hilarious if I forced the player do it by locking important things behind the rape event?"
















Reese is the baddies.

Yes, that he is.

He looks more pissed than distraught to me.

Though to be fair he has every right to be.

I mean, he got bamboozled hard. That'd be a strong blow to anyone's ego.

If this doesn't live up to it I will never do this in any playthrough.

And I would completely respect that decision. But I think it will live up to it.

Okay, that makes sense.

Just a shame he's liable to never find a vein in his life.

That's kinda sad, yeah, but... well, let's have some faith in the guy.

I'm sorry, but have you bro?

Ladies and gentlemen, Ward has bro.

I see this is what we call a slow burn plot.

It'll probably end like a telenovela or something when the kid wakes up.

Hah! Possibly.

And I suppose Julian could have ran away and ended up in Raze?

Not quite. More on that later. Maybe.

Don't jinx it!


So he has a two-year older sister who he's forgotten the name of but knows he had, 

As for who it could be, I'm going to suspect it might be a priestess. But then again I am likely wrong on this.

Interesting guess. We'll see. Unless he dies. Then we won't see.

Of course it wasn't Reese, but if it was that would have been hilarious. Hell, it could have been explained that Reese gave Lynette her room key when she arrived and that conversation as a whole led to her catching feels hence Reese suggesting it to Adel now, but that implies Reese realised so probably not.

Pffft... That would've been one hell of a plottwist. Unfeeling Reese, a Sain.

Leon would totally have been trying to get Adel someone for years:

Oipvxybb oHaaaaaave you met Adel?

I can totally picture that.

Sometimes you have to know when to fold 'em in the card game of love.

Pfft... Leon, is that you?



In all seriousness, it's probably just a clumsy way of conveying Adel falling asleep.

I guess he think Adel of all people falling for someone just wouldn't happen, especially because war.

A fair guess.

Also, that face looks like he found out Adel's the Flame Emperor.

I was trying to go for something more akin to the famous Dio face. But I got a bit carried away.

Alvina...... does she use two swords by any chance?


Enid, I understand your confusion too. I don't get how stepsiblings can let that fact fully sink in as someone who never was.

Course, Lynette is certainly not helping on that front.

Lynette doesn't really care for the "brother" moniker. Or, well, maybe she does care for it, but not in the, uh... conventional way.

My point is, Lynette's a girl of culture.

Somehow hard doesn't seem like the right adjective.

Hwahahahahah... Can you tell I used it on purpose?

Maybe something like- you know what, finishing that sentence is an objectively terrible idea, I keep forgetting that these characters are younger that I think they are.

I mean, this is a japanese game we're talking about. It's more subdued than some others, but it has its fair share of very Japan stuff in it.

Sorry, is this the current version?

Oh no, that'd be depressing.

Frankly, I don't find it to be too depressing. Heck, I find it to be wonderful! A couple of wonky descriptions and minor HUD glitches are the worst issues with the patch. The fanslation for an immense, very obscure game that was developed by two people alone, mind. Did you ever see the original TRS patch? That could barely be called a translation!

We're lucky we have someone as talented and passionate about KagaSaga as Aethin, is what I'm saying. A few typos and minor issues really aren't that big when you consider that the entire game has been translated, and quite well at that.

Aethin probably doesn't have time to fix that.

Actually, Aethin's been working on another patch for a while now. He's had a few problems, so progress is slow, but I'm sure it'll come out eventually. And besides, even if he was unable to release that final version, the current one is perfectly good as it is. Heck, I'd say the TRS translation has more problems! Still a quality translation, but it was a bit wonkier than this one. You can tell it was Aethin's first translation (as far as I know, anyway). This experience later translated (no pun intended) into a better patch for Berwick.

Also, is Ernst a reference to some other game...... Because if so I think I get it? Probably not though. And it'd be massive spoilers too.

TRS. It's a reference to TRS. Maybe that happened back when you were unable to follow the LP.


On 6/22/2020 at 2:32 AM, This boi uses Nino said:

Yeah I guess.

You "don't guess". Berwick Saga is perfect. Do not say otherwise, or I'll kill you.

Hehehe, yeah I didn't, I'm bad at following LPs. I miss one or two updates and I'm done.

It's fine, really.

Haven't seen many of them... well ok that's a lie. I just don't remember them.


Kaga being not only based game designer but also epic activist, not like one of those SJWs.

...No comment.

Why couldn't this guy make it back? Why did he even leave? We will never know.

He left because IntSys refused to allow him to put the "dancer can only be obtained by having a little girl be drugged and kidnapped by a slaver and made to dance in a skimpy outfit in front of old degenerates" storyline.

...Okay, no, I have no idea why he left, but I'd say that's a pretty good guess.

I remeber hearing that song and not knowing where it was from until 2 years ago. That show was the thing back then. I still love it.

It was pretty big in my childhood.

A 15 yr old ain't taking anything from you. I have my own 15 yr old waifu in Rebecca. But Ruben, just a word of advice: Be extra careful, you know how mad Palla would be if you cheated on her. I'm not telling I swear, but careful.

Where did people get this idea that Palla is my waifu? I like her stats, but everything else about her is boring! Green hair gets her some points, but beyond that...

lol lol.


Alright Ruben, I hold your LPs to a great standard.

You do? Hah, foolish boy...

30 updates... each a kilometer long... hahaha i cant read them all sorry.

Your loss.

PARAMYTHIS? who dat? *mad typing* YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO woah... gorgeous woman...

Yes. That is everybody's first impression. And you didn't even get to see her kicking a dude's ass. She's not just gorgeous, she can fight too.

For reference, it's update nº 13, page 7.

why can't. girls at school be even an ounce of this pretty? Wait what am I saying, their personalities are obnoxious (some of them to be fair). And yeah I just really like the artstyle of this game.

I'm glad somebody agrees with me! I like it too.

Out of order but, yeah man this is just... sad... and yet he's such a supportive father. What a great guy!

Everyone should strive to be more like Heinz. Ergh, minus the crippling depression.

If it weren't for brightbow telling me, you should have taken advantage of the fact that I haven't read 30 updates.

But... the death count is right there, at the bottom of every update!

I don't think I get what you mean. Anyways, I never speak like that in "'so dolio" but I just did it to bring out the differences and the "wey". What I do find weird is we don't speak in spanish even though we both know spanish. We can try that and see how you like it (only for a bit).

Well, sure, might as well.

Ya ya, si Sylvis es tuya. Pero que a ti no se te olvide Palla, ya te lo adverti.

Pero que manía. No sé de donde sacaste eso.

No, pero solo lo digo porque si. Ey espera que pedo? Wey no me mateeees *corre como Edward de FF4


"Come mierda" y ademas esa foto. Jajajajaja no manches que risa.

10/10 la mejor cara.

Si me acuerdo que dijeras eso de skill hace mucho. Pero no sabia eso de lo que dijiste primero.

Pues ahí lo tienes.


For those of you who can't speak spanish, allow me to translate: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!

Lentes-squad levantense! Y si, ya noe xiste esa ropa chida de berwick (O nunca hubo)

Una pena. La capa me gusta demasiado.

El bigote se ve bien.

Ey, gracias.

Jajajaja terrorista... te pasas!

Se pasa la gente, más bien. Todo el mundo me llama talibán por la barba.

Ok. Back to English. It's cool you reference the otaky part, because like it or not all FE players that came before the newest installment is a weeb thought not all the same.

Then I'm an weeb? Kind of a weird weeb, considering I've barely watched like 6 animes, and only a single one of them I would call "remarkable" at all - heck, that anime is the least "anime" anime you could find. I also don't care for randomly shoehorning japanese words into my lexicon, and I've never paid any serious mind to the notion that japanese culture is somehow "superior" to all others.

So yeah. If I'm a weeb, what isn't?

It was an accomplice! By willingly (not) letting itself transform into nutrients to allow you to keep your life and feminicidistic (wut) urges continuing!! #PaellaIsSexism (I actually reasonably see this becoming an argument of some idiot in the future, but for a different food and person. It's gonna happen with today's world).

Well, I mean... sure, I guess?

Also now that I've confiscated it. I will be able to try it! *Ruben spits over it so I can't eat it anymore*
Me: I mean I could but... damn it Ruben you win this time!

Hah, I am winner!

Yeah I dunno why. I wouldn't have done it normally, but I just did otherwise so... 

You're weird. But that's all right.

Yeah lol. Like someone care to explain why Amelia wants to start fighting? She's too young. How was she even allowed in?


...I've got nothing. I mean, she was stationed under Gheb in Eph's route, so that opens up the possibility of a really twisted motivation to allow her in, but what about Eirika's route?

This gives me strong Est archetype vibes.

And you'd be right. Kinda.

I'm too lazy to check, but this guy isn't the same as the one in the previous battle right that we killed and came with her?

No. Not at all. In fact, they're complete opposites!

Wait what?? NO this ending is sad! ABORT ABORT ABORT!

Too late to abort, I'm afraid...

Sounds like a true boomer with a shit-eating smile face story.


What other sidequest? Mind even  summarizing it for me? I don't think the previous one of the Mythril one was un-wholesome.

The other sidequest I was talking about was Barselphon's request to bring Minas to him. In a net. And, well, you know how that was resolved.

The audacity of this man to call Ward Bro, lol.

To be honest, they're kinda bros in a way. When I finally start getting their scenes, you'll see. Or maybe you won't, if you disappear again.

Hey Sister Luciana doesn't look half-bad I noticed. Yeah that's all.


That's sad.

I haven't read 30 parts of this and... even I knew that guy was a douche. Congrats! You failed: Basic Human Decency.

To be fair, this is the first time he's ever spoken.

Can't say it isn't relatable lol.

Yeah, right.

This reminds me of that conversation in the first map of Vestaria Saga, where a villager says something along the lines of "Hello stranger I just broke three walls today, but I must tell you this [Explains Game Mechanics] Oh no! There goes the 4th wall!" it's honestly genius.

All of Vestaria's dialogue is genius. I can only hope those guys translate the sequels as well. Though I'm not too hopeful, the 20$ pricetag was scary for a lot of people. Not sure what Dangen considers "good sales", but I don't have many hopes that Vestaria reached it.

My guess is that he is enjoying his friend's misery. This side quest was quite sad really.

I suppose so...

What choice of words. What a coincidence. What a completely useless remark I just made.

It's a complicated joke to explain. Suffice to say, it involves vases and a very unfortunate choice of words by Erzheimer.

Est archetype incoming.

Yes! Again!

I once again am asking for context. I understand you can't put it always in your parts but could you spare an explanation in replies for me?

Basically, they were talking about how there were many exaggerated rumors about Sylvis. Sylvis complained that that's only because people in Narvia aren't accustomed to women warriors, and that their women spend their time doing useless things. She said that a real woman goes to battle with her baby on her back. I thought that was pretty badass, but she was being a bit of a douche nonetheless.

Tianna was about to say something, but then Reese interrupted her to go on a self-righteous tirade about how we must protecc women and keep them from the battlefield because they cook and stay at home and that's really important. It was... weird. Especially considering there were already women both in Reese's army and hired as mercenaries at that point. Not to mention Tianna, who was right there.

I know the Reese part is made up (has to be? Atleast an explana- ok fine I won't ask if you don't want to explain) but is the part where Ward calls out Reese on his horniness made up too? (Was that what he was even trying to say?) I am so confused...

In the future, keep in mind that italic text is always my own.

I knew it. And I'm sure you already pointed this out to whenever I called her an Est by the time you are reading this.


How many of these replies are you saying something at this point? Who cares.

Yeah, exactly. Nobody.

Lynette... is an archer girl? OOOOOO-weeee my favorite! Oh wait I just realized that by now you may have called me out on cheating on Rebecca because I have called several Berwick women to be cute or gorgeous. I'm always one step ahead of you, hee hee hee

Well, I haven't, actually.

You: No I wasn't even thinking about that.
Me: Well... I, I'm still a step ahead of you because you didn't take anything haha... phew I'm too smart for my own good ... right.

Yes. Of course you are.

Anyways, I wish there was a girl that thought of me often (but none in this world exist or ever will I'm sure).

Don't talk like that. You're 6 years younger than me. You've still got time. I have... less time.

Hey I remember this guy!

Of course you do! Elbert is very memorable.

Why do I get the feeling this is an accidental Francisco I. Madero with Victoriano Huerta moment where you tell all your plans to the enemy?

Because that's exactly what it is?

Oh yeah those two guys. Who are they? Well you of course remember Mexico right?

You: Yes of course *turns to mad Ruben face* The insignificant country of peasants that dared defied my great great great great great ancestors. How could I forget?! *Back to Normal face like with Reese-moment* Yes I remember, the country south of the United States.

...But... I would never say that... I'm the least patriotic dude!

(Ok I'll stop this cringe)
Francsico I. Madero was a president for a few days that kicked out another president, Porfirio Diaz, that had ruled for 30 years. He was a good president but in his old years he became a dictator and he was voted out. So anyways, the conservatives and liberals didn't like Madero because he was a centrist. And he made the ettor of making his cabinet be many of the men that supported the previous president so his cabinet would be very centrist with conservatives and liberals. His heart was in the right place but a revolution broke out against him, liderated by General Victoriano Huerta. Francisco I. Madero didn't know he was betrayed and so told Huerta of his plans and everything and of course was eventually imprisoned himself and killed iirc. So that's why I say this is a Franciso I. Madero with Victoriano Huerta moment. Have you noticed yet I love linguistics and history and their lovechild?

Ahhh, I see. Well, that's a perfectly fine interest to have.

Oh...my...god... female myrmidon with dark hair is... just the best man.

At this point, all the Berwick women seem to be "the best".

I completely agree. And you have only seen playables up until now. You missed girls like Sienna.

I-I mean.... blast here I was just talking history and now... *Ahem* When God gave women a pretty bad stat line-up, he noticed this and gave them a powerful skill to counter any man. Well that was left up to RNG to decide how powerful it would be, ironically this Charm skill also became the bane of their existence for some since men had higher stren- well ok I've distracted myself long enough about this. Damn it Faye. It seems I'll have to combat your charm with my love for knowledge to keep me away. Blast it Berwick!

I'd just like to point out that Sylvis is one of the most powerful and fun units in the entire game. So yeah. So much for "bad stat line-up".

You: ... Who are you talking to?

That's what I'd like to know, You!


On 6/22/2020 at 2:52 AM, Golb89 said:

I actually edited that part 5 minutes after posting the comment (i'm talking about two comments ago) to add the word "Sniper" before "Rifle", but it was rejected because "too much time had passed"...

Ah... hah! Wait, what? Why's his hand up her a--

Check again. Or just refer to the quote below, i guess:

Ah, I see.


I'd like to mention she resembles Enid much more than her mother (same hair and eyes colour)

That'd be one hell of a plottwist. One hell of an underwhelming plottwist. Kaga likes 'em bigger.

...that's such an easy sentence to misinterpret... I love it!

Why does this game look like a fetish game half the time?

As i said before, he's just not trying hard enough!

Well, he does try the hardest out of the game's healers. According to me, anyway.

Kaga did italian bridges/highways first too, i guess...

Kaga did everything first. Is there any doubt, at this point?

I wonder why though...

No, I don't think I will.


All right, that looks... painful enough to be fitting.

Oh dear, a GTA reference, a JoJo reference and girlsfrontline. And I haven't played any of them!

Basically, kaga also did GFL's "bamboos" first...


... and M16 too, i guess.

When in doubt, KDiF. Those are words to live by, my friend.


Does she get electrocuted this often? That reminds me of someone... Blond kid with glasses. Good guy, a real genius, but by God he can't ever win a fight.


Aofpvug6 oI told them i had to deliver a pizza and they let me pass.

As usual. Maybe he has pizzas hidden in his collar. It's big enough for it.


Ergh... okay.


... an Arts (i.e. Magic) Guard!

(Mousse also belongs to that archetype, but she doesn't use swords nor orbs as you already know...)

Ye-- No! What? She doesn't have the Guard skill!

Ah yes, anime punch. Very anime.

Triple Action Thunder

Triple Action Thunder – ★★★★ Handgun

Tragic, just like her life up to now
Tags: Class: Handgun Skill: Small Bamboo Skill: Unique Team: ATK Tile: Buff FP

More famous for suicide memes and her ship with Calico than actually being used. I really want to like her, but she has a few glaring flaws that drag her down more than all her emotional baggage already does.

Her skill, while packing way more multiplier than any other skillshot (12x!) AND also boasting an impressive 46 Firepower on a handgun, suffers from being able to miss (uses standard acc formula).







This is my whole input.


The weak!? How dare you, I'll kill you!


(Did i mention that her skill basically gives her shots a "brave" effect? And that her talent allows her to crit with every single shot?)

I knew I hated Martel for a reason. Martel...!


Hey, maybe that's actually what he's looking for. Anime girls!

Jadofpfd oEspecially not that @sshole with the horse-killing axe!

Uhhh... but he hasn't a horse, why does he have to worry about that one?

(Sorry, not sorry)

Sigh... What's so wrong with shirts?

I know this has most likely been mentioned already, maybe multiple times even, but "Bottle Cry"?!

Hahaha... that's the old font that Aethin used early on in the translation. He changed that a in most places, but it still remains here and there.

Oh, goodness.. I doubt that's how that weapon was meant to be used.

But that one is terrible at hiding her true colors. It is plainly obvious to anyone that she's a psycopath.


See? See!?


Ah yes, anime football. Very anime.


That's me every time I try using Percy.


You have been corrupted: there is no turning back for you now!)

...And what's that supposed to mean?


Hah! Funny gif.

Or GFL...




Ah yes, anime fracture. Very anime.


Don't get ahead of yourself, now. I'll still scream murder when you next miss, Percy.

Tezy5n1m o






Did I just witness a murder?


Ergh... okay. Cute, I guess.

I don't suppose sparing Theodore (and thus not getting his box) would have allowed to complete the quest past the "get loadsa money" step.

I'm actually not sure what happens if you spare him, but I wouldn't recommend it.

(What about capturing him though? You'd still get the box and he'd still be alive by this point...)

He has Robust, thus he cannot be captured.

Oh, goodness gracious...

(Sorry, not sorry. Again)

Don't be sorry, that one actually looks kinda badass.


Not arguing that.


MuMu App Player?


That girl is Eugen, apparently.


Dark Reunion? What a weird name for a villain.

Why do I have this weird feeling of deja vu?

I care not. Cry me a river.

The whole arc (past, present and future) in a nutshell:

  Reveal hidden contents

The video i wanted to link has apparently been removed: it's the 4th one in the "Arknights" x "Bare Bears" parody series i already posted before.


Why would they remove that, though? Far as I could see, it was harmless...

I completely agree with glasses man.

Sounds oddly familiar...

Damnit, stop!


(I don't have her yet, so i can't post any of her quotes atm...)

That's too bad.


On 6/22/2020 at 2:45 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Doesn't he get decapitated in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? Actually maybe that's why the Black Knight's pissed. His color-buddy got murdered at some point by Ike's dad. Most likely during the rampage he killed his wife in.

Wait, the green knight dies? Goddamnit, really? It's always my favorites...

Remember that name I gave to the forged ridersbane elsewhere? The one that more or less translates to "yellow spear". Yep still shamelessly cross-promoting.

Ahhh yes. I understand.

I mean... when you consider it, that's probably why the Narcian quote takes me back to it every time.

Hahahaha... it does make sense.

It's a general rule every Grimm's Fairy Tale is a lot more twisted in it's older incarnations. Helps when you have an old 1800s edition (It's one of the 1890s ones, as opposed to the ones personally compiled by the brothers Grimm) to work with, as then you come across stories that most people forget were even in the volumes in the first place. Though it does make me wonder, knowing the brothers actually dropped certain stories between the original printing and their final seventh revision as well as adding them. They also changed the wicked mothers from Snow White and Hansel&Gretel to step-mothers. They also stepped up the punishments for a lot of the villains. Because why not.

Those two had issues, didn't they?

The kind who crosses double lines to do it.

What!? He went out of his way to kill the poor turtle? Bastard...!

Absolute garbage excuse of a human right there.

Look, I know it's not right to wish death upon a person, but... I do hope he crashes. Car destroyed beyond repair. Maybe a couple broken bones and a leg. That'll teach him to play God with his car.

Sounds like a Merlinus vs Fred from Scooby Doo fanfic.


Seems to me Kaga trolled everyone by making them literally fill Slaver's roll this time. Albeit as an unwitting pawn. So nets are still more wholesome than milk.

To be honest, it takes a really naive person to be "unwitting" about this.

Which is why Kaga made this a mandatory step in an extremely important, completely unrelated thing much later in the game. So even those that could see the shit coming would be forced to do it.

To be fair, though, in this case he actually had the decency to make up for this. It's not like in TRS, where either you save Plum with Holmes and he makes her dance in front of a crowd that includes Maerchen, or you save her with Barst and he ends up falling in love with his own little sister against his own better judgment.

Either that or Aethin worked them in. But I'd like to think they're there. Either way it's brilliant.

I'd wager the meta jokes were in there, but Aethin had to tweak them to work in english. That's how it usually goes.

I think he finds the irony of Adel, the more straight-laced of the two, being the one to have a crush ironic for some reason. Can't actually see the logic, but his dialogue implicates he finds it humorous. Maybe it's just very atypical for Adel to actually be this way?

I mean, he's the green christmas cavalier. It probably is. The laugh is still weird.

Let's hope Merlinus isn't with the bandits. It'd never work then.

Oh, God... Why is Merlinus everywhere? He's dead, dead and buried! I should know, I personally beheaded him! I needed a lot of plates, but they were worth the investment!

I mean if they're phantoms, then they're a type of undead. So it works as a pun.

Hahahah, I guess so.


On 6/22/2020 at 4:45 PM, BrightBow said:

Yup. On my last run I only managed to capture him in chapter 11, which was his 3rd appearance. Apparently I could have gotten another shot in chapter 13. So that would be 4 opportunities for a capture. So the odds seem to be in the player's favor.
Although this is no doubt the easiest map to catch him. I mean, as you noted there are several turns where no reinforcements appear. If it wasn't for the turn limit, it would be easy to clear out all the enemies. Can't say the same thing about chapter 11.

It's not like you really need to clear out all the enemies, either. That guy spends like 3 turns completely alone before more enemies spawn.

Yeah, but it's the only portrait she got.

That much is true.

Come to think of it, kinda funny how Vestaria Saga of all things ended up having quite a few different portraits for a decent amount of it's characters.

I thought that was kinda weird. Characters like Theodel only got two, barely different portraits, or even just one, but then there was someone like Sheela who had a thousand faces even though she didn't have that much dialogue.

Ps4nmuuw o For one thing, why did you only start asking her questions when you were at Barselphon's manor? And why did you just hand her over without making sure your questions were answered? I mean, you were clearly having your doubts about the whole thing. Otherwise you wouldn't have tried to hear her side of the story.

Tianna asking the real questions here.

Meoilxpy o So you picked up on this but I didn't, despite you only knowing about these vents from me telling you?

Ps4nmuuw o It's only natural you would miss such things, Lord Reese. Since you don't have any emotions.

Ahhh, there it is. Plothole resolved, Reese just didn't care because he's unfeeling.

Wait, you were carrying it with you the whole time but never checked it's contents? I know, pacing and all that. But this sequence really didn't need any more contrivances.

To be honest, it does kinda fall apart when you think about it too hard. But I mantain that the resolution is worth the trouble by far. I still get goosebumps thinking about that scene.

Well, it's the only face he's got.
Actually, not really. But his other portrait is just a "slightly less frowning". It's hard to notice it's even a different expression.

I noticed his two portraits when I was going through the list Aethin sent me. And here I thought Runan's smile was bad... Holy shit, Runan may not've known how to smile, but Reese outright doesn't know what the concept of "smiling" even is.

Ps4nmuuw o  Oh sure, I'm just going to ask my contacts if they have seen any... let me check my notes... 18 year old girls. I'm sure with such a detailed description we will find her in no time.

To be fair, this is a Kaga game. Girls of age are a rarity.

Well, either that or... I don't know, she may have had a lot of things on her mind considering she just survived a kidnapping and all that. Probably not the most convenient time to be hit on.

Probably didn't help that Adel stuttered like a 20 year old PC trying to run a modern game.

Meoilxpy o  Well, the only female knights I know are Lady Ruby and a corpse. So I'm not sure such a feat would impress me all that much.

Ruby's doing well, c'mon. Don't diss her.

As for the corpse, that's entirely my fault. So it really says more about my abilities than Christine's.

"I still don't know her all that well". Doesn't that line alone just make you wanna ship those two? Such a great romance.

In all fairness, Reese is incapable of feeling. Lynette probably clung to his waist at some point and he just stared and said "Lynette, this is hardly becoming of my sister, please rise". While Bernstol and Bernard facepalmed hard in the background.

Ward was probably proud, though. We know what he thinks about girls.

Meoilxpy o ...is what I would have said if we weren't deep in the midgame already. But as is, we are going to have to really put you through the wringer if your career is supposed to go anywhere.

Don't say things like that. It's hopeless enough as it is, given that it's me controlling her and one slip will kill her.

Zlagxehg o I see. Which means this will be the first time where an encounter with the Empire during a sidequest will actually make sense.

Hey, you're right, actually! Hurray Berwick Saga, the Empire's random squads make sense for once! We don't have to resort to the Volcens Excuse this time!

Meoilxpy o Indeed. Though I have to admit that I find it hard to judge whether these circumstances will make this mission easier or harder. We are in uncharted territory here, I'm afraid.



On 6/23/2020 at 12:10 AM, Golb89 said:


Next time on "Rubenknights":


Actually, it's going to be more like "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH WHERE'D YOU COME FROM!?"




Unhdsztp o

So, the phantom corpse! This is actually a rather tough chapter.

Yjt3swpc o

So of course, I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to bring Enid and Aegina to train them. Hurr durr me Ruben, me very samrt tacticion. Me lose no units ever. Gaaaahhhh...

R5ibjunz o

I've no idea what I was thinking... I even thought, before I actually began to play, "okay I better not bring weak units here, I can train them next chapter", but then I just... sort of changed my mind on the fly.

See how there's nobody on the map? Not a single corpse in sight? Well, the thing is, this is a reinforcement-based map. When we cross certain lines, enemies will appear at certain places. They're not ambush reinforcements, because Berwick Saga is actually a good game, but it's still very possible to screw ourselves by making the wrong moves.

Oh, and half of my team are liabilities. Isn't that amazing. Aren't I just the best at picking my team. I swear, if the game didn't force-deploy Elbert I'd probably bench him for Perceval or something...

E7ffvtfz o

Today's Hamilton is William.

Imo6lznz oShould be easy pickings. Just operate as usual.

A3tn8h6e o

Imo6lznz oNaturally. That's the whole idea behind these guerrilla tactics we're using. Why fight a large army head-on when small forces such as ourselves can suffice by other means? Although...

Sbmzlnsq oSomething the matter, sir?

Imo6lznz oA thought just occured to me... Everything's gone easily today... Even this little farming village didn't put up any resistance to us...

Sbmzlnsq oWe did get the jump on them... They're probably just not used to seeing their enemy up close!

Imo6lznz o...That may be true, but... Something just seems wrong...

1yg7ytzk oDpqukf1r o

Something should seem wrong, all right. We're here! Fear us! ...The army with no bulk other than Elbert and Derrick!

Fvk0hopb o

Zlagxehg oThese slippery raiders have been ransacking and destroying our supply camps for months. They're guerrilla fighters, so they'll avoid fighting us in the open. If they get the chance, they'll try to pick us off one by one from afar. Keep your wits about you, and watch your and your comrades' backs!

Qpd2eb14 o

Imo6lznz oThey've found us out... Everyone, take cover! Stick to the usual strategy!

Sbmzlnsq oRoger that, sir!

Dnpuewte o

We have to get rid of William to win. William has to get rid of Elbert to win.

3kf8nsb4 o

The two mercs next to William have vanished as well. They have hidden themselves in the houses to the sides of William. Let's see if I forget. My bet is on "yes".

F6sdrnud o7qnhuunz o

Derrick leads the charge. The cavaliers dismount because I really don't think we'll need the extra movement today.

Cgy8bk0d oBaowayeo o

Derrick... continues to lead the charge. Nothing's happening so far.

Diwsh0s5 o


Xp2sgvsv o

O7gbifr0 oOh, well. Begin the attack!

Jvhytnnw o

It's started.

Awr04lwx o

They don't have any special gear, but those mercs kinda scare me.

1icaewed o

Derrick and Elbert will take point.

Rzbwiowa o

Even odds, huh? Then you've no excuse to fail, Elbert!

Cpjhsst6 oRh4y1nbf o

Most wonderful.

Hyedqxpu o

I could try this, but...

Oq0e9ohl o

I think I'd rather risk the casual mode girl, thanks.

9x1cz3kj o

C'mon, can I get a lucky cripple?

B6f6gsx1 o

Hah! Naturally.

R6ypwci5 oYrb9bffc o0ogeh1hp o


Oa9hlrku oKtzupbti o

Not bad! That's a wonderful start!

Cofkewcl oC8ey8rns o

Ahahahah! And on top of that, she murdered a second guy indirectly! The cursor hovered over her spot for a second, which means another enemy was supposed to appear there, but couldn't because she was blocking his spawn point! Excellent, most magnificent!

Ko3q1piu oObknt99p o

Puh-lease... how can this be...?! Ah, well, no matter. She's doing good so far. Spare her some failings.

Lcefg4fh o6gbay3pr o

Ahahah! Derrick cannot be defeated by mere mortals!

B1kz6ck1 oItub3wxg o

Now, die for your mistake!

H6n0hcvr o


Zogdqsnl oPwcw3crr o

I think I can give this to Aegina. If she misses once, that is all right, she's still safe. I mean, surely she can't miss twice, right?

Xf81bmmn oGur2psc3 o

Good, thank you.

Ktumoqfk oJi9f3y5r oT3jnihdf o

Dang it, why must you always do this? Joke's on you, too. You couldn't double this time.

Gtx7yhwa o

You're up, Kramer. It's been a while, hasn't it?

I7vo2i15 o

Well, there you go. Some action.

Vfoxxi88 o

Now, these aren't the best odds I've seen, but she desperately needs kills, so I'll have to put her in at least some danger.

Wtximiga o


Gmfwkiz4 o


Th3znisk oXjgr5rlt o

Oh, phew...

P20iszhd o

In turn two... oh, for the love of... Grrraaaahhh! Just seeing this makes me want to punch myself in the throat...! See this!? This is a terrible mistake. Why, Ruben!? Why the hell did you decide to save Faye first!? She cannot die, it doesn't matter!

Flhh8e1u o

Hurray for you. You won't fall now.

Don5x1gr o

Seriously. What the hell was I thinking?

Dgzvenrd o

Of course, and he hits, too. My units have been dodging counters all game, but when there's risk of death, then everyone becomes a peerless sniper.

Lw7kriwl o

...Yep! I'm losing Enid! Already! Congratulations, Saint Rubenio - you're the greatest player in the world!

Dekfzija o

This does not erase the burning frustration in my chest. I did not deserve to get away with that. That was possibly the stupidest move I've made since the one that cost Christine her life. I'm glad she saved herself, but... Hot damn, am I angry at myself.

Zsbuijn1 oU6vkqse5 o

How about we forget that ever happened? Sound like a good plan?

4nuogkuf o

Ruby's only here because she only has to get one kill and one level to reach level 10. And, well, she just got the kill.

Vztzhopt o

Strength and WpSkill? Absolutely great. Thank you so much, Ruby.

Oh, and a skill, too! Yeah, I think this is the first time we've come across this. Some units gain skills when leveling up. Ruby, for example, gains Throw at level 10. Throw is a good skill, so I'm glad she has it now.

Vnunhwcd o

You...! I'm angry at myself, but that won't keep me from taking out that rage on you instead!

Qxjiyw6o oK5bepagf o

Sigh... It's all right. It's just a game. Nobody cares.

P8diu4sv oXbkm9cyw o

No Sunder crit, but at least this one reached its mark.

3vblbagw oO0xlqics oHoanbjxg o

At least it's always satisfying to watch Derrick take no damage from anything.

Esifubxu oX5okyyng o

It's about the only satisfying thing that's happened so far...

Erbl410m o

Pfah! Good effort, but I seriously doubt you'll promote. All I want from you is your paralogue. Nothing more.

Uj99rwph o

Please. Can we kill something already? I crave for the sight of blood.

Oijs7wao o

Oh right, there's no blood in this game. Other than the blood I add, of course.

Ixnsqb4s oYsu7mu3f o

She was in no more danger this turn, but still, you have to heal up. I won't risk having you run around with 5 HP. It's been enough incompetence for a day, thank you very much.

0mcjy1mu o

You run as well. Just in case.

6uyrplyp o

Very well, Derrick. Time to not disappoint me, please.

R4ntaqk9 o79w68saw o

I mean, I knew what I was in for when I decided to use this dude for the memes.

Kw0wd9zo oDaoqtasz o

Oh, c'mon... Wait, why does he have afterimages--

Tihxhgmz o

HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! Adept! A random enemy with Adept! How much of a dick do you have to be to give a random enemy Adept!?

X3kxnyc9 o

This guy can shoot Owen. It won't happen, however.

Wtprhnd6 o

I mean, with him as the map lord, how could we let it go by without a few provocations?

Zlagxehg oYou couldn't even kill one little girl. I knew I didn't need to bring our best troops for this. You guys are worthless when you're up against anything better than a supply caravan!

9ghpadcx oBastard! I will show you the might of the 13th Corps!

Zlagxehg oThat's what they all say, isn't it... You'll be the 13th corpse before the end of this battle!

Rkwinuqa o

Is it too much to hope that this works?

Rds5deb6 oS9wch3an o


6ysstskt o

Oh, goddamnit-- Can I stop making the squishies act as dodgetanks already!? Please, me! Get a grip!

6r8h5n9v o

Good thing Owen is wonderful...

Cvvtae30 o

You'll pay for that. Dearly so, I might add!

Xic2smiq o7l2ercdn o

This is the heir of Riana. This. It's like Maruj, except even worse somehow.

V5oyqc6y o7onzrl7h o

The beautiful thing about this is that, since he has Arrowbane, Elbert is perfect for baiting all the archers in this mission.

Wwehu7se oMpiuknto oSlzw80q3 o

Jeigan time.

I74hpuu0 o

Another kill, perfect.

Iglxehfc o

Ahah... heh...

Iz7lxchj o

...This isn't Enid's day, is it...

Kglgut6r o

Look, let's just... Sigh... I don't know, try something and see if it works?

Lf9kltrz oEhd7vjcf o

Ah, fantastic. Thank you for being good, Faye.

67letu4r o

This'd be a good kill for Enid, but it'd require that she jumps right into the fray, and also that I let this asshole roam free for a while. Both things I refuse to risk right now.

Iedu4xx0 o

Kramer needs experience, anyhow.

I3zhpnxr o

What's with all the random death quotes? Also, I like this crooked logic of his. The whole reason behind this battle is that you guys wanted to fight dirty. He's complaining that this isn't a fair fight when they are the ones that caused it not to be fair! Hilarious!

9be4molh o

Anyway, experience gains.

Uehnfuhh o

Oh, God... Oh, man, oh God... please...!

Wvnjeqya oXjypq7jj o

You know, I'm actually kind of impressed. I didn't think it was possible for me to be even worse than when (INSERT TIME I DID REALLY BAD HERE), but here we are.

Pxjazivc oTpcypkdq o

Oh, thank goodness... that one went to heal. We are safe. Thanks...

Vqp6pwda o

What's wrong? Not so tough now that your backup ran to patch himself up, huh?

Aaagfz5i o0oiuviqz o

Nice, nice, nice! I knew you'd pull through eventually, Derrick! I mean, you're Derrick, after all.

Kmquh6yd o

Can this work? Is it too much to ask that this works?

Utmxkj9r o

WOHO, HO THERE, WHOA! Hold your horses! Ahh, you bitch...! Not provoked anymore, are we?

Im0wkf6j o


Zlagxehg oDone already? You couldn't even hit me. What, eyeing the little girl again? If you're going to fail, you might as well fail against someone your own size. Less embarrassing, y'know?

9ghpadcx oGrrrr... enough of this! I'm taking you down!

Zlagxehg oHeh...

Fk451gsv o

Youuuuuuuu coooooooockkkkkkkkk!

Lbra8cea oA0v4wizp o

Bwahah! Can't touch this! Mm mm mm mm nee nee can't touch this... Ah, anyway.

Awefbtsb oOsmsa3nr o

Enid. Like, really. You need to get a hold of yourself. If you don't start getting kills now, you won't reach the end of your character arc. And I don't care if you don't care. There's another person who needs you to reach that promotion. So do it, please. Don't be selfish. Do it for them.

A0wpibyo oPx9bl9ow o

See? You can do it if you just apply yourself!

Ah5ew086 o

One more and it's a level. A magic level, I can only hope. It'd be really depressing if she got past level 10 and still wasn't promoted.

Pfvkde2d oFmljd4hk o

Yeah, no. You'll have to try harder.

Iijxbn0j o

I wonder if William moves... I've been playing so many hacks these days (well, actually just two, but Vision Quest and Four Kings are both pretty huge) that I've gotten used to stationary enemies not having any movement. It's annoying that such a simple QoL feature isn't in so many games. Sadly, this game is the most Kaga ever gave a damn about QoL.

Unlike in 3H, stationary enemies in hacks don't lie. Just... thought I'd throw that one out there, because to this day I'm still pissed about that.

Gub1xyln o

While we wait for William to make up his mind, Ruby will shank this archer.

Dlwdekaj oPdenlw9n o

Yes, it was stupid of me to expect a success.

Covr1plg o

...No movement. Excellent.

Z8tqx2ml oQmeh22na o

It's even more excellent because we seem to be incapable of accomplishing anything today. If the boss came after us, it'd be a disaster.

Xomwsvyz oUvqqrbuc oJuezxlt4 o

Seriously though, it's kinda sad that Faye is being one of my best units today. She doesn't even have the cutlass anymore...

Var2megm oWrzihkti o

Not so sure what you're doing here, frankly. It's a bit late for you. Ah, well. Jeigan for Enid.

Gn34bmoi oDn7ug30k o

That was the turn. Now... Hey, she doesn't die in two hits! That might even work!

Xdinewht o

Guy can't reach either, and even if he could he's still provoked.

Zif81mza o

I dislike the extra injury rate, but we'll deal with that if it becomes a problem.

Wybyitl9 o

It will become a problem, won't it...

M7scrrxr oMpmnvpro o

Well. Coulda been worse.

Fcgp8b5i o

To be honest, sword skill is not the best gain for her. Once she gets magic, she's never going to touch a blade ever again.

Lswl3y8y o


Yb4cfwng o
Ksvbkz6q o

That is terrible.

Xyn1blct o

...Wait, what? Why Kramer? Aegina and Enid were right there, and the guy decided to go after Kramer? Why...?

6cwzaamy o

Goddamnit, what?!

J6urqfsb o

Faye was also struck, but she used Parry. No parrying animation, sadly, she just dodges with afterimages.

Ez5iit5t oHlgqtd9g o

That'll be another kill for her, at any rate.

Ndhzhnjn o6odohouj o

I haven't lost anyone yet by some miracle. I'll be damned if I squander these chances I've been granted. Heal up!

3iofntim oK6bcu68f o

This guy. This guy don't learn.

Pqpaswwd o

More, then.

Zlagxehg oAren't your arms getting tired after firing so many arrows at the air? I know my legs are starting to ache after dodging so much.

9ghpadcx o......

Zlagxehg o...Ah, I'm sorry. That was a lie, to make you feel better. With your aim, I barely had to use 'em to get out of the way.

9ghpadcx o...I'll have you head... If it's the last thing I do! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

B8wqsrmz o

Okay, so here's the next step: Aegina will run for her life. Enid will run for her life too when she gets another turn.

2g3zflkf oIsrhj7lt o

I'd save this one up for Enid, but it's too risky. 'Sides, Aegina needs the experience too.

Fhyelfhh oJnnghwdn o

No luck with the crits today.

Uu0k2z6d o

Derrick will lead the march. Unironically, this time. He makes for good bait.

Iklzwgtl oAmvckd1b o

Mercy wasn't needed, but I felt like using it, for the heck of it.

Xwf8olhb o

Also, miss.

Hrv3pgfi oWcgvw9zy o

C'mon, really!?

Awrzpq4j o

That archer, man! Lasted the whole map! At this rate he's gonna get crippled and he'll survive, too!

Jcgl8ggw o

New turn. Enid must remove herself from harm's way post-haste.

3juviwkg o

Gyaaaaaaaaaaahhhh...! This! This is why Derrick should lead!

E0x2hqgy oLavfmtws o

Ahhh, garbage! Garbage man without a garbage bag! Stop it!

26isfmb5 o

Hidden mercenaries with Supporter! At least the game showed them at the beginning of the map, but still! Hidden mercenaries with Supporter!

Uusiqeci oWaaxqlin o

Thankfully, they aren't the sturdiest.

Lsftpttx o

He'll go down soon enough.

17ahwprp o

I'd like to finally kill this archer, though.

Wd6qyanx o

Ridiculous, that's what this is. Ludicrous!

8pvrhgz4 o

Jesus Christ. Why does Supporter have to give 4 crit? What was the need for that...!?

Lqwhtp11 oMxpkwakt o

At least this one only has Knock Away. I far prefer that to Adept with crit!

Dajzs4am o

Very nice, but if you don't start getting spear points pronto, you might be surpassed by Ruby. And that'd be a tragedy.

Hj8a44qt oZmhxuot2 o

Well, whatever. As always, when in doubt, risk the casual mode girl.

4dfj8aes o

Get something good!

Uva86iep o

Strength! Buff myrmidon! Buff myrmidon!

3 levels now. She'll take a bit longer than Ruby, but at the rate we're going, I think we can get all the paralogues. Ergh, unless death happens, of course. Faye is immune to death, but the others...

Wetphgzr o9trzex3b o

Honestly though, it's things like this, Vantage and Deathmatch that make the OG three cavaliers fun to use. They have a surprising amount of unique utility, the three of them.

Buhvw2no oVjlpwnv0 o

I'm starting to run out of ways to describe "archer dodges everything".

L25zuspl o

Oh my God, that is so scary...

Zc6m0nm0 o


Rxajsi07 o

Zlagxehg oI'm tired of playing with my archer pal now. Hey, noodlearms! C'mere!

9ghpadcx oYou're tired of "playing" with me because none among you is skilled enough to land a hit on me.

Zlagxehg o......

9ghpadcx oHeh... Turns out two can play at that game, eh?

Zlagxehg o...We'll see who laughs last.

2azrs9hg oFlqiedja o

At least the nasty critrate is gone, but that's still pretty bad.

B28caffg oBrfn46ne o

No, but seriously. This guy isn't provoked anymore and he can shoot at the mages (and mage-in-training mage-soon-to-be-in-training). Can we please kill him already?

Ixbsvqkn o

Finally, goddamnit! Finally!

9ghpadcx oGwah...! Ah, I got sloppy... no...

Zlagxehg o.......

9ghpadcx oIrv... Your brother's not... coming back...

Zlagxehg o...Ah, I always hate it when the games end... because then I have to face the cruel reality. Sigh...

Gsldomb3 oR9nq7s0p o

Spear level, wonderful! Absolutely excellent.

Qscwlahp oN7ec2fvy o

A bit of healing for Elbert.

1b7mwdzw o

Not sure what I'll do about these guys, though...

Qmyzhh5a o

Sic Derrick on 'em.

Qxpddo31 o6uk6hgdn o

He'll slow them down, but it's not a great solution.

Skyqqduc o

There's also this dude... Oh, for fuck's sake...

Dmntdcxd o5mjc8lqp oWvuy27ru o

Perhaps if we don't miss, I can weaken this one enough for... something?

Ynnwbpjg oKnuwgw7o o

Yes, very nice indeed! Exactly as I wanted.

Fdng2ddj o

Spreading my force a bit too thin here...

4uxduuyb oZpkjcvao o

But I really gotta deal with these guys.

Vyibz52t oY24tvagg o

Okay, so the situation... Could be better. Not gonna lie there.

74jjx4dn o

Thankfully, Elbert can provoke multiple targets, so here we go again.

Zlagxehg oAhh, a new archer pal! Come here, come here! Just try and hit me!

9ghpadcx oWhat!? I'll get you, Berwick dog! Just you wait and see!

Zlagxehg o...Sigh... They're so easy to manipulate... How can we be losing this war?

Gepajhwj oQnmevmsv o

That didn't work for either party.

Qxivos76 oH4tscgad o

No lucky cripples so far. I must've exhausted all of my luck back in chapter 5.

Doqgrjfq oSdzyaeuc o

Well, not quite all of it. That was a good hit, Derrick, thank you.

Xulolsnh o5zmewtmt o

Oh, freeze arrows! 1 magic damage, ooooo spooky!

Qalc8xtr o

Yeah, what did you expect?

Mmuavna1 oLxnt9w5h o

A crit! Wonderful!

Rm7ukhld o

She does a bit of flourishing that I missed because I can't ever catch critical animations properly.

Yqx7qn40 oIpdr6cfk o

Very good! I think at this point if I feed her William she'll get to level 10. And then it's just a matter of getting enough happiness... Given the times I've fielded her and fed her food (not to mention hiring her every chapter), I'd say perhaps she's a point or two away, but not much more. I don't know, it's just an estimation. I haven't been keeping track of these things. I'll have to keep fielding her, anyway, to get her WpSkill points.

Mrarj0hs oEl7sp2nk o

This new archer pal isn't as awesome as the last archer pal.

Bipg2a5z o

...Well, okay, he's kinda awesome.

Mt3nmshc o


Mzuhd2fz oG5xyu4xf o

...Hey, that's actually really nice! The kill brought himself to Enid!

Exo87emv o

With 1 HP, I could've used the verian sword. But I'll take a higher hitrate over saving lady sword uses.

Kna807f1 oKcfwgcqn o

Oh wow, I actually caught a good frame of a crit for once! Yeah, when she hits critically, her sword shines when she raises it before striking.

Vzj8si9a o

...I'm sorry, what?

Vzj8si9a o

No, no, I have eyes, you know! I know what, I'm just asking... what?

Enid, magic! Get magic, you useless child!

R9revija oI am NOT a child! How many times must I say it!?

Lgjkwhcy o None, for all I care! You ARE a child, and you're not getting magic! That's all I give half a damn about!

R9revija oWhat does that even mean? "Getting" magic?

Lgjkwhcy oYou know, when you level up? Get magic points? Your growth is 20%, it's not that low, goddamnit!

R9revija o...T-This man scares me...

Rkdow2fs oHe scares all of us.

Zlagxehg o...He killed Christine...

Uedfz3v4 o......

Qcvqjb9m oP5rjf9bk oLh2er3ad o

That's another kill for Kramer. If I can get him to level 7 like Faye, I'll consider it a win for today.

Mefbssvm oWi9q7ctc o

Meanwhile, Aegina does something.

Evl82xdo o2tgbkplk o

...Yeah, that's going to Kramer as well.

Pxzukiud o
Good question. It's never explained in detail. At least not that I remember.
Npytvvrl o


Ibg2dffc o

Eh, not bad! I'm half impressed.

D6gemrlh oRlh0er9p o

It's about time we talk about the boss. Oh my God, another boss with a kilometric skill list.... William is basically your standard Hamilton fare, only he has increased shield rate, and Commander, and Charisma, and Throw, and he can't be cheesed with ranges because he has a javelin he'll swap to if he's attacked from 1 range, and he can dodge blizzard so I can't even set up a capture, and he gets extra dodge from the house he's standing on, and... well, Windsweep seems pretty useless on enemies, but he has it, so there's that.

3mzxxc85 o

Speaking of the javelin, it's a 17 might ranged spear. Not something you want to be on the receiving end of. If I had Thaddy I could steal it, but I needed room for Aegina to be completely useless.

Sebngn7m o

You know, I actually half-thought this move through. I knew he had Prepared, so I waited until he used up his turn to attack him so he couldn't get two hits on Owen.

4cc3ysdz o

You know what I didn't realize? He has Magicbane.

Zn02hfdi o

He's taking it pretty well, actually. Probably because he knows he's overpowered.

Rol88sdt oFgdq03nb o

It would've been hilarious if that actually worked, but nope.

Ovipciq4 o

...Yeah, fuck it, I'm killing this guy.

Mqzmkrgj o

Oh, no, enemies! Reinforcements triggered by William getting attacked!

Csvgen5h o


...Wait... he deals 2 damage if he gets through the shield, +20 bonus damage = 22.

Derrick can tank a crit from the boss. I knew I loved him for a reason.

Blpcsy4i oLmhmznsu o

No matter. He couldn't try it anyway.

Iiblntfk o

This is safe too. I think.

Fygq8wov o


Mhr7p5ve oTz1okeeo o


Hitp3c1m oNdsoggkq o

Slowly but surely, we're wearing him down.

Cxrdeygq o

That's good, thank you.

Clbpl0lm o

Next turn, Owen immediately leaves the map. Even if he runs from William, those horsemen scare me.

Gtrkdwtt oZbmj4vas o

Oh, c'mon! He moved now? Damn you, healing AI!

Aaehyoiq o

You know what's funny, though? Since he's no longer stationary, he can now be provoked.

Bvedgnpi o

Zlagxehg oThe big man himself... Well, I say big man, but what kinda big man uses the tactics that you employ? The smallest big man, that's who!

Imo6lznz oHmph... Very well, then. Let us fight. Commander against commander, and may the best of us win.

Alm928rb oSvg9fj9z oIkcvhtts o

Imo6lznz oHey...! Not fair!

Healing won't save William, and he can't even do it again because all he can do now is attack Elbert. His turns are numbered.

Hdieavfk oI1ofpgsv o

...Holy shit, that's so scary.

9hdrbfrf o

These horse types hate anything that isn't a road, though. Derrick, block the road!

Tmesbin1 o

Great! That's exactly what I was hoping for.

Cy9sbxbs oUnpmhe4b o

Come the next turn, Faye deals even more damage to William. 11? Whoa, that's good!

2rikuz16 o6vhgi2qa o

Ahhh, after Derrick, eh? That's perfect.

Gczfzhw2 o

D'oh! You'll pay for that scratch!

Mn39jyu3 o

Hahahah... are we looking at another Derrick kill? I sure hope so!

Xnzbdqhq oYanmmtog oP1xyu8lk o


Fgtdlgv8 o

Two can play at that game, pal!

Wsciotth o

And in Ruby's case, she can play it better!

Xjmgewu0 o

Good. She deals enough damage to kill in two hits, so perhaps next turn will be it.

Wm2zzghl oHryncxhq o

Elbert uses his move to heal. He'll be tanking William hits for a little while.

4jenl376 oE10wvfcy o

If Derrick doesn't hit this, it's not the end of the world, but I'd really appreciate if he could erase this guy now. He has a coin, too!

H3qzzfps oAvhsyrnl o

Now that is wonderful!

Pjwwiguc oWr2nmiuj o

Hmmm... Perhaps we'll soon see another Derrick level! 1k denarii is great too.

Vikjbqxc oQ65qevwq o

Oh, come now... stop plinking Derrick to death! It'll never work!

Biopabod oY97ulvjm o

Can we finish this now? It'd be great if we could finish this now.

6oihi1zz o

Ahah, very, very good!

P6kz4sd2 o

It would've been a good idea, yeah.

Z3doxkpg oSavoei2y o

Hoo, boy! She just barely made it to level 10! Phew...

Cdg4o6dy oPejoptwq o

Not as good as the last one, but eh, I'll take it. Now we just have to wait for her paralogue to be unlocked!

Vfhjhs6k o

Zlagxehg oTheir aim was to place soldiers along routes we were likely to use so they could ambush us easily... Hiding one's strength from the enemy is certainly a good scare tactic...

U6bzfq9g o

Uedfz3v4 o Whoa! That soldier appeared out of nowhere!

Jxtbmp0h oThe remaining Imperial troops have surrendered, as commanded.

Lgjkwhcy o All one of them.

Jxtbmp0h oThe village only suffered minimal damage in the battle.

Zlagxehg oThank you for your assistance. Let's hope the Empire will think twice before trying this tactic again.

Jxtbmp0h oI agree. Thankfully, your counter-tactic went brilliantly, Sir Elbert.

Lgjkwhcy oDid it, though? Did it really? That beginning says otherwise!

Zlagxehg oFrom here, take the enemy prisoners and return to Navaron.

Rupqqytw o

Lgjkwhcy oOi! Rude! You don't just tell your superior to leave! Nah, I'm just messing with ya. It's one of those very funny cut off sentences.

Jxtbmp0h oit to us!


Well, that was that. It was... a huge mess, but we survived, I guess. Next time, we have a really short between-sidequests update. Yeah, one of those. Until then, you know the drill. Thank you, farewell, I'll kill you, yada yada yada.


Death count: Christine

* Unavailable

Capture count: 1 (Daoud)

Reset count: 1 (Ward: 1)


Current perfect streak: Yeah, I don't think I can call that a "perfect" map after the Enid blunder...

Best perfect streak: 6 maps



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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Out of those three, yes. But she failed in other aspects. Like raw power. Hanneman destroyed everything he came across.

Ah Hanneman with his MASSIVE MAGIC. Monocles and magic, name me a better pair.

At least when I did use her Manuela doubled enough to also do the job.

Which she could get away with as a Gremory.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, don't get me wrong, I never moved Dimitri from his personal class because it was so awesome. But he would've been so much better as a flier.

Edelgard doesn't even care about being armoured because Raging Storm fite me

I actually switched out briefly to finish mastering Paladin.

Then not get round to using Aegis afterwards.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, really? Tell me, then.

It's the manor theme, slowed down and almost entirely piano.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In another universe, this would've been a regular sidequest and Barselphon would've been telling the truth. But Kaga needed to fill the rape quota for this game somehow, and he thought "hey, wouldn't it be absolutely hilarious if I forced the player do it by locking important things behind the rape event?"

Something I hope to never have to add "Kaga did it first" to.

Because I hope nobody else does so.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In all seriousness, it's probably just a clumsy way of conveying Adel falling asleep.


It's just after bitching about it in 3H, I might as well say when Kaga did it 😛

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was trying to go for something more akin to the famous Dio face. But I got a bit carried away.

Shame I have little knowledge of Dio memeing in the visual front beyond Za Warudo.

I must find a use for it.

Problem is it's Leon.

Chances are I won't find it even after his map.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Alright, that comparison's possibly dust.

We'll see when we see Alvina.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Frankly, I don't find it to be too depressing. Heck, I find it to be wonderful! A couple of wonky descriptions and minor HUD glitches are the worst issues with the patch. The fanslation for an immense, very obscure game that was developed by two people alone, mind. Did you ever see the original TRS patch? That could barely be called a translation!

We're lucky we have someone as talented and passionate about KagaSaga as Aethin, is what I'm saying. A few typos and minor issues really aren't that big when you consider that the entire game has been translated, and quite well at that.

Actually, Aethin's been working on another patch for a while now. He's had a few problems, so progress is slow, but I'm sure it'll come out eventually. And besides, even if he was unable to release that final version, the current one is perfectly good as it is. Heck, I'd say the TRS translation has more problems! Still a quality translation, but it was a bit wonkier than this one. You can tell it was Aethin's first translation (as far as I know, anyway). This experience later translated (no pun intended) into a better patch for Berwick.

I was saying that in the sense it's annoying to be finding this kind of crap after all the effort to get it out the door to begin with.

This is no disrespect to the sheer volume of work Aethin pulled to get Berwick alone to this state.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

TRS. It's a reference to TRS. Maybe that happened back when you were unable to follow the LP.

Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be my first guess.

I did forget Ernst pulled an El CId.

(Historical parodies of Weekend at Bernie's should totally use El Cid.)

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
See how there's nobody on the map? Not a single corpse in sight? Well, the thing is, this is a reinforcement-based map. When we cross certain lines, enemies will appear at certain places. They're not ambush reinforcements, because Berwick Saga is actually a good game, but it's still very possible to screw ourselves by making the wrong moves.

How would ambush spawns even work in Berwick?

Actually asking people who've played, I'm not seeing how they could work.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Something should seem wrong, all right. We're here! Fear us! ...The army with no bulk other than Elbert and Derrick!

.....Because Derrick has ALL THE BULK

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Cofkewcl oC8ey8rns o

Ahahahah! And on top of that, she murdered a second guy indirectly! The cursor hovered over her spot for a second, which means another enemy was supposed to appear there, but couldn't because she was blocking his spawn point! Excellent, most magnificent!


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vztzhopt o

Strength and WpSkill? Absolutely great. Thank you so much, Ruby.

Oh, and a skill, too! Yeah, I think this is the first time we've come across this. Some units gain skills when leveling up. Ruby, for example, gains Throw at level 10. Throw is a good skill, so I'm glad she has it now.

So you hope she won't throw the fight in future.

Also, yes this is a good 2-stat level.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Iijxbn0j o

I wonder if William moves... I've been playing so many hacks these days (well, actually just two, but Vision Quest and Four Kings are both pretty huge) that I've gotten used to stationary enemies not having any movement. It's annoying that such a simple QoL feature isn't in so many games. Sadly, this game is the most Kaga ever gave a damn about QoL.

Unlike in 3H, stationary enemies in hacks don't lie. Just... thought I'd throw that one out there, because to this day I'm still pissed about that.

I'm still trying to think of any beyond the one time you mentioned and that I fell into and laughed off because Vantage Dimitri is a monster.

Also I bet there's at least one case of it if we looked deeply enough. Because somebody would. There's always that guy.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Dekfzija o

This does not erase the burning frustration in my chest. I did not deserve to get away with that. That was possibly the stupidest move I've made since the one that cost Christine her life. I'm glad she saved herself, but... Hot damn, am I angry at myself.

But at least it didn't.

And for that there's only relief. Reese would have a lot of explaining to do if Enid died right after she joined him.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uva86iep o

Strength! Buff myrmidon! Buff myrmidon!

3 levels now. She'll take a bit longer than Ruby, but at the rate we're going, I think we can get all the paralogues. Ergh, unless death happens, of course. Faye is immune to death, but the others...


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oAhh, a new archer pal! Come here, come here! Just try and hit me!

9ghpadcx oWhat!? I'll get you, Berwick dog! Just you wait and see!

Zlagxehg o...Sigh... They're so easy to manipulate... How can we be losing this war?

The easy answer? Volcens.

The hard answer? Due to the actions of prior kings the Berwick League was not prepared for a full invasion by an on the surface united front in Raze. Contradictory actions that ended up benefiting nobody were taken by lords in the league which led to a force that couldn't take Raze's full might and then there was infiltration that also weakened them that wasn't countered or removed, further weakening the league...........

The truest answer? Mordias because he sired Volcens and caused a ton of the shit I just pointed out.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Vzj8si9a o

...I'm sorry, what?

This is what we in the casual corner refer to as a resettable offence.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ibg2dffc o

Eh, not bad! I'm half impressed.

I mean, +50% Def right?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Rlh0er9p o

It's about time we talk about the boss. Oh my God, another boss with a kilometric skill list.... William is basically your standard Hamilton fare, only he has increased shield rate, and Commander, and Charisma, and Throw, and he can't be cheesed with ranges because he has a javelin he'll swap to if he's attacked from 1 range, and he can dodge blizzard so I can't even set up a capture, and he gets extra dodge from the house he's standing on, and... well, Windsweep seems pretty useless on enemies, but he has it, so there's that.

I'm sorry, Kaga brought back enemies switching items depending on the range they're attacked?


> Gets nuked by a meteor.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Clbpl0lm o

Next turn, Owen immediately leaves the map. Even if he runs from William, those horsemen scare me.

What is it with horsemen and scaring the crap out of you?

If I need to scare you I'll just send pictures of the Mongolians?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Cdg4o6dy oPejoptwq o

Not as good as the last one, but eh, I'll take it. Now we just have to wait for her paralogue to be unlocked!

So she doesn't need specific weapon skill to promote?

I thought she did?

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rupqqytw o


Wait a minute!

Because this is a short response, the niece cleared an arcade run in Wargroove. I might have assisted, but she did clear the final map mostly alone, so good on her for figuring out a way to exploit the AI. Maybe? win. I'm also still unemployed, but hey I can actually get interviews so that's something. Even if I was (effectively) blown the fuck out by some of the questions.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg o...He killed Christine...

Yes that's right Elbert, he killed Christine, he stole your happy future. You must take his. Reach for him, with every thought you are one step closer to the domain in which he cowers. 

...hs...fos...snesfo...tnde...pro14...7...sin r...u...ei

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FK(wow that's an unfortunate abbreviation)'s

Try with "4Ks" instead.

(Also, maybe include a link next time)

(Speaking of, what about "Inheritance"?)


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That was Saint Rubenio's Controversial Opinion of the day. While you ready your pitchforks for the lynching, I shall release an update.

That would have most likely been the case if you had been talking about Pokémon romhacks instead.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, I don't think I will.

"But thou must!"


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ye-- No! What? She doesn't have the Guard skill!

Neither do AK's Guards for that matter: the devs should have probably tried a bit more to find a more suitable class name for their melee damage-dealers.

Also, Arts Guards actually do magical damage with their regular attacks instead of casting spells (and other units can temporarily do the same with their skills), so they probably don't fit Enid's class anyway.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, sword skill is not the best gain for her. Once she gets magic, she's never going to touch a blade ever again.

Case in point.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uhhh... but he hasn't a horse, why does he have to worry about that one?

The Kuranta have equine-like traits, which can be easily seen by their ears.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

MuMu App Player?

My current emulator: switched to it from Bluestacks because GFL's client update last autumn made the game basically unplayable on it.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why do I have this weird feeling of deja vu?

Your favorite bandit boss from that horse-filled chapter where you forgot to actually capture any horse.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why would they remove that, though? Far as I could see, it was harmless...

Probably some sort of copyright infringement.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I completely agree with glasses man.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, it's going to be more like "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH WHERE'D YOU COME FROM!?"


(Also, you might have noticed i edited that comment... 23 hours after i posted it!)


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

We're here! Fear us! ...The army with no bulk other than Elbert and Derrick!


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oa9hlrku o


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I3zhpnxr o



6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bwahah! Can't touch this! Mm mm mm mm nee nee can't touch this...


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, it was stupid of me to expect a success.

On 6/22/2020 at 2:52 AM, Golb89 said:



6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg o...We'll see who laughs last.



6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thankfully, Elbert can provoke multiple targets, so here we go again.

Zlagxehg oAhh, a new archer pal! Come here, come here! Just try and hit me!



6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Very good! I think at this point if I feed her William she'll get to level 10. And then it's just a matter of getting enough happiness... Given the times I've fielded her and fed her food (not to mention hiring her every chapter), I'd say perhaps she's a point or two away, but not much more.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pxzukiud o



6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Speaking of the javelin, it's a 17 might ranged spear. Not something you want to be on the receiving end of.

On 6/22/2020 at 2:52 AM, Golb89 said:



6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Svg9fj9z oIkcvhtts o

Imo6lznz oHey...! Not fair!

Healing won't save William, and he can't even do it again because all he can do now is attack Elbert. His turns are numbered.

Cy9sbxbs oUnpmhe4b o

Come the next turn, Faye deals even more damage to William. 11? Whoa, that's good!


Edited by Golb89
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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hey, don't get me wrong, I never moved Dimitri from his personal class because it was so awesome. But he would've been so much better as a flier.

Falco-knight Ingrid was all the flier I needed for Blue Lions. Avoid stance +, an evade ring and a forged javelin and she'll dodge tank an entire enemy phase virtually unhittable while countering everything. I mean, seriously only special cases even got to have a non-zero hit rate on her. That said, she did have one obvious weakness. She most certainly couldn't one-round fortress knights. At least not without weighing her down and ruining the whole dodge-tank gimmick. Other characters I used as fliers in various runs included Seteth (duh), Claude in his lord classes, Hilda and Caspar (though Caspar was only after a run where I used him as a War Master. I'd like to say I was less than impressed, but he tore the final boss apart like no-one's business after a game of mediocrity. That said, he one-shot the Death Knight as a Wyvern Lord in his paralogue..).

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


We're lucky we have someone as talented and passionate about KagaSaga as Aethin, is what I'm saying. A few typos and minor issues really aren't that big when you consider that the entire game has been translated, and quite well at that.

I know. Meanwhile I'm still waiting on the Samurai Shodown RPG (which is western shorthand for a lengthy Japanese name) to receive it's translation patch... that was started in 2006... and hasn't been heard of since 2016... but remains unfinished. I didn't know it until recently but apparently you can pick your main character. It doesn't change the over-all plot, just dialogue and some attacks. But naturally, Ukyo is one of the six choices. Which surprises me, because I honestly expected it to be locked to Haohmaru, and he's kind of a douche at that point in the timeline (it's a retelling of 1&2 but with some liberties taken, such as characters actually dying despite being alive later in the main games).
I think we're blessed to have the translations we do here. Don't think this is a criticism of the guy doing Samurai Shodown RPG's translation. I know I would never have the time to do the work he is (or the linguistic knowledge), and he's said that he intends to finish the job no matter how many years it takes. My point is more, I'm appreciating what we have rather than lamenting what we haven't.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Where did people get this idea that Palla is my waifu? I like her stats, but everything else about her is boring! Green hair gets her some points, but beyond that...

Misinterpreting the comments about eating paellas.
Either that or

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Palla is my waifu

This comment right here that isn't taken without context.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...I've got nothing. I mean, she was stationed under Gheb in Eph's route, so that opens up the possibility of a really twisted motivation to allow her in, but what about Eirika's route?

Because Grado's kind of nuts what with undead emperor Vigarde and demonically possessed Prince Lyon. Also Rieve, Caellech and Valter are all blatant scumbags. So probably because of the same reason Matthis was put on the frontlines. Sending the scared ones to the front.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why does this game look like a fetish game half the time?

Anything can be a fetish if you''re twisted enough. I once knew a guy (unfortunately) with a thing about cactuses. Cactuses and certain regions of the female body. He also lacked the good sense not to post it to Facebook. With pictures.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Wait, the green knight dies? Goddamnit, really? It's always my favorites...

I said he gets decapitated. I never said he dies. It's a long story, but basically, the Green Knight strolls into Camelot with a fine axe, and challenges the knights there to a "Christmas game". The game being that whoever dares will strike the Green Knight with the axe, but the Green Knight will be allowed to return the strike in one year and one day. The reward for the challenge being the axe. To stop Arthur himself from taking the challenge when goaded at the cowardice of all involved, Gawain (Arthur's youngest knight), takes the axe and decapitates the Green Knight, figuring he won't be returning the blow if he's not alive. The Green Knight then picks ups his severed head, and holds it out to Guinevere (the Queen), and with a smirk on his face reminds that he'll be back in a year and a day. So begins the story.


In the end, it turns out to be trickery by Morgan Le Fay, (always Morgan isn't it?) with the intent of frightening Guinevere. Mind her version of the plan would have had Arthur on the chopping block instead of Gawain... who the Green Knight left with a scratch on his neck rather than outright decapitating. He kept the axe, as his reward for the endeavor.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Those two had issues, didn't they?

I mean, they collected a bunch of folk tales. Then they editted them. The evil mothers were changed to step-mothers because they didn't want to give kids grounds to rebel against their mothers by giving them the idea they could be evil. They stepped up punishments on a lot of the villains because they had a way of getting off scott-free or with a slap on the wrist in many of the original folk tales, not unlike what you did to Slaver last LP. It's kind of working with what you have, you know?

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


What!? He went out of his way to kill the poor turtle? Bastard...!

Hence why I wanted to brutalize him after. Shame it's impossible to catch a car.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Look, I know it's not right to wish death upon a person, but... I do hope he crashes. Car destroyed beyond repair. Maybe a couple broken bones and a leg. That'll teach him to play God with his car.

At the very least a revoked license. Besides making his life miserable... it stops repeat offenses.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Is it sad that you got the exact video I was thinking of when I said that? After all those "I don't get this reference" you got one.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, it takes a really naive person to be "unwitting" about this.

Well, I meant that from an "in-universe" point.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, God... Why is Merlinus everywhere? He's dead, dead and buried! I should know, I personally beheaded him! I needed a lot of plates, but they were worth the investment!

I just worked out who the "Phantom Corpse" is. It's Merlinus. He's dead, yet he haunts you.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
E7ffvtfz o

Today's Hamilton is William.

Imo6lznz oShould be easy pickings. Just operate as usual.

Is he as bad as the other Wil? You better capture him if he is.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, and a skill, too! Yeah, I think this is the first time we've come across this. Some units gain skills when leveling up. Ruby, for example, gains Throw at level 10.

Like in Tear Ring really.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oYou couldn't even kill one little girl. I knew I didn't need to bring our best troops for this. You guys are worthless when you're up against anything better than a supply caravan!

9ghpadcx oBastard! I will show you the might of the 13th Corps!

Zlagxehg oThat's what they all say, isn't it... You'll be the 13th corpse before the end of this battle!

Elbert's come a long way from "Poopnose". And I'm loving every second of it.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This. It's like Maruj, except even worse somehow.

She's not using plane animations. Ergo automatically worse.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll kill you, yada yada yada.

You already did.


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On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Now I have another recommendation for y'all.

Well, I have one for you! It's Fire Emblem: Souls of the Forest. It's really good and if you play it on Lunatic it's so well designed. It's really fun to play.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

You "don't guess". Berwick Saga is perfect. Do not say otherwise, or I'll kill you.

Very aggressive are you?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He left because IntSys refused to allow him to put the "dancer can only be obtained by having a little girl be drugged and kidnapped by a slaver and made to dance in a skimpy outfit in front of old degenerates" storyline.

...Okay, no, I have no idea why he left, but I'd say that's a pretty good guess.

Tbh, I think that's a fair reason. He had like storylines that were way too dark. My guess is then he thought his creativity was being stiffled and left.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Where did people get this idea that Palla is my waifu? I like her stats, but everything else about her is boring! Green hair gets her some points, but beyond that...

Well I got the "Oh I would definitely eat palla's... oh distractions distractions why do I always say things like that?" quote. But well shit. Now I'll mention this thing again like 2 times and it'll be awkward. Fakh!

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Your loss.

|    I|
l|   | __

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes. That is everybody's first impression. And you didn't even get to see her kicking a dude's ass. She's not just gorgeous, she can fight too.

For reference, it's update nº 13, page 7.

Well that sounds hilarious. I'll look it up later.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm glad somebody agrees with me! I like it too.

At first I was like "Wait Ruben schoolgirls no-" but then no. I don't think anyone would dislike the artstyle.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Everyone should strive to be more like Heinz. Ergh, minus the crippling depression.

Funny thing, my last name is Hanes so for a spanish speaker that would read just like mine. I didn't think Doof had depression? Well actually it's quite obvious now that I think about it. Jesus Christ, the writers of P&F made a more morally grey villain than the nutjobs at FE7.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

But... the death count is right there, at the bottom of every update!

Yes but unless I'm blind, it has no list of dead characters? Well what do I know.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pero que manía. No sé de donde sacaste eso!

De esto hable, de que hable de Palla mil veces y ahora queda raro.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Edward de Final Fantasy IV, un cobarde que cuando llega a tener baja vida corre del campo de batalla, hasta su siguiente turno donde puedes hacer que regrese, si lo utilizas bien puede ser estrategico, porque puedes hacer que se esconda aun con mucha vida. Pero en la version de SNES, sin postgame, no tiene ningun merito esa estrategia.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

For those of you who can't speak spanish, allow me to translate: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!

Jajajaja! Te pasaste! Oh ya me motive extraniamente (no tengo enie en mi teclado gringo, y alt 164 me cierra todo y no se porque. Tambien por eso no uso acentos) de hablar de idiomas! Resulta que tengo a mi profesor de frances de amigo en Facebook y hoy me felicito por como sigo tratando de comentar en frances, y eso me hizo feliz.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Una pena. La capa me gusta demasiado.

Algo que no entiendo es porque la sociedad no usa capas -.- Son lo mas epico del mundo, que las mujeres tambien lo hagan! Todos se ven mejores con capas! aunque sean fastidiosas al sentarse.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Se pasa la gente, más bien. Todo el mundo me llama talibán por la barba.

Esos weyes ni valen para nada, asi que no les prestes atencion (excepto si es tu familia o amigos, a ellos no les digo nada)

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Then I'm an weeb? Kind of a weird weeb, considering I've barely watched like 6 animes, and only a single one of them I would call "remarkable" at all - heck, that anime is the least "anime" anime you could find. I also don't care for randomly shoehorning japanese words into my lexicon, and I've never paid any serious mind to the notion that japanese culture is somehow "superior" to all others.

So yeah. If I'm a weeb, what isn't?

Well I mean, even if it's a minor thing. Anyone would call you a weeb for thinking Sylvis, for example, is hot. They can't fathom the difference between saying that and being in love, for which of course it's ridiculous to say you would be. I haven't watched many animes either. But FE is so intertwined with weebiness that I... well ok I think a better way to say it is "Second-hand" weeb. Like second-hand smoking, you're not smoking but you are in the presence of a smoker, and FE being so close to weebs and japanese culture you have to deal with and in it if even for a bit.

I don't use japanese words into my lexicon either, like ever. Unless there's a real good reason for it like a word that can't be translated to english. But most weeb words aren't important and can still be approximated. Perhaps the only outer-language word I would ever use would be "Kaiser", "Weimar" and "Drit-Klassen" those are german and while the first 2 have historical reasons, the last one is just so cool in german (it means third-rate/class, so it's perfect for roasting).

Also japanese culture is so... weird. Like goofy people that are also highly respetuous but also mega racists and sexists and weirdos. I don't think saying they are declining in population because of hentai and waifus would be an overstatement.

And yeah I guess you're not exactly a weeb, but like I said before "Second-hand weeb".

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah, I am winner!


On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah I dunno why. I wouldn't have done it normally, but I just did otherwise so... 

You're weird. But that's all right.

(First text is me) I don't remember what I was saying here or why. But the last part "but I just did otherwise so..." is a quote taken from Diogo Jorge (an infamous person in the forums) because he just said that to somehow prove himself right on an argument and nobody knows what he meant.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


...I've got nothing. I mean, she was stationed under Gheb in Eph's route, so that opens up the possibility of a really twisted motivation to allow her in, but what about Eirika's route?

That's most likely tbh.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm too lazy to check, but this guy isn't the same as the one in the previous battle right that we killed and came with her?

No. Not at all. In fact, they're complete opposites!

Wait what?? NO this ending is sad! ABORT ABORT ABORT!

Too late to abort, I'm afraid...

*sigh* this is terrible.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The other sidequest I was talking about was Barselphon's request to bring Minas to him. In a net. And, well, you know how that was resolved.

Jeez I thought the net thing was a joke. What the actual hell? How the fuck does that even ring well to anyone?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, they're kinda bros in a way. When I finally start getting their scenes, you'll see. Or maybe you won't, if you disappear again.

I'll try to stick around. But I've already been at this for 30 minutes... it's so time consuming omg.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

In the future, keep in mind that italic text is always my own.

Ok, good to know.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I haven't, actually.


On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes. Of course you are.

... I know that was a lie. I'm biggest dum-dum in all of SF, ok maybe only behind Diogo.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't talk like that. You're 6 years younger than me. You've still got time. I have... less time.

Wait 6? I had the impression you were older! Like late 20s! I suppose you are right though but well I don't have high hopes. If I consider the one positive is that it leaves more time to myself but that carries it's negatives as well. You can't also say you have so much less time when 15 yrs is nowhere near the ideal time anyways.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Because that's exactly what it is?

So Elbert is a dick now? Always has?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...But... I would never say that... I'm the least patriotic dude!

Fair I guess. I mean you can still be patriotic, feel happy of your identity and country, nationalism is the extreme of that, where you believe that now because of that identity you are superior to everyone.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahhh, I see. Well, that's a perfectly fine interest to have.

Yes... I wish others would see them in the same light instead of "weirdo". I also like math so that's another weirdo point for me.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

At this point, all the Berwick women seem to be "the best".

I completely agree. And you have only seen playables up until now. You missed girls like Sienna.

Yes and let me see who she is... well I couldn't find her? That's weird.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd just like to point out that Sylvis is one of the most powerful and fun units in the entire game. So yeah. So much for "bad stat line-up".

Well bad-stat line up as in, less upper body strength in real life. Then again that's circumvented anyways so... just ignore this. Don't even quote it.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's what I'd like to know, You!

I don't know.


On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Why does this game look like a fetish game half the time?

Well my curiosity made me read more than I thought. I am asking the same thing, what the heck is that?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Dekfzija o

This does not erase the burning frustration in my chest. I did not deserve to get away with that. That was possibly the stupidest move I've made since the one that cost Christine her life. I'm glad she saved herself, but... Hot damn, am I angry at myself.

Damn! But why was that an error? Enid was at top health when she was attacked so healing her wouldn't have done anything... right?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oYou couldn't even kill one little girl. I knew I didn't need to bring our best troops for this. You guys are worthless when you're up against anything better than a supply caravan!

9ghpadcx oBastard! I will show you the might of the 13th Corps!

Zlagxehg oThat's what they all say, isn't it... You'll be the 13th corpse before the end of this battle!

Ah this is why I remember him. I remember now.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oDone already? You couldn't even hit me. What, eyeing the little girl again? If you're going to fail, you might as well fail against someone your own size. Less embarrassing, y'know?

9ghpadcx oGrrrr... enough of this! I'm taking you down!

Zlagxehg oHeh...

Hehehe... how much time do you take to be able to wirte these provoke quotes?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Unlike in 3H, stationary enemies in hacks don't lie. Just... thought I'd throw that one out there, because to this day I'm still pissed about that.

Pretty mcuh every FE except 13 and 14 do that iirc.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
M7scrrxr oMpmnvpro o

Well. Coulda been worse.

You know, I'm not sure if I'm happy about all these battles Berwick has where absolutely nothing happens. Sure FE has them but I'll rather have a game like FE12 with hitrates,

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oAren't your arms getting tired after firing so many arrows at the air? I know my legs are starting to ache after dodging so much.

9ghpadcx o......

Zlagxehg o...Ah, I'm sorry. That was a lie, to make you feel better. With your aim, I barely had to use 'em to get out of the way.

9ghpadcx o...I'll have you head... If it's the last thing I do! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

I wonder, how do they get so close to speak to each other. They must be yelling I guess?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Faye is immune to death, but the others...

I guess it's good to ask now, why is she impossible to kill?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oI'm tired of playing with my archer pal now. Hey, noodlearms! C'mere!

9ghpadcx oYou're tired of "playing" with me because none among you is skilled enough to land a hit on me.

Zlagxehg o......

9ghpadcx oHeh... Turns out two can play at that game, eh?

Zlagxehg o...We'll see who laughs last.

These provoke scenes are still funny.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

9ghpadcx oIrv... Your brother's not... coming back...

Zlagxehg o...Ah, I always hate it when the games end... because then I have to face the cruel reality. Sigh...

Yikes, what happened to Elbert?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


R9revija oI am NOT a child! How many times must I say it!?

Lgjkwhcy o None, for all I care! You ARE a child, and you're not getting magic! That's all I give half a damn about!

R9revija oWhat does that even mean? "Getting" magic?

Lgjkwhcy oYou know, when you level up? Get magic points? Your growth is 20%, it's not that low, goddamnit!

R9revija o...T-This man scares me...

Rkdow2fs oHe scares all of us.

Zlagxehg o...He killed Christine...

Uedfz3v4 o......

Yikes. That is kinda scary.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oThe big man himself... Well, I say big man, but what kinda big man uses the tactics that you employ? The smallest big man, that's who!

Imo6lznz oHmph... Very well, then. Let us fight. Commander against commander, and may the best of us win.

Not so provoked honestly.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Tmesbin1 o

Great! That's exactly what I was hoping for.

You know, sth that annoysme in Berwick is that characters have a square below them, or like half a square but it looks damn ugly since it doesn't fit with the hexagons.

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Next time, we have a really short between-sidequests update. Yeah, one of those. Until then, you know the drill. Thank you, farewell, I'll kill you, yada yada yada.

Short? Well I'll see about tha- wait kill me? WHy? ... I guess there's a first for everything. I won't die from being killed right?

On 6/24/2020 at 3:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Christine

Oh I guess the death counter was here all along and I was just blind as all hell.


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On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

When I say go

Be ready to continue this joke.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

No, I was not. That's interesting.

I actually do believe that it somewhat inspired the whole "Black knight/Greil" thing in FE9/10. I don't know for certain, though.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Now that is absolutely wonderful.

I wonder how many times he shows up. Thus far, he's been in the main missions since chapter 6. (I didn't see him in chapter 7, but I was a coward and ignored all of the enemies.)

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hah! Now wouldn't that be something. Something unlikely, sadly.

I can prove you wrong!


There we go. Minas' brother who has his face and hair slightly displaced/miscolored due to a childhood accident and totally not my inability to use paint.net properly.  He's the generic with a portrait's dad.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, she wasn't married to Theo yet (he was about to ask the question when we killed him) and Barselphon interrupted Reese before he could ask her about Theo.

Reese isn't actually Bernstool's son; he's Eliwood's child who was sent to Lazberia to spread the dumb lord vibes. Bernstool is too much of a god to have a son do this.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I'm going to be doing more things than that. Sadly, I have to, I can't rely on the RNG.

I did suffer quite a lot on that map. That bloke with an Apollyon and sniper arrows killed literally everything every time! And Yalong managed to hit Elbert despite Elbert having arrowbane, Elbert failed to dodge AND WAS CRIPPLED WITH SIXTEEN HP LEFT!

TL;DR, I succ.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That is so annoying, yeah. Still, 4 res isn't bad, and the happiness can be useful.

Well, it also brought her down to Yubello-level magic.

And I will do anything to make my Faye happy! She saves me all the time, so I at least give her the good foob! And flowers.


On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahah... Considering what happens later, I don't think there's any need for that.

For my run, I need it. Unless Enid pulls herself together and grows in something other than HP.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyways, I wish there was a girl that thought of me often (but none in this world exist or ever will I'm sure).

You and me both. Well, someday.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

This is actually a rather tough chapter.

Funnily enough, I found this one to be really easy. I brought my S (For scrub) team and we still wiped the floor.

(In case you're wondering, it consisted of woefully underleveled Ruby, Enid, Czene, Saphira, Adel and Faye. Of those, Faye was the only good one. Adel was okay, I guess.)

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Derrick... continues to lead the charge. Nothing's happening so far.

Diwsh0s5 o

By the way, there is a thief/archer in that forest. I don't remember which class it was, but watch your jet!

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Your growth is 20%, it's not that low, goddamnit!

My level six or so Enid who does not know what a "Magiqq" is begs to differ.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Uva86iep o

Strength! Buff myrmidon! Buff myrmidon!

Nice! You really should use her more. She gets insane. Unless I was just really lucky, but the benchmarks she hit in speed and skill didn't seem TOO unreasonable. (60 skill and 27 speed and level 19. Pretty sure she gets a nice boost from promotion, though.)

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's about time we talk about the boss.

I really wish that Adel got something akin to Vantage+ that works at 0-1 range and he gets the Prepared skill so he always attacks first as long as he's faster. It really sucks when enemies have Prepared.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

This does not erase the burning frustration in my chest. I did not deserve to get away with that. That was possibly the stupidest move I've made since the one that cost Christine her life. I'm glad she saved herself, but... Hot damn, am I angry at myself.

Hey man, I think every single unit alive in my ironman has dodged a would-be fatal 50% hit at least once. Seriously; Canas, Wil, Eliwood, Hector, Raven a billion times until he finally died, Fiora, Florina, Oswin...

I really need to get better at this. But hey! Dart hasn't had to dodge any lethal attacks to survive! DonDon tier, right here!

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Cdg4o6dy o

Is Ruby supposed to look like this? I think I got mine to level six and she still had sub-ten in all three weapon ranks. Including having base shield skill.

On 6/24/2020 at 1:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Uedfz3v4 o Whoa! That soldier appeared out of nowhere!


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2 hours ago, Benice said:

I actually do believe that it somewhat inspired the whole "Black knight/Greil" thing in FE9/10. I don't know for certain, though.

I mean, Greil was secretly named Gawain, had a fine axe, and an "unkillable" knight was coming to kill him. Difference is the Green Knight didn't actually kill Gawain. So no large revenge story. Just the knights of the round table wearing a green sash from then on to commemorate the whole adventure.

2 hours ago, Benice said:

Hey man, I think every single unit alive in my ironman has dodged a would-be fatal 50% hit at least once. Seriously; Canas, Wil, Eliwood, Hector, Raven a billion times until he finally died, Fiora, Florina, Oswin...

Not counting ones that just joined or Lyn, who never dodges them and thus causes resets.

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On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I thought that was kinda weird. Characters like Theodel only got two, barely different portraits, or even just one, but then there was someone like Sheela who had a thousand faces even though she didn't have that much dialogue.

I would imagine in Theodel's case it's because he uses one of the unused Tear Ring Saga portraits. The one that Aethin's list labels as "[samuel], to be exact".

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

So of course, I decided that this was the perfect opportunity to bring Enid and Aegina to train them. Hurr durr me Ruben, me very samrt tacticion. Me lose no units ever. Gaaaahhhh...

R5ibjunz o

Also no Axel or Larentia, so you can't trigger the reinforcements on the water. One of those guys carries a material. I think it's a Lion Pelt.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yrb9bffc o

Faye be like...




On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahah! And on top of that, she murdered a second guy indirectly! The cursor hovered over her spot for a second, which means another enemy was supposed to appear there, but couldn't because she was blocking his spawn point! Excellent, most magnificent!

I can see why they store most of their guys outside the map border. Much more space there.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pfah! Good effort, but I seriously doubt you'll promote. All I want from you is your paralogue. Nothing more.

Sounds like the Balmung will go to someone else then.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! Adept! A random enemy with Adept! How much of a dick do you have to be to give a random enemy Adept!?

One of the Mercs also has Iaido, so that one could potentially crit you.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...No movement. Excellent.





On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Not so sure what you're doing here, frankly. It's a bit late for you. Ah, well. Jeigan for Enid.

Especially since she missed out on the Bleesed Brace to fix up her abysmal magic.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be honest, sword skill is not the best gain for her. Once she gets magic, she's never going to touch a blade ever again.

Well, the more often her strikes connect, the less counters she will eat.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Very good! I think at this point if I feed her William she'll get to level 10.

You want to feed her the guy using a Killer Spear?

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

R9revija oI am NOT a child! How many times must I say it!?

Careful Enid. Ruben had people killed for less.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

This is safe too. I think.

Why did you never reequip his shield?

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, no, enemies! Reinforcements triggered by William getting attacked!

That's not the only thing triggered by attacking William, I'm afraid.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, c'mon! He moved now? Damn you, healing AI!

Would you have preferred he would have attacked someone with the Killer Spear. Fortunately he couldn't reach Enid. She might actually have gotten one-shot by the Javelin without even needing a crit.

On 6/24/2020 at 10:52 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahah, very, very good!

You actually went for it. Sure, he is provoked, but he still could have crippled Ruby with a counter.

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Part 38 - A completely ordinary update where nothing remarkable happens.

Ordinary title for replies:

On 6/25/2020 at 12:33 AM, Dayni said:



Ah Hanneman with his MASSIVE MAGIC. Monocles and magic, name me a better pair.

Gotta hand it to Three Houses. I hate it, but it has my favorite old wizard dude in the series. That design is too good.

At least when I did use her Manuela doubled enough to also do the job.

Which she could get away with as a Gremory.

She doubled pretty reliably for me too.

Edelgard doesn't even care about being armoured because Raging Storm fite me

What was that? Her personal skill? I just hope it's not as overkill as Atrocity.

I actually switched out briefly to finish mastering Paladin.

Then not get round to using Aegis afterwards.

Wonderful. Now that was some worthwhile effort.

It's the manor theme, slowed down and almost entirely piano.

Oh, right! Yeah, Berwick loves it leitmotifs.

Something I hope to never have to add "Kaga did it first" to.

Because I hope nobody else does so.



It's just after bitching about it in 3H, I might as well say when Kaga did it 😛

I suppose so. Hurray 3H. You get 1 point.

...3H still used this trick like a hundred times, so... Kind of a pitiful score, but hey! A point!

Shame I have little knowledge of Dio memeing in the visual front beyond Za Warudo.

Honestly? Same. I just thought the face was funny.

I must find a use for it.

Problem is it's Leon.

Chances are I won't find it even after his map.

I'll post it again myself when the time comes. Would be a waste not to.

Alright, that comparison's possibly dust.


We'll see when we see Alvina.

Won't be for a while yet.

I was saying that in the sense it's annoying to be finding this kind of crap after all the effort to get it out the door to begin with.

Meh, that's one way to see it. Personally, I just got a good, hearty laugh out of "phantom corpse", and that's about it. These things aren't so hard to ignore.

This is no disrespect to the sheer volume of work Aethin pulled to get Berwick alone to this state.

Yeah, I understand. I probably went overboard with my reply, sorry. I'm just... really passionate, y'know? This is one of my favorite games of all time. Even though I've only known it for a year, it's just... holy shit, it's so good.

Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be my first guess.

I did forget Ernst pulled an El CId.

Ahahah, yes... Wait, what?

(Historical parodies of Weekend at Bernie's should totally use El Cid.)

Weekend at Bernie's...? I just googled it, and it appears to only be some movie I've never heard about. What does a figure of spanish folklore have to do with that?

By the way, that film's spanish name is "this dead guy is very alive". How's that for a lame translation?

How would ambush spawns even work in Berwick?

Actually asking people who've played, I'm not seeing how they could work.

Better than in FE, actually. They wouldn't wait instantly, but due to shared turns you could actually do something before they could cause too much trouble. Still not what I'd call good, though, so I'm glad Kaga learned.

.....Because Derrick has ALL THE BULK



Run, everyone!

So you hope she won't throw the fight in future.

Well, uh... So do I.

Also, yes this is a good 2-stat level.

This is Berwick Saga. 2-stat level is good.

I'm still trying to think of any beyond the one time you mentioned and that I fell into and laughed off because Vantage Dimitri is a monster.

It's enough to piss me off. Didn't they playtest that shit?

Also I bet there's at least one case of it if we looked deeply enough. Because somebody would. There's always that guy.

Well, I was talking about actually good hacks.

Y'know, unlike 3H.

But at least it didn't.

And for that there's only relief. Reese would have a lot of explaining to do if Enid died right after she joined him.

Meoilxpy oYou see, my tactician thought she would survive, and...

Txzubig9 oW-What? Tactician? Duke Roswick, I have no idea what he's talking about! I am but... uh... a chamberlain! Yes, that's it!

Pobpolog o......

Uedfz3v4 o...Don't execute me, please... I beg of you...!

Pobpolog o...What have I done... To deserve such a fate...



The easy answer? Volcens.

The hard answer? Due to the actions of prior kings the Berwick League was not prepared for a full invasion by an on the surface united front in Raze. Contradictory actions that ended up benefiting nobody were taken by lords in the league which led to a force that couldn't take Raze's full might and then there was infiltration that also weakened them that wasn't countered or removed, further weakening the league...........

The truest answer? Mordias because he sired Volcens and caused a ton of the shit I just pointed out.

I'll take all three, thanks.

This is what we in the casual corner refer to as a resettable offence.

Ahahahah... Yeah, good thing I can't do that, eh?

I mean, +50% Def right?

I guess, but... he's still not what I'd call a "tank".

I'm sorry, Kaga brought back enemies switching items depending on the range they're attacked?


> Gets nuked by a meteor.

Heheheheheheh... Well hey. At least the game warns you.

What is it with horsemen and scaring the crap out of you?

You know full well what "it" is. And if you don't, don't worry. I'll probably keep reminding everyone until the day I die.

If I need to scare you I'll just send pictures of the Mongolians?

Don't you dare...! I'll kill you if you do!

So she doesn't need specific weapon skill to promote?

I thought she did?

She does, her paralogue merely recruits her. She still needs WpSkill to promote.


Wait a minute!


Because this is a short response, the niece cleared an arcade run in Wargroove. I might have assisted, but she did clear the final map mostly alone, so good on her for figuring out a way to exploit the AI. Maybe? win.

Congratulate the niece on my behalf.

I'm also still unemployed, but hey I can actually get interviews so that's something. Even if I was (effectively) blown the fuck out by some of the questions.

Oh, well. Good luck with those!


On 6/25/2020 at 1:37 AM, Pengaius said:

Yes that's right Elbert, he killed Christine, he stole your happy future. You must take his. Reach for him, with every thought you are one step closer to the domain in which he cowers. 

What!? Stop trying to pit my units against me!

...hs...fos...snesfo...tnde...pro14...7...sin r...u...ei

...And... Stop trying to scare me with satanic incantations! I-It is working, so you must cease at once! Cease!


On 6/25/2020 at 2:39 AM, Golb89 said:

Try with "4Ks" instead.

That works, thanks.

(Also, maybe include a link next time)

It's not difficult to find, but sure, here you go.

(Speaking of, what about "Inheritance"?)

I saw that one around FEUniverse. Eh, it looks okay, but it didn't quite catch my eye. I have other hacks to play, but feel free to give it a shot and tell me how it goes!

That would have most likely been the case if you had been talking about Pokémon romhacks instead.

Oh, I have a far simpler controversial opinion on Pokemon: It's bad.

...Okay, not "bad", but holy shit do I find it to be positively bland and boring and awful.

"But thou must!"

No I don't think I will.

Neither do AK's Guards for that matter: the devs should have probably tried a bit more to find a more suitable class name for their melee damage-dealers.

Would've been a good idea, doubtlessly.

Also, Arts Guards actually do magical damage with their regular attacks instead of casting spells (and other units can temporarily do the same with their skills), so they probably don't fit Enid's class anyway.

Well, if she uses a magical sword...

Case in point.


My current emulator: switched to it from Bluestacks because GFL's client update last autumn made the game basically unplayable on it.

Ahh, I get it.

Your favorite bandit boss from that horse-filled chapter where you forgot to actually capture any horse.

Ahh, of course, him. Still sad we had to kill that one. His personality was too good.

Probably some sort of copyright infringement.

Could be. Youtube's an asshole about those things.

So her whole character is that she wants to have boobies. Is that correct, or is that the community's, ahem, "interpretation"? Just asking so I know who to scorn.


Still think Reunion is a dumb name.

(Also, you might have noticed i edited that comment... 23 hours after i posted it!)

I did, only too late.

...What the hell just happened to her?




Mephisto reminds me of that one guy from the first Danganronpa. That's... about all I have to say.

Ahah! Yes, more or less.



And who laughed last? Exactly. Elbert.


For all the good it did 'em.

If someone can't complain about me, it's Ruby. I've treated her excellently. I mean, a part of it was that I want to use her dad for free. But she's grown well, I'm rather proud.


what's with that dude and always looking like he desperately needs to take a shit?



More... More or less, yes.


On 6/25/2020 at 9:47 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Falco-knight Ingrid was all the flier I needed for Blue Lions. Avoid stance +, an evade ring and a forged javelin and she'll dodge tank an entire enemy phase virtually unhittable while countering everything. I mean, seriously only special cases even got to have a non-zero hit rate on her. That said, she did have one obvious weakness. She most certainly couldn't one-round fortress knights. At least not without weighing her down and ruining the whole dodge-tank gimmick. Other characters I used as fliers in various runs included Seteth (duh), Claude in his lord classes, Hilda and Caspar (though Caspar was only after a run where I used him as a War Master. I'd like to say I was less than impressed, but he tore the final boss apart like no-one's business after a game of mediocrity. That said, he one-shot the Death Knight as a Wyvern Lord in his paralogue..).

All I've heard about Caspar is that he's awful, so... Yeah. Kinda sad to be bad in 3H, the game where everyone are gods to the point where the game breaks if you just play it. Unless it's maddening, of course. That one requires you break it to have a fighting chance.

...God, 3H frustrates me so much. I wanted to like you, damn it! I wasn't asking for that much!

I know. Meanwhile I'm still waiting on the Samurai Shodown RPG (which is western shorthand for a lengthy Japanese name) to receive it's translation patch... that was started in 2006... and hasn't been heard of since 2016... but remains unfinished. I didn't know it until recently but apparently you can pick your main character. It doesn't change the over-all plot, just dialogue and some attacks. But naturally, Ukyo is one of the six choices. Which surprises me, because I honestly expected it to be locked to Haohmaru, and he's kind of a douche at that point in the timeline (it's a retelling of 1&2 but with some liberties taken, such as characters actually dying despite being alive later in the main games).
I think we're blessed to have the translations we do here. Don't think this is a criticism of the guy doing Samurai Shodown RPG's translation. I know I would never have the time to do the work he is (or the linguistic knowledge), and he's said that he intends to finish the job no matter how many years it takes. My point is more, I'm appreciating what we have rather than lamenting what we haven't.

Oh yeah, we FE fans are lucky. Every game in the series is translated at this point, either officially or by fans, most of the translations are of fine quality, and even KagaSaga got some attention. We even got past the Thracia curse.

Misinterpreting the comments about eating paellas.

That's probably it.

Wait, but then what does the bullfighting say about me?

Either that or

This comment right here that isn't taken without context.

Hah! What even was that? I can't remember ever saying that!

Because Grado's kind of nuts what with undead emperor Vigarde and demonically possessed Prince Lyon. Also Rieve, Caellech and Valter are all blatant scumbags. So probably because of the same reason Matthis was put on the frontlines. Sending the scared ones to the front.

That's... probably it, worryingly enough.

Anything can be a fetish if you''re twisted enough. I once knew a guy (unfortunately) with a thing about cactuses. Cactuses and certain regions of the female body. He also lacked the good sense not to post it to Facebook. With pictures.

Meh. To each their own. Just... good luck finding a partner who's willing to try.

I said he gets decapitated. I never said he dies. It's a long story, but basically, the Green Knight strolls into Camelot with a fine axe, and challenges the knights there to a "Christmas game". The game being that whoever dares will strike the Green Knight with the axe, but the Green Knight will be allowed to return the strike in one year and one day. The reward for the challenge being the axe. To stop Arthur himself from taking the challenge when goaded at the cowardice of all involved, Gawain (Arthur's youngest knight), takes the axe and decapitates the Green Knight, figuring he won't be returning the blow if he's not alive. The Green Knight then picks ups his severed head, and holds it out to Guinevere (the Queen), and with a smirk on his face reminds that he'll be back in a year and a day. So begins the story.

  Reveal hidden contents

In the end, it turns out to be trickery by Morgan Le Fay, (always Morgan isn't it?) with the intent of frightening Guinevere. Mind her version of the plan would have had Arthur on the chopping block instead of Gawain... who the Green Knight left with a scratch on his neck rather than outright decapitating. He kept the axe, as his reward for the endeavor.

I understand. That's a pretty nifty tale. It also has an immortal Luigi Knight in it, which is wonderful.

I mean, they collected a bunch of folk tales. Then they editted them. The evil mothers were changed to step-mothers because they didn't want to give kids grounds to rebel against their mothers by giving them the idea they could be evil. They stepped up punishments on a lot of the villains because they had a way of getting off scott-free or with a slap on the wrist in many of the original folk tales, not unlike what you did to Slaver last LP. It's kind of working with what you have, you know?

Ohhh so what you mean is, I'm a modern day Grimm brother. Now that is wonderful.

...pffft no. I'd never dare to compare myself to those...

Hence why I wanted to brutalize him after. Shame it's impossible to catch a car.


At the very least a revoked license. Besides making his life miserable... it stops repeat offenses.

Well, a broken car and limbs also stop repeat offenses. But yeah, revoke his license on top of that. Justice for the turtle, goddamnit.

Is it sad that you got the exact video I was thinking of when I said that? After all those "I don't get this reference" you got one.

Heheheheheheh... Thank Youtube recommendations for that one.

Well, I meant that from an "in-universe" point.

Of course, of course, but...

I just worked out who the "Phantom Corpse" is. It's Merlinus. He's dead, yet he haunts you.

Damn him! I should've known... He's always to blame!

Is he as bad as the other Wil? You better capture him if he is.

Sadly, he was so awesome that I couldn't capture him.

Like in Tear Ring really.

Yes, basically. Only in this case, instead of 75% of the skills being chance-based, it's more like 20%, so it's more exciting when it happens.

Elbert's come a long way from "Poopnose". And I'm loving every second of it.

Hahahahahahahah... I'm glad.

She's not using plane animations. Ergo automatically worse.

Yeah, she does lack that charm that Maruj had.

You already did.

How many times must we go over this? I revived you!


On 6/26/2020 at 4:57 AM, This boi uses Nino said:

Well, I have one for you! It's Fire Emblem: Souls of the Forest. It's really good and if you play it on Lunatic it's so well designed. It's really fun to play.

I've seen that one around, too. It looks a bit too short for my liking, I like my FE games a bit bigger than that. Still, could be worth a shot.

Very aggressive are you?

Well, depends on the day, really.

Tbh, I think that's a fair reason. He had like storylines that were way too dark. My guess is then he thought his creativity was being stiffled and left.

Could be, could be. Considering how both Kaga and IntSys refuse to acknowledge each other, I doubt we'll ever get an answer.

Well I got the "Oh I would definitely eat palla's... oh distractions distractions why do I always say things like that?" quote.

That was a joke. A joke!

But well shit. Now I'll mention this thing again like 2 times and it'll be awkward. Fakh!

Yes, exactly.

|    I|
l|   | __


Well that sounds hilarious. I'll look it up later.

Please do.

At first I was like "Wait Ruben schoolgirls no-" but then no. I don't think anyone would dislike the artstyle.

Really? I've seen plenty of people who do. Call it bland and such. I can see where they're coming from, but I disagree.

Funny thing, my last name is Hanes so for a spanish speaker that would read just like mine.

Ergh... Not quite?

I didn't think Doof had depression? Well actually it's quite obvious now that I think about it.

I mean, he's a divorced dude with a childhood of abuse and neglect who spends his time making machines just so he can get the closest thing he has to a friend to come over and listen to him ramble. Sounds like a mighty fine recipe for depression, right there.

Jesus Christ, the writers of P&F made a more morally grey villain than the nutjobs at FE7.

Ahahahahahahahah... Well, to be fair, the writers of P&F weren't busy trying to rip off TRS at every turn. I... I don't think they were, at least.

Honestly though, I think I would respect FE7 more if they ripped off the dancer recruitment. That would've taken some serious balls. Alas, they were too cowardly, and so we instead got Deus Ex Ninian.

Yes but unless I'm blind, it has no list of dead characters? Well what do I know.

...Have your eyes checked, please.

De esto hable, de que hable de Palla mil veces y ahora queda raro.


Edward de Final Fantasy IV, un cobarde que cuando llega a tener baja vida corre del campo de batalla, hasta su siguiente turno donde puedes hacer que regrese, si lo utilizas bien puede ser estrategico, porque puedes hacer que se esconda aun con mucha vida. Pero en la version de SNES, sin postgame, no tiene ningun merito esa estrategia.

Ya. Final Fantasy no es lo mio, la verdad.

Jajajaja! Te pasaste! Oh ya me motive extraniamente (no tengo enie en mi teclado gringo, y alt 164 me cierra todo y no se porque. Tambien por eso no uso acentos) de hablar de idiomas! Resulta que tengo a mi profesor de frances de amigo en Facebook y hoy me felicito por como sigo tratando de comentar en frances, y eso me hizo feliz.

Eso siempre está bien.

Algo que no entiendo es porque la sociedad no usa capas -.- Son lo mas epico del mundo, que las mujeres tambien lo hagan! Todos se ven mejores con capas! aunque sean fastidiosas al sentarse.

Porque la vida es injusta. Por eso.

Esos weyes ni valen para nada, asi que no les prestes atencion (excepto si es tu familia o amigos, a ellos no les digo nada)

Jajaja, vale. Te hago caso.

Well I mean, even if it's a minor thing. Anyone would call you a weeb for thinking Sylvis, for example, is hot. They can't fathom the difference between saying that and being in love, for which of course it's ridiculous to say you would be. I haven't watched many animes either. But FE is so intertwined with weebiness that I... well ok I think a better way to say it is "Second-hand" weeb. Like second-hand smoking, you're not smoking but you are in the presence of a smoker, and FE being so close to weebs and japanese culture you have to deal with and in it if even for a bit.

Ahh, I understand what you mean now, yes.

I don't use japanese words into my lexicon either, like ever. Unless there's a real good reason for it like a word that can't be translated to english. But most weeb words aren't important and can still be approximated. Perhaps the only outer-language word I would ever use would be "Kaiser", "Weimar" and "Drit-Klassen" those are german and while the first 2 have historical reasons, the last one is just so cool in german (it means third-rate/class, so it's perfect for roasting).

German is the japanese of chads. I mean, c'mon. It might be unnecessary, but how cool is it to scream LEBENSMÃœDE instead of "fuck my life"?

Also japanese culture is so... weird. Like goofy people that are also highly respetuous but also mega racists and sexists and weirdos. I don't think saying they are declining in population because of hentai and waifus would be an overstatement.

The horrifying suicide rate only exacerbates the problem.

And yeah I guess you're not exactly a weeb, but like I said before "Second-hand weeb".

I can take that, I guess.



(First text is me) I don't remember what I was saying here or why. But the last part "but I just did otherwise so..." is a quote taken from Diogo Jorge (an infamous person in the forums) because he just said that to somehow prove himself right on an argument and nobody knows what he meant.

Ah. I'm afraid I am not familiar with the man. Outside my LPs I mostly just occasionaly lurk around here.

That's most likely tbh.


*sigh* this is terrible.

It is. It very much is.

Jeez I thought the net thing was a joke. What the actual hell? How the fuck does that even ring well to anyone?

Ahahahahahahah... I wish it was a joke, I really do, but no. Barselphon literally gave Reese a net to capture Minas with, and he went ahead and did it.

...because I ordered him to.

I'll try to stick around. But I've already been at this for 30 minutes... it's so time consuming omg.

I can understand... Well, you don't have to reply, y'know? It's not like you owe me anything. Just follow along if you want. That's been the deal since the beginning.

Ok, good to know.



... I know that was a lie. I'm biggest dum-dum in all of SF, ok maybe only behind Diogo.

Come now. Don't say things like that.

Wait 6? I had the impression you were older! Like late 20s!

To be fair, given some of the things I say, I'm surprised nobody out there thinks I'm a really stupid 60-year-old.

I suppose you are right though but well I don't have high hopes. If I consider the one positive is that it leaves more time to myself but that carries it's negatives as well. You can't also say you have so much less time when 15 yrs is nowhere near the ideal time anyways.

Probably too soon to be worrying your head off about it.

So Elbert is a dick now? Always has?

I mean, according to my provoke dialogue, yes.

Fair I guess. I mean you can still be patriotic, feel happy of your identity and country, nationalism is the extreme of that, where you believe that now because of that identity you are superior to everyone.

I suppose that's correct.

Yes... I wish others would see them in the same light instead of "weirdo". I also like math so that's another weirdo point for me.

Math, eh? That's a respectable choice. More useful than other hobbies, for sure. Like writing LPs.

Yes and let me see who she is... well I couldn't find her? That's weird.

On the internet? Good luck finding anything. With how recent the translation is (full thing has only been out for a handful of months) and how obscure the game is, you'll find nothing. Japanese has a small fanbase, but that's about it.

Well bad-stat line up as in, less upper body strength in real life. Then again that's circumvented anyways so... just ignore this. Don't even quote it.

You can't tell me what to do. In fact, I'll quote it again.


Well bad-stat line up as in, less upper body strength in real life. Then again that's circumvented anyways so... just ignore this. Don't even quote it.

That's what you get for trying to boss me around.

I don't know.

Even you don't? Hah!

Well my curiosity made me read more than I thought. I am asking the same thing, what the heck is that?

It's a mobile gacha game. I've heard that it's good. I believe "gacha" and "good" in the same sentence is an oxymoron, but that's just me.

Damn! But why was that an error? Enid was at top health when she was attacked so healing her wouldn't have done anything... right?

It was a mistake because I could've moved Enid from harm's way instead of healing Faye. I didn't, so Enid almost died. If I had left Faye behind, she could've died, but not only did she have a higher dodge rate, but she also can't die for real.

Ah this is why I remember him. I remember now.


Hehehe... how much time do you take to be able to wirte these provoke quotes?

Not much, actually. It just comes to me most of the time.

Pretty mcuh every FE except 13 and 14 do that iirc.

I meant when units have no movement to signify they're stationary. There's one particular instance in 3H where they do this, but it's a lie.

You know, I'm not sure if I'm happy about all these battles Berwick has where absolutely nothing happens. Sure FE has them but I'll rather have a game like FE12 with hitrates,

Not the best example, considering something did happen there. I just didn't catch a very good screenshot of it.

Still, I can see what you're saying.

I wonder, how do they get so close to speak to each other. They must be yelling I guess?

Don't question it.

I guess it's good to ask now, why is she impossible to kill?

If she dies, a dude arrives and saves her. She's still crippled, though, so she has to sit out the rest of the chapter.

These provoke scenes are still funny.

I'm glad.

Yikes, what happened to Elbert?

Well, he did lose his girlfriend. Mostly my fault.

Yikes. That is kinda scary.


Not so provoked honestly.

Well, if bosses were that easy to anger, that'd reflect poorly on the Empire, no?

You know, sth that annoysme in Berwick is that characters have a square below them, or like half a square but it looks damn ugly since it doesn't fit with the hexagons.

Ah, yes. Never bothered me.

Short? Well I'll see about tha- wait kill me? WHy? ... I guess there's a first for everything. I won't die from being killed right?

Don't take me too seriously. I throw about five death threats at people every update.

Oh I guess the death counter was here all along and I was just blind as all hell.

Yes. Yes you were.


On 6/26/2020 at 6:10 AM, Benice said:

Be ready to continue this joke.


I actually do believe that it somewhat inspired the whole "Black knight/Greil" thing in FE9/10. I don't know for certain, though.

I mean, the dude was literally called Gawain.

I wonder how many times he shows up. Thus far, he's been in the main missions since chapter 6. (I didn't see him in chapter 7, but I was a coward and ignored all of the enemies.)

Probably every main mission until something like 13.

I can prove you wrong!


There we go. Minas' brother who has his face and hair slightly displaced/miscolored due to a childhood accident and totally not my inability to use paint.net properly.


He's the generic with a portrait's dad.

No, he is not. Or, well, I mean, could be, but...

Reese isn't actually Bernstool's son; he's Eliwood's child who was sent to Lazberia to spread the dumb lord vibes. Bernstool is too much of a god to have a son do this.




Anyway, Eliwood had another child? And never told Roy?

I did suffer quite a lot on that map. That bloke with an Apollyon and sniper arrows killed literally everything every time! And Yalong managed to hit Elbert despite Elbert having arrowbane, Elbert failed to dodge AND WAS CRIPPLED WITH SIXTEEN HP LEFT!

TL;DR, I succ.

To be fair, your luck is amazing, too. That don't help.

Well, it also brought her down to Yubello-level magic.

Jesus... Yeah, I was talking about Ruby. 4 magic on a physical fighter isn't that great, but it's still 4 res. It can be used for something, maybe.

And I will do anything to make my Faye happy! She saves me all the time, so I at least give her the good foob! And flowers.

I had to do a double take there because I misread "foob" as something a lot lewder.

For my run, I need it. Unless Enid pulls herself together and grows in something other than HP.

Sheesh... I hope I am a little luckier, at least.

You and me both. Well, someday.

I like how you quote someone else in my post so it looks like I said it.

Funnily enough, I found this one to be really easy. I brought my S (For scrub) team and we still wiped the floor.

(In case you're wondering, it consisted of woefully underleveled Ruby, Enid, Czene, Saphira, Adel and Faye. Of those, Faye was the only good one. Adel was okay, I guess.)

Really? With all those reinforcements, I don't see how you can do much without some bulk. Though I guess Elbert can suffice.

By the way, there is a thief/archer in that forest. I don't remember which class it was, but watch your jet!

I never encountered them, so yeah.

My level six or so Enid who does not know what a "Magiqq" is begs to differ.


Nice! You really should use her more. She gets insane. Unless I was just really lucky, but the benchmarks she hit in speed and skill didn't seem TOO unreasonable. (60 skill and 27 speed and level 19. Pretty sure she gets a nice boost from promotion, though.)

I'll try. At the very least, I want to recruit her, but I hesitate to bring her to main missions because she can't take a hit to save her life. Even if it's never at any real risk.

I really wish that Adel got something akin to Vantage+ that works at 0-1 range and he gets the Prepared skill so he always attacks first as long as he's faster. It really sucks when enemies have Prepared.

Well, he's still pretty good. He does fall off, though. Less and less enemies use melee weapons as the game goes on.

Hey man, I think every single unit alive in my ironman has dodged a would-be fatal 50% hit at least once. Seriously; Canas, Wil, Eliwood, Hector, Raven a billion times until he finally died, Fiora, Florina, Oswin...


I really need to get better at this.

Eh, it's just about having fun.

But hey! Dart hasn't had to dodge any lethal attacks to survive! DonDon tier, right here!

Conglaturation !!!

Is Ruby supposed to look like this? I think I got mine to level six and she still had sub-ten in all three weapon ranks. Including having base shield skill.

Would you believe she was looking even better in my second run? In terms of WpSkill, anyway. In raw stats she was actually worse, but by the time she made it to level 10, she was at 19 in every WpSkill, so she promoted immediately after being recruited. She'll take a bit longer here, but I think she won't have much trouble making it, either.

Yes, indeed.


On 6/26/2020 at 9:11 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I mean, Greil was secretly named Gawain, had a fine axe, and an "unkillable" knight was coming to kill him. Difference is the Green Knight didn't actually kill Gawain. So no large revenge story. Just the knights of the round table wearing a green sash from then on to commemorate the whole adventure.

That would've been a nicer ending to the story.

Not counting ones that just joined or Lyn, who never dodges them and thus causes resets.



On 6/26/2020 at 6:18 PM, BrightBow said:

I would imagine in Theodel's case it's because he uses one of the unused Tear Ring Saga portraits. The one that Aethin's list labels as "[samuel], to be exact".

Yeah, it was fun trying to find the TRS portraits in Vestaria. Like the protagonist's brother who looks nothing like him and isn't even drawn in the same artstyle.

Also no Axel or Larentia, so you can't trigger the reinforcements on the water. One of those guys carries a material. I think it's a Lion Pelt.

D'awwww... All I remembered was that there were strong guys in the water and I didn't want to bother.

Faye be like...

  Reveal hidden contents


Yes. Basically. Only she then came down and killed a guy to prove you wrong.

I can see why they store most of their guys outside the map border. Much more space there.

How does that even work, come to think about it? Are they just standing in the middle of the road waiting for their chance to cross the nonexistant line of the screen?

Sounds like the Balmung will go to someone else then.

Maybe. I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll recruit him for the heck of it. I'm not sure who else could get the Balmung, anyway. I'd also feel like an asshole if I didn't give it to him, the poor guy's whole character revolves around it.

One of the Mercs also has Iaido, so that one could potentially crit you.

Oh, c'mon...


  Reveal hidden contents


Then I proceeded to not screw myself at all, because he healed. Funny how that works.

Especially since she missed out on the Bleesed Brace to fix up her abysmal magic.

I've always gotten one for free, though! I can't ever remember where, but the game definitely gives you one.

...Yeah, chapter 8. A guy drops the good one that gives like 3 magic. There we go, ain't that amazing.

Well, the more often her strikes connect, the less counters she will eat.

That is true.

You want to feed her the guy using a Killer Spear?

Yes. Hey, she has pilums!

Careful Enid. Ruben had people killed for less.

Come now. I'm not that petty.

...Oh right. I murdered Clarine because I didn't like her attitude.

...In my defense, it was to save Dorothy's life! It's not like... When I killed Rutger... because I don't like his attitude...



Why did you never reequip his shield?

His shield? What...?

...Oh, it was knocked away, right. Well, to answer your question: I completely forgot. Right up until you posted your reply.

That's not the only thing triggered by attacking William, I'm afraid.

Thankfully I wounded him enough for him to heal. In all seriousness, though, how was I supposed to know that he'd move? Was I meant to be constantly checking to see if I could provoke him? That's really mean of the game, not gonna lie.

Would you have preferred he would have attacked someone with the Killer Spear.


Fortunately he couldn't reach Enid. She might actually have gotten one-shot by the Javelin without even needing a crit.

Oh, goddamnit... Stop saying such things! It didn't happen!

You actually went for it. Sure, he is provoked, but he still could have crippled Ruby with a counter.

It wouldn't have been such a huge loss.


Unremarkable title for update:

Rcvglsmf o

What are you talking about, Reese? There were no tactics. Everyone almost died five times over.

Zlagxehg oYes, milord. And because they were only equipped to fight supply troops, they were no match for us.

3cxl4xfi oAll in all, a very successful mission, if I do say so myself. Even so, it is clear that the Empire is no stranger to diverse strategies.

Zlagxehg oDo you believe the Empire has a seasoned commander who is coming up with these strategies?

Meoilxpy oOf course. The Empire likely has no shortage of clever minds.

Lgjkwhcy o I mean... when I think back to all those commanders who somehow got themselves stuck behind enemy lines, I'm not so sure... And we sent Disaad back home. They were probably looking forward to watching the country's average IQ increase with his demise, but then he returned.

Meoilxpy oIf we are not careful, they may take the ground right from underneath us.

8phjtdnx o

3cxl4xfi oIndeed, milord...

Meoilxpy oWith that aside, we were awarded a special bonus for our success. Ward, give it to Tianna to add to the rest of our war funds.

3cxl4xfi oYes, milord.

Meoilxpy oAnd to you, Elbert, well done. I look forward to watching your continued success in the future.

Zlagxehg oThank you, Lord Reese!

S70ci0oz o


Zdjvdaji o

Okay, second sidequest. I'm pretty sure paralogues are unlocked instantly when the requirements are met, so Ruby's probably not reached her happiness threshold yet. Well, no matter.

Cdpq0w8y o

3cxl4xfi oYou look crestfallen, Ms. Marybelle. Is something the matter?

9qk5ifz8 o Maybe the crests are to blame?

Uedfz3v4 o ...W-Well, I just used a 3H joke, but-- I-It's not like I like it or anything! B-Baka...!

Pj4xam53 o...There's so many folks out of jobs and orphaned kids 'cause of the war, so I wanted to do something. That's why, once a week, I host a soup kitchen here for them all.

3cxl4xfi oThat's wonderfully charitable of you, Ms. Marybelle!

Pj4xam53 oI'm hardly rich myself, so I wanted to at least do something to help out... If I spend my money right, I can get good ingredients for cheap and feed a lot of people.

3cxl4xfi oThis all sounds very noble... Why, then, do you seem so sad?

Pj4xam53 oThe best place I could find to buy my ingredients for cheap was the town of Maenne a bit west of here.

Fy2nfruw o

Pj4xam53 oThe people tried resisting, but they couldn't run them out of town. Now the invaders rule the place. Naturally, I can't go there to buy my ingredients anymore. But they sent me a letter begging me to ask the Knights of Narvia to send them help...

3cxl4xfi oAnd did they heed your request?

Pj4xam53 oIf they did, they sure didn't show it. I didn't even get past the front desk at their headquarters...

Lgjkwhcy oAh, yes, bureaucracy. Such a wonderful thing.

Pj4xam53 oMost of the soldiers and knights of this duchy don't even care about us! Don't that just make your stomach churn, Sir Ward?

S27wlila o

Pj4xam53 oOh, would you, Sir Ward?! I've got no one else to turn to...

9qk5ifz8 o As usual, Ward does not hesitate to help a person in need, so long as they're not a young girl.

Pj4xam53 o...Did your tactician just call me old, Sir Ward? I'm barely in my 50s!

3cxl4xfi oNever mind that! What's this about me and young girls? What kind of man do you take me for!?

Uedfz3v4 o W-Well, that is... Ergh... S-Somebody help me...!

9rzp5b8w oCome now, leave him alone... It was an honest mistake. Uh, two honest mistakes.

3cxl4xfi oHmph... very well, then. We'll need his help in retaking the town, anyway.

Pj4xam53 oAh, it doesn't matter. Heck, I'll give him a free meal if he helps to save those poor citizens!

Txzubig9 o Hey, glad to see somebody's on my side for a change! Thanks for the help--

Nk6da96v oYou killed my brother. Don't think I have forgotten. Have you any idea the things I've had to do because of you? I want you alive... So I may wring your neck myself.

9qk5ifz8 o...Oh, that's it? At this point, I'm used to this kinda thing. And I'm sorry, but I've been threatened by far scarier people than you.

Nk6da96v o...no time like the present.

Uedfz3v4 oAh! Not fair! Drop the knife! DROP THE KNIFE! GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!


Pj4xam53 oI've had to start using ingredients for the restaurant, and now even those are starting to run low... If there's any way you can bring back food to restock us, I'd be eternally grateful, Sir Ward. If something doesn't change soon, I might have to close the restaurant...

Lgjkwhcy o Not the restaurant! My statboosts! My-- AAHH! MY RUMP!

Nk6da96v oNext will be your eye.

Uedfz3v4 o W-What is this!? The joke is over! We've moved past that now! Stop chasing me around, goddamnit! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!

Yfl3b5mq o

3cxl4xfi oThey will secure the town and come back safely, I assure you. I will direct them to do all that they can in order to retrieve the food you need.

Pj4xam53 oThank you, Sir Ward... I know I'm asking far too much of you this time, but...

3cxl4xfi oDon't fret about that, Ms. Marybelle. This is our duty, is it not? Besides, this city needs a fine chef like you in these heartbreaking times.

Pj4xam53 oAww, shucks, Sir Ward! That means a lot.

1bk54sej o

9rzp5b8w oPlease do what you can to help Ms. Marybelle...

3cxl4xfi oI shall do that and more! You need only wait here until my subordinates return with good news.

8wbfzhz3 oRcwqqxmm o

Okay, that's been the update. Very short, as usual. Still, I guess these are good as breathers. Next time, we go and recover food shipments. Also, a village. They're treating that as a secondary thing to the food, for some reason. Still, a good deed is a good deed no matter how you look at it. Therefore, tune in next time to watch as I once again brandish my peerless tactical prowess! Farewell, and I'll see y'all next time! Haha, byeeee--

Ps4nmuuw o...Huh? Why are you muttering to yourself? And... why in the world are you sitting under the table?

Uedfz3v4 o Gah! Lady Tiann-- N-No! Don't make a sound... She mustn't know I'm here...

Ps4nmuuw oWhat?

Nk6da96v oI know you're in this room. I saw that oversized cape of yours being dragged in here. I'll hang you with it and make you watch as I play with your guts while you suffocate.

Uedfz3v4 o Y-You will never take me alive! If there is something I'm talented at, it's getting things killed! Surely I should be even easier than my units!

Nk6da96v oI'll chase you to hell if I must. You won't get away from me.

Ps4nmuuw o...I take it this isn't a courtesy visit, then?



























Hrw68lq0 o
6xhefwz7 o

Honqmdbv o

Ugierxia o
B6rypyru o
Cfmmijhf o
Z28abz3q o
Auuoqb99 o
Pispprne o
D5coaqbo o
Xke9ajpe o
Uzqdi2fd o
C1fcmfpz o
Bvyfz4hp o
Xnkyxfv7 o
Drr3p557 o
Bghheld1 o
Qikjumvj o


Sozxgdcw o
Lrw5skhu o
Wp9awffy o
4izo5mnd o
5ufxnegi o
Uyfbju4j o
7hp2wetv o
8t9emtbs o
V8iolfsu o
Iirw5apw o
Fsncelw2 o
Hlngld4k o

7bh5c6ge o

F4bg4fsg o
Hekyhfbh o
Yswjrcyt o
C6df4mtj o
6agumiiq o
Zrfrknoo o
Zfvtmfls o
5ocuzmsc o
Mydh0pej o
6tmtbqcx o
Fvooxvi9 o
Lexbt8xe o
0ujjtxtm o
4pbrsqov o
1y3cwawt o
Zvstmvxr o




To be continued

Death count: Christine

* Unavailable

Capture count: 1 (Daoud)

Reset count: 1 (Ward: 1)


Current perfect streak: Null

Best perfect streak: 6 maps



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43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What was that? Her personal skill? I just hope it's not as overkill as Atrocity.

It's her skill to use with Amyr. It's still strong, but it also has innate Galeforce. I literally broke it in at least one map because of using this combat art.

Then repaired it because I had over 30 Agarthum, I had more than enough resources to spam this move.

It also allowed me to stop that one terrible part of Chapter 17. I wasn't letting Dedue transform. Or pretty much any of the monsters.

(Just a thought I had on 3H. It would have been cool if Amyr (VW) and Areadbhar (CF) could be used in other routes like Failnaught in AM)

45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahah, yes... Wait, what?

After his death there's a legend he was sat on his horse as part of the siege of Valencia and was a morale boost for the troops.

I remember it because of AoE2.

47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Weekend at Bernie's...? I just googled it, and it appears to only be some movie I've never heard about. What does a figure of spanish folklore have to do with that?

By the way, that film's spanish name is "this dead guy is very alive". How's that for a lame translation?

It's also giving the game away because it's about people faking a dead guy being alive. And yes, it's a comedy.

So I'm there thinking they're pretending El Cid's alive and fighting the siege. That's the link.

48 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't you dare...! I'll kill you if you do!

Alright, I won't.

But I'll leave this as a warning.

49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Better than in FE, actually. They wouldn't wait instantly, but due to shared turns you could actually do something before they could cause too much trouble. Still not what I'd call good, though, so I'm glad Kaga learned.

I would say no, not really. Depending on when in the turn they appear you could have no recourse before they ambushed you.

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Nk6da96v o...no time like the present.

Uedfz3v4 oAh! Not fair! Drop the knife! DROP THE KNIFE! GAAAAAAAAHHHH!!

53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pj4xam53 oI've had to start using ingredients for the restaurant, and now even those are starting to run low... If there's any way you can bring back food to restock us, I'd be eternally grateful, Sir Ward. If something doesn't change soon, I might have to close the restaurant...

Lgjkwhcy o Not the restaurant! My statboosts! My-- AAHH! MY RUMP!

Nk6da96v oNext will be your eye.

Nk6da96v oI will have the meat restocked soon Marybelle.

55 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Uzqdi2fd oC1fcmfpz oBvyfz4hp oXnkyxfv7 o

I mean, nostalgia's a hell of a drug.

Could be worse and they're immortals who don't care about anything whatsoever.

And they did still keep you alive, much as they didn't save his family- Ruebhen might have a point. (Also, if he's a descendant of you..... I won't say of fucking course, but that's some self-loathing there.)

56 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Bghheld1 oQikjumvj o
Sozxgdcw oLrw5skhu o

Okay, so on the one hand she's not trying to be over-concerned. But I can see why he'd feel a bit like he has no stability here and that these beings on another level from him are likely to leave him behind someday to the knowledge that he's just a background character to them and they're too stuck in the past to really look forward. But he doesn't think they have lost anything clearly. But he should know they don't have everything. After all, this is Margaret's favourite book:


57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Iirw5apw oFsncelw2 o
Hlngld4k o7bh5c6ge o

Harriet's descended from Sid and Lyria, isn't she?

And bye Ruebhen. Did he save them before Berwick too?

57 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Fvooxvi9 oLexbt8xe o
0ujjtxtm o4pbrsqov o
1y3cwawt oZvstmvxr o


So I can only assume it's not the exact same as a unit who has that armour already, I'm too tired to start comparing the armour.

Something happened here: We finally have a new government. After all these weeks, it finally formed....... and it's gonna be so neolib. Joy. It's going to be a ride once the lockdown is nearly over in July. Hell, the pubs are open Monday. Not just for drinking, but it won't be much longer than that.

I have also learned there are already mods to improve 3H. Stuff like the graphics and so on. Just something I heard, thought of mentioning it to you. (Stupid part is if there's a Switch pro like I thought there would be last year I would absolutely mod my current one entirely for this purpose. Maybe not right when it comes out. But the only reason not to mod any of my older consoles is because I have other things on my mind.)

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On 6/25/2020 at 12:33 AM, Dayni said:

Monocles and magic, name me a better pair.

Monocles and guns.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Okay, not "bad", but holy shit do I find it to be positively bland and boring and awful.

Ironically, it's pretty much the precursor of gacha games (and not in a positive way)


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Could be. Youtube's an asshole about those things.

The 3rd video is kaput too now...


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So her whole character is that she wants to have boobies. Is that correct, or is that the community's, ahem, "interpretation"? Just asking so I know who to scorn.

Community interpretation, and actually the only severe case of it in GFL as far as i know (there are several ships, exagerations and parodies, but those are usually built on the "canon")

(AK on the other hand...)


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still think Reunion is a dumb name.



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...What the hell just happened to her?

If you are talking about Nearl, she stood there as Gummy charged her skill and then got healed by it.

If you are talking about Gummy, she charged her skill, healed Nearl with it and then bashed the enemy's head with her standard attack (which also carriea a chance to stun).

If you are talking about the enemy, they witnessed all of the above before getting their skull shattered by Gummy.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Zlagxehg oDo you believe the Empire has a seasoned commander who is coming up with these strategies?



2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Next time, we go and recover food shipments. Also, a village. They're treating that as a secondary thing to the food, for some reason.

Next time Every single time, on "Rubenknights":


(But mostly yes)



























2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
C1fcmfpz o
Lrw5skhu o



Also, some stuff i dug up that i should have posted earlier (i'll let you guess when):



(The last one would have worked much better if they had at least bothered to flip her pic so she would actually face the right direction when talking to M16 Elaine)

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14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What was that? Her personal skill? I just hope it's not as overkill as Atrocity.

As hear she can use the damn thing to beat the final boss on Crimson Flower in one turn. Whether that's with healing or not I'm uncertain... because I actually didn't find it necessary on hard.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All I've heard about Caspar is that he's awful, so... Yeah. Kinda sad to be bad in 3H, the game where everyone are gods to the point where the game breaks if you just play it. Unless it's maddening, of course. That one requires you break it to have a fighting chance.

I mean, he may have been as a War Master. But he did make a damn god Wyvern Lord. Then again, I imagine everyone else does too.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Wait, but then what does the bullfighting say about me?

You're Spanish.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hah! What even was that? I can't remember ever saying that!

I quoted part of "Why does everyone think Palla is my waifu?". Because I didn't quote the question mark or the bit before it, the out of context quote literally reads "Palla is my waifu". Underhanded? Yep. It's like when my brother made a statement about how even two year olds should learn fear of a dangerous situation if they've experienced it before in a speech relating to how someone was dumber than a two-year old. I then took the audio recording I happened to make of it, removed the "even" and everything after "fear". Now I keep giving "two year olds should learn fear" as a quote of his. I find it way funnier than I should to do this.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's... probably it, worryingly enough.

I mean, if I were to bet, Valter was behind it. He's a literal sadist. Taking pleasure in giving pain. Kind of like cactus guy. Come to think of it, you end up killing Valter in the desert. Coincidence? Yes.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Meh. To each their own. Just... good luck finding a partner who's willing to try.

All the same, he really did never hear the end of it. Mostly because he spent a month banned from Facebook over it.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, a broken car and limbs also stop repeat offenses. But yeah, revoke his license on top of that. Justice for the turtle, goddamnit.

Turtle Lives Matter movement when? Actually, I don't really want to encourage any sort of public gathering at the moment... even if there's like two cases of covid-19 in my state.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Heheheheheheh... Thank Youtube recommendations for that one.

I mean, that's how I found it too. Maybe everyone who's ever watched a Fire Emblem video gets it? After all, this series has Merlinus.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sadly, he was so awesome that I couldn't capture him.

When you realize Wil's only bad because he's holding over half his name back.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Anyway, Eliwood had another child? And never told Roy?

I mean, how do you explain to your son he's had a brother but his brother has been sent to another continent in the future? It's like trying to explain Cable's origin at Marvel to someone who's never read an X-men comic.


So, Cyclops always was into Jean Grey from X-men 1. Sure, Wolverine showed up and tried to steal Jean off him, but it never worked. In the storyline around X-men 100, the Sentinels, a bunch of robots made by Bolivar Trask (whose surname isn't an anagram of Stark), but repurposed by Stephen Lang abducted the X-men to a space station. After defeating the sentinels, they had to get back to Earth before a solar flare fried them, but the shuttle had been damaged so it's remote controls were unusable, and thus the only controls that worked were the manual controls in the cockpit. The catch being the early phases of the solar flare were going to hit who-ever was in the cockpit due to inadequate shielding for such a circumstance, and the only one with the knowledge to get them back to Earth on board was garden variety human Peter Corbeau, whose only remarkable asset was he could fly the shuttle and his name. So Jean Grey, being a psychic, read his mind to learn, and then used her powers to make a telekinetic shield. Catch being it didn't hold. What she didn't expect was the Solar Flare was in reality the emergence of a godlike entity we'd later call "The Phoenix force" due to it's resemblance to a large flaming bird. Basically, it took pity on her and placed her ravaged body in a cocoon to heal. Then it shape-shifted into a double of her with her memories and took her place with the X-men and Cyclops. Eventually, X-men villain Mastermind used his powers to corrupt the Phoenix so she'd join him in the Hellfire Club. But in battle with the X-men she returned to normal... except not before, you know, going to another galaxy and causing their sun to go Supernova, killing billions. The alien Shi'ar came to Earth and demanded a trial (by combat no less), where Phoenix, realizing the weight of her sins and the fact she was about to snap again... committed suicide. This devastated the X-men, especially Cyclops... who had no idea that Phoenix wasn't Jean. He'd leave the X-men for a time... returning after meeting a woman named Madelyn Pryor. What he didn't know about Madelyn is the fact she was... a clone of Jean Grey, made by the villain Mr. Sinister to recoup his losses on his long running plan to get the two to have a kid. Also around this point Rachel Summers, a girl born in a timeline where Phoenix didn't commit suicide and had a kid with Cyclops after having her powers removed ended up in the main timeline. She hung around the X-men for a bit before leaving for the UK. Cyclops lost leadership of the X-men in a fight with Storm due to being distracted by the fact he had a kid named Nathan with Madelyn. At this point... over in an Avengers story, a cocoon is found under the sea while looking for something else. I forget what. It's given over to the Fantastic Four, and lo and behold Jean Grey turns out to be inside. Cyclops finds out, and drops his wife and kid like a douche, to form a team with his lost ex and the other original X-men. But he does hold back on the romance, much to Jean's confusion... as she has zero idea he's married. She's also lost her telepathy from the damage... so no mind reading. Anyway, a while in, jilted wife's programming is activated by Sinister and she becomes the Goblin Queen during a demonic invasion of New York... and dies. So now the kid's with Cyclops and Jean who are finally free to pick up where they left off. Except an incident with the Technarch alien race results in the kid getting the "Techno-organic virus".... which essentially turns flesh into metal and man into machine. So Nathan is sent into the distant future in the hope of treatment. He grows up there, becomes Cable, and comes back about the point he left as an adult with a metal arm from the virus. Except no one knows he's baby Nathan until later.

tl;dr X-men 98-201 and 239-243, X-Factor 1-68, Avengers 263, and New Mutants 87 events concerning Cable summed up into a wall of text instead of various comics starting in April 1976 and going to July 1991. Just to prove what a convoluted mire Cable's history is, as even the abridged version is immense and leaves a lot of loose threads one can tug on. Point being, if Reese is similar, imagine Eliwood trying to explain it to Roy. Who would repeat every line of it as a question.

Actually, maybe that explains the old "Why did no-one explain what happened in FE7 to Roy". Answer. It was more effort than it was worth.


14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That would've been a nicer ending to the story.

I mean, it would have been funny. Ike does all that running, only to get there. Black Knight gives Greil a small nick on his neck, and reveals himself to be an old friend (albeit no need for transformed by magic). Turns out he gave Greil Urvans earlier. Though God knows what it'd do to the rest of the game from a gameplay perspective. Shinon and Gatrie would have no reason to leave. Greil not being dead would possibly be playable. Wouldja believe playable Black Knight? Oops, there goes any difficulty the game had unless you drastically up the ante elsewhere.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Come now. I'm not that petty.

...Oh right. I murdered Clarine because I didn't like her attitude.

...In my defense, it was to save Dorothy's life! It's not like... When I killed Rutger... because I don't like his attitude...



When you realize Archanea's Ruben is just a caricature of you. He kills people he doesn't like. You kill people you don't like. It's just you have vastly different unit tastes.

14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lgjkwhcy o I mean... when I think back to all those commanders who somehow got themselves stuck behind enemy lines, I'm not so sure... And we sent Disaad back home. They were probably looking forward to watching the country's average IQ increase with his demise, but then he returned.

When you realize the dumb commanders are their way of increasing the national IQ without executing anyone. Sneaky way to clean the gene-pool really.


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(Last time i could edit my post after 23 whole hours, this time not even after 23 minutes...)

12 hours ago, Golb89 said:
16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So her whole character is that she wants to have boobies. Is that correct, or is that the community's, ahem, "interpretation"? Just asking so I know who to scorn.

Community interpretation, and actually the only severe case of it in GFL as far as i know (there are several ships, exagerations and parodies, but those are usually built on the "canon")

(AK on the other hand...)

Community interpretation (if anything, this might be more accurate to "her whole character"), and actually one of the only two severe cases of it in GFL as far as i know:

Sure, there are lots of ships, exagerations and parodies, but those are usually built on the "canon".

(AK on the other hand...)

Also, rememeber when i said that GFL's side stories and characters are far better than the main ones? Well, for all intents and purposes 45 and her pals counted as "side characters" until basically the most recent chapters:


Edited by Golb89
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1. I'm going to start warning people for overly long posts.  If you want to reply in essay format, put your stuff in spoiler tags.
2. Try not to get anyone killed over food, please.

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On 6/27/2020 at 10:54 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nk6da96v oYou killed my brother. Don't think I have forgotten. Have you any idea the things I've had to do because of you? I want you alive... So I may wring your neck myself


On 6/27/2020 at 10:54 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nk6da96v o...no time like the present.


On 6/27/2020 at 10:54 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nk6da96v oI know you're in this room. I saw that oversized cape of yours being dragged in here. I'll hang you with it and make you watch as I play with your guts while you suffocate



On 6/27/2020 at 10:54 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nk6da96v oI'll chase you to hell if I must. You won't get away from me.



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12 hours ago, eclipse said:

1. I'm going to start warning people for overly long posts.  If you want to reply in essay format, put your stuff in spoiler tags.

And it only took you 1 and half(?) of Ruben's LPs to reach that conclusion? Good thing i've been training myself specifically for that on Ping's DD LP.

(Of which there have been no news for over 2 weeks now...)


12 hours ago, eclipse said:

2. Try not to get anyone killed over food, please.

That might be too hard though...

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Part 39 - Friend or foe?

Very well:

On 6/28/2020 at 1:13 AM, Dayni said:

It's her skill to use with Amyr. It's still strong, but it also has innate Galeforce. I literally broke it in at least one map because of using this combat art.

I see.

Then repaired it because I had over 30 Agarthum, I had more than enough resources to spam this move.

Hah! I don't think I ever bothered repairing anything. Never had the need.

It also allowed me to stop that one terrible part of Chapter 17. I wasn't letting Dedue transform. Or pretty much any of the monsters.

Well, good for you, then!

(Just a thought I had on 3H. It would have been cool if Amyr (VW) and Areadbhar (CF) could be used in other routes like Failnaught in AM)

I mean, kinda difficult to put the Amyr in AM when its wielder's death is the last thing that ever happens. Still, I agree for the routes you described. Heck, why not have Claude yield the Failnaught if he's spared in CF? That'd be a reason for the option beyond pure, pointless pandering.

After his death there's a legend he was sat on his horse as part of the siege of Valencia and was a morale boost for the troops.

I remember it because of AoE2.

Ohhh, right, that Cid! The part about Weekend at Bernie's threw me off, I thought you were talking about some character from that movie that called himself El Cid or something.

It's also giving the game away because it's about people faking a dead guy being alive. And yes, it's a comedy.

So I'm there thinking they're pretending El Cid's alive and fighting the siege. That's the link.

I understand, yes.

Alright, I won't.

Thank you.

But I'll leave this as a warning.

Cryptic. But it isn't a horseman, at least.

I would say no, not really. Depending on when in the turn they appear you could have no recourse before they ambushed you.

Hence why I said it'd still not be good, hmm? It absolutely wouldn't be, but it'd be at least a little better than in FE, where you can do absolutely nothing as the reinforcements kill your healer.


Nk6da96v oI will have the meat restocked soon Marybelle.


I mean, nostalgia's a hell of a drug.

Could be worse and they're immortals who don't care about anything whatsoever.

And they did still keep you alive, much as they didn't save his family- Ruebhen might have a point.

(Also, if he's a descendant of you..... I won't say of fucking course, but that's some self-loathing there.)

You might be surprised.

Okay, so on the one hand she's not trying to be over-concerned. But I can see why he'd feel a bit like he has no stability here and that these beings on another level from him are likely to leave him behind someday to the knowledge that he's just a background character to them and they're too stuck in the past to really look forward. But he doesn't think they have lost anything clearly. But he should know they don't have everything.

I like how you just wrote two paragraphs analyzing my lame fanfic. Love it.

After all, this is Margaret's favourite book:


Yeah. Exactly.

Harriet's descended from Sid and Lyria, isn't she?

I mean, the color palette checks out. But yeah, that's the point.

And bye Ruebhen. Did he save them before Berwick too?



So I can only assume it's not the exact same as a unit who has that armour already, I'm too tired to start comparing the armour.

If you're referring to the overworld sprite, no, it's not supposed to be a hint to anything.

Something happened here: We finally have a new government. After all these weeks, it finally formed....... and it's gonna be so neolib. Joy. It's going to be a ride once the lockdown is nearly over in July. Hell, the pubs are open Monday. Not just for drinking, but it won't be much longer than that.

You're being slower than. Here we already went that far a little while ago. Kinda because without tourism the national economy dies.

I have also learned there are already mods to improve 3H. Stuff like the graphics and so on. Just something I heard, thought of mentioning it to you.

Ain't that something neat.

(Stupid part is if there's a Switch pro like I thought there would be last year I would absolutely mod my current one entirely for this purpose. Maybe not right when it comes out. But the only reason not to mod any of my older consoles is because I have other things on my mind.)

Ah yes, having to perform necromancy on your console to be able to use mods. Yet another advantage of PC. Sorry for being such an elitist, but I mean... You can't really argue that PC is better for stuff like mods, mainly because it just plain is.


On 6/28/2020 at 3:36 AM, Golb89 said:

Monocles and guns.

Well, I've got to give it to 'em: that's probably the least terrible design I've seen in the games you keep talking about.

I'm sorry.

Ironically, it's pretty much the precursor of gacha games (and not in a positive way)

Oh, wow... Now I have even more reasons to hate it, beyond just the fact that they're piss easy and horrendously boring!

The 3rd video is kaput too now...

Oh dear.

Community interpretation, and actually the only severe case of it in GFL as far as i know (there are several ships, exagerations and parodies, but those are usually built on the "canon")

(AK on the other hand...)

You edited this one, of course. Reply below.


Still dumb.

If you are talking about Nearl, she stood there as Gummy charged her skill and then got healed by it.

If you are talking about Gummy, she charged her skill, healed Nearl with it and then bashed the enemy's head with her standard attack (which also carriea a chance to stun).

If you are talking about the enemy, they witnessed all of the above before getting their skull shattered by Gummy.


Ergh... No, I doubt they look like that.


Next time Every single time, on "Rubenknights":


(But mostly yes)

That, except with a lot more death and incompetence.



























Hah! That's a mood right there.

Also, some stuff i dug up that i should have posted earlier (i'll let you guess when):



(The last one would have worked much better if they had at least bothered to flip her pic so she would actually face the right direction when talking to M16 Elaine)

Yeah, I think I understand.


On 6/28/2020 at 2:51 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

As hear she can use the damn thing to beat the final boss on Crimson Flower in one turn. Whether that's with healing or not I'm uncertain... because I actually didn't find it necessary on hard.

That's kind of a pattern with 3H, no? A thousand tools that all amount to the same because the game is so easy anything does.

Then there's maddening.

I mean, he may have been as a War Master. But he did make a damn god Wyvern Lord. Then again, I imagine everyone else does too.

It's difficult to be bad as a flier.

You're Spanish.

Even though I've never actually watched bullfighting in my life and am against such needless animal torture?

I quoted part of "Why does everyone think Palla is my waifu?".

Ohhh, right, right. Clever.

Because I didn't quote the question mark or the bit before it, the out of context quote literally reads "Palla is my waifu". Underhanded? Yep. It's like when my brother made a statement about how even two year olds should learn fear of a dangerous situation if they've experienced it before in a speech relating to how someone was dumber than a two-year old. I then took the audio recording I happened to make of it, removed the "even" and everything after "fear". Now I keep giving "two year olds should learn fear" as a quote of his. I find it way funnier than I should to do this.

Ahahahahahahahahah... Poor guy.

I mean, if I were to bet, Valter was behind it. He's a literal sadist. Taking pleasure in giving pain. Kind of like cactus guy. Come to think of it, you end up killing Valter in the desert. Coincidence? Yes.

Hmmm... But what if... what if...

...Nah, it's a coincidence.

All the same, he really did never hear the end of it. Mostly because he spent a month banned from Facebook over it.


Turtle Lives Matter movement when? Actually, I don't really want to encourage any sort of public gathering at the moment... even if there's like two cases of covid-19 in my state.
Well, those two can turn into 200 with the right kind of push... So you're probably right to be worried.

I mean, that's how I found it too. Maybe everyone who's ever watched a Fire Emblem video gets it? After all, this series has Merlinus.

Ahahahahah... Could be, could be.

When you realize Wil's only bad because he's holding over half his name back.

Damn you, Liam! Running away with half of Wil's power!

I mean, how do you explain to your son he's had a brother but his brother has been sent to another continent in the future? It's like trying to explain Cable's origin at Marvel to someone who's never read an X-men comic.

  Reveal hidden contents

So, Cyclops always was into Jean Grey from X-men 1. Sure, Wolverine showed up and tried to steal Jean off him, but it never worked. In the storyline around X-men 100, the Sentinels, a bunch of robots made by Bolivar Trask (whose surname isn't an anagram of Stark), but repurposed by Stephen Lang abducted the X-men to a space station. After defeating the sentinels, they had to get back to Earth before a solar flare fried them, but the shuttle had been damaged so it's remote controls were unusable, and thus the only controls that worked were the manual controls in the cockpit. The catch being the early phases of the solar flare were going to hit who-ever was in the cockpit due to inadequate shielding for such a circumstance, and the only one with the knowledge to get them back to Earth on board was garden variety human Peter Corbeau, whose only remarkable asset was he could fly the shuttle and his name. So Jean Grey, being a psychic, read his mind to learn, and then used her powers to make a telekinetic shield. Catch being it didn't hold. What she didn't expect was the Solar Flare was in reality the emergence of a godlike entity we'd later call "The Phoenix force" due to it's resemblance to a large flaming bird. Basically, it took pity on her and placed her ravaged body in a cocoon to heal. Then it shape-shifted into a double of her with her memories and took her place with the X-men and Cyclops. Eventually, X-men villain Mastermind used his powers to corrupt the Phoenix so she'd join him in the Hellfire Club. But in battle with the X-men she returned to normal... except not before, you know, going to another galaxy and causing their sun to go Supernova, killing billions. The alien Shi'ar came to Earth and demanded a trial (by combat no less), where Phoenix, realizing the weight of her sins and the fact she was about to snap again... committed suicide. This devastated the X-men, especially Cyclops... who had no idea that Phoenix wasn't Jean. He'd leave the X-men for a time... returning after meeting a woman named Madelyn Pryor. What he didn't know about Madelyn is the fact she was... a clone of Jean Grey, made by the villain Mr. Sinister to recoup his losses on his long running plan to get the two to have a kid. Also around this point Rachel Summers, a girl born in a timeline where Phoenix didn't commit suicide and had a kid with Cyclops after having her powers removed ended up in the main timeline. She hung around the X-men for a bit before leaving for the UK. Cyclops lost leadership of the X-men in a fight with Storm due to being distracted by the fact he had a kid named Nathan with Madelyn. At this point... over in an Avengers story, a cocoon is found under the sea while looking for something else. I forget what. It's given over to the Fantastic Four, and lo and behold Jean Grey turns out to be inside. Cyclops finds out, and drops his wife and kid like a douche, to form a team with his lost ex and the other original X-men. But he does hold back on the romance, much to Jean's confusion... as she has zero idea he's married. She's also lost her telepathy from the damage... so no mind reading. Anyway, a while in, jilted wife's programming is activated by Sinister and she becomes the Goblin Queen during a demonic invasion of New York... and dies. So now the kid's with Cyclops and Jean who are finally free to pick up where they left off. Except an incident with the Technarch alien race results in the kid getting the "Techno-organic virus".... which essentially turns flesh into metal and man into machine. So Nathan is sent into the distant future in the hope of treatment. He grows up there, becomes Cable, and comes back about the point he left as an adult with a metal arm from the virus. Except no one knows he's baby Nathan until later.

tl;dr X-men 98-201 and 239-243, X-Factor 1-68, Avengers 263, and New Mutants 87 events concerning Cable summed up into a wall of text instead of various comics starting in April 1976 and going to July 1991. Just to prove what a convoluted mire Cable's history is, as even the abridged version is immense and leaves a lot of loose threads one can tug on. Point being, if Reese is similar, imagine Eliwood trying to explain it to Roy. Who would repeat every line of it as a question.

Actually, maybe that explains the old "Why did no-one explain what happened in FE7 to Roy". Answer. It was more effort than it was worth.

Holy shit that's contrived.

I mean, it would have been funny. Ike does all that running, only to get there. Black Knight gives Greil a small nick on his neck, and reveals himself to be an old friend (albeit no need for transformed by magic). Turns out he gave Greil Urvans earlier.

I mean, the revenge plot was kinda tacked on and went completely against the themes of the story. Even if it was cool. So yeah, wouldn't really mind seeing it erased, or at least tweaked.

Though God knows what it'd do to the rest of the game from a gameplay perspective. Shinon and Gatrie would have no reason to leave. Greil not being dead would possibly be playable. Wouldja believe playable Black Knight? Oops, there goes any difficulty the game had unless you drastically up the ante elsewhere.

What difficulty? This is PoR we're talking about.

When you realize Archanea's Ruben is just a caricature of you. He kills people he doesn't like. You kill people you don't like. It's just you have vastly different unit tastes.

Oh, dear... No, but I can't fly a wyvern. Your comparison makes no sense.

When you realize the dumb commanders are their way of increasing the national IQ without executing anyone. Sneaky way to clean the gene-pool really.

Until Disaad returns because he left his orb in his room and thus he was extremely easy to capture.


On 6/28/2020 at 4:18 PM, Golb89 said:


(Last time i could edit my post after 23 whole hours, this time not even after 23 minutes...)

Community interpretation (if anything, this might be more accurate to "her whole character"), and actually one of the only two severe cases of it in GFL as far as i know:

Sure, there are lots of ships, exagerations and parodies, but those are usually built on the "canon".

I see.

(AK on the other hand...)

Oh, please...

Also, rememeber when i said that GFL's side stories and characters are far better than the main ones? Well, for all intents and purposes 45 and her pals counted as "side characters" until basically the most recent chapters:

Hah. I've seen that happen before, yeah.


11 hours ago, eclipse said:


1. I'm going to start warning people for overly long posts.  If you want to reply in essay format, put your stuff in spoiler tags.

Oh, my...

2. Try not to get anyone killed over food, please.

I... I'll try.


3 hours ago, Pengaius said:


Ergh... Did you just... Copy the URL to my profile and removed half the letters?

Explain yourself at once, Butterman! I do not understand your actions!


3 minutes ago, Golb89 said:

And it only took you 1 and half(?) of Ruben's LPs to reach that conclusion?

3 and a half, actually. This is my fourth rodeo.

Good thing i've been training myself specifically for that on Ping's DD LP.

(Of which there have been no news for over 2 weeks now...)

Sheesh... Always a shame when LPs die. Still, let's not lose hope just yet.

That might be too hard though...

Oh, goodness...


Let us proceed:

Gqzqubph o

Last map, we encountered the Phantom Corpse and I still find that typo positively hilarious, though not as much as The Roger The Paladin. Today, we go rescue food. And civilians. Again, the game seems to consider that a funny side-effect of rescuing the food.

Mzhtjcoc o

But first, Ruby hands over a couple of things to Larentia.

Xbwwie8h o


8ixclsho o

See that house in the middle of the map? Rogues (that's the weak dudes with pitchforks) will emerge from it with food. They will attempt to escape. They're covered by a couple of enemies, but cavaliers can reach them from the starting point. The objective is to seize the town's fort, and the more food we recover, the greater bonus we'll be granted. Defending the town is a pack of thieves. Few in number, but in Berwick Saga, that's just a bad omen.

...Yes, there's a hidden archer with overwatch. Get used to it. We'll find more and more as we go.

Xdeinom6 o

Today's brigand boss is Murtagh. His face looks like it belongs on a mage of some kind than a brigand. I mean, c'mon, it's as wide as his neck.

Qnz9doyr oI'd love to, boss, but these people keep puttin' up such a fuss! I think we gotta make another example outta a couple of 'em.

Pdrftuqh oThey're still complainin'?! They just don't know when to quit! Listen up! Any of these guys gives you trouble, you cut 'em down!

Lgjkwhcy o These guys are real sweethearts, aren't they? I think we ought to teach them a lil' lesson from the school of hard knocks.

Peptn4op o

Atop the hill, we find-- Wait... What!?


O9j8vsas o


Yes, it's definitely him! Ward is with an Imperial troop!? And... Muerthen? That's such an evil-sounding name! It's merely two letters away from "Muerte", which is spanish for "death"! What is going on!?

Tnxo1kuo o

Wgtqznll oIs that so? Leave them be, then. Our job here is reconnaissance, nothing more. Of course, if they attack us, then that's an entirely different story. Relay that to the others.

Wsexraxk oWill do, sir!

Znh6nmzs o

Meanwhile, overhere...

Haabuspz o

Very intense music.

Abstxhcf oHey, don't eat anythin' yet! We gotta carry it all out first!

Ycxih1qq oGive it a rest, will ya? It's not like we're in a rush to get these boxes anywhere...

9qk5ifz8 o Ohohoho, soon you'll be, my foolish friend. But you won't make it.

3zxs1rqn oSay, how's it goin' for you guys in the back room?

Qr6pbbri oAlm4ieq1 oNq5aksod oZlrj5z9e o

Mighty fine, it seems. That dude can't seem to stop running all over the place with his pitchfork. You probably shouldn't do that. Pitchforks are like scissors. Except really long, and completely different from scissors. Bottom-line is, get out so I can murder you.

Yutlgtoy o

Czfzo8qz oWe're not bringin' it all back there, you idiot! We can't carry all this by hand!

3zxs1rqn oAll right, all right... But I'll fill my bag as much as I can, at least!

0xtm5l4h o

Like I said, seize and recover food. There's no need to face Ward(?) and company, but Ward is carrying a material, so it's a good idea to kill him if at all possible. Later, though. First, let's focus on the town.

Diqm9sac o
Itpgzo7d oI6u81n6p o

No, no, I agree! Take your time, there's no hurry!

Ocltr4hh o

It's worth noting that food are items that take up inventory space. I'll have to be careful if I don't want to have to drop anything.

W7vgcajk o

Adel will get us started. Hopefully, with a successful hit.

Hstyqfws oVwxvdllo o


B45myecr oV8cj4yad o

This will never get old.

Gnp93a5q oZeqabgz5 o

And he dodged the guy he couldn't Vantage. Wonderful work, Adel. That would've impressed Lumiere, if she were watching.

Xo3ufq3q oTjwb3alu o

Yes! Spear level! He's still never promoting, but spear level!

Vxgnktoa oN2zdjff1 o

With both enemies distracted and Adel nearby for that juicy Supporter accuracy, Leon engages in a Deathmatch.

Xa7dev4c oY5x4xhxm oBs2vemwf o

It goes swimmingly.

Yxgytmln o

It lasted exactly four moves, counting both factions.

Vdpe3egw oJoq7jnqp o

Oki dokie, first pack of food is ours. More to go.

Mpdqzpqd o

And now, for the grand finale: Larentia employs the Euthyphro to finish off the guy Adel softened up.

Pctmeasb oTjamxakm o

Sigh... It was bound to go awry at some point...

Bwj0ag4p o622hssrt oEv2ic0f2 o

Phew... Good, good. Thanks.

Pcib3xjw o

Quite the contrary. I'll be paid for this.

L59olv2x o9ojxqfao o


Kteaaxlk o

Can't reach the third guy, so instead, let's begin to work on the guards. If she misses, that is fine, she can Aim next turn.

1ydm9y56 oCvyoywlj o

Very good, as expected from Sylvis.

Zxq5drlg oHxtrww5z o

More bad levels? You break my heart, Sylvis... Thankfully, it's more or less impossible for you to be bad.

Ecvhrmno oZgffyvbv o

That could be tricky, though. I know that there's a hidden archer here, I remember him. That means Larentia can't just waltz in and skewer the escaping rogue...

3q1251qc o

Oh, dear. Not one of those... Thankfully I made sure to mark his range.

8q2mwpvg o

There's the two dudes from the back room. They're... in kind of a bad place.

Vzayxzq6 o

3zxs1rqn oIf you hadn't been piggin' out, we could've left sooner!

Czfzo8qz oI didn't do nothin'! All I did was have a little snack! Now let's get goin'!

Unte5pk8 o

Wgtqznll oOh? This could be tricky... Are they here for the thieves...?

Lgjkwhcy o You tell me, Ward! You're the one who sent us here!

Wsexraxk oWe are all prepared to sortie at your command, sir.

Wgtqznll oNo... Stay put for now. If they have no intention of fighting us, then we needn't take action. Take note of their formations and tactics for future battles.

9qk5ifz8 o Good luck with that. The only good thing about being terrible is that I'm unpredictable.

Wsexraxk oBut sir...

Wgtqznll oHowever, if they come too close, we will have to fight them. Stay on high alert.

Wsexraxk oShall I give orders to prepare a retreat route, if it comes to that?

Lgjkwhcy o But you already have a retreat route prepared! See, the red arrow?

Kjr7svlb o

Wsexraxk oUnderstood, sir.

9qk5ifz8 oThis whole dialogue will become really funny when we actually face them. Suffice to say, the AI on these guys is... weird.

Ymssdszh o

Okay, so now, what to do? At least, I'd like to run in and block the escape point with Larentia.

Spi6vky9 o

With her 6 move, she needs to be here to make it to the escape point in time, but that just barely brings her through the overwatch range... Curse you, Berwick Saga! Let me manually move the units! I just want to avoid those tiles, she could do it if you'd just let me have her go north first!

Ned53i9h oYm3so5he o

Well, first, let's whack this dude that just appeared.

8qoyqg3e o

And now... Oh, well. Let's go. Maybe there's a small chance I'm wrong and there is no archer?

Geo3j40d o

Figures... Oh, well. Perhaps he'll miss.

E7h63xde o

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnope. But he can't seem to kill Larentia (just barely, anyway), and he's been revealed now.

R9unkazm o


Qbxissym o

No crit, but that's still some really nasty damage...

Nc0vbrzh o

Oh, please. Really, again? That didn't work earlier, and now with Supporter--

Ubliol7o o

Why do I even bother...

69w768in oAlmitctd o

Nice! At least he managed to save the situation!

Emp7a3vj oTcn1xbl8 o

It can't be helped. This archer takes the highest priority.

7xhbdfz4 oJ6irarzr o

Ahh, the fool went after Adel! I'm okay with this. I'd rather have three injured units (not the injured status effect) than one crippled unit (not the crippled status effect).

Xuncwyaw o

Hurray. Now he can promote, he's reached his S Shield threshold. Just a ton of spear points to go.

Xgqp6yzg oLsnwl07v o6cwivtxs o

Here we go. He won't screw with my plans ever again.

7azdtzwx oIzdypnp5 o

Larentia can't be attacked from the ground and Adel has Vantage. Leon is the weak link here, so he retreats as far as he can without leaving Adel without his support bonuses.

53gecvv1 o

Are we witnessing another Derrick level? Could it be?

Gdyt9trl o

Ahahahahahahahah, yes!

Xskrseau o7yxweppj o

If he gets another point of speed, I'm going to laugh my ass off.

3mrtti6j o


I have a speed blessed Derrick. This is blessed. This is a blessed image, folks. Take it in.

Axq3t2la oZffylmok o

...Fuck! My Derrick bias overruled my ability of forethought!

Tguwj9up o

There goes an extra iron axe, I guess...

Vlgebmf8 oVhkplwzm oGpidk4hn o

You'll fall soon enough as well. The only question is the other guy who ran ahead.

Pfdlaxua o

Oh, please... You're not nearly far enough to be safe! You'll never make it out! It's the other fellow I'm worried about...

Xhixwv0g o2p910nep o

Seriously, this'll never get old. Never.

Well, maybe it'll get a bit old when more and more enemies start shooting at him with crossbows instead of running head-first into his spear, but... meh.

Ddh9ywra o2cqhq9ff oKvoegymy oSppezhol o

That's a level for everyone's favorite unit, Arturo. Please get something good.

5c69pawe oPtrwunip o

Honestly, Arturo is really good. I don't use him enough.

Xqblmng8 o

Now, Faye. If you could Jeigan this guy for Enid... ahh, Adept, perfect! That'll leave him with 3 HP, and--

Uhw0p0kf o

Son of a cussing cussword...!

6ymrdqia o

You know, I really shouldn't be taking this risk, but she needs to get a move on with the experience.

Nhpkazch oGxd9eyre o

...Besides, Owen could've healed her.

0ks5gher o3ny2l4us o

That's how things are looking. That asshole with the food is almost out... I'm not sure if I'll be able to catch him. Eh, four out of five is not too bad.

Dpzxfxg2 o

This guy can attack three different squishies, so I'm getting him out of the way first.

Z8krubo1 oRwe5hq9o o

Wohoh! Formidable strike!

Sz44aulx o

Good, but you'll need more.

C82xtamu o

Gee, I wonder how this will end.

Rw0o5x9c oD4uipsq7 o

Who cares about crits when the battle ends before it can even start?

Ui5zf5vz o

You know, what worries me now is that there might be another archer here. I don't think so, but... how can I be sure?

Bag4fy5o o

Well, only one way to find out.

1tfziw7n oWpeobktv o

R.I.P. Owen's physic. He'll have to take Izerna's physic next.

Onzfmkwh o

Let's go, then. May luck be with us...!

F7aann0u o

Great! Good! No more archers! In that case...

Xh5ewzot o

I can run in with Larentia afterwards, and finish him off! I think we can do this.

Bkpcbjds o

Only way we could possibly fail is if Adel misses.

Ynzrgvun o

Adel's gonna miss, isn't he.

S4upfyaa o

Sigh... Figures.

Fsfuqvfs oDnfy55fh oZk5au9ie o

Blistering barnacles, Adel! Please! Pleaseeee!

Diaane4p o

Leon can only reach next to the boss. He could Canto away, but not if he gets hit. If this happens...

Ztneenex oEpm9krbk o

Well, yeah. Leon dies a horrible death if he tries going there. Not risking it.

Hlevhnba o

Meh... I mean, she could proc Adept, no? There is a chance, right?

Zdixdu4j oGttlzjsn o

Of course not...

Bawysecx o

Ahhhh, but wait! Since he was on the map from the beginning, as opposed to the food thieves who spawned after the map started, he moves first! Therefore, it is now safe for Leon to come in and save the day!

4uqojadb oClfs5qgm o

A Deathmatch, just to make really sure he dies.

Bv3qaxsb o

Very good.

Skmpx551 oC4qavyvr o

Well, this is all but won, now.

Kaucigjz oDnybyad6 o

Let's give the apollyon a shot. That looks like it could work!

3cjrhnaw oZorn2ie3 o

Uhh, fancy particles!

Xirs1vlb o

Kablamo! Boom, hahah!

Cvty7zsn oIwcwmzcn o

Sorry, man. You shouldn't have signed up, if you hated this place so much.

8txndp31 o

Ladies and gentlemen... We got 'em. The food bags, I mean.

1pxanthc o

Oh, come now, really?

Wqr9bhgs o

Good thing I have a couple of bronze arrow packs to combine. No need to drop anything this time!

Iyg7yr2f o

Now that that's done, let's focus on taking out the remaining brigands. This is the crying guy. About as scary as any crying guy. He's assisted by...

Etf1d1hp o

Palrovin. Maybe he has a name because he's incredibly scary? I mean, he gets to choose between incapacitating a unit for a few turns, killing their horse, breaking their shield or poisoning them. All of that, if he doesn't get a crit, 'cause that'll just plain murder a few of my guys. All in all, not someone we want to take lightly.

Ez9fyvwg o

Also this guy should probably die.

Ipl4hnic oUhjzkwxy o

Very nice. We're mostly out of danger for now.

J8rxbiy2 o

Yeah, yeah, calm your tiddies. I'm coming.

Vuonlhk9 o

Let's regroup at the town.

Zwvcsbps oYpziod4z o

This guy's got a war pick. Might be worth trying to capture him for it. I mean, might as well, Flourish is free.

Micemawx oOe9ntn9b o


Vzsdcobh oKakspqtq o

Aaaand of course, the guy's first instinct upon finding himself completely alone and surrounded by the enemy army is to throw himself at Adel like all the rest. It'll never cease to amuse me.

Qnenu4wo o

Before anything else, let's put Larentia on the escape point. Just in case the boss gets any funny ideas.

Wteaq0n6 o

Dang it! No, Adel! This isn't your kill!

Tpbvjnpk oJwkjj8ij o

Now, that's better.

G6z6km1q o7hdhhjs4 o

Now, for these two. The archer can reach here while the crier cannot, but honestly, I'd rather take care of the crier first. Have more room to maneuver while handling Palrovin.

Hu6rfal8 oAg04t2dh o

Healing pngs.

Gtfhmhke o

Turn five, huh? That's not bad. Maybe we can actually beat this map without spending 30 turns on it.

Q2qaw3yp oPrgu9voy o

Let's go, Enid! This... was a terrible idea, she could've died right there!

K0fyi1ly oFjsnv1zx o

Thankfully, she got yet another crit.

Zprb0vix o

Another kill will be it.

L0qoo7ko oCtsp06wt o

Boss time. Boss is an asshole. He has Deathmatch, which essentially is a huge neon sign that says "DON'T LEAVE UNITS NEXT TO ME". Of course, he also has Arrowbane so attacking him from afar is more annoying. Oh, and a miracle charm. Because that's great.

Cawhs2s8 oYiuzkoho o

Let's spend a few turns to heal up and prepare. I could Windsweep him with Larentia, but after William, I'm afraid that'll make him move. This is a seize map, to be fair, but I won't take the chance.

Zpwe0zbf oVbw3g7aw o

By the way, guess which dum-dum failed to notice the Arrowbane in his skillset. I don't even have the "long skill list" excuse this time, it was three skills and I still managed to miss one!

04pt3ixo o

No, actually. Have you any idea the amount of people who have said that line to me? Neither do I, because I didn't know any of them either.

Pdrftuqh oBetter get your asses ready for the biggest beat-down of your life!

Nvskvdyg o

Oh yeah, sure. You're gonna give Sylvis's ass a real beat-down from all the way over there--

Z3xrzltw o

Oh right. Arrowbane.


Qv3ltjwk oXtwyp6w9 o


Cqlbqiui oDem6epa4 oOyo6sswa o


9h9um3b5 o

I guess I'll risk the casual mode girl, as usual. It doesn't even matter at this point, the chapter ends after this map.

U9ygmtyw o

Oh, well. No matter, she procced Adept!

Pdmbpyp0 o

Come now...

Hqp6qtzs oLexudkxu o

Then she procs Iaido but doesn't get a crit or anything. Wonderful. But at least she hit. It's an improvement.

Uqiiyrph o

I mean, she won the fight, but... Still, that was so underwhelming on so many levels.

Bze0eupj o

An okay consolation prize, I suppose.

Jyhsjvjd oX7da80zh o

Your turn, Arturo!

Gyv65mvk oAefllafe oPy8qn1io o


9fhjipis oLh3vhh6j o

Well, despite the first streak of misses, we're kicking his ass now! How ironic.

Ju16r4ft o

Aaaand then I had a terrible idea: break the miracle charm with Leon.

Cb45i78w oNredy3tj o

The effect is pretty cool in this game. Time freezes for a second while the charm shines.

W3kchlrt oOhpj0zqu o

...And there's where I fucked up. Once the charm's carrier takes a deadly blow, the charm makes them invincible against any damage until the end of the combat round. Which means he gets to whack Leon twice. Thank goodness he's long since waited... he can't follow up with a finishing strike.

Ldpas8ho o643tgpam o

Two skill points is great, but still... I'm worried.

4upsdbre o

...Hah! Bwahahah! That'd be hilarious, but... no.

Adrusceo o

Still, I'm pretty sure he'll heal if he survives this move, rather than finish Leon off, so...

Xs8ln597 o

...It's fine if this misses. Still, you could use the experience, Faye, so try not to screw this up.

Wjjoh6ls oUxj54rww o


Lmanjq5c o

I've already forgotten who you are.

Gbpyixmm oTy9cd5ef o

Blistering barnacles, is this a joke?

E4bttfll o

Sigh... Oh, well. It's okay.

Gudup74b o

I could finish the map right now, but that'd be such a waste. We have to get to Ward and find out why he's with an Imperial troop!

Irl32ehd o

So instead, let us first visit the shop.

Tleujvjn o

Well, it's... an okay selection?

M5du4wpc oA9hyyak0 o

These two are all right, I guess. You can't see enemy horse HP (because Kaga is great like that sometimes), so using the zanbato's a bit of a shot in the dark, but it could work in a couple of situations.

U0koybyj o

This, on the other hand, is worthless. Yey, brave weapon! Except terrible durability, terrible accuracy, mediocre might...

Gtqcianz o

In the end, I got the wind edge and the zanbato, and that's it.

8ruzyiti o5snrbiuh o

Now, let's take some time to patch ourselves up.

0fanr7aq o8wzemx9s o

And now, for these two guys below... the best I can think of is having Derrick tank the cry hit. He'll just barely survive. The archer worries me, but perhaps I could just move Derrick before he comes...


Dtvrvhbc oJdmextdk o

What the hell am I doing? Adel can just Vantage him! And Sylvis can overwatch him, too!

Jhmbtqyi o

Ah! Abort, abort! Bad idea, bad idea!

3k4u3jyp oLnvx5cpv oAbd3gexi o

That's much better. See, Ruben? Was that so hard, thinking things through?

Zkizorwa o

We wait the turn out, and then Adel dismounts. We have to waste a move waiting for the guy, anyway, and if the archer hits him I'd rather avoid horse damage.

Nf0ykjiv o2x4dfyzf o

Even if this fails, surely there's no way Adel will also fail to Vantage on top of that, right?

...Besides, the cry bonuses will go away after this fight, so... Yeah, overall, good idea. I wish I had handled Agvan half as well.

7h1geoic o

Just as planned. And now...

Cubo73ae oLdotbfni o

Do it again!

Eu9fotvl oRbung9ww o

Now, I wanna see if I can protect Adel from the archer.

Saebbjpv o


Sy9wymhy o

Well, at least he can't reach the tile next to the axeman. That means I get to do this.

Mjqniund oFsevl70p o

Yey, sword rank.

Jbp6kwdj o

Also, 99 experience. I was too slow to catch that. Guess she'll have to get Palrovin as well.

Ndn54nuv o

Well? Are you gonna come or not?

Vltrfj6y o

For some undiscernible reason, Palrovin has the boss theme.

Gfxoohy8 oLbfp31pq o

No crit, but I'll bet that's a sleep arrow.

Zuxw6eew o

Yeah, I figured.

Ecungywu oGoolyycw o

Okay then. Time to die, pal.

0hpuoqpc oUm5dx7y9 o

You've got to be kidding me...

W9bwghto o3w1d5pyw o

No! Staph! That's not allowed!

Xx1j2ymg o

Let's try again, I guess.

H1bmsj2x o

Eyyy, not bad! Thanks, Larentia!

Zwv0biyd o

Well, then. Same as before, next turn Enid's going after him. If she misses again, well... That'll be bad, but I mean, she desperately needs this. Worth the risk. Risk that's, admittedly, small. But we know how it goes.

Jmeco8vc oYin9qrar o

Good! Thank you for not failing twice in a row!

Zjdcw7qb oUwbm1u1b o


M8r9jvoy o

...are you shitting me, Enid?

Wmzz6n5a o

Now... about the Imperials.

X2hinknf o


T1poeghx o


Chgll3ac o


1rgwcfv7 oFijbawi3 o

Muerthen himself has a material. He's also a fantastic fighter. Oh yeah, and in case you forgot, he's still literally Ward. Kaga took the portrait of one of the protagonists, put a helmet on it, and called it a generic enemy portrait. And then he put the portrait on the same class as Ward, too. Amazing. What's next? Are we going to find Reese with a bandana on the enemy side? Owen with a hood? ...Derrick?

T4hq3ydn oFl8z9zkc o

So here's the plan: I'm going to move forward cautiously.

Yplvk2on o

Derrick can't climb cliffs, so he'll stay at the fort. If things go south, he can seize and end the map before someone can die. So in a way, even though he won't be fighting, his role will be all but instrumental.

De5lkyit o

Now... How the hell am I going to handle this?

Vo7dcxzj o

Yeah, no. I'm not trying that. Larentia is too valuable to risk her life to a 5% chance to miss.

Ohbbafcu oP4ir1lot o

Same here. If I could have her wait there, I could use Windsweep, but the archers...

Hj0kzwo3 oSqfmdseq o

Well, I mean... There's a slight chance this might work?

W6imkfpi o

But you have a material! It ain't pointless at all!

Wgtqznll oI wonder, have you prepared yourself for the consequences of your actions?!

Ze34lb4g o

Don't get ahead of yourself, Ward. You won't do much to her from down there.

Rmkpd3ce o

...Then again, neither will she...

Pcgav86v oFjvqdnjk o

Hmmm... Well, at least it seems they aren't charging at us.

Qbuxthfu oP1sgjwcs o

Hmmm... Let's try something. Does this guy move?

Aba9zfau o

It's turn 19, by the way. Let's top off Arthur and send Owen off.

Nphuidlp oBidnibmo o

Well, I mean, light points.

Getojuam oAlgkiscq o

Very well. Oh, I didn't show it, but the archer does not move after all, so I had everyone advance.

Lljaypfa oWxinexry o

From here, I can employ Minas's raijin arrows to try and bring Muerthen down.

Zbcf2b1g o

Could be worse.

Sx34bczj oEts7svn9 o

Yeah, Shieldfaire ain't gonna protect you from the 7 magic damage.

Jhzvbigs o

Eeeeeeyyyyy accuracy!

Lktrlnpu oF6zmaopg o


F9rnrper oTsdxhtad o

Aaaand again... I'm sorry for the uneventful turns. I need to be extremely careful if I don't want to die here.

Lt82whor o

Oh! Oooohhhhh! He was injured! Now that's fortunate...

Cbpirieo oAeuvkqtp o

Let's go, let's go, let's go! Cripple him!

2iycs7dy o6hry3trq o

C'mon... Please work!

Dmxarfrt o


Sa7hxyoz oTj6powei o

You know, as I write the update, I realize that if he had been crippled there, he would've made a beeline for the escape point, and with his fellow Imperials in the way, he would've been guaranteed to make it. Soooo maybe it was a blessing in disguise that she missed.

Ze4bjj88 o

...Also, now I can't reach him.

Novhvmfd o


Fjf339eo o


G9rygnxs o

...well. This is the best I can come up with.

Bejaenfi o

Yes, he took the bait. Excellent. This is ridiculous, but I'll take it.

Z5vp7zqd oEf16quen oMa7cd2hl o

Oooooof... Ouch...

Vcqvfqo0 o


B5jqq42y o

There's Faramir. You know, this is a pretty compelling argument to never use the edgelord. If he dies, Faye loses her casual mode, so it's important to keep him safe at all costs. That means keep him in the bench for life.

Sjswbyx6 oHerkgz0j oS4s9pahd oApnbgwug o

Now that he's back within reach, we get to do this again! Fun!

Tgtf2pgz o

...And he ran to heal again.

Yn2s9lox o

...Well, Faye's "death" was completely pointless, then.

Y7aosble o

...I need a different plan. This is not working.

Eeohcg1x oBayl5rbr oIcmkc0ud o

The plan is to continue using Deadeye, except instead of trying to single out Muerthen, we're going to kill everyone else and then him.

Uniae9px o

No! Stop it!

Gqkienhe oZlanmack o

That's better.

Uyavr8p3 o

I knew he'd do this. Now Muerthen has no healing.

Sphpajlr o

My turn count... It was looking so nice...

57wonav3 oUbbkjnmg o

After firing an arrow, I realized the apollyon is green already. If I'm to break something, might as well break the old composite bow instead.

Px84dz9r oDsmwpulf o

Sylvis is going to be racking up all the Imperial kills, isn't she.

Rdlw17dk o

On the bright side, this is all experience that goes into Sylvis's paralogue progress. Besides, there are worse units to feed experience to than Best Sniper.

Ovjy2fc2 oT0hrzetq o

Thanks to Muerthen moving, nobody can reach the hex three spaces away from the archer. Guess what that means. I only wish I had realized back when Faye was still with us. Ah, but then again, back then he was injured. I really, really wanted that crippling, sorry.

Eyavtfzd o

Let's g--

Kh7wowxq o

GWAAAH he has Deadeye too. Of COURSE he has Deadeye too!

Xg48fsoz o


Lyvn831q o

By the way, no, she couldn't die there. These arrows are too weak, she would've been left with a sliver of health. Of course, being put to sleep on a cliff in an archer's range would've meant having to seize immediately, so I'm glad she prevailed.

Zyyyxofw o

Revenge time!

Lf3yiosi oBhz2x3pl oJr72moso oUqhpkx60 o

That's a dead dude.

83qlxp3c o

It'll also be a level very soon.

Csiuauvf o

Okay, and now, there are no ranged units left, which means...

Uitbjz41 o

It is safe for Larentia to go and park herself on top of the escape point, because I am, as always, paranoid about the boss randomly fleeing.

8jpaodw2 o

Aaaaaand now it's time to do the exact same thing with the tanky guys.

Wg7dvs9j oWzcpniie o

As well as Sylvis attacking from afar...

Hpwiqhna oMsirgemj o

Larentia will do some Windsweeps to help out.

Wxcv7sia oEcqogptx o2g3w0ui3 oFov1vw9y o

This was way more time consuming than it seems when it's just four screenshots placed in a tidy square.

72dm69xs o

Oh, and of course, Sylvis finally gets an arrow through the shield... When it's too late and a shielded arrow would've done the job anyway. Uurrrrgggghhhhh...

Ahmfrw6r o

Sylvis level! Hype, hype, hype!

7cta79pi o

You know, it's really telling about Sylvis and Berwick as a whole that she's one of my most powerful units despite the fact that she hasn't gotten a single decent level up in her entire life.

S4thzxk4 o

And now we do the exact same thing with the other guy! Or, well, try to, at any rate.

Vpmpwjuh oJow0ahcd oIvbx3kwe oOttduno0 oVeef4nfn oP12yi1kt o0nrhz1gd o

I really did think about making this as time consuming as possible so you'd suffer like I suffered. Then I realized I'd lose all my readers if I did that, so... Yeah. For now, just marvel at my extremely courageous, bold and brash strategy.

Gatcpoxa o

Oh, and Sylvis's original bow broke. I was lucky, it lasted till it was red.

Um4ededt o

Still, I don't want Sylvis to hog quite all of the experience.

Hah! This'd be so hilarious, but... It is too dangerous. Imagine taking this reckless risk after being a complete coward for-- OH MY GOD IT'S TURN 47

Mo1qfghe oItftkdjg o

This'll do better. Don't worry, I'll bail him out before Muerthen can move next turn.

Oqfl4off oFvycahjy o

And now... Guess what, I'm going to employ the exact same tactic on Muerthen.

Fliwp2cr o

I know, I know, this is awful, but his shield won't last forever. Then he'll be screwed.

Tq6nmsxo o

Now that is great. Thank you very much.

Jrcogifr oF2sg7b1m oTuo1aqkp o

A couple shots later, the shield is gone.

E2hhnhgu o

This is where the fun begins.

95jc8bdq oDptvsetj o9altvkzm o

Oh, Maim. Imagine how funny it'd be if that was enough to cripple him.

Eglisv0k o

Yeah, no. Sadly, I'm afraid 0 times 2 is still 0.

That's Arthur's stats when flourishing, by the way. It... might be worth a shot, actually.

Xo4ccrom oVyuagbzm o

Ahhhh, the day when I start paying any fuckin' attention to the enemy skill lists. When will it come? Probably never. Most likely never. Yeah, it's never.

0ekw6rwv o

That's okay, at the very least.

Leoljn9j oGy7l8ry2 o

Then I neglected to move Arthur out of the way. All to get the ladies to miss twice. Thanks for the effort, really.

Mnygq94m oQ8rumu5z oJvxhbk8h oUl7ga7fi o

Arthur did slightly better this time, but not by much--

Vhnu8bcu o

GOOOAAAAH out, out! Outta there, now!

Tc6dtj8x o

That's it, I am sick of this. You die now.

Hx0o5p2n o8a5owzhz o

More Maiming. More useless Maiming, to be precise.

Dylngqlh o

Oh, c'mon...

Tl9obwdp oFxcixoql o


Zq6jhljv oR8rgfjwm o

That'd be fun if it worked, but...

3m3nzevk o

I think I'd rather give Sylvis the boss kill. She's earned it.

6mxhpmfj o9mbjuvci o

Oh, in the name of-- I am SO done with this!

Ciwlbuwm oBgwdclmy o


297qeoun o

...That... was such a stupid risk. After all that, I went and made her shoot at him from range 1. You know what would've happened if she had missed? A disaster, that's what. Why? Why, me? Why couldn't you be just a bit more patient?

Nlx6oqnf o

Sigh... Ohhh, at last! It's over! What the hell are you talking about, Muerthen? That wasn't "well fought" at all! That was possibly the most dishonorable, cowardly tactic I have employed in my entire life!

...And we never figured out why you're Ward! Is that style of beard and armor just really popular in the world of Berwick? I mean, I couldn't blame 'em, it's a badass style, but... C'mon! Even the black undershirt is the same as Ward's! The helmet and the pose are the only differences! What happened!?

Vznciu1x oI5q80eiw o

Well, here we go. I hope it was friggin' worth it. Also, as you can see, Sylvis is a couple kills and a level away from her paralogue thresholds. I've deployed her much more often than Ruby, and in every main mission at that, so even though she needs one more point of happiness, I'm pretty sure she's made it there already. Just need that 130 points of experience!

9azops30 o

Seizing time. Derrick, do the honors.



Weeeell, that was... Frankly ridiculous. Faye had a bit of an accident, too. But I got what I wanted without permanent losses, so I guess I can't complain. Next time, we advance to the next chapter. The plot will start to pick up the pace a bit there, as we meet new characters and see again old ones. Look forward to it, or else! Farewell, too, or else!


Death count: Christine
                        Faye x 1

* Unavailable

Capture count: 1 (Daoud)

Reset count: 1 (Ward: 1)


Current perfect streak: Sorry nothing

Best perfect streak: 6 maps



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