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Questions about permanent body hair removal


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My long wanted plan is to get rid of my entire body hair.

Due to the Covid pandemy the utilization of a service like that is heavily restricted, so my plan was to do it on my own.


My question is: Which method is the best?


To make an answer a bit easier, the biggest value for me is the safety of my body.

That means if waxing is safer than lasering, but more painful, I'd go for waxing.

I have seen laser devices pretty cheap, but I have no idea about their quality.

The costs don't play that much of a role for me.


If someone has practical experience or at least some theoretical knowledge about body hair removal, I'd greatly appreciate it for sharing it here.

Edited by Kasumi Yoshizawa
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Waxing isn't permanent, right? It won't grow back for a while, but it eventually will. You may have to do it once a month to stay on top of it.

I think laser hair removal takes longer to grow back. And the process itself can be weird, since it's done in sessions. In your first session, hair will be burned off, but you won't be able to see the full results until a week after your treatment. This is because it takes the skin a while to push out the burnt hair follicles. The first session will be the most painful/uncomfortable session, but patients usually get more used to in subsequent sessions. It may be hard to laser yourself, but I haven't done it to myself so I can't say for sure.

I haven't had either procedure, but from what I heard from friends and online, I have an idea of what the pain is like. It's hard to compare the two, since it's two different types of pain.

  • Waxing pain is instant, and may have a sting afterwards. However, it'll go away pretty quickly.
  • My friends say laser doesn't hurt, but online sources say there is a moderate amount of pain, so expect anything from not much to moderate. You may experience irritation after the session. And it may last until all the hair falls out. I don't know how sensitive your skin is, so it's hard to say.
  • If you're confident, maybe have a drink or two before starting? Alcohol can be the best painkiller (consumed in moderation of course).
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Soliciting health advice from strangers online is a big no no. And from the sound of things you know more than any regular person might on the subject, or you've just done a lot of googling. Ask your doctor what's right for you. If you're truly concerned about what's best for your well being, they're the most qualified to give you the right answer.

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18 hours ago, Dandy Druid said:

Waxing isn't permanent, right? It won't grow back for a while, but it eventually will. You may have to do it once a month to stay on top of it.

I think laser hair removal takes longer to grow back. And the process itself can be weird, since it's done in sessions. In your first session, hair will be burned off, but you won't be able to see the full results until a week after your treatment. This is because it takes the skin a while to push out the burnt hair follicles. The first session will be the most painful/uncomfortable session, but patients usually get more used to in subsequent sessions. It may be hard to laser yourself, but I haven't done it to myself so I can't say for sure.

I haven't had either procedure, but from what I heard from friends and online, I have an idea of what the pain is like. It's hard to compare the two, since it's two different types of pain.

  • Waxing pain is instant, and may have a sting afterwards. However, it'll go away pretty quickly.
  • My friends say laser doesn't hurt, but online sources say there is a moderate amount of pain, so expect anything from not much to moderate. You may experience irritation after the session. And it may last until all the hair falls out. I don't know how sensitive your skin is, so it's hard to say.
  • If you're confident, maybe have a drink or two before starting? Alcohol can be the best painkiller (consumed in moderation of course).

I didn't know waxing isn't permanent, good to know.

I have no idea how senstitive my skin is, but this concludes to the post below.

8 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Soliciting health advice from strangers online is a big no no. And from the sound of things you know more than any regular person might on the subject, or you've just done a lot of googling. Ask your doctor what's right for you. If you're truly concerned about what's best for your well being, they're the most qualified to give you the right answer.

Yeah, I think it's a good advice to go to a dermatologist.

Though that means to find one first since I've never ever gone to one.


Maybe drugstores offer a skin test?

Would like to check this out first, if possible.

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