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Testing the Waters I've Gone off the Deep-end. A Shadow Dragon H5 test-run

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9 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Part 9- Death on White Wings

The title doesn't bode well... Caeda died then? Or more likely than not, this is the chapter that has the 3 pegasisters.

On 6/20/2020 at 6:01 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's why I mantain that Vergil was better. I have no idea why the translators were peer-pressured into changing it back to Belf. Ugh... It's just like Zelot. Jerrot is an actual name. Zelot is a misspelling of "zealot", a religious fanatic. What does that have to do with Jerrot? Absolutely nothing, that's what. I'll never stop calling him Jerrot, Heroes can suck my gravy-giver.

Well for Belf, his katakana reads as ベルフ Which is "Berufu", but see japanese r's and l's are the same, so in localization they are almost interchangeable. Then we have the fact that u's in japanese are not very pronounced, so sometimes japanese use their syllabary with an "u" to signify that they only want the consonant to be heard; and so we get Belf, Vergil is quite the liberty actually.

As for Jerrot, his name in katakana reads 
ゼロット which is "Zerotto", in this case the 3rd symbol is smaller and for that one (which reads "tsu") what it does is double the next consonant. An example is how "Berwick saga" uses it to signify that it's not "Berwic/Berwik" but instead is a doubled consonant (made into "ck" so it looks better). So his name is quite literally Zelot, which sounds like Zealot to an english speaker so that's that. It isn't their closest approximation either, they could have used ヤェロト which reads "Jeroto" at least I think that is how it would go. If you pay attention one of the letters is super small but it's a vowel, it looks like an "i" but it's actually an "E" (read the vowels as in spanish) and it's smaller because japanese doesn't have any "Ye", only "Ya, Yu, Yo" and so I used it to signify that I'm overwriting the "a" in "Ya" to an "e".

PD: I'm not a weeb. I simply like languages and since a few months ago I've been wanting to learn how to read japanese at the very least.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I just do that. It's fun to watch people squirm when you start quoting statistics. So I do it in real life a lot.

God damn it. I mean if you want numbers then I'm your man! Numbers are my 2nd... 3rd? .... who-knows-passion! I wouldn't squirm irl, it would be more of a "it's a joke shut up. Bruh" kinda thing.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

It can be fun. Less so when it's screwing you over. But when you see a PoR Mia decide to cap defense despite the low, low, chance (1%)... it's hilarious. On original hardware yet.

Lol. She got a lot of defense for me once too lol.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

He's a clever one. He has a lot of strange habits relating to trying to help me. Like running into the room barking whenever my food's ready.

That's pretty cute.

Doggo: Woof woof! Woof! (Are you writing that LP again? Let me check... let me check)
Doggo: Woof... Woof.... BARK! BARK! BARK! (Let's see... any mistakes... OH! YOU MISSPELLED YOU'RE! CORRECT IT!)

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Hard to know. Chemical processes are a bit inexact... and do vary person to person based on both internal and external factors.

Well I got to try this out 2 more times now. The last one was semi-on-purpose, as when I decided to get up I knew it would happen. On the second time I called out to my cousin twice, then my vision "went black" and then returned again, that happened with a weird sfx and then I could move and all. I then asked my cousin if he heard me but he said no. I guess it was just a hallucination. Ohh... it's eye-opening though, I realize that no matter how much I may know about it, I will still sucumb to the bugs in the program of my body, the human body.

The 3rd one I was again in that sort of dreaming, let-my-imagination-run-wild-but-kinda-not-asleep state and when I got up I realized that when i tried to call out for someone I couldn't. I didn't hear it like I did before, instead it just went through my mind.

On that note, do we hear when we think? Like try thinking what you're going to type or imagine you're listening to a song and well it feels like you're hearing. But nothing is making a sound either... man this is weird.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Can't say I have. But I read like 200 parts between updates.

Woah that was fast! Do you just have that much free time on your hands or why did you feel like reading it? Actually it was probably just me mentioning it right?

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

The RNG Goddess... likes sleeping in (really, really late) and getting revenge on people who wake her.

Well what a lazy bithc, her job is to work on those numbers! Well, I would get tired too eventually I guess.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

My biggest concern is the cast size. One mercenary and one hero? One myrmidon and one Swordmaster (I am not counting Karla because joke). One Shaman. One Monk. One Cleric, one bishop and one troubadour. One pirate, one berserker. One nomad. Two knights... one of which is a joke.

That is reasonable, it feels like FE7 is very limited in that aspect. It's not a good game to ironman because of many green unit BS and because of such an undiverse cast.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wouldn't know. Haven't played OG mystery. Always was content with FE12.

I haven't played FE3 either but I've heard it's quite easy. I still wish that IntSys designed better Lunatic modes... maybe they fired the FE12 guy because they thought that was why the game failed.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

To be honest... I think that'd make more sense. What are chests even made out of in this series? I mean you can break walls, snags, doors in Tellius. But chests are insurmountable.

They're made out of Doga. Doga is not invincible because of his armor. Doga is invincible because he is Doga.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Mostly because one of the enforcments spawning has a ridersbane.

I guess Doggo didn't see this one.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

By slaying the RNGoddess' avatar, Merric takes her power for himself. So close to a perfect level. Especially when you realize he has no strength growth.

That's nice. Show the RNGoddess who's boss!

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Remember that Abel and Jagen pun about them being Abel to Jagen? I Cain use it again, because my Matthis perfect on this one. And if one of the two is dead, then everything's good because the other one can't quite kill anyone who isn't Merric by themself.

Hehe, good one!

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Barst heals up... and takes a "worth a shot" moment on the thief, seeing as  he can. I don't expect it to do anything... but apparently even that 56% works out for me. Barst even gets strength, hp, and fittingly given the odds, luck. I'm pretty happy with that, even without the speed, skill or defense.

Man that's so satisfying to watch. 11 skill and speed! OMG!

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seeing as that worked, I let Ogma finish him off. Because he's literally got two defense, he can do it with an iron sword, no trouble. He  gets a door key that'll be handy soon. He also gets some strength and hp. The strength also means he's not weighed down by steel swords anymore... so under the circumstance I use one, it doubles as a point of speed.
Wolf, no longer needing to block that door (the plan if the thief survived), finishes off the steel bow archer instead.

Well this turn has been going swimmingly. I mean you make a mistake but still recover, awesome!

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Matthis and Ukyo team up to get this level for Ukyo. I was hoping for speed because he's a point behind the other cavs and it would have saved him from being doubled by that pegasus knight earlier.. but having the third most defense on the whole team be on the guy with tuberculosis is oddly hilarious.

10 Defense is kinda nice I guess.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Too bad. Marth seems to be set on keeping his strength equal to his level. Maybe that's why he didn't let it increase until his level passed his base. Now who do I make fun of for strength? Everyone worse than Marth/Matthis/Caeda got benched.

This reminds me of Silas, he likes to keep his speed equal to his level for me.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Healing Ogma and Wolf for the next big phase of my plan, Wrys and Lena get identical levels. I guess they both took my earlier statement about wanting magic and resistance literally. I'm more than fine with that.

The cool thing is that means that they both heal one more point. It's not much but it's cool.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Bantu must be shouting. Look at him. Three units between him and Marth. Dear lord I love this. Wait. Reloading save and seeing what happens if I move Wendell and Barst.
Well that answers that. Let's do this conversation now huh?

Lol that's funny. I imagine his appear-on-screen order is the same as the rescue staff.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

0 to 100 much? He goes from asking if Marth's seen Tiki to being condescending about his age, saying Tiki's the one hope of beating Medeus (I mean, she is very useful to that goal), to admitting he's a bad unit. I mean, I know he's saying he can't transform now, but I like to think "I haven't the power" is referring to the fact he's a terrible unit.

Yeah lol, why does he even trust this guy he just saw?


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Actually, hammerne has like 12 uses in this game.

...It's also obtained in Camus's chapter. A.K.A. late, really late. I feel like her main advantage is base warp. Beyond that, she's basically the same unit as Wrys.

To be honest, I feel like people overblow how bad Wrys is. Sure, he's not the best, but there are many, many worse units than him. Even if you bench him as soon as possible, 3 chapters of mostly exclusive healing utility is far more than... Whatever Bantu, the Port Warren mercs, half the Archanea prison scrubs, half of Hardin's squad, Lorenz, etc. are supposed to do.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

That'd be a show I'd have a hard time topping.

I have a friend who kills Gharnef with Wrys every. Single. Time. Not even kidding. If he can do it, you should have no trouble with it.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I mean, it's better than sucking and being unusable. I mean... Lina in Tear Ring Saga. 10% strength grow. 4 base strength. 10% def growth. 3 base def.  Level 1 cav (well equivalent). But you know the topper? She joins in chapter 26B. Even with 40 chapters... it should be noted that the chapters are split between two routes. Good luck getting her to contribute.

Lina is amazing, honestly. She's basically Kaga's argument for why movement isn't the end-all-be-all of FE unit viability: a unit that has by far the best movement in the entire game... and literally nothing else. She moves real fast. Big whoop. All she can do after moving real fast is die horribly.

...Still, I've seen Linas on the internet with capped strength. A part of me wants to try killing Ernst with her sometime. She obviously can't kill Gerxel, and I mean, Ernst is far more powerful anyway.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I can see that with Vyland, hence why I joke about it. Roshea's more memorable for me because in FE3 he was apparently the only one who could be recruited from the Wolfguard. Mind I read a lot about FE3 back between Shadow Dragon and the release of FE12.

Oh yeah, book 2 does wonders for Roshea. Even in FE12, where they all are recruitable, Roshea is still the sensible one who joins of his own volition and doesn't need persuading. Vyland, on the other hand, doesn't exist in the original book 2, and in FE12, he... doesn't really get anything special. His supports and his dialogue are basically "I'm a knight who is kinda reckless maybe". Meanwhile, Roshea is established to be a kindhearted cinnamon roll who's friends with orphans. Now that is awesome.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

If you read this I wasted your time.


On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seriously, I've seen their other one with the lance. But this is a first.

I mean, a combination of how rarely it is to see generals tanking with bows and the huge hitrates of DSFE will do that.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I try to get Wolf some exp out of it, but this woman (I think) is blessed.

I had to do a double-take because I thought for a moment you called Wolf a woman.

...I mean, to be fair, he does kinda look the part.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Except I've made one drastic mistake.

Ahhh, mistakes. What would life be without them? Probably nicer. I wish I could be a FE pro like some others.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf continues tanking hits from longbow, who doesn't realize revenge is coming. Ukyo succeeds in defying weapon triangle to enemy phase the pegasus knight. What I was hoping for, even if I had contingency plans.

Congratulations on plan B working out!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

You can bet I'm going to be unbelievably salty if that's a lie.

I can confirm, the four of them are safe. In fact, if Minerva dies, the entire squad retreats instantly, so it's best to leave her for last.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well, excUUUUUUUUUUUUse me Princess.

I think the excalibur use was more valuable than the level he got out of it...

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Matthis and Ukyo team up to get this level for Ukyo. I was hoping for speed because he's a point behind the other cavs and it would have saved him from being doubled by that pegasus knight earlier.. but having the third most defense on the whole team be on the guy with tuberculosis is oddly hilarious.

Arran in FE12 in a nutshel.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Too bad.

Sorry, The Roger. I can't give levels without strength! Come back when you're a little, MMMM unluckier!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Bantu must be shouting. Look at him. Three units between him and Marth. Dear lord I love this. Wait. Reloading save and seeing what happens if I move Wendell and Barst.
Well that answers that. Let's do this conversation now huh?

Hahahahahahah... That's hilarious. I wonder what happens if you hack the game and put units all over the map. Does he just spawn on the mountains? What if the entire map is filled with units? Game crash? Bantu is erased? So many questions...

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

If he wasn't the only way to recruit Tiki, Bantu would be useless. As it stands... he actually has a use. Regardless I'm going to do something I don't usually do. Namely use the save point and end this update here. Why? I have no idea if my plan's going to work. So join me next time as we find out in the update I hade to call "Wolfguard"

A shame about Bantu. He was so much fun in FE3. One of the very few things I like better about that game.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

So join me next time as we find out in the update I hade to call "Wolfguard"

I think I can see where this might be going...

14 hours ago, This boi uses Nino said:

Well for Belf, his katakana reads as ベルフ Which is "Berufu", but see japanese r's and l's are the same, so in localization they are almost interchangeable. Then we have the fact that u's in japanese are not very pronounced, so sometimes japanese use their syllabary with an "u" to signify that they only want the consonant to be heard; and so we get Belf, Vergil is quite the liberty actually.

Frankly, I'd take a liberty over the garbage that is Belf. Same with Zelot. Sure, Jerrot's a bit of a liberty, but it's actually a name.

14 hours ago, This boi uses Nino said:

Yeah lol, why does he even trust this guy he just saw?

He has blue hair. That's the hair color of a protagonist, everyone knows that. No villain has blue h--




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On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Mostly because one of the enforcments spawning has a ridersbane. Not good when you have four cavaliers.

Class change?

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

First Jagen becomes a Dracoknight again

Class change!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Or  a shred of decency apparently. I mean threatening harmless unarmed clerics? Who'd do something so despicable?
(insert montage of me having units kill clerics for exp)

Hypocritical humor for the win!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well, we see how much more axeurracy Barst has now.

Didn't you say you would stop? I'm glad you didn't, but still!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

100% on a dracoknight that has more avoid than the pegasus knight that dodged him in chapter 5. Beautiful change.

They grow up so fast. *sniff* *dabs tears with handkerchief*

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

What's not so beautiful is seeing the draco-knight somehow pull off a 49% hit... which is half a percent less with true-hit. Meanwhile Marth has missed a 50% strength growth how many times? I'm not bitter.

And the game's bullying of Marth continues. This time more subtle than ever before.
It's learning.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Anyone care to guess?

Not having read the spoiler, it's because

Nobody was in range of any of them, so they didn't move how you'd expect them to.

I'll ignore the spoiler, promise!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Remember that Abel and Jagen pun about them being Abel to Jagen? I Cain use it again,

This one deserves it.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Caeda weakens the other one leaving Ukyo my only option. Problem is, he can only kill her with a steel sword... the thing that has weapon triangle disadvantage. Also she doubles him, so if he whiffs, he's dead on enemy phase. Ergo I conclude it's safest to equip the sword and wait. After all, then she either dies on his counter, fails to kill him by two hp, or attacks someone else equally safe.

This is where I notice I watched too many of Mangs' videos. I legitimately assumed you would just go for it, throwing all caution to the wind, and it would backfire hilariously.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Barst heals up... and takes a "worth a shot" moment on the thief, seeing as  he can. I don't expect it to do anything... but apparently even that 56% works out for me. Barst even gets strength, hp, and fittingly given the odds, luck. I'm pretty happy with that, even without the speed, skill or defense.

Barst is trying his best to make up for his earlier failure.
Even though he probably already did.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I begin milking the white wings for exp

*panicked screams*

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

because I hear they can't actually die this chapter, and just retreat and will return when they're meant to.

Oh. Panicked for nothing, then! Carry on.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm going to estimate that bad level was because I had him attack the girl he'd marry. Well, I can Establish this is the point he decided that she needs protection in the fanfic.

... You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

If Abel were paying attention, he might have realized Barst and Matthis were putting down Palla and Catria just as easily. Look, we now have a collection of the retreat quotes. Guess the white-wings are play-testing Casual mode for next game.

First Est hacks Miracle into the game, now this comes out.
Are the Whitewings secretly the makers of Shadow Dragon?

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Matthis got a weapon level out of that too. Now he can use the Gae Buidhe.

Matthis: "Your heart is pierced, the target hit as I declare. Gáe Bolg!"
Everyone else: "First: Wrong spear! Second: Wrong universe!"

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

before Merric finishes her.

Sorry, got something stuck in my throat. Never mind me!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Only one can reach. She can't one round without critting. She's too fast to be doubled, too lucky to take a crit. But the icing on the cake is even if she did crit and one round the first mercernary, she's got the defense and hp to survive both. Ergo, she's 100% safe. Marth also gets healed again.

Evidence number something-or-other that Shiida is awesome.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

but having the third most defense on the whole team be on the guy with tuberculosis is oddly hilarious.

It represents his will to live and his tenacity to fight against all odds to make that happen. No matter what, Ukyo has a mission, and he will not give up until it is fulfilled.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Too bad. Marth seems to be set on keeping his strength equal to his level.

That means he'll end up with 30 strength if you max him out.
Not bad! I know his cap isn't actually that high, but go with me on that one.

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Now who do I make fun of for strength? Everyone worse than Marth/Matthis/Caeda got benched.

Give it time!

On 6/27/2020 at 8:06 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I mean, I know he's saying he can't transform now, but I like to think "I haven't the power" is referring to the fact he's a terrible unit.

You know my username? I like dragons.
Now imagine younger me, playing Shadow Dragon for the first time and getting Bantu, trying Bantu and seeing that he can transform into a dragon. I was hellbent on using him because of that fact alone.
You can imagine my immesurable disappointment when that part of the sentence I bolded dawned on me. 

And then Tiki happened and I was happy again.

With that part of my backstory out of the way, I look forward to next time!

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On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Honestly, this whole run is starting to make me wonder why people act like he's so vastly inferior to Lena. The differences aren't that profound if you're not doing LTC. Three uses of Hammerne is the biggest.

There is also Lena being able to use warp at base, and not being able to get enough staves for Wrys to reach the C rank staves for Warp (or the Physic you get in chapter 6) until chapter 8


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

It's funny. Reminds me of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals. Namely the one about pushing a negative hard enough that it pushes through and becomes a positive. Ergo joking about characters like Vyland, Glade, etc, being unmemorable so much that they become memorable for being forgettable.

Glade never really deserved the mantle of unmemorable, he is Selphina's husband (and they have a rather rare and powerful 20% support), has a leadership star on him, plus he guards the gates to Tahra with a small army of generic blue units against the overwhelming forces of the empire, as Leif rushes to save the. Its mostly the obscurity of his game, Thracia 776, and a bit of bad luck that earned him the last place in Choose Your Legends polls that made him famous.


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Enemy phase actually goes pretty amazingly. Wolf gets an unexpected 2% crit on steel bow, who BARELY survives. He also shockingly reveals generals ACTUALLY have a dodge animation with the bow. Seriously, I've seen their other one with the lance. But this is a first. Neither of these were necessary to my plans in the slightest, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel intoxicated by the RNG.

Lady luck giveth with one hand

On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well, we see how much more axeurracy Barst has now. 100% on a dracoknight that has more avoid than the pegasus knight that dodged him in chapter 5. Beautiful change.
What's not so beautiful is seeing the draco-knight somehow pull off a 49% hit... which is half a percent less with true-hit. Meanwhile Marth has missed a 50% strength growth how many times? I'm not bitter.
I try to get Wolf some exp out of it, but this woman (I think) is blessed. She dodged an 83%. She had less than 6% chnce of dodging that when true hit is factored in. I see I wrestle with the avatar of the RNGoddess herself today. Wolf at least gets a weapon level for his bow. Not that I managed to catch that during my "what"

and taketh away with the other.


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf continues tanking hits from longbow, who doesn't realize revenge is coming. Ukyo succeeds in defying weapon triangle to enemy phase the pegasus knight. What I was hoping for, even if I had contingency plans. Now we can move to my next plan... exp.

That Longbow moving in front of the gate instead of staying out of two range of your army was rather lucky.


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm going to estimate that bad level was because I had him attack the girl he'd marry. Well, I can Establish this is the point he decided that she needs protection in the fanfic.
Also he can now use the silver lance I gave to Matthis. Which is what triggered the mechanism in my mind that made me question why I did that.

Ouch, that is going to be awkward after the marriage...


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well, excUUUUUUUUUUUUse me Princess.

Oh no, not the worst Link...


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Only one can reach. She can't one round without critting. She's too fast to be doubled, too lucky to take a crit. But the icing on the cake is even if she did crit and one round the first mercernary, she's got the defense and hp to survive both. Ergo, she's 100% safe. Marth also gets healed again.

I appreciate how thorough this analysis of next turn is.


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Anyway, before I end the update and get to the dangerous part of the map next time... I decide it's time for some more tomfoolery. I make a save state before this (for reasons soon to be apparent).
Bantu must be shouting. Look at him. Three units between him and Marth. Dear lord I love this. Wait. Reloading save and seeing what happens if I move Wendell and Barst.
Well that answers that. Let's do this conversation now huh?

Fascinating...it looks like it checks the adjacent squares starting with the one to the north, then west (I am guessing the next priority is south then east, but it isn't clear from the images), if none are available it moves the center square north, checks again and then repeats. That this lets him jump 4 spaces north when the space just 2 to the west is available is particularly interesting...


On 6/27/2020 at 11:06 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

If he wasn't the only way to recruit Tiki, Bantu would be useless. As it stands... he actually has a use. Regardless I'm going to do something I don't usually do. Namely use the save point and end this update here. Why? I have no idea if my plan's going to work. So join me next time as we find out in the update I hade to call "Wolfguard"

Good Luck, from what I remember the next section is an utter nightmare if you can't manage to spawn block those forts before they start spewing troops...


18 hours ago, This boi uses Nino said:

Well for Belf, his katakana reads as ベルフ Which is "Berufu", but see japanese r's and l's are the same, so in localization they are almost interchangeable. Then we have the fact that u's in japanese are not very pronounced, so sometimes japanese use their syllabary with an "u" to signify that they only want the consonant to be heard; and so we get Belf, Vergil is quite the liberty actually.

Just wanted to add that the Japanese language doesn't have a V sound, and often use B sounds in its place, although sometimes use ヴ to indicate a foreign word uses a V, but its not universal (and pronounced as a B sound anyway), so starting the name with Ver is in the realm of possibilities, but getting gil from that Japanese fu sound is a real stretch.


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Part 9- Wolfguard




On 6/28/2020 at 3:01 PM, This boi uses Nino said:
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The title doesn't bode well... Caeda died then? Or more likely than not, this is the chapter that has the 3 pegasisters.
I mean, we did see the white-wing sisters used as punching bags for exp.

Well for Belf, his katakana reads as ベルフ Which is "Berufu", but see japanese r's and l's are the same, so in localization they are almost interchangeable. Then we have the fact that u's in japanese are not very pronounced, so sometimes japanese use their syllabary with an "u" to signify that they only want the consonant to be heard; and so we get Belf, Vergil is quite the liberty actually.

As for Jerrot, his name in katakana reads 
ゼロット which is "Zerotto", in this case the 3rd symbol is smaller and for that one (which reads "tsu") what it does is double the next consonant. An example is how "Berwick saga" uses it to signify that it's not "Berwic/Berwik" but instead is a doubled consonant (made into "ck" so it looks better). So his name is quite literally Zelot, which sounds like Zealot to an english speaker so that's that. It isn't their closest approximation either, they could have used ヤェロト which reads "Jeroto" at least I think that is how it would go. If you pay attention one of the letters is super small but it's a vowel, it looks like an "i" but it's actually an "E" (read the vowels as in spanish) and it's smaller because japanese doesn't have any "Ye", only "Ya, Yu, Yo" and so I used it to signify that I'm overwriting the "a" in "Ya" to an "e".

PD: I'm not a weeb. I simply like languages and since a few months ago I've been wanting to learn how to read japanese at the very least.

Not a weeb is a funny name. I think I'll keep calling you Boi who uses Nino

God damn it. I mean if you want numbers then I'm your man! Numbers are my 2nd... 3rd? .... who-knows-passion! I wouldn't squirm irl, it would be more of a "it's a joke shut up. Bruh" kinda thing.
Yeah well, squirming. Getting told to shut up. It's all funny to me.

Lol. She got a lot of defense for me once too lol.
It's funny because my Ike that run had single digit strength.

That's pretty cute.

Doggo: Woof woof! Woof! (Are you writing that LP again? Let me check... let me check)
Doggo: Woof... Woof.... BARK! BARK! BARK! (Let's see... any mistakes... OH! YOU MISSPELLED YOU'RE! CORRECT IT!)
Pretty impressive effort given English isn't even close to his first language. I mean, he's a dog, and his first human language is Croatian, due to his old owners.

Well I got to try this out 2 more times now. The last one was semi-on-purpose, as when I decided to get up I knew it would happen. On the second time I called out to my cousin twice, then my vision "went black" and then returned again, that happened with a weird sfx and then I could move and all. I then asked my cousin if he heard me but he said no. I guess it was just a hallucination. Ohh... it's eye-opening though, I realize that no matter how much I may know about it, I will still sucumb to the bugs in the program of my body, the human body.

The 3rd one I was again in that sort of dreaming, let-my-imagination-run-wild-but-kinda-not-asleep state and when I got up I realized that when i tried to call out for someone I couldn't. I didn't hear it like I did before, instead it just went through my mind.

On that note, do we hear when we think? Like try thinking what you're going to type or imagine you're listening to a song and well it feels like you're hearing. But nothing is making a sound either... man this is weird.
I always used to use the latter as a way of getting my head together when in pain. I'd try to focus on a song from a game... usually something from the Nintendo 64.

Woah that was fast! Do you just have that much free time on your hands or why did you feel like reading it? Actually it was probably just me mentioning it right?
Well you did put a link to it. Then I got distracted with it. A lot.

Well what a lazy bithc, her job is to work on those numbers! Well, I would get tired too eventually I guess.
I mean, if you spend all day working with numbers... you're bound to get tired. I assume that results in empty levels.

That is reasonable, it feels like FE7 is very limited in that aspect. It's not a good game to ironman because of many green unit BS and because of such an undiverse cast.
One reason I like the reclass system in the DS games. Even if you've used a unit before, or you want more units in one class than are in the game... or you're sick of there being so many damn cavaliers, you can do something about it.

I haven't played FE3 either but I've heard it's quite easy. I still wish that IntSys designed better Lunatic modes... maybe they fired the FE12 guy because they thought that was why the game failed.
As opposed to not releasing it internationally. How the hell am I supposed to buy it if you don't release it IS? I'm not still bitter

They're made out of Doga. Doga is not invincible because of his armor. Doga is invincible because he is Doga.
Which explains why Draug is not invincible. His name no longer being Doga meant he lost his invincibility.

I guess Doggo didn't see this one.
I mean... he does go to sleep on the job sometimes.

That's nice. Show the RNGoddess who's boss!
She got her revenge. Merric's next level was garbage.

Hehe, good one!
Now if I can pun Ukyo...

Man that's so satisfying to watch. 11 skill and speed! OMG!
The speed's about his average. But the skill... it's definitely well above (the expected skill is 8). Which is fine by me. He needs it with axes.

Well this turn has been going swimmingly. I mean you make a mistake but still recover, awesome!
More or less the run in a nutshell. I screw up, but I find a way to fix it.

10 Defense is kinda nice I guess.
More so when you consider the only ones above it are Jagen (who is very vulnerable to crits) and Wolf (who is not very mobile and gets doubled easier)

This reminds me of Silas, he likes to keep his speed equal to his level for me.
Not the best thing to have stay low. I mean, you can make up for strength with higher mt weapons. You can't make up for speed so easily.

The cool thing is that means that they both heal one more point. It's not much but it's cool.
In a run like this, it could literally save someone.

Lol that's funny. I imagine his appear-on-screen order is the same as the rescue staff.
That's my guess. I couldn't resist screwing around with this more.

Yeah lol, why does he even trust this guy he just saw?
I'm not sure. Maybe he knew Anri and Marth reminded him of him? Or maybe he's a bit senile.



18 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


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Actually, hammerne has like 12 uses in this game.
That's what I get for not double-checking my thoughts as I post this stuff. Funny how much they nerfed it later.

...It's also obtained in Camus's chapter. A.K.A. late, really late. I feel like her main advantage is base warp. Beyond that, she's basically the same unit as Wrys.
I know base warp's there. I know that's useful in an LTC. She also recruits Matthis, which is something. But I figure if you're not doing an LTC warp shouldn't be that useful before you get Wrys to that level unless you really want the chapter 6 killing edge.

To be honest, I feel like people overblow how bad Wrys is. Sure, he's not the best, but there are many, many worse units than him. Even if you bench him as soon as possible, 3 chapters of mostly exclusive healing utility is far more than... Whatever Bantu, the Port Warren mercs, half the Archanea prison scrubs, half of Hardin's squad, Lorenz, etc. are supposed to do.
I maintain my belief that there's no such thing as a "bad" healer. Just an inferior one. At least, in Archanea, where staff ranges don't need high magic. Maybe in three houses with spell lists and magic affecting such it's a different story.

I have a friend who kills Gharnef with Wrys every. Single. Time. Not even kidding. If he can do it, you should have no trouble with it.
I think my point was that if I kill Gharnef with Wrys... then that's going to be a high-point of memery that I'll only be able to top in the subsequent chapters by getting creative on how I kill Medeus. Really creative.

Lina is amazing, honestly. She's basically Kaga's argument for why movement isn't the end-all-be-all of FE unit viability: a unit that has by far the best movement in the entire game... and literally nothing else. She moves real fast. Big whoop. All she can do after moving real fast is die horribly.

...Still, I've seen Linas on the internet with capped strength. A part of me wants to try killing Ernst with her sometime. She obviously can't kill Gerxel, and I mean, Ernst is far more powerful anyway.
Oh lord... how? On a 10% growth that's going to take some effort.

Oh yeah, book 2 does wonders for Roshea. Even in FE12, where they all are recruitable, Roshea is still the sensible one who joins of his own volition and doesn't need persuading. Vyland, on the other hand, doesn't exist in the original book 2, and in FE12, he... doesn't really get anything special. His supports and his dialogue are basically "I'm a knight who is kinda reckless maybe". Meanwhile, Roshea is established to be a kindhearted cinnamon roll who's friends with orphans. Now that is awesome.
Wait... Vyland got cut from the original book 2?Then why does the wiki say he was a boss only there? Someone summon Mekkah.


This is better than the gag itself.

I mean, a combination of how rarely it is to see generals tanking with bows and the huge hitrates of DSFE will do that.
Ironically, I found it particularly useful this chapter to use the bow... for reasons you'll see.

I had to do a double-take because I thought for a moment you called Wolf a woman.

...I mean, to be fair, he does kinda look the part.
Summon Merlinus.

Ahhh, mistakes. What would life be without them? Probably nicer. I wish I could be a FE pro like some others.
I don't know. I keep making them. Good thing none of them are fatal... right?

Congratulations on plan B working out!
I mean, if it didn't there was plan C where someone else killed her on player phase. And given how many characters I had, that was more or less plans D thru J as well.

I can confirm, the four of them are safe. In fact, if Minerva dies, the entire squad retreats instantly, so it's best to leave her for last.
I was aware of that part. Hence why I did. For all the good it did.

I think the excalibur use was more valuable than the level he got out of it...
That was my initial joke, before I remembered that Minerva was royalty.

Arran in FE12 in a nutshel.
My initial joke. Before I didn't do it because I thought it sounded forced.

Sorry, The Roger. I can't give levels without strength! Come back when you're a little, MMMM unluckier!
I see you're a prophet of sorts. As you'll see over an update or two.

Hahahahahahah... That's hilarious. I wonder what happens if you hack the game and put units all over the map. Does he just spawn on the mountains? What if the entire map is filled with units? Game crash? Bantu is erased? So many questions...
It's a mystery. But lord knows I'd love to see. Maybe I need to start a topic to get other people with skills in that area considered.

A shame about Bantu. He was so much fun in FE3. One of the very few things I like better about that game.
Perhaps Manaketes age in real time. It'd explain why Tiki finally looks legal in Awakening.

I think I can see where this might be going...
Possibly. I mean, where I ended things off was a bit of a hint. As was the title.

Frankly, I'd take a liberty over the garbage that is Belf. Same with Zelot. Sure, Jerrot's a bit of a liberty, but it's actually a name.
I don't mind "Zelot" as much as Belf. Even if it's not a name and is phonetically identical to a word.

He has blue hair. That's the hair color of a protagonist, everyone knows that. No villain has blue h--


Maybe Manaketes naturally trust people with blue hair. Why don't Ninian and Nils trust Nergal then? You forget they did when he lured them through the Dragon's gate. They just learned not to after.



18 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Class change?

Class change!
Yep. I mean, Jagen only needed to be a Paladin when there were arrows everywhere.

Hypocritical humor for the win!
Seems to be my thing.

Didn't you say you would stop? I'm glad you didn't, but still!
That was before people said to keep going. Decided not to bomb my own views.

They grow up so fast. *sniff* *dabs tears with handkerchief*
After looking up his averages, I'm amazed that his skill is that high.

And the game's bullying of Marth continues. This time more subtle than ever before.
It's learning.
Poor Marth. First the game takes his parents in it's story. Then it gives him bad strength growths. Then to top it off, it mocks him by showing how easy it is to get something of a lesser probability.

Not having read the spoiler, it's because

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Nobody was in range of any of them, so they didn't move how you'd expect them to.

I'll ignore the spoiler, promise!
Yep. I mean, it always happens.

This one deserves it.

This is where I notice I watched too many of Mangs' videos. I legitimately assumed you would just go for it, throwing all caution to the wind, and it would backfire hilariously.
I've seen Mangs do it myself. I facepalm everytime he goes for it, and everytime he loses a unit I'm like "why?". That, said, his interview in the SF interview thread was fun... even if he does make some questionable decisions.

Barst is trying his best to make up for his earlier failure.
Even though he probably already did.
I think he did that back then when he crit the archer by the bridge a bit later. The thief is just icing on the cake.

*panicked screams*

Oh. Panicked for nothing, then! Carry on.
Very much so. I wouldn't do that if it could backfire.

... You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
I'm not sure if you mean having Abel target his future wife, or the puns. Either way. Yes.

First Est hacks Miracle into the game, now this comes out.
Are the Whitewings secretly the makers of Shadow Dragon?
At the very least beta-testers.

Matthis: "Your heart is pierced, the target hit as I declare. Gáe Bolg!"
Everyone else: "First: Wrong spear! Second: Wrong universe!"
Meanwhile a universe over Gradivus is Matthis personal weapon in the War of Heroes.

Sorry, got something stuck in my throat. Never mind me!
Speech to text program huh?

Evidence number something-or-other that Shiida is awesome.
B. Evidence B. We ran out of numbers.

It represents his will to live and his tenacity to fight against all odds to make that happen. No matter what, Ukyo has a mission, and he will not give up until it is fulfilled.
I mean... knowing what happened in Samurai Shodown 64-2.

That means he'll end up with 30 strength if you max him out.
Not bad! I know his cap isn't actually that high, but go with me on that one.
It'd be great if he did. I mean.. then he'd be able to do more damage than usual on Medeus.

Give it time!
Oh yeah. I don't expect it to last.

You know my username? I like dragons.
Now imagine younger me, playing Shadow Dragon for the first time and getting Bantu, trying Bantu and seeing that he can transform into a dragon. I was hellbent on using him because of that fact alone.
You can imagine my immesurable disappointment when that part of the sentence I bolded dawned on me. 
I mean... you could try FE 1 and/or 3.

And then Tiki happened and I was happy again.
Or use the loli. That works too.

With that part of my backstory out of the way, I look forward to next time!


13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

There is also Lena being able to use warp at base, and not being able to get enough staves for Wrys to reach the C rank staves for Warp (or the Physic you get in chapter 6) until chapter 8

But there's literally the armory in the battle preparations menu... which has heal staves. Else my plan on this chapter would have been a mess.

Glade never really deserved the mantle of unmemorable, he is Selphina's husband (and they have a rather rare and powerful 20% support), has a leadership star on him, plus he guards the gates to Tahra with a small army of generic blue units against the overwhelming forces of the empire, as Leif rushes to save the. Its mostly the obscurity of his game, Thracia 776, and a bit of bad luck that earned him the last place in Choose Your Legends polls that made him famous.

I know. It really doesn't help that full translation of Thracia took so long.

Lady luck giveth with one hand

and taketh away with the other.

Very much so. You get a crit or a good dodge, expect a miss or a bad level soon.

That Longbow moving in front of the gate instead of staying out of two range of your army was rather lucky.

Not that it would have mattered all that much. My plan was to use someone else to bait him like I did eventually after steel bow was dead.

Ouch, that is going to be awkward after the marriage...

Eh. It never would have lasted anyway.

Oh no, not the worst Link...

Ironically the first one I knew as well. Is it any wonder I didn't get into the series until later? (For the record, I ended up seeing it by rental video from blockbuster years after the fact but before I'd actually play the series with OoT)

I appreciate how thorough this analysis of next turn is.

I try to be thorough in explaining some of my decisions, at least when the logic looks remotely questionable and I knew what I was doing.

Fascinating...it looks like it checks the adjacent squares starting with the one to the north, then west (I am guessing the next priority is south then east, but it isn't clear from the images), if none are available it moves the center square north, checks again and then repeats. That this lets him jump 4 spaces north when the space just 2 to the west is available is particularly interesting...

That part did interest me. I also noticed it failed to push him onto the peaks. I really wish there were a way to investigate it more thoroughly.

Good Luck, from what I remember the next section is an utter nightmare if you can't manage to spawn block those forts before they start spewing troops...

Spawn blocking? Not even on my mind.

Just wanted to add that the Japanese language doesn't have a V sound, and often use B sounds in its place, although sometimes use ヴ to indicate a foreign word uses a V, but its not universal (and pronounced as a B sound anyway), so starting the name with Ver is in the realm of possibilities, but getting gil from that Japanese fu sound is a real stretch.

Does that mean Byland is a thing?

oh boy I sure do hope nothing goes wrong this update.



I thought I'd use this in much the same way I use the chapter screen in other updates. Seeing as it served a similar purpose.
Anyway, instead of simply progessing through the valley to the fort... Caeda flies over the mountains and sets up in the activation range of the reinforcements. Careful counting means only one of them can reach her, and logic dictates that if the boss's thirty attack (and he has a silver lance) can't one shot her, the cavs can't either. Also given her 19 speed nothing short of a promoted unit can double her. My logic pays off.
Also Caeda crits. Which wasn't part of my plan, but it makes no difference in the long run. Though it most certainly lowers the damage needed later.
So, player phase, Caeda retreats to the natural cover between the peaks. Wolf gets a fresh iron-bow, seeing as we're in for a siege. (Anyone who saw me using the doorway as a chokepoint, you've got part of my plan. See if you can guess the rest). Caeda gets healed... and so does Marth for some reason. I must have thought I'd find a use for him. That's hilarious.
As the second wave of reinforcements spawn, and the advance begins, the enemy curate moves to damage the guy Caeda hit with a crit. For all the good it does him, as his patient is impatient, and has no interest in staying in range of the man trying to stop him bleeding out. So he remains damaged.
Caeda takes a cheap potshot at the steel sword cav passing by to finish off her level up. And what a level it is. She capped speed at the earliest possible opportunity. She's got another point of strength, and therefore only takes a 1 speed penalty using steel lances. Not to mention Bradamante's potency just increased. Also formation.
Yeah. For some reason javelin cav, and all the others go before steel sword, hence Caeda is unattacked.
Caeda gets out of enemy range. Wolf sets up. Seeing as damaged steel sword cav is the only one in range, he's got his steel lance. Not like he's weighed down by it. Or fast enough not to be doubled.
Not that it matters. Not with damage like that. Thanks weapon triangle.

Wolf switches to bows... because I don't want to take two enemies in one turn when they're still doubling him. And I want a 1 range enemy and not a javelin directly in front of him so the space behind him is safe to heal from. Also, now that only one javelin cav is in range... Caeda moves into enemy range again so she can enemy phase damage/lure the javelin cav... to make more safe spaces.
So, Caeda dodges the javelin and returns two of her own. Here you see why I only want one of these guys in range of her at a time.. two hits and she's dead. If she crits... something she has a 5% chance of doing each attack, she gets attacked by two of these jerks... and I lose my best unit. Also we see the difference between a weapon triangle advantage and disadvantage as the steel sword deals an extra 3 damage per hit on Wolf just because he switch to an iron bow.
As you see, both javelin guys were lured (a lot like the three archers Wolf and Sedgar lured back in chapter 5). But now, that means the javelin guys are blocked from the gate. Wolf can be healed by both Wendell and Wrys to make up for the beating he took from being doubled. Matthis takes the opportunity to finish off the steel sword cav, and Wolf uses a javelin, seeing as he's getting healed twice now, and not going to one round these guys till he's dead.
Caeda also moves out of enemy range. I have a plan about getting rid of the extra javelin guy... and seeing as she one rounds this guy now and would certainly face both if she stayed. If she moved up a space... well she'd be even worse off because she'd definitely face both attacks due to the forest.

So another steel sword attacks Wolf. I'm so shocked I don't get a screenshot. Also both javelins resume their journey to the gate with their target gone.
Which means only the damaged one can reach Caeda if she moves back here. Perfect.

Wrys and Wendell move so that Abel and Barst can join Wolf and Matthis in damaging the 1-range enemies from 2-range. Abel misses his target, but it's fine. The point is, I'm starting to get damage on these guys... but no so much that Wolf is in danger.
I mean.. more than he already was.
The damaged Javelin cav commits suicide by Caeda. She even dodges. The other cavalier must have thought better of it, because he heads for Wolf... but can't do anything because anywhere he can attack from is blocked by one of the 1-rangers.
Realizing that... I don't attack any of the 1 rangers, instead removing Barst and Abel so Wolf can heal... and move Caeda to bait him back so I can finish her cohorts.

Actually I lied. See, I worked out that javelin cav couldn't kill either Wrys or Wendell in one round... so I deem it worth risking the damage. I mean, Matthis was on the verge of level up, and the only way javelin cav is getting in range of either is if Matthis or Wolf proc a 2% crit. Which is low. But as I said, even so then he'd fail to do enough damage to the healers because 20 attack and same speed as Wrys. Who has 20 hp. Wendell has more and more defense besides. Also Marth's my weakest unit again.
Wolf takes the usual round of damage from the steel sword cav. To my surprise though, Caeda actually takes a hit for a change. Which slows down my plans to get rid of the guy with the javelin.
So Wolf and Matthis finish off two of the cavaliers, and Caeda and Wolf get healed. Note Wendell moves out of potential javelin range... because of obvious reasons.

Because Caeda needs a few more HP, Lena heals her up as well. I mean, she's got an important role to play. Barst, being more than able to take a stray javelin if needed, moves in and takes a shot at ridersbane cav. Because once he's gone, the real fun begins.
Javelin targets Wolf instead of Barst. Probably wisely, Barst would have one-shot him.

Wolf takes a step closer to becoming an apex predator, as he works on his lance rank a little by using a javelin on the cav with a javelin. He also increases his stats noticeably by getting his second level... another perfect one. Par for the course with his growths.
Though I don't plan on having another round of enemy phase, I have Wrys swap Wolf back to iron lance seeing as there's no more two range foes. He also heals Wolf. Caeda helps damage the Ridersbane cavalier. Because if I'm doing what I plan, he needs to die now.
Barst cuts down the steel lance cav, and Merric fires the ridersbane cav. Now Jagen and Matthis Jagen the last cav.

But my math is telling me my red cav Cain not survive two rounds with this guy. But I really want him to work on his lance rank. So I have him wait in range.
Plan works. He Cain use javelins now. That makes up for his defenses being Caeda minus the speed and 3 hp.
So.. he now can kill him from a safe range. Sucker.

So, I'll show what happens the next couple turns to save time. See, I remember more than two waves of reinforcements. I come to the conclusion the game is trying to trick me because Caeda left the spawn range. So I move her back in. And seeing as curate's still standing next to where he healed the cav that ate the crit last time, I decided not to let him try that trick again. Cain also gets healed, and everyone's prepared in case of either the reinforcements having been done or having tried to decieve me.
Hah. I was right. Not only that, Caeda obviously saw it coming, because she dodged that 65% too. What would I do without this woman?
Caeda makes a retreat, and new positions are taken. Marth's should be noted.

More reinforcements. Expected at this stage.
See... at this stage, I realize I was so busy with that steel sword cheap shot, I missed a spot where Caeda could bait the javelins and get healed by Lena. Marth and Ogma are there in case there's support bonuses now (having checked only Marth would be giving it, as Caeda only gets bonuses from Marth, but it should be plus 10 hit and avoid)
Ha. So having dodged, she kill the guy on player phase and be healed by Lena.
Or she can dodge him and not need healing..
Well, the steel sword cav can barely hurt Wolf against weapon triangle now. Also, after another dodge, Caeda gets a luck level. Most disappointing thing she's done all game really.
Which she immeadiately makes up for. No need to heal when she crits him and doesn't have to dodge an attack. Meanwhile Wolf, Barst, and Cain start work on clearing the cavaliers that are trying to get into my makeshift fort.
Also, Wrys heals Wolf and gets some luck and resistance. So he's even closer to being Gharnef-proof.
Damn steel sword trying to undo everything Wrys just did.
Wolf makes sure he doesn't do it again. Barst is also apparently pissed, because he throws his hand axe so hard it not only one shots a steel sword cav against weapon triangle, but that it breaks. He gets a level from what was obviously quite a good experience. More strength. How very fighter.
Cain's opponent catches him offguard, with his polite horse. Haven't seen one of those in a bit. Wendell heals Wolf, and gets magic and resistance. Obviously he remembers my comment about that being the important things for a healer. Caeda also starts a journey... why? Because I'm sure there's still more reinforcements and I figure I may as well get them going.
This cavalier is confused on his effective weapons, because he tries to ridersbane Wolf. Maybe he didn't get the memo he reclassed?

Abel takes Barst's place, seeing as he and Cain are behind the rest of my team in levels. Cain starts recovering from that, fittingly with strength.. because being all offense no defense seems to fit his reckless personality... if not his growths. Wolf also attacks with an iron bow. Why not.
Wolf gets his iron bow swapped for an iron lance, and healed. Because I want to get Wendell to C staves, he's healing Wolf. Caeda returns to the same old spot. Because it worked the last two times.
Works again. Caeda obviously knew too. Because she dodges, just like last time. Poor Wolf was so close to being done with choking the point too.

Caeda once again flies into the fort. Wolf lances the boil that is the steel lance cav. Can continues making up for his earlier status as the weak link. Now that he's got two range and strength equal to Wolf (tying him for second) he's pretty good.
More reinforcements. Oh joy. Also, I'm utterly surprised because this guy with the ridersbane attacks Wolf... I wait for him to double... for him to not.
Caeda returns to the spot to bait the new javelin cavaliers... and I set about solving the mystery of the ridersbane who didn't double. To my surprise it seems the game spawned one with 9 speed. Seeing as the ridersbane is weaker than the steel lance or sword (at least when the bow is equipped), I have a devious idea.
Wolf switches to his iron bow. If he doesn't kill that ridersbane cav, he can tank twice as long without healing. Speaking of, Wendell does it one more time for weapon level. Now he can use warp.
Wolf can last twice as long if he gets hit once. But he can last forever if he dodges. Excellent.
Oh.. that's not good. Caeda missed... and got hit.
But it's fine. She can heal up a bit. If she enemy phases the enemy, she doesn't do enough damage to kill him and won't be killed by his buddy because he'll still be in the way. Also Wolf continues his hunt.
This guy's been attacking Wolf so long the sun's going down.

To be continued....

My evasion of arenas
My credibility.
This Place Reserved
Crit Counter:
Abel: 1
Barst: 4
Generic enemy:1
Pollux Disappointed Counter: 3


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12 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

But there's literally the armory in the battle preparations menu... which has heal staves. Else my plan on this chapter would have been a mess.

Forgot about the battle preps shop, although the numbers are kinda suspicion when all the Heal and Mend uses they give you for free bring him to exactly one staff use away from C rank...


15 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Spawn blocking? Not even on my mind.

I hope that means you have some sneaky warp skip plan...

Oh you are choke pointing them all...that is going to take a while, and hopefully Wolf doesn't get overwhelmed when the Javelins start coming in.


23 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

So, I'll show what happens the next couple turns to save time. See, I remember more than two waves of reinforcements. I come to the conclusion the game is trying to trick me because Caeda left the spawn range. So I move her back in. And seeing as curate's still standing next to where he healed the cav that ate the crit last time, I decided not to let him try that trick again. Cain also gets healed, and everyone's prepared in case of either the reinforcements having been done or having tried to decieve me.

Huh, that is interesting, I didn't know about this game's trick to deceive people into thinking the reinforcements are over... man that is just plain mean.


37 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:


To be continued....

...Oh that is a dramatic cliffhanger. She does have better than 50-50 survival chance, but that is still a dangerously high chance of death there. Its always the best units that kill their way into an early grave.

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Entering this thread, I saw that a million people quoted me... I should have probably mentioned I'm not exactly an expert on japanese so.... here I go...

On 6/28/2020 at 3:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry, The Roger. I can't give levels without strength! Come back when you're a little, MMMM unluckier!

Man I love the Morshu meme.

On 6/28/2020 at 3:00 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Frankly, I'd take a liberty over the garbage that is Belf. Same with Zelot. Sure, Jerrot's a bit of a liberty, but it's actually a name.

Belf sounds kinda german, so I like it... sort of. Jerrot over Zelot does make sense.

19 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Just wanted to add that the Japanese language doesn't have a V sound, and often use B sounds in its place, although sometimes use ヴ to indicate a foreign word uses a V, but its not universal (and pronounced as a B sound anyway), so starting the name with Ver is in the realm of possibilities, but getting gil from that Japanese fu sound is a real stretch.

I knew they spelled them the same, but I always thought that V would appear only from the "Wa line" and not from B. Well I guess that's something new I learned today.

Oh I guess I didn't get many people trashing me as I thought... phew.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Not a weeb is a funny name. I think I'll keep calling you Boi who uses Nino

Oh god damn. Hey @Saint Rubenio, mira como Don Comedia me quiere matar de la risa!

Call me Boi if you want, or like how I go by on Discord "Hanes" so that's cool too. In fact I should call myself Hanes everywhere since that's what I do nowadays but this username is one I have grown fond of.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Yeah well, squirming. Getting told to shut up. It's all funny to me.

Hecking Don Comedia is now killing himself of laughter. Anyways it's true. I like Math too.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Pretty impressive effort given English isn't even close to his first language. I mean, he's a dog, and his first human language is Croatian, due to his old owners.

He's a smart boy through and through. If he had vocal chords he would speak languages (well then tbh, most dogs probably could if they had human vocal chords). Also croatian? Where do you live exactly? Italy? Somewhere in the Balkans?

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I always used to use the latter as a way of getting my head together when in pain. I'd try to focus on a song from a game... usually something from the Nintendo 64.

Well there's nothing like good music to raise the spirits.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well you did put a link to it. Then I got distracted with it. A lot.

Yeah that comic is quite popular in it's own fanbase (which I think is old-school FF fans). It's also super cliffhangery like... all the damn time!

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

One reason I like the reclass system in the DS games. Even if you've used a unit before, or you want more units in one class than are in the game... or you're sick of there being so many damn cavaliers, you can do something about it.

I do enjoy SD's reclassing but I don't know if that's the correct way to go about it. It's hella fun but kinda easy to break. If I'm being honest I like Fates' reclassing system with the Heart seals (not the S partner or A+ partner crap, just the heart seals) because it allows you to reclass people depending on personality. Like how Elise looks up to Camilla so she can reclass to wyvern rider or how Effie's best friend is Elise and she can reclass to troubadour. They're terrible choices but others, like Cavalier Arthur, are quite cool.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

As opposed to not releasing it internationally. How the hell am I supposed to buy it if you don't release it IS? I'm not still bitter

That's true though! Why didn't they release it internationally! I just checked the sales before this out of random curiosity and it sold like 250,000 copies which tbh it's not too terrible considering it was Japan only and America had always been the forefront of sales since FE7. But no, Nintendo then had to overreact by almost ending the series and now we all proclaim Awakening to be the "savior" which I don't think is a bad thing but just... like dude all of that drama could be avoided with an international release,

It's not like the 3DS was about to release either, since it came out one year and a few months later, so the translation could be done while development and script writing happened, after all the point of these games was to remake the old ones and give them a localization, specially for the community outside of Japan. The same happened with FE6, where at one point plans for localizing it happened but they never did. Truly a shame.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Which explains why Draug is not invincible. His name no longer being Doga meant he lost his invincibility.

Lol. Unironically speaking though, I do like how he has high speed without his armor. It's pretty cool.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

More or less the run in a nutshell. I screw up, but I find a way to fix it.

Yeah, you honestly have been playing pretty well. That's awesome!

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm not sure. Maybe he knew Anri and Marth reminded him of him? Or maybe he's a bit senile.

Boomer Bantu lol.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Does that mean Byland is a thing?

His japanese name is ビラク "Biraku" (read the i as "ee", so spanish vowels pretty much, except for "U" which is softer and done without rounding the lips) so since it's not directly taken from the changed "Wa line" (that's what I call it, search "Katakana chart" and you'll see why I call them lines) I guess it could be changed to B. However it's werird how they got that "nd" in the name since he is "Biraku". So more faithful names could be "Vyrak" or "Vylak", and really I preffer Vyland.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

oh boy I sure do hope nothing goes wrong this update.

me too, me too.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Caeda takes a cheap potshot at the steel sword cav passing by to finish off her level up. And what a level it is. She capped speed at the earliest possible opportunity. She's got another point of strength, and therefore only takes a 1 speed penalty using steel lances. Not to mention Bradamante's potency just increased.

Man that's an awesome level up! And I realize now that with the added HP from the angelic robe, she has decent bulk with 7 defense! 

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf switches to bows... because I don't want to take two enemies in one turn when they're still doubling him.

Strange, the 2nd image wasn't showing properly until I quoted it. Don't mind this.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also we see the difference between a weapon triangle advantage and disadvantage as the steel sword deals an extra 3 damage per hit on Wolf just because he switch to an iron bow.

Man his defense still needs to grow. 6 damage twice is a lot.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Matthis was on the verge of level up, [...] Also Marth's my weakest unit again.

Well I guess a bit of strength and HP is cool, not too much but then again when it comes to SD, these levels are acceptable I suppose.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

He also increases his stats noticeably by getting his second level... another perfect one. Par for the course with his growths.

Oh nice! I didn't know he got a level already lol. This is an extremely satisfying level to see and moreso for SD.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also, after another dodge, Caeda gets a luck level. Most disappointing thing she's done all game really.

Ouch, this is a message from the RNGoddess.
"I await you on the dread isle" 
"I gave you luck with her combat and previous level. I think this is fair, it's not an empty one at the very least"

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also, Wrys heals Wolf and gets some luck and resistance. So he's even closer to being Gharnef-proof.

"This divine bald head shall pierce the skies!"
Or he could use it as a solar beam against the enemies, or with that resistance play tennis with enemy purge tomes (if those even exist in this game, I know swarm does)

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Damn steel sword trying to undo everything Wrys just did.

I like how the cavalier attacks from a plain and Sedgar is there, but then when Sedgar attacks they're in the middle of a hallway. It's a cool thing Berwick did to have units move onto the tile of the target. Now that I said sth nice about Berwick, let's see if Ruben will find this response (it would probably be wise to Ctrl+F for your username/nicknames to see if anyone mentioned you tbh)

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Barst is also apparently pissed, because he throws his hand axe so hard it not only one shots a steel sword cav against weapon triangle, but that it breaks. He gets a level from what was obviously quite a good experience. More strength. How very fighter.

Jesus christ Barst how are you this good?

Hey Roger, I think the RNGoddess has taken a liking to you. I mean with all of this luck this update...

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Cain's opponent catches him offguard, with his polite horse.

Horse be like "Excusez moi"

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wendell heals Wolf, and gets magic and resistance.

That's decent. I'm not sure if I like the MP/2 formula though, I mean if we are having that then why not increase the power of staves a bit? Not that it matters much I guess.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

[..] seeing as [Abel] and Cain are behind the rest of my team in levels. Cain starts recovering from that, fittingly with strength.. because being all offense no defense seems to fit his reckless personality... if not his growths.

Well that's cool I guess. That means better javelin damage for when that is next needed.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Can continues making up for his earlier status as the weak link. Now that he's got two range and strength equal to Wolf (tying him for second) he's pretty good.

I guess doggo didn't understand you meant to say Cain. But yeah, him having 1-2 range now is so good.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

This guy's been attacking Wolf so long the sun's going down.

Hehe, lol.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:


To be continued....



*DEEP BREATH* Man I am legitimately scared for her... Caeda man...

EDIT: Yesterday to an FE8 Ironman I lost Moulder in a distraction ploy from Eirika, against an iron lance cavalier and a javelin while he was on a forest, that was annoying but I deserved it for overextending Eirika. What pissed me off was Vanessa dying to three 41% hits from the spider while she missed her 50% several times. I shouldn't have attacked on player phase but man that death bothered me. Both of these happened on chapter 6.

I hope Caeda doesn't get by a 40% hit... I really do.

Damn this reply is long, I'm really enjoying the heck out of this LP.

Edited by This boi uses Nino
personal anecdote at end
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13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Yep. I mean, Jagen only needed to be a Paladin when there were arrows everywhere.

You using Jagen as a Dracoknight has inspired me to do the same when I play Shadow Dragon again. It seems to be a very good class for him.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

That was before people said to keep going. Decided not to bomb my own views.

Good decision! The axe puns are funny.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I've seen Mangs do it myself. I facepalm everytime he goes for it, and everytime he loses a unit I'm like "why?". That, said, his interview in the SF interview thread was fun... even if he does make some questionable decisions.

I've said it before, but I think Mangs is actually a decent fellow.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm not sure if you mean having Abel target his future wife, or the puns. Either way. Yes.


13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

It'd be great if he did. I mean.. then he'd be able to do more damage than usual on Medeus.

He'd still get doubled. Or is that FE12 where max Speed Marth still gets doubled by Medeus on the highest difficulty?

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

(Anyone who saw me using the doorway as a chokepoint, you've got part of my plan. See if you can guess the rest).

Use the valley as a fort to wait out the reinforcements and milk them for EXP, I'm guessing.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

and so does Marth for some reason. I must have thought I'd find a use for him. That's hilarious.

Poor Marth can't catch a break, can he?
I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy... not.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

For all the good it does him, as his patient is impatient, and has no interest in staying in range of the man trying to stop him bleeding out. So he remains damaged.

He knows that curate is the brother of the Cursed Curate from last chapter.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:


Caeda takes a cheap potshot at the steel sword cav passing by to finish off her level up. And what a level it is. She capped speed at the earliest possible opportunity. She's got another point of strength, and therefore only takes a 1 speed penalty using steel lances. Not to mention Bradamante's potency just increased.

Blessed! One more strength and she can use Steel Lances unimpeded. Not bad. And that would also be evidence C.
I'm guessing you'll promote her once she gets to level 10?

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Marth's my weakest unit again.


Interesting strategy, though. Gotta say, I never would have thought of using the valley as a fort like this.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

and Merric fires the ridersbane cav

The puns are as high quality as the strategy is, I see.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Plan works. He Cain use javelins now.

He's finally not terrabel anymore.
I know Cain's not a bad unit in general, but I wanted to make a pun, too.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Hah. I was right. Not only that, Caeda obviously saw it coming, because she dodged that 65% too. What would I do without this woman?

Evidence D.

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also, Wrys heals Wolf and gets some luck and resistance. So he's even closer to being Gharnef-proof.

I might have been slow to realize this, but I can see what the plan is for the Khadein chapter...

13 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Damn steel sword trying to undo everything Wrys just did.

I'm honestly surprised and scared by the fact that on Hard 5, even 17 defense (three off from unpromoted max, I might add) in the (relatively) earlygame doesn't save you from taking comparatively high damage from enemy steel weapons if they can double you.

14 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Barst is also apparently pissed, because he throws his hand axe so hard it not only one shots a steel sword cav against weapon triangle, but that it breaks. He gets a level from what was obviously quite a good experience. More strength. How very fighter.

That cav made fun of his friends.

14 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Oh.. that's not good. Caeda missed... and got hit.

Oh no.

14 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

This guy's been attacking Wolf so long the sun's going down.

Wolf: "Hey, uh... this obviously isn't working out for you and I'm getting kinda tired over here. How about you just surrender quietly?"
Grust cav: "NEVER!"

14 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:



Ending this on a cliffhanger are we? How very devious of you. Looking forward to the next one!

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

He'd still get doubled. Or is that FE12 where max Speed Marth still gets doubled by Medeus on the highest difficulty?

You are forgetting about the +2 to all stats from the binding shield, with it at capped speed he avoids being doubled by Medeus even on the highest difficulty of FE12.

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17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You are forgetting about the +2 to all stats from the binding shield, with it at capped speed he avoids being doubled by Medeus even on the highest difficulty of FE12.

Ah, so it was FE11 where he gets doubled even with max speed, after all.
I don't know why, but for some reason, I tend to mix up things from FE11 and FE12 sometimes. Maybe I should play those games more often.

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On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Oh lord... how? On a 10% growth that's going to take some effort.

To be fair, you can give her the growth book for... a whopping 20%. After that, it's just rigging.

Either that, or using the Krishna glitch to get infinite strength potions. That works too.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Vyland got cut from the original book 2?Then why does the wiki say he was a boss only there?

No, no, you misunderstood. He's still in book 2, but I mean.. He has a line or two in Adria Pass, then he leaves when King Aurelis (couldn't we just call him Aurelio?) orders a retreat. That's it. Might as well not exist at all.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I don't mind "Zelot" as much as Belf. Even if it's not a name and is phonetically identical to a word.

Oh yeah, I agree. At least Zelot looks like something. Belf... what the heck was going through their minds when they gave him Belf for a name? What even is a Belf, anyway? Let me google...

Okay, so according to the Urban dictionary:


Short for Blood Elf, one of 2 new races in the World of Warcraft expansion, "The Burning Crusade"

Okay, that's not bad...


When you throw up in your mouth and swallow it.

Oh God!

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

oh boy I sure do hope nothing goes wrong this update.

Don't say things like that. Never say things like that.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Caeda takes a cheap potshot at the steel sword cav passing by to finish off her level up. And what a level it is. She capped speed at the earliest possible opportunity. She's got another point of strength, and therefore only takes a 1 speed penalty using steel lances. Not to mention Bradamante's potency just increased. Also formation.


On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Not that it matters. Not with damage like that. Thanks weapon triangle.

So that's the brilliant plan, eh? Hiding everyone behind Wolf until the reinforcements run out?

...I'd call you cowardly, but considering I just posted an update like 10 minutes ago where I was even more of a shameless chicken...

Hey, if you can shamelessly shill your stuff in my LPs, I should be able to do the same in yours!

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Marth's my weakest unit again.

As if Matthis could've remained beaten for long. He's just humble, that's all. He doesn't want to make others feel inferior. Not too much.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf takes a step closer to becoming an apex predator

Always a joy to see this guy leveling up. Er, in this game. I used him once in FE12 and it was... not pretty.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Plan works. He Cain use javelins now. That makes up for his defenses being Caeda minus the speed and 3 hp.

...Cain's really not that good in this game, is he?

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

What would I do without this woman?

What would anyone do without this woman? I mean, she recruits half the army.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I missed a spot where Caeda could bait the javelins and get healed by Lena.

To be honest, at first I though you were going to use that one.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well, the steel sword cav can barely hurt Wolf against weapon triangle now. Also, after another dodge, Caeda gets a luck level. Most disappointing thing she's done all game really.

Sorry Caeda, I can't give stats! Come back when you're a little, MMMM luckier!

(Ironic, given her one and only gain)

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also, Wrys heals Wolf and gets some luck and resistance. So he's even closer to being Gharnef-proof.


On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:


Holy shit that's a massive arrow. Just thought I'd point that out. That looks like it could work as ammo for a ballista! Goodness!

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:


Oh, no.

On 6/29/2020 at 9:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

My evasion of arenas
My credibility.
This Place Reserved

Oh, noooooooooooooooo...!

All that, to fall prey to a low crit! Classic FE... Luck be with you, sire my friend.

23 hours ago, This boi uses Nino said:

Oh god damn. Hey @Saint Rubenio, mira como Don Comedia me quiere matar de la risa!

Pues se le da mejor que a mi.


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:


When you throw up in your mouth and swallow it.

Oh God!

so there is a word for that? Never knew.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I'd call you cowardly, but considering I just posted an update like 10 minutes ago where I was even more of a shameless chicken...

Hey, if you can shamelessly shill your stuff in my LPs, I should be able to do the same in yours!

Wait you have a new part 10 minutes ago from one hour ago? I didn't get this notification! Uh-oh gotta go fast!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pues se le da mejor que a mi.

Por suerte me equipe un Blason de Comedia. Ahora no me pueden pegar los golpes c(riticos)omedicos.


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On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Caeda crits. Which wasn't part of my plan, but it makes no difference in the long run. Though it most certainly lowers the damage needed later.

Crit-goddess in the making.

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Caeda gets healed... and so does Marth for some reason. I must have thought I'd find a use for him. That's hilarious.

*sad Marth noises*

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Which means only the damaged one can reach Caeda if she moves back here. Perfect.

The product of sound logic and good planning. So satisfying when solid strategy works out.

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Abel misses his target, but it's fine.

This is a disappointment, but he hopes to be Abel to do better in the future.

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Because once he's gone, the real fun begins.


On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

But my math is telling me my red cav Cain not survive two rounds with this guy. But I really want him to work on his lance rank. So I have him wait in range.

He Cain't do much, but he'll give his best.

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Hah. I was right. Not only that, Caeda obviously saw it coming, because she dodged that 65% too. What would I do without this woman?

SD H5 would be a whole heck of a lot harder and Marth probably wouldn't have won the War of Shadows without her help. She's just too good.

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also, Wrys heals Wolf and gets some luck and resistance. So he's even closer to being Gharnef-proof.

I might have to give Wrys a bit more attention next time I play through SD. He's a better unit than I gave him credit for.

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

More reinforcements. Oh joy.

Perfect summary of my time with FE6.

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Oh.. that's not good. Caeda missed... and got hit.

*mental panic slightly increases*

On 6/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:


This is not looking good.


Sorry I missed the last one. This cliffhanger's got me on the edge of my seat though. Looking forward to the next update.

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Part 10- Holding the Fort.

Please note: I'm doing the update first this time, because I have no idea how to do the replies without snarkily giving away what happened. Read the replies first only at your own risk. (Even if I'm gonna try and put spoiler tabs when mentioning it).



Well... what can I say to remind everyone where we were last time?
I forgot Caeda could crit and screw herself over by killing this guy.

What else can I say about it? The fact she literally had crit twice on cavs with identical luck before this during the chapter. No this was a blunder.
Seems to be a rule of life. Every time a woman has meant a lot to me, something will go wrong. Whether it's the passage of time changing her personality into something unrecognizable, or my health convincing her that I'm merely playing her, something happens. Why am I telling you this?

To point out Caeda is a very special case. See, being a fictional character, my curse does not seem to apply. She has no insecurity for my absence to prey on. She cannot change into someone she's not. Hell, even in death she can return with a reset, a new file, or an Aum use. But here, she merely survives by being awesome. For all I know, that single point of luck last level made the difference. Who knows? I don't care. She's alive, and now that the enemy has taken their best shot they get no second chances.
One heal later, and she's unable to die... for real this time, as I swear never to make such a mistep again.

Wolf and his pals are Abel begin their work on the hordes gathering at the gate. Cain tries hard but he Cain't get used to the Javelin yet.

Slow Cav is still as slow of mind as he is of reaction. He's yet to realize Wolf's reclassed. No one tell him, because he does less damage than anyone else.
Caeda dodges her attacker. Time for revenge for the near death situation.
Wait.... why'd the battle stop?
So... that vow I made to never make another mistake? I already broke it. I meant to swap the javelin out, but I was so flustered by that near death experience that I forgot all about it.
Hence the battle ended without a dead cavalier.
Caeda player phases him. Because I figure even if she misses an 84% twice... I can heal her enough to survive enemy phase. She doesn't miss. But I heal her anyway. Also note she's starting to get close to A lances.
Abel and Cain start off the efforts on the wall with chip-damage. Wolf continues firing ballista bolts at the unsuspecting cavalry, and claims another kill. Wrys once again heal's Wolf, as the triple W alliance remains strong.
I'm beginning to wonder if slow cav is on my side or just mentally disAbelled. Probably the former. I hope. I don't want to be beating up a handicap.
Caeda starts a flight. She's either going to lure out more enemy reinforcements, or get a vacation to rest up post near death experience. I'm not sure at this point in the game. The shots continue being fired at the wall. But one of my cavs is unAbel to connect.
Seriously, he's more likely to break that thing than break through. This point isn't just choked. It's literally had it's trachea crushed.
I'm having trouble coming up with a joke. I'm almost out of ammunition. Unlike Wolf who seems to have an endless supply of ballista bolts just lying around. Anyway, Caeda's back to the position to try and lure any stragglers in the fortresses out. Will she?
Nothing new from the forts. Looks like slow cav and the gang are all that's left between me, and the boss and his knights.
Wolf's third level. His third perfect level too. You guys know what that means?
It means once Abel and Cain get their kills, Wolf can kill slow cav, as now not even the other ones can double, and they all do as much damage as he did or less with weapon triangle.
That said.. I'm not sure I have the heart. It's kind of like bullying at this point. He can't even hit an armored unit anymore.
The Green cavalier is now equal or better than (Paladin) Jagen in  every area except stats he can't actually increase without promoting. Also the fact he's a weapon rank behind in lances (though he is now better than base Jagen there  in that he's a ways towards A). Definitely my most balanced cavalier, and Abel to substitute for Jagen in any way that doesn't involve movement, tanking magic, the extra point of damage from A-rank lances, or reclassing into a Dracoknight. (In other words Jagen's not obsolete)
Also Jagen can use the Gradivus.. but let's be honest. Cain should have A-rank by then. Let alone Abel.
I realize that, even if slow cav is pitiable.. he's in the only doorway we have out of this fort. He has to go... and seeing as there's no capture in this game...
Seems I have to remind him how easily he'd have fallen if anyone fought him this whole time.
Weapon triangle is pretty great here. See Weapon Rank bonuses like the +3 damage swords get at A rank gets cancelled when fighting against weapon triangle. So while this guy would have been doing more damage than the ridersbane while the bow was equipped... the iron lance makes him almost useless. Also note, the latter screenshot is post Wolf attack. He's not doubling.
As I Merric fires off a magic misslile, I realize his master plan with the bad level up last time. He was trying to see how many "4's" could be on one level up screen. Hopefully that doesn't mean anything... after all 4 is considered unlucky in a Japan for reasons relating to the number 4 and a pronounciation that sounds like the word for death. This is a Japanese game.
So, I lied about Marth not having anything to do. It just wasn't anything he needed healing for. As you see, Merric's kill removed an obstacle so his buddy Marth could get a kill. True bro there. Wolf sets up to keep ridersbane cav contained, because at this point I decided Ukyo needed the chance to shine by striking steel lance cave after missing out on so much (I know Ogma did too, but he's set speedwise, Ukyo needs both the level and weaponrank). Cain has no such problem. He's still needing another level to catch Abel, so he gets to work on ridersbane from a safe distance.
Abel also takes a shot at steel lance. Because what harm could that do?
Well.. Wolf could shieldbash steel lance's weapon aside, then counter with a crit. Apparently pre-promotes really are EXP thieves. Who knew?
Maybe this is why curates and clerics have 5 move this game. It's hard to be fast with a broken heal.
Anyway, Merric and Marth team up to put an end to the last of the reinforcements. Though what Marth's doing in that frame is anyone's guess. It looks like he's gotten way too into trying to be sneaky after me joking he's my best thief.

Anyway... let's skip ahead a bit.  After all, the march was pretty uneventful with all the enemies dead.
So before anyone crosses the line into reinforcement territory (bar Caeda), I decide to take a precaution in case enemies start spewing again at a certain turn. Matthis seizes the nearest fort. Caeda being in enemy territory takes another fort. Jagen takes the ridersbane fort. I believe that leaves the Javelin fort... but I could be wrong. Doesn't actually matter.
So seeing as no javelin cavs appear on the unnoccupied fort.. Wolf sets up with his trusty bow. The foolish knights progress and the one who can reach him gets doubled while failing to even hit the mighty general.
The hotheaded Cain leads the charge, but is well rewarded. His defense may be below average... but that 11 strength makes him equal to Wolf.... and second only to Barst. By a whopping two points. Very fitting given his personality.
So speaking of the madman, he decides to put one knight to bed because he's obviously hammered. Matthis weakens the other knight for Ukyo. After all, Ukyo did say Matthis could help him learn to throw a javelin. Looks like he will.
Now the boss is all that's left.... unless more reinforcements appear somehow. Regardless, we can see he's  just shy of one-shotting Caeda... but she one rounds him easily with Bradamante. Now, if you think I'm attacking on player phase after nearly losing Caeda already... you've not been paying attention. Instead I set up a bit of a blockage so any cavalier coming out of the fort has to attack someone fairly safe. Unless they go for Caeda in retrospect. Good thing the reinforcements are dead huh? Marth also starts towards the castle too.
This man has the audacity to ask this of Caeda. She should be the one asking him that. You know what happened to the last General that attacked Caeda?
Well shit. Yeah, that. Guess you did know. You do know it would have been better to answer and surrender than renact it? I mean for you anyway. The boss exp is pretty sweet from my perspective.
I'm trying to work out who the traitors are. I mean, maybe Matthis, because he switched sides. But everyone you had on your team literally died or got beaten and fled. You know, after warning you that your plan was going to fail. To a plan that was pretty much the same thing. But with my units waiting in a fort for yours instead of vice versa.
Also Caeda gets this. Because she wasn't strength-blessed enough. Steel lances no longer weigh her down. Also, she's even more evasive. More accurate. More likely to crit.
In other words, she ended last update at risk of death. She ended this one even better than before. Guess what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. Also, there's a silver axe Barst can probably inflict some nasty wounds with.
I decide to get in some last minute healing as Lena gets a level for res (she's even more Gharnef proof than Wrys), Wrys gets a weapon level (he's at B now from the excessive healing/store-bought staves), Wendell gets exp, and thanks to a trade, Barst gets that axe.
Just when I thought Marth had run out of ways to disappoint me... he's one space short of seizing. I've heard of units who were always just 1 point off something but this surprises even me.
No. He means the birds.
I suppose we couldn't have Bantu explain this, because no one was sure he'd survive due to the fact he's like two hp off getting one rounded by the cavalier reinforcements this chapter.
Is it my imagination or is there the slightest smirk to Marth as he tells Malledus he actually knows all that exposition?
Damn it Marth, don't you know lords are supposed to just repeat things as questions in situations like this? You don't want to look like you know stuff do you?
I hate to say it Malledus, but Medeus 1 rounds even a capped Marth in this difficulty. You're gonna get him killed with this advice. Oh well. What can I do?
Tradition obviously found an Aum staff. Because this is back.
My evasion of arenas
My credibility.
Slow Cav
Crit Counter:
Abel: 1
Barst: 4
Generic enemy:1
Pollux Disappointed Counter: 3


On 6/30/2020 at 7:15 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

Forgot about the battle preps shop, although the numbers are kinda suspicion when all the Heal and Mend uses they give you for free bring him to exactly one staff use away from C rank...

I mean, given they screwed up on the whole silver-sword for Hardin thing because of the change in how wexp works... I figure it's probably just a coincidence. Unless they literally picked the arbitrary amount of staff uses needed to make C rank just to screw Wrys over subtley, which is all kinds of devious.

I hope that means you have some sneaky warp skip plan...
Warp skip? I'm trying to avoid it just because I figure it's less entertaining to watch. Then again perhaps so is choke pointing. However... I'm going to inevitably be using warp. It's too hard to forget entirely.

Oh you are choke pointing them all...that is going to take a while, and hopefully Wolf doesn't get overwhelmed when the Javelins start coming in.

There was a reason I set him up the way I did. If Caeda wasn't able to handle the javelins for some reason...  she could at least stop them arriving long enough that the two wall spots and the one directly attacking Wolf were filled, so that Wolf could be surrounded by healers. But seeing as Caeda could handle them pretty well... it became a moot point for the most part. Also it meant that I could now have other units help Wolf to conserve time/gain exp.

Huh, that is interesting, I didn't know about this game's trick to deceive people into thinking the reinforcements are over... man that is just plain mean.

To be honest, I wasn't totally sure of it myself, as I actually didn't check the spawn point before playing the map (if you've read the update, you'll know what I mean). Turns out they trigger up to three times in groups of two as long as someone's in their spawn area on this map. I noticed they use the same trick next map with more than one spawn area.

...Oh that is a dramatic cliffhanger. She does have better than 50-50 survival chance, but that is still a dangerously high chance of death there. Its always the best units that kill their way into an early grave.
Well, checking true hit, it's more like 39%. Though if combined with the previous 5 percent (criticals are on one RNG), and the other hit that lowered her (a 39%), and the miss that made me think it was safe (with a displayed 85% or a 95% true hit).. we get a set of circumstances where her death had a 0.038% chance of occuring (with some rounding done in the calculation). Comparitively, when Matthis got struck twice by Ogma.. there was a 45% chance that one of the two blows would crit.


Catch being if you've read the update you know by now that I wasn't quite that unlucky.



On 6/30/2020 at 7:16 AM, This boi uses Nino said:

Entering this thread, I saw that a million people quoted me... I should have probably mentioned I'm not exactly an expert on japanese so.... here I go...

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Man I love the Morshu meme.
Truly a classic. CD-i remakes when?

Belf sounds kinda german, so I like it... sort of. Jerrot over Zelot does make sense.
I know I don't. But I think I've said that enough.

I knew they spelled them the same, but I always thought that V would appear only from the "Wa line" and not from B. Well I guess that's something new I learned today.

Oh I guess I didn't get many people trashing me as I thought... phew.
Like I even read Japanese.

Oh god damn. Hey @Saint Rubenio, mira como Don Comedia me quiere matar de la risa!

Call me Boi if you want, or like how I go by on Discord "Hanes" so that's cool too. In fact I should call myself Hanes everywhere since that's what I do nowadays but this username is one I have grown fond of.
I mean, it'll confound people who don't know who I'm talking to. So I'll do it.

Hecking Don Comedia is now killing himself of laughter. Anyways it's true. I like Math too.

He's a smart boy through and through. If he had vocal chords he would speak languages (well then tbh, most dogs probably could if they had human vocal chords). Also croatian? Where do you live exactly? Italy? Somewhere in the Balkans?
I mean, he tries. Some of the noises he makes are very articulate. As for where I live, it's a secret. But it's a Country with the letter "a" in it's name. joke being that doesn't narrow it down much at all

Well there's nothing like good music to raise the spirits.
Or something like that. I think it was a feeble attempt not to go mad from the pain I felt with migraines.

Yeah that comic is quite popular in it's own fanbase (which I think is old-school FF fans). It's also super cliffhangery like... all the damn time!
Hence how one ends up reading so many parts. It's "I'll just go until the end of this plot". Then it doesn't end.

I do enjoy SD's reclassing but I don't know if that's the correct way to go about it. It's hella fun but kinda easy to break. If I'm being honest I like Fates' reclassing system with the Heart seals (not the S partner or A+ partner crap, just the heart seals) because it allows you to reclass people depending on personality. Like how Elise looks up to Camilla so she can reclass to wyvern rider or how Effie's best friend is Elise and she can reclass to troubadour. They're terrible choices but others, like Cavalier Arthur, are quite cool.
I mean, the catch is SD's makes it very hard to not have an option for a healer. On the other hand heart seals aren't so balanced in that. Then again... Fates is more geared to resets as it is... because unless you use the capture mechanic you kind of stop getting new units halfway through.

That's true though! Why didn't they release it internationally! I just checked the sales before this out of random curiosity and it sold like 250,000 copies which tbh it's not too terrible considering it was Japan only and America had always been the forefront of sales since FE7. But no, Nintendo then had to overreact by almost ending the series and now we all proclaim Awakening to be the "savior" which I don't think is a bad thing but just... like dude all of that drama could be avoided with an international release,

It's not like the 3DS was about to release either, since it came out one year and a few months later, so the translation could be done while development and script writing happened, after all the point of these games was to remake the old ones and give them a localization, specially for the community outside of Japan. The same happened with FE6, where at one point plans for localizing it happened but they never did. Truly a shame.
Rule 1: If I really want something, it won't be released in my country. Even if I don't find out about it until later. Examples include Super Mario RPG (since fixed), the Mother/Earthbound series (since fixed for the first two, and patched for the third), The Samurai Shodown RPG (which has a longer Japanese name that I can't be assed to repeat). I'm sure there's more.

Lol. Unironically speaking though, I do like how he has high speed without his armor. It's pretty cool.
This is notable with most armored units in this game, as the generic knights are supposed to have a base 0 speed. Consequently, Draug and Macellan's base 3 speed is high for their class, while Roger and Dolph's 5 is exceptional when reclassed. Unfortunately, they can't transfer weapon rank due to the knights being the only ones in their class line to have lances... which means their offense is gonna take a hit.

Yeah, you honestly have been playing pretty well. That's awesome!
Which surprises me as much as anyone else. I haven't had the massacre I've been expecting yet. I keep saying "well it didn't happen in chapter 3 like I thought. Maybe chapter 6. Then it's "well maybe chapter 7". When that didn't pan out... I started dreading the ballisticians later. Mostly because I worry about how bad they'll be on this difficulty when no one but Wolf can take more than two hits. Maybe they're not as bad as I'm expecting?

Boomer Bantu lol.
Sipping his Monster Energy drops.

His japanese name is ビラク "Biraku" (read the i as "ee", so spanish vowels pretty much, except for "U" which is softer and done without rounding the lips) so since it's not directly taken from the changed "Wa line" (that's what I call it, search "Katakana chart" and you'll see why I call them lines) I guess it could be changed to B. However it's werird how they got that "nd" in the name since he is "Biraku". So more faithful names could be "Vyrak" or "Vylak", and really I preffer Vyland.
When there's more to discuss on the character's name being translated than the character.

me too, me too.
It's bad I completely telegraphed the cliff hanger.

Man that's an awesome level up! And I realize now that with the added HP from the angelic robe, she has decent bulk with 7 defense! 
One of the interesting things about Pegasus knights. The early game ones tend to start with similar defense but lesser HP to your christmas cavs. Throw in the extra speed and luck, a sneaky angelic robe actually makes them enemy phase about the same (or better in cases with high speed foes/regarding damage). This is why these characters tend to place high on a tier list despite archers existing.

Strange, the 2nd image wasn't showing properly until I quoted it. Don't mind this.
Instructions unclear. Comment responded to.

Man his defense still needs to grow. 6 damage twice is a lot.

Defense, HP, Speed. All of them are vital to lasting longer for Wolf. Thankfully he's unlikely to miss any of them. Also, he's getting 2 hp a level most of the time because his HP growth as a general is ridiculously high.

Well I guess a bit of strength and HP is cool, not too much but then again when it comes to SD, these levels are acceptable I suppose.

In Matthis case, it's particularly useful. He's now one point closer to not being slowed down by steel lances. Though more speed would be nice so he could be doubled by less and double more.

Oh nice! I didn't know he got a level already lol. This is an extremely satisfying level to see and moreso for SD.
Wolf levels in a nutshell. If he stays in General, he's got 180% HP growth (meaning he has an 80% chance of 2 HP per level), 95% strength, 90% skill, 60% speed, 50% luck, and 90% defense.

Ouch, this is a message from the RNGoddess.
"I await you on the dread isle" 
"I gave you luck with her combat and previous level. I think this is fair, it's not an empty one at the very least"
I'm not gonna complain anyway. She couldn't get more speed, and she's above her level 20 average in strength.

"This divine bald head shall pierce the skies!"
Or he could use it as a solar beam against the enemies, or with that resistance play tennis with enemy purge tomes (if those even exist in this game, I know swarm does)
Alas Purge doesn't. Else Wrys would be a powerful counterplay.

I like how the cavalier attacks from a plain and Sedgar is there, but then when Sedgar attacks they're in the middle of a hallway. It's a cool thing Berwick did to have units move onto the tile of the target. Now that I said sth nice about Berwick, let's see if Ruben will find this response (it would probably be wise to Ctrl+F for your username/nicknames to see if anyone mentioned you tbh)
What? Sedgar got off the bench? News to me.

Jesus christ Barst how are you this good?
He's only up 0.2 in strength, 2.2 in skill and 1.2 in luck from his averages. Meaning he's likely to be two/three points lower in skill, one/two points lower in luck, 1 point in strength lower sometimes, and the same or better in everything else. (Theoretically HP could be higher 60% of the time). Point is, Barst is just good.

Hey Roger, I think the RNGoddess has taken a liking to you. I mean with all of this luck this update...
Maybe that's why I always end up unlucky in love but lucky in anything else. The RNGoddess declared me her property and is marking her territory clearly. Either that or the fact Roger has an 80% luck growth in this game (beaten only by Tiki and Nagi's 90%, and matched by Julian, Elice and Gotoh).

Horse be like "Excusez moi"
Amazing how polite these enemy horses are. Shame their owners are heels though.

That's decent. I'm not sure if I like the MP/2 formula though, I mean if we are having that then why not increase the power of staves a bit? Not that it matters much I guess.

I'm undecided on what I like better. I mean, warp is really ripe for abuse in this game. But then... so is forging. So is reclassing. So is BEXP in PoR. Or grinding in any game that allows it. I guess my point is, every game in the series has it's abusable features.

Well that's cool I guess. That means better javelin damage for when that is next needed.
Or even sword damage under specific circumstances. Regardless, Cain kind of reached equal ground to Wolf and second only to Barst in strength. Not an easy feat.

I guess doggo didn't understand you meant to say Cain. But yeah, him having 1-2 range now is so good.
I mean, I've been punning can as Cain all LP. Probably gets confusing for him as it apparently did for me.

Hehe, lol.



*DEEP BREATH* Man I am legitimately scared for her... Caeda man...
You should have seen me at the time. There's a reason there's no screenshot of the crit landing. I was too busy praying.

EDIT: Yesterday to an FE8 Ironman I lost Moulder in a distraction ploy from Eirika, against an iron lance cavalier and a javelin while he was on a forest, that was annoying but I deserved it for overextending Eirika. What pissed me off was Vanessa dying to three 41% hits from the spider while she missed her 50% several times. I shouldn't have attacked on player phase but man that death bothered me. Both of these happened on chapter 6.
Oh boy. The fog of war chapter? Definitely one I like to use Seth in. I mean... early game. Fog of war. A pseudo-time limit in the spider.

I hope Caeda doesn't get by a 40% hit... I really do.

Damn this reply is long, I'm really enjoying the heck out of this LP.


On 6/30/2020 at 7:50 PM, DragonFlames said:

You using Jagen as a Dracoknight has inspired me to do the same when I play Shadow Dragon again. It seems to be a very good class for him.
It very much is a popular choice to my knowledge. It has the benefit of allowing him to keep his lance rank while giving him extended maneuverability due to flight. It also boosts both his strength and defense, his biggest assets in the early game. He's not going to be doubling anything anyway, and 8 speed is enough to avoid being doubled by most enemies that he wouldn't have been doubled by as a Paladin. His hp loss is a little more significant... but if you're careful about it that 11 defense should be just enough to keep him going until there's an archer or mage surplus. Then he's probably better in Paladin.

Good decision! The axe puns are funny.
Also kind of a tradition at this point.

I've said it before, but I think Mangs is actually a decent fellow.
My only criticism of him was some of his decisions in Iron Man runs. He's a bit prone to making decisions without thinking them through. Then again, I'm one to talk given the Matthis incident in chapter 4 which should have killed him, and the not thinking about crits despite the fact Caeda had crit just before under the same circumstances... albeit when not at risk of dying from it.


He'd still get doubled. Or is that FE12 where max Speed Marth still gets doubled by Medeus on the highest difficulty?
Yes. He would here. But I mean the multiplier on Falchion plus the extra strength would mean less weakening would be needed if I wanted Marth to finish him. Not that it's anything more than a pipe dream, as he's not going to break his strength cap. Rules are rules after all.

Use the valley as a fort to wait out the reinforcements and milk them for EXP, I'm guessing.
Yeah basically. I mean, those ridersbanes are scary with the four cavs on the field... and while Jagen could have capped them off, I felt this was a safer bet. Plus it got Wolf more exp (and he does need to get started), and Cain up to snuff after being my worst non-Marth unit for a bit.

Poor Marth can't catch a break, can he?
I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy... not.
I don't know. Marth being the weakest active unit doesn't necessarily mean much when everyone else is excelling at something or other. Besides, he's arguably my best thief because of the Fire Emblem (I mean, as long as I have keys for doors).

He knows that curate is the brother of the Cursed Curate from last chapter.
He outdid his brother. He healed one of the reinforcements... and all of them died.

Blessed! One more strength and she can use Steel Lances unimpeded. Not bad. And that would also be evidence C.
I'm guessing you'll promote her once she gets to level 10?
I'm afraid that's impossible now. As you may know, the first Master Seal is in chapter 10.


As you may have seen, she's now at level 11. And has another two full chapters and most of chapter 10 before we get it.


Interesting strategy, though. Gotta say, I never would have thought of using the valley as a fort like this.
I mean, I just stole the trick the archers and mercenaries were using at the start of the chapter. Except with Wolf instead of a door. Which was probably better honestly because there is no key for Wolf.

The puns are as high quality as the strategy is, I see.
I mean, even the title's just a pun on what Wolf's doing and the name of his gang. I don't think I can stop at this point.

He's finally not terrabel anymore.
I know Cain's not a bad unit in general, but I wanted to make a pun, too.
He was having difficulty with 1-range lock on this difficulty. Now if I get rid of it on Ukyo, we're good.

Evidence D.
When we run out of alphabet, I suppose I'm gonna have to switch to the greek alphabet. Perhaps cyrillic alphabet. More letters.

I might have been slow to realize this, but I can see what the plan is for the Khadein chapter...
Perhaps. Or perhaps I have another gag in my hand there.

I'm honestly surprised and scared by the fact that on Hard 5, even 17 defense (three off from unpromoted max, I might add) in the (relatively) earlygame doesn't save you from taking comparatively high damage from enemy steel weapons if they can double you.
Wait until we get to the endgame and the forged brave-axe dracoknights.

That cav made fun of his friends.
Barst's been one of my most crit-happy units, second only to Caeda. It's like he thinks he's a berserker and no one's told him otherwise for fear of copping a crit.

Oh no.

Wolf: "Hey, uh... this obviously isn't working out for you and I'm getting kinda tired over here. How about you just surrender quietly?"
Grust cav: "NEVER!"
He wasn't just the slow cav because his speed was lower than the rest.


Ending this on a cliffhanger are we? How very devious of you. Looking forward to the next one!
I have no choice. There's like 100 more screenshots. I should have known the chapter wasn't ending so


On 7/1/2020 at 6:25 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

You are forgetting about the +2 to all stats from the binding shield, with it at capped speed he avoids being doubled by Medeus even on the highest difficulty of FE12.
It's like the original lord promotion... if you ignore Alm and Celica.
So maybe not.


On 7/1/2020 at 6:43 AM, DragonFlames said:

Ah, so it was FE11 where he gets doubled even with max speed, after all.
I don't know why, but for some reason, I tend to mix up things from FE11 and FE12 sometimes. Maybe I should play those games more often.
I mean... they probably look more alike than any other two games in the series (at least as far as the lord animations go). I mean, Elibe has Roy and Eliwood who, while resembling each other a bit, are distinct. Tellius has Ike, who is very clearly more muscular in RD. Marth has changed less.


On 7/1/2020 at 6:59 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
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To be fair, you can give her the growth book for... a whopping 20%. After that, it's just rigging.
Rigging growths... I can't actually imagine doing that. It sounds like a lot more trouble than it's worth. Then again though.. 20% is workable. It's done my Caeda fine. Because why not?

Either that, or using the Krishna glitch to get infinite strength potions. That works too.
Sounds more workable. Also cheap.

No, no, you misunderstood. He's still in book 2, but I mean.. He has a line or two in Adria Pass, then he leaves when King Aurelis (couldn't we just call him Aurelio?) orders a retreat. That's it. Might as well not exist at all.
Vyland? More like "Whyland". As in Why is he the most forgettable man in the Land?

Oh yeah, I agree. At least Zelot looks like something. Belf... what the heck was going through their minds when they gave him Belf for a name? What even is a Belf, anyway? Let me google...

Okay, so according to the Urban dictionary:


Short for Blood Elf, one of 2 new races in the World of Warcraft expansion, "The Burning Crusade"

Okay, that's not bad...


When you throw up in your mouth and swallow it.

Oh God!
If Belf was a blood elf he might be my second favourite sable.

Don't say things like that. Never say things like that.
I mean, I have the advantage of knowing what's in the update when I say things like that.


So that's the brilliant plan, eh? Hiding everyone behind Wolf until the reinforcements run out?

...I'd call you cowardly, but considering I just posted an update like 10 minutes ago where I was even more of a shameless chicken...

Hey, if you can shamelessly shill your stuff in my LPs, I should be able to do the same in yours!
Wait... haven't I shameless shilled your stuff in my LP? That's not even new.
But yeah... I thought it was poetic to have the reinforcements who were waiting in forts until my units were in range... try and tackle a makeshift fort while my units wait for them. Turnabout is fairplay, no?

As if Matthis could've remained beaten for long. He's just humble, that's all. He doesn't want to make others feel inferior. Not too much.
I mean, he was only tied with Marth. Also 40% strength growth. So unless he gets screwed to a similar degree as Marth... I except him to get rolling soonish.

Always a joy to see this guy leveling up. Er, in this game. I used him once in FE12 and it was... not pretty.
How very sad I was to find that out in my first run, when I tried to reunite my old Shadow Dragon team for FE12. How much sadder I would have been if I were playing FE3.

...Cain's really not that good in this game, is he?
The sword cav has a rough start by default. No javelins is a handicap. But it's one that's easily overcome on lower difficulties. But the higher you go, the more it matters. Honestly, if I'd found a way to use his iron lance more, he'd have really benefitted.

What would anyone do without this woman? I mean, she recruits half the army.
Ask Mangs in his Ironman. She was literally dead as of chapter 3. On H5. Coincidentally, everyone died except Marth, Elice, and Auffle.

To be honest, at first I though you were going to use that one.
I would have if I wasn't so tunnel vision about getting Caeda that level. But that level was worth it. Strength.

Sorry Caeda, I can't give stats! Come back when you're a little, MMMM luckier!

(Ironic, given her one and only gain)
Also the way the update ended... and events in this one.

Wrys is out to be impervious to mages.

Holy shit that's a massive arrow. Just thought I'd point that out. That looks like it could work as ammo for a ballista! Goodness!
Wolf's speed is because he's accidentally using Ballista ammo to attack. Thread canon..

Oh, no.

Oh, noooooooooooooooo...!

All that, to fall prey to a low crit! Classic FE... Luck be with you, sire my friend.
The classic blunder. Believing having high enough luck that the enemy cannot crit you is enough to prevent you being screwed over by a low percent crit.

Pues se le da mejor que a mi.



On 7/1/2020 at 8:34 AM, This boi uses Nino said:
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so there is a word for that? Never knew.

Wait you have a new part 10 minutes ago from one hour ago? I didn't get this notification! Uh-oh gotta go fast!
Gotta go fast. Gotta go fast. Gotta go faster, faster, faster faster faster. Sonic.exe

Por suerte me equipe un Blason de Comedia. Ahora no me pueden pegar los golpes c(riticos)omedicos.



On 7/1/2020 at 11:07 AM, twilitfalchion said:

Crit-goddess in the making.
When you crit so much it becomes life endangering.

*sad Marth noises*
The true tragedy of this LP is that Marth is doomed to be one of the worse units in it by being sword locked.

The product of sound logic and good planning. So satisfying when solid strategy works out.
Well... solid until I have that moment where I don't factor in that thing Caeda does as much as Barst and Ogma combined.

This is a disappointment, but he hopes to be Abel to do better in the future.
He'll get his chance to disAbel some of the competition.


He Cain't do much, but he'll give his best.
Well, he's getting to be one of my highest strength units... so there's that.

SD H5 would be a whole heck of a lot harder and Marth probably wouldn't have won the War of Shadows without her help. She's just too good.
I don't know. Mangs did somehow manage. Am I shilling Mangs now?

I might have to give Wrys a bit more attention next time I play through SD. He's a better unit than I gave him credit for.
It's hard to be a bad unit when you're a DS era healer. Unless you come drastically underlevelled late in the game.

Perfect summary of my time with FE6.
Oh FE6 and it's whacky ambush spawns. I didn't use a guide my first time through. I still remember a certain incident involving ambush spawns and Clarine.

*mental panic slightly increases*

This is not looking good.
I mean... it really wasn't looking good was it?


Sorry I missed the last one. This cliffhanger's got me on the edge of my seat though. Looking forward to the next update.

You must read Saint Rubenio's Berwick saga LP.


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9 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

No. He means the birds.

Eliwood's children are everywhere! Berwick Saga, FE6, now FE11!



It would be a Merricle if he gets a good level!



He's hungry like the Wolf.


Slow Cav

RIP. He was a good man.


My evasion of arenas
My credibility.

Me: Plays the 2nd easiest game in the franchise, has a death list that could fill an encyclopedia.

The Roger: Plays one of the hardest games in the franchise, has no deaths.

Bro, you should do a Lunatic Conquest LP after this!

I have return!

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1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

To point out Caeda is a very special case.

Hoo, boy... That could've been bad.

By the way, I love how both your update and my update featured extremely cowardly tactics that involved uneven terrain, villages, and a blue-haired girl somehow surviving a deadly blow.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I swear never to make such a mistep again.


If only that were how it works.

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also note she's starting to get close to A lances.

Yes, just in time to... Twiddle her thumbs until chapter 20!

1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm having trouble coming up with a joke.

Those arrows are still friggin' massive! He doesn't need the bow, just whack 'em over the head with one of those and they'll fall!

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf's third level. His third perfect level too. You guys know what that means?

Wolf and Sedgar are the ultimate counter-argument to bases over growths. They've no bases, but I mean, just look at this! It's amazing!

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Cain should have A-rank by then. Let alone Abel.

Cough cough Matthis cough cough

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

As I Merric fires off a magic misslile, I realize his master plan with the bad level up last time. He was trying to see how many "4's" could be on one level up screen.

Ahahahahah... Ahh, Merric and his shitty ass stats. A fact of life that didn't even change in the jump to FE12. I mean, he's better there, but... still painful, still thoroughly outclassed by a prepromote that can use his tome at base. Only difference is, the prepromote rocks a monocle instead of a pope hat.

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

This man has the audacity to ask this of Caeda.

"You fool! I have been trained in the mustache arts by Moulder the Boulder!"

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm trying to work out who the traitors are.

So uncivilized.

Well, Minerva did just fuck off the battlefield with her squad instead of whacking Wrys's bald head with the Hauteclere. I know you beat them all to a pulp, but even if you hadn't she would've just left after a few turns of idling over the mountains.  So maybe it's her. Just maybe.

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Is it my imagination or is there the slightest smirk to Marth as he tells Malledus he actually knows all that exposition?

Nope, not just you. He has a legit Runysmile going on there. He still looks like he despises everything and everyone, though. It's the reason I like his portrait in this game better than in FE12, actually. Everyone else was better off (well, I did like Caeda's portrait in 11 a bit better), but Marth lost his intense glare and became a generic anime protagonist, and that was just such a shame.

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Damn it Marth, don't you know lords are supposed to just repeat things as questions in situations like this? You don't want to look like you know stuff do you?

Also, this is why SD!Marth is the best.

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Ask Mangs in his Ironman.

Ah, yeah... I stopped watching that one when I realized it was going to be a Sedgar solo. In fact, that was the last Mangs thing I've ever watched. Nothing against the man, but I find his youtube personality to be rather annoying. Just my humble opinion, of course.

2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

You must read Saint Rubenio's Berwick saga LP.

I agree with this statement.

1 hour ago, Benice said:



Genius. You're a genius. You genius.


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2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seems to be a rule of life. Every time a woman has meant a lot to me, something will go wrong. Whether it's the passage of time changing her personality into something unrecognizable, or my health convincing her that I'm merely playing her, something happens. Why am I telling you this?

I am sure things will end up better next time, just don't loss hope. Sappy I know, but the past doesn't dictate the future, and someday the odds will be with you in real life, as they were here, so just keep trying.


2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm trying to work out who the traitors are. I mean, maybe Matthis, because he switched sides. But everyone you had on your team literally died or got beaten and fled. You know, after warning you that your plan was going to fail. To a plan that was pretty much the same thing. But with my units waiting in a fort for yours instead of vice versa.

I think he means Minerva and the White Wings, who were supposed to attack you, but instead sorta waited around until they ran off, and will definitely betray them in the future.


2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Caeda gets this. Because she wasn't strength-blessed enough. Steel lances no longer weigh her down. Also, she's even more evasive. More accurate. More likely to crit.

Man your Caeda is just staggeringly strength blessed.


2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Is it my imagination or is there the slightest smirk to Marth as he tells Malledus he actually knows all that exposition?

Good catch noticing the slight difference between the two emotions his face has. They really could have done better making his face more expressive (FE12 did a slightly better job distinguishing his facial expressions).


2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Then again... Fates is more geared to resets as it is... because unless you use the capture mechanic you kind of stop getting new units halfway through.

You can save some of the child chapter for latter game recruits with their scaling stats and child seal (although some of those chapter shouldn't be faced late game *cough* IGNATIUS *cough*) and even stay available if one of the parents dies...


2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I don't know. Mangs did somehow manage. Am I shilling Mangs now?

That H5 ironman win was something amazing, with so many ups and downs, and is well worth seeing for those that haven't (also rip the fan favorite Unil, she was a generic, and an amazing mage/sage, and when she returned as a male Hero after death it was hilarious)


2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

It's hard to be a bad unit when you're a DS era healer. Unless you come drastically underlevelled late in the game.

DS era healers are an odd mix, on the one hand the healing rates of staves are some of the worst in the entire series (Wrys literally heals less than a vulnerary per turn when he joins), but the warp staff comes so early, and is so powerful (similar idea in FE12, but with the Rescue instead of Warp), but on that first hand FE11 is missing all of the status staves, and most of the utility staves, so Warp really is carrying staff users a lot...


2 hours ago, Benice said:

I have return!

Welcome back, hope you had fun on your backpacking trip.


43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yeah... I stopped watching that one when I realized it was going to be a Sedgar solo. In fact, that was the last Mangs thing I've ever watched. Nothing against the man, but I find his youtube personality to be rather annoying. Just my humble opinion, of course.

It was looking like a Sedgar Solo at some point? I don't remember that, but I may have been distracted by all the memeing with Radd and Unil. Although if you don't like his youtube persona, than fair enough.

(side note in case you are curious Sedgar would end up dying to Gharnef. The ending was amazing with Marth getting the kill with exact damage after a sacrificial Wolf strike, the turn after he thought the game was lost as ambush spawns killed Nagi the turn before he planned on going for the kill. That left him with only a half health Marth, Elice, and a 2 health General Auffle alive at the end,  just to emphasize how close it was.)

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Oh, shoot! I forgot something!

4 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Caeda gets this.

Sorry, Caeda! I can't stop giving strength! Come back when you're a little, MMMM unluckier!

There. The running gag has been mantained.

4 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It was looking like a Sedgar Solo at some point? I don't remember that, but I may have been distracted by all the memeing with Radd and Unil. Although if you don't like his youtube persona, than fair enough.

(side note in case you are curious Sedgar would end up dying to Gharnef. The ending was amazing with Marth getting the kill with exact damage after a sacrificial Wolf strike, the turn after he thought the game was lost as ambush spawns killed Nagi the turn before he planned on going for the kill. That left him with only a half health Marth, Elice, and a 2 health General Auffle alive at the end,  just to emphasize how close it was.)

Not exactly a Sedgar Solo, but it definitely looked like General Sedgar and Wolf would carry him through the whole run. That's not so fun to watch, though that finale does sound like something.

My favorite Ironmangs was Thracia, simply because of all the unique, hilarious ways in which he managed to screw himself over in every single way. Every part was a whole new adventure. Seriously, berserked Callion (never got the Seth joke) killing himself on Leif was amazing.

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C'mon Roger, ol buddy, ol pal. Get something killed already, be like Ruben, or Benice, I need the work man, otherwise the IRS (Income Ruben Service) might investigate my contract, and find out that I'm just a write-off employee, then the whole company goes down. 

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7 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Is it my imagination or is there the slightest smirk to Marth as he tells Malledus he actually knows all that exposition?
Damn it Marth, don't you know lords are supposed to just repeat things as questions in situations like this? You don't want to look like you know stuff do you?

This is one of the best changes IMO in this remake. Is not making Marth look like he knows nothing about the world he lives in. Though it is funny that he lets Malledus finish all that before telling him.

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9 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Please note: I'm doing the update first this time, because I have no idea how to do the replies without snarkily giving away what happened. Read the replies first only at your own risk. (Even if I'm gonna try and put spoiler tabs when mentioning it).

I'm scared. You haven't made an update in a long time, I can only imagine that Caeda died and... that makes me really sad...

9 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

What else can I say about it? The fact she literally had crit twice on cavs with identical luck before this during the chapter. No this was a blunder.
Seems to be a rule of life. Every time a woman has meant a lot to me, something will go wrong. Whether it's the passage of time changing her personality into something unrecognizable, or my health convincing her that I'm merely playing her, something happens. Why am I telling you this?

Uh... well that sucks a lot. Like really, whatever it was it sounds like you have gone through a lot.

9 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

To point out Caeda is a very special case. See, being a fictional character, my curse does not seem to apply. She has no insecurity for my absence to prey on. She cannot change into someone she's not. Hell, even in death she can return with a reset, a new file, or an Aum use. But here, she merely survives by being awesome. For all I know, that single point of luck last level made the difference. Who knows? I don't care. She's alive, and now that the enemy has taken their best shot they get no second chances.

Damn, woo-hoo Caeda survived! CAEDA SURVIVEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

So... that vow I made to never make another mistake? I already broke it. I meant to swap the javelin out, but I was so flustered by that near death experience that I forgot all about it.
Hence the battle ended without a dead cavalier.

Well at least you're not like me, who sold a bunch of 1-2 range inf FE7 because they were at 1 use or sth and decided they were worthless... but then I actually ran out so case in point is: It's better to retaliate and not kill than to do neither.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wrys once again heal's Wolf, as the triple W alliance remains strong.

Wolf, Wrys and... who else? Oh it's "Worst", the enemy!

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm beginning to wonder if slow cav is on my side or just mentally disAbelled. Probably the former. I hope. I don't want to be beating up a handicap.

Well, the Ridersbane does more damage than an iron lance no? He figures he can let his brethren die to kill Wolf.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seriously, he's more likely to break that thing than break through. This point isn't just choked. It's literally had it's trachea crushed.

LOL! Man that joke was awesome! Also, Trachea 776.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf's third level. His third perfect level too. You guys know what that means?

Shadow Dragon giving you perfect levels is.... aaaaahhhh.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Caeda gets this. Because she wasn't strength-blessed enough. Steel lances no longer weigh her down. Also, she's even more evasive. More accurate. More likely to crit.
In other words, she ended last update at risk of death. She ended this one even better than before. Guess what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger. Also, there's a silver axe Barst can probably inflict some nasty wounds with.

This is just mega awesome, wooo go Caeda!

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Is it my imagination or is there the slightest smirk to Marth as he tells Malledus he actually knows all that exposition?
Damn it Marth, don't you know lords are supposed to just repeat things as questions in situations like this? You don't want to look like you know stuff do you?

Wait the battle with the dragon happened a 100 years ago? That's an awfully lame "time ago" for the battle. Idk why I always thought they had fought like a 1000 years ago.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Like I even read Japanese.

I mean reading in general is helpful, sometimes watching a dondon ltc (like the FE5 or FE6 one) I like to practice reading the names of characters or simply use what I know to identify whether this cavalier is Lance or Allen. I don't know much Japanese though so usually all I can do is read transliterations of english words into japanese (which uses Katakana) or read a kanji that I happen to know, some of them are pretty simple. Like the Kanji for one, two or three is simple.

Really though, Katakana isn't that hard you should just look it up and practice a bit off it, it will be helpful in reading one time or another, even if you don't watch anime you'll see it somewhere.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I mean, he tries. Some of the noises he makes are very articulate. As for where I live, it's a secret. But it's a Country with the letter "a" in it's name. joke being that doesn't narrow it down much at all

I see, I did see a video where a dog "spoke" and it was quite close. Like "I love you" was there, but more like "a wo wyu" so it's the best he could do I guess. 
Well obviously you live in Armenia! Who... doesn't live... in Armenia?? oh wait, it has an A not starts with it... well then that broadens it to Armenia or Mozambique.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Hence how one ends up reading so many parts. It's "I'll just go until the end of this plot". Then it doesn't end.

True! Though there are some points where it momentarily ends.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Then again... Fates is more geared to resets as it is... because unless you use the capture mechanic you kind of stop getting new units halfway through.

I never noticed that lol, you really don't get more units as you go along.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Rule 1: If I really want something, it won't be released in my country.

You must be brazilian then, or south american. (I think the Balkans just of prospect of being european will get something) Ok you may be Turkish because otherwise you aren't getting anything at all, anyways, if you're part of latin america then fuk u, Nintendo has forgotten about you.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I started dreading the ballisticians later. Mostly because I worry about how bad they'll be on this difficulty when no one but Wolf can take more than two hits. Maybe they're not as bad as I'm expecting?

That is a reasonable worry. Look up dondon's strat for it, you could use somethng from it.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Sipping his Monster Energy drops.

"They don't make them like they used to"
"Grandpa you're just a boomer with terrible strength"
"Go get a job kid"

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

When there's more to discuss on the character's name being translated than the character.

Shadow Dragon suffers from this. I like the text in this game but man the characters really needed some development. Even just one or two support convos would have done a lot with SD's fantastic writing. I guess FE12 does this too?

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

The early game ones tend to start with similar defense but lesser HP to your christmas cavs. Throw in the extra speed and luck, a sneaky angelic robe actually makes them enemy phase about the same (or better in cases with high speed foes/regarding damage). This is why these characters tend to place high on a tier list despite archers existing.

True, except for Florina. Her 4 def ass is getting her nowhere, I don't care what you say Lyn mode is not an answer.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf levels in a nutshell. If he stays in General, he's got 180% HP growth (meaning he has an 80% chance of 2 HP per level), 95% strength, 90% skill, 60% speed, 50% luck, and 90% defense.


10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

What? Sedgar got off the bench? News to me.

Oh damn it I meant Wolf lol.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Maybe that's why I always end up unlucky in love but lucky in anything else. The RNGoddess declared me her property and is marking her territory clearly. Either that or the fact Roger has an 80% luck growth in this game (beaten only by Tiki and Nagi's 90%, and matched by Julian, Elice and Gotoh).

Lol, imagine having a goddess be your SO. lol.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

You should have seen me at the time. There's a reason there's no screenshot of the crit landing. I was too busy praying.

Oh wow.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Oh boy. The fog of war chapter? Definitely one I like to use Seth in. I mean... early game. Fog of war. A pseudo-time limit in the spider.

I use Seth all game anyways lol.

10 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Gotta go fast. Gotta go fast. Gotta go faster, faster, faster faster faster. Sonic.exe

Lol, wait! Don't mention that game ever again! ... lol.


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On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seems to be a rule of life. Every time a woman has meant a lot to me, something will go wrong. Whether it's the passage of time changing her personality into something unrecognizable, or my health convincing her that I'm merely playing her, something happens.

That's rough. You have my sympathies.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

But here, she merely survives by being awesome.

At this rate, we are running out of letters, too.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Cain tries hard but he Cain't get used to the Javelin yet.

He Cain't now, but he'll soon be Abel to Freyly use it.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Slow Cav is still as slow of mind as he is of reaction. He's yet to realize Wolf's reclassed. No one tell him, because he does less damage than anyone else.

Gotta say, having Wolf facetank the reinforcements so the weaker units can milk them for EXP is a good move.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also note she's starting to get close to A lances.

Gradivus Shiida hype!

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf continues firing ballista bolts at the unsuspecting cavalry

I had to do a double take, but you're right. Arrows fired by Generals in Shadow Dragons are so huge, they might as well be ballista bolts.
Wolf doesn't use a bow, he has a portable ballista. I accept this as canon now.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wrys once again heal's Wolf, as the triple W alliance remains strong.

Until one of them betrays the stable in the biggest upset of Archanean Wrestling his-- wait, wrong program!

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm beginning to wonder if slow cav is on my side or just mentally disAbelled. Probably the former. I hope. I don't want to be beating up a handicap.

Unfortunately, Archanean warfare hasn't thought of capturing enemies instead of killing them yet. That was invented on a different continent in probably a different timeline AND different dimension.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Nothing new from the forts. Looks like slow cav and the gang are all that's left between me, and the boss and his knights.

You'd think at some point, the enemy general would have realized that just throwing his soldiers to a demise that is as unnecessary as it is untimely is not going to work out for him.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

That said.. I'm not sure I have the heart. It's kind of like bullying at this point. He can't even hit an armored unit anymore.

Man, first it was overly polite horses, now this.
Really makes you reconsider who is good and who is evil...

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Hopefully that doesn't mean anything... after all 4 is considered unlucky in a Japan for reasons relating to the number 4 and a pronounciation that sounds like the word for death. This is a Japanese game.

Oh no...
I actually didn't know about 4 being an unlucky number, but seeing as how the words for 4 and death are the same (shi)... Oh no...

Small tangent: this reminds me of a certain villain in a Digimon anime, whose attack names were named stuff like First Sword, Second Sword etc. (all in the Japanese version, of course). His strongest attack was called "Shi no Tachi", which could translate to either "Fourth Sword" or "Death Sword" (which is how I learned that the words for 4 and death are the same in Japanese).

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

As you see, Merric's kill removed an obstacle so his buddy Marth could get a kill. True bro there.

In a time where everybody, including the universe itself, has it out for the original blue-haired lord, only one young Mage stands by him.
Merric, a bro among bros.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Abel also takes a shot at steel lance.

And now, I like to imagine that guy's name actually was Steel Lance. Or Lance Steel. This is a Japanese game, after all.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Maybe this is why curates and clerics have 5 move this game. It's hard to be fast with a broken heal.

And once again, it's time for this.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

It looks like he's gotten way too into trying to be sneaky after me joking he's my best thief.

He tried to honor the one compliment you gave him.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Matthis weakens the other knight for Ukyo. After all, Ukyo did say Matthis could help him learn to throw a javelin. Looks like he will.

Gameplay-Story integration at its finest!

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Caeda gets this. Because she wasn't strength-blessed enough. Steel lances no longer weigh her down. Also, she's even more evasive. More accurate. More likely to crit.
In other words, she ended last update at risk of death. She ended this one even better than before.

And now we officially did run out of letters. Holy crap, that's an amazing Shiida.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Just when I thought Marth had run out of ways to disappoint me... he's one space short of seizing. I've heard of units who were always just 1 point off something but this surprises even me.

Marth ascended to next level "being one point off of doing something".

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Is it my imagination or is there the slightest smirk to Marth as he tells Malledus he actually knows all that exposition?
Damn it Marth, don't you know lords are supposed to just repeat things as questions in situations like this? You don't want to look like you know stuff do you?

This is the first sign of Marth snapping from all that bullying. Eventually, a bitten dog will bite back.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I hate to say it Malledus, but Medeus 1 rounds even a capped Marth in this difficulty. You're gonna get him killed with this advice. Oh well. What can I do?

The game itself still bullies Marth, having failed to register the warning signs...

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Tradition obviously found an Aum staff. Because this is back.


Gotta say, so far, I'm legitimately impressed that you went completely deathless so far. Hope you can keep it up! I'm rooting for you!

Edited by DragonFlames
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7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Arrows fired by Generals in Shadow Dragons are so huge, they might as well be ballista bolts.
Wolf doesn't use a bow, he has a portable ballista. I accept this as canon now.

You mean you accept it as cannon now?

7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Small tangent: this reminds me of a certain villain in a Digimon anime, whose attack names were named stuff like First Sword, Second Sword etc. (all in the Japanese version, of course). His strongest attack was called "Shi no Tachi", which could translate to either "Fourth Sword" or "Death Sword" (which is how I learned that the words for 4 and death are the same in Japanese).

That's a cool tangent.

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On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Well... what can I say to remind everyone where we were last time?
I forgot Caeda could crit and screw herself over by killing this guy.

Moments taken before *potential* disaster.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seems to be a rule of life. Every time a woman has meant a lot to me, something will go wrong. Whether it's the passage of time changing her personality into something unrecognizable, or my health convincing her that I'm merely playing her, something happens. Why am I telling you this?


Seriously, sorry to hear that.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wolf and his pals are Abel begin their work on the hordes gathering at the gate. Cain tries hard but he Cain't get used to the Javelin yet.

I just Cain't get tired of these puns. I don't think I'll ever be Abel to.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Caeda player phases him. Because I figure even if she misses an 84% twice... I can heal her enough to survive enemy phase. She doesn't miss.

Her devotion to you is so strong that she Cain't fail.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Seriously, he's more likely to break that thing than break through. This point isn't just choked. It's literally had it's trachea crushed

That's such a...descriptive way of thinking about the situation.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

That said.. I'm not sure I have the heart. It's kind of like bullying at this point. He can't even hit an armored unit anymore.

*kill every last one of them intensifies*

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I realize that, even if slow cav is pitiable.. he's in the only doorway we have out of this fort. He has to go... and seeing as there's no capture in this game...
Seems I have to remind him how easily he'd have fallen if anyone fought him this whole time.

*kill every last one of them intensifies again*

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Abel also takes a shot at steel lance. Because what harm could that do?

He is also not Abel to fail. You've got a lot of reliAbel units at this point.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Matthis seizes the nearest fort.

Wow. He's actually being somewhat useful for something. Surprise, surprise.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Marth also starts towards the castle too.

Also known as "the unit whose only real purpose is to seize and open chests."

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also Caeda gets this. Because she wasn't strength-blessed enough. Steel lances no longer weigh her down. Also, she's even more evasive. More accurate. More likely to crit.

Strong, fast, precise, beautiful. What more could a man want from his peg knight?

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

No. He means the birds.

Marth certainly wasn't proving himself to be very smarth (not my pun but it fits) in this scene.

On 7/4/2020 at 2:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Damn it Marth, don't you know lords are supposed to just repeat things as questions in situations like this? You don't want to look like you know stuff do you?

He's trying to follow Eliwood's example.


H5 test-run has been crazy successful so far. I'm genuinely impressed. Best of luck in the next chapter! 👍

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8 hours ago, This boi uses Nino said:

You mean you accept it as cannon now?

Why didn't I think of that? XD
Yes, absolutely!

8 hours ago, This boi uses Nino said:

That's a cool tangent.

Heh, thanks.


And because I didn't have time to do this last time:

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

My only criticism of him was some of his decisions in Iron Man runs. He's a bit prone to making decisions without thinking them through. Then again, I'm one to talk given the Matthis incident in chapter 4 which should have killed him, and the not thinking about crits despite the fact Caeda had crit just before under the same circumstances... albeit when not at risk of dying from it.

We all made mistakes playing FE, some more dumb, some less so.
Mangs just likes to meme around a bunch and he has a Stream to entertain, too. But I agree that some of his decisions can be a mite frustrating at times.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Yeah basically. I mean, those ridersbanes are scary with the four cavs on the field... and while Jagen could have capped them off, I felt this was a safer bet. Plus it got Wolf more exp (and he does need to get started), and Cain up to snuff after being my worst non-Marth unit for a bit.

And it paid off wonderfully, as we saw in this part. Cain becain a "beast" in his own right, even if his Defense is a little lacking at the moment.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

He outdid his brother. He healed one of the reinforcements... and all of them died.

That is next level cursing right here.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wait until we get to the endgame and the forged brave-axe dracoknights.

Oh joy.

On 7/4/2020 at 8:23 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I mean... they probably look more alike than any other two games in the series (at least as far as the lord animations go).

That is probably why, yeah.

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