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The wrath of the gods is not as bad as my tactical flops - Awful strategist plays Sun God's Wrath, Ironman mode!

Saint Rubenio

The beginning of the game (as well as a few different parts for certain units) is like Radiant Dawn, everyone is a game over unit. What do I do if I lose someone there?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Answer me!

    • We'll just pretend nothing happened. No measures taken as long as there's a game over.
    • Use them as long as they're still game over units. Bench / kill off afterwards.
    • They died and that's it. Pretend they no longer exist. Bench / kill off as soon as possible.

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Part 16 - Stealing from our benefactor.

Spoiler alert:

On 5/9/2021 at 12:22 PM, Eltosian Kadath said:

I have fallen WAY too far behind...and that has made this kinda an overwhelming number of comments. Sorry...

I'd be lying if I said I mind. After all these updates with no replies, a lengthy one is perfect.

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The kind of people saying it in 2016 certainly came from the middle ages (or hearkening back to the past, even parts of it as awful as that, with a sickening reverence).

Sad, but true.

45? That is a strong case of the anime face then.

Yeah. And I'm pretty sure there's no dragon / juna fruit / magic shenanigans going on here. He's just plain 45.

Describing Bramimond as an "unblessed creature" is an interesting hint at him being something other than the humans or dragons. Plus it sounds like he was blessed, just not by Pyron.

Interesting assessment.

I mean gods have died before.

True enough.

With a wife that much younger than he is, he has probably lived through a few wife deaths before...

Actually, I'm pretty sure that's his first wife.

Now I am reminded of the Shadows of Babylon 5...just saying that feels like a spoiler to one of the best scifi TV shows, but I guess the late, the great Babylon 5 is old enough that many might not know it or remember so little of it, so for those whom seek a little extra context I will elaborate in this spoiler box

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The Shadows were one of the two older races that stayed behind to guide the younger races that are the focus of the show. Those older races would have a falling out over there philosophical beliefs on how to best guide the younger races, to the detriment of all, and at their core the Shadows believe that the younger races can only truely grow through conflict. This mentality made it easy to make them the villains, and that is the role they hold, but they are no more or less villainous than their counterpart despite appearances. Their question is always "what do you want?", for those wants inevitably drive the younger races to conflict, and those conflicts force advancement.

Huh... Well, I've never heard of this show, so I haven't much to add.

...describing it as an escort mission is making me think it will be obnoxious.

Not really, we've got our Super Move Blessed Kirin, so...

Seems Ford Prefect is a perfect name for him, as that is the same kind of cluelessness that makes you think cars are the dominant lifeforms.

I think cars would do a better job at setting up a base than these idiots.

You said it Lord Nanna, this just keeps getting worse and worse all the time.

Quite, yes.

...and the green units plan to "intercept" the enemies with their soft killable bodies...yep worse and worse all the time.

Hey, there's no reward for saving them all. Nobody cares.

Never regret unit favoritism!

Not in a million years!

And there are green units suicidally close to enemies near that temple...

Yeah, they're just there to let the doma knights show off.

Not to mention that 24 defense...yeah these are some nasty enemies...

And just imagine when they start showing up with the weapons that have luna... By which I mean, the sun weapons. How ironic.

And they hid fast moving cavs in the fog...this map just keeps getting worse and worse all the time.

At least this game gives you a good amount of tools to see through the fog.

Those poor green units didn't stand a chance...

Not at all.

Then enemies from behind in a fog of war maps...they even used gargoyles as if to remind you of how that trick was used in Phantom Ship...

...This map keeps getting worse and worse all the time...yeah I just find it funny to say at this point, as they look more annoying than actually threatening.

Yeah, honestly, they're not that bad.

The dumb hunting the dumb...no wonder Ford Prefect felt so safe.

Turns out their plan was great all along.

That boy is recruitable if I ever saw one...but he is too good for your army now. Hopefully he passes along that Fala Scroll before he goes though.

"That boy" is a funny description, seeing how he used Roy's portrait in Corrupt Theocracy.

...so this general is just using a Ballista like its a normal bow in his hands? That is kinda dumb.

It looks even dumber in use it seems.

Thankfully we won't see too many of these.

Well its time to name the other car...yeah, I think he deserved to be remembered for his "great" green unit plan, hence, The Car Interceptor.

Hah! All right, then.

That is simultaneously really high, but also low...I mean 15% in any other stat would be terrible, and from an expected value look, he will only reach 7 move at level cap...although having the potential for high move is very fitting for The Car Interceptor.

I've used him once before after his buff and he didn't fail failed me.

His blessed stats are unstoppable...

He really shouldn't have that much speed.

So many move levels...

More! More move levels! I want all the move levels!

Self-Destructive really is...and it sounds like he will encourage it in your army as well.

Well... While he lasted, yes.

You are just setting yourself up for disappointment.

I was, wasn't I... Sigh...

Alright, that is an annoying skill, and also kinda setting it up to be a stationary boss.

Now imagine it on a guy that moves.

Well the way that was worded cements The Bachelor as his son.

And then it was explicitly revealed.


Very ouch.


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Seeing as Rody's arrival means a game over, and dog man arrival moves forward the plot, I think that fearing Rody over dog man is perfectly logical.

Dog man might keep you alive to work for him as a slave if you cooperate. Rody will take you head and put it on a pike.

A bow does not a hero make. It seems his former fiance's assessment of him is being shown true...

Certainly does.

Two of Four? Are all of the fragments in sets of four? What happens when the fragments come together...

Who knows...

Interesting...this is kinda making me think of the Tear Ring Saga map split where there are two seize points to chose from, or the Thracia map where there are two arrive points (undercut by the option to seize the church and chose via dialogue...)

It is kinda like that.

I like this plan, and its making me hope we will see something Fire Emblem almost never has, a faction opposed to both the blue and red side...

Unfortunately, that's not quite the case here.

...Well that makes me never want to bother with that choice. What a dick move.

To be fair, it's still easier, because the bael boss that spawns moves, unlike Victor.

Did not inherit her father's blood? Is that a coy way to say bastard...I guess she would kinda hate me if I used that in part of her name given her dislikes...How about Bloodless instead.

Funny, seeing how he has Blood Tide as one of her skills.

That is a brutally potent support skill.

Exceedingly so.

What a great unit, such a goof.

I love her. She just does whatever she wants, as if she's gained conscience and realized she's in a game.

It is, little to lose, and plenty to gain, and while unlikely, roll enough dice like those and you will win in the end.

I'm always right.

If only there was a third, that way you could have an axis triangle attack, like the axeyboy triangle attack of FE12

Hahah... Unfortunately, there are no triangle attacks in this game. I once tried to convince Blademaster to add one with Clint, Joe and Chrysler, but it didn't go anywhere.

Just green units...I hope these can fight the player like FE5, but I get the funny feeling this is far less interesting than I hoped.

Sadly, no.

Him being an enemy amuses me greatly, but it also irritates me that you have to talk to make the decision instead of making it through combat mechanics alone. It's a shame his death was made a game over condition but...what happens if you capture him?

I think he might be immune to captures. I'm not sure. I no longer have a chapter 11 save, so I cannot check.

Nice, a Blutgang and a Dragonshield...that is some nice stuff to capt-

...eh I guess that works too.

We got enough blutgangs.

That is annoying to deal with. If only it were like Echoes where magic ignores terrain.

We do have a magic that ignores terrain, though - the magic of supports!

Lots of stealable/captureable stat boosting items this chapter...that is an interesting touch.

Certainly encourages not throwing Evan at the enemies and let him do his thing all the time.

Yeah, a 2.268% chance of death/game over is quite scary...

Too much.

Give in to your favoritism, you know it to be the best path.

I don't even need to! Kirin succeeds with or without favoritism!

Well done in noticing and taking advantage of those mechanics.


I was kinda looking forward to the Bael eating him...

Considering it probably would've game overed me... I'm kinda glad they don't.

also did this hack just canonize that turns take an hour?

Seems like it.

The Arvis Joke just keeps getting funnier and funnier all the time.

If only she got yet another move level. Then we'd achieve maximum hilarity. Might as well end the run right there.

It really is strangely indulgent, as it is still a book of secrets, and could have kept the old name just fine...

Eh, it's just a funny nod to the prequel. I don't mind it too much.

Yikes...thank goodness it has to choose a range.

Its fatal weakness.

Them not having the time to reach the action really undermines the whole map's premise.

It does, I'm afraid. It changes the choice from "do I want the noble approach or do I sacrifice kindness for an advantage" to "do I want this unit that is worse or do I make the right choice."

Of course, I like Eren better than Aoifye because 10% movement growth, but the pros say Aoifye is slightly better, so... Meh. I'll take 'em at their word, so I can utterly disregard it.

I mean she does have 20 speed and strength. I guess I shouldn't assume those are the caps of an unpromoted unit, but it would explain these levelup given all of her previouss levelups...

I've mentioned this before, but SGW does caps like FE4 - promoting doesn't uncap them. Thus, even tier 2s have high caps, because promoting only raises them just enough to accomodate for promo gains.

I probably would have done it in a run, but it does sound like the designer failed to make this the choice they really wanted it to be due to poor timing with the green and red unit movements.

Yeah, they did drop the ball a bit here, I must say. Still a good game.

Another blonde...another drunk, even in combat they feel...Redundant (yes that is the name)


Wow, that skill sounds really unbalancing.

That's how you know Blademaster really wants you to use him.

Well, he can't tell me what to do.

It takes a key part of resource management away from the game when you use Redundant...

It turns him into a Fates character!

Now that is a nice gain...you know you want to give it to the Arvis Joke... 😛

Too late, I'm afraid. But not to worry. I have something even funnier that I fully intend to give to her.

Oof, that is an awkward misplay. Fortunately not with many consequences fortunately.

It's just funny how Nereid is so huge that nobody can lift her.

The luck begins to turn...just weather the storm.


Seems this is where all that terrible hit luck went to, saving Draco Sue. The RNG giveth and taketh, and it has certainly giveth in ways far more vital than it taketh.

Yeah. I'm perfectly happy with this turn of events, personally.

I will optimistically say you are playing better, but they are different enough games that it is hard to tell. You have had some good luck in vital places, and where bad luck comes in have been in less vital places, but I more see that as you tactically avoiding places where bad luck will lead to disasterous results.

Well, thank you! Though I think a part of it is also that I'm actually using a few good units for a change, instead of benching them on principle. Helps that I legitimately like the good units in this game.

Was worth a shot, but that is how the dice rollled.

Oh, well.

I feel like this is the second time you have lost it by a turn, which indicates a well tuned turn counts to me.

Oh yeah, these turn rewards are super well thought out. I've beaten the game three times, twice I got every reward. Never felt too pressured, and often I had a turn or two to spare. They're tight enough to encourage hurrying while leaving enough leeway to avoid having to rely on luck. Of course, this being an Ironman, I'm being more cautious than usual, and that costs me time.


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I know far too little about The Last Promis to get the reference. I have never been enough of a fan of hacks to ever get around to playing them (which does seem odd given me following this LP...)

That's okay. I wasn't referencing one of the famous characters that everyone knows.

That little angry girl is Bramimond? I am rather disappointed.

Pffft... Please, try not to upset him. We need him to save us all.

What a cheater, he wouldn't one shot with that damage, and has a 0% crit chance!

Rody breaks the game.

Firel is really focusing on the Karel part of that portmanteau of a name...

So it seems.

And people act like the power of love is a good thing. Honestly, I am coming to like these two.

I like them too. Their dynamic is really fun.

As a counter point to this misconception, in Ciri's final line she acts like she is about to die.

That's true, but since they die offscreen, I wanted to avoid any problems. You know, like the one I myself had in my first run.

They might simply have too prominent a powerbase to exclude from governmental affairs...plus I think Pyron like to drive conflict, even in his subordinate.

Good points.

Really, the Orca Pirates are seen as "great reinforcements"...how delusional

They died in one turn.

Complacency is the real ironman killer...


He reminds me of Roddelbahn, and the way that sword lies on his back reminds me of the Dragon Quest Hero they added to Smash, so I think I will go with Roddelquest.

Square on the money, Eltosian. The portrait that Blademaster used for Kenton was designed as a GBA rendition of Roddlebahn.

...Hates censored truth huh...oh this name is cruel, but Fake News comes to mind.

Make Ryu great again--

Its weird having a level 10 tier 3 character.

Well, if she were level 20, she'd leave at the end of the chapter, so I'm not complaining.

Still green for now, although I seem to remember the game mentioning him as "fixing" a powerful personal weapon...

Remember that one scene between him and Daedalus at the end of update 15? The one I skipped for a joke? That's where he asked Daedalus to repair his OP prf for him.

Luck giveth and taketh, your luck will turn, just give it time.

And so it did.

Such a classic Berseker build...

That's what you picture in your mind when you think of the name "berserker".

The thing that jumps out to me is that someone is in the Berserker's range, altough it looks like one of those tanky archers...

Nah, that part was intended.

Well that is an unfortunate bug to run into.

Yeah, but well, what can you do. I reported it ages ago and Blademaster didn't manage to fix it. There may be nothing to do about it.

Whelp I was wrong about that one. Then again the Bloodhaired Emo doesn't look like the mage that he is on the map.

With that dagger he has in his overworld sprite, you really would expect him to fare better against brigands...

Luck is still with you there.


Smart move, that crit rate looked scary.

Too much.

He saw death through his hair, and the possibility of death were revealed to him.

Maybe his hair is a filter that allows him to see the future. And it looks edgy, which he loves.

That took a lot of actions, but certainly works for feeding him that kill, and with the dragon vein active you can afford such frivolity.


Yikes, the Self Destructive fool ends your streak. Your luck finally turned


Wow, it was such a weird technicality with the Dragon Veins that made this death happen.

It's always something with my LPs...

Ouch, even the timing of his death was poor, if only he lived for a few more drunken chapters.

This is another thing I seem to have a knack for. Lost Christine before she could recruit Esteban, lost Attrom in TRS and half the game's healers with him...

I guess this blunder was for the better if it just results in more loot...

I guess so.

I was kinda wondering why attacking at two range instead of one was such a disaster. This game really sprinkles a lot of stealable loot throughout it doesn't it.

I like it. It makes thieves useful, unlike in regular GBAFE where you steal three times per game.

Two range healing is kinda nice, especially if the healer is a little squishy...

Yeah, but it still feels weird. In any case, being a second classline skill that is learned at level 16 rather than 20 does make waiting for it a bit less awful than the rest.

Not to mention an extra range on the sleep staff

That's true, too!


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What an incompitent coward.

That's him!

I am glad he lived long enough to be a part of the story in these later chapters. He has added some interesting insight to this, and the idea that he might not be here is kinda fascinating.

I love these recurring bosses. Such an awesome thing. I wish FE copied this idea. We've had enough retreaters.

Boo, don't let yout Memes just be dreams!

What are you talking about? Kirin doesn't need help, she does whatever the hell she wants!

Good, honestly those kind of restrictions are always irritating.

I agree.

I think I will join you in fininding him to be the Dull Lord.

He's just fucking Hector!

How useless...don't get me wrong, if his skill list was full of proc skills this would be nice, but it sounds like he doesn't have the skills to take advantage of it.

I think he does get one... either as his second classline skill or when he promotes to tier 3. Still lame.

Fun fact, without scrolls she has a little over 4% chance of being that con screwed by that level.

Fuck me sideways...

The power of support in action.

Always a pleasure to watch.

Alright, its funny how literally Extra Blonde Perceval takes the PUA so literally...also I wonder if this is hinting at him being a little bi

The man's kind of a sexual deviant. Of course, there's really nothing wrong with that (as long as it doesn't involve children, animals or unwilling parties, of course), and he's also a well meaning, if rather socially awkward guy. I'd definitely take him over Joe, that bastard.

Meh, I am sure you can capture or buy another one. Its no big deal, but still kinda derpy.

Just a dumb little mistake.

Now that is a life savingly useful skill!


Hindsight makes a dumbass of us all.


That is irritatingly early, and close to the starting position...it makes me wonder a little if this is a game thar lets you spawn block.

I've never tried, but it's probably possible.

Well this a tricky one, she is just so similar to her daughter...or is it granddaughter, I honestly forget, as she has (and will be named) The Most Anime Face.

Janet is Joanne's daughter.


I don't know, my sense of humor is garbage enough that I laughed.

Now that is a really interesting skill to have on a dancer, especially in fixing her movement.

Shame it's so late.

Yeah, proc skills really leaves you to the whimsy of the RNG even more than usual.

I hate them. Everyone hates them. Be like Berwick Saga, not like Radiant Dawn with its tier 3 skills that are all effectively instakills and nothing else.

Oof...and his death is a game over condition isn't it. Well I guess...

you still have plenty of actions left to fix it.

Yeah, it was but a false alarm.

Look at those memey and great stats! Let the speed armors break the game for you!

As unassuming as he looks, Clint has the potential to turn into a veritable powerhouse!

Only if you have the actions to fix that mess, as it comes with some harsh costs if you miss, so it has to die, or she has to get healed.

Chrysler could've finished the dog or rescued her.

I am getting some H5 SD ironman flashbacks seeing that 1% crit...

Oh, goodness...

The worst part about that, is those siege tomes only have like 5 uses. So often they fall into that to rare to use category, but also too niche to really be useful...

Well, hoarding is a pitfall. Fire away!

It really isn't a high chance of death thanks to true hit, he was at roughly .03% chance of death. Now if those were 1 RN rolls, that would be ~.5% chance of death, which is a lot more concerning.

Still too much. I know better than to tempt the RNGoddess at this point...

Not much better, 39 damage on a game over condition is a really uncomfortable thing to see...

The only HP that matters is 0.

If only you were using one of those Myrmidon like units that get much better with an energy ring...

Of which there are none in this game. Sakura is fine to begin with, Kenton's growth is great and Katherin sucks no matter what.

I really am not liking the personality of the Most Anime Face...

She's... a pretty bad mother, not gonna lie.

Better than Leo, though. That much I'll give her.

I mean he is using magic to get that long range kill...

True. It makes more sense than ballisticians, at least.

Ouch.. hopefully everyone over there can take a hit from him.

No worries.

Thank goodness they extra nerfed him in this appearance, taking away his immunity to range attack skill...I am strangely disappointed by this.

Huh... I hadn't even realized, but yeah, they totally did.

Status staves never seem to pan out for the player, but they sure are a nightmare when the enemy are using them...

I don't know, they have their uses. Remember the cheesy Reinhardt strat in Thracia?

Finally that seige crit strat payed off for you. Only cost the whole tome. RIP random recurring boss, he kinda grew on me the more we saw of him.

He was cool. His hair was pretty stupid.

The POWER OF THE MEMES!!!! This is amazing, and she is by far the best unit.

I agree wholeheartedly. It does not get better than Kirin. Best waifu, right there.

This is hilarious, and that hilarity literally saved her.

I hope she keeps at it.

Derp. I mean its easy enough to fix, but kinda funny issue to have

Just a funny little blunder.

Dislikes dying, and liking pacifists... they really are emphasizing that he never should have been leading armies.

If you've already read update 15, Malik realizes the reason for this, before he completely ignores it so he can throw himself at death in an attempt to avenge his son.

Birthright is going to feel extra weird (assuming you ever play it) then, as 1-2 range on basic healing staff are one of the Hoshidan features. It is nice once you get used to it, especially if you need to heal someone on the front lines while keeping you healer out of enemy range.

Damn Hoshidans, hoarding all the cool staves...

Smart move, although its a shame her surprising defense was justa few points short here.

Oh, well. Can't win 'em all.



7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:
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Perfect picture of him 😛

Isn't it? The watch thing was actually last minute, but I fully intended to give this bloke that portrait from the start.

Might not be Pyron's fault here, the ones going off to greet him might be hoping the brown nosing will see them elevated...

I mean, so far Pyron only seems to promote people who are completely terrible, so I guess such a hilarious display of incompetence and temerity would be quite convincing for him?

Why would he need to, the pathetic fool does 0 damage...


...and 43 damage...what a monster.

And here's the funniest part: This is accurate to his performance when we meet him on the battlefield.


That damage is making him look plenty mortal...although Regal had to get rather lucky for that hit.

To be fair, he'd been preparing for this. Regular people couldn't even scratch him.

What cheaters...

Such is the power of a God.

I... I guess.

Its not like the heroes of this game resembled anything trustworthy, especially after the endless betrayal.

Build an army, trust nobody, Fire Emblem.

So Garrison already had a fight with Pyron huh...wonder why Pyron let him go...perhaps as an agent...

Maybe Garrison just survived because he's good. Just a thought. Then again, who knows. Anything could happen in Betrayal Emblem...

A generic green character is capable of damaging, and surviving a round with Pyron. That looks rather promising for the prospect of killing him latter in the game.

Hopefully so.

Pyron down to 1 HP already...as the first battle we see with a god he really isn't impressing...

I mean, Ryan almost killed himself to achieve that power. It's not Pyron's fault that his first onscreen fight was against people who were prepared.

Now that was just petty Pyron...

She could've finished him off lol, I can't blame him for making sure not to die in such an embarrassing way.

I wonder why Bramomond's magic is fading like this.

It might be explained at some point.

Just thought I would point out that the faces are missing (or my computer is derping...)

No, it's my mistake. Since the update was so delayed already, I didn't properly proofread, so the mistake slipped by. Whoops! At least it's just a few unimportant lines.

Really empasizing how evil Pyron's evolutionary advancement plan is...

Utterly heartless, it is.

Bah, splitting up isn't the sign of a bad FE player, splitting up is just a difficult maneuvere to pull off.

Hahah, well, thanks for the vote of confidence, at least.

Sad display from the green units, despite being drag-

...seems I spoke too soon.

In my experience they usually all die within the first two turns. I have no idea how this happened.

I am reminded of a discussion Mekkkah and MerkyJoe have while playing the old trolly hack Mekkkah made as a kid, about a map where all the promoted enemies on the map are terrible, as he clearly messed up the autolevel system...

Pretty sure here it's intentional. Would be quite the dickmove to plop properly OP tier 3s on us at this stage.

This whole capture plan feels like a heist in action...

Good thing it was a successful heist, too!

After you pointed it out, how could I not call her Browless.

I just love how she looks so smug in her browless frame, too.

Those are the three dragon stones that arguably matter in New Mystery, as Flying grants the highest speed (fun fact, if it were available in Lunatic, it would give a cap speed Tiki/Naga enough of a boost not to be doubled my Medeus), Magic lets you ignore and deal magic damage, and Divine is the best all around. The Fire and Ice stones are just objectively worse than the Divine stone.

Yeah, works something similar in this game.

Its annoying to see that repeat...also a little weird that the Queen has the Rightful King skill.

At this point I'm pretty sure this skill just exists for the sake of G A M E P L A Y - S T O R Y   I N T E G R A T I O N .

Alright, I'm not made of stone, this support is funny, and I laugh.

Glad something finally got you. Though I cannot help but notice you completely ignored the "people die when they're killed" line, which floored me in my first run. Still, not bad!

Likes Red thing, and hates Blue thing...that seems so random, I wonder what if anything that is hinting at.

Enemies are red. Allies are blue. That's it, I'm pretty sure. Carl is so generic his likes and dislikes are limited to that.

Well that is an uncomfortable reminder that he isn't immune to magic damage (like he is to physical damage).

Too uncomfortable. I really should be more careful...

I am glad you gave this dragon a face, they totally earned it after this amazing performance.

It's a recolor of a semi-important NPC that will show up later in the game. I figured the guy deserved as much.

That could have been bad...death by poison is always such an embarassment.

Worst case scenario, I could've rescued him, and that would've kept the poison from doing its thing... But it also would've stopped the status timer, so he would've been forced to stay in Bella's pocket the entire map lol

Having a Dragon Vein on the Throne is a cute feature of the map.

Yeah, cute little detail.

I dub thee Spakithrax, a legendary Green Unit, exhibiting unheard of competance

Hoho! Cool name! Reference to anything? Google doesn't seem to be able to find it, if it is...

That was the perfect to visit that with, and if it weren't a child talking I would think them insultingly oblivious.

I wonder if it was just a coincidence.

Go Spakithrax Go, keep your glorious kill streak going!

And so he did.

This is so hilarious...thankfully Spakithrax couldn't kill, but I cracked up when they tried.

That madman would've gone after Malik if he hadn't found that bow knight!

No, they deserve to survive after this epic display.

If only I hadn't been so slow... F

For once this game didn't try to make the cast blonder, and as such he is Blondeless Arran.

I still like Eren's color scheme better than Arran's. Mostly because of the dark green. Anything green is good in my book.

Somehow I think he will be just as disappointing as the Car Interceptor.

Let's not lose hope yet. Chrysler may get his act together yet.

Besides, Eren doesn't need the movement as much as Chrysler does.

Isn't that always the case with movement stars.

Ain't that the truth.

This is great, Spakithrax is map MVP.

He will be remembered.

Also B rank instead of C rank tome...

True, true.

I have never been more impressed by a Green unit. I know some people have seen amazing result from the 3-13 archer, but this seems more impressive somehow.

3-13 wasn't that impressive in my RD run, to be honest. I think he may've lived, but he didn't mow down armies like Spakithrax here did.

Isn't Rody a dragon? Id he not from the Dragon Kingdom Ryu? He really seems like a noticeable omission.

Considering his backstory (more details revealed later today), it's likely regular Rhyses just don't know he exists.

Its not to late to have a massive party wipe-out requiring you to dust off the bench...

Please don't say things like that.

I really hope so, they deserved it after this performance.

I tried, I really did...

Yikes that effective damage is nasty.


You jinxed it.

Fuck... It ain't my fault!

Finally. I mean she still is Con screwed, but that certainly helps.

Most certainly.

Oh no, those reinforcements you jinxed into being have really doomed poor Spakithrax

Maybe I should've sacrificed Joe to protect him...

RIP Spakithrax...Ruben's tactics killed you before your time.

Truly the worst loss.

...I probably would still risk it

I wouldn't.

Especially if I can make it perfectly safe like that.

That's not "risking it", though.

I am slightly disappointed.

Eh. It would take too long to get that update done. Main reason I haven't LPed Vestaria. Can you imagine having to transcribe all that text by hand? The Law Bible was enough.

The fake Donovan mystery deepens...

So it does...

Are they even alive/around? It really seems like most of the gods are dead in this universe.

I cannot be sure. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

...Curious, would taking the Mila fragment defang Pyron then?

That's certainly an idea...

It is a weird run when an Energy Ring isn't a high demand stat booster.

My team is pretty high strength in general. Heck, most of them have speed problems rather than strength ones!

I guess that is one way to deal with that Con screwage on Lord Nanna.


Having an extended gameover like that really is a nice little touch.

I agree wholeheartedly.

...Now I am actually caught up...If this is too much to respond to that is fine, as this really is a bit of an avalanche.

It's really not a problem. I love long replies.


Things happen in this update:

Mimg9pwq o

If only.

A6ka2olp o

Oh it's you!

Upxatr3h o7g2wnnnx oGugszc0i oZe666xld o

Anna helpfully explains how tier 3 promotions work.

J6l6nmbl o

We have arrived at our destination! And it looks like somebody's already out waiting for us.

W9hrmf52 o

Vhfxzqd0 oYes. This mansion is owned by Jonas, a noble of Amatera. He is a relative of Eli, the former ruler of the Fire Clan. On the outside, he pretends to be a slave trader, but he's actually a kind man. He buys slaves and takes them here to help them recover from their trauma.

9qk5ifz8 o That's an... interesting background for the character. I wonder what he looks like.

Vhfxzqd0 oThough he has taken an especial liking to the worren.

Det8lbw5 oWorren?

Zgcyfelr oAn odd cat human hybrid Pyron created.

9qk5ifz8 oAlso another reference to Breath of Fire, I'm pretty sure. This game is full of 'em.

Zgcyfelr oPyron tried to combine the nimbleness of cats with people, but only females could survive the process due to their naturally higher magic.

O1qqs5vc oThey suffered a loss of intelligence in the process, so Pyron considered them failures. They're rare, but very strong. He has a few of them in his army as expert spear users.

Pkilzknj o

O1qqs5vc oBecause he often throws crazy and absurd parties among the other nobles, he's managed to hide the full extent of his activities from them.

Vhfxzqd0 oBut it comes at some personal pain to him. Either way, he has been a critical ally of ours in this war. He even helped fund Eli's rebels at one point.

Mxwyhhed o

All right, let's meet the man, then.

Ex9dijlc o

...Yes! Yes! It's Oliver! Ahahaha, of course!

I do wonder what's the reason for the name change. Why Jonas? I tried doing a bit of research, but the best I could find is that DC superhero Green Arrow's full name is Oliver Jonas Queen, and that doesn't line up with the trend of references in this game, so I'm pretty sure it's just a coincidence.

Vhfxzqd0 oJonas, I could say the same to you! I take it you've heard the news?

Wdyluz09 oYes! I am glad to hear that Malik has finally been bested by your army. And of course, I am aware of the other details in your letter. While no Cyran forces have arrived just yet, you are welcome to stay until then. Though a word of caution. I have a deal going on tonight. The Orca Pirates have a shipment coming in for me.

Lgjkwhcy o The Orca Pirates? Oh yeah, that's gonna go well, I'm sure.

Wdyluz09 oMore rejects from Belkina's old magic experiments.

Vhfxzqd0 oI understand. We will keep out of your way during that trade.

Det8lbw5 oYou are very knowledgeable about all kinds of slaves on the market, yes?

Tjn6kvgm o

Det8lbw5 oDo you know if a descendant of Alester named Nia or a boy named Ben have gone on sale anywhere?

Wdyluz09 oA boy by some name is too vague. I would not know, my apologies. But... A descendant of Alester? ...I've heard rumors of one being given to Rody. Apparently that girl is the reason that he has gone crazy in Merv.

Det8lbw5 o! That explains it. Rody must have taken a liking to Nia somehow. And even more than Katherin, Nia wants nothing but the death of Conway. She must have told him everything about Propater in exchange for his death.

Lgjkwhcy o Shh! Not so loud! Katherin might betray us as well, and... Wait, what am I saying? She's useless! Let her go for all I care!

Vhfxzqd0 oCousin Rody is doing the will of a human? He isn't one to break a promise in his own cruel way, but he doesn't even acknowledge that humans are living creatures.

Wdyluz09 oWell, come rest inside for now, friends. When the Cyrans arrive, I'll let you know.

Gatmcpth o
7s8lrsx8 o

L6ldsx3m oRody currently owes me and my brother Jeff a favor. I don't know what it is that he owes Jeff and for what, but he wrote me about it in one of his letters. Rody sometimes writes me about things in the outside world that confuse him. He was locked in a cell for 300 years, so I understand his situation.

Uedfz3v4 o Holy shit, no wonder he went batshit insane. Over a hundred thousand days just staring at the wall. I know time for dragons is different, but... Sheesh, I'm surprised he even has the ability to think still!

L6ldsx3m oSince I freed him from his cell, he promised me he would do anything. If I speak to him, he would probably stop fighting against any army I'm in.

Vhfxzqd0 oSo if we come across Rody, Mother should speak with him. Or perhaps I can deliver a letter from you in your stead?

L6ldsx3m oYes. I shall prepare such a thing as well.

Tvvdmrl6 o

That felt like a rather "gamey" exchange, so to speak. Pretty obviously setting up the way to handle Rody when we inevitably confront him. Let's hope the next one isn't as blatant.

Jazg5ubi o

New people! Gee, I wonder which one of these is recruitable.

None. None is the answer. Though I do find it rather funny how they're using Mansel as a generic.

X2pgenbd oGive Jonas my best regards.

A8s4p0uw oOf course, Sir Capone.

Lgjkwhcy o His name is Capone. C'mon... Could it be any more obvious that he's a bad guy?

A8s4p0uw oGive Sir Froid Master Jonas's best wishes too.

Cil9xxly oIf we're done, then let's go. Being so close to Ryu after their victory is a pain.

A8s4p0uw oIndeed. We were a bit worried about the trade going safely tonight.

79upihhg o

Oh! That's a person offscreen!

Zig36mzl o

Well, shit. Who could've foreseen this. They're betraying us.

Pcs8yz74 o

...I do not believe that lady has clothes on.

Give me just a minute, let me just... try something... Give me a sec here... uh... what was the button again... ahh, there...

Msvlmgi1 o

...God fucking damnit, it doesn't work like that...

A-Anyway, let's carry on now. We still have a map to play.

Cil9xxly oYes. The mansion is surrounded. With Malik's defeat, Larry ordered us to take Jonas out saying his services were no longer needed.

X2pgenbd oIt's a shame. He was such a useful customer. But as Pyron would say, the weak are meant to be feasted upon by the strong. His money will go towards a better cause.

44nwxffy o

A8s4p0uw oAmatera has sent forces to kill Master Jonas! With Malik gone, they've decided to just steal his wealth and kill him! Why they've decided to do so for such an odd reason, I don't know!

Lgjkwhcy oI don't see what's so odd about it. They're willing to sacrifice half their army because they deem them "unworthy." A fat old man is no doubt something they have little interest in allowing to exist.

L6ldsx3m oIt seems we are destined to fight in defensive battles such as these.

Vhfxzqd0 oWhere is Jonas?

A8s4p0uw oIn his room. Please, help him! There are worren in the south that can help you! Just open up their cell!

Lgjkwhcy o Cell? Wait, wasn't Jonas saving them from slavery?

L6ldsx3m oThey can be quite the powerful allies. Thank you, we will protect Jonas, I swear!

A8s4p0uw oIndeed! We have other worren sleeping in the basement. It will take time, but I will rouse them to our cause!

9qk5ifz8 o This is the excuse for the time limit. After the defend timer runs out, this guy will reappear with an army of worren, and the enemy will be driven back. Before then, however, we must pillage Jonas's treasury. Damn straight. We're gonna rob the man while we defend his manor. We're the heroes!

Loya5ykt o

Without further ado, let's promote Eren.

Lon34gv5 oPt9tbwyr o

Now he looks cooler!

My1lusid oErifdbn1 o6sou1yzf o

Awesome, now he's cooler.

Rehizozn o

Astrea eats up a body ring. She desperately needs it.

I3zkrzo1 o

Eren grabs a goddess icon because... I mean, might as well.

D3ps4mrn o

Map start! As soon as I press enter-- Ahem, sorry, start, this dude teleports to the entrance to Jonas's room.

Lngm0foq o

Well, well, if it isn't Mr. Ominous Theme.

Wdyluz09 oBaine? You're a lifesaver. It is good to see you yet again, my friend. The warrior worren are currently in their rooms. If you can get word out that they can fight and open their door, they can assist in this battle.

C1lykjww oVery well. In the meantime, I will try and protect you for as long as I can.

9qk5ifz8 o I like how he still has his super ominous theme when he's doing an undisputably kind deed. Unless he turns around and murders the guy, but I hope it doesn't come to that.

Uw4iukuz o
Rxni6zex oHsonebir oVuojrfeg o

I have once again forgotten to show the team. Evan, Relina and Lex sit this one out due to fatigue, and Kirin and Chrysler return. Also had room for Kenton, let's give him another chance. Also, Condor is out in the mostly indoor map, while Clint is in. Though, to be fair, with his movement point Clint doesn't need to rely on Outdoor March as much anymore.

Today's map is a fog map, which is not great. We're under attack by a mixed force of assassins and the Orca Pirates. Yes, the dragons are assassins. Anyway, today is, contrary to the name of the map, not a breather map. Quite the opposite, actually, this is no walk in the park. Despite the defend objective, we'll want to go on the offensive from the get go, because we have places to be: First, north, to assist Baine. Believe it or not, he'll be in serious trouble if we don't give him a hand. Plus, he once again has goodies for Astrea. Second, east, to the treasure room. As I said earlier, we'll use the chaos of battle to... "repossess" Jonas's belongings. There are important items in the chests, and we'll want to beat the thief there... or at least reach him before he escapes so we can capture him. It won't be easy, though. We'll have to fight a bunch of dragons, swordsmen and no less than two bosses on our way there. We'll also want to go outside to kill a stationary boss carrying a master crown. Last but not least, it's not necessary, but if we open the doors directly to our south, the worren will help by serving as distractions. All in all, quite the frantic map.

Vjupwh6y o

All right, let's get started.

Lwbphtmi oYfwysdgk oXbkpjqcn o

With Daedalus doing something, to be precise.

Tswzew9i oQk81jbcq o

Good job, mate. You did a thing. Still boring.

Nzxpr1l4 o

Artemis and Nereid B.

I1qjsuob o

2r3s1rge oWhat do you mean?

3t4acnv7 oYou have the right to wield the Emblem Axe, like your father. The aura that such people emit and the corresponding weapon. I can recognize that in people now. You and Nicole both possess it. Though in Nicole's case, her weapon would be the Emblem Bow.

2r3s1rge oInteresting. Have you seen any others with that aura? Surely there are more candidates at a time, correct?

3t4acnv7 oYes. I have seen others. There was a soldier in the Red Army, for example. He could also use the Emblem Axe.

9qk5ifz8 o If you recall, Kuroth wanted to trade Nereid off to her parents in exchange for the Emblem Axe, even though he couldn't use it. This confirms it - he wanted it for his newly adopted son, who just so happened to be able to use it. Guy was always meant for greatness, it seems...

3t4acnv7 oThen there was Lars. Though he wasn't trained in the sword, he had the aura to use the Emblem Sword. Beyond them, I haven't seen anyone else. I've never met one who could use the Emblem Lance.

3ihnocyy o

The Fiya Emburem! It exists here?!

3t4acnv7 oNo. I didn't even really learn what the Fire Emblem is.

2r3s1rge oHmm... I wonder if there is anyone out there who does?

Ufvx1jm1 o

Neat bit of worldbuilding.

Awyzcqjq oVepxtprg o

Let's keep at it, then.

Nzky12bf o0qfit8qq oC1eyosbh o

Oho! Keep at it, and keep it up! Way to go, Clint!

Myuz50kj o

You can rally some defense, Joe.

Y6yzw6zx o

More supports.

9nkmyncj o

I really hope he also remembers his movement growth is 15%. Sooner than later, preferably.

S7fegomf oYeah. I think about him quite often. He's the reason I joined the rebellion.

7edpyz6l oHe was a nice guy. Always prayed, had a beautiful voice...

S7fegomf oHe was much better than I, that's for sure.

7edpyz6l oAnd yet, when Bishop Gomer told him to kill himself for Pyron, he did so instantly without a second thought. With a smile on his face, too.

Uedfz3v4 o ...That escalated quickly...

S7fegomf oNot everyone in the Church of Pyron was that twisted. Father Monty never asked anyone to do something like that.

7edpyz6l oIt always seemed like the ones that were closer to the pope were more messed up.

Cqnggdnb o

Don't you blame Evil Moulder! This bishop of yours, he had a brigand name. No wonder he turned bad! Evil Moulder is blameless, he's a wonderful man! He's so handsome!

S7fegomf oThat's certainly true.

V99vhpyo o

Eh, not too bad conversation. The bonuses are the most important part of it.

Dhmch8ws o

And now, let's see what we're dealing with.

Gx4zfdel o


X4zb62kh o

Well, anyway. Chrysler finishes the Hector that Artemis softened up.

Bzippc5h o


It begins.

83dkkjhb o

Ahh, another one with Rally Defense! He can promote soon, then.

Jijyld7b oJyoh36ia o

Kenton gets some help to--

Qxgescr0 o

...Nice. Slow myrmidon. My favorite.

A6plosqi o

Better. With PCC, that's a guaranteed kill.

35rfzevu oWlh2nrs7 o3eadm02h o

Galeforce, go!

Uu0ugu8s o

Guhh... I really, really wanna try this, but...

02frqcpm oVqjrtgx5 o

I mean, this is pretty useless, but...

...Gaaahhh, where's Evan when you need him!? I should've given him a stamina pouch...

I9zld3tc o9splxdid o

Okay, regardless.

Putziyyt o

Eyy, a level for Nereid!

Aaxeqxmq oMsgxmp0a oAl9zdtzm o

The guy is then erased by Iris and Dexi.

Hscevwnv o

...Guhh... This, though... Even if Kenton fails, I can try to finish with Eren, but if both of them fail, Eren's a dead man...

Xkuoit4d o


9awwyntk o

And then I panicked and made the worst possible choice: Nothing. The snipers get to do whatever they please. Fuck me...

Anzknrun o

Hmph... Well, this is good news to start. This guy could've reached Dexithea from the other side, but instead he blocked his pal. Good work, man.

Gl0q0ium oNvjivi6r o

Good thing she didn't crit, though... Sheesh.

Somgdcan o5v522cta oZwnaxyqy oRdf4upak o

Hah! Outclassed!

Zs0rshlg oPwh9l8jp o

Baine gets attacked. As usual, he fails to put his high crit to good use.

8a0xwgki o9pdafg4h o

And then Eren almost dies.

Nice. Fucking beautiful. I almost lost Eren immediately. I love myself...

69ctd5xk o

Siiiiiiiigh... No, but seriously, my luck in this run is being unreal. I should've lost twice the amount of units I have, but no. All the dodges happen at the best possible times. It's a feeling I am not accustomed to... But I like it.

L9oo3kwq o

An assassin, in name and class both, attempts to take out Baine.

Clz6n7eg o

He fails.

Nr9xoptz o5nu4lhud o

These generals, though. So pathetic. Baine will soon find himself all alone against the opposition.

Fhkzwsvx o

...An enemy dancer!?!?!?

Hlkby2oh oRlni95sp o

I find it funny how Renewal heals Baine back to full, and then he takes a scratch from the poison. Poor venom just can't keep up...

N8er7cyq o

On his turn, Baine changes to the objectively worse weapon and fails miserably to finish this dragon. Why, Baine? Why not the master sword? What did you stand to gain by swapping to this?

Db9hhny4 o

More enemies. Not powerful enough to do Baine any real harm.

99fucki4 oD9ufblyc o

So let's just keep going. Swordslayer swordslays no matter what, so might as well go for a capture.

Ukd1384h oYzyjliut o

I mean, light brand sucks, but...

I2pptep3 o

Oh, hey! Since Eren brings Canto to the team, Chrysler is able to trigger his movement skill! Look at that. Beautiful.

Zsowvpug oM14smkud o

Man... You think I should start a miraculous saves count? Never needed it before, but in this run... This is insane! How is Eren alive!? He had such a high chance of death, and he didn't go for it! He truly did intend to live on, did he not... Well, I won't squander this second chance!

Cwgjbz8l o9exxysef o

Clint and Joe team up on a ninja.

Punyccdi o

Chrysler then rallies.

Syhxeamn o

Dexithea drops her captive.

V5r3bbbm oZvcvnkhh o

Then Bella and Kenton team up on the remaining sniper.

Xr6g3v1m o

Hoho, not bad at all! He's still slow for a myrmidon, but hey. With stats like these (and Galeforce), he might be worth deploying. Just as long as we can muster the room, of course...

Qua8ruwr o

Artemis grabs another kill.

V8o4ud3a o42fyevq7 o

I care about your levels even less than Janet's.

Lh31oosd oZb3tpg9p o

I do have an objective with Kirin, though: get her to level 20 today. She was at 18/60~ EXP at the start of the map. Should be doable.

5fkrwblh oFjhg2van oB9qztrjv o

These guys are so sad. They do have Poison Strike, but... Holy shit. Light brands are terrible weapons.

Ayabyiqu o

Down with you! We've mostly taken control of this area.

M9pokbh8 o

Nereid will handle the worren.

Bf1twibm o

Oh hey. More enemies. This one's carrying a pouch, which is neat.

Worsiwjy o

Next turn, we'll begin our march to the east.

X1zgkytf oLni0ogt2 o

The green units come under attack, as before.

Nsjc3f7z oMhksxkuc o

Chrysler, too, comes under attack. The enemy is unsuccessful.

T0p3d0ct o

Oof! Poison Strike did a bit more damage, though. Still, he's not in danger.

Hq81bxh1 o

Nereid dodges by using her shield to cause the enemy's attack to glitch out.

Tlfwbton o

Another one? Sure, that's no problem.

Vegfh6ni o0bxqrgxu o

More of these pathetic buffoons attempt to scratch out forces. Poison Strike does more than they do.

Ifjhpew6 o

...Okay, that, that's scarier.

Jsos0fmg oGq5nx6s5 o4rmj9b9d o

Baine comes under attack from two assassins. Still nothing too big.

5cvdsiqn o

...What the...

Jhuztero o

What in the world is that?!

Wudtjapl oYbyyeuch oTgpo40wn o

Baine, the dragon! Why this guy? He cannot hurt you! Go after the one who can!

5z98djj9 o

A lancer... That's not good news. With WTA he can actually do something against Baine.

Alr49evl o

Anyway, this fellow.

Mrd57huz o

He's a promoted Fuuma, actually. Swords, magic and fine stats. Still, this one in particular isn't that threatening.

Jsoated5 o

I'm more worried about the thugs above him... They have better might and one of them carries an armorslayer.

Snwxzxii oUigukeqn o

Anyway, this'll be a level for Kirin. Make it a good one as only you know how!

7ij3pek8 o


Www9grni o1llo8r7l oCcbrgdrb o

Well, whatever. Let's do more things.

Xw75gsn6 oJvttrfa0 o

Janet discards her 1 use vulnerary to steal a pouch.

Mtbx9py0 oIfdioqc8 o

With a strength rally, Eren one-rounds dragons with the steel lance. Without, he could've done the same with his silver lance. Amazing.

2p33ai4x oLt13z0vc o72rlihku o

I'm so glad you're still breathing.

Xxrewsbl oPqxkbpjo o

Dexithea can handle this other one.

D7kqd9kt oGxauddj0 oKhemck3p o

Hoho, hell yeah she can!

Jltcuqnw o50pumhai o

All right, let's unleash these gals.

Yjychihi o

They're extremely squishy, but 18 speed and strength will allow them to dish out some mean hits to someone before they go down.

Ksvwsino o

Soo this is the one that I'm a bit worried about. If he goes after Joe, it's no big deal, but...

Udya5esz oHbhyfmnx o3vt0w2nr o

Immediately after saying that, I proceed to put Clint in range of the guy. You know, Clint. The guy who doesn't just get hurt more by the guy, he also one-rounds him because he's the fastest unit in the team.

Laqjxjek o

Classic defense formation. Pretty sure nobody near us has range, so we should be good.

Wpttqeom o2c0aurz9 o

Baine finally killed the dragon.

Owz0lyxq o

Also, this guy.

Bkkgobpw o

Well, those are some... super fancy animations. Of course, as always, the problem with fancy animations in GBA is that when you have to see them constantly they lose their impact. It rather surprises me that, after all these years and all these incredible improvements to hacking, nobody has gone ahead and implemented dynamic animations. Heck, not even entirely dynamic like SNES - just add different animations for doubling and I'd be content.

Nq6infg2 o

Well, no matter. Guy's gone.

Fqgs1xs8 o

Holy shit, that damage...

Yhnwymlj o

And he goes and misses one of his strikes, too. Sheesh!

Tfvqzs4a oEqa6k2ft o

Kenton gets more crits the lower his likelihood of it.

Xy8iia5r o

Oh, shit! More dragons!

Agchbav3 o

...Okay. That's absolutely terrible. Yeah, this is what I was talking about. 19 damage, and he cannot retaliate. Not only that - there's another one lurking in the fog.

0ozmjlxy oDdeqscvt o

Oaaaargh! Clint! Clint, no! That's lower than I'd like...!

N8k3rxuj oTjgduz5k oC95yemi6 o

...Wait, I don't think anyone else can reach him.

2n56qhjt o

Hoho! Hell yeah! That was good actually!

In5riurq oOccymb4l o

Yeah, you keep doing your thing.

Vkr5o7gt oXry5bxwo o

Oh my fuckin'-- No! Don't do that, Baine! You're not well in death range...!

M6ezj7xw oSql2pban o

Ahhh, okay. I breathe easier now.

Io3cmgwn o

He has Powerstaff, too, so he gets to heal twice. Back to full it is! Thanks a lot, Notliver!

H5ko41wr oD2vdjx2m oOxshbrtx o

Oh, incidentally, I should probably show him off while I still can. Unfortunately he does not join, but he will forever remain in our hearts.

Notice the age, by the way.

Hbc7jaef oPpc7qhk4 o

All right, you lot! It's time to die!

Um2fc8zo o

Let's also light up some more of the castle.

C1p0sudc o

Eh. 15 more experience for Kirin.

I4qrhnml o

...She's gonna need to get bailed out. Urgently, I might add.

K4ypiil0 oBheyiegw o

But first, Artemis wounds the closest thug.

L5sz5ym6 o

Well, that sucks.

Vulfdurm o

Anathema lowers the avoid and crit dodge of units within 3 tiles by 10. It's useful. I'll probably promote her soon. I need more than two staff users!

Njau4ztq o

C'mon, Kenton. You've got to be kidding me.

Damv24oh o

Fine, then. You do it, Bella.

Tsian9l2 o


Ilneaiad o

Out of harm's way, Kirin.

4emzhcyv o

...Mmm no.

Zhdoslfq o

Let's instead buff everyone's defense. I don't want Kirin to facetank those mercenaries.

Gvrfuifh o

Hwahahahahahahahah... Iris with the holy stone, folks. This is her true power. One-rounding dragons.

6exbhc3r oWarmnhx3 oQe0rmdpp o


Brsqhlxi o

On her way back, Nereid opens another door. The worren are now all free!

Mrck1czh o

Messy formation, but if it works, it works.

5aqrixqq oOjftirvj o


6c5llcxe oSoxbu7il o


Rialepzs o


G264oft2 o


Qc40spaz oCscapgtn o6zbsasop oWmczdjti o

This happens too.

Q33tjg9i o

Shieeet! I hope that one cannot reach Iris now...

Lb3clxhm o

...Okay, no. Good.

Agekqqvp o

All right, so there goes the pack of worren, and... Now Jonas will heal Baine.

Hbrgryip o

...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany second now...

Pdujyj4d o


Zxdsievz o

Okay, don't panic. I know how to fix this.

5tc8gqku o

Oh hey. Neat.

7twskuno oXl98xfx7 oP4tyvocn o

There we go, Kirin to the rescue!

Gzhbqhyg o

Don't waste time, Astrea. Head north to your good friend Baine.

Qh8dkvee o8xej99ea o

Daedalus does a thing. He has to use flashbangs, he's so much of a coward.

Zt5gkhww o

Shoulda learned from Eren! He procced Luna and one-shot this merc, like a boss!

E6ugtvjm o

Holy tomatoes. The queen dies...

Jry4huvu oAtrdjt9g o

Okay, so here's the plan. First, rallies, because these two have nothing better to do.

W3kczp1t oAtcwkzli o

Third, we stand in a formation that I have no name for.

Yvi7k34l o

Third, we watch as absolutely nothing happens.

Hojf3xr4 oPlgygyzj o

Not so tough now, are ya.

Eldkpi2i o

...Oh, blistering barnacles. He's already there? Well, it's far too late to beat him to the treasure room, but that's just as well. He's not immune to captures. We can let him do the dirty work, and then we'll relieve him of the spoils. Just gotta make sure we'll be there in time.

Gbthbhzt o6krlvb0c o

Can you please stop, Jing Ke? Please.

7x81dpdm o

Almost back to full. Good, we won't have to use another physic charge on him.

1wcnmynt oUt66gtdk o


Vk0d0nq2 oImuvzohg o

That was pathetic.

Yfdrkgcq o

They're spreading out now. Just as well by me.

3ddirau4 o

Okay, so Jonas decided to heal the one worren instead of the guy protecting his life. I guess they weren't kidding when they said he's fond of them.

8o431hmd o

More pathetic swordies. No problem.

Kikxskzw oFcqwde47 oSgi4rqtw o

Since she doesn't have to heal Baine, Kirin can instead focus on patching up our own team. 30 more experience, almost there, c'mon!

Hnl9qk49 o

Now that she's healthy again, the murderchicken can do more murderchicken things.

Zzjzy0rm oCzy1rgc2 oVrqc8p0i o

Like so.

Aalms1ot o

Speed is good.

V4hqwwab o

Eren will accompany Astrea north to see Baine. Perhaps I should've sent a couple more guys, but we're a bit tight on forces down south.

Bxgu9k6k oQwzciiss oCtg8w6bv oPtlpzlnu o

Oh, okay, so I decided to heal Baine after all. Sure, me from the past, whatever you say. Man, I really was desperate to get her to level 20, wasn't I...

V0vzz4ls oMjvjoeap o

All right, back to fighting. This will net Chrysler another level. Perhaps you can follow your friend's example and get two move points in a row?

Kjjqnsqf o

Shame, but a point is good enough, and I gotta say, I'm glad you've gotten as much speed as you have.

7mrbrhtg o

...Damnit, really?

Bfsqmqh0 o

Out of the way!

25wqk3ta o

That's more like it.

Jrz3sbho o

Uncharacteristic level for him. Still boring.

1ljyuvks oAsxbc7pe o

Hmmm... Gotta say, I'm not fond of how low that leaves Joe...

Yafhyhdx o4qy6nlia oJc9v2ubx o

Meh, he's very far away. I think we can afford it.

Byklqylo o

Oh my God, Kenton. Damnit, I can't even blame him here, it's my fault for not healing him...

N7lfjxdt o

Fine. We can try this, and then he can finish.

Xueqod0b o

Or Dexithea can do that. Works just as well.

Pajy7c0d oKhmt6mjp oRtzo2yar o

Gotta love supports. This already heavily unbalanced match up got even more hopeless... for the enemy! Hahaha!

Z4ruea7q oJk7eapwu o

Let's just get Iris out of the way, and...

Maope6n2 o

Good. Things are going smoothly so far.

Apmoinmz oSboonbft o

Oh, and the lancer goes after one of the worren! Perfect, perfect.

Ktr8bq1v oI6v1sbk0 oAtlgfbio o

That's a crit! You can tell because he's spinning his sword so fast, you can't see it!

Iec0kdfi o1c7zo5dm o

Level for Clint.

Rlzi74h8 o

Bwahahahahahah... Ahahahahahah! Capped speed, ladies and gentlemen. Shame it's such a low cap, but then again, he's an armor. It used to be even worse, so let's just count our lucky stars.

L2emphcj o

This happens, as usual.

Ajbpn3je o

Ohoho, no, haha, no no I don't think so. That belongs to Kirin, not you, my sneaky friend. But, do keep it for now. Cherish it. Enjoy it while it lasts...

Dtiaode5 oL7qooobw o

Oho, 87 dodge!

Ojnnxkq0 oCb3fo8f4 o

...Ah! Stop it, you bastard!

M0vsshts o

HAAAAAAAH! Foiled by slowpoke dragon movement!

9qrcv6rz oLk7ulyv5 o

Okay, what next, then?

Lnmskg8n oVvsczegb oMzazu67n o

Hey, they're actually helping! How nice of them.

6ddcwi7p oS32amply o0nu1lui1 o

Well, I mean... They're definitely trying.

Ca83wp9n oXoed8w1e o

Whoa! Impressive!

Cnujti04 o

Ayyyy Jonas, my man!

Z6mctpt0 o

Astrea, too, is healed, by Kirin's passive.

D4s9umza o

No time to rest, though. Gotta get some more heals done to level up! Not too long now...!

Kmxac5ad o

...Wha... What...

Okay, so now she's just straight up given up on levelling up. I'll never understand this woman. Never.

Ogdrijut o

This is all Daedalus is good for. Being carried by a weapon cooler than him.

Xyqlfzii oIm9qhn2h o2b9krnug o

Let us hurry forth now. I want to be ready to intercept that filthy thief.

Lmcebxnd o

Oh hey there, boss.

90hzkrxl oWrdv4cqw o3xgwl0uj o

He's an Orca Pirates higher-up. He's... pretty mediocre, as far as bosses go.

4hvfcxnt o

So let's just buff some defenses here...

Xsro4v6h o

Hmmm... Nah. This shot is not worth.

Gstoz2ix o

Let's check out Jing Ke.

R6oghfuw oLsar0qrg oWjchxdse o

I mean, not check out as in, "check out", but rather check out her stats.

Anyway, this one's a lot more threatening. No wonder, she's only outranked by Watch and Conway! Then again, being below that pathetic asshole Watch is... In any case, she has capped strength and a crit blade, not to mention she dances for enemies. I'd like her out of my hair sooner than later, but she's surrounded by dragons...

W96ad3pb o

Thankfully, she only has an A rank in swords, so she cannot use this. But we can.

Jd8ltzv9 o

Let's see how Clint-- nope. Nope, nope, nope.

Tfeiohtt o8zob3sjb oLtibit6r o

Look, let's just... Improvise a little.

Xs3oehh5 oBy1z7myq o

Joe will stand in the front. At least one of the dragons should go after the almost dead worren. Then hopefully things will go well. It's... not my most solid plan, but I can't come up with much else here.

Vxyyenmi oNojetseo o

Let's hope for the best.

Hfo9qc9n oGshgrwp3 o

Up here, we're almost ready to converse with Baine.

Lzyahoaz oDtq3aozn o4reozn29 o

Ack! Nereid!

4hrqo0lt o

Yeah, there we go. As expected.

Wcrbq6rb o

Okay, and now, if Jing Ke goes after Joe, she should be unable to do much against him... Yeah, I think this works out.

Fw0wmrts oAex5nfuw o


Ie7lcsgq o

This isn't as awesome as the master crown, but it is still nice. We've got some troops in need of a tier 2 promotion. Chrysler and Artemis, for example. Mirielle, too... Hmm.

Ays9gxmz o

...Oh, shit. She's dancing... okay, okay, not to worry. Joe exactly survives.

Iho9ebfi o

She has CHARM! NO! JOE!

Vcfyj2ik o


How... how ironic. He got murdered by a woman's charms.

Porsf7wr o

I mean... the world's probably better off this way. He's a scoundrel. But... Damnit, my full armor team! And Clint's support partner... He'll have to make do with Relina from here on.

Unless we... kill off Relina's other support partner! Hahahah, perfect id-- Wait... No, fuck! Blistering barnacles and bollocks, shit... I mean, we could kill off Lex's support partner, but I don't think I will do that, thank you very much. Clint will have to go on with just a B.

5szmlanz o

Oh right, about Clint... now we'll never get to find out about his wife.

Meh, I'll just go ahead and say it: In Clint's A support with Joe, it is revealed that the reason he was able to connect with his third wife in spite of being a socially awkward dork is... She's completely deaf.

Yeah. That's supposed to be the joke. The only reason Clint's wife doesn't run from his obnoxious ass is that she's deaf and can't hear the nonsense he speaks. Haha, he's such a loser, he needs a deaf wife to not be single forever! Lame!

...Except then you stop to think about it and you realize that the man doesn't care about her disability. He unconditionally and undyingly loves her, completely deaf as she is, with all the inconvenience that comes with it.

What I'm trying to say is, Clint best boy. I hope he never dies.

Fkw9ukw4 oMqaijbxy o

The worren gang up on the swordreaver guy that attacked Nereid. They actually killed him! Way to go!

Mvbjcnyl oEqrnbfwg o

Jonas then healed Iris and... Kirin, who was only lacking one HP? I mean, sure. Thanks, I guess.

Ta2lhcos o

Kirin, in turn, heals Nereid.

Lgjzbltt o

She will take on Capone. With the scaramouche and the pillar, she'll be fine, I'm sure.

Aymkzhfi o


8uaylgsh o

No, seriously, I really need to start promoting mages. I'm using Joanne as a healer. Ridiculous.

Tvb2h4xa o

All right, then. Daedalus will back Nereid up. In retrospect, I'm not sure why I did this, but hey, with a swordslayer, he'll be fine, so why not.

1zyhafg6 o

Time for some vengeance. Go join Joe now!

Jsxp0tvz o

Ah, but you're not the true killer, oh no...

Fahhdomh o

YOU are! Despicable piece of shit, what kind of monster dances while on the enemy team?! It's only fair when I do it!

I5tpbhyv o

Oh yeah? Well, you know what else is quite deadly?

A3ctwzlm o


Rmizqqit o


Nc4pkw1e o

How are you even talking after a hit like that.

7lgwfvuz o

More strength? More strength.

2sfihicq o


0da5lchd o

Ahh, and the next boss reveals herself.

Xycsbntu oDjq75wu9 o7t4urd3n o

Lili is pretty weak. Iris will one-round her like all the rest. Still, she doesn't move and she has a master crown. Her job isn't to be threatening, it's to hide behind Jing Ke and her army of dragons and try to survive the map so we don't get to promote both Evan and Kirin.

She has failed.

Luw8zozw o

Let's carve a safe path to her.

Svjb4eio oD8k8za9d o569a4vbs o7x6dsawf o

'Notha kill for Kenton. He procced Astra on the second attack, because proc skills be useless like that.

H0f2qjrs o

Slow myrmidon.

Dzatjkwu o

Oh hey, he learned the +15 crit skill. Maybe now he'll actually begin to get crits on the first attack?

Egqsdykb o07zoexx2 o

With his Galeforce movement, he rescues Iris, and Bella helps him to put her closer to Lili.

1mvzfupz o

Okay, good.

5ymiye2e o

...Well, but first, let's speak to Baine.

Zfzrbiqh o

C1lykjww oWhenever I rescued any worren or slaves from the Hell Hounds or others, I would always bring them back to Jonas's mansion. I had caught wind of there being an attack on his life planned for tonight. I couldn't sit by and let him risk death. ...Just like in Propater, not everyone in Amatera fights for Pyron.

9qk5ifz8 o That's some weird wording, but I think what he's trying to say is that, just like not everyone in Propater fights for the same purpose, neither does everyone in Amatera. Neat.

Det8lbw5 o! I see. Your help here is certainly most welcome. Would you consider fighting alongside us after this battle?

C1lykjww oI cannot. I have private reasons for why I continue to fight as I do. But I will support you whenever our paths cross. Defeating Pyron is the only real goal that I have. As such, take this with you. It will help you on your journey.

Det8lbw5 oThank you, Baine. I'm glad to have an ally like you.

C1lykjww oI as well, Astrea.

9do9rnkf o

Awesome! I don't know who could use this. Maybe Kirin...

Jplc4br9 o


Iwhqthol o


C1xzr8e2 o


Ljhlnmkr o

Okay, enemy phase time. Capone charges Nereid, as expected. Like all the other Orca Pirate bosses, he has a convo with Nereid.

2r3s1rge oCapone, huh? I won't regret killing you.

H2xg1ohn o

I like these interactions. With Loki and Conner she seemed remorseful, but it's clear she doesn't think very highly of ol' Al.

Btramlub o6spitft2 oCby108i9 oTpoyntsv o


5x1jyhpt oLilkotmy o


Zpncene3 o

Oh hey, that dude's done pilfering the chests. Good. Time to pilfer him!

L6ohdcne o


Pczr2ub8 o

That was just a stupid idea.

Sxi6tll0 o

...Wait! Drat, no! My boss kill!

D2useupq oYsmezc85 o


Toxa6siw o

I mean, what were you gonna do? Politely refuse?

6qxhtqac o

Fuck me, my boss kill! That's not... That's not allowed-- Wait SHIT! THE THIEF! WAIT! DON'T GO ANY FURTHER! STOP RIGHT THERE! STOP!

2fh3skav o

Oh, fuck me! I need to get to that thief yesterday!

Plmxewan o5ftxuuiq oAxldsov1 o

Oh thank God. Was real scared for a second there....

9ryhwapn oDe5zczeg o

Boom, gotcha.

1i9yxrnf o

Better heal Baine, now. For some reason Jonas just loves to leave him at middling HP. Fuck if I know why, considering his life depends on the man's survival.

Nvwxmgb7 o3phlcqky o6ztinbcj o

And now, get out.

Mohqr3oy oY7po4lh8 o

Well, that was pretty nice. Just one thing left to do...

Blzviduf o

Finish the last of the bosses!

Zgupqoyk o

What way? You're stationary, you're not going anywhere!

Coew8aij oVxrymfvz oVo12cwvr oOuew9ydp o

And now you're even more stationary!

Burjzeas o

Yeah, whatever. Hand over the loot!

Tpxadigd o

There we go. Looks like Evan and Kirin are both going to promote!

Qku59nto oDiatnqsx o

To finish the turn (not much else for us to do), Clint shoots down this dragon.

M5npo1d9 oJvurs1cc oEhxsdwrm o0bwsxmse o

Hoho, he actually dodged one of the snipers this time! Way to go!

Ea7uzdcj o

Too late, guys. We're winning.

Ztdevbxm o

Yeop. It's over.

Bpgojlr8 oDpyqpofu o24ktz4s1 oLdwmayug o

The NPCs fight the enemies coming from the back door, but it no longer matters much. This is the only relevant thing that happens. Unfortunately, even after all the trading, I am forced to let go of a sword to grab the last master seal. Well, no matter. Iron swords suck, anyway.

Coo91srr oYzdjfdg9 o

Also, Astrea grabs a kill.

Ufjnqnmo o

You know, in retrospect, she should've killed the other one so Eren could reach. Unfortunately, I am not going to try that. Eren could easily die to that 5%. But that's fine, he'll have other chances to contribute.

Yien8cuq o

Also, worth a shot.

Zwdzijbg o5pdsre3l oBikpzjuk o

The worren continue to massacre the incoming enemies and Astrea dodges a shot. And then...

Wcjm9c1u o

A8s4p0uw oNow everyone drive the enemy back!

Prgpc02d o

Det8lbw5 oWe may not have been able to do this without your help.

C1lykjww oThank you for your help as well, Astrea. For now, I will take my leave. Until we meet again...

Det8lbw5 oWait! I have a question! What is your purpose for fighting? Why do you not join us?

C1lykjww o...All I want is to see Pyron dead. But... No, it is not important.

Lgjkwhcy o Pfft. I bet it isn't...

C1lykjww oMy apologies, Astrea. I do not have the freedom to answer you. Farewell.

Det8lbw5 oBaine...

Qws0ssyv o

Wdyluz09 oAh, wait! I do have something that you may be able to use. When you meet up and leave with the Cyrans, you may find this useful.

Vhfxzqd0 oThank you, Jonas. I'm glad that we were able to keep you safe.

Det8lbw5 oIt's a shame that you were attacked by Pyron's forces. I guess in his world, wealth isn't the sort of strength he desires.

Wdyluz09 oIt is alright. All is well now. Rest now for your journey through the desert. It will be quite the long one.

Fk5civzr o

Oho, another physic to replace the one that Kirin almost broke healing Baine! Perfect. Thanks a ton, man! You're the best!

Well... That could've gone better. But it certainly could've gone worse. We lost Joe, but the rest of us remain standing. Next time, we'll get to this game's first desert map. That's right, "first." Good news is, they're both next to each other, so we won't ever have to worry about the desert afterwards. Bad news is... Well, they're next to each other. Pain. In any case, I hope you fare well, and please wait patiently for the next update! Hasta luego~!


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 1 (Ulysses: 1)


Current perfect streak: Bye bye

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 5 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 2, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
























05tir0cc o
Vjfxxdhx o
Jnfqp64e o
Nlsgr9ce o
Lxgdkqa2 o
Mb82svqs o
Uimjncmz o
5krdsjoo o
2jfgfuoe o
Tuxzxusg o
46hc30db o
2yttnxd7 o
9il6fvh3 o
Ntes9jau o
Pllf3fse o
He2nnowv o




Pzyuaded o
Bk3puyd3 o
H32a7oyu o
Trfqzw6h o
Mcr9nxpg o
Vdrxt0uc o
Gdla1yau o
Xgsoh1dz o
S18bqoaq o
4zz0b2fa o
Rwnrjwpl o
Octm30wl o
Ijpoe3ad o
Ah0fvbde o
Y09dp6wi o
97u1celu o
G3f8on1j o
Ug1kou75 o
Qslscrst o
Vxdegqo5 o




1wqgufwj o
Nfn1lxkj o
Grkf7hmc o




Amoukmez o
Bwuwqidy o
Xblce9mw o
Hpzgowll o
98stdtfp o
5buv6fwr o
Lb5osyox o



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I have no idea if I’m happier about the fact that you seem to have liked Conquest so much or that you had someone marry Odin and got Ophelia.

Great update btw. I was almost getting attached to Joe but... oh well, such is life.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I don't know, they have their uses. Remember the cheesy Reinhardt strat in Thracia?

I was thinking of status stave in the post Kaga era when I said that, as status staves are amazing in player hands in FE4 and FE5...


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hoho! Cool name! Reference to anything? Google doesn't seem to be able to find it, if it is...

Its the dragon mascot of a local convention. Too obscure for anyone to recognize I know.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Zgcyfelr oPyron tried to combine the nimbleness of cats with people, but only females could survive the process due to their naturally higher magic.

I am slightly amuzed by how far the game has to bend over to make sure the cat people are all cat girls.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ex9dijlc o

...Yes! Yes! It's Oliver! Ahahaha, of course!

I was kinda expecting that after the cat girl reveal...


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Uedfz3v4 o Holy shit, no wonder he went batshit insane. Over a hundred thousand days just staring at the wall. I know time for dragons is different, but... Sheesh, I'm surprised he even has the ability to think still!

That is the way to create a real monster there.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


L6ldsx3m oYes. I shall prepare such a thing as well.

Tvvdmrl6 o

That felt like a rather "gamey" exchange, so to speak. Pretty obviously setting up the way to handle Rody when we inevitably confront him. Let's hope the next one isn't as blatant.


Especially with the letter bit to justify Lord Nanna being able to do it if Browless is fatigued.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Zig36mzl o

Well, shit. Who could've foreseen this. They're betraying us.


Must be a Tuesday...


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Pcs8yz74 o

...I do not believe that lady has clothes on.

Give me just a minute, let me just... try something... Give me a sec here... uh... what was the button again... ahh, there...

Msvlmgi1 o

...God fucking damnit, it doesn't work like that...

Alright, that sounds like a horny jail offense, someone with the memes, go send him to horny jail.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Lgjkwhcy o Cell? Wait, wasn't Jonas saving them from slavery?

L6ldsx3m oThey can be quite the powerful allies. Thank you, we will protect Jonas, I swear!

A8s4p0uw oIndeed! We have other worren sleeping in the basement. It will take time, but I will rouse them to our cause!

I get the feeling this a case of him need to keep up appearances, as slavers usually don't take kindly to people freeing the slaves


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I3zkrzo1 o

Eren grabs a goddess icon because... I mean, might as well.


Is that just an odd frame, or did the +2 really just appear in that random place?


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


9qk5ifz8 o I like how he still has his super ominous theme when he's doing an undisputably kind deed. Unless he turns around and murders the guy, but I hope it doesn't come to that.

Even the Black Knight had a friendly conversation with the boss of PoR chapter 11 at its start.


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, the dragons are assassins.

...That seems so weird to say when that is also a class.


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Despite the defend objective, we'll want to go on the offensive from the get go

Not suprising, as the defend unit starts so far away, kinda like Battle Before Dawn. Actually this map has quite a few similarities with Battle Before Dawn...


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


3t4acnv7 oYou have the right to wield the Emblem Axe, like your father. The aura that such people emit and the corresponding weapon. I can recognize that in people now. You and Nicole both possess it. Though in Nicole's case, her weapon would be the Emblem Bow.

2r3s1rge oInteresting. Have you seen any others with that aura? Surely there are more candidates at a time, correct?

3t4acnv7 oYes. I have seen others. There was a soldier in the Red Army, for example. He could also use the Emblem Axe.

I guess this Aura talk explains a little about how the Emblem weapons work, and why the baddies know who would be the next to wield it.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


3ihnocyy o

The Fiya Emburem! It exists here?!

3t4acnv7 oNo. I didn't even really learn what the Fire Emblem is.

2r3s1rge oHmm... I wonder if there is anyone out there who does?

The way that was worded makes it sound like the Emblem weapons Are the Fire Emblem...although it really isn't that clear.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


7edpyz6l oAnd yet, when Bishop Gomer told him to kill himself for Pyron, he did so instantly without a second thought. With a smile on his face, too.

Uedfz3v4 o ...That escalated quickly...

Yikes, that is cult levels of madness...


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


7edpyz6l oIt always seemed like the ones that were closer to the pope were more messed up.

Cqnggdnb o

Don't you blame Evil Moulder! This bishop of yours, he had a brigand name. No wonder he turned bad! Evil Moulder is blameless, he's a wonderful man! He's so handsome!

Poor Ruben, having to learn now that pretty people can be evil too.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Bzippc5h o


It begins.

Oh wow, he actually did proc that move growth...The Car Interceptor is re


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


...Gaaahhh, where's Evan when you need him!? I should've given him a stamina pouch...

You rely on him too much...I would say you probably should have given him a breather on the breather chapter, but you probably still needed his help on that one.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hscevwnv o

...Guhh... This, though... Even if Kenton fails, I can try to finish with Eren, but if both of them fail, Eren's a dead man...

Xkuoit4d o



That is an uncomfortable position to be in, althoug if Kenton survives the turn in that position I would go for his attack anyway and hope for the crit.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hmph... Well, this is good news to start. This guy could've reached Dexithea from the other side, but instead he blocked his pal. Good work, man.

Gl0q0ium oNvjivi6r o

Good thing she didn't crit, though... Sheesh.

I mean if she did crit the benefit of him blocking his pal would be gone, making it far riskier.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Zs0rshlg oPwh9l8jp o

Baine gets attacked. As usual, he fails to put his high crit to good use.

Is that 93 total health on them, or does he quad it? I really dislike the ?? for above 80 health...


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


8a0xwgki o9pdafg4h o

And then Eren almost dies.

Nice. Fucking beautiful. I almost lost Eren immediately. I love myself...

...Ouch he gets doubled due to weapon weight, or is it enemy stat variance, either way that is such an easy mistake to make in that kind of situation.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Fhkzwsvx o

...An enemy dancer!?!?!?

...Oh boy, that could be bad. At least it isn't close enough to let peoplr in thick of things get an extra attack (or let someone too far away attack).


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
N8er7cyq o

On his turn, Baine changes to the objectively worse weapon and fails miserably to finish this dragon. Why, Baine? Why not the master sword? What did you stand to gain by swapping to this?

He gains 2 points of raw damage...yeah the AI can be kinda dumb sometimes.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
I2pptep3 o

Oh, hey! Since Eren brings Canto to the team, Chrysler is able to trigger his movement skill! Look at that. Beautiful.

Now that is a nice boon that Blondless Arran is bringing, now if only those two could support eachother.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Xr6g3v1m o

Hoho, not bad at all! He's still slow for a myrmidon, but hey. With stats like these (and Galeforce), he might be worth deploying. Just as long as we can muster the room, of course...

How strange, he really is leveling strength more than speed.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Jsos0fmg oGq5nx6s5 o4rmj9b9d o

Baine comes under attack from two assassins. Still nothing too big.

I thought you said Baine would be threatened at some point, and you needed to rush to him...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Jhuztero o

What in the world is that?!

It looks so edgey...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Mrd57huz o

He's a promoted Fuuma, actually. Swords, magic and fine stats. Still, this one in particular isn't that threatening.

What is that portriat?


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ksvwsino o

Soo this is the one that I'm a bit worried about. If he goes after Joe, it's no big deal, but...

oof Armor slayer...with how armor focused your army is that could be trouble.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Fqgs1xs8 o

Holy shit, that damage...

Yhnwymlj o

And he goes and misses one of his strikes, too. Sheesh!

Well that is a little more threatening, but not too ba-


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Agchbav3 o

...Okay. That's absolutely terrible. Yeah, this is what I was talking about. 19 damage, and he cannot retaliate. Not only that - there's another one lurking in the fog.

...Ok those are trouble. Yeah you need to rush to his side now.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Io3cmgwn o

He has Powerstaff, too, so he gets to heal twice. Back to full it is! Thanks a lot, Notliver!

Oh, well that makes this way less pressing, he can heal him for -

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


H5ko41wr oD2vdjx2m oOxshbrtx o

Oh, incidentally, I should probably show him off while I still can. Unfortunately he does not join, but he will forever remain in our hearts.

Notice the age, by the way.

6 turns...sigh also obligatory laugh about the age.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Njau4ztq o

C'mon, Kenton. You've got to be kidding me.

If only the Myrmidon got one more power ring...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Gvrfuifh o

Hwahahahahahahahah... Iris with the holy stone, folks. This is her true power. One-rounding dragons.

6exbhc3r oWarmnhx3 oQe0rmdpp o


Holy cow, The Most Anime Face wrecks dragon's faces.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Pdujyj4d o


Oh boy...I think his AI only thinks to heal if someone is below 1/2 health in range...this is the dumbest way for Baine to d-

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


7twskuno oXl98xfx7 oP4tyvocn o

There we go, Kirin to the rescue!


Thank goodness Arvis Joke got the move to save him!


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Eldkpi2i o

...Oh, blistering barnacles. He's already there? Well, it's far too late to beat him to the treasure room, but that's just as well. He's not immune to captures. We can let him do the dirty work, and then we'll relieve him of the spoils. Just gotta make sure we'll be there in time.

Sweet plan, Capture really makes the race for loot much easier.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Gbthbhzt o6krlvb0c o

Can you please stop, Jing Ke? Please.

This is kinda sad, but until you said that, I didn't notice that the dancer was one of the named enemies. To be fair she is much more clothed in her battle sprite than her talking head implies...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


N7lfjxdt o

Fine. We can try this, and then he can finish.

Ouch, that is risking a lot of damage, especially with you getting closer to that danc-


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Xueqod0b o

Or Dexithea can do that. Works just as well.

Well that works.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Rlzi74h8 o

Bwahahahahahah... Ahahahahahah! Capped speed, ladies and gentlemen. Shame it's such a low cap, but then again, he's an armor. It used to be even worse, so let's just count our lucky stars.

Speed Capped Armor? What is this Tellius?


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
3xgwl0uj o

He's an Orca Pirates higher-up. He's... pretty mediocre, as far as bosses go.

Huh, disliking alcohol breaks many of the pirate cliches despite his eye patch.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


R6oghfuw oLsar0qrg oWjchxdse o

I mean, not check out as in, "check out", but rather check out her stats.

Dislike clothing...also your over explaining is just begging for another horny jail...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
W96ad3pb o

Thankfully, she only has an A rank in swords, so she cannot use this. But we can.

I mean S rank sword, but we get the idea.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Lzyahoaz oDtq3aozn o4reozn29 o

Ack! Nereid!

A sad display from Scruffkin the Echidna...man the double WTD is nasty in this game.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Ays9gxmz o

...Oh, shit. She's dancing... okay, okay, not to worry. Joe exactly survives.


This is the scary part of an enemy dancer, an unexpected enemy getting an attack it shouldn't...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Iho9ebfi o

She has CHARM! NO! JOE!

Vcfyj2ik o


How... how ironic. He got murdered by a woman's charms.

Porsf7wr o


...Such a perfect way for PUA to die, he underestimated the Charm of a woman.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
8uaylgsh o

No, seriously, I really need to start promoting mages. I'm using Joanne as a healer. Ridiculous.

At least until she gets the free move after healing skill, then not healing with her is ridiculous.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Nc4pkw1e o

How are you even talking after a hit like that.

Making sure the battle sprite is also missing a head was a nice touch.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Xycsbntu oDjq75wu9 o7t4urd3n o


Huh, so she is a pirate too...I wonder what her and Scruffkin the Echidna's battle talk is...also dislike walking is a funny way to justify a stationary walk.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


H0f2qjrs o

Slow myrmidon.


Such a weird Myrmidon...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Just like in Propater, not everyone in Amatera fights for Pyron.

9qk5ifz8 o That's some weird wording, but I think what he's trying to say is that, just like not everyone in Propater fights for the same purpose, neither does everyone in Amatera. Neat.

I mean after all the betrayals assuming Propater fight for Pyron doesn't sound that unreasonable...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Jplc4br9 o


Oh god, why were there two of them....


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Sxi6tll0 o

...Wait! Drat, no! My boss kill!

D2useupq oYsmezc85 o



That is hilarious...if only Scruffkin the Echidna could have not crit (or double crit...)


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
6qxhtqac o

Fuck me, my boss kill! That's not... That's not allowed-- Wait SHIT! THE THIEF! WAIT! DON'T GO ANY FURTHER! STOP RIGHT THERE! STOP!

Oh no....oh who am I kidding, I can't help laughing at this...


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


9ryhwapn oDe5zczeg o

Boom, gotcha.

Honestly the green units probably didn't have the turns left to finish him.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Well... That could've gone better. But it certainly could've gone worse. We lost Joe, but the rest of us remain standing. Next time, we'll get to this game's first desert map. That's right, "first." Good news is, they're both next to each other, so we won't ever have to worry about the desert afterwards. Bad news is... Well, they're next to each other. Pain. In any case, I hope you fare well, and please wait patiently for the next update! Hasta luego~!

Double Desert sounds painful...whelp good luck!



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Again, very sorry that I have barely anthing meaningful to contribute. 

On 5/12/2021 at 9:09 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Porsf7wr o

Joe, more like No. 


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Part 17 - One-Evan army.


On 5/13/2021 at 3:32 PM, Goddess Serra said:

I have no idea if I’m happier about the fact that you seem to have liked Conquest so much

Quite enjoyed it, yes! I actually first played it a few months back, but I had some awful luck with my team, so I ended up dropping it. Recently went back and tried again, and this time I succeeded!

All I have to say is, the more I played it, the less I understood the whole "Three Houses is Better Than Fates" notion. I mean, story-wise, sure, but in every other aspect Fates kicks Three Houses's ass out of the park, so... Yeah. I love this hot mess of a game. The Conquest route, at least. Can't speak for the others, not yet anyway. I do intend to check out Heirs of Fate at some point, though, since I genuinely like most of the children. As... out of character as that may be, for me, haha.

or that you had someone marry Odin and got Ophelia.

And immediately benched her because her voice, personality and design annoyed me.

...Sorry about that.

If you're curious, you can see my full endgame team here. Really typical Ruben team, as you can see. I think I used like one top tier unit.

Great update btw.


I was almost getting attached to Joe but... oh well, such is life.

At this point you should know better than to get attached to characters in my LPs... Even Evan is not safe, as we (almost) found out in the Malik chapter.


On 5/14/2021 at 8:02 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:


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I was thinking of status stave in the post Kaga era when I said that, as status staves are amazing in player hands in FE4 and FE5...

Yeah, that is true. In the future games they tend to be a lot less useful.

Its the dragon mascot of a local convention. Too obscure for anyone to recognize I know.


I am slightly amuzed by how far the game has to bend over to make sure the cat people are all cat girls.

Can't fault 'em for their commitment, that's for sure.

I was kinda expecting that after the cat girl reveal...

I think it was pretty obvious when the game spent a few paragraphs establishing that he's Oliver but in reverse.

That is the way to create a real monster there.

Damn you, Gill!

Especially with the letter bit to justify Lord Nanna being able to do it if Browless is fatigued.

That was the part that really made it too on the nose, yeah.

Must be a Tuesday...

Imagine SGW NPCs not being traitors. Preposterous!

Alright, that sounds like a horny jail offense,


someone with the memes, go send him to horny jail.

Hey, you're not being fair here. Listen to my side of the argument!


...look, a distraction!

I get the feeling this a case of him need to keep up appearances, as slavers usually don't take kindly to people freeing the slaves

Probably, yeah.

Is that just an odd frame, or did the +2 really just appear in that random place?

I think the +2 did appear there. Probably a small side effect of the extended stat list.

Even the Black Knight had a friendly conversation with the boss of PoR chapter 11 at its start.

Yeah, well, this game really doesn't want you to forget that Baine is really ominous.

...That seems so weird to say when that is also a class.

It kinda does, doesn't it?

Not suprising, as the defend unit starts so far away, kinda like Battle Before Dawn. Actually this map has quite a few similarities with Battle Before Dawn...

A few, yes, but it's not exactly the same. The NPC you have to protect doesn't die if a gust of wind looks his way, for one. I mean, he would, but Baine's there to prevent it, unlike BBD in HHM where the chapter basically requires you LTC it or you lose. Also, no Nino and Jaffar to worry about.

I guess this Aura talk explains a little about how the Emblem weapons work, and why the baddies know who would be the next to wield it.

A fun little bit of worldbuilding.

The way that was worded makes it sound like the Emblem weapons Are the Fire Emblem...although it really isn't that clear.

The game will elaborate in Artemis and Nereid's A support.

Yikes, that is cult levels of madness...

I mean, it literally was called the Cult of Pyron.

Poor Ruben, having to learn now that pretty people can be evil too.

Sure, I get it, but... C'mon, Evil Moulder is too pretty! Surely he must be the exception?

Oh wow, he actually did proc that move growth...The Car Interceptor is re

I knew he wouldn't fail me. He truly is re.

You rely on him too much...I would say you probably should have given him a breather on the breather chapter, but you probably still needed his help on that one.

I mean, I did give him a breather in the breather chapter. The problem is that he's so busy all the time that he gets fatigued again instantly.

...Which, not gonna lie, is kind of a great use of the fatigue system. His durability is among the lowest in the game.

That is an uncomfortable position to be in, althoug if Kenton survives the turn in that position I would go for his attack anyway and hope for the crit.

I probably should've done that, yeah.

I mean if she did crit the benefit of him blocking his pal would be gone, making it far riskier.

Yeah, that's why I was celebrating that she did not crit.

Is that 93 total health on them, or does he quad it? I really dislike the ?? for above 80 health...

So do I, yeah. It's so pointless.

...Ouch he gets doubled due to weapon weight, or is it enemy stat variance, either way that is such an easy mistake to make in that kind of situation.

No, no, he didn't get doubled. Both snipers attacked him.

...Oh boy, that could be bad. At least it isn't close enough to let peoplr in thick of things get an extra attack (or let someone too far away attack).


He gains 2 points of raw damage...yeah the AI can be kinda dumb sometimes.

Quite unfortunate, yeah.

Now that is a nice boon that Blondless Arran is bringing, now if only those two could support eachother.

Sadly, their support pools are both extremely limited. Chrysler only has Kirin, his brother and Aoifye (goddamnit). Eren has Germano (goddamnit!), Bella and... Charles.

So yeah, Eren will have to content himself with a B from Bella. Still okay, but... meh.

How strange, he really is leveling strength more than speed.

He's not a bad myrmidon, but he sure is a weird one.

I thought you said Baine would be threatened at some point, and you needed to rush to him...

So I did, didn't I?

It looks so edgey...

Well, it's Fuuma's promotion, so...

What is that portriat?

It's the guy shooting out his grapple thingy.

oof Armor slayer...with how armor focused your army is that could be trouble.

And then he wasn't really.

Well that is a little more threatening, but not too ba-

...Ok those are trouble. Yeah you need to rush to his side now.

Well, not really need to when I've got Kirin.

Oh, well that makes this way less pressing, he can heal him for -

6 turns...sigh

Hahahahah... I mean, if only he'd use his goddamned staves correctly, right?

also obligatory laugh about the age.

Haha funny noomber.

If only the Myrmidon got one more power ring...

To be fair, the sword he was using dealt magic damage. Kenton's magic is shit.

Holy cow, The Most Anime Face wrecks dragon's faces.

The Most Anime Face without eyebrows.

Oh boy...I think his AI only thinks to heal if someone is below 1/2 health in range...this is the dumbest way for Baine to d-

But then!

Thank goodness Arvis Joke got the move to save him!

Super Move Girl to the rescue!

Sweet plan, Capture really makes the race for loot much easier.


This is kinda sad, but until you said that, I didn't notice that the dancer was one of the named enemies. To be fair she is much more clothed in her battle sprite than her talking head implies...

Haha... Well, it's okay. In all fairness, I don't think Blademaster could've gotten away with an accurate battle sprite.

Ouch, that is risking a lot of damage, especially with you getting closer to that danc-

Well that works.

In fairness, the dragons have like, no movement, so she would've been fine.

I think.

Speed Capped Armor? What is this Tellius?

Unfortunately, though Clint is really cute, he's not as cute as Meg.

Huh, disliking alcohol breaks many of the pirate cliches despite his eye patch.

An interesting little tidbit, yeah.

Dislike clothing...

She's a free spirit. And I mean, who's gonna argue with her killing edge?

also your over explaining is just begging for another horny jail...

Come on, now...

I mean S rank sword, but we get the idea.

Of course.

A sad display from Scruffkin the Echidna...man the double WTD is nasty in this game.

WT in general is nasty in this game. Matters a hell of a lot more than it does in vanilla GBAFE.

This is the scary part of an enemy dancer, an unexpected enemy getting an attack it shouldn't...


...Such a perfect way for PUA to die, he underestimated the Charm of a woman.

A lesson he was in a dire need to learn, but... not like this, goddamnit. Not like this.

At least until she gets the free move after healing skill, then not healing with her is ridiculous.

Yeah, that is quite true.

Making sure the battle sprite is also missing a head was a nice touch.

Thank you!

Huh, so she is a pirate too...I wonder what her and Scruffkin the Echidna's battle talk is...also dislike walking is a funny way to justify a stationary walk.

I always thought it was a referencing to the fact that she's a dragon, y'know with wings, but you're right, that's probably the intended joke.

Such a weird Myrmidon...

But not bad!

...Actually, he used to be the worst unit in the game, until Blademaster went "you know how I can fix this guy? Throw the best skill in the game at him!" Back then Chrysler was crap too, because he didn't have his hilarious move growth. This game has changed so much since it was first released... It's still being updated, though Blademaster is aiming to wrap it up soon, as long as no more major bugs appear.

I mean after all the betrayals assuming Propater fight for Pyron doesn't sound that unreasonable...


Oh god, why were there two of them....

There always were.

That is hilarious...if only Scruffkin the Echidna could have not crit (or double crit...)

Oh, well, at least he was the one boss that didn't drop anything.

Oh no....oh who am I kidding, I can't help laughing at this...

Damn you! How dare you laugh at my panic!?

Honestly the green units probably didn't have the turns left to finish him.

They 2-shot all the assassins on the map. Definitely would've ended him if I had taken one more turn to capture.

Double Desert sounds painful...whelp good luck!

Thank you! Let's hope for the best here.



On 5/14/2021 at 3:26 PM, Pengaius said:
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Again, very sorry that I have barely anthing meaningful to contribute. 

It's all right, man. I'm just glad you're here.

Joe, more like No. 

...I lied, I'm not glad at all. You didn't even think this one through! Noe, Butterman! It was perfect! Noe! Now get back to your LP!




Jouyb5yh o

In a game where titles tend to be straightforward, this one stands out to me because there's... not a dragon den in this map at all. There's dragons, for sure, but not a "den" of 'em, I'm pretty sure. Weird...

Acgqtlvb o

Ah! People! Isn't that the map from chapter 5? I think it may be... Either way, that palette very much means Merv.

Hqohog9r o

The guy with - gasp! - blood on his shoulderpad is Sabaktes, though we won't officially be told his name for a long, long time. He's kind of an important guy in the Assassins Guild. He's also Oreades's brother, but that no longer matters.

The guy he's talking to is of no importance. He is so utterly, thoroughly unimportant, in fact, that his name is Knonaim. Yeah.

Nwife2sp oConway has been busy dealing with Rody recently, and now our scouts are late. Watch's last report said they were almost done in Elementos, but we haven't heard from them for a whole month. Rody can't be killing every messenger, can he?

Rhwpieis o...Looks like we're about to find out.

Pjinqjcz o


Yxhiveuk o

You'd think the one guy with the super elaborate portrait would have a name, but he doesn't. Then there's Denning, just chilling there. He even still has the lighter FE7 outline, which clashes heavily with the darker outline the others have. Hah!

Nwife2sp oMore dead messengers... At least we can get revenge this time.

F1yikmue oWe come here in peace. We wish to tell you Rody's weakness. ...We also have the message of your men that Rody killed.

Rhwpieis oRody's weakness? Unless you have something unheard of with you, like an "Axe of Thunder" or something, you're wasting our time.

9qk5ifz8 oNah, I'm afraid such a thing no longer exists. Lot broke it over Jahn's head years ago.

Trz163x7 oRody is in love with a human named Nia. She is the reason he's been targeting the Assassins Guild much more often as of late. Her father was Nick.

Nwife2sp oOne of Nick's children? That would explain quite a bit...

9qk5ifz8 o Nick was Noah in CT. That's the full extent of his character, as far as I remember.

Rhwpieis oConway killed that idiot years ago, but his daughter? Why are you telling us this? Don't tell me you fear us humans?

D4kb9cra o

F1yikmue oIf you wish to kill Nia, you can follow these instructions.

Lgjkwhcy o C'mon, why would you do that? So heartless! They're so young, so in love, so innocent-- Okay, maybe not that, but...

F1yikmue o As for your other message, it's included in that letter. It's mostly about a common enemy we share with you. Someone Rody also doesn't see as a threat, a man named Jeff.

Rhwpieis oJeff? ...I see. Yes, perhaps we do have some common goals between us.

Wmrm0x1n o

The usual.

0sxgy3b7 o

Nooooooooooo... Desert rout mission? Why do you gotta do me like that, Sun God's Wrath?

...Well, to be fair, this isn't the absolute disaster that is RD's desert rout map. In fact, the time limit for this map is 14 turns, and it's perfectly doable. That should tell you how relatively painless this map is.


Gphsrrn4 o

This is the second Arran/Samson choice of the game. Remember when I told you guys that killing Dartanion early or late would change a unit we'd get later? This is it.

Ixnpvrwy o1isggkg8 o

This sounds a bit weird, but basically, this is how the game ensures that you don't miss out on a brave axe if you get Clea, or an advanced dark tome if you get Torrid. Not sure why Blademaster did this for these two but not Aoifye and Eren. I could've used another silver sword. Though, to be fair, the brave axe is a lot more rare than either of their weapons.

Ajccxu2t o

Det8lbw5 othe people we left in Ryu?

9qk5ifz8 o There's the two of 'em. See if you can guess which one we'll get before it's revealed. I mean, we know almost nothing about either of them, but well, if you know me well enough, the choice might be somewhat clear. Just somewhat.

Iwsoruwi oCorrect. We have some scholars among our troops who wish to explore the ruins. They'd also like to study the differences between wyverns like mine and the ones native to Ryu. The Malig species of wyvern doesn't have their typical dragon weakness. Also, with your queen having taken to the field as well, we figure that the citizens of Ryu could use more reinforcements.

Vhfxzqd0 oI see. With all of us gone, we don't really have a general protecting the homeland.

Ighob6mu o

Vhfxzqd0 oThose back home can really use the help while we are on the attack.

Hp4flp6g oTo get to Bramimond, we'll have to fight our way through the Orca Pirates and some members of the dragon army too.

Iwsoruwi oThey have a regiment stationed here in the desert. This area is close to the sea, so they block off the ports here.

Lgjkwhcy o...A desert close to the sea? Does that work...?

Det8lbw5 oThe Orca Pirates and more dragons... they will be tough opponents indeed.

Yaud7vdb o

That's dragons, all right. In any case, if you guessed...

7b57vaw9 o

...Clea, you'd be right. This choice isn't that clear cut, they're both good options, but Torrid has better bulk and can brave axe things while still retaining some limited staffing utility, so he's widely considered superior.

Of course, that just means I'd rather have Clea instead. Plus, she's green!

2r3s1rge oMy parents aren't among them though, so I'm glad I can avoid them for now.

Det8lbw5 oThe Orca Pirates have many axe users among them, but no lance wielders. To make up for that, many of them have reaver weapons.

Lgjkwhcy o This used to be true, but changes to the map since have made it somewhat incorrect. Whoops.

Det8lbw5 oRegardless, thank you for joining up with us, Clea.

Hp4flp6g oWith Ryan weakened and Regal and Flora dead, we felt it only proper that I come fight in my father's stead. Ah, just to say, there may be some items buried in the desert. A magic swordsman such as yourself or a skilled dancer should be able to find such things out here.

Lgjkwhcy oSince proper thieves don't exist in this game, the hidden desert treasure is obtained by the dancers and Astrea instead. I'd... still much rather everyone could find them, to be honest. Or, better yet: fuck desert treasure. It may be a staple of the series, but that doesn't mean it's a good one. That mechanic sucks. Berwick Saga handled the topic of hidden treasure a lot better. Not that that's so surprising. Berwick Saga handles just about everything better.

Det8lbw5 oI see. I'll keep an eye out for them then.

X4eikwcc o

Anyway, let's check out today's throwaways.

Ov8rujpd o

They're both girls.

Obqe70ra oYes, Loptyr.

9qk5ifz8 oOne of them is called Loptyr. Yeah. A throwaway called Loptyr. I love this game.

Obqe70ra oAnd it looks as though they brought reinforcements.

Rpejtklj oOur armies may not be able to fight off an army of mages, but this sort of force is what we've all been preparing for. Crush them. Let this desert be their resting place.

Rfx4xi7m o

Oh, shoot! That looks like bodybuilders, and they're led by...

Qaonnfxp o

The one recurring boss that still lives!

Obqe70ra oLynch? The Hell Hounds are still here?

Wwsxj1jt oI came here with Sol to meet his father, but I heard that you might be fighting against some former slaves of ours.

Lgjkwhcy oOh, so the traitorous boyfriend is somewhere around here? Hmmm...

Wwsxj1jt oAs such, I've brought my best men to fight against them. Ah, but no fighting for you just yet, my dear Og.

Wxqlen3y oI understand, Father.

Obqe70ra oVery well. We accept your help. Show me what your troops are capable of.

Wwsxj1jt oOkay, men! Show these imitators what a real muscle man is!

Unxc3q4t o

Pfft... Okay, so in this game, we get four of these idiots instead of just two. They're also bodybuilders instead of plain ol' berserkers.

A5fhpg3a oShow them what our muscles can do!

Lxqrzr8o oWitness us Master Lynch! Watch as our divine shine dispels the evil before us!

Jxp2mg5e oWe were chosen! Chosen by Master Lynch and the Sun God himself!

Bg5q7men oAnd we shall enact their will! For he who granted us these glistening muscles!

9qk5ifz8 oNot gonna lie, I think I like them better than the official ones.

Wk0k0bpz o

All right, so. Without delay, let us get started on the important business.

0gfdnvxq o

Starting with...

Jtmm9lkf o

Turning Evan into hooded Lyon! Aside from the skill system and the main character being a boring mercenary swordsman, another big convention of modern FE hacks (and not so modern, actually) is that Lyon's animations just have to show up somewhere in some form or another. Which, hey, I'm fine with it. Lyon's animations are probably my favorite in all of GBAFE.

Unfortunately, it does come at a cost: Evan's sprite no longer has any green in it. R.I.P.

Jl1uhmob oVvd3stxg o

From this promotion, Evan gains a bunch of stats and S staves. Rather underwhelming promotion like the tier 1 one. Not because they're bad, exactly, but because Evan is so versatile at base that there's little room to give him things on promotion.

Still, nobody else could've grabbed this crest, and we had two, so I mean, might as well.

J0nidxfo o

And now, for the main event.

1mcx6efn oIfoa2io1 o

Hwahahahaha... Look at her! She looks so badass now!

Ff2aiflg o

5   S T R E N G T H

2bvivz8g o

This is going to be fun.

Kfmu2soi o

And now she has as much strength as magic. Yes! Yes! Memes!

4fk87ih0 o

Those were the more impressive promotions, but we do have a few tier 1 ones to give out.

S9r99d2g oNdbkvlxh o

Artemis's palette is slightly brighter now!

Aw0hocku oPbitxfyg o

She gets stats and staves. I'm more interested on the latter, to be honest. I need more healers.

Zxce23he o

She even gains physic access immediately! That's great.

2bi4q3di o

Chrysler time.

Fjgl8jo9 o2mfonanf o

Say hello to the turquoise colonel!

Wmdvoq9p o

I think he's a bit worse than his fellow armors, but that should change soon when he gets more move levels. And before you say "Ruben, 15% is still not that high", well... give it a bit of time. Who knows what might happen in the near future.

Bnjox6bj o

He gets swords, which... Imma be honest, this might be the most underwhelming weapon gain of the armors, even more than Joe's axes. He can't even use magical swords, he gets nothing from this.

All right, and that's almost all the preps dealt with. Nothing much else to do aside from giving the angelic robe we got from Baine to someone.


Cmwcz3xe o

I mean, what did you expect?

Dnppdnw3 o

Keurf0hl oRhzrzpl0 oCumftcdd o8hnvtbzc o

So, desert rout! It's not as bad as RD's desert rout, because for one, the enemies charge you. They do give you a turn or two to prepare, but before long everybody except Loptyr, Lynch and the wild wyverns will come running at you, and the wyverns have a huge movement range, so you'll be in their range by just advancing a little bit. In my experience, the best way to handle this map is to send the bulk of the army south, while having a supplementary force of physical tanks to handle the eastern side (you can see where this is going). There's also treasure, for which I will use the map that Blademaster provided in the SGW discord. There's some rather nifty stuff here - most of all, a really, really good scroll. I wish FE would just can this mechanic already. What's the point? It's just guide bait, goddamnit.

Umqxkr86 o3xjksbcr oNxzrjlus oZmyfkzv7 oY6ixsof9 o

Clea is a pretty solid prepromote. She has pretty bad durability, but she can whack things with magic and heal on wings, and her growths are nice, so she could perhaps keep up with the team if you want her to. Her skills are the following:

- Hex. -15 avoid on adjacent enemies. Can be useful.

- Anathema. -10 avoid and crit dodge to enemies within 3 tiles. Combined with Hex, this girl nerfs avoid better than Fates's Heartseeker.

- Dark Aura. We know this from Evan. It makes her another unit that prefers to use dark tomes above the rest.

At level 20, she learns how to Trample. Not sure how she manages with a flying mount, but regardless, it gives her +5 damage against infantry.

Not much else to say, to be honest. She's a solid character that does things with no investment. You know the kind. Torrid is probably better, but... Meh. He's ugly.

Lmejwkth o

Here's the kicker, though: She brings this. -10 speed is catastrophic, but... Well, I mean, do I need to point out the +5 move?

This gives Chrysler a 20% move growth.



531gzdlb o

I mean, I could give it to other units, but Chrysler is the one with true potential to use this to achieve hilarious results. Once he gets like, 3 points, I'll hand it over to Kirin, and they can become the power move couple. Well, not really "couple", I mean, they're not lovers, but you get what I mean. Or, y'know what, maybe I'll just leave it on him till the end of days.

Sjywcypu o

I'd like to point these guys out.

Na0wfkrv o

Yeah. So much for no lance users. Though, I guess that's technically a spear, isn't it? Anyway, these guys are a relatively recent addition. They only appear in this map, and they have a special property.

Dy3xgiuh o

They suffer no penalties from the desert.

Fuck them to hell.

Tuqbzo3w o

Remember when I said we should send a supplementary force to deal with the eastern side?

Evan. Evan is the supplementary force.

O8xf8s1v o

Oh! What's this!?

Z403x3st oZjdritbp o2pwqshox o

He killed without a crit!

K3kl87uo o

This is the apothecary classline's mastery skill: Glacies. It adds the unit's resistance to the total damage if it procs. It's a proc skill, meaning it's bad and ugly, and Evan being the critmaster with low res that he is, this just means he has an added chance to perform a shittier version of a crit.

Incidentally, Kirin's mastery skill is Miracle. She will survive a deadly blow if her HP is below 25%. No questions asked. With her mediocre defenses, she won't get one-shot easily, but she'll be left low, and then she'll be safe for another hit. I think. I probably won't risk trying to strategize around this, but... hey, it's there!

Uagmea5c o

Daedalus will assist Evan.

...I have no idea why I did this. I mean, what could that asshole possibly do? It's Evan! He can handle things on his own!

Ihu9f6ol o

Joanne will also go after them. Mostly because I need her to pick up a couple of hidden items on that side.

Vczo4f1i o

Look at that damage! Kick ass, Chrys!

Tvoqeuaa o8m6e63tq o

With his help, Mirielle is able to finish things. She's at level 14, so she will get one more level and then promote.

Pcrc9srj o

The good thing about the desert is that, while we're not that badly impeded, the dragons are sinking.

Ebkjsnzy o

This one can't even move at all!

Kpsrggz2 oL6m89ule oMdx59oze o

Let's put it out of its misery, shall we?

9c34qcvf oOhko9gmk o


Mmzxjffl o


Nz6i8om9 o

That should work, I think. PCC and all.

Jgnagyk2 o

Ah, that's fine as well.

Ertjaeyx oUozjhsue o

Here we go.

Parvgjhw o

Heals from Kirin at range.

Kt49nm8k oPkvyqapt oJgz9kl44 o

Next up, Astrea will enemy phase the dragons. The ice sword should handle them swifly.

Yupoz7yg o

The carnage begins.

Wwmbzbwf oEmtygust o

Boom, and...

Emtymbvg oX5uzsrue o

Super boom!

Od5di06o o

Lyon's animations are so cool, seriously. I wish everyone had the cape games that he did.

T3jnvtxb oT3jnvtxb o

Then Evan did the same thing two more times.

Ccez7ybp o

...Wha-- What the fuck is that sprite!?

Cllh0pw0 o0h3smdfc o

Okay, I'm going to be honest - considering they only appear in this map, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a joke. On top of looking... well, horrible, this sprite has like, five frames of animation. It looks super jerky, like something you'd see in the early days of hacking. Actually-- Heck, it looks worse than TLP's original animations! And those ones were so wonky!

Mhwgabng o

Ayy, A rank swords!

6knhfcrq oBx1tjpp9 o

Pathetic! These guys get doubled by Chrysler! Can you believe it?

Xmpymixh oTgffd29v o

Thanks to her recent con gains, Astrea can now use the ice sword to its fullest effect. Way to go!

Da2mh96x oT0y87qop o

Man, Kirin's passive healing... So good!

Atdabtwh o

You know, I just realized that maybe I should've gotten Evan another umbra tome or something, so as not to waste his other tomes... Meh, no matter. Guy's invincible anyway.

Dejgkjzm o

Another one down. There is no stopping the Evan.

1q6t4ltg o

I still have no idea what Daedalus is doing here. What purpose does he serve? Evan is invincible, Daedalus might as well not exist!

Trsionsk o

Oh-- Before I forget, let's gear up Clea.

Ejypjnrc oGys0vios o

She immediately gets to work. Cool sprite!

Ahkbje6v oRg34qofd oVhjuvfpf oRr5blx0u o

These first two chapters after she joins were tailor-made for iris. The holy stone is used pretty heavily in both of them. It's less important afterwards, so let's not hold back!

Vwavjvng o

She's even safe from all the enemies! Except the ugly rider, but that's okay.

3l0hui63 oHslyg53o o

Round o' healing for the guys. And the queen!

1dovmcgh o

Astrea will soften up this guy with the fire sword. Fight fire with fire, I know, but hey. The ice sword isn't that durable.

Rmoyl8pj o


Lvvpcerg o


Yrujlxlm o

Clea gets refreshed. Joanne isn't in that much of a hurry to catch up to Evan and his follower.

Eyln3aii oHufs4efm o

Mirielle retrieves a sagittae from the convoy and fires some arrows at the dragon.

0znk1if0 oPzotuvga oDan7tyyb o

Bella contributes as well with some flashbangs.

Dnwsxp8h o


Rcapdiok o

...Aaaaaaaaaaaaand now Eren can't reach to finish this.

Elhznsau oAuyogvs3 o

Fuck, me... Well, then. I guess he'll live.

Oaxhtoro o


Jrzek0lh o

That's not speed...

Khkfx57i oIruvfhym o

That was very reckless. She would've died if she missed...

7819qfnk o

Well, the only ones who can get attacked now are Bella, Astrea and Artemis, and even at half health Bella won't die to a single camel rider.

Qg6wtubo o

By the way, this is what the wyverns look like. They're rather nasty, but they fall easy to magic and effective weaponry.

Uh63oimc o

Let's rally speed and get ready to end turn.

Sqi5ynsm o

As I said, the bosses have all begun to charge at us.

Txog2aod o7xj3mrkw o5mpke4pr o

Seriously, watch him go! It's amazing! The guy just doesn't give a damn!

W8yzlshv o


Rodilhk1 oEn7lvrk0 oIzkrowqo o

This is what happens when you try to frontline with a mage that has 26 HP. Man, without umbra she was dead...!

Pmawvyxt oH4tujtlt o

Okay, everyone is charging now. Everyone but the wyverns, they're there to be extremely annoying.

Pgudytyz o

Just as way back in chapter 7, we could kill Lynch here. In fact, I did, in one of my runs. I can't remember when he leaves, but I'm pretty sure he can only really be killed with siege tomes. Nothing much happens if you do it, he just doesn't show up again and Kuroth is devastated.

5fpe17lh oQfoj8a7e oZ4hekzum o

He hasn't changed much since the last time we saw him. He's still a tier 1, funnily enough, but he's a pretty good tier 1, to be fair.

Fr9ic10a o7dytsvjy o

Up, up, both of you!

Klxwha5m o

Let's get to work again. Can I hope for a crit?

L1dk8ptr o


Hxsi3gey o

Unfortunate. You know, I really should've brought Condor and Lex. Well, maybe not Condor, but Lex would've been great here, with all these pesky fliers.

Ny1xkhxd o

Well, just as well. We have to feed that level to Mirielle somehow.

Kw5yemwm o7zgfw86o o

Bwahahahahahahaha... Hahahahah! Look at this woman! She's amazing. I love her.

Jqtfnhhy o2m9puopn o

But let's first do this.

R78ljxbb oTzrhazuo oN7ceft6d oAhpi1dna o

Your attempts are futile. Victory is ours!

A3pqdrfk oJpqirygr oSgdpflaq o1a7u3bhj o

There we go!

1mkjff8a o

She's in range of a guy now, but...

Bqgjyik0 o

No problem. She doesn't get doubled and he can't one-shot her.

Czdarehm o

Let's just swap her out to the poleaxe so she doesn't waste the mallet.

Guasjdlk o

And now, it's time for some more dragon shenanigans!

Jc6rbidc oMia4dcrw o

Ayyy, perfect!

Dqdydzez o


Hwmycrh4 oVgmrdr8w o

Sheesh... see, this is where I really miss Berwick flags. Or modern FE marked enemy ranges. I have to memorize the ranges of these fuckers!

G3yt8kzh o

Hey, look! Daedalus can contribute ever-so-slightly!

Qorosfda oWe6rr9et o

...Emphasis on ever so...

Ddvmnz51 oZale0ums o

Evan is better... Though on player phase, he's beginning to have difficulties doubling people.

Clhk9ywv o

Joanne continues to play catch up. You think I could've positioned her better...?

Rkacml6u o

Hey, you know what could be fun? Visiting this random house here!

Mbk6xzxg o

Dw5n2h8i oTo wrap up from last time, depending on whether you worked with or against the bael a few chapters back, you get a different unit in chapter 14.

9qk5ifz8 oI mean, look who's standing in front of you!

Fmmab19z oAnd now for the future! Regal left you one last and final gift in the desert! Find it if you can!

Lgjkwhcy o...That's it? Okay, that hint fucking sucks. "Hey, did you know there's hidden treasure in the desert?"

9qk5ifz8 oWell, okay, to their credit, there is a smart part to this. You see, the next map is actually the same map where all the Cyran cutscene battles took place. This final gift is located in the same spot where Regal fought and died against Pyron. Clever!

Fmmab19z oAlso, I'm running my ship next door. Feel free to stop by!

9qk5ifz8 oOh? Wait, that's a new one. I'd never visited this house before. I have no idea what she's talking about...

Vgozy6yh o

...Fuck my life, I should've moved Bella first...

F6u1ywwp o

Oho, there totally is a secret shop here! Pretty sure it's the only exception to the "there's always a unit with a member card standing on the shop" rule. But hey, since it's hinted at in a different manner, I'm willing to forgive it.

Uxly2slc oWlell8x1 o

Well, the selection's... Very mediocre.

Ai3pw01f o

Crap, wasted her turn...

Lvblb8me o

Well, fine. This'll do.

Fnoezodx o

More movement from the bosses. The first one will soon be upon us.

T7y1hvoj oAi19gwpk o

Yeah, you know what's happening here.

Dnabytrx oTtpegxrs o

A couple of them go after Daedalus, but that's okay. He needs the action. He can take it.

Vjy6vgf9 o

...He... he can take it, right?

Bizp923g oIbzsnyvn oWppv8owl o


Muxfyccn o

Okay, his defense is pretty good, and increased further by his skill. Surely, surely he won't die, will he? I mean, would be pretty god damned embarrassing! I don't think I could ever take him seriously again if he died like this...!

Ucevrfde o


8tngl3ss oYo0q7rfg o

I mean, now she's reasonably tanky, but... Damn, still hurts to see her hurt.

Gfg3txfh o

At any rate, we can say hello to the next master crown.

Baqfuoou o

Y'know, and goodbye, because Daedalus dies exactly against an enemy he has WTA on and didn't bother to dodge.

0b6wiepl o

I hate you so much. Have you any idea what I would give for the ability to bench you?

Lc3fam8a o

Siiiigh... Uuaaaarrrgh... Fucking Daedalus. I should've known better than to send him to back up Evan. This pathetic little excuse for a man couldn't possibly handle the amount of heat Evan takes in stride.

Idpfbu7p oZj1juv4k o

All right, let's try this once more. Fun fact: Even with the reset, this update is still not as long as some of the previous ones. Funny how that works, huh?

8xzcxbfj oGntnkmtb o

Since this time I was smarter with my initial moves, Clea gets to contribute from the get go.

81s11wim oLlwv6jze oTd7tci7n o

Quite the contribution, too! The crit animation for this class is just a different spell... Thingy.

E3vsyhgd o

She's still really brittle, though. Get some healing!

Vbavw3ne oVddc5bwm oKvouxsbq o

I'm also able to feed a kill to Mirielle first turn this time around.

Tgxvru6e o

Chrysler will now be supported by Iris to take out the camel rider.

Fqeele0m o

Hey, speaking of supports!

Ntuamya7 o

05bvmkpj oYou're just like me then.

Iqjupxjn oYou are also a former soldier of theirs?

05bvmkpj oYep! I mean, kinda. I was actually part of the Pyronian army. I left at the same time that a woman named Alice did.

Iqjupxjn oAh, yes, that is a name I have heard many times. You are lucky to have had such great fighters in your time. The fighters in the Republic... well, while some deserve the praise, others were just embarrassments.

05bvmkpj oYeah. After seeing people like Driscol and Malik, I can understand that.

Ips1ca3e o

Yay, making fun of dead people!

Dnmafued oFxye0sz6 o

Getting ready overhere.

Bjqbj7sc oZrgbueqv oLq02afhh o

My mistake last time was expecting Daedalus to do something. This time, I will expect him to do nothing at all. Which means, Evan goes solo.

R276ifh2 oIbo5mees o3zqomxj3 oFix2htdt o

Much better.

4cvgg7l5 oUuoq4xav o

I like how the camel's looking directly at the camera there.

Emcpkid2 o0nlag8rr o

Good dodgetanking, Dexi!

D7gwxr8m o

Poor camel rider. He was utterly useless, thanks to Kirin.

Tlvf67xt oXj693aov o

This happens again.

Z6bfc7ul o

There we go, a kill for Relina! I really would like her to get to level 20. Then we can use her as an even better support unit.

Qlenfdp6 o

Healing for Bella.

1wpuwl7v o

Shakier hitrate than I'd personally like, but if she lands one, that'll be enough.

Fzfzj2n9 oTqaaeq0y o

Absolutely perfect!

Ekebdoot oPzibzwor o

Clea switches her out to a more common sword and heals her.

Ue4aesa1 o1zmh2fi3 o

You can get out of the way.

Z9sg0ppy o

On this side, Evan continues to be Evan.

0hun6fve o

Joanne's almost caught up to him, too!

Bh4k0qub oAyf82tgn o

Bwahahahahahahahahaha... You know, it's pretty funny how the assholes leading these chumps were claiming that a force like ours is exactly what they'd been preparing for. Fuck no it isn't! If it was, you'd have a full squadron of flying mages to keep Evan in check. This entire side hasn't a single spellcaster. In fact, I'm pretty sure he literally takes no damage from any of the enemies on this side of the map. He's literally just Sething his way through this desert.

I love this guy.

X77bir0f o

More damage than I'd like, but it is not important.

Wzloud7q oC0uczbzo oGfuwphdg o

Especially since she just blew him to bits!

Bkyhnj5h o

Worse than the last one due to the lack of magic, but that's okay. She kept the con and the speed, so all is well!

H2tl8p67 o

Another one of these losers tries to cut Eren.

Nutdgbzx oRnjbw9cc oRr4mhfsa o

He gets cut back.

Psinsae1 o

Alas, no movement, but you keep on getting those stats. Some speed would be mighty nice, too, but he's close to capping, so it's not really all that urgent.

Owstgrfk o

They're coming at us once more.

Cznp9eno o

It was around this point that Daedalus died last time, so we missed out on this. Look at that, six reinforcements! Notice, once again, the lack of spellcasters.

W76ef8rb o

This guy survives.

2dmhwcim oWyd0nphe o

Not for long, though!

Zut3hlr9 o

Not to worry, I checked. She's safe from all damage thanks to the forts. In fact, even if Evan hadn't killed the pirate she'd have been safe.

6peqeeqc o

Patching up the lord.

Ezm0okil oVjcxnihn o

...God fucking damnit, I can't get Relina to kill that wyrm... Or Bella to help her forward, either! Stupid desert...

Ab7udm4u o

...You know, gotta say, Eren/Aoifye joining right before two desert chapters is even worse joining conditions than Cecilia. The next one will allow him a lil' bit more freedom of movement, at least, but this one's just kinda miserable.

Bgtybeny o

Regardless. Let's get cracking.

Lw5subde o7dmq9wf6 o

You really learn to appreciate Acrobat in situations like these. In my previous run I had the most blessed Astrea. I'll see if I remember to share her later on, but seriously, she got like, 5 movement points on her own. Yeah. No kidding. She just flew all over the place, it was amazing. It's why I might give her the boots when we get them. The objective choice would be to give them to Joanne, and the funny one would be to give them to Kirin or Condor, but big move Astrea is too much fun to ignore.

...Plus, spoiler alert: There's more than one pair of boots. I don't know if I'll be able to get the second one, though, because it is obtained under... Let's just say, interesting circumstances.

Mjaz8r4f o

That's a formation, all right.

Hnjcplzw oCexzbvbr oXyqert1e o43fsqlla o

Umbra breaks. Really hope he gets some more crits now. Slime's a good tome, I'd rather not waste it too quickly.

G3puek2v oC355tihc oPqlwi1of oJ9z9wjk0 o

These happen as expected.

Qjw7xuys o

Hwahahahahah! Arcthunder is so powerful against dragons that it even pierces through the mage stone's ridiculous res boost! Amazing!

Qt5pe6oz o

I do believe, however, that this is the best course of action.

Gdqwm1ht oTyjfzfiq o

This is amazing. I still cannot believe this is happening. Look at her! She's glorious!

Ndzdo6w0 oZrznr7ss o

That's a nice kill for Relina if I ever saw one.

Qhjr9zxe oCoofmxbx o

Better whip out the big guns to clear the area first, though.

Mcznopmt o


4w78njea oSn7wpk5b oRmd7s5vk o

Well, then.

Ktmwnduc o

Mirielle can take the kill. She's almost at a level now!

Igprmddp oSm38qgit oWomj5453 oAmu9e7e9 o

Get Artemis to safety, buff some defenses, buff some speeds... We're good to go.

Cupwwtg4 o

Well, no. First, Evan has to score another kill.

Xos7hzab o


Blvealce o

Let's see how Joanne fares-- Holy fucking shit.

Hfqdtut6 oPft290cy o

That doesn't help, Joanne!

Jxpjrjog o8xbc3qtt o

Meh. Might as well waste dark spikes, since every fire tome deals effective damage against riders anyway, and with better accuracy.

Skoi9grt o


Cx82wubw o

Capped defense, ladies and gentlemen. Capped defense.

Ew6t2p0t o

The bosses are almost upon us. We'll have to deal with 'em soon.

1rf6ydgy oYdgvrdjd o

That was a mistake. You put up a good fight, but it's all over now!

Whk2xyeq oJp8qu6w8 o

Bella, too, comes under attack.

5fmtlhdv o


Ey1ootdo oTxiiiqvd o


H9chofd5 o

Oh my God I am so stupid. She has 11 speed, of course she got doubled by speedy pirates! Oh my fucking God... Well, that's been Bella, folks. Eren now has no support partners. Thankfully, Dexithea will be able to find the perfect replacement soon enough, but... Sheesh. My Smite strats!

...Well, but at least it seems she lived. I'm not entirely sure why Bella retreats, actually, I don't think she's ever plot important again. Guess Blademaster was really afraid that people would call bullshit on his hack and give it a 0/10 rating if the convoy didn't have a plot explanation.

Kzsuob1k o2zyrfkzw o

Another pirate goes after Kirin, but she's not quite so slow, so she doesn't get doubled.

Foxpw6ky oXczsnc9r oCdcqgbwk o

1 2 9   D A M A G E

Uxsoiuau o


Qw0mqicc o

There is no stopping Evan. It's just impossible.

Xbygnusc oGptz3zsk o

Glacies and crit! Glacies and crit!

I9fpkvg7 o

Okay, let's start working on the bosses. Starting with Doris.

Lhlrpavh oYezlxwkj oHtjzfcpd o

She's basically just Capone 2 with an Anakin joke in her likes/dislikes.

Fuyxbakw o

As for the bodybuilders...

3s198lxn oMwskjsj7 o26l6mc2r o

...Pfffhwahahahahah... Their muscles are so shiny that they pierce resistance. I love this class.

Kf2xvnuv oUk2p52wf oTxgrf8tx o

They all have the same weapon, likes, dislikes, age, height and bios. The only differences between them are in stats. To be precise, Verde (I like how the guy called "Green" in Spanish isn't even the greeniest of them) is the most powerful, while Malcom is the fastest (still would've gotten doubled by Bella, so it doesn't change much), Cobra has the most HP and Marron is in the middle. Still, the differences are very small. They're basically the same boss four times over.

Mjdrfv9e o

Imagine triggering Galeforce on that.

52 crit is not enough. Seriously, this guy is so weird. Not bad, don't get me wrong, but how often do you see a myrmidon who deals solid damage but can't double?

Wnukudfv o

Worth a shot!

D7eczcx1 o

But first...

Ytb80m0o o

Don't get too excited. You need to...

Ymwrbzsg oInabo5kz oGb02g6yi o

Chill out.

Hxpfvcg4 o

That's certainly a reaction to death.

6qxtl1xg o

I believe the time has come. Runesword Astrea, unleashed!

I7zwrehw o2kiwdfrl o

Nereid handles this fellow here.

58l2vsta o

You know, I always felt a few of these fanmade animations that you see all over the place go a little bit overboard on the flashiness. I mean, look at that. Regular ass pirates do a backflip to return to their idle stances. I mean, it's super cool, but when they do it every single time...

Lwvuad0s o

Not that it matters. He'll be backflipping all the way to purgatory now.

Ffviky7h o

Bella is avenged.

Julhtfco o

With Kirin and Evan promoted to tier 3, we actually have nobody else to give these to. Everyone else will still need some time to reach level 20.

Ebluzy0i o


Xknqagd9 oMbrcipkd oBwnmm0xx o

Aww, what a shame.

Rc6v1smx o

Fine, then. Boom, and...

Aeldsnnd oZlob2iia o


Grtgpeir o

...Why did I try this? If he missed he could've gotten crit and killed...

Jmibnwmm o

Sure, might as well.

Huvlnnne o

Kenton and Relina still need to promote to tier 2, so this is much appreciated.

9fkm8vtf o

Oh, so Lynch leaving isn't a timed thing, but rather he leaves as soon as Doris dies. Interesting.

Wwsxj1jt oWithout Froid or Rody at the helm, they're all weak. Come, Og. This battle is a waste of our time.

Wxqlen3y oYes, Father.

Kdgn6szj o

Well, looks like he lives once again. Next time, there'll be no next time.

4mqctlz1 o

I could position Iris here to help kill another bodybuilder, but...

Ezbtzjtk oHrqx75ol o63f2ajvn oRp24qi4m o

I think killing that fire dragon there is more urgent.

Az3hgex6 o

Hoho! Not bad at all!

5agljsri o

With a PCC of 3, that's a 60% chance of death. Let's go.

Tv7hyy0y o

I love this battle quote. It's so... raw.

Yvxh6oz4 oJ7mwxrva oPehucc0t o


Bc7bvgzk o

Hell yeah. You're awesome, Clea.

Mec92dvw o

That is not awesome, Clea. But... eh, I'll take the HP, she needs it.

Dexihhwb o

Fine, then. I think we'll be fine, not many enemies in range.

El9yrdnp oUmhm5lfe o

...Oh God, both this dragon and a bodybuilder reach Daedalus... Is he dead?

I3qspdyd oMusnut9d o

I... I think he may be.

Bk06cjmj o3kvocsbe o

Okay, that's just futile. I even caught a screenshot of the most pitiful little park. Most fitting for how effective that'll be against Chrysler.

Kjruifnz oCwrmvdle o

A lot of enemies approach Evan. Only one of them makes it to the slaughter, unfortunately.

Dz9yqoqy o

Ahh, so it begins. I caught the best screenshot of the wyvern's attack.

Vynkef30 oZu4yllqc o

Nosferatanking lord! Nosferatanking lord!

F7phu9eg o

Unfortunately, she doesn't kill, but then again, she does not need to kill.

98pru6da o

...Well, okay, look. This makes me look rather dumb for worrying. But can you blame me? Daedalus is fucking useless!

D59xxpfp o


Ffodvabt o

I do believe that's a kill for Kirin.

Vcpnmjmm o


Sd8eflxi o

Pfft. That treacherous snake? Come on.

Vb1xstuj o

...C'mon, Kirin. Don't do me like that.

Well, on the other hand, speed is probably the stat I want her to get the most at this point, so.. Meh. If you're going to get a 1 stat level, might as well make it speed.

Or movement. But I think we've gotten enough miracles out of this gal. Asking for more would be greedy.

E30ka0j1 o

Mirielle finishes this wyvern. That'll be the level for her that I've been waiting for.

Vjybn4qi o

Pretty good note to enter tier 2 on!

Uu5imfhc o

Mages get Flare at level 15. Flare is a proc skill that halves enemy resistance.

...Why the hell did I wait for this, again?

Usqzhwsx oMh6e1xim oU40mvweg o


Xjv1zvzd o

...Except she used Mercy, because this kill belongs to Relina. Besides, she was going to get a level anyway.

Pyhxmlhq o

Bwahahahahahah... I love this girl. You'd believe a lord with only one promotion that comes late-ish in a game where people promote twice would fall behind really hard, but look at her! She's great!

Bitfkiyx o

Hero grants Astrea +30% skill activation when her health is below 50%.

Xwuwrql2 oPe08wy1v o6uavutlu o

Look at useless little Daedalus. He can't even crit, and he has PCC! I mean, just 2, sure, but...

Xwr6qxzy o

Okay, let's-- Oohhh, you've gotta be kidding me...

Qeatfq2n o


Pdeewzyd oBr5l7gk6 o

Man, this girl is bad at combat.

Utb7jmwu o

I mean, he is living longer than he could've... Hey, come to think about it, would these four have appeared if Lynch had died in chapter 7?

Eikqdcur o

Ehhh, not bad! Pretty decent level, for you.

A7fr0cuy oRbuulu6d o

All that's left is to wrap things up.

16wmes31 oPdizdeeb oZpctrwnt o

Hoho! Chrysler!

Mq29qv0q o

Exactly left at 1 HP. Perfect.

Cztf805v o

All yours, Kenton!

Bhol1nqf o

This happens again.

Gjjtdv5y o

We've almost left the desert behind and entered the grassy area. I am very happy about this.

6ijzk8yj o44wnkile o

As for Evan, he continues his singlehanded genocide of the entire forces on this side.

Blwkemgi o

...Oh, shit!

Chcbw77b o

Better run! Let them kill themselves on Evan. Thank goodness this is GBAFE AI that doesn't care if it can't do damage... You'd think that'd be the basic thing to do in a game like this to prevent... Well, you know, exactly what's happening here, but no.

6h1wbpdz oYbupeg9k o

Shoot, that wasn't enough to kill. Unfortunately, Evan's shitty-ass resistance means Glacies doesn't do that much.

Lru2ymnl o

That one's gone, though.

Dyuy8ava oKynictzd o

And that one's super gone!

Gdcndawr oSgotwx8m o

Uber mega gone!

Wja0oemu oXte8qalj o1qkxn8id oJjufvpkp o

To finish the enemy phase, Relina and Kenton are bitten by wyverns. They deal little damage, but on the other hand, they're both fine.

O79rvuye o

Very fine, in fact! Kenton may be slow myrmidon, but even slow myrmidon can double single digit speed.

36nzyyws o

Man, you can barely tell there used to be an army there before Evan passed through.

O4bpxkqh o

All right, let's not waste any more time. Another healer, comin' up!

Cvi62bhr oOyijo9ad oBswrqfhx o

I still really like this girl's palette. It's really nice.

Eidifvk5 oFtraziam o

23 magic.

Uebjrwd7 o

'Notha level for Kenton.

9vnpabix o

His strength and defense stand a solid chance to overtake his speed. Think about it for a sec.

Acb21pcu oFmzonn47 o

Thanks to the power of Galeforce, Kenton is able to score a second kill.

Mlb8sy46 o

...Or not, because I just wanted him to Jeigan. And he did, in an extremely excessive fashion due to Astra.

Gjumbmdg oNv3nbymj o


Gtvo4is8 o


Qq8j9ikr oSvforkyi o

I mean, works just as well, I needed to heal her anyways.

G4n3sldj o

Still not speed.

Neu5zk6k o

That's far enough.

Bdtktx9k oRuir6c04 oIyrksr6x oSte0uozo o

Look at little Daedalus being useful.

Lzqh2kbw o

Awhoop! Hoho, we're on a roll! About time, too. She was starting to seriously fall behind, but after the boost she's gotten today, I believe we might even be able to make her the next tier 3 next map! That should salvage her, I think.

Phf0dyqs o

Especially if she keeps getting this kind of level.

Hmipmi4a o

Meh. It served its purpose.

Xbksflot o

A  A U

Myfsccc2 o

Bwahahaha... Look at Chrysler with Eren's boost! Brrrrrrrrrrrrroom, occupy fort!

Caodjvu6 o

Heals for Kenton.

Yrlbtqfq oPdk4rjhe oK6akdwyw o

You can already tell the improvements her constitution has seen. I think I don't even need to have her inventory filled with con scrolls anymore!

Fbjxwaib oQbzqbfc9 oOjddmrcw o

Making some damn solid progress now! Only a handful of enemies left. We can't leave just yet, though. We have to retrieve the treasure. Thankfully, Loptyr does not move, so we can use her to buy time.

Ehuuwalc o

...Oh shit, I'm fairly certain that's a one-shot on Clea.

Uhroe5nr o

Dexi to the rescue!

Tgdqkug3 o

Dexithea's speed is so absurdly high that she does not get doubled even while rescuing. How badass is that?

Beesh2yz oIyavzqu4 oVq8fopun oT46oghku o

The Evaning.

Jugvbrr4 o

There is but one survivor.

R1ifcddr oEnada78t o6daosxol oXjhltoru o

As for this side, we come under attack from the wyverns. Our attacks don't seem to visually land, but they technically do. Funny.

5uo5luxx o

Also, patching up.

Xocdlyg1 oV5kiclpz o

I have some more units occupy forts. I know more reinforcements will come from them soon.

K97a0dvm o

And now, to feed another kill to Relina.

Jowxm4ha oKykftjo3 o0swt2sfn o

If you're wondering, the reason I'm doing all this (I sent Eren downwards, not upwards) is so Relina can kill the wyvern at range. That's the only way Janet will be able to reach her and dance for her so she can reach Loptyr sooner.

Yeah, I'm feeding her Loptyr, too. I really do want her to promote as soon as humanly possible so I can salvage her combat.

Ogx3c79c o

...You son of a bitch. I just spent a few lines explaining my plan! You can't fail to pull it off after that!

Crxddp9e o

Fine, then. It's not like we can kill Loptyr too quickly, anyway. Treasure's still up for grabs and all.

Jbxcbfcj o

Ah, there it is. The Sety Scroll, because Blademaster is the kind of guy who is not particularly fond of IntSys and their shitty localized names.

This scroll is among the best in the game. Probably second best, after Dain. Wanna know why?

Nekmudru o

+3 move. Yeah. 2 less than Dain, but... +3 move. And that's not even getting into the fact that it raises speed by a fuckton, which is also amazing.

You know what, I think I might actually give this to Kirin. She wants the speed, and... Well, I'll admit, the idea of Kirin getting even more movement makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

Jsfqeeuv o

There we go, that was a success.

Ya96wxwt o

No crit. Unfortunate.

Jyheokyr o

Hwahahahahah... This woman, man. She's just a big ball o' stats.

Fy4bguya o

Astrea wraps this up. Pretty sure the only enemy left on the map at this moment is Loptyr.

5mykzunl o

Oho! "Some"? That's a pretty impressive technical thing! I think. Maybe it's not so for GBAFE, but pronouns for generic "item get" prompts tend to be a pain, because... Well, they're generic, so you can't easily single out any one item and give it its own pronoun most of the time. Y'know, technical game making talk. Real next gen shit.

Then again, GBAFE does have "the" for legendary weapons, so perhaps it does work differently. Who the hell knows.

5odstscf oOvealcvu o

Whatever. A, an, some... the important thing is, this person's pronoun is now "ded."

Dwt9chxf o

Not one, but two.

Ucrxvf07 o

There's the final straggler. Holy shit, he could damage Evan. Pretty sure he was, like, one of four.

86dvjefz oDuhldjal o

And now he's dead.

Itpltcsx o

Ah! Well, shit. I think I prevented one or two from appearing, so that's awesome.

Oyrtiio1 o

Regardless, Relina continues to make her way to Loptyr.

Lnlegthj o

Let's check her out.

Zpr5ux4j oPri6i9ok oXbn63wa7 o

You know, those likes and dislikes kinda contradict her death quote, as we'll see.

In any case, Loptyr is... Okay. She's carried by her demon stone, which makes her sturdy, but her offenses are pretty garbage. Still, she only exists so we don't have to surround a guy to buy time to get the treasure, so that's okay.

V8iqajya o

She's also carrying this. It's the Dain scroll, except instead of movement, it offers resistance. It's... meh. If it wasn't for the speed loss, I'd say Evan could use it, but Evan could use the speed more to double things to ensure reliable kills.

Kyrubo5i o

Some more juna fruit.

Tzqqannx o

...Oh wow. 13 damage with effectiveness. What!?

Jriiywl9 o

...Holy shit, Kirin's movement range...

71tpqvag o

Okay, surely Astrea can do better against those guys.

Hi5kgnmh o

Oh my God... someone!?

Tkrx1knu oS96agctr o

Okay, okay, don't panic. First, cover Janet, because she gets obliterated.

Qgcacvr7 o

Next, have the useless asshole run before he can get killed again.

On9n41if o

You, too.

Ex7y0hix o

...Hey, while we wait, let's begin to work on Loptyr.

Eajznbjl o

But first, some healing, in case I forget.

Xbk0nam3 o

Well, could be worse.

Dlbxzxuc o

Here, take a fort, Evan. For... no reason whatsoever.

Goiwqrjv o

Let's go. Since dragon animations depend on the stone they're using, she looks exactly the same as Rody, funnily enough.

Uo4e24ca o

Of course, she's not nearly as effective as Rody. Heck, Rody blew Yang away with a crit even though he didn't have a chance to crit! You need to step up your game, Loptyr.

Blfoij6v o

Especially if you wish to keep up with an almighty warlord such as Chrysler!

W93ifcyc o

Oh my fucking God, she actually stands a decent chance to die. How strong are these fuckers!?

L1wuhr3h oTbma945x o

Okay, she's alive.

Wwyzsw14 oDrpthz8c o

Hahah! You failure! If you're wondering what's happening here, I believe the difference between this magical sword and other magical swords is that this one counts as magic when used both from up close and from afar, as you can tell by the fact that it has magic animations in both cases.

Evsfknvb o

So yeah, I tricked you. Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?

G4rooxef o

Also, that second blow (or should I say "suck"?) was a crit.

Anf8htep oEifjdkgm o

Eren isn't quite as effective as Astrea, but he lives, and that's what matters.

Gyrpjqjc oLsbgeqsq o

Here we go once more!

Swqzpbea o

Iris demolishes Loptyr. I almost did this (well, with Mercy), but then I realized I better not.

Ig7khxj2 o

So let's instead just have Kirin run all the way down to support Chrysler. Look at that range! Holy bejeezus!

Zgcoam0j o

Ayeee, bolting! More siege tomes is nice. I do love how many this game gives you. Other FEs aren't quite so generous.

4ualm1e2 oUvcfrgub o

Astrea just needs a couple more turns to get to the final item, and then we're set. I believe at this point we had 4 turns left before the limit, so yeah. As you can see, though it is a rout map, it is a surprisingly swift one.

Dc9v08e3 o

This is the last piece of Juna Fruit.

I still find Juna Fruit to be pretty useless in this game, by the way. It's pretty much only good if you're a tier 3 unit to improve the rate at which you learn experience, because otherwise it just delays promotion and skill learning.

...Then again... Kirin could probably use one of these to great effect, since she already has everything she could've gotten from levelling... Hmm hmm hmm...

Hrntkrps oAu9ihx1z o


Fu7spp3k o

Awesome level! Way to go, girl! No HP, though...

D9zcoddt o

It's over.

Pmr94h67 oWjlohrmm o

Effectively, anyway. We still have to run around and collect items.

Chz6yiau o

Such as more juna fruit, because I lied. These are the only ones in the entire game. I'd be surprised if I used half of them.

Mgncvy6s oPcxezaig o

Okay, both Astrea and Joanne are one turn away from the final items. Victory is in sight!

Zqwq0unk o4oeif0ix o

So let's just continue to slowly bring Loptyr down to a level that even Relina could handle.

Oumojho0 o

...You've got to be fucking kidding me. Seriously!?

Fazlfsbh oWfniir9r o

Okay, don't panic. First, grab the remaining items.

2fchttyo o

Next, use Galeforce.

E5xwxuql oOkfw8ozg oVyk4i5iy oYororthh o

Awesome! Thanks to Astra, one less use of the wind sword is spent.

Fnrm7p6y oTmryytfl oBxnoclvm oUsyqufr7 o

Kirin and Mirielle kill the remaining two, and it's back to just Loptyr on the map.

0c1bwfqj o0rtqiqzf o

With some merciful help from Chrysler...

Barlnpf6 oB4tvchtw o

Relina wraps this chapter up!

Elnagygu o


Imwt1jdf o

Rody's not a god, though. Pyron is! What's up with your likes and dislikes? Did Blademaster get them mixed up? I mean, it's not important, but...

Irdmh4cu o

Sigh... Yes, this is more what I'm used to from you, Relina.

Eriduhxt o

Well, whatever. The end is upon us!

Wffbaptz o

The end of the map, anyway. Man, Evan always finds the weirdest moments to become plot relevant.

E9kjhydh oWe will be arriving at Bramimond's castle soon. The less time we spend with him, the better. He is no ally to humanity.

9qk5ifz8 o And then he just leaves. Direct and straight to the point.

Vhfxzqd0 oBut for what reason does he make such claims? Mother always told me that Bramimond was a great ally in the World War.

Det8lbw5 oThe great hero Bramimond... I really must wonder what kind of person he is.

9qk5ifz8 oWell, we're about to find out, I should hope. Unless he dies or betrays before we can even reach him. With this game, you never know.

Jfy7nidz o

Eyyy, that's awesome! I love silver cards!

Lqub3qbl o

Hand it over, woman.

Qhnhe9iu o

Good girl.

Well, and that's it for today. We're starting to go back to old "lose one unit per map" habits, and I do not like that. At all. But, well, what can you do. In the following map, we will get more desert fun as we arrive to the scene of all the battles we have been witnessing. The place where Flora, Regal and the most badass generic perished, and almost Pyron as well. Let's hope we fare better than them... And speaking of faring well, you know what you must do! I order it! Goodbye, and see you next update, here as always!

Death count: Charles


Reset count: 2 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1)


Current perfect streak: Maybe I should do a "bad streak" instead, that'd be more successful

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 5 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 2, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey

BONUS: Short one for today. Just Lynch's battle quote and Doris's convo with Nereid.

Wwsxj1jt oThings will go differently this time!

Not really.

Obqe70ra oHeh. Good to see you again old boss of mine. I have your job now though!

2R3s1rgE_o.pngSo that would seem to be the case. You won't have it for much longer.
























Ecu7jhtn o
Vcrnlpdw o
Nztwjkqg o
Kztqga3q o
Traxvpet o
Tgsmengj o
Icu6k0tw o
Jvjoqkrw o
Ra8l8429 o
2cjfdmwi o
Hdc8tsxg o
G2kt09vd o
Lrfzslzk o
Qykehgsv o
E8mqs8md o
Hpdkofxw o
Hutbpqlc o
Yhp2wp9q o
21utx8y6 o
S6vs8d9r o
Vyoxi6ne o
Nmj9wezj o
1pmelmvw o
2t7hgbn2 o
Glaokzfj o
Ej4uknmp o
T7dn3gje o
H61nwcx2 o
M3ppdkgs o
Bnkpuami o
Lgn5xtvd o
I93gn4xr o
7w3vectc o
3ox1lqbi o
678khrbc o
Qriig3ud o
Cqdw3tu8 o
Mfcaplcw o
P8wqr4d9 o



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What do you have against axe users? Jokes aside, I’ll miss Bella. She’s cool, tall and a pretty solid unit from what little I played of SGW.

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have no idea if I’m happier about the fact that you seem to have liked Conquest so much

Quite enjoyed it, yes! I actually first played it a few months back, but I had some awful luck with my team, so I ended up dropping it. Recently went back and tried again, and this time I succeeded!

All I have to say is, the more I played it, the less I understood the whole "Three Houses is Better Than Fates" notion. I mean, story-wise, sure, but in every other aspect Fates kicks Three Houses's ass out of the park, so... Yeah. I love this hot mess of a game. The Conquest route, at least. Can't speak for the others, not yet anyway. I do intend to check out Heirs of Fate at some point, though, since I genuinely like most of the children. As... out of character as that may be, for me, haha.

or that you had someone marry Odin and got Ophelia.

And immediately benched her because her voice, personality and design annoyed me.

...Sorry about that.

If you're curious, you can see my full endgame team here. Really typical Ruben team, as you can see. I think I used like one top tier unit.

While I cannot forgive you about not using Ophelia (just kidding of course, but I recently found out that my Awakening avatar’s granddaughter can become the single most powerful unit in Conquest Lunatic, so...), it’s a great team. What difficulty did you play Conquest on? I’m assuming Hard because I think Senno would have B Lances otherwise. I’m actually a big fan of quite a few of the characters you used! Leo and Elise are my two favorites from Fates (and it’s weird to see Elise not being used), but Soleil, Nina, Benny and Charlotte... they’re all great, seriously. I probably like Fates more than the average person, which is not great considering I have a pseudo-masochistic relationship with Conquest, but still!

Spoilers for the other paths: Birthright has the best story in Fates (that’s not saying much, and it’s still dumb at times), but it’s definitely a bit snooze-inducing for the first dozen or so chapters. You might have a PoR-like experience with it, but if you endure then the game gets much harder and better towards Chapter 20 or so. I’m not a huge fan of the limited reclassing options you get in that route, since it means that playthroughs are going to differ mostly in the lategame, but you can also go wild with weird stuff. Friendship and Partner Seals are your friends.

As for Revelation... it’s not great. It’s a “golden path”, which is already pretty divisive on its own, but a lot of people hate how gimmicky most maps feel. That being said, I think it could have been the best gameplay experience in Fates if they had amped up the difficulty a bit, seeing all the crazy stuff you can get by virtue of its cast. Oh, and Revelation Shura is probably going to be your least favorite unit. And Revelation Nyx and Odin are going to be your favorites. Hope you’re fond of Leo and Xander’s retainers!

Small aside on the difficulty: generally speaking, Conquest is the hardest and Birthright is the easiest. Conquest Lunatic is unparalleled in terms of difficulty; Conquest Hard and Revelation Lunatic come next; then there’s Birthright Lunatic’s lategame, which is harder than Conquest Normal, which in turn is on par with Revelation Hard... sorta? Then there’s Revelation Normal and Birthright Hard, which are about the same thing, and Birthright Normal which you should not play.

I’m assuming you know nothing about any of the other two routes, but play Birthright first. Possibly on Lunatic, and trust me when I say you’ll hardly notice the difference until lategame. Better get an A-Support with Kaze before Chapter 15 though! As for Rev, I’d go Hard on your first playthrough but you could try your hand at Lunatic if you want to.

Just know that Rev doesn’t have original Paralogues: namely, Rev Lunatic paralogues can either be the same as Birthright Lunatic’s or Conquest Lunatic’s, so... beware. 


Sorry about the rant, but it’s some nice, spoiler-free information you’ll need. Honestly, both routes get really fun at some point, and Birthright is actually one of the least played FE games. Enjoy Fates, and don’t listen to the haters! It can be good! Sometimes.

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22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...I lied, I'm not glad at all. You didn't even think this one through! Noe, Butterman! It was perfect! Noe! Now get back to your LP!

Well, I'll probably get back to it soon when my exams are done...

22 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ey1ootdo oTxiiiqvd o

Bella went to Hella (ignore that I've totally used this one before)



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Part 18 - The power of nosferatu.


On 5/18/2021 at 5:12 PM, Goddess Serra said:

What do you have against axe users?

I never wanted this.

Jokes aside, I’ll miss Bella. She’s cool, tall and a pretty solid unit from what little I played of SGW.

Yes, I'll miss her too. She is indeed tall. Taller than me, too. What a shame...

While I cannot forgive you about not using Ophelia

You just count your lucky stars she's not Rutger.

(just kidding of course, but I recently found out that my Awakening avatar’s granddaughter can become the single most powerful unit in Conquest Lunatic, so...), it’s a great team.

Thanks! I'm proud of them too.

What difficulty did you play Conquest on? I’m assuming Hard because I think Senno would have B Lances otherwise.

Yeah, hard it was. For a first run, I wasn't about to go lunatic lol.

I’m actually a big fan of quite a few of the characters you used! Leo and Elise are my two favorites from Fates (and it’s weird to see Elise not being used),

Oof... I must admit, I'm not fond of any of the royals. Elise is not my kind of character at all, and Leo... Leo was pretty harmless until I saw the way he treats his son in his paralogue. That... made me hate his guts, not gonna lie. So they both hit the bench after they married. In Elise's case it was even worse, because I didn't use her husband, her daughter or the capturable boss in the latter's paralogue!

but Soleil, Nina, Benny and Charlotte... they’re all great, seriously.

Charlotte in particular was such a pleasant surprise. In my first run I instantly discarded her after seeing her design, but then I happened to catch a glimpse of her combat face in a stream. I loved it. It made me give her supports a chance, and I discovered a... surprisingly interesting character underneath the questionable exterior! Plus, she's a fun unit. So yeah. Charlotte good, actually.

As for the others, Benny's very much the kinda guy I'd use, Soleil has my favorite female design in the game, and Nina... Look, it may be out of character for me, but I love her. I love her and her deranged stalker ways. She's hilarious.

I probably like Fates more than the average person, which is not great considering I have a pseudo-masochistic relationship with Conquest, but still!

You know, so do I. Even if I haven't played the other paths, Conquest's existence is enough for me to consider myself a fan. Fuck story, Fates gives Three Houses a whooping.

Spoilers for the other paths: Birthright has the best story in Fates (that’s not saying much, and it’s still dumb at times), but it’s definitely a bit snooze-inducing for the first dozen or so chapters. You might have a PoR-like experience with it, but if you endure then the game gets much harder and better towards Chapter 20 or so. I’m not a huge fan of the limited reclassing options you get in that route, since it means that playthroughs are going to differ mostly in the lategame, but you can also go wild with weird stuff. Friendship and Partner Seals are your friends.

As for Revelation... it’s not great. It’s a “golden path”, which is already pretty divisive on its own, but a lot of people hate how gimmicky most maps feel. That being said, I think it could have been the best gameplay experience in Fates if they had amped up the difficulty a bit, seeing all the crazy stuff you can get by virtue of its cast. Oh, and Revelation Shura is probably going to be your least favorite unit. And Revelation Nyx and Odin are going to be your favorites. Hope you’re fond of Leo and Xander’s retainers!

Small aside on the difficulty: generally speaking, Conquest is the hardest and Birthright is the easiest. Conquest Lunatic is unparalleled in terms of difficulty; Conquest Hard and Revelation Lunatic come next; then there’s Birthright Lunatic’s lategame, which is harder than Conquest Normal, which in turn is on par with Revelation Hard... sorta? Then there’s Revelation Normal and Birthright Hard, which are about the same thing, and Birthright Normal which you should not play.

I’m assuming you know nothing about any of the other two routes, but play Birthright first. Possibly on Lunatic, and trust me when I say you’ll hardly notice the difference until lategame. Better get an A-Support with Kaze before Chapter 15 though! As for Rev, I’d go Hard on your first playthrough but you could try your hand at Lunatic if you want to.

Just know that Rev doesn’t have original Paralogues: namely, Rev Lunatic paralogues can either be the same as Birthright Lunatic’s or Conquest Lunatic’s, so... beware.

Advice duly noted!

Sorry about the rant, but it’s some nice, spoiler-free information you’ll need. Honestly, both routes get really fun at some point, and Birthright is actually one of the least played FE games.

Thanks a lot for the tidbits!

Enjoy Fates, and don’t listen to the haters! It can be good! Sometimes.

Believe me, at this point, I know better than to listen to the haters. Fates kicks ass.

Even if sometimes it feels like a hentai without the sex.


On 5/18/2021 at 5:22 PM, Pengaius said:
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Well, I'll probably get back to it soon when my exams are done...

Dew it.

Bella went to Hella (ignore that I've totally used this one before)

I like how you apologize about one that's actually pretty clever, and yet you missed the extremely obvious Joe one and just carried on proudly. Damnit, Butterman! Why must you be so insufferable!?




Yqsvdnfe o

This title, though. This one is very relevant, as we'll find out later.

2yzi9o1e o

We begin in an open field, where a promoted Hector is surrounded by enemy forces.

Uagbyuax oOqvfikw5 o

It's ol' Garry, kicking ass as usual.

Fmuh7djh o

Ltdtkfbh othis man has wiped out 5 of the 8 regiments of the Red Army practically by himself.

Nos2w2pe oAnd since Elliot started his rebellion in Amatera, Nomad is just down to Gintoki's unit. At this point... I'm just a dead man walking.

H7ggcm1g oResigned to your fate?

Nos2w2pe o...That I am.

0os5qbmx o

Well, that was, uh... Gho? What kind of a name is Gho? I dunno, but I'll shed manly tears for him.

Ufeopft5 o

And who even are you?

H7ggcm1g oAnd with that, Gintoki, Ronald, those assassins, Kuroth... and you are all that stand in my way of freeing Merv for good.

Ltdtkfbh oWe surrender. I'll tell you anything that you need to know.

9qk5ifz8 o Eyyy, smart girl! Yeah, it's a girl, if you weren't sure. As for how I know, well... Apparently, in past versions of SGW, this was an actual boss character, as opposed to... some portrait in a cutscene. Seriously, at least Gho got a name...

H7ggcm1g oDo you know Ronald's location?

Ltdtkfbh oYes! He's by the Elementos Border, set to meet with the last of the Holy Guard. But be careful of two of them! They are both quite skilled fighters. They are the berserker and a man named Baine.

9qk5ifz8 oWe know Baine. He's probably a friend. Probably. As for "the berserker", he is not, in fact, a berserker.

H7ggcm1g oThe berserker?

Dvasnusx o

I believe I've mentioned it before, but due to plot shenanigans, berserk staves do not exist in SGW. Except, apparently there is one...

H7ggcm1g oThe berserk staff? That weapon should be useless after the Mana Plague... Pyron must be expending quite the resources just for this one person.

Ltdtkfbh oHe isn't just any individual. He wields the Emblem Lance.

9qk5ifz8 oOh, hey! Artemis said in her support with Nereid that she'd never met anyone who could use that weapon. Looks like, in time, we shall.

H7ggcm1g oThat still sounds like too much capital no matter who it is. Regardless, you've proven your worth. I accept your surrender.

Sknmcfhg oK5yseswv o

Gotta say, this game's scripted battles tend to go in our favor more often than in other games. Usually these are employed to show us getting our asses kicked...

Tvt7tfau o

Zhrp5jtp oIs that so? That means only Ronald is left of the Red Army.

2a4n3p8h oSoon, like so many others, he will be raw meat on your blade, my love.

Zhrp5jtp oOf course, my dearest Janet. Once Ronald is gone, we should make our old friend Larry go next.

Lgjkwhcy o I mean, I'm pretty sure the Prime Raisin will just shrivel up and die on his own if you leave him be...

8pkscabs oYou plan to leave Propater? Once Ronald is dead, Kuroth is next.

Zhrp5jtp oIf that is where my path leads me, then that will be where I go.

6vij84tk o
Dd6odu7s o

Oh boy, it's people! The female merc is "Janet", she was there the whole time, just barely offscreen. The others are...

Edw5p25t o

3o3qwubf oNova. I left the path of the bard to become a warrior.

Zhrp5jtp oNova? I don't recall meeting someone with such a name before.

9qk5ifz8 o We've met a tome with that name. It was more relevant.

Zhrp5jtp oAnd the same would be of this Iris that you mentioned.

Eqjkhh5d oYou don't remember the mother of one of your own children?

2a4n3p8h oDonovan and I have never had any children, and we have been together for the last thirty years. I think I would remember any affair he could have had.

Bwuoekf5 o

Pfffft... Well, there's Barry, ladies and gentlemen. He's Old Bartre, and he's Old Fir's dad. You can't make this shit up.

Lzhmf5wd oEven my memory isn't this bad. Who the hell are you? You aren't Donovan.

Zhrp5jtp oI am Donovan. I wield the Aura Blade given to me by Bramimond. I travel with my beloved Janet, who I wed after the World War. If Bramimond recognized me as real enough to give me this sword, then how am I fake?

3o3qwubf oBecause you don't remember me, a descendant of Bramimond,

Lgjkwhcy o In all fairness, not remembering you isn't exactly something so difficult to accomplish.

3o3qwubf oand that Janet isn't the Janet you loved. We need to have a talk about what exactly you know. Something isn't right here.

Zhrp5jtp oIf you insist.

9qk5ifz8 oGotta say, Donovan's taking these accusations surprisingly well.

2a4n3p8h o...

Wzirkcus o

Meanwhile, over on this side... Generic bandits?

Vfvyakja o

Who the hell is that?

Ldvyormr oTry me.

K0etffqj oGarrison says he's going to attack Ronald next. You know what that means!

Ldvyormr oWe just gotta tell Baine first, and we'll get a hefty reward.

K0etffqj oBut that's not all! Donovan and his Aura Blade will be there too!

Ldvyormr oWill he now? This is perfect. Baine wanted to know when that failure would show himself again. Come, men. The Bandit King will make his move.

258jplt3 o

Well, that was interesting. I guess.

Yctzlnga oUpavdi60 oI18qs39s o

This is more interesting, because it brings the whole "recurring bosses" gimmick to the front. There's three bosses in this map. We can kill one of them, two or even all three, and the survivors will appear in future maps. Pretty cool! I usually try to kill two of them here. The third one's too much trouble to get to.

Oonogjv7 o

E9kjhydh oYes. This is the last stretch of our journey here.

Vhfxzqd0 oIt looks like there is a battle going on out here. We should use the utmost caution traversing this desert.

E9kjhydh oThere will likely be many wyvern riders, bigl, and gargoyles out here. I'm sure we'll have some aid from Cyra coming as well.

B55vmdmc o

Here's the last of the Cyrans. Two generic bishops and two generic sages, alongside...

Ti0ycsxm o

The coolest Cyran. And Carter. Remember Carter? He appeared in one cutscene.

Axkbtnvr oExcellent. The enemy force is still too well organized right now. With their help, we might be able to create a suitable situation in which we can retreat for the day.

U3286zdm o

There's those two idiots, alongside a new guy.

Fd20w0ak oThe people who killed Malik are here? I never cared much for Ryu or its people, but an enemy is an enemy.

Ifxhvwsc oWe also got word that more reinforcements are on their way to help us, but only one other commander will show up much later.

Omcjqkjt oWill it be Nail or Vulvo?

Lgjkwhcy o Vulvo. Seriously? "Vulva" in Spanish means... Well, "vulva." I really don't think that dude's parents loved him...

Fd20w0ak oIn this weather, does it matter? With the Phobos here, it's unlikely anyone could hope to ever reach us.

Mk0inilb oTjlcpg7o o

Oh look, Ruben from the Past has finally remembered to screenshot the team composition. Evan is, surprise surprise, fatigued again, so he sits this one out alongside Dexithea and Janet. We'll need him more next map. A lot more.

In turn, we welcome Condor and Lex back into the fray, as well as Clea, who is required for a recruitment.

Jexo2yas oVk5ugoxu o

I have decided to give Kirin some juna fruit, for no greater reason than she's Kirin and she already has everything.

Ki0l6msx o

Last map, we got a master seal. Let's give it to Kenton. He and Relina are the last units that require a master seal, but Relina would rather wait until she can get those two last levels until she learns Blood Tide.

Fpctnxpl oF7zucehl o

Pretty pleasant palette. I mean, everyone's seen plenty of blue swordmasters, but he's a dark blue swordmaster. Different!

Obcthfh7 o

Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffft... Hahahahahahahahaha! Even his promotion is geared towards making him slow! He now has more defense than speed. Absolutely amazing. This guy's hilarious, I'm glad I deployed him again 3 maps after he joined.

Otherwise, he gains absolutely nothing from promotion. No weapons, no skills, nothing. Cool.

Iplszcvo o

Before getting started, I used the silver card to purchase a torch staff. These things are very useful.

Rynb17oi o

For a change, we're not starting with cartography. We'll get to that in a minute. First, I'd like to light up the place so we can see more than just a bunch of fog tiles.

Oliydzmg oQdg1ezxs o

This should be enough for now.

Bpqbrc6p o

Dbk0m9lb oKztmhi3f oViajypee o

Yeah, that works okay, I guess. So, chapter 17. Second desert mission. It's a lot different from the other one. Whereas in the first desert map we were slowly advancing in an attempt to kill as many enemies as possible without being overwhelmed by the wyvers and bosses (while the other side got Evan'd), this map encourages aggression a lot more. Once again, there's treasure all over the place, but aside from that, we've got bosses on the upper right and lower left to go after. After at least one of them goes down, Astrea will have to walk to the opposite corner of the map from our starting location to speak to Ryan, and we're done. Enemies hiding in the mist include fliers, axemen that aren't affected by the sand because they're war priests, slow skeletons that are bad and one of the most annoying bosses in the game. Also, though there's no slow penalty per se, there is a soft time limit in the form of... let's say, tough reinforcements. Look forward to all that in due time.

Cctl3txm oXyfkk7hg o

Let's get properly started. First, Astrea stops here so that Artemis can grab a sagittae. Why didn't I do this earlier? Why, because I'm a dumbass!

Wqyrhw5y oHcfr472r o

That's the flier down. He's annoying, because he's exactly outside of bow range.

Pnixtkay oBgrtduoz o

Clint Jeigans the nearest gargoyle for Relina. Today, I will once again focus on feeding her levels. Blood Tide Relina sounds like the stuff of dreams, and a straight jump to tier 3 might just salvage her combat, too. As you can see, it desperately needs the salvaging.

Ekqunzo8 o

The only problem with the plan was that I wasn't sure when I'd be getting another master seal, and well...

Mjebpe8l o

The solution to that problem presented itself soon enough.

Oczk1uut o

All right, that's pretty okay for a first turn. Chrysler is in range of a couple enemies, which is fine, because he's sturdy enough for it.

Sl3ecwdv o

The first thing that happens when you end the first turn is that the two bosses use this chance to show off.

Qffec1tt o

Fd20w0ak oyou'll be dead soon anyway.

Mvyqetfp oX0y1lxtn oV9lqohpk o

I like this. It's a pretty smart way to let you know the two main threats despite the fog. I mean, no fog would be better, but hey. At least now we know Hellen is standing at the very corner of the map with a meteor tome.

0kc95xjy o

As for Carbos, the game just tells you where he is and that he moves. Pretty sure he's guaranteed to move like this the first turn, and then the other greenie dies, so he just stays put until you lure him closer.

Gnhqwlnl o

I'd laugh at you and your nose, but I know from personal experience that this isn't empty bragging.

Wtrm0df9 oQecfpn9l oEboclsr3 o

I mean...

Uducespc oVxnlhkti o

He just curbstomped that guy.

Xwdhmez3 o

And he's gone from view. I better not forget he's there. This is one guy that you do not want to get ambushed by.

Jajly05j o

The NPCs have things to do now. If Ryan dies, it's game over, but everyone else is fair game. Including the recruitable. Still, they're not in much danger.

Sfhxrukp oUae5iudb o

As expected, Chrysler comes under attack. He wins.

Zm0pplth o

This poor woman, however, is much less fortunate. Oof...

Tdzcj2qs o

The only greenie left now is this lone druid down here. Chances are he'll die very soon.

Yenpapsp o...Gah, I can't see anything! Where in the world am I? All I wanted was to find the restroom... Oh, there's a person! Hey, you there! Can you tell me where's the bathr--

Tjjgahca o...! An enemy!? Here!? How could they have broken through our line!? Quick, we must defeat him! No telling how many more of them may be around here!

Copi25ng o

Yenpapsp oA-Augh! What are you doing!?

Tjjgahca oWhat do you mean, what am I doing? I am your enemy! We're supposed to fight!

Yenpapsp oT-The enemy!? Have I truly strayed so far from the path to the bathroom...?

Tuof8jev o

Yenpapsp oV-Very well, then! So be it! I-I shall fight my way back! I-I won't be so easy to bring down! ...E-Even if I'm still pissin' myself here!

Rsc8sbgs oDlhu36ml o

Holy shit, this guy, though! He's just nosferatanking like it's nobody's business!

Ronkeyn0 o

Look at that! He's completely surrounded!

R8zbyw5y oZ36aepli oQvugz7tb o

Ah, unfortunately, he gets doubled by the promoted wyverns.

Cj0co25h o

...Except he's now completely surrounded, so there's no chance of him dying this turn.


I98k7ryf oOssyyvfo oN9g4j9v8 o

Nooooooo... Quit undoing the man's hard work!

Vbteigns o

And OUR hard work! Stoooppp!

Ecs6dn4f o

All right, it's our turn. This idiot skeleton positioned itself conveniently so that our bishop pal could show off.

O0cxbmcz oUk1gr8hu o

He does not score a crit, unfortunately, but the sages move, so it's fine.

A2d8p45b o

Yenpapsp oHounds!? They have sent hounds after me!? NO! ANYTHING BUT HOUNDS! STOP! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO--!

9acgttm0 o

He's back to full HP... What!? This guy...! He wasn't nearly as amazing in past versions of the game!

...Probably because until very, very recently - like one or two versions back, in fact - there was a skill that most monsters had that made nosferatu hurt its wielder. That allowed these dogs to destroy this guy. It was removed, however, and now he can just tank forever. Goodness...!

Iivmt5zt o

And now, it's time to watch Ryan continue to defy the laws of nature by attacking an enemy in the fog. This guy is too powerful!

0kvofibc oT5kbmmhi o7g7xeoqr oNrevi3ks o

He also missed.

A1nohxod o

Let's dance for Relina and hopefully get another kill for her.

Hczyxfxp oFynmms28 oWmhqwlvy o2qw67se1 o

Like so. Exactly like so, in fact. She just barely managed!

Ot4vzvk9 o

That wasn't entirely Relina sucking ass, though. I was having her capture.

Fhdjcbfh o

It's just a steel sword, but hey. It's something.

Qqlzn8ar o

Look, Daedalus is going to do something!

Pelspygc o

I could've had Artemis give up her elfire tome for sagittae earlier, since there are no riders in this map. But nooooooo, I just had to give up the shaver tome, so now she can't do effective damage against the many fliers on the map. Thanks a lot, me.

M6c3ehyj o

That's not as awful as it might seem.

Pt8s9oyy o

Mostly because we can just do this.

6k3yca2y oUi21zeil o

And then Eren finishes the gargoyle.

Hdnu8yxm o

That doesn't look so bad.

Or it wouldn't, if it wasn't for the fact that a bunch of our units are in range of the lower armor knights. Good work, me.

EDIT: Hey, Ruben from the future here! I don't know if it's super noticeable (I didn't feel like proofreading that much, so I've been skimming through this), but I made a crapton of typos in this update. No idea why. Must've been really sleepy these last few days. I decided to leave this typo because... I mean, look at it. It's ridiculous. Not only did I somehow misspell "wyvern" as something that doesn't even share any letters with it, but I also somehow went for the one class that couldn't ever reach anything in the desert. Good work, me. I am astounded.

Oezoe73d o

Tjjgahca oG-Get me outta here! That man is a monster! Ryan, you underhanded dastard... You must've devised this brilliant trap! I cannot imagine anybody else being able to find a way to sneak such a powerful sorcerer all the way out here...! What sort of intricate scheme did you compose to make this happen!?

H83dttui oIfj7lpcl o


Kqzadqjp oBou07nfm o

Good job, Daedalus. You did something.

Vcrvzhtr oLts70xky oVitkhobi o

Honestly though, when you're being outperformed by friggin' armors, you know you've got a problem.

Dpxkumyc o

Goddamnit, Chrysler. That is not movement.

Cbhtu5u7 oGx4tngve oFqdk2b69 o4xgdpzzx o

Well, to be fair, though, he is the second tankiest unit in the team, after Evan. And you know me, nothing I love more in an ironman than a tanky unit. Even his res is pretty okay! Better than Evan's, in fact!

8oixtjrs o

Ah! Crit!

Rsqq0j5w o

Oh my god, he's... he's fucking unkillable! He's the manliest man in Cyra!

Rtfjpwny oHeworzzv o


Zqybxpyc o

Ahh, shit. Here it comes...

Hqd8kyz4 o

Sbzz2lp4 oI'd rather fight an army than that monster!

Pr9t9btr o9unkpljv o

How embarrassing, Nereid...

Dd9l1wfa oBcjtgyv1 oSnnenok2 o

Goodness, he's still going.

Yenpapsp oO-Oh, man... Oh man oh man oh man oh man... I-I'm gonna die here! No! I don't wanna die yet! I still haven't grown a full beard...! Though a-at least I'm pretty sure I no longer need to go to the bathroom... Ahh, damnit all...! S-Someone save me!

J0ys7jov o

If you're wondering about that one wyvern who still hasn't used his move... Well, he has. He healed with a vulnerary a bit ago, if you recall. I'm not sure why he's colored as if he hadn't moved yet, but I'm pretty sure it's just a visual glitch, because it happened a couple times throughout the map and they never acted twice.

Cz2avcxb o

Anyway: fuck.

R82geksx oU1powthx o


Ttmrlhnw o


6sdjqrsq o

Ryan, you ain't got shit on the generic with nosferatu.

Iqb1gmgb o

Oh hey, allied reinforcements! That's not so common.

Xpxseszb o

10 HP from Kirin's passive. I know I'm constantly pointing it out, but look, I love it and her, so let me.

Ehngsuan o

Okay, so... This is bad news.

1uofibfh o

So let's worry about it when it becomes a problem! For now, I am wondering if Kenton can make this work.

Lqy4ujbd oZ7bcerdh o

Hell yes, and...

Lbnzmoz5 oAxq1vr6j o

Hell fucking yes! I mean, the second strike was obvious because of PCC, but the dodge was pretty damn cool!

Vmuisgga o

Oh, hello there.

Pxfg0efk oQdomw4rn o

Using thani on a mook feels wasteful, but whatever.

Lv05t0eq oNfdkcyda o

Clint continues to Jeigan stuff for Relina. I guess he's forgiven her for her slights upon Joe's good name since the man's death?

Thcmp6rn o

Regardless, that'll be a level 19 Relina. We're almost there now!

Lck8io2o o

She's on the edge of being a good unit. Her stats are just barely subpar in all respects. C'mon, girl! You can do it! If you get that level today, I am fairly certain that will be it!

Uwueo1as o

Let's not rest on our laurels, though. No time to rest and celebrate the good level! We must get more EXP!

Inyyis4s o

Eesh... That's not very good.

Qm0dbuvz o

Better. I don't like that damage, but better.

8vybvfgt o

Well, that simplifies things. Good job, friend!

P8glcjrt o

Pretty sure this is the first speed level he's ever gotten. And it doesn't even let him become a regular myrmidon with higher speed than strength, because he got some of that too. I love this guy.

Fpjhigpg o0uzpondo o

Look! Daedalus is doing something! I know I always overreact whenever he does, but... Well, it's just so surprising!

Mvlx17jv o

Very interesting, yes.

Gbijrxg1 oAe5tbbbr o

Here we go, more experience for Relina.

4ybxhsli oSur3cz5i oRey4hlbf o

Man, lots of mercy going on today.

Sajzvrna oCkcx8k0t o

In this case, it's for Eren, because Eren is close to a level.

2kvcgxhg o

Still no speed, still no move. Okay, no problem.

Dm6gmjtl o

+6 defense on enemy phase. Not bad!

D1z8xvhs o

Okay, I think it's time. Let's see what we can do about those two eyes.

7lr3dsyf o

Hmmm... Pretty sure...

Cmg9ls6m o

Yep, hail is effective against fliers. We can take one out between Mirielle and Artemis. Unfortunately, Clea can't quite finish the second one, but that's better than nothing.

6jrsu5el oRnnypkqm o

Oho! Well, that's certainly convenient. Way to go, girl!

Ov1tt9fk o

Out with you!

Hdydtqkg o

Speed is good!

4krscdfr oOdydon1r oErtbevkg oZpr6mdwy o

Artemis doesn't quite manage the same level of success, but this will be enough for Clea.

11dpj1qs oFhy3aogj oZsaxe6zx oJ9qwmiqu o

Here we go. We're safe from flying ambushes now. For the time being, at least.

V5pthr92 o


Fbejrn47 o

Ahh, Condor's skill rallies. Whatever would we do without 'em.

Z3tggrbr o

The formation just gets wonkier and wonkier.

Mo3d3u5e o

I like how everyone's just running away from the druid.

Kakjeobh oH-He's insane! He's the greatest magician I have ever met! Run! Run, everyone!

Li9ejbb4 oKowxkcjl o


6dqjqrvp o

Holy shit, he's fucking winning! He's sending everyone packing! What an absolute unit!

D8czox5t oAaaahhh! Save us, Lord Pyron!

Yenpapsp oAaaahhh! Save me, Lord Bramimond!

5hbjnucb o


Prr8zbya o

O-okay, that's fine. I hadn't noticed that. It's okay. He's still good.

Aefpyccz o

He's still good, he's still good.

Esdsbbqa o

...He's not good at all, is he.

Caruipp5 o

Oh, thank God. Thank the lord. He's good. He's very good!

Yw0v1m35 o

Whoa, whoa, where're the two of you going? I swear, if you enter Carbos's range and disrupt the entire plan...

Rhkmh6se o

And now he's running up to heal us!? This guy is the most impressive green unit in the history of the world!

Yenpapsp oA-Ah! An opening!? How!? I have no idea why they would retreat... maybe it's a trap, but who cares! I'm takin' my chances!

Sxmi2ovo o

Why Mirielle and not Eren...? Maybe he just couldn't reach.

Yenpapsp oH-Hey! You lot! You're the ones fighting the Amaterans, aren't you?! Protect me! Protect me, please...! You've got to protect me!

Vhfxzqd0 oProtect you? According to the reports, you've been taking on the entire Amateran army for the whole battle, and you've come out on top! You're incredible, my friend!

Yenpapsp oWha... What? I... I was just flailing my arms and casting nosferatu at anything that moved in my panic... C-Could I truly have... No way...!

Em55iw5o oL5zr8og2 o

Oh hey, look. Ryan finally landed his equinox. I'm so happy for him.

Rxlcq3if o

All right, so let's light up this place some more. I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt where the bosses stand. I know for a fact, but it never hurts to be sure.

Kanzdwkf o

Well, that's certainly a formation around Hellen.

Oeksqjma oY3aqvdwz o7j7tvr1e oHf4jafll o

Her speed is weak, but her magic is capped and she's sporting a siege tome with 32 uses on top of S anima. She's also... wait, what? She's 47 years old? Oh my goodness, what's with this woman? Not only does she look 20 years younger than her son, she also looks 20 years younger than she actually is!

Anyway, Hellen is another one of this hack's recurring bosses. If she does not die here, she returns in the next map, and if she survives that as well, she'll be back one last time in chapter... 21, I think? I think that's it, yes. This is a trait that she shares with her son. She'll level up between appearances, and when she reaches level 28, she'll get Adept, which will let her potentially double with meteor. Yeah. Imagine facing that. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to kill her here, as evidenced by the wall of phobos generals, but we'll have other chances.

Qpzd97ja o

Speaking of the noseman.

Diwe6zrt oN7acwgjh oLanfnscb o

...Oh, please... This just keeps getting worse and worse. She had the noseman at the ripe age of 16. Which means someone fucked her at that age at best, when she was 15 at worst. Jesus Christ, these nobles... At least I'm hoping it wasn't the Prime Raisin, too! Though for all I know she might be older than him, too...

Anyway, Carbos. Carbos is a cruel fuckin' joke, that's what he is. 22 speed, ladies and gentlemen. 22 speed lets him double... I think literally the entire deployed team but Astrea and Clint. And Clint is on the other side. He also has capped magic, a top tier wind tome and tomefaire for even more damage. Blademaster once told me that the speedwings like is supposed to be a reference to Pokemon, but the first time I assumed it was supposed to be a dig at the fact that he doubles every fucking thing. Because he really does.

As I said before, Carbos can survive this map and appear in the same maps as Hellen. However, as you can see in his level skills list, he's going to learn Vantage+ if we let him exist for long enough. It negates crits and lets him attack first no matter what. I've actually never seen this guy beyond this chapter. I've always made sure to kill him here. I shudder to imagine this behemoth in the next map. I'd much rather handle him here, where I can actually lure him to a semi-convenient position.

Tnsimdtr oZ4nyqlrp o

Really wish I had BWS/TRS's flags right about now. Anyone who walks into their shared range will be vaporized.

Jhr3ic1m o


U9dox0wm o

I love this woman.

Ik9euh7k o

That was too close, Eren. Never scare me like that again.

Trm8zgii o

Kenton will need two crits here. Can I count on you once more, my friend?

Vic2x5ps o

Ohoho! Who needs speed when you've got proc skills?

Gdqeqnyw o7of47i6k oCzyz2idh o

There we go.

Bslok3hx o

And now we can use Galeforce to take out this other guy.

7rvwffgm oAq9w8khb o

You can tell he got a crit because he's holding the sword upright instead of at an angle.

1engmfsj o

Here you go, king. Some healing for your troubles.

Yenpapsp oT... Thank you...

Vd6irww9 oYou're welcome, man. Keep up the good work out there and we'll be outta here soon enough.

Yenpapsp o...G-Good work... I... I've done a good work... Without even meaning to? I... I... Ah... Ahah... hah... hahah! Yes! I'm... I'm so good! YES!

T2gxve9m o

...Oh Christ, Joanne's dead.

Gb6qpdvm o


Qsnhujxs oZij5cp8d o9t6ituwn o

Guess what time it is.

M73ybfni o

Indeed, you guessed right.

Grach1zq o

And now, swap to the naginata.

Sivhwyzr oQo5mqvo8 oDjyzwidc o9ituy8g2 o

Chrysler the merciful.

Lkqfkyfn o

More experience for Eren.

8vh4fy1o o7ghks92g o

Oh fucking hell, Kirin is in range of two enemies and I don't think she can take it...

Ghql59aw o6locdlnx o

Okay, okay, let's not panic. We can fix this. First, take this person down with Lex.

8ovo2oki o

I could save Kirin by killing the war priest with Lex, but...

Cxdar8nv o

Yeah, dumb idea.

Mtrl8w06 o

...So in the end, I opted to put Condor next to Kirin and hope the enemies just go after the one who can't counterattack.

Because I am a dumbass. This never works...

Cmdkt5uf o

Well, okay, that wasn't entirely all of it. I did attempt to trigger this guy's healing AI by whacking him with some ice.

Rdfy3k6x o

Like so. Now we hope for the best.

Ud5on2jz o

Please nobody die.

T8tpvoav o

Oh, how nice! The guy we injured went south and charged one of the sages, for... some reason.

Owpjgw0t oWqrvimkw o

How'd that work out for ya?

25bxcqr4 o

Well, his sacrifice wasn't in vain. The sage went down shortly afterwards.

O7k5r6ul o

This girl didn't even go after Kirin. She actually did what I wanted, for a change. Phew...

7ljoavj0 oHup8et2x o

I worry too much about her, don't I. But can you blame me? My heart cannot take another obliteration like what happened in chapter 14 of Berwick Saga...

Bbx7rxqy o

The last wyvern lord goes after the second sage.

Zmopxb9h o

I am quite impressed by this map's green units. Sure, they die in two hits, but they're surprisingly powerful, for green units.

...And, well, then there's The Druid, of course.

85780jcd o

Yeah, you guys are just pathetic.

Drxuogt4 oQm0klklx oKtkfz1yv o

General rounds of healing.

Gylayy8f o

Fully revitalized, our sage friend downs another flier.

Jdjluvxf o


5pifrvxs o

Okay, so now he's just straight up charging at the enemy.

Atfapwln oAvgjz1dy o

And doubling the enemy, too! Imagine if he got a crit. It would've been hilarious.

Yenpapsp oH-Hah! This is too easy! Won't anyone give me a good fight!? C'mon! I'll fight any one of you punks!

4ehfjqhm oSlsxruem o

Condor is close to a level, so she grabs the kill. She's behind everyone else due to her early promtion, so here's hoping she makes it a good one.

3sqp2wak o

You know, Condor, I've been enduring this shit all game long. But I don't know how much longer I can do it.

Wxau7z7h o

...Ahhh, I mean, c'mon. I'm going to continue fielding Female Derrick all game and you know it.

Ujdlbxgb o

...Oh, God! Almost made the worst mistake I possibly could've!

Rusc6nvn o

Well, at any rate, that's it for this side. The only thing left for these guys to do is nab a desert item around the skeleton to the left of Iris and kill the wyvern boss.

Kmomhtqg oJmbtksu2 o

Speaking of bosses. I know, I know, Astrea should be heading south so we can finish the map, but hear me out: She's literally the only unit that does not die a horrible death against Carbos. Pretty sure literally everyone else perishes. Maybe Iris with the magestone could've taken it too, but she's kinda far away.

This guy, I swear.

V399l6qt o2ydevajg o

I'd like to get rid of these skeletons before Carbos arrives, though. Would be a mess if they went after Astrea too.

9or4mhpg o

...Yow! Better be careful!

Vuxemqv8 o

I know, I know, this goes against everybody's Fire Emblem instincts, but it's perfectly safe.

Sf48rkoc oI4kthoho o

That'll be a level for Clea, too.

Wiomb5my o

Eyy, magic! Not bad, I'll take it.

D3fdwaih oQ8vbsqmh o

And now, Lex.

5swsmtn1 oJ9cljnwo o

Healing for Lex. A few people need minor healing, so might as well start with him. I know, I know, wasteful use of a recover. I mean, who cares, really. This is still GBAFE, with its broken-ass healing formula that makes basic heal top people off 90% of the time. Recover has always been utterly redundant here.

Gb6pndoi o9iida2mq o

Defense and damage buffs for Astrea. Utterly useless, but I mean, might as well.

Ncebou9k o

Hoo, boy... I hope I haven't made a mistake of some sort...

7803phvr o

Here it comes...!

Nkxacvs7 oUorivuig o

Gwahahahahah... You've fallen right into my trap, Carbos!

Cf0fwmjl o


Lt7jx9cc o04fy994u oDfo1wooq o


D04qtnv9 o

Well?! Anything else!?

Pvzb1m0f o0h31d4gp oCfjk3rrg oJejeoybg o

Nah, just more experience for Relina. Cool!

Xbgbged8 o

Pfft... Okay, now this guy's just straight up charging into enemy lines. A strategic genius, that one.

T2zmqcew o

No, wrong girl!

8jnwmpyi o

Yenpapsp oHold still, my friends! I shall not allow a single one of you to fall today! I, Reginald Van Vonhorenhelm IV, the hero of the desert! Ahahahah!

4cyeve4n o

Crappers, more enemies!

9xcovv8d o


Okay, that'd be the best thing ever. But, unfortunately, it would also be Kirin's end. So no.

Rgzikqlq o

You can just heal instead.

Y2mkzpod o

...God fucking damnit, by moving Kirin, I hid the wyvern again... Stupid fog!

Pebjfv2e o

...Uhhhh... Oh, fuck me, I can't even check Hellen's range anymore, either...

1b4f6fuj oU08suezk o

Okay, don't panic. Let's start by doing this...

Kmgjitwf oVl1zkzku o

And now we can do this...

Wteu8yxo o

...And that's about it, actually. There's one more guy, but he's well in Hellen's range, and I'd rather not leave anyone there if I can help it.

0lctxow3 o

So let's just... get out with Lex, and...

36dpn36g o

You know, if Astrea misses this, I will have to sacrifice someone to be able to finish Carbos.

Iluxay4g o

Oh, thank God.

Xldtncri oN09iyveq o

S swords! Not bad at all.

Sudnh1hz o

Okay, and now-- Okay, not Eren...

Twk1wf52 o

Not Chrysler either...

Hjpcu7f1 o


3shzarlv o

Oh, thank the blistering barnacles...

9ksh8b85 oWoa1gqdb o

All is forgiven, Condor. You and your super bow are useful, no matter the levels you've been getting.

Acuromiz oC4bfg98j o

I like this guy's death quote.

B452rbac o

Well, that's pretty good! Looks like Condor's earned herself another level today.

Qout1ljv o

Hellen reacts to her son's death. Just a short line, but it's neat that she does. I'm not sure if Carbos reacts to his mother's death. Probably not, considering it's almost impossible to kill her without killing Carbos first.

5btlz2ge o33dnosls o

Good work, girl. Now, to weather the storm.

Lkgiwvj9 o

Some rallies will help with that.

6gp6el6x o

Awwright! Boots! I will have to think this over. Astrea with a lot of movement is the most amazing thing ever, so I think I'll give this first pair to her.

Wshtknus oDbbqftac oUyngpbsc o

For once, that wasn't a mercying. I believe Relina will get enough experience to level from the wyvern boss. She just has to get there.

Mjfoppz4 oXfgno3pl oUtlfizhw o

Grab this kill while she's at it... Kenton procced Astra, by the way. I mean, it doesn't matter, it's not like it wastes weapon uses, but it's hilarious to watch the guy just machine gun no damages at the wyvern.

W5ucgnov oVizxy3hg o

Oh yeah, it's on, baby. We're definitely getting this done.

Z8w7af7p o6hzepzjm o

Ahh, well, that's perfectly fine.

A14lil5z oUqgjpn6m o03lho0kd o

Brave sage man takes out another enemy before going down. He will be remembered.

Zww9theu oKqgpxo3d o

Daedalus, I swear to God.

3ko8m26r o

Lex gets healed by our friend.

Yenpapsp oNever fear, for I am here!

T1j4jmb1 oIwfghnzs o

Not too bad, Ryan.

Yfeezdax o

With Carbos out of the picture, it's time to haul ass south. We've done all we can up here.

S12dy7ac o

Well, first, let's get rid of this guy and give Condor the level she deserves.

Io4dofmv o

...Of course, that's up to her. Get a good one, will ya?

Jw32li3e o

Ohohohohohohahahahahahahahah... Ahahahahah! Who cares if the level sucks otherwise? Who cares if she's still the worst archer on the team? Movement, guys! Movement!

35pl9jsj o

I'm taking our friend with us, too. I don't want him to die. Not again. The dragon from the Malik map was sad enough.

Yenpapsp oW-Whoa! What're you doing? Let me at 'em! I can take the entire enemy army on!

Iqjupxjn oDo not be reckless. You are lucky to be alive. Don't throw your life away!

Yenpapsp o......

Hrg8hmwl o

Set him down here.

8easnczc oQkzrfcun o

Mirielle avenges the fallen sage friend with sagittae. Mostly because she couldn't reach with her other tomes.

8moad9o8 o

It's over for this side.

Wz5aoaq7 o

Down here, we have finally uncovered the boss again.

Wxtpotcs o9yxkjrwa oFovhhc0i o

This guy is stationary, extremely weak except for his speed - which he can't even take advantage of because his weapon can't double - and dies to arrows like he's nothing. I am fairly certain the game intends for this guy to be an insurance of sorts in case the player cannot take out Carbos. Relina will do the honors so she can level up.

Woyte8yq o

Ahhhh, Daedalus. He can't two-shot druids.

Edt516xt oXkfiwarh o

Every day he continues to prove why he's my favorite SGW unit. Totally.

7rdsq45q oJr2ldm29 o

Clint grabs the kill. No point in leaving it for Relina, since Fox is hovering right there.

D3ivwzln o

Well, that's it.

Ejzuuflq oMhmihiwg o

Aaaaand that's it for the enemy phase too.

U4hpsx07 oM1uhbodc o

Yenpapsp oHmph... I tire of mere medical work! Where is the enemy!? I demand a challenge!

Ow7sxpev oItjelhip o

Eeeehhh nah. Let's give it a turn.

7tbt9wfn o

Let's buff Daedalus's speed, though. For... no real reason, since he could never double Fox.

Kwnbgssh o

While we head south, Astrea grabs a goddess icon. I don't always do, because it's so out of the way (not to mention inside Hellen's range), but hey, might as well.

3qdkzlcn o

This is Clea's movement. I'm only showing it so you can see the talk icon on Carter. Evan can also recruit him, and I like that conversation better, so I'll be showing it at the end in the bonus.

Viiiyowi oTjts9yb1 oWfflxqkm o

Let's just push this guy around some more. I really don't want him to charge what is going to spawn up north any second now.

Yenpapsp oQuit it! Q-Quit it already! I can walk by myself!

3pkbkv7n o

Well, this happens, as expected. I had a mini-heart attack for a second, because I forgot whether or not she had Adept already. But that's fine, she doesn't.

Exzho27h o

Omcjqkjt otrash to be discarded.

Gz0wh10b o

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, throwaway.

P3paxhp9 oBcwcnmbw o

At least that's one good thing to be said about Daedalus: He's so bad that there's no chance he'll destroy Fox during enemy phase.

G442dh8r o

Oh, shit! No, wait, don't! Fox belongs to Relina!

Yenpapsp oOhh, I see you're fighting one of the enemy commanders! Let me at him! I will defeat him swiftly! Hah, man... I've never had this much confidence in my own abilities! I feel like I could take the whole world on right now!

Nmvj1b6r o

Uh-oh... what's these camera movements? I think it's reinforcements...!

Vqyrhiqv o

Well, regardless.

Cvojksih oB0ksnvgr oOunx5zxv o

Not to worry.

Ocgumftd o

He's using Mercy, of course.

Al78fkna oSwjfbouv o1idz1gqk o

Ka-pow! Blood Tide Relina is ours!

Yv2qrssj o

Why does everyone insist on talking about their fathers? I have no idea who your father is either!

Vcbdjpkw o

Holy shit, that's a good level.

Oael1fws o

And, of course, that's the cherry on top of the pie. With this, Relina now buffs adjacent allies by 5 might, 15 hit and 4 speed. 6 speed, if she rallies as well. Holy fucking shit.

Qbfi2xgn oIroxzfh0 oGaykbxok o

The goddess icon secured, Astrea makes her way south. Unfortunately, she'll still have to stop along the way to grab more items.

Kysbb18p o

Ahh, bollocks. Okay, then, next turn, no problem.

Ufutcqrh o

Everyone's just scattered around the entire desert.

C1usthji o

Here's the reinforcements... I am a bit worried. They've caught us struggling to move through the sand. I hope this won't be the Yied Massacre all over again...

Ycugfyrw oI81y4g7h o

Yenpapsp oAhh, finally! A new challenger! Unworthy as though you may be, I shall give you the fight you desire! HAVE AT YOU!

sFTlHzud_o.pnggrrr grrr monster noises grr grr

7f7w49be o


Nxpdekji o

Uhh, an exordium.

Of6zzj2p o

This is a really weird tome. For some reason, it's like a... physical tome that only geomancers (only Evan among the playable cast, for now) and pegasus knights can use? What a strange concept. I've never gotten much use out of these tomes, but meh, I mean, might as well take it.

Nb4lbhru o

Using her good sand movement, Joanne arrives to help Astrea reach her destination sooner than later.

Ycmbw69a oIbfmz3jp o

And now, defensive maneuvers!

Lnmrzb3l o

...Not you, Artemis. You must flee.

Wdoiv17m o

I think that works.

...Shame about the druid, though... He's screwed. And after he came so far...

Zabhf6rd o

Welp, let's grab ourselves a sniper.

Dngrwojd o

He hasn't fired a single arrow.

Axkbtnvr oFighting in these sandstorms will give you a sharp eye, I guess. Your mission was a success I see.

Hp4flp6g oCorrect. Now, let's clean up shop and prepare for Bramimond's plan!

6wtt2ei3 o45muuzwc oOq9ncxwy oOkty1lxp oNks8igcb o

So, Carter. Carter is an interesting unit. For starters, he has very Igrene-ish stats around the same time Igrene joins in her own game, which is pretty rad, because Igrene is cool. His growths are pretty good, so he can be a decent long-term investment, and a PCC of 3 is nice. He's also... kinda a green sniper? I say kinda because his combat palette is entirely silver instead of green. Still fits him, of course, but... shame.

The most remarkable thing about him is his skillset:

- Sure Shot. Standard sniper skill. Not as good on him as it is on Lex because Carter doesn't get as many chances to proc it.

- Armored blow. +10 defense when attacking. This is a little weird on a sniper, but sure, I'll take it.

- Bow Range +1: Very self-explanatory name. Carter gets the classic sniper buff of having extended range.

At level 18, he gains Outrider, which grants him -1 damage taken and +3 crit for every space he traverses before attacking. The defense synergizes well with Armored Blow, but it's still a weird thing to have on a sniper. Still, more crit is pretty good, especially considering his PCC of 3.

All in all, I'd say Carter is a rather underrated unit. His bases are solid, and extended bow range grants him a niche that differentiates him from Lex. Overall, this game handles archers really well. While Lex is obviously the best, all three of them have their own brands of utility and don't step on each others toes. Very nice!

Clgjg4bz o

Well, that's it. There's really nothing left to do but get Astrea to Ryan.

Wcu3uhxn oXmon77fg o


Rycfo935 o

Doubles... Still pathetic!

Kalcaetu oQmuolurp oHwrsc6ky o

That was just a terrible idea.

Jjzmenf7 oOtodhndc o

Yenpapsp oHah! You truly believe you can defeat me!? I can take on entire armies! I am invincible!

Qaokwymx o

Yenpapsp oG-Guuh...! O-Okay, I might've gotten... just a little bit ahead of myself...

Yenpapsp o...N-No, please! No--!

Ao2kqhxn o

Nooo, the invincible druid! What a goddamned shame...

Yenpapsp oAaauuurgh...! Nooo... That wasn't supposed to... happen...

65r3owtz oNqqsadc3 o

HOLY SHIT okay, that man is a hero. That man is the greatest hero! If he hadn't been there, those enemies would've zeroed in on Nereid, and then she would've gotten wrecked! Best Green Unit has saved one of our characters! Incredible! I will never forget you, Best Green unit...!

Odqgtbzl o

Lookie here. This is Pyron's entourage, I'm pretty sure.

5lhy11qq o

Yeah, I don't want to face this.

B6plpevx o

Of course, they're still generals. They cannot move well through the desert.

Lc04or0h oZlnht8bp oC0hnrbdy o

So let's just clean house here, courtesy of Lex's Galeforce.

Aefog8lg o

You know, speed is pretty useless on Lex. It's so low that he'd need to get way too much of it for the gains to become noticeable.

Jnuubucc o

Remember last map's Anna hint? Well, here it is. Regal's final gift: His tome, lying on the spot where he died.

4uimcjoa o

It's a super tome that deals 60 damage to dragons, grants 10 skill to counter the low-ish hit, and 5 speed on top of it all. And if you don't have someone who can wield it, the game just hands you a unit with S anima next chapter. Absolutely lovely weapon.

Scthjhgf oY34gqprx oHeitvpyi oMbbo9plg o

And now, let's do some cheeky rescue-dropping shenanigans.

Wrejdkyo oOw75sk7f o


Sphjaccd o

Hey, hey! We can now finish the map.

...unfortunately, however, there's still a desert item to be gotten, and Astrea is the only one who can get it...

...Is she? All of a sudden, I had an idea, and I just had to check.

U2cc6eu8 o

The script stated it was magical dancers and Astrea, but... Can Iris do it? I'm honestly not sure why I decided to try this. It just felt right, for some reason.

Mtjstflp o

And lo and behold, I was right. Even though it's not stated, Iris can take desert items too. Go figure.

Eur3t3vu o

It's basically light's answer to dark tomes. It's going to Kirin, probably.

Rh2oqkc4 oLlhh6o6k o

Well, we're done here. Before we leave, Clint employs a flashbang to grab a kill for the road.

9rkhpzod o

...And hey, while we're here, let's check out Pyron.

Jhr8qbch o

Oh my God.



Glxsmph6 o

...Well, okay, it's less bad than it seems. He gets the 110 defense from his sword. It's a temporary boost because he's not supposed to be killable here. If you're thinking "well, that's underwhelming, why not make him killable and do something interesting if he goes down"... Hold that thought. Hold it close.

Vjcgwcux oCzw8qniu oGd1tcahz o

Likes, dislikes, bio and class description.

Y3xhea0b o

Yeah, I want nothing to do with that monster. Let's go!

Rssxwbhv o

Det8lbw5 oHave your troops retreat, and I'll handle the rest here.

T5kcwfit oVery well. I'll get some spare troops and see if there's anything we can do to help.




Yenpapsp o...A-Ah... Urgh...

Adpsh5xn oWho is this man? Why is he still breathing?

Sohhhqk8 oJust some Cyran druid. According to Hellen's report, he held off Fox's entire regiment on his own. He was struck down by some of our gargoyles, but everyone else was too afraid to approach him even after that.

Adpsh5xn oHmm... Yes, I sense great power in him, indeed. A shame he fell before I could fight him myself.

Sohhhqk8 oShall I finish him?

Adpsh5xn oNo. I wish to allow him to die on his own terms. A reward for his deeds, if you will.

Sohhhqk8 oVery well, then. Let us keep going, then.

Yenpapsp o...N-Nngh... Ahh, I should've known... It was a fluke... I am... still useless... as I always have been... and now I'll... die here...

Yenpapsp o......I just wish I could've told my daughter... how much I love her...

??? Hold that thought. You might just get to say it yet.

Yenpapsp o...!?

Djr8t9lp o

Looks like Astrea has taken over the gate defense duties. I don't know how she intends to resist Pyron, but... Guess we'll see.

Bcxnjtqn o

Det8lbw5 oThey said that Pyron is on his way here right now. If I fall here, then this is as far as my tactics could take me, huh?

Vqel1fh2 o

Yep, there he is.

Zadyjhhs o

Adpsh5xn oEven this close, I can't sense Ryan anymore. Did he perhaps die? Or did he use all of his energy before? Regardless... I feel something much different now. What is this?

A8s4p0uw o...

Adpsh5xn oAh right, you're only here to stall. You won't attack me in my confusion.

Lgjkwhcy o C'mon, old guy. You could've at least attacked. Deal some chip damage to him. You know, something.

Adpsh5xn oAllow me to deal the first blow.

B0k3mij7 oWl0ttfdt o

Well, too late now.

32jdmkhs o

Det8lbw5 oI will not fall until you retreat.

Adpsh5xn o! How is this possible. Could this girl be...?

Lgjkwhcy oInteresting reaction...

Bxbmxtcv o

Whoa, whoa! Astrea, what are you doing? Don't leave the gate, he can seize now and end the chapter!

Milhomxx o

Adpsh5xn oLong ago, I gave him that charm. So you are who he saved with it?

Det8lbw5 oCharm? Wait, you don't mean...

E6gurxlf o


Wfq8qihg o
Wmg7ukrr o

Oho! Well, would you look at that. Looks like we've finally discovered who this asshole's father is.

5yydcaqe oThis woman is the one I told you about long ago. The one I saved with a fragment of your power.

Lgjkwhcy o And now we know the full truth behind the charm. Turns out Astrea has been carrying the main antagonist's power on her neck the whole time!

Adpsh5xn oSo she is my experiment? Very well. I will take my leave. Sol, finish your mission and come back home.

W85rxxmx o

Det8lbw5 oYour charm is a fragment of Pyron? That's why I have so much energy?! Have you really been using me even since we were kids?!

5yydcaqe oDo not point your blade at me, Astrea.

Txzubig9 oHe just saved her life and she's pointing her sword at him? Hah! Kick fucking ass, this girl doesn't miss a beat! A different FE main character would've been like "no guys, Sol has proven himself, he's totally trustworthy now!"

5yydcaqe oOnly my father was trying to use you. Now that you know what that charm is, I can show you how to unlock its full power.

861l9jcf o

Wait, does that... Oh it does! Astrea is promoting!

X6pb989c oGa6fhi27 o

Oh, man...!

Do93fiiy o

She's fancier now! But, well, it doesn't seem like she's gained much more than a fancy sprite... I hope this promotion won't be entirely underw--

Er19ri2v o

Hwahahahahahahahah... Astrea may only have two tiers, but her one promotion is, in terms of power, similar to a jump from tier 1 to 3 for anyone else.

Zmsivrvp oDcsgjf5v oHr2z8byv o

And then there's this! Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Every magic type, yes!

Bulrzzjd o

5yydcaqe oRody did this by destroying villages and seeing if anyone survived. Only my brother and I ever survived any of Rody's attacks. As a reward for our strength, Pyron adopted us to use in his future plans.

Lgjkwhcy oYou know, that's not necessarily a result of your strength. For all we know, you and your brother just hid under a cupboard, and there you go. Anyone could've done that.

5yydcaqe oOne of his plans was an attempt at breeding a human even greater than us. As such, Father gave me that charm imbued with his power to enhance a woman of my choosing.

Ntkujnaw o

5yydcaqe oPyron warped the very environment itself so that only people with high amounts of mana could survive. That's why you still get sick without that charm.

Lgjkwhcy oOnce again, Pyron intends to evolve humanity, and if the cost is the lives of all humanity, well, that's fine by him. Sheesh...

5yydcaqe oThis is the extent of my relationship with Pyron. I am also a victim of his.

Det8lbw5 oThen you shouldn't be creating more victims like Mikey or Ben to satisfy him! I haven't forgiven you for what you did before, Sol.

Egsicmsb o

5yydcaqe oThen take me as your prisoner.

Lgjkwhcy oI think you and Astrea are beyond kinky play-pretend, my friend...

5yydcaqe oHave the people of Cyra learn all my secrets. And if you use that bracelet, you'll be just like the three heroes of old.

9qk5ifz8 o Actually, we'll see Bramimond's stats next chapter, and well... Lemme just say, she's better than him.

Det8lbw5 o...Very well.

Jdl5qvvf o

Oh, and if you thought that promotion was all she was going to get... Nope. Not at all. We've also gotten Astrea's prf.

F7zohqm8 o

3 0   M I G H T

This tome is amazing. Sure, it cannot double, but with that kind of damage, it's very likely to one-shot more than a couple things. Plus, the accuracy is just so nice. Really useful weapon.

To2kxbvy o

And now it's time to head back inside and relay the news to the others.

Det8lbw5 oYes, and he agreed to be handed over for interrogation.

7zsrvfhd oAre you all right, Astrea? We haven't talked much about it all but...

Det8lbw5 oDon't worry Relina, I won't let Sol do us any harm like before.

2r3s1rge oAnd I'll be sure to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't escape.

Det8lbw5 oGood. I'll have a chance to talk with him about that at some point, but for now, let us use his gifts to their fullest.

Qurzy4v4 o

I'm sure you've all met Ryan by now. I am Bramimond of the three heroes.

Vhfxzqd0 oYes. My name is Daedalus. I am the son of Donovan and Iris.

Lgjkwhcy oYou are also the biggest bore and I hate you. That information is just as important as your parents!

Det8lbw5 oAnd I am Astrea. I lead this group of fighters from Propater.

Iear51dw oI see. Yes, I can sense Donovan and Iris's life force emanating from you. As for you girl, you have quite the power flowing in you.

Det8lbw5 oOnly because of this bracelet. It contains a fragment of Pyron's power.

Iear51dw oAh, so you know of them. That's very rare knowledge to have. We heroes used to hold fragments of Naga's power. I gave my last one to my greatest pupil, Leo, as I felt I was about to die. But that isn't important now. What's important is my final plan.

T5kcwfit oThe defenses we have in place are set to last us two more days. Pyron will unleash his full power and stop the sandstorms at that time.

Up60q0xx o

Iear51dw oTeleport is my ultimate creation. It is a spell that warps multiple people at once. Using it, you will be warped to the capital and destroy Pyron's base of operations.

Lgjkwhcy oAnd we'll just... sorta let Pyron hang around here? Is that a good idea?

Iear51dw oYour mission for these next few days will be to protect me. Accomplish this, and the war will be as good as over.

Tmgf6yjc o

Oh hey, Kirin and Clea have a talk! Pretty sure if Torrid is recruited, he has a talk with Charles too. Except Charles died in his first turn of existence, so I'm glad we grabbed Clea instead.

7edpyz6l oClea... it's good to have time to finally speak to you again.

Hp4flp6g oIndeed. I have a staff that your brother saved for when you came back.

9qk5ifz8 oHer brother is Torrid, by the way. Not that it matters, since he doesn't exist.

Hp4flp6g oI hope you'll make good use of it.

7edpyz6l oClea, thank you. I will not let this gift go to waste.

Lfqardpy o

Hwahahahah... Not bad, not bad at all!

Jzckgzgy o

And now, it's Jenna's homecoming. Funny hair guy is her brother, and I'm pretty sure Edgy Hardin is her father. Also, Ryan is falling asleep.

T5kcwfit oJenna. There's something I wanted to tell you but couldn't before.

Vgc9xt4k oJenna... your mother, Flora, died while you were away.

Ouwt58b0 o...She left this for you for when you came back.

Iqb5fuqx oA Purge tome... Brother, everyone... I'm sorry to come home to such news. If you'll excuse me, I need some time alone...

Yx9lsymx o

More siege tomes for the pile. Excellent.

And well, that's that. Things went pretty well! Could've been bad for Nereid, but that absolute unit of a man was there to save her. His sacrifice will not be forgotten. We're gonna win this thing, for the green unit! Whether we can or not, hoewver, that's up to you to find out next update, where we'll prepare for the last stand in the Cyran capital. I hope you don't grow too restless waiting, and I'll see you all next time! Bye~! Farewell!




Yenpapsp o...I don't understand. Why did you save my life?

Knozsatm oI drifted between life and death after being struck down during the battle against Malik. However, it appears I was meant for greater things... I survived. Once I was well enough to walk, I tried to catch up to Queen Iris so I could help her once more. However, I was too late. The desert was swarming with Amaterans. I would've fled already, but then I noticed you. I figured if I was quick enough I could rescue you without being discovered.

Yenpapsp o......

Knozsatm oTell me, how did the battle go? Did we... did we lose?

Yenpapsp oWell, an army came to reinforce us... I believe the Ryu royals were among them. They were able to fend off most of the Amateran forces. Last I saw, they were headed towards the capital to mount a proper defense.

Knozsatm oGood news for a change... Very well, then. Thank you. Let us get out of here now.

Yenpapsp oWhat!? But, no... we must keep fighting... Lord Bramimond will need every able-bodied--

Knozsatm oIndeed, "able-bodied." That's not us. A mere elixir couldn't possibly get you in any shape to fight this quickly after what happened to you. And as much as I hate to admit it, I am not doing that much better. You and I must flee and hide, that we might live to fight another day.

Yenpapsp o...Y-Yes. You are correct. My apologies. We should get going.

Yenpapsp o...Oh, and...

Knozsatm oHmm?

Yenpapsp oThanks.

Knozsatm oSave them for when you see your daughter again.

Yenpapsp oO-Of course. Let us escape, then! Before we are noticed!




Death count: Charles


Reset count: 2 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1)


Current perfect streak: 1 map

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 6 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 2, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 1, Condor: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey


BONUS: Carter's alternate recruitment conversations. Torrid's is the same as Clea's, so let's check out Jenna's.

Iqb5fuqx oStill alive, Carter?

Axkbtnvr oI could say the same of you. I guess you failed to find Leo?

Iqb5fuqx oI did, but I've brought back an army instead of just one man.

Axkbtnvr oGood enough for me. Let's get back to this battle.

Jenna leaves, and...

Axkbtnvr oMaybe throwing my life away here isn't worth it just yet.

In both this conversation and the one with Evan, it is made clear why Carter isn't just auto-recruited if you end the map with him alive. Apparently the guy intended to just throw his life away and get killed in this battle. Someone has to speak to him for him to decide that he can't die here.

Of course, I've never actually beaten the map without first recruiting him, so I don't know. Perhaps he really does get auto-recruited and I'm making a mistake here. But I don't think so.

Anyway, Evan time.

E9kjhydh oCarter. You've grown.

Axkbtnvr oAnd you are... wait, Evan?

E9kjhydh oCorrect. I heard my father died while I was gone. Did you ever find his body?

Axkbtnvr oPyron obliterates anything in his path in combat. We didn't get the chance to find anything, if there's anything to find.

E9kjhydh oI see. It might be worth looking around where he died. I would hope I don't have to do the same with you Carter. Don't throw your life away here for no reason.

Evan leaves.

Axkbtnvr oHeh, guess he can still see through me like when I was a kid.

More or less the same as Jenna, except Evan is perceptive enough to realize what Carter intends to do, and he gives another clue to Tor Hammer's location. Cool.

Another bonus conversation. This happens if Astrea talks to Ryan but all three bosses are still standing.

Det8lbw5 oAre you... Bramimond?

T5kcwfit oNo, I'm Ryan, commander of the Cyran army. Or what's left of it. Are you part of the group Bramimond invited here?

Det8lbw5 oYes, I'm their leader, Astrea. We're here at last for Bramimond's plan.

T5kcwfit oThat's great, but right now we're in a tough situation. We need to deal one more blow to the Republic here. If we can kill one of their commanders, we should be able to wrap up here.

Det8lbw5 oGot it. I'll speak with you again after we've killed one.

Here's something interesting. Evan has a conversation with Edgy Hardin if Jenna is dead.

E9kjhydh oGanesha. It's been a long time since we last met.

Vgc9xt4k oIt's good to see you as well Evan. What brings you here?

E9kjhydh oI'm sorry to say, but we found Jenna during our battles on the way here. She died in the process. I apologize to you, my friend.

Vgc9xt4k oWe are in a time of war. It's understandable. I will tell the rest of my family. I'm sure Jenna did her best.
























Duqq7jwt o
Dmjl7q1p o
On6ymzvs o
Eckrzfgp o
Sh7sxkqh o
R119qw7x o
Yyadsque o
Eempq1zk o
Eb0lbhaq o
Dbwfwt0p o
Rqsnguyw o
9lf38in8 o
Fnsm4zob o
0sjhgwdq o
X3ywfnr9 o
Qzsgkgxn o
Yfo5l7vc o
Wspozp7m o
Rlc3llnc o
O44zwvmw o
Rcz9e9wg o
Nngfohc1 o
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Zsxwwtux o
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Goavovup o
F3k9mkcj o
Akhgetqe o
Lns4xygr o
Kigvpfdv o
Cmuxl0vx o
Wipg1yxh o
Egoeslmc o
Kw0i2biw o
Kcpgouuz o
F15sulhs o
T2yskxzp o
L22t4ndg o
9wvq8xey o
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Bcjhtlql o
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Uriuowck o
Tzcbkdr4 o
Lxwnyo9o o
Ge6som3b o
Mou0xc8r o
A9clc1qe o
Ldzofeor o



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Part 19 - The one true deity.

Oh my:



Who could that be?:

Pnxdb3ng o

Hoo, boy. Because the one god we're already dealing with wasn't enough.

0ypxmfcq o

We get the two amigos immediately today.

2kezfqds oVsvpenhc o

Ohh, interesting. I wonder who the boss will be. I mean, there's no way they'll let me kill Pyron here, right?

36mwxfm3 oYgukh99f o

I wish I had the money to purchase anything. We're actually starting to be rather strapped for equipment... I hope we last until we can get our hands on some more dough.

X2poqwa0 o

Also, there are allies in this map. This isn't just a reminder that the inventories of guests go to the convoy - just before this line, she says that their inventories go to the convoy even if they die. So that's great.

Utynsc5j o

Iear51dw oI learned many good things from his interrogation.

T5kcwfit oAny of it helpful for this upcoming battle?

Iear51dw oOnly what generals they have. Pyron brought with him three of them: Mandrake, Gill, and Scribe.

Txzubig9 o ...! Evil Moulder is here?! Yes!

Iear51dw oPyron himself, of course, will be at the helm.

Det8lbw5 oAnd then they'll have any stragglers from the previous battle as well.

9qk5ifz8 o I.E. Hellen. Also, this doesn't even begin to cover all the bosses in this map. Seriously, it's fucking ridiculous how many bosses there are in this chapter.

Iear51dw oRegardless, what's most important is the information for when you Teleport. He detailed how to reach Pyron's treasure in the capital. It will save you time in finding and destroying Pyron's greatest asset.

Jos45neu o

Wait, you had a conversation with your grandson and it didn't end in a brawl? Impressive!

Iear51dw oHe will know what to do.

Det8lbw5 oRetaking the capital will effectively wipe out Pyron's core forces. This will be quite risky.

Iear51dw oCorrect. But we must win this battle first.

Jsqzhcwo o

Iear51dw oSo our last stand has begun. We just need a few more hours, and we'll be good.

T5kcwfit oAstrea, let's lead everyone here to victory. Defensive battles are a speciality of mine after all these years.

Det8lbw5 oWe'll be fighting some of Pyron's strongest forces. This won't be easy.

Asagfdqo o

Oh, man...! He's there...!

Zbw7ugac o

I can't. Every time I see that mug, I literally die to death.

The old man behind him is Scribe. I don't think we've ever seen him before. Scribe is another general of Amatera. I like his portrait. That's about it, really.

Oeel1c86 oAnd just like in that war before, I'm here to conquer it yet again.

Ksrgpqa5 oI have not been here since I left with my father all those years ago. It feels good to be home.

Sohhhqk8 oI'm glad you two are enjoying yourselves, but work on why we brought you with us first.

Adpsh5xn oSol failing to return makes me think he let his feelings get hold of him.

Lgjkwhcy o Yes, that was rather idiotic of him. He promoted Astrea!

Adpsh5xn oRegardless, we did plan for his betrayal one day, much like with others.

Kdv7dm7j o

Ksrgpqa5 oI'm sure he'll send more reinforcements if he feels endangered. But do you think he'll show?

Adpsh5xn oThere is a chance the gate to his domain is here.

Lgjkwhcy oWhat in the world are you talking about?

Adpsh5xn oOh foolish Space God, how I do hope you show.

Lgjkwhcy oOh... Well, I guess I should've seen that coming, given the chapter title and all...

1xrfgao3 o

Well, there's a face we haven't seen in a while.

Mcnhnxnw oThey can't overcome Bramimond. And Remmy and Paris are here as well... Regardless, to think Pyron was so reckless. All of these lives, just to learn if this was Master's true domain? Whatever. I delivered the boy. What happens next is up to fate.

Ixrrbuix o

We're not done introducing bosses just yet. Nail and some guy have some words to say as well. I like how they both have the Narcian hand.

366u6rm4 oOur fathers' sacrifices were not in in vain, Nail! It is a shame my brother had to retreat after his loss.

G8ujnxwa oLet us finish them once and for all. On our fathers' honor.

366u6rm4 oI will not end up the same. WE will not end up the same!

Ayizqasb o

And now, some rallying words from our awesome leaders. And Daedalus.

Det8lbw5 oThere will need to be sacrifices made for us to survive this battle.

Txzubig9 oHahahahah... P... Please don't say things like that...

Det8lbw5 oWe must pray that those at the front can hold the enemy off for as long as they can.

Vhfxzqd0 oWe have two experts in defensive battles here right now. With Ryan and I here, we should be able to at least hold the enemy off for the time needed.

Lgjkwhcy oDaedalus, you've been mostly useless the entire game. If you weren't a lord I would've benched you in your first map. Nobody cares about you.

T5kcwfit oThis is our final battle in Cyra, everyone! Let's make it count!

Zwuoshz5 o

Kirin chugs the first stamina supplement of the run. I don't want to bench her.

0mm0uagh oJlih0bna o

Artemis, Nereid and Clea sit this one out.

8wuxqu4r o

Leaving that aside, the time has come.

Dmd2cct0 oZpqsastu o

Cute halberdier sprite, eh? Don't get used to it. It will go away very soon.

Fb9dhmec o

In fact...

5iqlh7bi oQocxvnvz o

It's already gone!

Job2roq1 o

You know, somehow that looks less powerful than the halbedier sprite.

Giqpgyzh o

Well, no matter. Look at those stats! They're still not that impressive, but they're better than they were before, that's for sure!

27uqs3ho o

Also, sword access. Neat.

Czvh2rwl o

Astrea gets the boots, as planned. Giving boots to dancers is boring. I'd much rather have a paladin lord that can fly over any terrain other than mountains and walls, thank you very much.

Oly9f3bj o

Dexithea gets a goddess icon. Hey, I hadn't noticed her resistance was capped!

Qxybc6cg o

Here it is... The defense of the Cyran capital. One of the most memorable maps in the game. Actually, merely defending is pretty easy. We've got chokepoints a-plenty to use and abuse. However, the game provides ample incentive to push forward and be aggressive, in the form of the boss.

Ljcp7tas oKigeaebv oOqgmjvqy o

Pyron. Yes, Pyron. Pyron is killable here. Not only that, it's a good idea to kill him. Not only does he end the map when he dies, but he's also carrying...

Crtnh1ga o

A second pair of boots that he drops on death. Hell fucking yeah. I'm not sure if I'll be able to knock him down, but I'd certainly love to try. He's really strong, but... Funnily enough, he's not actually the strongest boss in the map. You'll see.

Now, getting to Pyron isn't easy. We have to get through a veritable fuckton of phobos with sun weapons, powerful monsters, spellcasters, dragons and bosses to get through within 10 turns.

Ddmfwxoa oXxrlxueb o4gje5crm oUpldj7oo o5yumx2ua oRttvqbtp oB3mfla5r o

Emphasis on "bosses." There's a billion bosses. And this is actually the least amount of bosses that can be here. Carbos/Fox and Dartanion could be hanging out here as well. Hot damn.

You know what we also have, however?

Idgmuwgw o

Guest units. And not just any guest units...

Z44elskd oNrlzfkv2 oI1mdx5c3 o

It's a fucking meme squad. Because why not. Katarina here has the same bases as she does in New Mystery, so she sucks.

Iyjdgjut oE32pvmcb oOzes1qs0 o

I... don't really get the joke with this one. I mean, I get the joke with her likes and dislikes, but I don't get the name. Eresh? What's up with that?

Dhedjrek o7e9m3tpa oXt8qhir9 o

This is a Jojo's reference. I don't find it funny because I haven't watched a single scene of Jojo's.

L1yu0eln oPopa3mbg oCkbagrdx o

Hah! I love the diss at FE4 in her likes.

Urve0tdv oAzxz3l6t oV2uykxui o

Funny Heroes man, complete with the funny Heroes smirk.

Heroes can go fuck itself, and so can this guy.

Hwsgjdac oJ2qnwfly oWs5jfedf o

Ahahah... Not gonna lie, I think this is the funniest of them all. Mainly because there's actually a joke here, as opposed to just a plain meme.

E8iv3tg5 o

Anyway, the goal here is to protect Edgy Hardin.

Te3minll o49mtqmut oShdwn05a o

Edgy Hardin is, hilariously enough, way weaker than the generic druid from last chapter. He will die if he gets breathed at, so we better not let anyone through to him.

Nc5y7znw o

We've also got units here. From left to right:

U1vmj2hb o1dchwkx6 o18bch5nz oCbio62wq o

Another guest. Gotta say, I really love this guest gimmick that this game has. Letting you temporarily play around with NPCs instead of just making them dumb greens is such a fun idea. As far as guests go, however, Bramimond is... actually kinda underwhelming. 12 speed will get him killed very quickly. Really funny how Ren could kick her teacher's sorry behind any day.

1knlb6og oGy3mj9bx oQvrghqa4 o3motqwuc oJbuj8rbc o

Here's an actual unit. Ryan is an awesome example of gameplay/story integration without making the unit complete garbage. You can see the effects of Ryan's sacrifice in his stats. Tearing his soul apart heavily diminished his power, leaving his magic stat at a meager 11 and his PCC at 0. However, his vast knowledge of the ways of magic remains intact, as we can tell by his quadruple S ranks. In spite of his extremely low magic, these actually give him a fair amount of utility in combat. Sure, his magic is low, but you don't need high magic to make good use of Tor Hammer, and with his high-ish speed, he can land that huge might twice, too. Ryan won't be tearing through armies on his own, but he's still useful in his own right.

Skillwise, Ryan has the following:

- Hex. 15 less avoid to all adjacent enemies. Neat.

- Nihil. You know what this does.

...And that's it. You can really tell that the poor guy did a number on himself. Still, he's a good staffbot who can use big tomes to compensate for his low magic - and with quadruple S-ranks, there's bound to be something that he can use that someone else cannot. Not a destroyer of worlds, but he can do some work.

Also, I like his portraits. I don't know, I just think it's really cool.

7cb0ubhc oL8gzy9ky o7tb7sm5u oJ1pt1afa oWktukcxl o

Hawk serves as an interesting counter to Ryan. Unlike Ryan, who focuses on high speed and skill and super weapon ranks to set himself apart, Hawk relies on raw power. At 23, his magic is only 2 points away from capping. I do love that his growth is super low. Not that he needs it, but it's hilarious. You'd think Hawk would be a far better combatant than Ryan, but he has some things holding him back: For one, he's much more brittle, and he doesn't have quadruple S ranks like Ryan does. In fact, he has no S ranks! He also has extremely shitty speed, so you won't find him doubling much of anything. Still, the higher magic does make him into a better staffbot, and he cooks a mean sagittae. In fact, the man is built like a proper battle medic, a fact that I highly enjoy. How exactly? Well, check out his skills:

- Breath of Life: Whenever Hawk attacks, all allies within 3 tiles gain 20% of their health back. Can be useful in some situations. I like how it sorta incentivices fighting with him over just plain staffbotting.

- Bond: All allies within 3 tiles gain 10% of their HP back at the start of each turn. Like Kirin, but worse in exchange for one more tile of range, which isn't such a bad place to be.

At level 18, he learns Boon (not to be confused with Bond, he starts with that). Boon cures status effects at the start of the turn. He'll effectively be a restorer that cannot be shut down. I am quite happy with this.

Overall, Hawk is, contrary to what his magic stat may suggest, better at staffing than Ryan but worse at combat, since his speed is far lower and he doesn't have the ability to fire top tier tomes from the get go. I like him, he's really fun. Plus, he's a green FE6 bishop. I love that.

8fqpcmdq o

All right, we're finally done with the character introductions. You may've noticed Hawk has a member card, which must mean...


6cyn8gn7 o

Oh, it's under Ryan. I mean, I know Anna says it in the Anna 'n Jake scene, but I still find it really weird that they put the member card on the guy who isn't standing on the shop.

Mgy9w4gw oW1q0jphk oJr9opvog o

Surprisingly cheap silvers. If only we had the money to get any of it.

R5iqel5i o

Well, regardless. Hawk moves south and takes some staves from the convoy. Really pushing it with these. I need cash fast so I can replenish my basic heals, at the very least.

Lkexqn60 oNwuhdu45 o0sc9qz5g oC7obacud o

Then Evan gets us started on the combat!

Q1orw4pd o

Afterwards, I panicked as I realized Evan can't tank the phobos' sun weapons. Thus, I swapped him to nosferatu.

Qgejcwdu o

And Astrea to slime, like that's gonna do anything.

Wrslhxo3 o

Sigh... Off to a good start. But seriously, those two bastards are evil. How can you put two people with weapons that pierce defenses just far enough that you can't reach them? That's so twisted!

Zebyaozs o

Well, we'll just have to hope for the best. Carter, please crit this guy.

P50ku94k o

That is not a crit.

Kgd9y3rh o

That is... that is not a... Oh, please... Carter! Barely anybody has ever used you! Are you really gonna do this to the one guy that's giving you a chance!?

Id0xzffo o

Heh... The best thing about Hawk's absurd power is that he can deal a mean blow with siege tomes. He even comes with what I'm pretty sure is the highest-level of them all, fimbulvetr. Yeah, it's a siege tome in this game. I still can't pronounce it.

Yjybcq8y o4p4a82f9 o

Might as well use this to help with the wolves, since Carter failed miserably.

Nelmcbv7 o

Green bishop is enough of a reason to use this guy. Except I already barely had enough room for everyone, and three deaths is not enough for all these newcomers. We'll see.

Zsos7aic oN6fldwvw o

Ryan's power is not as high as Hawk's, but as you can see, he can still do some stuff. Swarm is a siege tome with 25 uses, by the way, so there's little reason to hold back with it.

Bd4e5xmk o0opx6y2s o

There we go!

Qcxs2qhu o


Xc1hp5vn o

No crit.

Fiv7lvfk o

You've got to be fucking shitting me. Why is everyone missing this wolf!? This is giving me awful flashbacks to the time everyone missed a wyvern in FE6 and that resulted in someone's death... I can't even remember who. Too many people died in chapter 21, the details are all foggy.

Xe6nqdlj o

Ayyy, Chrysler and Kirin A!

97xkdz6d o

S7fegomf oI'll tear down the old one and build a new one on top of it.

Lgjkwhcy o That's... awfully inefficient, isn't it? Why not just use the old building?

S7fegomf oThere, I'll only teach the old method of Pyron's teachings. The ones that made the people love him so much in the past.

Lgjkwhcy oThe ones that were wrong, too.

7edpyz6l oThat's very sweet of you. Church is a form of community and school. The life lessons that can be learned in a proper environment are endless. I wish I had a goal like that for when the war ends.

S7fegomf oYou haven't decided what you want to do yet?

7edpyz6l oI think I will go back to helping the Fire Clan again. They will likely be the ones leading any future rebuilding effort of the Republic. I want to help with that any way that I can.

S7fegomf oI think that's a wonderful goal to have, my old friend. I'm happy to know we have such admirable future plans.

Vrmnybq9 o

Pretty sweet support. These two are both Amaterans, and though they firmly stand against what the republic is like under the revived Pyron, it's clear that they still want the best for their homeland. Good on them. Now let's hope I don't get either of them killed.

Nfgqpmpf oTlarrpup o

And now he can use his brave axe to finally, finally kill this dog. He could've been dead ages ago if Carter and Kirin hadn't missed...

Bulzaozd o04mrns3s o

And now, rallies.

Ssxvioah o

That looks kinda bad, but well, it's the best I could manage.

Zkbjausz o

As for the meme squad...

Yxkihh3x o

Chad will hopefully double-crit this guy and take him out.

Gmy7cpwp oO7fbgb9l oA146e544 o

No dice.

Bvhjbun7 o

Oh, and now Tailtwo is in range of death.

Ff3uyqct o

Meh, I'd like to preserve the magic rallies, if nothing else. Now he can pick his poison.

Ypjg8xgo o

The rest of the gang just flees.

1ywzlfdf oKjl6cqq8 o

Oh, thank goodness... The Phobos are going against the Jojo reference instead of my units. I'm so glad.

Fxlkjbtw oIdcgv3go o

Actually, everyone is going after him. No complaints here!

Qpjzk7kb o

This guy has made this choice.

Vj3ralpx oXwfpxrkd oZ4ykjv5m oFxnzpyuc o

He chose wrong.

F28vsoyv o

Eresh comes under attack by a druid.

Xcipt9pf oX0snjbjh o

She wins thanks to crits.

Xa91gkok oTgkzsqz4 o

No thanks to her accuracy, though...

Ygsnlbrt oXn213khy o

Man, thank goodness for Turtle... He's died so the rest of us could live. He will not be remembered, but I'm thankful to him.

Fjh7yub9 oDi9ksskh oK2tgo1us o


61xymzyf o


One crit would've killed Evan.

I am so upset.

Ftznshnr oKdu9opew o

...Oh, please... Not these...!

Qmzfufrg oMpukoaqs o

Never mind.

Zjm8dedu o4wb5nh9n o

This is your daily reminder that Amaterasu is great and so is Kirin.

4sx1ytiw o

Kenton finishes the axe Phobos.

F3ek1a1y o

Ahahahah... I really love how determined he is not to let his speed overtake his strength.

95l2ryc2 oAhegzo2r o

Eren goes after one of the wolves.

Udcsxuhs o


S5ha2xsq oMdoba5ew o

I never get tired of this, seriously. Axe Kirin is the best.

Msdsxjhj oSjw4iuzr oCubwsbwd o

Carter shoots another one down from a safe distance.

V4lcv75z o


Bramimond continues to be useless in the back.

Qvfwse10 o

9 move Astrea, folks. Told ya it'd be useful.

U4fbyfbt oXhmnpwcs o

Boom, and...

Ygsewcz9 oE4qrrs8d oH56nqfd5 o

Hell yeah, big boom!

H78zzeka oD5ku6y2w oDih1np3i o

Chrysler one-rounds dragons.

Ca6fmrtr o

Damnit, Chrissy! That's not movement! How long are you going to allow Kirin to make a fool of you!?

0qlxjbom oMronpby1 o

Now, better be careful. There's a general here with a ballista (don't forget, they're a special class in this game), and he also has a stealable master crown, so I don't want to kill him too soon. That means Evan has to stay clear.

Irl83rey o

So let's just rally some defenses and stay back otherwise.

Jkoklfvh o6zr7fzjk o

Oh, this living blade has a second version of Astrea's prf. It's a pretty good weapon, so let's nab it.

Qe30egba oHzyt8lmu o88lk2i1d oOplatw91 o

Like so.

L9fz4vsr o

Hmmm... Can I hope for a crit?

Ylawv5id o7ul45mcs o

Sheesh, the RNG isn't on my side today...

Dppydpji o2kbadmzg o

Again! With some help from Blood Tide and the dancers, he's able to one-shot the bastard.

Nnjzgzhl o

Couldn't you have done that before...?

Xnyogjsv o

Well, regardless. Level for Evan.

Tj0zppsg o

The best kind of level I could ask for from you, at this point.

Hcwg7zka o

Bye siege tome.

Ci6lcjjm o

Hello stamina.

Rp5vyb1g o

Holy shit... What!? Why is his damage so bad against this druid...?

Undb34gq o

You know, I'd like to capture this umbra tome.

Ntuatlnp oAo7gsh2i o

Hmm... Yeah, that works.

Ukpyq42k oFdojt136 oNqif4usx o

Good ol' Gudgai.

Xu7p6yaa o

Here we go, the tome is ours.

Bnmv7ioe oBnogethy o

And now this. Proccing Astra only to get a crit and negate any utility the skill might've had. Classic.

5eugbac7 o

...Oh, I forgot I had already used Galeforce this turn. Whoops.

Zglb9oko o2ik0tzd4 o

Eresh grabs the tome for the time being.

Kdepphnu o

Whyfu is so bad, seriously. The best she can do is exist so we get a free recover. If we'd gotten Frost instead this wouldn't be happening.

O1duhwom o

Daedalus will be extremely useful in this map: He's going to choke this point, negating the entire eastern side of the map entirely.

Sstpu7r6 o

I imagine Vulvo will come after the group.

Aepxwd9i o

Or, he'll go after Daedalus and put himself in Carter's range. Of course.

Xmyxkuzc o

...Oh... Ooohhhh, Pyron moves! Well, well, well... How reckless of him.

7rogvkau oKb6gl2il o

Fancy animations guy goes after Daedalus.

Emm3glet o

Daedalus, you fucking failure. The one time I want you to fail, and you manage to get a 39 through? Dude, you're not supposed to kill, you're supposed to stall! Maybe I should've disarmed you...

L85gatkr o

And he gets doubled, too. Magnificent.

Sywk73ly oQjpcotuc o

This goes according to plan.

22ucer2t oLjuq7qcz o

Bye, Chad. You did something.

9okp3ryi o

Bye, Tailtwo. You did less.

Hw9ykka6 oBjuix31e o

Holy shit, Eresh is just cleaning house! Killing dragons left and right!

1u1np7ux o

Foolish fool... You think you can defeat the great Kirin!?

J5tblab3 o

Ryan continues to dodge status staves like a champ.

1wfg50wr o


Eyiqebru oSgbxstcy o

Oh, c'mon... Stop it! How many status staves are there here!? Is this FE6 all of a sudden?!

Cm1t8ety o

Oh hi there, green reinforcements! The peggies are carrying sagittae tomes. Nifty!

Vpjts3lm o

These guys are merely healers, but they'll serve as good distractions.

Noacat1g o

I think we're close enough. Let's inspect the bosses.

Jj8vpgp2 oMjkhxkqe oCl07uwmw o

Nail has capped strength and a killer lance. He can be... reasonably scary, but a scroll will shut him down completely, and he only moves when someone's in his range, so you can easily lure him into a vulnerable position.

Or, you can do something absolutely hilarious to dispatch him. I'll tell you what that is later.

Rhle4p4n o

As for Vulvo...

Qoicyqyj oZdvxzh1b oVtezy4h8 o

He's even worse. He has higher speed and defenses, but he'll still get one-shot by the same things that one-shot Nail. He does move, which makes him a little more unpredictable, but well, luckily for us, he decided to move in the worst possible way. Carter will get rid of him easily.

Gw5wt016 o

...Or he won't, because he just barely can't reach.

Gcw2bkfn o

This was just a waste of an ice bow use, what was I thinking?

Ol9b0wvo oMmmbakic o

There we go, Carter. I knew it'd be worthwhile to take you along.

Boc4udd2 o

From all the way overthere? Are you sure?

0r430atz oJduy167k o


1vhnnd0z o

Nope. I'm determined to make this work. Again!

Xbdqow2e oSu2sodap o

You son of a bitch!

Mrri5oqu o

Sigh... Fine, then. Next turn it is.

Bbhrjtfa o71ahxknc oCwq1zzmq o

Hawk grabs a restore from the convoy to cure Ryan of his silence.

Kvhogh4a o

...It was at this point that I remembered you can't capture this general.

Aaaaaand my only thief is Janet and she's way too far.

Good work, me. This is the sort of planning that I expect from you.

Xo2bxx8l o0jne8ibf o

Okay, no problem. We can put him to sleep. For now, let's pick up a bolt sword and have Astrea destroy a dragon. She can take on Nail during enemy phase.

Wg5a43bi o

Eyy, it's Arcane Blade! That means more crit, which isn't that good... Right?

Ep3rdq5s oJvlqpq27 o

Well, no! Turns out, this is actually Astrea's mastery skill: Ignis, which, if it procs, adds def/2 and res/2 to Astrea's damage.

T6yqx4wl o

Minimalistic, but not bad at all!

Wl65xbp4 o

And now she's ready for Nail.

Qh1osnzd o

Okay, I think it's time. Let's sleep the bastard.

Srmhdhkk o



46asyvn9 o

And then I panicked and just tried to do whatever.

3qxeddfg oRuyi90fk o

Like saving Kenton from a horrible death in his sleep.

E4l5hqft o

...Fuck my life... What now?! I can't let him through, he one-shots Hawk!

Eyg9bozm o

This is an awful idea, but Bramimond can tank. Fuck it.

Xq5ceyjh o

Noooooooooooo... Hawk!

3awngay5 oBvdhrm9j oM9hc4kao oO0g84twb o

Fine, then. We're using rescue to save him.

Aebegyee o

Lack of strength is a bit disappointing, not gonna lie. Also, how does she just continue to get defense even when she has a scroll that nerfs defense and buffs speed?

Rxkxxmdk o

...You have to be kidding me. HE STILL REACHES HAWK?! NO!

Ffrahkrg oQbbprzal o

Out! Out! Out of the way!

Mpd18zaz oVmjrblof o

This is a disaster. This is a complete fucking disaster.

Leianp4b o

At least I get to watch this fuck die.

Jr2lwtu5 oPib5g2ly o

I rule the air supreme, he says.

1he9tujo oPivlmnra o

Get the fuck

Ouye64nm o


Udukoy1o o

Yes yes yes.

5xrpnkos o

Defenses and con. I am fine with this.

Osmor1mv o

Oh, you can't be serious... Two greenies appeared up there and they're making Pyron go in the wrong direction! No!

An9ilphy oOgxtttu4 oF1qekuxd o

As expected, one of the healers comes under attack. Handy distractions, they are.

El18dmzy o

Oh my fucking god, he's actually gonna kill the guy... Stop it, Daedalus! You aren't supposed to succeed here!

Udzoi6kl o

...Never mind! It doesn't even fucking matter, because the sleep staff blunder has cost us the run!

8nx3ylb2 o

Astrea does have a death quote, but I forgot to screenshot it.

I can't fucking believe it. All because I forgot to put a sleep staff back in the convoy.

Who. Who the fuck has it.

Rozu3s5i o

Clea. Piece of shit, she didn't even use it last map.

Qhyvjix6 o1j0qpc8s o

Okay, so let's do this. I've had one of the benchies take all the useful staves that were still on other benchies, and put them into the convoy. Why I didn't do the same with the equinox tome that's just gathering dust in his inventory is beyond me.

Bjadfpzr o

Let's get started once again.

X1doj91h o2ejrlfnd oJv9sneoi o

Instead of missing, Kirin hits critically this time. Way to go!

Kj6tbpb2 o7llc9hhs o

I do this again. This time, I make sure to get him a scroll so I don't suffer another heart attack.

1xtpnwnx o8y1sriq8 o

After that, Chrysler assists Clint in killing the third dog. We're doing better already!

Gygn1n9v o

This happens again.

A3poiiss o

...Kinda. Chad deals more damage with his sword, and I'm hoping him being injured will more reliably lure the enemy towards him instead of me.

Xixdzq54 o

...And then I changed my mind and had Ryan take a physic staff so he can heal Chad. Sure.

Miealita o

Aaaaaaaaaaaand Ryan can't reach because low magic. Oh, well.

Wl2koaot o6whwfquy o2xtgkdjf oRpow0zaw o

Much better.

Wmdi7mho o

Evan, Chrysler and Clint can all die from the barons. There has to be a better way to do this.

8st0ieo6 o





T9jvdyrv oWjbuhllp o

Well, this happens the same way, at any rate.

Qelvjqq8 oHojz0ktk o

Whyfu doesn't die this time. Hurray.

Rt5lfkzj o

These dragons are the least of our problems.

Pnyhifmi oA86rntu2 oQzk0pmby o

Ohohohohohoho! Aegis + crit = extreme damage even when the displayed might is 0.

Sbj6e73b o

Unfortunately, he is unable to finish the job. But he did more than I would've expected, so it's all good.

Edvu4cwy o

Oh, thank God... Oh, thank fucking God! The living sword blocked the bow baron from finishing Clint! Thank goodness... Oh, phew... So close...

Uajicgi8 o

He can't even finish Chad. This is the best that could've happened. I'm so happy.

A90gfrkc oXlsbdguq o

Hah! You can go fuck yourselves. No chance to end Evan this time.

Yvu4tb1f o1obrmokp o

Eyyyyy, Ryan was a boss again!

Ekjxnxr1 oDbauduhl o

You know what I'm about to say.

Thanks, Kirin.

Qobkwmuz oH3jnqad7 oZfoyqvaj o

Pretty sure the flashbang is Kenton finishing this dreadfighter.

Oeoqzdao o

Ahahahah... He gets an even better level, but he's still not about to let that strength be overtaken!

Oaguzhal o0d1ti2lq o

Eyy, Ryan got a crit. I can record a gif of this animation, because I like it. The thunder looks wonky because it shares one of its colors with the sprite's pants. Evan's pants were white, so the thunder looked like proper green thunder.

J2jmc12u o

This could be the end of Turtle. A sacrifice I am fine with.

M4s6eoek oZckwt37t o

All right.

Rk2dxqtk o

Hmm, maybe I can do this... We'll see. We've got plenty of more important things to do.

He3cbqq3 oQpzj7nbp o

Clint shoots down his savior.

Q5pzany4 o

Defense is good. Also, level 19? Wow, I hadn't even noticed, but Clint is closer to tier 3 than anyone else! Perhaps he shall be our first baron.

Dudepbum o

Awww, Astrea just barely can't kill these guys with shaver...

53jnqckm o

Can I hope for a crit?

Pxzyvd4e o


2wco2egi o

Honestly, better than last time.

Sw1qjm8g o75uzzrs2 o

Carter happens again.

Mkm60rul oIgiwoeht o

I have changed my mind regarding Eren. Instead of what I was about to make him do, he injures the remaining Phobos.

7azzmdgo o41wtbcro oVjwccosh o

Dexithea wraps it up.

4eskm8zc o


Fuck it. We're trying this.

Hsgohumj o

Hell yeah, capture from full health! Kirin is officially as cool as Hicks. She also got a level from that. Get some speed, girl!

2zlx7ygp o

Eyy, there's that speed I was hoping for! Cool.



















Wait, wha--

1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o
Eh3qehux o

1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o1ovvstqx o

Can I pledge to be this woman's slave for the rest of my life? Because I'd really like to be this woman's slave for the rest of my life. Chain me up in your basement, Kirin.

Ahem, I-I mean...

...No, you know what? Fuck it, that's what I meant. I'll thirst over the fictional, 16-bit female all I want if this is my reward. Y'all can stick your bonking batons up your derrieres. I've got the 10 move waifu. What do you have? Huh?

Holy fucking Christ.

Dusxbtkh oKcfs0evd o

I feel numb right now.

Kojy7wbf oP0sfzvze o0siiqsmq o

Okay, okay, okay... Look, let's just... Let's concentrate. If I lose that level my brain will implode.

Xopwkmsw oJwxzp0ya oJ67qrwcm o

A support between Chrysler and Goddess happens again. If you're wondering about the camera, I had to rewind because I missed the shot. My hands were tembling, okay?

G5ig0wjt o

Okay, Chrysler. Time to prove your own worth.

Tyhsqlmk o

How? How is this possible? He has a 20% move growth and he can't keep up with fucking Kirin! I know I just gave her a move scroll too, but... It was the lesser one! +3% move is still just 5% move! Condor only managed to get that once in her entire life! What is this sorcery?! Is my ROM corrupted, is that it? Is my ROM corrupted with the very specific effect that Kirin's movement growth is multiplied by like, 20?!

T9qbaoen o8lnbucml oZlqlugzf o

Huff... All right. Breathe in, breathe out. Let's calm down.

Making great progress here. We're almost in the clear! For this area, anyway.

Dh8lp966 o

Remember when I said there's an absolutely hilarious way to dispatch Nail? Well, and Vulvo and Fox if he's present, for that matter. Here it is: Base Hawk with the tome he starts with one-shots the lot of them. Amazing. The supreme ruler of the air, ladies and gentlemen.

Uvidytyw oLnzjdqra o6y6qjn49 oJybcgupk o

Now he rules hell supreme. Except he doesn't do that either. Carbos is there already, that piece of trash.

Filudnvz o

Almost a level from Nail. Nice.

X9qcpwlw o8up78kc4 oHzqwzgw7 o

We're almost there. Only the second general to go, and then we'll be golden.

Hppqhstj o

Eyy! Shame about the lack of magic, but I'm glad he got resistance again.

P7rvgmjd o


Gajpt8wv o

Maybe with a skill rally he'll have more of a chance to end it in the first half of the battle with a crit?

Lnxfzvfn o

Pffft... I mean, every little bit helps?

Nlkods5c oWfikvowr oPuqyyq0t oMsz3u3jg o

Hell fucking yeah, Sure Shot brings it home.

Sv0zxaph o

...Fuck, Hawk!

Lyjcdrnc oFharmwdq oEsmp9bro o

While she approaches the general's area, Janet helps Hawk escape and he heals Chad again in the process. He gains a level, I just took the shot just before the EXP bar started moving.

Tktcngvk o


Icserosi oN2bgup13 o

He loses the physic but gains Renewal.

Uachjeuf oB3vkr2x2 oQ2jmtmus o

Well, that well... Honestly amazingly. Couldn't have gone better. Only thing left is to get Carter to move north. I'm hoping Vulvo will do the same idiotic move again.

Wdraqnhg o

Hell yeah, he fell for it again!

Vfwxjsmf oTngelnyp oPgm53wvq o

Even Daedalus managed to miss this time, like I wanted him to. I am so happy with this second attempt, Astrea's death was the best thing that could've happened.

Dt4ia2z3 o

The Phobos with the master crown charges at Lex. Not exactly what I expected him to do, but it's fine.

Nqja5tpr o

HOLY SHIT it's still fine, it's still fine.

Qjmzfcn5 o

Whyfu is dead. What a shame.

Uibeblls o44vmxgl8 o

Eresh, on the other hand, just continues to do her thing.

6fanhkie oKsanc2fg o

Ryan gets silenced. However, Turtle miraculously dodges the sleeping, so that's great.

Rshs3kwm o

Hoo, boy... That was way too close, though.

Ohytwdgu o

...Oh, crap. Crap, crap, crap, no! Janet just barely can't reach-- No, wait, never mind, it's fixable.

Cvsywrdd o

I almost forgot Relina has Swap, it's so situational.

Catuigpc oH1mzorgp o

But right here, it has saved our ass. Thanks, Relina! Ever the master of utility.

Rpaykces o

And now we can kill him. Worth a shot?

Imf7yrxu o


6eidfdxq o

Also worth a shot?

Oyftsjrf o


Vdhvvodg o

Hwahahahahah.. Look at that, man. She two-rounds this moloch with the magic mallet!

Vbwck46g o

...and without it, too! This woman is too epic.

As5jf8w1 oRcqlym7e o

She doesn't even take any damage, because she crits.

Jd6kwmtk o

Everyone should learn from Kirin's epicness. Till they do, however, they can heal a dumb meme.

11ifmnyl o

All right, Carter. Once again. Can you pull this one off?

Bbrhcadg oQcu5kynn o

Oho! Sure he can!

3xbkkkhi oLs0hajav oS9zgwjky o

Way to go, Carter. Show off for the audience. Make a good case for yourself to them... And me, because this is the first time I'm ever using you, hahah.

6p1nkzeu o5h7gxnbn o

Mirielle grabs the second restore from the convoy and takes over Hawk's Ryan curing duties.

Izjojpv3 o

That's pretty fine.

Ecgw9tfm o

I can now take down Mu.

Renmsfxp o26z1rnkr oWamzrra7 o

Mu suffers the same fate as their pal John, in that they disappear after their introduction, and then return as a minor boss that immediately dies. At least Mu doesn't vanish from the face of the earth if they survive the map, though... Instead, they are killed in a cutscene at the end. Soooo yeah. Their only purpose seems to be to drop another strength tome and not much else. What a shame, too. I love their design.

Wjxzstyw o

Okay, better be extremely careful, though. Mu is in Hellen's range.

Ufqtemuh o

Hellen is exactly the same as before. She's really far, though, we'd have to waste too many turns to kill her. I mean, I guess I could just use a siege tome, but I've used enough of those today. It's fine, I mean, she doesn't move and she's on the wrong side of the map. She's no threat. We can kill her in her next appearance.

Chrid96g o

Ryan doubles back towards the throne so he can keep Daedalus going.

Whqd1oah o

As I said before, I can kill Mu.

"Can" doesn't mean "will", though. That can kill Lex. Low chance, but you know what it is with me and low chances. If the RNG can turn Kirin into the ideal goddess, it can turn Lex into the ideal corpse.

Nfobcftq o

Maybe Evan's support will give him hit?

Hxkjgemv o

Bah... Condor?

7sy5ngkv oIxdnhslr o

Oh my God, seriously? Guys, damage is not what he needs!

48ctcoq7 o

Fine, then. It's not like Mu moves. We can wait a turn.

4lsw9lby o

The situation up here.

Jstfbuh5 o

Gill moves north toward the greenies, but unlike in the last attempt, some generics have actually begun moving before Pyron. Hmmm... if I'm lucky, the two reinforcements will perish before they can distract Pyron. That'd be excellent!

3v11rqvu o

Well, that's one...

Fj0ny5gh o

Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.

Rmgpz2ze o

Hell yeah! Surely now Pyron will head towards us, then.

Zwenlhik oMmhb9ncy o4efus0zz o

Through the power of PCC and Adept, Eresh almost takes down this druid singlehandedly.

Bcx1nd3s o

Hoo, boy... That's a lot of friends.

Uarlfnlc o

Okay, look, Eresh is epic, but this is too much even for her.

C5kfujij o

Fucking hell, really? Again?

Ycewfhvo oSucd4zzl o

Ahahahahah... Okay, yeah, that I am fine with. Please aim for that one, everyone.

Gafcufiz o


Hr834xos o

This may look pretty good, but... it's less good than you'd expect, and I'll get to why soon enough.

Kncxgigc o4c7qfq7q o

The two sagittae pegasi kill a wyvern lord. That makes them above average green units, though not quite to the level of the one druid from the desert.

Bjrwe8cm o

Oho, thanks a lot, girl!

Rjgw0zah oAcmjwyfj o

Hmm... That's actually in range, and I could always use another sleep staff. Let's fuckin' do it!

Jcxlc7vd o

This will leave her almost dead, and then someone else can finish the job.

8vpnb41a oPd1hajng o

Or, Carter can get a crit on the first strike too. Way to go, man! I've already forgiven you for your subpar performance in the first attempt!

Zptrfjjc o

Hoho! Absolutely awesome level, too! He even got magic for better ice bow shots. I am happy with you, Carter. Just a shame your sprite has no green in it. But I'll survive.

9ywwdhyu o

Sleep got!

Joiulda0 oJsjqbd5v o

Some more curing for the Ryan.

0xbyvrhd o

He then proceeds to heal Daedalus.

Hwzruvj0 o

This side is decently covered for now.

P71o7gcr o

Oh my God Lex just barely dies if he misses Mu twice...

Fxv2sb1l o

Fuck it. Fuck it to hell. Condor does it.

Pqkhym1a o

Mu has this battle quote against everyone from Propater. Anyone else gets "Heh, Pyron. Some god you are."

Mky3h7ty oVlk86muf o

Either way, Mu goes down.

Wby8evs9 o

Well, this pretty safely confirms Mu's allegiances. They (and John, for that matter) were never truly with Pyron after all.

Pqgyus2t o

Thanks a lot.

N6tp4kqn o4ypczckh o

And now, Eren gets her out of Hellen's range! Very good.

Jnefg755 o

Next up, it's time to get through. Can Lex pull this off?

M0hjsqst oT50kv6fy oMcy9qpjs o

Hell yeah he can!

Ayf6fznq o

Now, remember when I told you that getting to Pyron wouldn't be as easy as it seems?

9tioo6y0 o0bcepbi6 oLgpql4uy oIlp3eqfe o

This is the reason.

You thought Carbos was a monster? Mandrake is a monster and a half. With impeccable defenses, extreme HP, no less than four capped stats, a brave axe and tower defense+ so you can't even try to cheese him with long-ranged weaponry, Mandrake is a killing machine with no weaknesses that very few people could survive a round against, let alone kill. The good news is, he does leave soon enough. But still, I don't want to play the waiting game...

By the way, I love how he dislikes nothing. He may be an insane lunatic that is more terrifying than God, but he doesn't let all that stop him from being a wonderful, positive person.

1xwhqvhw o

Anyway, Chrysler can't reach anything, so he just rallies.

R0xdo2ki o6na4ub2m o

Hmmm... I wonder. Perhaps we can sleep Mandrake?

Hn65qh4z o

Yeah, didn't think so.

Xd0pajq9 oC1avbuth o

Well, we can sleep this guy. He's closer to us than the rest of the group, and I'd rather not maneuver around him if I could avoid it.

2nhqawue o

Much better. We've room to do our stuff now.

Zcpgca79 oWfnmnb9z oJwn6mojn o1un8omkl o

Noone on this side can drop Condor, so Eren gets danced for and does it himself.

M71tnycd oA0ewzgxd o

Lyon animations are cool even when he's just staffing.

X5m51xbm o

All right. We're hidden behind the pegasi, but I'm still a bit anxious, not gonna lie... Here's hoping nobody gets hurt.

Emroum2t oHkueppe4 o

Ah, excellent! Pyron and Gill are doing what we want them to do, which is come closer.

Z322iybo o


Kvdv49jw oF5rtvtja o

Evan got hit by that. Terrible screenshot, I know, but... Evan got hit by that. Nice. I mean, I guess I had to pay my debt for Kirin to the RNGoddess in some way or another.

Awxa8pxn o



Djlvnxhv oVmzce2tu oGow66nqs o

Good Daedalus doing his thing.

Ywlyyak7 oAwi9chhw o

Man, these pegasi, though. She just lived through a hit from a wyvern lord! Some of my playables would die from the same thing!

49tacxiu o8jjalrho oIt7nynnk o

Up here, the guests fight their best to defend the way to Ganesha.

Ncn1i8lg oXvgrabdx o

Hoho! Gudgai's just cleanin' house!

635pjisq oJngg1y0c o

These were just unfair match ups. For the enemy.

Vpuxvglq oScvf2bzm oMaig6pit oUjlacgyd o

Looks like I was wrong. Molochs don't use bottles when casting spells. They just stab their staves into the ground. Still pretty neat.

Cp8y9urc oDs2awvyl o


5z17q00j o

Oh, an enemy from above came down... Not too bad, though.

...We're running out of enemies, though... Mandrake will make his move soon.

Not gonna lie, I'd rather it was Dexithea than Kirin... Logic dictates the green pegasis or the druid will go down, but you never know.

Libd8q2q o7ivzootl oGnet4vqa o


Yhihta2c oF2f7r22j o

...Nobody, because he prioritizes using staves.

Good. I'm not even mad that he landed the 17% right after landing the 27% on Evan. Who cares. Mandrake could've used all that luck to kill someone.

4j6wjbhb o

Cyra Jeigans another guy with her sagittae.

Mdnus5b7 oB5q5u8y5 o

Thanks a lot, girl! I mean, Lex could've done it from full health with a steel bow, but still. Thanks.

Iwmun1kj o

Now... Here's the problem. Pyron is right there. We can almost reach him. The issue is, we must make it through Mandrake...

K9vpxhit o



5vjh5mbe o

She can reach Pyron from where she is. That's hilarious. I don't deserve you, Kirin...

Etmxrj5s o

I mean, sure, she faces some... slight difficulties, when taking on the guy, but still.

Vlapjysz o

Even from up close, Mandrake has too much resistance to be put to sleep. We'll have to do this the hard way.

I've actually never killed Mandrake here. The only other time I killed Pyron, I waited Mandrake out first. Mandrake and Scribe both leave after a while, actually. It's a viable strategy. Not really as viable when he's right on top of us already, though...

Fqlgtmf1 o

Holy shit... this guy.

Wxfgmtyf o

Hmmm... Oh hey, Kenton's actually just barely fast enough to avoid getting quadrupled by Mandrake. I mean, he still dies, but I believe we can fix that...

Efz2rzzp oD5sysbfx oCopmfidm oRdt47bju o

Bramimond's sprite. It's a cool palette. Don't get used to it, I don't think we'll ever see it again.

Li724ogh o

Okay, fairly certain that from full HP Kenton lives.

Myxnhmky o

Still... I'd love to put Relina next to him for maximum damage output. We'll need all we can get against the Evil Moulder himself.

Kcupldi8 o

So let's move Condor, and have her shoot down a peg while she's at it.

Ds39uq4t o

She could've died there.

Izqkfsbq oC9vpely2 oRmdtchpx o

And now it's on. Look at little Relina, one-rounding something! Ain't that a sight to behold!

Uunapgfx oW7r2upjn oYelduoon o

Hell yeah.

W5sl8l63 o

Well, that's pretty damn great. Nihil means Astra is out of the question, but with a crit, we could get some shit done.

2medwrnm o

Oeel1c86 oNo hard feelings, yes?

Gcbni48m o

He's such a nice and polite man. You almost wouldn't believe he would eviscerate you without a second thought.

7an0kav8 o

Also, no crit.

Lamgp1na oZll81ogg o

At least he dodged one of the axes. A dance, some healing, and we can try this again.

Ji5pf06x oBvmexxnj oEcj2czgv oUhdqcirj o

Some rescue shenanigans allow Janet to come closer.

Smqzlc5z o

...And then I thought "hey, maybe I should check how Astrea does against him." She just barely dies...

1xqcavhy oYk2inwjx o

...Even with a rally, unfortunately.

Qhqtuf47 o

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then I realized that was a waste of a rescue charge, because Astrea one-rounded Evil Moulder from the start with the brave sword.

Pffft... Poor Pyron, man. His idiot son turned Astrea into a better fighter than him and all of his elites. Jesus Christ...

Dplgadza o7wnrmofe o2ckituf1 o

Look at her go. She's such a badass.

Vekdrsch oZfr4k9cw o

She doesn't even let him hit her once. Poor guy.

Lmcwzru5 o7aza4iyh oAu8lqxer o

I really hate having to do this to such a beautiful man, but surely he understands, it has to be done.

Eqjhzn8e o

Astrea's sound thrashing leads to what I'm pretty sure is the last instance of a boss retreating instead of dying. Both he and Scribe do this. They are kinda important going forward, and they leave rather soon anyway, so I can understand Blademaster would just do this. I'm willing to give 'em some leeway. When it's not as common as it is in, say, modern official FE, it's not nearly as annoying.

Rgadqtkg o

Awwwww... Shame about the level, though. Still, she's good enough as is. She can afford a couple duds.

4wpfwbez o5pz30int o

Now that we've broken through, we can begin to blitzkrieg our way towards Pyron.

Yndozbdy o

And if you're thinking "but Ruben, you're super exposed here. People gonna die."

Utfso1zu o1qmwhrk1 oOp8mz6rj o12pvwhm5 o

Well, let me just say...

Ddxikywe o1k3pea5c oPres2mxe oErlyjw3h o

There is something you have forgotten.

Mxjcg40s oK94eymfh o

But first, uhhh free bolt sword! Mine.

Ozkzze1z oUhzbipri oArkelg1f o

Anyway, about the thing you might've forgotten...

Po5iz7kl o

There's a dragon vein on the map.

5zqsdudb o

And no, Gill and Pyron are not immune to it.

With our entire army in position, I am fairly certain Pyron's fall is assured. Maybe even Gill and Scribe, too.

0thesxhr o

Oh, hello there. She's aiming at the female druid, who foolishly placed herself in meteor range.

Vynhjctm oHi3ya1fb oYjgmacgz o

Oh, well. R.I.P. lady.

Kfcfq4kk oL3fl7tnl oMu0m3w30 oCawgnu4q o

Up here, Gudgai continues to do a great job of defending the throne room. He cannot last forever, but we don't need him to last forever.

...Of course, there's the fact that I just needlessly risked his life instead of moving him out of the Phobos's large range of 0 movement. Because I forgot. Sigh...

Gbcj1khu oD9bmyfad o

During the ally phase, this girl makes herself useful by poking at this sleeping guy.

Dq29sbfp o

Oh, that's rich. You've lost every single one of your commanders except for Gill and Scribe, and your frontline has crumbled so spectacularly that half of the enemy army is running straight at you.

Adpsh5xn oMandrake, Scribe! Retreat to Elementos. Best not be too unprepared. My instinct is that Zalmoxis has something further planned.

Oeel1c86 oAs you wish, my Lord.

Jivxkmdt o

Well, too late to shank Scribe. Too bad, but it doesn't really matter.

Tejkyiqf o0ejevj0d oA3ciqaxn oYyi2segk o

Gill has 110 crit. That's the most remarkable thing about him. I forgot to screenshot his tome's stats, but well... Suffice to say, it's a 1-3 range that's pretty much guaranteed to kill anyone it hits.

Except scrolls shut this guy down even harder than Nail, and with that done, he poses far less of a fight than Mandrake. Pathetic!

Of note is the fact that Joanne can talk to him. I'll show this conversation off later, but what it does is remove him from the battlefield. I... fail to see the utility of this. Joanne is extremely slow and frail. It's a huge ordeal to get her to him, especially since she can't even be danced for by Janet. Not to mention, you then lose the experience. It's a lot easier to just kill this idiot. He's a walk in the park compared to Carbos, anyway.

Cvvlpywx o3ubfzf9a oQfhhprqh oD0gvfslu o

As for Pyron, he remains unchanged, except for the fact that he no longer has his uber sword that buffs his stats. As such, he is now killable. He should be harder than Mandrake, with even more capped stats and a fancy sword... But his weapon isn't brave and his HP is a meager 60, so as long as you send someone with a scroll to fight him, he isn't. Funny how that works.

9d8totmu o4ol87xt4 oY47zkpsg o

So let's just heal Relina so she can...

Nwcgsa6i o

Toss a javelin at God's face.

Vgyohdqc o

Let them indeed! I still can't get over the fact that his head is tiny in his sprite. Heck, the sprite itself looks less fancy than the regular-ass baron sprite that our armors promote to. For shame, God!

H5qggwsd o5bdf9g30 o

That was embarrassing, Relina.

Rlhxljad o

Hwahahahahah... Ahahahaha! Oh my God, Astrea! Astrea one-rounds God!

T15sx0rg o

Oh, is she? Is she really, Pyron? Have you looked in the mirror?

Falfifxj oHs8xyswq oPfgurf9q oBlncbn69 o

Because if you had, you'd see who truly is in over his head!

...Wait, what? Why is her damage 13 all of a sudden?

Qmy0hwwu o

Ahh, who cares. 8 is low enough. I was having her use Mercy, anyway. Whatever, let's see if we can kill Gill as well. That'd be amazing.

9qon3af7 oE397kffv o6qzd6f6k o

To that end...

Jvwb9xih oHrop0aeh o

Kenton does his thing.

Tfd8skst o

Oh by the way, before I forget-- See this general here? If Dartanion was still alive, he'd be standing here instead. He would also have a droppable master crown. Sucks to lose it, but what can you do.

Brhzwck7 oHcnhtmi9 oSokewotp o

With some help from a trading chain, Hawk is able to patch up Astrea.

Gljyqbmi o

Now she can go and do Gill in too.

Qzltbfz3 o

If she can land a crit with the Baselard, that'll be it. It's not guaranteed, but it's likely enough.

Kxradzvd o

This guy uses Jahn's theme from FE6. Not gonna lie, I think he uses it better. He's a lot cooler, for one.

Sohhhqk8 oand second in command of all Amateran government affairs, I sentence you to death.

Bspzeipf o

Yeah, sure. Pffhahah!

Zlxuajkb o

This is so fucking sad. All of these major bosses are just getting whooped by Astrea. It's hilarious.

Still cooler than Jahn

Ddyffwl5 o2ilgf3cf oBvbxty9z oP0bjvzre o

Fancy animations.

0sptnirj o


Axmivnse o

Being flashy won't save you from the flashbangs!

Lcocjkfe o

It's a minor detail, but I like how his death quote implies he actually dies instead of just retreating. He just does his resurrecting shenanigans once more.

Uwjwwbz6 o

Meh. I'll take it.

7aiszoal o

And now... For the glorious moment that I have been waiting for all update. I've been brimming with anticipation this entire time, writing on so that I could get to comment on this part.

Cxd2qunq o

You see, Chad has a mission.

Wgy7wba6 o

A mission to deliver a weapon.

Zdnolws2 oF2pohrdj oZnouhvcx o

From Chad to Clint, from Clint to Eren...

3bttkwly oYjoibnjk o

And from Eren, to the one and only.

Oj3pyjb3 o

The Godkiller.

Pqkrzk11 o

I just killed Pyron with Axe Kirin. You can't make this shit up. This is the best run ever.

By the way, she could've killed him with aura from the start, but I wanted to do it with an axe because it's funnier like that, and she couldn't use the swordslayer.

Imagine that. Swordslayer Kirin. The stuff dreams are made off, I tell ya!

4gl42x0c oLwwrshyt o

I wasn't sure how to handle Pyron's death, so I just blew him up and called it a day. Everyone likes pretty lights, right?

1asz7sob o

By the way, yes. He has, as a matter of fact, died. Not only is he weaker than Mandrake, but unlike Mandrake, he does not survive death. We've killed God, fellas. Pack up, go home, it's over.

Sdq9eazh o

If she gets more movement, I swear, I am going to fart my brains out of my nose.

4ov3nxtj o

Still awesome.

Blvn0sqw o

I'll have to think this over, but I think I know the perfect person for these.

Zeis311s o

Well, that didn't take long at all, did it. Gill's back up and running. Still, you lot got your asses kicked to hell and back, hah! We're too awesome, it's honestly unreasonable.

Sohhhqk8 oAt least we were able to recover his fragments of power. We can revive him in Elementos using our remaining fragments of Mila's. Doing so will make him much weaker, but we have no other choice. Inform our remaining troops to fight to the death. We must leave.

9qk5ifz8 oI mean, sure, Pyron immediately gets revived. For all intents and purposes, this has no effect on the story. But I still love that the game lets you kill off the main antagonist right here and emphasizes how cool of a feat that is. It's so much better than just having him retreat. Plus, though we won't see it in this run, this actually can have a consequence, depending on your choices.

0q2ytxz7 o

Iear51dw oIt's a short lived victory. We weren't able to recover his body from the enemy. Although he will be heavily weakened, it's likely they can still revive him. With how the enemy formation has changed, I can handle the rest. You all retreat to the Teleport circle. Pyron's temporary death doesn't remove his immediate threat.

T5kcwfit oVery well. Take care of yourself Bramimond.

1vc3xhw0 o
A1go72yf o

Oh hey, it's that woman we saw in a house during the snow map!

Iear51dw oIt matters not. Let the two of us wipe out everyone else here. Zalmoxis needs to know how weak Pyron has become.

9qk5ifz8 o And that's the end of the scene... Except, here's the bad thing about killing Pyron: We miss out on another scene. It's a scene that reveals... quite a few important plot tidbits, and yet it's missable if you take the objectively correct approach to this map. I don't get it. Could be an oversight for all I know, because Bramimond and Remmy's dialogue implies it happens anyway offscreen. In any case, it's pretty important, so I'll show it here.

I4eciqiw o

Gaotwsa3 o

Adpsh5xn oAh, Bramimond. In a way, I see you as an old friend of mine as well. Indeed, it has been far too long since we last fought. I'm jealous of Gill for having gotten to fight you sooner.

Sohhhqk8 oBut we aren't here for a duel this time.

Iear51dw oWhatever you're here for, it doesn't matter anymore. My last plan has been enacted.

Adpsh5xn oAh yes, your Teleport spell. It will be a good way to test my runt and Larry.

Lgjkwhcy oOho... Well, shit. Turns out they knew.

Iear51dw oExcuse me?

Sohhhqk8 oFoolish child. Even if you possessed Naga's fragments at some point, that does not mean it is impossible to surpass you in magical skill. I saw through this farce ages ago.

Adpsh5xn oI have moved those I consider worthy, and my successful experiments, to Elementos already.

Lgjkwhcy o Oof... Poor Prime Raisin. He wasn't considered "worthy", it seems.

Adpsh5xn oOf course, Sol does not know this. While it is regrettable you captured him, his information was likely not that useful in the end. After all your planning, the people you let die for you...

T5iyoes5 o

Iear51dw o...

Adpsh5xn oYes, master and purpose lost, you grew bored and made a country for fun. Then you had them all dance on your palm to satisfy your lack of meaning. You are nothing more than a relic. But my friend, I can offer you new purpose.

Iear51dw oNew purpose? Ha ha... ha ha... Hahahaha! Do you imply I will betray Zalmoxis and join you? You ask if I am not used to being a toy? I've spent years being his toy. If you are offering that freedom to me now, you are far too late. Isn't that right, Remmy?

H1h3kw0s o
Wqs5fj1u o

Sohhhqk8 oAnother apostle of Zalmoxis?

Adpsh5xn oJust one though. I see. The gate to his lair is not here if only one shows up.

Iear51dw oZalmoxis is the only god worthy to rule this world. And I have no problem being his puppet for all eternity.

4aytmmnx oYou know Pyron, Paris went with the group that just left.

Lgjkwhcy o...Paris!? Well... That's bad news.

4aytmmnx oHe may have a head start on you back to Elementos, along with a chance to kill the girl. I'm sure even you don't want him obtaining a fragment of your power?

Adpsh5xn oTrue, that would be quite the annoyance, but my goal here is complete it seems.

Sohhhqk8 oMy liege, we should retreat. Let the cannon fodder left handle them.

Tywk9ira o

Adpsh5xn oVery well. My followers will shield us for an easy retreat. Let us be off, Gill. The land of Elementos awaits.

468wq7qm o

Well, that was... certainly an exchange.

Kiw86qxc o

Oh right, Ganesha. Almost forgot about him. He's the only one left here, still sitting on that throne.

...He's fucked, isn't he.

Vgc9xt4k oLord Bramimond? Who is this woman? Why is Pyron retreating?

4aytmmnx oIs it worth letting him live?

Thqljias oXgpcgseu o

Doesn't seem like Bramimond thinks so... He's even pulled a new tome out of his ass to do the foul deed!

Af98bdin oWxnjkxz2 o3lylphyq o


Majbkykz o

Bye, Ganesha. You didn't do much, but you were all right.

8vgxesfd o

Nice. So this is the true nature of the great hero, is it... Evan was right about everything.

Iear51dw oCome, Remmy. Let us kill all the fodder left behind.

4aytmmnx oOf course. This is exactly why I am here!

Lgjkwhcy oThis is why I said that this is implied to happen offscreen even if Pyron dies. In that scene, Bramimond says "let the two of us wipe out everyone here", which... includes his own allies, it would seem. Ganesha never reappears even if Pyron dies, so I think it's pretty safe to say that he dies no matter what. A shame.

Tyj7s95r o

This scene happens no matter what, right after either of the previous two scenes. Looks like we're meeting another god...

Mlfvch4m oRegrettably, he didn't bring Baine with him.

A9sjs5wu oBaine. No core restriction. Faulty absolute obedience spell. Regrettable. Expected. Will correct. Continue observation. No threat yet.

Lgjkwhcy o This god seems to be a lot less... expressive than Pyron.

Mlfvch4m oShall I deploy my clones in the meantime?

A9sjs5wu oNo. Observe. Pyron not threat. Weak. If Garrison fail. Then send.

Lgjkwhcy oThat's... also not good, I don't think. Then again, he's not explicitly saying that Garrison works for him...

A9sjs5wu oHowever. Son. Pyron's toy. Paris. Good Plan. Kill Son. New Apostle candidate. Found. Additionally. Boy. Use Serum. New Apostle. Create.

Mlfvch4m oAs you wish.


Well... That's that. Quite the intense map. The first attempt was shit, but the second one? Boy, am I proud of that. Everything went positively swimmingly! Hahah, excellent. Next time, we will conclude part 3. Yeah, this wasn't the end of part 3. It felt like a good note to end part 3 on, but... Well, I suppose the fall of Amatera will be an even better note to end it on, right? We'll storm the capital of Amatera and face off against the Prime Raisin, the royal guard and the prince of Amatera. Hopefully things will go as well as in today's second attempt, and not the first! Bye, everyone. Take care of yourselves so that you may farewell!


Kirin got more movement. I cannot believe this. How is it possible to be this blessed? I should never complain about my luck again.

But I will. Rest assured of that. I am too insufferable not to.


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 3 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 1)


Current perfect streak: Too bad

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 7 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 3, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 1, Condor: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey


BONUS: You know the drill. First, this is the extended version of the final scene if Mu is alive by the end of the map. The one if Pyron lives, pretty sure nothing changes if Pyron dies.

Mcnhnxnw oWell done, my lords.

Iear51dw o? Do I know you?

4aytmmnx oAh, she's one of Ren's subordinates. She delivered the boy and serum.

Mcnhnxnw oMaster Zalmoxis was very interested in what Pyron's ultimate weapon would be. Using Doma's power to create a super being is quite interesting.

Iear51dw oAnd what of Ren's other mission?

Mcnhnxnw oYou mean Donovan? He gets along with her quite well. And of course, he is super loyal to you and your goal of killing Pyron.

4aytmmnx oSo Ren's observation of our experimental apostle is going well. Very good, Mu. Your work is complete.

And after this, Remmy just straight up blows Mu to bits. I don't understand, what's the point? Why not keep them alive so they can do more work? Sigh... So wasteful. Also, "she"? Sometimes it's she, sometimes it's he, the game just can't make up its mind. I guess it no longer matters, does it.

Now, the conversation between Joanne and Gill.

Vd6irww9 oThat's quite the pathetic state you're in.

Sohhhqk8 oJoanne! What are you-

Vd6irww9 oFighting for my family. The one that you tried to kill.

Sohhhqk8 oNo! I never tried to kill them! I only wanted to keep them safe!

Vd6irww9 oBy using force to capture them. Haa... this is why I left you. That human was so much kinder than you ever were. He actually cared about his family.

Sohhhqk8 o...Very well. I will leave. Go to Amatera with them. There, you will learn the truth and commitment of my kindness. Of the love I have for you.

I like this exchange. It sheds a different light on Gill. For as much of a mustache-twirling asshat as he usually is, Joanne seems to be his one true weakness.

Next up, Pyron has battle quotes with both Ryan and Bramimond.

Adpsh5xn oBramimond. Long have I waited for this day.

Iear51dw oGood for you. Enjoy it while you can!


Adpsh5xn oRyan! We meet yet again. Have at you!

T5kcwfit oReally not in the mood for this again...

Hah! I like Ryan's retort. He's just sick of all this shit.


























Gtvph0u9 o
Shooq5rb o
M9shutez o
Vvkmz5wz o
91092fmp o
Csudfsyu o
Szges0rq o
Fc5uou9g o
Dpxxfcwy o
Hi8bqhkl o
Wiaga0kb o
Lg4dyen5 o
8156btnk o
Pcjl2a11 o
Sccuywuf o
Mostv5jd o
Xu4g0woa o
D7g2xjm9 o
Webwzets o
Krkwihrk o
H8rhmluz o
Glflg9uf o
Nsjnh1rq o
Acdsrqdk o
Rnh61zmu o
Ulqovvpo o
Uh2w8knx o
C5aditdo o
J6xj8kvx o
Fwv1brjq o
Uwzelkiy o
Pahsnggd o
5sboexpx o



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Part 20 - The raisin's last stand.

Jtdmtrf0 o:



Tygdhmzh o:

Dejiyyt1 o

Last time, Kirin got more movement. Certain people are starting to suspect foul play on my part. I wish I could prove my innocence, but then again, I'm starting to wonder if I've a split personality that only manifests with the very specific purpose to RNG-abuse move levels for Kirin unbeknownst to me or something. Because seriously, it's starting to get ridiculous.

Today, I like how the title phrase applies to the enemies in this case. It tends to be the other way around.

0mefy7b8 o

Finger girl and jawline man are here to tell us things.

Hefgjigr oEhvx7a1g o

They go on to describe the tasks, but I'll go over them when we see the map.

Hvpxwzxb o

We begin with an establishing shot of Amatera's throne. Our objective for the day.

0vhdt0q8 o

It also happens to be Larry's objective as well.

Inaco3zt o
57kpq26h o

Jtdmtrf0 oThe one my father and I poured blood and sweat 30 years ago to defend. What Mary foolishly thought her husband wished to protect. ...You are unguarded now.

Rindez2a o
Keg4spss o

Congratulations, Prime Raisin. You have beaten the easiest chapter in Fire Emblem History. Seriously, even FE7's prologue had two enemies before Lyn could seize.

Ikwdx69o o

Jtdmtrf0 oYou are not the only one who can declare victory for a people who aren't your own! Though I was a prince who spent his life working the trade of a spy, I saved countless lives in the shadows while you, a literal whore,

Lgjkwhcy o Excuse me, what was that?

Jtdmtrf0 oI saved countless lives in the shadows while you, a literal whore,

Lgjkwhcy o...Can I see the screenshot of that?

Lm9q5ohi o

I've changed my mind, Larry is the greatest character in the Fire Emblem series.

Jtdmtrf0 osoaked up the glory before the masses. But I took care of that as well. I rewrote countless war logs to erase your stain from history. I had your friends executed. I even bribed the nomadic clans to kill off the few loose ends that lived in Merv. But it was all worth it. It has all, at last, led to this.

Lgjkwhcy oSitting on an empty throne belonging to a literal god that is still very much around? That's your reward for all of the terrible deeds you've done out of sheer spite and jealousy? This dude's got some serious issues...

Ofe4rknn o

Oh yeah, some issues indeed. Now he's going completely delusional. Face edit's mine, as usual.

Tygdhmzh oThe fool who had to rely on a god to give him any real power is dead!

Lgjkwhcy oHe's talking about Zypher here, I think. I guess he considers "fused with God" to be the same as "dead"? I dunno, I still don't think he'll be too pleased to see you sitting on his throne when he returns... That is, I'd think that if I didn't know that the guy's straight up sacrificing both you and the throne. That's gonna be one hell of a discovery for the ol' raisinhead...

Tygdhmzh oAnd at last, at last! I have obtained what I have always deserved! What I have sacrificed so much for! I AM THE KING NOW!

Jtdmtrf0 oAh, but truly, the view from this spot is something. You can really see how unworthy the masses are, like the idiots before me now.

Dokp592h o

The "idiots before him now" are two characters that were introduced in a cutscene ages ago and were never seen again.

Idzkkvx1 o

Zypher's son Georgio and his most loyal subordinate Old Gale, to be precise.

Jtdmtrf0 oOld fool, you are a joke. It amuses me how you worship the being who stole your wife's life from you. Though you never truly cared for Mary.

Iksoqi5d oThis is an act of treason, Larry. Though given you are Lila's husba-

Jtdmtrf0 oI care nothing for that woman anymore. We share no connection but our son. Any woman whose mind goes to that man is not even worth loving.

Lgjkwhcy o As for this man that Lila is into, I think he's talking about Donovan. I mean, who else? This guy's entire existence seems to revolve around being jealous of Donovan...

Iksoqi5d oLike I'll believe that with the evidence right before me otherwise! Even now, Elliot marches towards the capital while you do nothing to stop him.

Jtdmtrf0 oGeorgio was left in charge. But I guess like father, like son? Without Pyron, your god, you're nothing but a weakling, aren't you?

Dqcdeymi o...You're the Prime Minister. You are the one that should be lead-

Jtdmtrf0 oBecause you are too afraid of Elliot to stand up to him yourself, eh?

Qmvmfkf4 o

Hoho! Parking his shrivelled up ass on that chair has turned him into a veritable badass! We'll see if he can keep up that tone after I put a swordslayer on his ample forehead.

Jtdmtrf0 oI will lead your pathetic troops. The rebellion will stop here.

F6mozlr7 o
1zcd6gda o

Finally. The last reasonable person left on this castle.

Ozmotv0w oEnemy troops just showed up inside the castle from nowhere. It's as if they were warped inside through magic.

Jtdmtrf0 oSo the real reason Pyron left finally shows itself.

Dqcdeymi oAre you saying my father has let this happen? That you're aware of the situation?

Jtdmtrf0 oI always spy on Pyron. Usually it takes a high degree of effort, but lately, it has felt like he's wanted me to know. And now I know why. That battle idiot wants to be sure that we are truly worthy. We are the royal guard. The capital has never been attacked.

Wnusciks o

Jtdmtrf0 o...He figured out Bramimond's plan. To use the ultimate warp spell, Teleport, to move a whole army.

Iksoqi5d oA trial directly from His Holiness? Yes! Yes, Georgio, this is it! This is where we truly become worthy of our god's world! As the first son of God, lead us into battle! Prove your worth!

9qk5ifz8 o At least someone's giddy about it. Typhoon's just having the time of his life. Well, that's fine by me. If he's so eager to bite the dust...

Dqcdeymi oA trial like this? ...Father, I don't understand. Am I just a pawn to you?

9qk5ifz8 oGeorgio, on the other hand... Son of God as he may be, he was first the son of Zypher, and it does not appear that he's too thrilled at his dear ol' daddy's idea of a family game night.

Dqcdeymi oLarry, please. Leave the throne for me to protect.

Qhtfxymn o

The two of them leave to prepare. Larry first exchanges some words with his wife.

Jtdmtrf0 oI am to die here, I'd wager. A fitting end for my poor choices.

Ozmotv0w oBut in your last moments, you hope to kill Donovan's children, don't you? That's why you don't ally yourself with us?

Jtdmtrf0 oHmph. Though you did not truly love me, you were a good friend. You know me too well... farewell, old friend. I'm sorry I caused you pain.

Ozmotv0w o...Farewell Larry, my old friend.

9qk5ifz8 o Oddly self-aware, bittersweet words for the most childish, petty, jealous, wrinkly little idiot in Amatera. Is Larry the Camus of this game? It'd be hilarious if they tried to redeem the guy out of nowhere...

Aqasfvhi o

And here we are! The heroes! And Sol.

5yydcaqe oYes. That is where Father hid the entrance to Mandrake's lab. That is where his experiments to create the next evolution in humanity were done.

T5kcwfit oNone of Pyron's generals seem to be here right now. Most of the guard here is strong, but they lack experience. That, or I've simulated Cyra's own defeat too many times.

Vhfxzqd0 oWhen you become an expert at defense, you truly see your own weaknesses in full. There are not many foes here. Our goal is almost in sight. Let us go.

3gw30n4p o

Oh? Is Sol gonna join again? For real this time, perhaps?

Det8lbw5 oYou aren't helping yourself, Sol. There is no space for you in my heart now.

5yydcaqe oI don't care! Please Astrea, I beg of you, do this favor for me! At least as thanks for saving your life before!

Det8lbw5 o...You can stay close Sol, but I won't let you fight or give you a weapon.

Lgjkwhcy o ...Guess not. Feels odd in a FE game, where usually we trust everyone, even former traitors at times. Astrea is smarter than that, though - ought to be, given the amount of betrayal and death going on in this game. Much as she lacks the naive trust of almost every other FE protagonist, she also lacks their absurd luck.

Asfmaqr3 o

5yydcaqe oNo. No, my efforts will not go to waste. You will be mine, Astrea. You have always been mine.

Uedfz3v4 o Her decision is immediately proven wise, because Sol once again starts giving evil monologues to himself. Sheesh...

6bmmpijj oQjeyhxcx oWid4ojw6 o

Today's team. Ryan is force-deployed, but he's not a lord. He'll be benchable starting next chapter. Not that I will bench him, mind. He's Evan's last shot at an A support partner, and they have a paired ending, too. Plus, I like Ryan.

In any case, Mirielle and Joanne leave while Clea, Nereid, Artemis and Iris stay out. I hope I'll have the chance to bring them back. In remain Carter and Hawk, as well as the rest of our regulars.

9sncakpd oEfjemurt o

Time for some statboosters. First off, Kirin scarfs down the remaining two juna fruits, because nobody else is gonna eat them and hey, if they're just gonna sit there and collect dust, might as well give them to Best Girl.

Next up, the second swiftsoles. I gave it ample consideration. You see, Astrea with 11 move is the stuff dreams are made of, with Acrobat to fly all over the place and seize faster. Joanne would be able to fix her movement issues with it, or we could turn Janet into a paladin dancer, which would also be all sorts of great. Alternatively, we could give them to Evan, so he can get to points and choke them faster. I considered all of these options and more, but I ultimately decided to make the smart move and give them to J--

Oarezrg9 o

...Just kidding, I immediately decided to give the boots to Kirin, so she can step on me harder-- I-I mean, so she can zoom around battlefields even faster for maximum hilarity. There we go.

Wyqciv9q o

Squadallah, we're off! A scene happens after the map begins.

Jt9niboj o

The reason it happens in this weird moment is that Pae could be dead. Indeed, though we haven't seen him in... ever, we could have. If you take too long in... I think the prison chapter and the snow chapter, he shows up and begins to chase you like his name was Galzus. I believe you can kill him there and then he doesn't show here. Still, pretty difficult to see, considering he appears extremely late and there's rewards for beating those maps early.

Jtdmtrf0 oIt will be an honor to fight in this final battle with you.

3r7gcku5 oIndeed, my teacher. It has been too long since we last fought side by side. However, please forgive me for my future transgressions. I intend to win and come out of this battle alive.

Jtdmtrf0 oHeh. That is fine by me. If you do live through all this... Take this. Do with it what you will.

3r7gcku5 o...Yes. Given the circumstances, I know exactly what to do with this.

9qk5ifz8 oThis final gift of Larry's is an interesting little choice we have to make. You see, Pae will be a stationary boss. If we kill him, we get a black gem that he drops. However, if we let him leave, we'll get this gift, which is an entirely different item. The idea is that you have to choose between either... Or, if you have somebody with 24 23 speed (I didn't know until now, but it seems the steal formula is thief speed => enemy speed, not just thief speed > enemy speed), you can steal the gem and then spare him. We have no thieves with 23 speed, so we'll have to choose... However, there is a way to cheese this. I'll tell you what it is later.

Uxxisnoj o
Ipfslhnf oZtmjzl3w oDtedkodm o

Well... Here it is. The final stand of Amatera's royal guard. Frankly, I'd have to call this a below-average map in this game. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it. In fact, I think it can be fun, but... Well, this is the only map in the game that doesn't give the slightest incentive to hurry, and it consists of long corridors full of stationary armors and high-movement assholes lurking behind waiting for the right chance to charge forward, so it's kind of a slog, uncharacteristic for SGW. The objective list is so long it barely fits the screenshot: We must, in any order, recruit Lila (she's standing just above us, a number of people can do it) and kill Larry. Once that's done, we must have Elliot speak to Georgio... Except we don't have Elliot either. He appears when you speak to Lila. At the bottom of the map where we start. Meh...

You know how my turn count for this game has been, like, amazing compared to all the other ones? Not this map. I wager this map will have an utterly crap turn count. So yeah. LTC pros in the audience, fasten your seatbelts, cause this is gonna be a rough ride.

Jfylivvf oDgii9v7j o

So here's the first two problems.

Axain5ou oZ3mzy5vg o

Two shitheads with ballistae and Bow Range +1. No matter. They'll be dealt with swiftly, I should hope.

K5cpqbsq oH7pbwfly o

Carter to the rescue.

X5d8itun o

My hope is that he'll get a crit on the second strike. C'mon, it's like, 78 crit, surely he'll manage.

Lqsvidnu o53dbsgiy o

Yeouch! Okay, and now, for the finisher!

Qfjn675f o

Hell yeah, he even got Sure Shot!

Ryqj8rbf o

...No... Carter!

A4fhivag o

Oh, please... Well, okay. Not to worry. He can finish the job in the enemy phase.

Zesx2qqv oVnowlaeh oLf21vylz o

Certainly so.

H8hhkhof o

On this side, I am hoping that Evan won't let me down.

Y6xsft7y oEvthocvr o

Heck yeah! Take notes, Carter.

2p53ex0w o

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Okay, that's a glitch, that's not supposed to look like that.

7rgxjkrb o

Ahahahahah... Hahahahah! Oh my God, Kirin. And would you believe, she's still not the most move-blessed unit I've ever had? She isn't!

Bpf3arpu o

This is my Astrea from my previous run, at the endgame. She only got one pair of boots. Yeah.

...Still, the fact that Kirin is actually getting close is... Oh, goodness.

6smf80yj o

Regardless, let's not just charge in recklessly. Dead Kirin wouldn't be as funny.

Jzhfigdk oM4j9h2nd o

Okay, let's see how this goes.

Eniy71o9 o4g3rsgbs oK6giqpuz o

This actually happens as intended. I was a bit afraid the guy would go after Clint or Relina instead, but I guess Carter's lower defenses were too tempting.

6nk9hsiu o

Typhoon is immediately on the move. Larry will also begin moving soon. I'd like for Larry at least to go west, but if both of them do, it's fine by me.

Jrkmiv4h oSfmjayg0 o

...Oh wait.

5beemv65 o

Right. The dancers...

9lytslrv oJhh3wrel o

...Please don't panic, but I do believe Carter is in range.

Ruso9ika oCtmsd4pd o

Hah! Kirin employed some flashbangs and actually landed one of her shots!

Qq2nldqg o

...Ahhh, fiddlesticks.

Heixrrzb o

What a fucking shame... And he was just getting started, too...

Zftuce5q o

I'm sorry, Carter. Fallen just short of greatness. Oh, well...

Ajhvrlq7 o

Kirin's still alive. That's what matters.

Ro9dinod oRrajobee o

Ryan uses an elfire tome to almost kill this dude.

Cgttujam o

Then Eren finishes.

Kafnpoas o

Some healing for best girl.

Ktnd9xl4 o

All right, Daedalus. Time to prove you're worth something. Double crit!

Mgjkqirj oVxkn9isb o

Well, shit, he actually pulled it off. I am positively flabbergasted.

Uqziwump oRsuwbwva oXb41yft6 o9vnwabfl o


Nnzqvrjd oKjyfnnkq o

Let's get Kenton into the fray as well.

Crkligr0 o

Janet, why are you so slow?

Jtt3h58c o

Can you succeed where Carter failed, Kenton?

1enqutpk oJ0inml2e oSdhuyvwj oYa8ehnnt o

Sure he can!

Qyajdfka o

Hwahahahahahahah... God, I love this woman.

Ddl2koz0 oWwbskn8j o

You know, she gets like 50 EXP per kill. I'm so glad I threw all the juna fruits at her. I mean, could've given some to Evan, but why? The guy doesn't need any more stats. Kirin... Well, as sad as it makes me to say this, she's not that great in every non-move stat. But I'm hoping that'll change soon, thanks to this investment.

Ybwpu78p oHakeufw2 oK57bvdcx oByaz4byh o

Unfortunately, Kenton is unable to finish the last colonel, but...

Oxa4osvo o

Not to worry. Chrysler is here.

...Oof, not to capture, though. Chrysler's not here to capture.

Uanpfs9k oKefxutsz o

Much better.

Iqqgcicw o

Now, here's the thing. You may've noticed the horrible hole in my strategy here. However, don't forget, Kirin has Miracle, and in this game, it's not a proc skill - it always happens... As long as the unit is above 25% health.

...Except, I misread the skill's description. I was convinced, up until this point, that it triggered for deadly blows when the unit was below 25% health.

So yeah. Make of that what you will.

Mbmbhyaf oLh1i2svk oIca1qjce o

Vengeance for Carter!

2d5jk77g o


Ejfrpqyc o


Noe0lf1w oZblvcxzl oY7cg8hw9 o8ciiffmt o

Just getting started on these boys.

J4o20xt1 o

Really not doing as hot on this side, but that's okay.

Zvaqvqdb o

C'mon, really?

Spmypejo o

Eyy, there's Larry! Doing exactly what I want him to do, good boy!

Hzl9cwfe o

So, this is the result of my lack of reading comprehension.

I9iaeqii oJmws6vqq o

Kirin is guaranteed to survive this. Accidentally made a genius-tier play. But I thought she wouldn't.

Dfljicrc oIotvajij o

So my heart skipped like 28 beats before stopping altogether.

Fhpqkv18 oW1g8ajaq o

That's right, folks. I am currently dead. Saint Deadenio is my new name.

Zdqwolj8 o8nyica8n o

Jesus fucking Christ, what a horrible experience that was...

Hvbjfr2g o

Ton of start-of-turn healing going on here.

Mk0uwn50 oCojdkhvw o

This poor fool almost killed himself on Lex. Let's finish the job.

Vascnhgh oB5awepan oO7fiobzf oSsoqjvcv o


Pgw0hbxj o

With the way wide open, the dancer is vulnerable. We'll have to capture her for her secret Bowen's book, but otherwise she's screwed.

Sw63nofl oYiynzrbo o

Oh, Jesus... Yeah, this is Hawk's weakness compared to Ryan. Sure, his power is higher, but he'd much rather use sagittae and siege tomes to avoid direct combat. Mainly because he cannot take direct combat.

Ypdm1dtr oO9vm9c3f o


Pc580bca o

Oh, bleh... Speed, Hawk!

Cva9h2hc oWndaqsqp o5gbzltlh o

Condor tries to soften up this colonel, but fails. Because she just straight up kills him.

5gyn7epu o

...Never mind, he has the skill that lowers crit damage to x2.

Ob3kvbzm o

Fine, then. You do it.

Hbipeah4 o1cjumnyq oTnlmahhg o

Using one of our forgotten shine tomes, Astrea softens up the dancer.

Ahsgxjru oL54ftno8 o

Really, really hard softening up. Sheesh, Astrea, calm down, she's already at 1 HP.

684gkusd o

Not to worry, these horse dudes (this one and the similar one on the other side) are stationary. The ones up above do move, but that still gives us plenty of room to maneuver.

Ny3mkxem oLyox9pqz o

Relina takes care of this capture.

Ducwkrjr oOglxjfie o

On the other side, some healing ensues.

Z5ermuju o

And now, it's your time to die.

Kwjih0cg o

Revenge for almost killing-- Aww, come on...

N9m6zabs o


Z0sp7yim o

That's a pretty good chance of killing, I'd say.

Fyl5ejhe o

Ayyy, crit!

M6zsmlct o

Thank you for being so cool, Kirin.

Hwkounis o

Aww... Well, I'll take the HP.

...Also, 19 con. Holy shit she's insanely buff...

9dastrq7 o

Can Kenton pull this one off?

Amwh92gq o

Ah! Well, I cannot see it...

Ioen03k5 o

Aww, what a shame.

Qaxrgexi o

Fine, then. Chrysler can wrap things up. Surely two blows will suffice?

P0ukianu o


Rhd66ssv o

Could've been a bit troublesome if she survived, as she could've danced for Typhoon.

Mkqcqhea o6qmnkpat oJbalp9jl oRkalffn8 o

According to Blademaster, Typhoon is supposed to be sort of like the Jeigan of Amatera. He's old, he's got the iconic silver lance and stuff. Neat.

As a foe, Typhoon is... very relatively troublesome. He has movement skills that grant him a whopping 11 tiles to fly through per turn, and she has Tower Shield+, so he cannot be shot down by anyone other than a trained Nicole. Unfortunately for him, if you catch him at the right spot with a couple axemen, he falls pretty easily. His huge movement actually works against him here. He flies so far ahead of everyone else that he tends to reach the action completely on his own, leaving himself open to being felled unceremoniously.

Wajh3dlx o

Bwahahahahah... he gets one-rounded by Kirin. Holy fucking shit.

Thcolsfh o

Still, that isn't reliable enough. Let's first soften the old fuck up.

Wi4nbt5c o

...With Evan.

Gyf3lzac o

Iksoqi5d oI hold no attachments to anyone but him. Failure is not an option.

Zjfekenv oJveenrnj oDjptcagk o

Hoho, it's very much an option, my friend.

Agtmgusa oLcuhf9dp o

Uh, yeah, whatever.

Ppwwuh5o oF1mkqpb6 o

And now Kirin can wrap this up.

Hnauccps oYyzkukz9 o

Looks like the old zealot is having some last-minute regrets. Too bad for him.

7yfgmqpt o

Full level. Thanks, juna fruit. So what kind of a level can this cheap Jagen/Gale knock-off give?

Ljpoi7yh o











Isd3hy8s o

I don't even know what else to say at this point. There's just no stopping Kirin.

Dx3cstvg o

Look, let's just... Let's keep going before I am struck by lightning or something.

X6tmn77e oHhg5wapn oCacap2ei o

Kenton scores another kill.

O29vt7pf o

Chrysler buffs both his and Evan's defenses in preparation for what's to come. I forgot to screenshot it, but Larry, three paladins and a mage knight are all drawing really close. To fend them off, we'll put our best tanks to work.

Cgipbg7p o

Level for Ryan. Make it half as good as Kirin's levels.

Huq5flsb o

Well. I mean.


Vqlhx35l o

I... I just...

My brain hurts.

Nj2gqjyz oU4ygxuuc oRgvxl8ib o9mncshpe o

Clint gets a general kill.

Lgscxw0s oMyh6wzyj o9dbynddc oMisctrzu o

Three units team up on this other general. Only one of them was needed.

Jnf6hfil o

Sky-high offenses still, but I think she might need a promotion very soon if she wants to remain relevant. Bows will allow her to fight without relying on her 11 defense to keep her out of trouble. Hmm...

Zs3npxnf oKc9a5wdv o

Anyway, Relina drops her captive and it's over.

Cljjbkil oYsfs8ggg oGmmczhpm o

Ryan comes under attack. I knew this would happen, not to worry, it's perfectly safe.

F22ovdjn oTmazknbx oBif9w0io oLic1ed0a o

Evan's capped defense proves too much for this general, but his resistance does the same for Evan.

Jzgh4ve9 o

Same thing happens with Chrysler. That's fine, though. We don't need these generals dead all that badly. They're sitting ducks.

90lkzsyu o


This girl has Moulder tier luck. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

Kxm7t27y o

I hope all these low hits translate into dodges for the other squad. I really do.

Prvdqsiz o

There's the friendly company that I described earlier. Larry is now exactly close enough to reach Chrysler. I... I don't want to face Larry in direct combat. He may look like a raisin, but he's a super scary boss. We'll have to double back a bit.

Suwqoh3m oFgvqc4zr o

In any case, Chrysler's reasonable resistance prevails over the mage knight's snowy spells.

Cg463xdg o

...Okay, that is... That is not good. Four cyclops? Jesus Christ...

Uphhi73j o

Let's take a look at the Prime Raisin's combat prowess.

Ztgaghtt oQyccoze8 oRwrthpll oVjvo51zg o

Okay, holy shit, this guy is insane. At this point in the game it is literally impossible not to get doubled by him, and he has 39 might, 67 crit and 4 PCC for good measure. Holy shit.

...Of course, he does have a crucial flaw: He has no way to defend himself from attacks at range. This is... Not as crippling as you might expect, considering his avoid is amazing. Sure, 55 doesn't sound like much, but I'm pretty sure the display doesn't take the Balmung's speed boost into account. Plus, don't forget that this is no boss on a throne. Too many misses, and we'll have a really angry raisinhead with a legendary sword charging straight at us.

Miw7hj4k o

Also, he's only 52? He looks at least 20 years older than that!

Hqkbzzox o

So here's the plan: First, kill this girl with Kenton.

Qc8tqpra o

He succeeds without having to take a hit first, a fact for which I am quite grateful.

Nohbosbb o

Ahahahahah... C'mon, at some point you're gonna cap strength and you'll inevitably have to keep going with your speed, man.

Ukuabo3n o

So anyway... Remember how I said Larry's avoid is amazing? Yeah. I think I know how I'll handle him, but I better get rid of his entourage, because we can't really afford to fight them all at once.

7u14tm2b oNr9icvjr o

Ryan runs away and gets healed by Kirin.

Lzw0inhl o2l0bexep o

Evan does the same while Chrysler dishes out some defense rallies.

Iuzxkzqc o

...And that's it, actually. We're playing this one defensive. The three idiots will kill themselves on Evan and Chrysler, and then Larry will be left all along to take on all of us.

Jlueslfm oEolvxmbw o

After some patching up from Hawk, Dexithea hammers in another general's head.

Hooe4d6i o

Eyyy, a free master crown! If we get Pae's as well, that's two in one map. Not bad!

I9eishtx o76u135qg o

More general killing with effective weaponry.

Q6sxwwih oPf5pfsly o

With the next roadblock out of our way, Lex is able to dash forth and kill this guy.

Hueo8ydg oP9ujszx6 oFniage2e o

...And this girl.

Rvwflcpu o

W-Whoa...! That was close...

T7umaais o

Well, that's it. I think the cyclops reinforcements will come after the eastern team, since they're now far ahead of the other one.

Uubzxoef o

Hmmm... The problem here is that Larry has nested himself among all the generals. That could be a little trouble.

Ky4goxnq oDkj1wgoz o

One of the paladins attacks Chrysler. He survives.

9yfqcwcz oHxo8ei2n oNiuyp7js o

Of course, all that means is that the others are all screwed, because Evan is the only one they can go after.

Fsajfsj2 o

Well, okay, I'll take it.

Ga5kyopw oKxape8ac oUradwiyp oZdzjuqff o

Oh hey!

Vomzkrfa o

Hell yeah! We can now easily take out the general next to the Prime Raisin! The paladin is squishy enough that this doesn't really matter.

Csx920np o

...Okay, this might be a slight issue. Also, I'm being way slower than in all of my previous runs. I was convinced these guys all spawned after Elliot, to give him a bit of trouble on his way to catch up to the team, but nope, turns out they're turn based. I just happened to always recruit Lila right before they appear. Huh.

Ngl6vvbr o9hlstgv7 o

As I said, the healing did not make a difference.

U4jpjr5s o

The fact that Chrysler, the guy with the 20% move growth, might never catch up to Kirin amazes me. Don't forget, the displayed 9 movement is because he's having it buffed by Eren being close. His regular move is still just 7.

Still, this is an absolutely amazing level, so no complaints here. He even got speed, even though the Dain scroll nerfs his growth! Nice! Way to go, Chrissy.

Mb0tbaom o

Well, well, well, well... Looks like the Prime Raisin has met his end.

Yugiqpof o

Jtdmtrf0 oYou're his son aren't you? The son of Donovan?

Vhfxzqd0 oI heard you and my father never really got along. No matter. We won't know each other for long. I am Daedalus, prince of Ryu. Prepare to die, Larry!

Jtdmtrf0 oYour death is all I have been fighting for. Your life is mine!

Bpkefcne o

Pssh. Bitch, you're already dead!

Ysytgr0r oPqw5whdp oSo3mt53v o

...Just kidding. You didn't think I'd seriously give this kill to Daedalus, right? Daedalus! Come now.

Qiyx8zal oK5svbrwn oWfvczi4j o

Kirin has saved countless lives in the light, while Daedalus, a literal whoreson,

8wzjyspv o

So clearly you understand why I'd give this boss kill to her.

Vg5ahp9c o

Ewww... Better nerf his avoid first, though.

Licftkn4 oKlloo11u o

Nice job, Ryan.

Utwvtdnc o

You know, it was a pretty huge oversight to forget to give Kirin a swordreaver, especially considering I intended to give her this kill from the start.

Oh, well. Nothing to do about it now. 67% twice should be... good enough. If she fails, I can rescue Chrysler with Eren and give Kenton a shot. But let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Mkkznnat o

Jtdmtrf0 oYou do not deserve a battle with me!

Lu8sygep oRaehbrc1 oO5muwgad o

Hell yeah, it didn't come to that!

W8crpybr oRzjnmrt9 o

You better believe it, man. It sure is!

Kn342znc o

She's gonna cap resistance now. What a girl. Finally working on that speed of hers, too!

Ijyij04q oYyjypwvb o

Anyway, we're now off to do more shit.

7fzp4oh4 o

Well, that's pretty damn awful, but if he procs Astra, there's a chance he could make it work, hilariously enough.

Dbimc84e o


076vbnyw oRhsziidg oI4u2h5nv o

Couple o' crits bring this one home. Way to go!

Idudrnw0 oAugmwqli o

I give Chrysler a dance so he can switch Eren to his short spear.

9nbrcjl7 oTbzdocs7 o

...And then I immediately change my mind and swap him back, because this woman has a spirit dust and Eren could turn her into dust if he procced Luna.

Tc3dwepm oKes7ivxl o

I'm going to see if Condor can lure that bow knight to a vulnerable position by placing herself on this pillar. Wish her luck!

Lubfmjpw oXv78lb2d o0w2juvic o

All right. Making good progress.

Acqvy20k oBer7xtdx o

Four paladins head west, while the rogue of the group heads east.

Fxpfjcre o

As for the upper reinforcements, they all head east. Well, it's okay. I'd rather have this, to be honest.

Uduglck0 o

This works as intended. Shame about Carter... He could've fought back.

Eygsceqa o0szp8nht o

This girl can't do much on her own. Bring that dust to us!

Wffm8439 o

Thank you for your contribution. You may now perish.

0lyaloqs o

Oh my God, Kirin is one tile short of reaching Lila from all the way over there... Jesus fucking shit...

Ljkpmbvj o

You may be wondering how I will deal with the lower paladins.

Ibicng5v o

The answer is Evan. Evan will Evan out the situation. Heheheh...

3dfgdyyp o

This healing has put Kirin in position. Yeah, she's gonna be taking care of the recruiting. I'd send Daedalus's useless shitty ass, but Kirin can do it and be back in two seconds flat, so it's better to do it with her.

Fhbybs33 oMhtrzzbk o

Speaking of Daedalus, let's see what manner of level he gets.

Pcdlc1hg o

I mean, I still don't like you. I don't think there's anything you can do to make me like you. You're so boring. I hate you.

2ymj6gtt o

You're dreaming if you think that I'm going to give you the legendary axe. It's going to Dexithea, and that is if Kirin doesn't manage to reach S axes. She's a bit far, but there's always a chance...

3kmiiu6q o

...Ah! There's another one on this side!

Obpsg5d0 o

I swear to God, Daedalus, if you get one-rounded by that guy and make me lose the Kirin move level up, I am going to fucking break your neck.

Aeey2d3j o

...Actually, that would 100% one-shot him, so let's not allow him to exist.

Epwdsjuy oI8wq6oo5 o


Iyh8hwtk o

Big mcthankies from mcspankies!

Agiqxbp1 o

For the love of all that is holy and unholy, Daedalus. Don't.

75gyyvlp o

...Okay, just in case. You cannot fail me now, Daedalus! Your defense has gotten a buff!

36pxy3kl o

Over on this side-- That is not happening.

Yazkb6u0 o

Clint will handle this lone wolf.

Qzxxahnj oAipxkfph o

Much better. Look at that, thanks to Relina he can even double!

Fuvycany o65fl5cge oEgb0rc3q o

Not that he needed to, he got a crit. 2 experience away from tier 3! Though I doubt I'll give the next crest to him. Others could use it more. He even got a movement level way back when, remember? So it's not like he needs it to keep up, either.

Keep up with the rest of the infantry, I mean. Nobody can keep up with Kirin.

Lcl9nuzx o

That's enough for now on this side. Not to worry, Relina is not in danger.

Vqqtaqxa o44yhmact o

And now, time for some Evaning.

Xucjq7i6 o

But first, Relina comes under attack.

Xk2wugxm oJhnzp4eh o7vhlj9ga oWq7h7qb2 o

As I said, not in danger. This girl's combat has vastly improved since she promoted twice in a row.

Urnnowq5 o5jyvg4o4 o1ynbaanp oGrz5visc o


Pfwrfw9p oAw1abhma o

I don't know what I was even slightly worried about, hah!

Ftwtspdc o

OOAA Okay maybe I should've been more worried about Clint.

Yc0djob9 o

Jesus, the guy can barely tank! What kind of an armor knight is this!?

A6t2vw2q o

He doubles shit, he dies in two hits, what the heck!?

B3q7vdg1 o

Phew... I mean, with his decent defenses and speed I should've known he wouldn't die, but still. I cannot trust this idiot.

Ddwy4thg o

Come on. Undoing Relina's hard work. Asshat!

Mive1c65 o

At least Hawk undid the dog's own hard work.

Hpj62iur o

Pfffffffffffft... Isn't this just, the most beautiful image you've ever seen?

Oklywsfh o

Ozmotv0w oKirin! I could say the same to you. Come, let us fight together once again. Once my father and brother arrive, all it should take is for Brother to convince Georgio that this battle is a fruitless endeavor and this battle will be over.

Ccfz9ars o

There's Elliot!

Dsvngrai o

And his father! Eli is too old and worn out to fight, but he's here.

Pygyuyg9 oYes, Elliot. I'm glad that you and Lila are safe. I'm sure your mother is happy as well. Regardless, we need to move quickly. You must speak with Georgio and put an end to this battle. It's important that he lives to help with the reconstruction efforts for what will happen in the Republic after the war. He was never a truly strong supporter of Pyron in the first place.

9qk5ifz8 o I like how in this game, if you're an NPC you actually have less of a chance to survive than if you're an enemy. What do you have against the color green, Blademaster?

Ymhxrtbv o

Pygyuyg9 oWe must take him out first.

9qk5ifz8 oWay ahead of ya, Eli.

8if4qyvs oUcnlxpes oCmidtgbf oDimkezix oP6os1bhc o

You know how FE12 gives you a billion C sword units in the midgame that are virtually indistinguishable? SGW gives you a billion staff units in the late midgame that are, admittedly, less indistinguishable. Lila here is... Ehhhh. She's basically Hawk on hooves, with actual defense and physical combat, but a worse staff rank and no way to improve it.

Her skills are:

- Swordfaire: You know what this does, +4 damage when equipping swords.

- Arcane Blade: Same as Astrea, adds 3+(mag/2) to hit and crit if it procs. It's meh.

At level 18, she gains Nihil, which is hilarious.

And... that's really it. Lila is probably my least favorite of all these lategame magicians. She's not bad or anything, just... less interesting than the others. It's a shame, I like her design.

Also, I'd like to point out she's barely 9 years younger than the Prime Raisin. Holy shit... Perhaps I misjudged the man.

Fulpnzca o

As for Elliot...

Nyv1dmuz oM8oculcg o5i37f50y oR4ptodao oIajpulfu o

He's actually a late-joining lord! Hell yeah! Now that's awesome. Elliot is a pretty damn awesome combatant. His speed is low and his resistance even lower, but coming at tier 3 with high strength, HP and defense, triple S ranks and an awesome selection of skills, the guy's... Actually a better Daedalus than Daedalus in every single aspect. Seriously, why is Daedalus so fucking bad.

Skills and stuff:

- Charisma: 10 hit and avoid to all allies within 3 tiles. Always a nice thing to have.

- Luna: Proc skill bad.

- Resolve: He outclasses poor Germano too lol

- Fiery Blood: +4 damage when HP is not full. This is great.

- Rightful King: At long last, someone who does have the skills to make use of this, goddamnit!

So that's Elliot in a nutshell. He's Daedalus but better that joins late and serves as a quite serviceable prepromote. I mean, good thing - he's forced, so it's not like you can not use him.

Ngpyf3gc o1vyifkhn o

As for his companions, they're extremely terrible.

4uoual4b o

All right, let's get to work once more. Can you do this, Evan?

Ojeexjbg o9gckxchg oGvyokyxt o

Sure you can. You're way more epic than Daedalus. Then again, who isn't? His only real competition is Katherin...

Kh7dxfjx o

Ryan does the Ryan things. You know, I'm not entirely sure why he's force-deployed in this map. Unlike Kirin in the Chrysler chapter or Janet and Nicole in the Ryu defense, he doesn't really have anything special to do here. Yeah, he can recruit Lila, but so can Daedalus, so it's not like you need Ryan for a guaranteed Lila recruiter. Eh, who even knows...

D2vg2ezq o

This is worth a shot.

Oofrcvvq o42h1uisa o

There we go, bowman down.

Kdmrdezd o

Not all too happy with Eren's levels, I must say. But he's still a solid unit nonetheless, so it's fine.

Xqz01npl o

I'll send Elliot in this direction.

Ltaowqao oJ0xovhdx oI2dygofc o

This team just moves forward. They've not much else to do.

Rkbijeky o

...Well. That's annoying.

Ghqjid14 oVb5hhfga o

Fine, no big matter.

Fo4pk0kl o

Well, that's level 20 Lex, at any rate. He's all about strength and nothing else.

Qurpk4ls o

...Wait, hold on a moment! Rewind, rewind!

5exd3nfg o

H-How... What the hell just happened there!? The bow had one use left! What gives!?

Gardu8na o

Irrelevant. Clint finishes.

1gyoocja o3jrfkqdr oGniukpdl o

Well, let's just wait for our new friends to come play with us.

Qxfoigmr o

Nooooooooooo... Don't do that! I don't have a restore staff on this side...

E1pwg7kv o

Elliot's team follows him west.

97txlld0 oZavaaqdd o

Oh, by the way, while we're here, Janet has to get to Lila's starting spot. There's a chest there, see.

Tts9d8oh oOzmcv8yp o

Grrr... Look at this shit! A sleeper and a silencer! Quit being such dicks!

Stidcg01 o


Zbleaawn o

That is not death, Evan. Why must you do this to me.

Brpwtm1a o

Sigh... Well, fine, then. He stays alive, I guess.

Wvzbwdgc o7p3da3zk o

Okay, let's focus on the main event.

0ktiy2ao o

Lex can almost kill two of them, but he's gonna need a bit of help.

Foch4e7x oAbthcsju o

So let's instead have him kill the eye that even fuckin' Hawk could've destroyed. Sure, that's a good use of one of Lex's moves for the turn. Sigh...

Ujokwu8a o

Hmph... Even with Condor's support, it's not enough... He needs Relina's help.

Fbmys8ir o

Sheesh, she's also just short of a kill...

3nhciyln o

I've got it. First, Astrea moves...

Uqcsfb6l oF2pmnkxo o

...Up here, and nabs the first cyclops blood. Just about.

Lxx7c6dn oArtekafd o

Next, Relina comes really close to nabbing the second one.

Fpfk8zhb oLchcbgpz o

...Or, you know, she just straight up pulls it off thanks to Adept. Fine by me!

Skbwlxyu oVbwjlwnq o

Come on, really? Really now.

3cie9fk5 oTzg5vkna o

With her help, Lex is able to kill another cyclops. If I hadn't wasted his first move killing an eye, I could probably have finished the entire pack, but since I'm dumb, that last cyclops will survive.

Pjgrmx2u oI6ymcoxg o

Well, it's fine. As long as we heal Relina, it'll be no problem.

De56kjsj o

...Yeah, no. Even if she lucked out and got two crits, she'd still be just short of a kill. Not worth it.

Zc1thlon oKh6spqi3 o

So let's just buff some defenses and leave it at that.

Yra3nhkz o2c9zdzmd o

Utterly pathetic.

Gorebvc7 o

...Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo really!? Evan, of all people!?

Lfvbiay1 o

The green units ride up the corridor.

Teyl2zoz o

Oh, boy. Reinforcements.

Tsdvhhbh oK3kptfzi o

The main highlight is the two morons with purge.

Cxtkxdxg o

They're really weak.

Fvi527cz o

Eyy, we found the tome that shares its name with a useless character!

Fak1jwn1 oL0qymhuz oNgymtczj o

And then Lila and Kirin get her outta there. Idon't think she gets two-shot by purge, but I'd rather not find out.

F1zvdjce oYwjbfrth oV6fgbchp o

As for up here... I'm just doing this to get the chip EXP required for Clint to reach level 20.

9pz06af0 o

Nice. Good level to reach the promotion threshold. I think he'll get the next crown. His stats are borderline enough that he could use the promotion sooner than anyone else.

Fgvoj6gi o

Condor, too, levels up.

Pszmb7fl o

I like how she's still a useful mainstay of the team even with gains like these. Though the "useful" part is starting to become rather questionable... Without the falcon bow she's just a mediocre archer. Shame.

R505lvsj o

Dexithea wraps it up, as she's the furthest from level 20 out of the entire team.

Lusetwlu o

Then Astrea grabs a lancereaver so she can go to town one of those two paladins there.

Jd1csgy8 oYfiri4e0 oPpa47aaz oEbc6liw3 o

Meanwhile, Hawk finishes what Evan started. He's just able to pull it off with bolting.

Xowl3nei o

Pffft! Sure, a defensive level for Hawk. I'll take it.

Fna2dlb8 o

Boon got! Or was it Bond? Who even knows...

Aaej8hqj o

It always amuses me when people grab items through walls. I wonder how that female druid must've felt, watching her peer's lance flying past her and through the wall into Hawk's arms.

Un4k02yo o

All right, then. Astrea is ready.

E8wvslct o3xkabj3z o

Nothing much happens on this side. With the two heaviest-hitters down, they can't do much more than wait.

Meupk7lp oDqhgw0ta o

The purgers go after Lila. They are highly unsuccessful.

C4ghvggw o

Their friends just generally advance.

1gndrt3r oTdwvcyvy o

Astrea teaches this idiot the error in his ways.

Yoz2gvby o

Hawk continues to dodge shit.

Ufxoc0z3 o74yk0elx o

...Then Elliot's subordinates make the dumbest mistakes and die. Sheesh, green units... Well, at least we get to see a new spell.

1htmnmdg o

Uhh, pretty sparks!

H2louaap o


Ous3qyvn o

C'moooooooon... You're not even trying...

3rvcee7w oFm4xj5go oP3nnwvxb o

That one mage has unceremoniously killed everyone and survived. He would've even without the miss, just barely. Wow. Nice troops you got there, Elliot.

Izazd2mt o

That'll never do. You four, stick behind and take out the enemy forces behind us!

...Y'know, you four, among which is the guy we need in the throne room to finish the map.


Rxq2sosc oFtq7ltch o

I was at this point a bit afraid for the lower team, so I sent Lex and Condor to assist.

Honiaaz0 o

Ewww... Stinky hitrates.

Ekygt6st oB2n87kua o

Well, every little bit helps.

Yuqynzvp o

Yeah, there we go.

9abswt9i oD0o1u3l9 oCv3vjrfo o

Much better.

Vwnczz59 o

More speed? Sure. You have to try and surpass Clint somehow. Still find it hilarious that the guy's one of the fastest members in the team, with his low-ass cap and all.

Yaz7yhvv oKntamrxb o

Speaking of. He's gonna rally some defenses because... I'll admit that at this point I started to panic a bit. I was afraid Relina wouldn't be able to take the three shots from the barons. Not to mention, the other mistake I hadn't noticed I'd made...

Mbqbb3q0 o

So how am I going to save Relina from her impending doom?

00gmfce1 o

Why, by placing her even squishier sister directly in harm's way, of course!

Xqugroyh o0djnxf8i o

At least she didn't take damage... That would've been bad.

8h8zedfc o

Dexithea cannot reach to finish the baron... Grrr...

Qeaevlz9 o

...What to do... Oh! I got it.

Wpjgyrvm o

Lila to the rescue!

Czkjfdgx o

Not with rescue, but with nova!

Lrqd8wrp oQxexguga o

Hell yeah!

Ev0decvx oBcn7bncp o8ptqcmmx o2trhztvh o

Begin enemy phase! First of all, the mages finish demolishing Elliot's army of scrubs.

Dt9g2iv0 oEjzscey5 oWqw4onqn o

And now, it's time for Astrea to almost die to all the enemies that I didn't notice could reach her.

Qjijalpj oFoep5wrj oXslhybdi o

All of them.

Valxeyjc o

Holy shit I'm so stupid.

Gybkzuvu o

At least she got some good gains out of almost dying.

8n9juyqs o

Bye 5 use thani.

Edat9jrj o

Thanks for being such a great staff dodger, Hawk!

Wd8bzb9k o

Oh, that was close...

Xrrjvrts oHadoncus o

All right, fuck y'all. You had one chance and you failed. Now we're gonna win.

Xyprw8hz o

...Win indeed. Once again, in all of my past runs, I kept a much better pace, so I met those cyclops from earlier at the same time as the barons. This time, however, I've managed to clean out the map on my way to the throne, so we don't have much resistance left to face.

Ldiau9uy o

We do have Pae, though.

Zw6eahps o9ngn0bmc oPks8bb4z o

The man is quite strong, and he wields another legendary sword from Jugdral, but he doesn't move, so even with Tower Shield+, he's an easy target. Also, 53? What's with all these older folks in this game that have aged so gracefully? He looks like he could be the Prime Raisin's grandson, and yet he's older than him!

Well, none of that matters. Pae's sole purpose is to either die for a black gem or live for a master crown. I want both, so... Well, I suppose it's about time I revealed my intentions: I am not sure if I'll be able, since I've never take that long in this map, but if these mages really are the last wave of reinforcements as I think they are, I think I'll just have Janet dance a million times until she reaches 23 speed. Then we can steal that gem without killing Pae. Sure, it's a dirty trick, but c'mon, I need the money.

Umvyica0 o

Hmmm... Still gotta deal with these idiots somehow.

Usmvrlzk o

Wait... How didn't I realize? I can just send Kirin at them.

L8lq9nk8 oU9orbkqm o

Yeah. That works.

Yn3q5o9l oJ0blro6e o

I still have no idea why I didn't move all of these idiots. Only two of the units down there could damage Kirin, and the first perished immediately.

Ansxmhu2 oH7o6d59n oUsrti2of o

At least I had the good sense to get Janet out of purge range. Still not sure how easily she'd die to them. Don't wanna check, or have to check, for that matter.

Tpunmgqa oHpdiiafs o


H6hgk1q4 o

...Wait, what? I'm pretty sure this one could reach her as well... Well, I mean, if she wants to be a dumbass and attack the invincible axewoman, that's fine by me.

Rvbvkzvp o

This is the only unit that can damage Kirin. And I'm making very, very sure to keep her scrolled up, so he is utterly ineffective.

Dbalwjny o

This one couldn't do anything to her, and still missed. Wow. Pathetic.

Zydurdh4 o

Oh my God, she just healed all the damage dealt to her. This woman is amazing!

Ewbnv7jy oU2e5trn3 oVjbvdpb8 o

No need to even stick to the magic mallet. She can just take everyone out with the iron poleaxe!

Waexdcpp o

Still not overly fond of her shitty-ass defense, but she's actually going places with that HP of hers. If only she'd get some strength now... I think I'll swap her scroll out for a strength-based one after this map. That +3% move growth was a fun meme, but at this point I think I need to stop her before I risk her movement overflowing back to 1. I mean, it can't do that, there's a cap, but... Jesus, I think that's enough.

Yn8nshu8 o

Speaking of scrolls, I completely forgot to show this one until now. It's... a really bad scroll for Elliot himself. Actually, he could probably use the Sety scroll. His speed is garbage. Then again, I could also give it to Eren, see if he can finally manage to cap his speed, plus 13% movement growth... hmmm.

Wv1zkjux oOwki8s8r oVnhfkxvk o

Ryan does his thing.

Uidanmiq o

Eren then utilizes Luna to finish the job. Way to go!

Kefp2lry oQwnfnmql o

Some more shit.

C5i1mtfc o

While those fellows help themselves to the remaining barons, Astrea and her team storm the throne room.

Kubdrsih o

Hey, I have a hilarious idea: Let's attack Pae with Hawk so he can heal Dexithea.

7ywhde30 o

This is his battle quote against everyone throughout all of his appearances.

Vdiieuwv oW0fkopt6 o

Here we go, as I wanted.

Ij73fsk1 o

Janet comes up in preparation for my brilliant plan.

Jw5dclpm o

...As does everyone else, because there's really no need for anyone but Kirin down there.

5mupo11g o

Such a shame. You lot are useless!

Uadxghjf oCyj3lq5z o

Even more so against Best Girl. Hah!

7ygfqjup o

Actually, you know what? I just had a brilliant idea.

2drukhf7 o

But first, I have to kill this idiot. He's going too far up.

Qhx6flmc o

...Oor... Meh, nah. Who cares. He's only got one more use, anyway.

Xwd3oigu o

So let's instead proceed to my brilliant idea: Capture this guy. Free physic, plus a decently intact explosion.

Mcsfn57u o

I've been having Janet do some dances for Lila the past few turns already. I just haven't been showing it because it's boring.

Fvyje5vd o0ei2rml8 o

Up here, Hawk assists Dexithea in killing this druid without risk of taking a crit to the face.

Hbc5i1bi o

Another brave axe? Sure, no complaints here! I wonder if I can get Kirin to use it. Then she and Chrysler can become the brave axe sibs(?).

0hyap2sx o

Well, only one foe remains. The Crown Prince of Amatera, Pyron (or rather Zypher)'s first-born.

Tozhavym oQqrhhtbq oLj671vq7 o


He's... not very good, is he. He has almost as much magic as Hellen and a good tome, but I mean... 11 speed, 32 HP, 3 defense... Of course, the goal is not to murder him. In fact, if we murder him, we lose. We must instead steal his speedwing and then speak to him with Elliot. In that order.

5ytn4bqc oYs1z3cqz o

Damnit, that's an axe gone...

0afyr39t oF8w1kdi8 o

Just a bit of experience-nabbing going on here.

4nji8uls o

Okay, done.

Rjl8hcdq oUme6barb o

The two bishops break their siege tomes on Kirin's head. Honestly, they probably would've gotten more done by whacking her with the actual tomes.

Oubwxgwj o


Itwkwhay oLnwr7c0s o

Okay, okay, let's calm down. We can do this.

Fsd3bcta oEcz13vzo o

That's an eye...

Lfjvt0bo o

Oh wow, Astrea nearly one-shots a friggin' cyclops with cosmic eye.

7efwauiw o

One of these days I gotta show off that tome. Its animation is absolutely badass. But not yet.

Wllj38v6 o

Green bishop burns a thing.

K3pmc1va o

Sheesh... Ryan's combat isn't well suited against fellow magicians.

Djrvo050 oPdml4jod oFffahdf6 oLunymjfk o

Even a double crit cannot allow Dexithea to do this guy in. Unfortunately, magic is still the way to go.

Q1ltjlxc o

She's been carrying that thing with 2 uses forever. About time I got rid of it somehow.

Bsoclayh o


N8oqtvic o

Well, no matter. At least we can use Ryan for something: Finish this cyclops off.

Vzu2ffmc oKvd6ow93 o

Here we go. Good Ryan.

0oukssjw oS1nl1rwn o

Astrea one-rounds another guy with slime.

9ro1pdsi o

This woman is unstoppable.

Sxifl8ps o

20% chance to crit this guy? Hmmm... Works for me!

6qynwvbq oSvzlktyv o


Vzuf1azz oJnycpuxq o

Fuck-- No, Clint!

Pcnqmuts oPtwduomj oFdf3ypoe o

Phew... Thank God for Lila.

Stobv5l0 o

Okay, no, but seriously. This is so fucking frustrating. Oh, well... I'm sure we can all take one eye, right?

Cegf2dhg o

...Okay, wait. Thankfully, I realized in time that one eye is fine, but one eye and Georgio would murder Clint.

Kiql6kml oYkhtjtyw o

Lila to the rescue x3.

O1yor4wy oL6xwemwv o

Okay, then. That looks good.

X8jdgvwr oWbxlekzj o

Down here, Kirin faces a small problem: I cannot drop the geomancer because she has no room for his items. Thus, she is forced to whack these guys over the head without the ability to double.

...Which is just fine by me. More experience is a great thing.

O6mztzff o


Hzrnmipl o

Oh shit! Please tell me he doesn't get doubled because siege tomes are heavy...

Ma2udtof o

Oh, thank God.

5jph9hjq oUodme1ge o

Hey, don't heal! That's not fair! I mean, sure, it's more axe rank for Kirin, but...

Akate3jj o

The eye finally goes down, to Eren.

Jyegns3p o

And with that, it's over! No more reinforcements will becoming. We can finish any time we want.

Hjs6ntof o

...But we won't. First, I want that gem.

Bb1swx19 o

Not to mention, we have to finish the bishops! I don't quite understand what they're trying to do here. Why are they surrounding Kirin? They trying to coddle her to death?

Cmz89qcv o

Coddle this!

Rzpx3v0c o


I love this woman. I love her so much.

Jipo6o1x o

Dexithea is very close to level 20, so I had the idea to whack Georgio with Mercy to try and get her the last few bits of experience.

Ni2briud o


M50d8abi oJn8nrejd o

He's so low-level that Dexithea can't even get any experience out of him. Oh, well, them's the breaks.

A5ljxshe o2bnjukta o

Get outta there!

Viyzukzr o

Before I forget, Elliot must talk to Astrea for some goodies.

Pxcxngbm o

Det8lbw5 oElliot! I'm glad we finally get to fight with each other again!

Uvlq3kcu oCorrect. We have much to discuss, but now is not the time. In the meantime, please take this with you. It'll come in handy this battle.

Det8lbw5 o! This is quite the rare sword. Thank you, Elliot!

Ud7kvphy o

Hoho, master sword! Excellent!

8da0jzkc o

And now, it's time to dance.

Udkjjqpv o


Gblrdopo oAv29erxn o

While that's going on, we have a couple things left to do. For example, Lila must go to Kirin and take the geomancer's inventory.

3lycpp40 o

Like so.

A3ikjzoi oDfijgtuw o

Also, before I forget, grab Georgio's speedwing.

F4opaoku o

And now, to dance! With animations off, so I don't bore myself to death.

H3mpw0vk oGy5gzf4i o

Nice, we're getting there.

Mrxhwpga o

You know what? Daedalus and Janet support, why the hell not.

Rfzrw6ys o

Vhfxzqd0 oif anything happened to you.

Uavqr9ho oAww, how sweet of you, Daedalus. But you don't need to worry! I'm a strong fighter in my own right.

9qk5ifz8 oThat's a good joke. Your defenses are on par with Georgio's!

Vhfxzqd0 oThat may be so, but every hit you take is one I can take for you. Please, let me protect you.

Uavqr9ho oWell, I guess you can't help it. Those with that man's blood just can't resist protecting me, it would seem.

Imxryhu7 o

Daedalus, would it kill you not to be a bore for five fucking seconds?

Zysgwzd4 oRx88fgsq oFnd8byai o

Okay, we made it! Janet is beyond fatigued now, but who cares.

Pednvrum oXkfc9yfg o

5000 gold is ours. I mean, it's still not that much, but if we can nab a few gems next map as well, we should be able to resupply adequately.

S3za7fer oViorf610 o

...And hey, you know what? Since we've got the time and Kirin is fatigued too, I went ahead and had her grab some half-broken iron axes we had lying around the convoy and break them over Georgio's head with Mercy. This earns her a B axe rank, and...

Nh53eu1u o

A level! Chugging juna fruits has made her so low level that she could gain experience from beating up the underlevelled Georgio. So now she's invincible against magicians. Nice.

6lovjwxt o

84 turns.


Ynvpfk94 o

It's over, Georgio! We have the high stats!

Lj94zfd1 o

Uvlq3kcu oYou have no need to keep fighting. Surrender to my forces, and I can assure you that we won't kill you. You are a victim of Pyron. Don't make the mistake of becoming his pawn.

Dqcdeymi o...Fine. I'll surrender to you.

Mrteb9ns o

I wish that were true, but we were too fast for him to chase us.

You know, except today. Today he's just stood there for hours upon hours.

Det8lbw5 oHave you made peace with your mistakes?

3r7gcku5 oNo. I served my teacher and master, Larry, to the best of my abilities. If my homeland decides to charge me with any crimes, then so be it. As for you and the people of Propater, take this. It's all I will offer as an apology.

9qk5ifz8 o Enough.

3r7gcku5 oEven you've agreed to have my fate be decided by my homeland, yes?

Det8lbw5 oLila knows all too well what you did, but insisted on letting you live. Apparently, to the people you care about, you actually are able to show some semblance of loyalty.

Gly0va5x o

3r7gcku5 oI will do my time now, but in the future, I will help Georgio lead this country.

Zq5v4ipk o

Well, shit. Turns out the traitor lives too, and he's actually not such a bad guy after all!

Odyvf1sr o

I like how both Eli and Elliot look extremely stoned in this shot.

Pygyuyg9 oIn a way, it is. The Holy Republic of Pyron is no more. All that's left of his forces are the Phobos, Green, and Red Armies.

Det8lbw5 oAnd all the people attacking Merv?

Uvlq3kcu oIf they're smart, they'll disband after such a battle. Otherwise, we'll have to personally go and finish them.

Lgjkwhcy o I mean, c'mon, you really think Kuroth's gonna stand down without a fight?

Uvlq3kcu oWe should head to Merv next anyway. It's time Propater officially joined us.

Det8lbw5 oBut first, we need to destroy the lab and experiments here. Sol, lead the way. Use this as your last chance to redeem yourself.

5yydcaqe o...Very well then. Follow me.

Qxsihmue o

The lab turns out to be the treasure chamber of Grado. If you haven't noticed, Blademaster likes to use vanilla FE8 maps for cutscenes. I think it's all right, myself.

T5ehyqyn o

Ozmotv0w oSo this is where Mandrake kept his lab?

5yydcaqe oI would not lie to Astrea. If she says that I may redeem myself to her, I will do everything I can to prove her faith well put.

Lgjkwhcy o I'll believe it when I see it. Your moustache-twirling monologues weren't exactly what I'd call comforting.

Pygyuyg9 o...Something feels a bit off about this place. Where are we really?

Det8lbw5 oSol. Answer now, or I'll ki-

Akixvdze o

Yeah, go figure.

5yydcaqe oYou think Father never taught me how to use that pendant? Astrea, you've always been mine from the second I gave you that.

Lgjkwhcy o Oh, so he's just... turned off her pendant, somehow? He's literally killing her with the plague. Okay, that's fucking vile, can someone murder this asshole already?

5yydcaqe oAh! And I wouldn't move, unless you want the girl to die.

Pygyuyg9 oWhere are we?

5yydcaqe oCutting right to the point are you? You really aren't one to be intimidated, Eli.

Ijwmagdm o

What? Someone else is here? I mean, I guess the entire army's still waiting at the entrance... You think Kirin's found us? By the time she's through with him, it'll be impossible to tell Sol was once a human!

Rgvzriwr o
Bqp8gmqg o


2po7vcso oLvqwb849 o

How does this make any sense!?

9f3und5l o

Oh, fuck off, you. You just tried to fucking murder her!

Hitdh82l o

Larry... is a hero? What!? Astrea is about as confused as me!

Det8lbw5 o! I feel my energy coming back to me. Ah, but Sol...

Gjsykdo0 o*cough*... This place is Pyron's amplification chamber. This is what allowed him to cause the Mana Plague. It was the first thing he and Mandrake worked on together and requires his power to activate.

Det8lbw5 o! My pendant has Pyron's power inside of it. Does that mean Sol tried to kill all of us somehow?

Pygyuyg9 oHe's dead now, so it doesn't matter. Larry, where are Pyron's other labs in the castle?

Gjsykdo0 oGone. *cough*... Scribe destroyed all of them but this one. Pyron went all in on his plan to recruit Bramimond and obtain Naga's power.

T5kcwfit oRecruit Bramimond? What sort of nonsense is that?

Yx1zbxbx o

Gjsykdo0 oHe knows that Bramimond has plans beyond Zalmoxis...

Lgjkwhcy o Uh-oh. Poor Ryan's gonna have his world turned upside down by these revelations...

Gjsykdo0 o*Cough*... I think my time is up. Lila, I don't apologize for anything.

Uod5asdb o
Tz36eov7 o

So long, Prime Raisin. I have no idea why the game decided to redeem you, but... I do find it sad how, in his final words, it becomes apparent that, though he considered his wife to be "a good friend", the person he truly loved was... the zealot's wife that Pyron killed. Sheesh, no wonder he was so angry at everyone. Stuck in a loveless marriage, ridiculed by God, his true love married off to a zelot and killed, and worst of all, looking 30 years older than his actual age. Poor guy. I'm gonna miss calling him the Prime Raisin.

Xbbn3ppk o

Uvlq3kcu o...But Pyron wishes to kill Zalmoxis? A war between gods isn't what I was expecting.

Pygyuyg9 oWith Larry and Sol dead, we don't have anyone who might know any more. Lila and I certainly never knew anything beyond his evolution plan.

Vhfxzqd0 oCould this explain why he has spent so much time exploring Elementos?

Lgjkwhcy o Oh, there you are, Daedalus. This is your only line in this whole scene. Nice. Some main character you are.

T5kcwfit oElementos is the grave of Naga, Mila, and Doma. At minimum, it has three fragments of the gods there. It's highly likely that my mentor, Leo, figured this out on his journey and is there as well.

Bosq7lmz o

T5kcwfit oWe'll need Propater's help for the rest of the war, and taking him out will be to our benefit in getting them to finally join us. He may also know the location of other fragments of the gods.

Uvlq3kcu oVery well. Our next stop is Kuroth's base. I'll lead the way there.

T5kcwfit oPerfect. I'll go get the magic demolition crew so that we can destroy this monstrosity here.

9qk5ifz8 o Pfft... Magic demolition crew? I mean, it does make sense, but that phrase sounds so funny to me.

Vd3gfqbv o

Well, off they go.

Bfhkussm o

The chamber is now empty, but the camera lingers. I bet you're thinking this means nothing.

Lsb6o3sh o

SIKE there's more! Who could've foreseen this!

Ljkpaamu o

It's the one blonde who was talking to Serious in the snow map...

Locyd52a oSol is dead, but Astrea, my daughter, you still live.

Lgjkwhcy o And now we know his identity: Paris, Astrea's father, who was... supposedly dead at Garrison's hands.

Locyd52a oAh, Master will be quite upset with my failure. Perhaps I should meet with Garrison and discuss our next move.

Lgjkwhcy oWell, they didn't wait too long to make it clear, at least. Garrison's not a good guy either. I think. I'm still not sure where Zalmoxis's gang stands, exactly. I mean, they're opposed to Pyron, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but... Somehow, I have a feeling that doesn't quite apply here.


Either way, it's over. There's another scene, but as usual, I'm saving it for next update. This update is long enough as it is. Anyway! That went... better than it could've. We lost Carter right at the start because I'm a dumbass, but otherwise, it went okay. Kirin got another move level up, which at this point is just routine, and so did Chrysler, a fact that I am profoundly grateful for. Next time, we will go and assault the Hell Hounds's headquarters. Look forward to that, and I'll see you next time, provided we all fare well! See you soon!

Death count: Charles


Reset count: 3 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 1)


Current perfect streak: Oof

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 9 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey


BONUS: Some more Lila recruiting conversations.

Ozmotv0w oI see. So you're the lead commander of these troops.

Det8lbw5 oAnd by your demeanor, you're clearly a noble of some kind. But red hair... are you Lila?

Ozmotv0w oThat is correct. I am Lila. I am Elliot's sister. If I remember right, you should be Astrea? He mentioned you in his report.

Det8lbw5 oSo the whole family really was in on this coup?

Ozmotv0w oYes. And so was Bramimond. He told me of your arrival today. My brother's forces should have freed my father by now, and will arrive shortly. Now that you've made it this far, it should be alright for me to join you now?

Det8lbw5 oBy all means, go ahead.

Ozmotv0w oPerfect. All it should take now is for Brother to convince Georgio that this battle is a fruitless endeavor, and this battle will be over.


Ozmotv0w o! This feeling! Could it be...?

Vhfxzqd0 oA part dragon noble... Then you must be great-aunt Joanne's grandchild. If you're the girl, then you should be Lila.

Ozmotv0w oJoanne? ...Never mind that. Your father wouldn't happen to be Donovan?

Vhfxzqd0 oHe is. I guess I must look similar to him?

Ozmotv0w oIt's not so much your appearance as it is your aura. I can't explain why, but when I see you, I feel like I can see him in you.


Vhfxzqd0 oThe powers of us dragons work in odd ways. Tell me, why do you fight against us? Isn't the rest of your family on our side?

Ozmotv0w oThey are, and I am as well. I relayed your arrival to my brother. He and my father should be here shortly. All it should take now is for Brother to convince Georgio that this battle is a fruitless endeavor, and this battle will be over.


Ozmotv0w oLouis?! Oh, wait, you're Ryan, correct?

T5kcwfit oHello, Lila. We've arrived as Bramimond should have told you. Are Elliot and Eli alright?

Ozmotv0w oYes. And they should be here shortly. All it should take now is for Brother to convince Georgio that this battle is a fruitless endeavor, and this battle will be over.


Ozmotv0w oA feeling just like Elliot's... Could you by chance be his son Roa?

1j4baxym oThat would make you my Aunt Lila? Sorry to say, but I don't have the same kind of dragon sense my father has.

Ozmotv0w oThat's alright. My father and brother should be arriving shortly regardless. All it should take now is for Brother to convince Georgio that this battle is a fruitless endeavor, and this battle will be over.

Some interesting tidbits in these, such as the fact that the Eli family is part dragon, which I guess explains why they all look so young while Larry was a shrivelled old raisin.

Speaking of Larry, the man has a bazillion battle quotes.

O1qqs5vc oMy mother told me many stories about you. In place of my father, Donovan, I will strike you down here and now.

Jtdmtrf0 oRed hair? Your mother must have been that slut. Regardless, this is why I fought for Pyron. The chance to kill Donovan's family for good.


Jtdmtrf0 oEven you're here?! I'm disgusted I even remember who you are. Do the world a favor and die.

Xzplhnm1 oMy parents were good people. I won't forgive you for taking them away.


Jtdmtrf0 oDo what you must, Lila. En garde!

Ozmotv0w oLarry... Farewell!


Jtdmtrf0 oElliot. I honestly never wanted to fight you.

Uvlq3kcu oThose were some good times we had, my old friend.

I like the contrast between all the youngsters whose parents Larry screwed over, and his old friends who know the other side of him. I like it. It's a neat bit of character building for the man--

Jtdmtrf0 oBegone, thot!

Uavqr9ho oOh, you just HAD to go there, Larry.

























Pnwqsemn o

Zrkecnte o
1caxzg5c o
Ojwdu1hv o
Aqpykoal o
Rpia9h7h o
Ukcwhokb o
3vbqp0rm o
H1cb7sv1 o
Aduqmzwq o
Xwk8fjwo o
L1xqf8yp o
8zsrcvpe o
Yzioy8fv o
Lmw2yj9y o
Nvbbjbre o
6pnbmgdk o
Aqskhohk o
Avw6kqhv o
3sg1aulq o
Murtrnxe o
Nqh9zpn1 o
4adgtz27 o
Rvcdgwmh o



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On 5/27/2021 at 5:03 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Certain people are starting to suspect foul play on my part

People would have to reply to voice their suspiscions so you're probably good. 

On 5/27/2021 at 5:03 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Zftuce5q o

Carter has made his Departer. 


Also, just wanted to let you know that you can probably expect my LP to pick back up next Weekend. 


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On 5/27/2021 at 9:33 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Zftuce5q o

I'm sorry, Carter. Fallen just short of greatness. Oh, well...

Poor Carter, don't worry you will still have a place in my team. When I can play it again...


On 5/27/2021 at 9:33 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Oarezrg9 o

...Just kidding, I immediately decided to give the boots to Kirin, so she can step on me harder-- I-I mean, so she can zoom around battlefields even faster for maximum hilarity. There we go.

Feels like a waste to use it on someone who might be able to max move without any investment with how blessed she is so far.


On 5/27/2021 at 9:33 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ljpoi7yh o


Though, have to say she really surprised me. She looked the least interesting of the bunch back when she joined.


On 5/27/2021 at 9:33 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Bqp8gmqg o


Well, didn't see that coming... the rear guards are doing a really sloppy job if the primary target of this attack can just casually show up while dying and he even managed to change his weapon too it seems.


On 5/27/2021 at 9:33 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Death count: Charles

Wait, when did Joe die? Last I remember he was critting everything to death. Although I might have missed a couple of updates, the images weren't loading properly so I gave up on reading those.


On 5/27/2021 at 9:33 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey

Wow, Blademaster's kill count is double of yours, I am impressed.


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Part 21 - The Hecky Dogs.


On 5/28/2021 at 10:01 PM, Pengaius said:
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People would have to reply to voice their suspiscions so you're probably good. 

There's been talk at the SGW discord.

Still, while I'll admit I'm a bit sad that people aren't replying as much anymore, I can tell by the view count that a good number of lurkers are still interested. So that's enough for me to keep at it. Plus, I can always count on you to be here to annoy me!

Carter has made his Departer. 

Middle tier. Not the worst death pun you've ever made. Not the best. I suppose it's appropriate, for someone like Carter.

Also, just wanted to let you know that you can probably expect my LP to pick back up next Weekend. 

Finally! Damnit, Butterman, you've kept me waiting!

...And then it didn't happen. D A M N I T , B U T T E R M A N !



On 5/29/2021 at 4:12 PM, ranger016 said:
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Poor Carter, don't worry you will still have a place in my team. When I can play it again...


I mean, he's a longbow archer. He's pretty nice to have, even if he's not Lex.

Feels like a waste to use it on someone who might be able to max move without any investment with how blessed she is so far.

Come now, how is paying tribute to the true goddess a waste?


Hahahahahah... I see, and I'm so glad I see.

Though, have to say she really surprised me. She looked the least interesting of the bunch back when she joined.

That would be because she was. A regular Kirin would be an extremely unremarkable staffbot with very limited combat capabilities. She would've been outclassed as soon as Ricky joined, too. But you know how it is with my LPs and units defying the odds.

Well, didn't see that coming...

Neither did I. The raisin's got some sleek moves for a man who looks like he would've died of old age any day!

the rear guards are doing a really sloppy job if the primary target of this attack can just casually show up while dying and he even managed to change his weapon too it seems.

Oh yeah, I hadn't even realized that. Damn, we did a pretty poor job, didn't we? Good thing the man had a change of heart in his final moments... If he had wanted to assassinate us, he could've!

Wait, when did Joe die? Last I remember he was critting everything to death. Although I might have missed a couple of updates, the images weren't loading properly so I gave up on reading those.

He fell in part 16. An enemy dancer boss refreshed an enemy magic dragon, and she had Charm too, which buffed the dragon's damage exactly enough to take out Joe. It was... infuriating.

Wow, Blademaster's kill count is double of yours, I am impressed.

I couldn't be any happier about it, to be honest. Though I kinda expected it. Blademaster kills a ton of people in this game.




9u6gtaem o

To start today, we've got a scene we skipped last time. It... may've been a mistake, these updates aren't getting any shorter. I might have to divide one at some point, like in the good ol' days. I'd like not to, personally. So far it's a nice, tidy LP with one part per map. Though I kinda fucked that up when I didn't make the first update the prologue...

O4cvblea o

Oh hey, it's the two lovebirds! And the traitor.

D07i6x5j oYes, Nia. These people did me a great dishonor as you know. They worked for the man who killed your great father. Imagine if they killed him before you were born. We would not be able to speak as we are now.

Txzubig9 o He's super in love. I love it.

F1yikmue o(This is insane. We've practically wiped out the Assassins Guild at this point. Conway and Watch's group in Elementos are all that's left. When will Conway and Gintoki show up and kill this idiot already?!)

A8s4p0uw o...Master Rody, don't you think that this is enough already?

Lhic7vnz o!

A8s4p0uw oYour father asked us to care for you and make sure you don't go too far. Actions like this must have surely angered the Assassins Guild and nom-

Inj0yot4 oXifkdxvw o

Oh hey, there's the Dragonbane. She had it all along, after all.

Gkebp9ks o


Lhic7vnz oMaster Rody, we're surrounded. That traitor just signalled assassins to attack. I think there are about 40 people.

D07i6x5j oTake care of me, he was trying to say?

F1yikmue oHow could you betray your own race, Rody! Why does that woman have that sword?!

D07i6x5j oI gave it to her so that Nia has the right to kill infidels like you.

Gi42dnvi o

Well, there goes the guy. He had a prior appearance, so despite the lack of a name, I'll put him on the Blademaster kill count.

Nom1bl39 o

Oh, shit!

Sjjnhbcd o

D07i6x5j oCome, we're leaving. These people cannot stop me.

X0pxlbu6 o

Nwife2sp oYou killed your other men too fast. All your soldiers here are traitors. This is an attack coordinated by Nomad, the Assassins Guild, and your men.

Lgjkwhcy o How does loudly announcing that his men have betrayed him benefit you at all? Why not let him turn his back to them? Maybe then they'd at least get a sucker punch on him before he turns the plains to ash.

D07i6x5j oWho gave you permission to exist in front of me?

Fmr20hun o

Oh noes! Not... Knonaim. Pfft. Well, much like the other guy, he's going on the count, even if he has knonaim.

Azbdv16z o

Rhwpieis oIt doesn't matter. I'll hold him off until Conway and Gintoki are here. Your job is to kill the girl!

Cz1ve4l3 oUnderst-


Uedfz3v4 oAck! No need to shout, Jesus! Scared the bees outta me...

D07i6x5j oI promise you all this. I will not kill you, only your families. Show me that those idiots were wrong, and I'll act as if nothing happened.

Lgjkwhcy o"I'll act as if nothing happened" apparently means "I'll murder your families"... which implies it's a common occurrence for him to murder the families of his men. Why does anyone follow this absolute moron, again?

D07i6x5j oOr are you all really going to ally with these humans over me?

Rhwpieis oWhat a shitty speech. Let's just get this over with already.

Lhic7vnz oOur men wouldn't follow Lord Rody if they didn't believe in him. You shouldn't underestimate the faith his real followers have!

U3jcb6oy oPm4eshxm o04lvojba o

A whole bunch of fighting ensues. I won't show all of it because, well, there's a lot, but basically, a few assassins die, a few dragons die, then Sabaktes attempts to attack both Nia and Rody, getting his ass handed to him by them.

D2beg50v o

Then things start looking a lot worse for Romeo and Juliet overthere.

Cpdl6jqx o

Gintoki and his troop of marksmen arrive and start shooting down the dragons.

Pp0joxld o

Devtiue9 obut I didn't think so many of your men would follow after you.

Paliroj6 oEven with such a small force, dragons truly are quite powerful.

Lhic7vnz oConway!

D07i6x5j oConway? The man who killed your father?

Devtiue9 oThe same. But don't look at me like I'm the same as my men. I take it you recognize the weapon Gintoki has?

Lgjkwhcy o"Don't underestimate me, I've got a friend who has a big weapon!" Yeah, really sellin' your case here, Conway.

D07i6x5j oI don't care. Die.

Elmpesau oAldyazvf o

Gintoki employs the Emblem Bow to deal chip damage to Rody.

Xe9fxuv1 o

Paliroj6 oThis may be tougher than we first thought.

Lhic7vnz oLord Rody was forced to transform?

D07i6x5j oAnnoying garbage. That actually hurt a little.

Jzkhqbor o

Conway tries his luck next. He deals marginally more damage, but...

Abvgoeae o


Qwyszn85 o

While that's going on, Nia tries to make a break for it towards the west.

2xpyvlkf o

She is, however, intercepted by... yet another force that's showed up out of nowhere.

J1dpiu6k o

It's the infamous leader of the Red Army! Alongside the entirety of the Red Army that remains. There isn't much left of it.

Tqdzqzh8 oWhy are the Assassins Guild and Nomad fighting against Rody?

Rhwpieis oYou're Ronald... Anyway, we're here to kill Rody and his woman.

Sbzz2lp4 oWoman?

Tqdzqzh8 oYou mean that filthy Merv trash? Disgusting. I should expect no less of Rody.

Lhic7vnz oRonald?! This isn't good Lord Rody, we ne-

Tqdzqzh8 oMerv trash should never utter my name in my presence.

Eogdgwvx o9f5w8val o05wqlhhb o


Qvjle9ok o

Nia's dead!? Just like that!?

H5pnzwcv o

Tqdzqzh8 oDone? I killed that Merv trash, Rody. The weak human. It's disgraceful that I personally had to kill it, quite frankly.

Lgjkwhcy oYou know, when I heard talk about how incompetent this guy was, I was expecting a more obviously humorous character, not a raving racist.

D07i6x5j o...Human?

Sbzz2lp4 oYes, the human, Rody. The one General Ronald just killed. Anyway, we just got new orders for you from Gill. That's why we're here.

D07i6x5j o...Human.

Lgjkwhcy oWell... Looks like that completely broke Rody.

Tqdzqzh8 oYour orders are to go to Elementos. You may take your people home now. Conway, Gintoki, you're all coming with me. We have new orders from the king.

Wefacei3 o

D07i6x5j o...Human.

Devtiue9 oHey idiot, didn't you hear the man? You can go home now. You lucked out this time. Don't think it'll happen again.

0vsqks5e o

D07i6x5j oThe land of my people... I hope Iris will visit me there. She knew a human, I think. Maybe that's what I'll ask her about next.

Lgjkwhcy o...Is it bad that I actually pity the guy? I know he's kind of a genocider lunatic and all, but he spent hundreds of years sitting in a dark room, and now he just watched the first love of his life get skewered in front of him. Everyone knows ships override sins. Poor guy...

Klx4h3hy o

Well, that was a disaster. Time to visit the kennel. This is the point of the game where Blademaster realized he had created like 10 factions for his game and he had to begin taking care of them ASAP. So yeah, the Hell Hounds are going to fall today. And this is just the beginning...

C8owrstq o8mnmbkep o

You know, it feels kinda strange. After Berwick and TearRing's nearly year-long LPs, to think that this one's barely gonna last three months... But, I'll take it. It's nice to return to a shorter LP after those two behemoths.

J3e9sj0u o

Nooooo... Fog. Fuck.

Also, snow. In Merv. Well, I guess we could be in the mountains or something...

Gjkonfyn o

This scene obviously plays out differently if Lynch is dead. Kuroth doesn't appear quite as heartbroken as in the scene where Conway and Gintoki are introduced, but he's definitely still grieving.

Wwggyoef oI am a bit anxious, my love. I have not heard from my father or brother in quite some time.

Wwsxj1jt oWith the capital having just fallen, you'd think they'd have contacted us already.

Tqtlzxhq oElliot's army is likely trying to get into contact with Propater now. Should we find and stop them?

Wwggyoef oRonald, Gintoki, and Conway should be dealing with him and Garrison now that Rody has left.

Wf3ns2xb o

Wwsxj1jt oVery well. I'll go make my final rounds for the day. Get some rest for now, my love. Tomorrow will be just another day.

Wxqlen3y oYes, Master. Go and rest. Lynch and I will keep watch outside.

Wwggyoef oI appreciate the work you do for me, Og.

Wxqlen3y oThank you, Master. You have no idea how much that means to me. I'll go back to guard duty now and let you if something goes wrong out there.

Br8ppvnc o

"Your loss"? Sol was a lying shithead.

Uvlq3kcu oWhile my father adamantly supports your strategy, I will say it's shocking you came up with it after everything you've been through. Are you sure you're okay, Astrea?

Det8lbw5 oThank you for your concern Elliot, but against Kuroth's troops, we need to go to such lengths. The Hell Hounds' greatest strength is the rare effective weapons they have. If we can force them to use the wrong ones, that's all to our benefit.

9qk5ifz8 o Oh...? How interesting. I wonder what this will entail.

Uvlq3kcu oIndeed, that would be quite the boon. Anyway, I'm off to meet with everyone else. We'll be charging ahead soon.

Eu8b3mhn o

7zsrvfhd oThis is a strategy I'd expect out of our father, not you.

2r3s1rge oRelina has a point, Astrea. You haven't said much since Sol died. Actions like these just make me worry.

Det8lbw5 oI'll be fine Nereid, Relina. Once this is over, I'll get this out of my system.

9qk5ifz8 oThat convinces them, apparently, because they both leave.

Det8lbw5 oA strategy like father would do, eh?

Gm9imge0 o

Suddenly, random village in the fog!

Enyau2wj o

I don't know, man. This seems like the exact sort of situation that Nina wouldn't miss for the world.

Oh, wait, you don't mean that Nina, do you...

Xpxkmqzh oYes! Kuroth may have put her in charge of managing the slaves, but that dunce is never able to keep up with our mischief!

D8czox5t oMakes you wonder why Kuroth put her in charge of us at all if we can steal so many of the slave rations so easily li-

??? Is that the sound of thieves that I hear? Time for divine judgement!

46uubpdl o

Well. Turns out loudly discussing your plans wasn't a great idea, was it?

X1qqjb53 o

Jiwsmr8a oWell, yeah. That's what Kuroth asked me to do as a warrior of justice. ...Or I guess mage. Bellerophon? Eh, it doesn't really matter. Oh, right. You're next.

Xpxkmqzh oNo! Please have mercy!

Jiwsmr8a oHa! I don't know what that word means!

Lgjkwhcy o I'd like to point out that this utterly insane woman is Ryan's sister. And also recruitable. Yeah.

Xul1wgii oU657owy2 oAv4hktqi o

Okay, time for some shenanigans. We've got a good amount of fatigue-restoring items in the convoy. No sense in hoarding them any longer. Especially when we can instead use 'em to keep Kirin in the action!

7uwcch3o oO5jmoonm o

Today's team is this.

0uwfztqs o3jcfjot2 oGn12kqqh o

Now, for a promotion.

Hn15nqzn o

Very solid stats. His speed is still ridiculous.

Uv3gs3f7 oDupsl98q o

He gains access to the remaining weapon types that he didn't have yet. I... don't think he'll have much use for either, but eh.

As for our second master crown, that one will have to wait. I intend to give it to Dexithea, so she can use it as soon as she hits level 20 (currently at level 19 with over 90 experience).

Ubuur0ku o

Kirin give Eren the Sety scroll, and grabs the Noba one for herself. Hopin' for some strength gains there, my friend!

Oux4ad50 o

Also, she takes the skill book we got last chapter.

Yblkua79 o
Sydcjcrf oTvr4mtd2 oS5kcetsc oGvsxg4pf o

All right, go. As in chapter 17, I took the map screenshots a few turns into the map, so we could see at least a bit more than just the starting area. In any case, this is chapter 20. We face an army mostly composed of axemen and women, with a few cyclops, swordmasters and thugs thrown in there for the sake of variety. As described in the text, they all wield effective weaponry, and at first it'll be highly effective weaponry. Mages, muscle, armors, reavers, you name it, they got it. However, once Astrea's plan is put in motion, they will switch to weapons that won't be quite so useful to them. I won't say anything more, we'll just have to wait and see. It's not the most challenging or interesting map in the game, but hey, it's not the worst either.

Oh, no, the worst map in SGW is yet to come. It'll be quite the funny surprise when we get there, believe me.

Dxdorgnk o

Starting back from the beginning, I first lit the area ahead.

Vy3ptvqt o8jdvucrl o

Artemis cooks this person so that Nereid can finish her. She's fallen way behind in levels, but perhaps there's still time.

Tmtyidef o

Oh hey, a support! And it acknowledges the existence of a third character that isn't a protagonist! Scandalous!

3t4acnv7 oBramimond's descendant? I've tried, but he, like Bramimond, doesn't really know. He said that he hypothesized that it was made by Mila and Doma. He believes they made it to give humans powerful weapons. But beyond that, he has said he can't say what, or where, it is. Because of the aura people exude, people think Pyron's power is involved as well.

2r3s1rge oBut Pyron wasn't involved in their creation? Interesting. Either way, I know that those who can use those weapons are quite lucky.

3t4acnv7 oIndeed. It probably wouldn't be hard for you to become a mage yourself.

2r3s1rge oSomeday I may try and become a magic sword user like Astrea in that case.

P7w0a6lm o

Surprisingly enough, less interesting than the B support. Oh well.

W3qh5xir o

What matters is that now she's guaranteed to kill with the scaramouche.

Aoiagaue oUqyftzif oIivzpchz o

Thanks, PCC.

6jd1qqeg o

Oh, by the way, here's an example of the enemies' very colorful inventories. Yeah. Ain't that a treat. Capturing would be mighty nice, but difficult, due to their sky-high constitution.

Hkcxknre o

Also, that. See that? Money? I want that money.

1vgz9kci o

While we're here, let's finally check out cosmic eye.

Qkrotvtw o

Hwahahahahahahahah... I love this animation. It's so fucking over the top. I'm fairly certain it's just every single light magic animation put together. It's so badass.

Aokqy9u9 o

Using her new position, Eren is able to nab a blutgang and

Yl7wxogc o

God fucking damnit, he can't capture...

Rq4qn4vn o

Fine, then, just sit here and wait. Man, aren't I just great at doing preps? In fact, this wasn't even my biggest blunder.

Dnyw1oel o

Okay, let's not lose our cool. Let's do some damage to this fellow... Man, 70 HP... Good thing Hawk is so powerful--

Cdzjhaih o

This is going to be one of those days, isn't it...

5z09pfkd o

Fuck it. Let's kill this guy.

Tznoqhnb oP3n0yp63 oT8hbogsy o

Oh boy, a skill. Soldier's mastery skill, Impale or something.

Jncwmkgq oWruowgbn o

It's a very Radiant Dawn skill in that it's a glorified insta-kill.

Lgsfmeww oNdvmlxap o

Relina's tier 3 animation does a fancy backflip when returning to idle position after a sword crit. It's neat.

U8rt1t9n o

Kirin time.

Mhjv0c6q oWjehqcqr oP9sfgvw8 o

Thank God for these two. They're so awesome.

63ibuvb2 o

So here's the big mistake I mentioned earlier: I forgot to give Dexithea a master crown, and since Astrea is on the other side of the mountain, she can't get it. She reeeeeeeeeeeeally needed that hammer that is effective against 0 of this map's enemies. Sigh...

Avkdvuzg o9myswgui o

Fine, then. Let's buff some defenses and let the woman do as she pleases. If you're wondering why I didn't try to capture with anyone other than Eren... It's impossible. He and his horse are the only ones who are able to do it. She has like 22 con, even Chrysler cannot lift her.

W4m4xig0 o

I don't know why I did two moves on this side, then moved to the other side, so now I have to move back to this side. I'm a fickle man.

Anyway, that's a pretty shit move.

V6wfltts o

This is a slightly less shitty move.

0deat8zp oFw2occjd o

Hoho! He didn't just hit, he procced Luna too! Way to go!

Gqc7m1nm o

Got a good chance to pull this off now.

Tvr693br oLgzqeccl oPqcqpcta o

Aaaand of course not.

N61d6uip oQ9yfoiry o1qpyy66p oK4d2lzwg o

Fine. Evan time. Man, that 3 range is so useful!

S2hypapd o

C'mon, really!? Why can't anybody stop missing!? This is giving me flashbacks to chapter 18... Of course, that one ended in a lord death and then Kirin got movement, so...

Fhbkveer o0f4i3bc1 o

Can something work? Anything? Please?

Rkk0ox5c o

...Hwahahahahahah... Okay, that'd be amazing, but... If I do that, Mirielle will be in grave danger...

Oey3khkp o

Let's read a support while I think.

2kl34xll o

T5kcwfit oLeo left me with his notes. He said that it should only be a last resort.

E9kjhydh oI'm amazed that you are alive. Others may not notice what is wrong, but people like Leo and I know for certain. You are on borrowed time, friend.

T5kcwfit oSo long as I survive the rest of this war, that's all that matters.

Htzhqqpj o

A sad little support that confirms a hard truth that hasn't really been acknowledged in the main story but is, in hindsight, pretty obvious: In tearing his soul apart, Ryan has heavily diminished his lifespan. He won't last much longer, and most of his supports will revolve around this. I'm a sucker for this kind of character, I wish it were more common.

Vguxdl3u oOxrfuxzp oC5iihgos o

Here. This is the most damage I've been able to deal to this guy. Thanks, RNG.

Mmakxstk oS7fpgbyg o

And now I use Mirielle to heal because I'm afraid of doing more with her.

Szad9rui o

During enemy phase, this woman is unable to do much with her poison weaponry.

Kbewjdf9 oNhhd24f4 o

Then Dexithea just barely dodges death. Not to worry, however - for once, this was according to plan.

Hrfiobdm o4wc0f5ry o

Ahh, shit.

Kork4878 o

All right, time to see what this plan of Astrea's is.

Wwggyoef oSomething wrong, my pet?

Tqtlzxhq oI feel like there's some kind of disturbance outside.

Wwggyoef oDisturbance? Out here?

Wxqlen3y oA report, Kuroth! Intruders have started attacking our lands! ...And this was just delivered to our base.

Tqtlzxhq oA human head?

Wwggyoef oSol.

Wxqlen3y oS-Sol?

Tqtlzxhq oSol?!


Xeqjkbyt o

Wwggyoef oWere you not with Father in Cyra? How did you wind up all the way here?! ...Who delivered this to you?!

Wxqlen3y oIt was too dark. I couldn't tell who it was. All I could see was that they were in garbs very similar to the ones Rody's men wear.

Wwggyoef oEquip our troops with dragon and monster slaying weapons now!

9qk5ifz8 o ...This is Astrea's plan, folks. She sent a courier disguised as a member of Rody's army and straight up delivered Sol's decapitated head to his brother so that he'd believe he's under attack by Rody's monster forces and equip the corresponding slayer weapons. Which, conveniently, are extremely weak when not used against monsters. All reinforcements from here on out will have these types of weapons. Story-gameplay integration at its finest. Though Astrea's plan does have a small hole: Daedalus will still get his ass kicked by the dragonslayers. But I mean, who cares about Daedalus? It's old news that he's useless.

Wwggyoef oIf you see Rody, send word to me. I will personally deal with him.

Tfgyy6ll o

Tqtlzxhq oWe had nothing to do with his bitch's death.

Lgjkwhcy o These guys love that word so much. I'd like to see their faces when they stand before Kirin.

Wwggyoef oRody does not think clearly. He will only ever look at the source of his pain. I gave him Nia. If I never did that, he would not be so distraught. Perhaps he chose tonight to exact his revenge.

Sox1vga9 o

More troops appear on the mountain, and elsewhere we cannot see.

Qrs2tf3w o

Thanks to Kirin, all of Eren's wounds are healed. Really love how effective her passive healing is, seriously. Much more than Hawk's.

Nsuhcepw oSh0pzwxl o

Mirielle lights the western area with her torch staff, because on top of the other thousand mistakes I made during preps, I forgot to put anyone with extended vision on that side. Good job, Ruben from the past.

L4earnsb o

Hmm. Nothing much, it seems.

5k1liyzv o


Oeq5nuup o

I mean, worth a shot, I guess, but at the rate things are going today...

Hfeszmey o7kmre0bf o

Holy shit, I stand corrected! Not just a hit, a superfluous crit too! Nice!

Imdy3vkf o

...Oh, for fuck's sake...

Ke12e4ns oIsm7dvwh o9qupbdpo o


Jxvoft2a o

Well, this fucking sucks.

S2fnrszk o

All right, finally, I managed to give Dexi that level. Make it a good one...!

Wmd7yycd o

Awesome! Love it.

Lhkxqqr1 o

I don't think this can finish the job, but it might do some mean damage.

Vcfpryrl o0afpbfoz oL5p7kkco oRsnbl3kl o

Hell yeah, double crit!

Fv3znult o

Hwahahahahah... Get levels like this, my girl, and you may just see a return to the main team.

A7iasv95 oFgygmji8 o

Artemis hasn't been quite as out of sorts as Nereid lately, but she has fallen a bit behind. Let's catch her up, shall we?

Ab00t7o9 o


Wzjfvk9v oPb6jfmz6 oEtied59g o

With Ryan's help, she is able to score a second kill. I think Ryan broke his arm there.

Waksv1xe o

These just keep popping up! Good thing, too. The game's legendary weapons are right around the corner.

7sq5fxdq o

Healing for Elliot.

Adkts7ld o


Ksz8tods oEzbpisig o


Trqwz45s o

...Ohhh, thank fuck... He finally put that incompetence of his to good use!

Po6jbour o918hk1sn o

Pah! Fool!

4zxcx3u6 o

...C'mon... You have WTA!

Unjuffvf o9gse9acv oOp8utoxp o

All is forgiven, Clint. All is forgiven. That's the mastery skill of barons. It's another very RD skill. 'Nuff said.

Ws0bc08i o

Ah! Shit, Elliot. that's more damage than I'd like!

Erzcweh2 o3plbj8rp o


Xumvwupu oG4gb41i5 oGlflu5vs oEzv4jvld o

Ah, that isn't bad, Daedalus.

Vg3kdlkz o


Tugl0w6k o

Fuck me, another reset...

Fdzwumxk o

Nice Ironman, huh. At this rate I'm gonna have more resets than proper deaths. Ironman, more like Rusty Copperman.

I forgot about this when making death edits and I don't feel like it right now, so pretend that he got hit below the waist. Disregard the ingame combat sprites that very clearly depict him getting his head cleaved in half.

Also, apparently he was married to Ninja Luigi from Fates, which makes it the second homosexual pairing in this game. Way to go.

...Ok no, Kaze in CT was a woman. How unfortunate.

Jg1vl7h6 o

Fuck my life, okay... Let's do the preps properly this t-- Wait, what? Since when do we have two master crowns? Well, I mean, not complaining, but I don't remember where that one came from... Ahh, probably from chapter 18 or something. I didn't have units at level 20 for a while. That's probably what happened, yeah.

Gedqyrqp oMbqkfpyf o

All right, then. Dexithea gets one, and Chrysler gets the other. For safekeeping, mainly, though there was no need for it, since he's on Astrea's side of the map.

Wzt1hfv3 o

This time I moved Joanne to this side for vision. Only too late I realized that she doesn't have cunning, so she can't see any further than anyone else. Wonderful.

Ce8stkel o

I also used the silver card to buy a heal for Evan, because his was almost broken.

F86tzgr2 oMe9dqkod oZyeqbyf5 oIyvrjoi1 o

This all happens the same.

Cszb48fe oEfwglwoa o8ldc8591 oStg7dh3x o

First difference: Instead of being stupid, I was smart and used Evan to one-round the toughest enemy.

6ajptzhv o

Ryan then laments the state of his marital status.

Wmujvslo o

I had thought to then have him chip away at this woman's health, but... Ehhh.

92iqphxp o

Better not. It's not like I need the damage.

Imo4oh0r oTinpjeub oZxatfueh o

Yeah, only get a crit on the final hit so no brave axes are saved. That's the way to go.

J4xpxu5s o

Far shittier than the last, but I mean...

Arrt2cld oXooecfrq o

Thank goodness the RNG seems to be on my side this time around.

5nt6k5gu o8djzbzmq oDpm8hyx9 o

I believe this was a crit. Hard to tell, the flashbang does not help.

Htr1oe6n o

Well, things aren't looking so bad.

Ui6sjnpb o

Hurray, Ruben! Ruben is very competent and forgot to give Eren a blutgang this time!

Uoecxwho o

Well, that's okay. Let's start with some softening up.

V64mu7qq oY3umxlns oMgkulmbn o0vc6o4jp o

Clint utterly demolished her, but I was having him use Mercy, so it's all right.

Fxy4rk4n oKefu5brq oQbvcifsu o

Astrea gets in position to let Eren grab the sword for a capture.

Q4zhfdz4 oPs3ds7xw o

...Then I realized, hey, Eren gets doubled and killed if he misses. So better not.

0sq4daan oVygpazez o

I mean, this doesn't look much better, but at least on this side...

Nr5rbjkm oQniod1xc o

...We can use Relina to turn the tables!

1kqdiwlk o

Way to go, Eren! That gem is ours!

Lsii7jmg o

Really, Eren? Are you just never going to get speed, ever? Or movement or skill or anything that isn't strength?

Mctbgxgw oJqci7day oVwdq09j7 o

Sigh... Well, no big matter. Let's just do this with Chrissy...

Z4zjivz7 oRtqnhfp0 oLwvb4axu o4s1tgdxb o

And this with Best Girl!

M40csk2i oY4pcg8jt o

Then Deadalus does the best he can, which isn't much. Since he can't drop the girl this turn (again, only Eren can handle these folks), we might as well keep both poison weapons so we can throw them in the convoy and never look at them again.

T9lsdy3r oZtvnss7e o9ttsuuq5 o

Ooooohhhh sole mioooooo~

Ytlezl8m oT2txbglp o

Here we go. Gem 1 got. Hopefully more to come.

61anzzp7 oEw7icnqn o

And hey, while we're at it... I think Eren could use a tier 3 promo.

Axus6e6q oAin7djik oEd9pnenl o

Now he's bigger!

Jrf4scfi o

Awesome gains!

64un9a4w oNqyievel oBtqeceuj o


Fsmsgqeg o

That's it for that side. Let's check out what's going on here.

Yo0anooi o

I'd like to capture that, but I don't think I'll be able. Nobody on that side has the con for it.

Yes, nobody has the con to capture a swordmaster. She has like 19 con, it's absurd.

Eayiqeej o


1x6ripk5 o

Oh hey, here's something I didn't have the chance to do before. Dexithea's new support partner, Elliot!

Ekoa7oty oAnd it always surprises me that you are still alive. The entire Hawk Clan and Red Army attacked us that day. That anyone lived through it is nothing but a miracle.

Uvlq3kcu oIndeed. I managed to dive into a lake and safely escape. How did you survive?

Ekoa7oty o...Gintoki wanted me alive. He still wanted to marry me.

Uvlq3kcu oI see. I guess that plan of your grandfather's paid off in some ways.

Bkilotwx o


Eevyv7pk o

Dexithea promotion.

Yersxhaz oHh1achq7 o

Gotta say, I don't like this female warrior sprite that much. Its arms are so skinny, it looks really weird.

Mpu8vdcb oLu5xtvrj o

She gains good stats and bows. There are no bows for her on that side of the map. Nice.

Mlpznprn o

Hawk doesn't have much to do.

Hxcuyvis oN2le9lra o

Ahh, much better. Tanking with Evan instead of Slowpoke Elliot.

Z8tumelo o

Hah! I don't think I even need to show what happens to this person.

9mq6pabv oJk4d1d0a oTgkkpqzj o

Another one bites the dust, going after Kenton.

7jicog8z o

We've got a bunch more enemies surrounding us.

Fz8l9ux8 o

I tried to advance with Joanne so I could see the way forward. Hadn't realized my blunder yet.

Zur4mffu o

What a waste of a dancer's turn.

Dd4j5nwc oQhjcagvy o

At least we're finally starting to see the fruits of Astrea's stone-cold plan. That woman is pretty much completely useless, because that weapon blows.

Gnclyyi9 oFjaqxgxq oGdthataq oV6sbknbt o

Always love it when Relina uses Adept to get shit done.

U2fgpnih o

...Oh, shit! There still someone with a proper effective weapon prowling about! Better not let him reach Clint...

Y5jnsw9o o

Can I hope for a dodge from you, Kirin?

Dnicjxij oFxtclrwb o

Nice! I knew I could count on you.

Epg5j0qf oYdot1a99 o

Come on, Clint.

Keevkftq o


Tzghclzy oLohnlgwb oV0qlpnaa oYkffwhcb o

Much better.

Igwkq61k o4i1s5sqj o

Bit of a wonky formation, but I wasn't sure Joanne'd survive even against the shadowkiller swordmaster, so I had to protect her somehow. I believe there's a second berserker prowling in the shadows behind the female one, but Astrea can probably handle both with flux's defense buff.

Qd3tn8ot o

Also, this. WTA and high defense should invalidate any meaningful damage the killing edge could do.

Eptta1ht o

As before, let's allow Evan to lead the vanguard.

2751xlm0 o4yg5idif o

I won't complain about some luck with the crits.

0te4lmzh o

Let's get some more vision.

C8wnpazw o

An army of bodybuilders. Hm. Could be trouble.

Zokh8ttk o

Let's wait for the swordmaster to come after us now.

Ojggtvas o

Hi there, Lynch! You think we could provoke Kuroth into leaving the seize point if we send him Lynch's head too?

H8fmbhwu oRzgk6vtl oE81oydwc o

I had Elliot use a bad weapon in hopes that it'd give us a chance to capture. Only later did I realize even swordmasters have too much con.

Eqatjeed oAthrhjsh o

Oh, come now... Astrea!

4x9hgof0 o

Not just one, but two?

Xfp5ytco oU0vxot4y oYrwnruin o

Female swordmasters have pretty fancy animations.

Pt3m5m4h oJurp0xym oFaoeweyx o

Not that they'll save this woman.

Ayglhtyo o159weuhp oMcqfm5tr o9onoaceu o

Evan uses Glacies to one-round this guy despite his high res and WTA. Awesome!

Wwt0zj2t o

Well, that's... more enemies than I'd like, but we'll manage somehow.

Wvj68aaa o

Hmmm... This'd be a wonderful capture, but... Difficult. Swordreaver means Eren is shit outta luck. All of these guys have Lancebreaker, so the only semi-decent option would be an axe...

09rupoiz o

Also the fact that he cannot reach.

Oflryrmo o

Worth a shot?

Ilbfz901 oEk5ecnxt o

Hwahahahah, hell yeah! Another Adepting!

Shoeogcv o

Also worth a shot.

Zftt1wd6 oQdl5beiq o

Ahh, well, it sure was.

Xykwz63m o

Ahh, cavalier's tier 3 skill: Canto+! Eren is now a Jugdral paladin. Absolutely great.

8zwl6aao oSjm6sxfe o

That's looking to be a really safe capture. I mean, not much use for the sword, but since we can...

37akcnif o

Might as well!

Gzwj0w0c o

Rather mediocre, but I'll take it.

Dfohjkfu o

All right, time for some dancing for Er--

Ko2gir3v o

NOPE hold up, this guy still exists.

Stqhvmqw o

...You know what? Fuck it. Screw this guy, I'm killing him now.

Ng4auzb7 oEsylopwp oBspwyhaz oAlkjexjn o

I'll take the loss of a gem.

Ihty4t1l oZmasdogk oPujhv7yf o

Chrysler handles the captive's things and drops her. I'd like to point out he's got both movement scrolls on him since Eren promoted. I'll let him keep them until he levels up, at least.

5zbgc5cv oU4tvzxm3 o

Astrea uses a vulnerary from the convoy to heal up.

Svxixfpl oAznnrt5x o

Hmm... This isn't a guaranteed kill. It's likely, but not guaranteed.

Smzvhhux oTylfvtaf oZoqnrabf o

Now it's good.

Kwxxjn7n oOzcgm8tg o

Kenton then retreats to be patched up.

Oor8pgkt o

Oh, please...

Flzoklkl oHicurqit o6t8fm1nm o

Okay, no matter. We've got more options.

Sl6bpb38 o

That was a waste of a regal lance use...

F3kdwajp o

...Ah! Hawk!

N7fdibwn o

All right, yeah. Nereid can protect him.

Sec7bvnf o

Another support. Mirielle can grab the B from Ryan.

Ahda022a o

T5kcwfit oNothing gets past you, does it Mirielle?

Tukb8mgw oYou look like you can barely stand. Every move you make causes you to wince. How are you even able to keep moving right now?

9qk5ifz8 o I like the contrast between this support and Evan's. Whereas Evan is knowledgable enough that he was able to tell what was going on with Ryan immediately, Mirielle can't quite tell what it is exactly, but it is plainly obvious to her that he's in rough shape. Neat.

T5kcwfit oBecause there are things I still need to fight for right now. My body can't rest until that is finally accomplished.

Tukb8mgw oIs that so? Then I have an idea! My special massage! Mommy and Daddy always loved it!

T5kcwfit oAh, my sister spoke of it before. I would be happy to receive it.

Tukb8mgw oGreat! Be sure to bring a mouth guard with you!

Lgjkwhcy o ...Ergh...?

T5kcwfit oMouth gua... What?

3kmflk6c o

Sheesh, I hope she won't finish him off with that massage of hers...

2fdggldm oB544uy7m o

Oohhh, shit! Okay, that was close... If he had gotten hit and then killed the guy, he would've been in serious trouble!

Qlfle02h oBoa9eiwb oBws3wepp oAkwgzqpc o

...As he... almost was. Damnit!

Rlipjbfr oIjzjem5z oP6r85dz9 oJuvo4qqq o

Nice, the armorslayer buffoon went after Eren! And Eren even managed to get a hit in! Yes!

Izeq1fdd o74qfff9q o3wxp6lw0 oOposwjji o

Well, shit! I kinda worried for nothing... He would've survived that!

Jcx4pgte o

Ahahahah! Ahahahahahah! Hahahahaha! Yes! Slow myrmidon! Slow myrmidon!

Cnptaf3l oOismzz78 oVm9snbjb oDeosuqiy o


I1gljqhs oMhqugpfg o

...Okay, maybe I was right to worry after all. Goddamnit, man...

Rsap6vlc o


Ph2lgu97 oVosr80om o

Never mind. Hah! Asshole, you fucked up!

Cxnbow8m o

Niiiiiiice! That's capped speed, by the way. Lower cap than I'd like, but hey, flying mage is OP enough as it is.

Yhrjsojn oK9pw5qzc o

That's it for the enemy turn. Lynch is real close now. He won't get away this time!

Rbojzunq oFvfqw2x1 oNnxtwb1c o

He hasn't changed that much. Funnily enough, he's still a tier 1 unit, but he has amazing stats for one such unit, so it's okay.

F14ouccg oZdzzpl7s oJtvfzstn o

First things first, let's begin to take out this foolish person.

V4ej4bwn o

Also, patch up Kenton.

Tpuvvzlm o

Great level, Ryan. Really nice.

8n5uvcly o

Dark aura got. Not very useful on him, because frontline combat (dark magic's specialty) just isn't Ryan's forte.

Iy080flg oVjziskiu oCn6m7791 oRf4iqqty o

Okay, let's get killing. First, this bodybuilder.

Couozqps o

Second, Lynch.

Bd9mu2tu o

Wwsxj1jt oYour death is more important than anything, today!

Irzqswcj oDnxgauwu oH3u1uvxd oAs3ewwat o

Mighty hit, and poison for good measure! Not that he'll live long enough to take damage from it.

Z1d8pwyq oO1qaibbd o

This guy bites the dust. Get a level half as good as the other one, please!

Orhzn8tb o

That's... not... No! You're falling way behind, girl, you cannot afford this nonsense!

Vesyklmn oNap3eoss oAlvc1vhh oVi10pcde o

He's all yours, Artemis.

2u5ntbut o

Oh, don't worry. We'll send him your way next.

Qks2owba o

Unfortunately, a tier 1 boss is still tier 1, so the experience gains aren't that amazing.

Dpoaxgdd o

Not entirely sure who could use this.

L3rmj4ig o

Eyyy, a gem!

50uppmcd oDi120dkq o

Don't lose sight of the objective, now. First of all, we must end these remaining fools.

Cgqmc1ve o

...Oh, dear.

Kilstqam o

You know what? Fuck it. No risks taken. Sleep this idiot!

Ofyl4cst oRtfckqeg o

Well done!

Bgzz4age o

There's a chance this'll work. We stand to lose nothing, so we can give it a shot!

Zzhai7th oKkfuzxym oWja3lvzx o

Hell yeah, Astra proc! Way to go, Kenton! Am I proud of you!

0mobii1l o

Well, that went really well. The war priest is stationary, so we face exactly one enemy.

54mxdwcd o

As for this side, we've got a handful of enemies to deal with. Relina can get us started.

Kehebztj oCgzg8jsh oC61bf7pe o

What a way to get started, too!

L89m3gwm oWp3nhajv oGttf4uxk o

We're just cleaning house here at this point!

Emr0ewlw o

There's a stationary bodybuilder protecting the village. No, it's not Nina.

Ful6rhot o

...Hah! Not in a million fucking years.

Pnzvc30r oZ8jxqb7q o

Much better.

4uc2oyvn oOicsizhe o

Sure, it may seem that I worried for nothing, but what if... what if?

Tclf5w3v o3ws37mjo o

That was a capture, by the way. No way Chrysler would've gotten his ass kicked that badly with his regular stats.

Dcnbgwm8 o

Hmph... These thugs have great movement parameters, the forests don't affect them much.

Jrxvzj5t o

Well, regardless.

Iitnw9yi oKjtfp4x9 o

A crit and a hit aren't enough for Daedalus to do much.

P6lgtzvc o

What a great lord, huh? Nice unit we got there. I'm so glad he's still force-deployed.

Tbdpmxyu o

Chrysler drops his captive.

5fgrm1ig o

Meanwhile, Eren heads west to confront the one thug.

Drueoqfk o

And it's enemy phase! This cyclops charges Astrea.

Yignaps7 oQgbwy6y4 o

He's rather unsuccessful.

Kmhorfci oYtuvim63 oPn6f8s5t o

Another bodybuilder charges Kenton, who is unable to retaliate.

Ylqvuyb7 oDjejqj7i o

Oh no, 1% crit. Whatever shall we do.

Ui48f1a3 o

Noooooooooo my physic staff! Yeah, all of these stationary war priests have one of these. I intend to capture them all. Unlike their peers, they're easy to grab.

Kpzboega o

Oh, this is something I didn't mention, but Jake told us at the beginning that the fog will clear up as the map goes. You may remember chapter 3's fog worked similarly, though then the game didn't tell us because it was a later addition. Whatever the case, we can now see a bit further.

6ozaobjp oAey0nicr oQj2kchtk oJqq1y1oy o

With some healing from Ryan, Kenton is able to get back at the bodybuilding by almost killing him.

Ddkysunh o

Not fully killing him, though. That honor goes to Artemis.

O6eblh1g o

Thanks to Artemis's Cunning, we can now see as far as the Hell Hounds' keep. Look at that, two bosses! We'll check 'em out when we approach.

Ufdjlj5q o88rqlbz8 o

For now, let's simply burn this sleeping person.

Nhshmbix o

He seems rather unwilling to gain speed.

Wvtcaolg o0r7x8y8u o

That gives Mirielle a level.

Bnassgo6 o

Her offensive stats are superb.

5zaiqgjn o

Evan heals his way to yet another level. Make it count!

069k5uat o

I like it very much! Thank you.

Pte7tu48 o

Standing just outside the edge of danger.

Mlws6myr o

I always love when I have to resort to using Joanne as a healer. It's so funny.

Uctele3j oBxgpbunt o

Eren takes the initiative and downs the thug.

Gstobyei oA9iuz9au oUljuwnq5 o

Some trading takes place. Mainly, Kirin grabs a freikugel and Clint takes some shit from Daedalus, whose inventory shrinks more and more by the day.

Gbgpkv67 oDevacmiq o

Chip damage for sure, but every little bit helps.

Cu2d6hpz oUblzxopl oMei8d5rr o

I do love how Chrysler is relatively fast on his own right. Doesn't surprise me from Clint, but Chrysler is a slow armor, and he's been carrying around the movement scroll which further lowers his speed growth. Pretty sure it's only like, 25% with the scroll? I've kinda been looking at him as a "move or bust" kinda deal, but honestly, though he's been kinda disappointing in that aspect, the man's grown into a superb armor otherwise.

Agw7ctdf o

Ahahahah... Ohh, Kirin. Whatever would we do without you.

Qadlum5j o

Awww, Relina can't reach to assist...

K6cxgizn oDrmzcclm o6ug3ckae o

Fine, then. Chip damage from Astrea.

2hiesatg o

A fine level.

Xafatnwl oCmd9czwe o

That's much better. Maybe it would've been a better idea to let her one-round, though... The damage is not nice, but Kirin needs to get axe experience post-haste if she wants a chance to equip the legendary axe. If she can't, that's no problem, she's got S light, the axe can go to Chrysler, but... It'd be funnier if she had the axe.

Tid3c8yh o9282cm7c o

For the last move of the turn, Relina helps Clint equip a sword and buffs him.

O0wadlzs oWlzlj4ph oPsvkz9hf o

Look at that! Good guy Clint, still at it!

Gim74cv5 o

And that's the full extent of the enemy phase action for the turn. Let's do some visiting.

Kssuhebd o

Hey there, insane person. Come into our army.

Jiwsmr8a oHi, I'm Nina! Are you here for the hotel service? You don't look like a hecky dog.

9qk5ifz8 o Pffft... Hecky dog? This woman...

S7fegomf oHecky dog?

Jiwsmr8a oOne of Mr. Kuroth's men. They all really like me because I'm such a great cook! Oh, and I can cast spells that let food grow in this snowy climate, heal their wounded, and a bunch of other stuff.

S7fegomf oAre the people who live here just civilians working for Kuroth?

Jiwsmr8a oYep! Why do you ask?

S7fegomf oKuroth's days are numbered. Elliot's army is here to take him out an-

Jiwsmr8a oOh, Elliot's here? I better get moving out then!

S7fegomf oHey, wait!

Rujnkjdb oDngrxsuo oBbobbmgy oQffwtidi oVoykb5qf o

All right, so. Nina. Aside from being utterly deranged, NIna is a pretty damn good unit. She's basically Clea but better in every way except for staff rank. She'll make for a fine back-up healer, flying magic bomb and support unit. Pretty useful!

Her skills are these:

- Drive Resistance: +2 res for allies 2 tiles away or less. Eh. Decent.

- Rally Spectrum: +2 to all stats except for movement and speed (which only gets +1). Now this, this is what I'm talking about. General buff to all stats. Hell fucking yeah.

At level 24, she learns Drive Speed, which, predictably enough, raises the speed of allies within 2 tiles by 2. Another support skill to complete a quite versatile kit. All in all, good unit.

R2s7ljao o

Another thing of note is that she comes with 2 strength-based tomes even though she barely has more strength than Ryan has magic. Also, no staves. Utterly ridiculous starting gear, but I guess it suits her.

Fynanskd oYye3lczp oC83c0nji o

Astrea and Kirin handle this.

Rprlj6u1 oXhh8aysz oCfmlanje o

Relina does some stuff.

Exuxabmr oWmjmq1vf o

Nina picks up a mend from the convoy to patch Astrea up.

Ncfzs1hx o

Clint falls prey to the RNGoddess.

99c84ety oEq4ov1wu o

However, he swiftly recovers and gets back at her!

3movwfss o

He is healed for his troubles.

Lbonj0ym o

Good, the unit whose stats are completely irrelevant got stats.

C58srwph o

Just making some progress.

Losffjux o

Let's begin work on the war priests.

Qdapccmt o

Looking pretty decent, Artemis!

Srlxgn5p o

And now Evan can capt-- Pffft nope. That's a death if he misses the 98. I refuse.

Nwy7yqpr oEeyutbel oQireio1d o

Much better. Now Evan's carrying that woman under his cape. Her stuff will soon be ours.

Rygpbsfj oZj0olstf o840zwuke o

I'd much rather not have Evan fight with penalties, though, so Kenton picks her up. Thankfully he is safe.

Ah4hukdq o4o1dwsfp o840zwuke oJomtdyqm o

A hail of sagittae arrows takes out this thug. Also, a berserker is revealed, but thankfully she just barely cannot make it to Hawk.

V5f7yd9e o

Lastly, Dexithea prepares to fight a fellow female berserker.

Rlcpy3cz oT1yralfu oMjv9lfij oEeeffwqb o

At full power, there's just no stopping Evan with physical attacks.

Iklabusd oZ2mou4y5 oWh94dunn oXkagafky o

Dexithea is similarly successful in her endeavors.

Fnusnaqr o

Skinny femwarrior still has that sweet axe flip after a crit!

Jhrkf1rf oBibax0xe o

Let's check out holy. Eyy, a crit!

5zck6do6 o28xfigje oItn5wut7 o

It's... okay-looking.

Y6sndlxm o

This could be another capture. Worth a shot?

Mdjwbrgr o

Hoho, hell fucking yeah! You never disappoint, Kirin!

Qijk9tnk o

Somewhat minimalistic level, but she's now one point away from capping both luck and speed. One of those is more useful than the other, but I'll take all the green numbers she's willing to give me.

F4ymoafg oKzosymqs o

After a successful capture, no better way to celebrate than with some inventory management.

Ss3g0aje o

Astrea can next handle that guy.

Kzaiwjum o

Also, Chrysler lets the person go.

Hxxskzpm o

Hawk and Mirielle continue to make a fantastic d--

Rtrxlsf8 o

Hawk, no...

Eaj6sgln o

I mean, I could try that, but it'd be even less reliable...

Mhsb4rmm oV6pxwvgp oRwryvvdz o

So let's try this instead.

9f1wvz8q oBmfqa1eh o25u1nwyu oW57szlvb o

Then Elliot does the same thing for Nereid.

Dd6mxnp7 o

This happens again.

Jjhep8tm oJd7eo5ia o

Well, that's it. The enemy range display bugs out a bit when someone's captured. See the red squares surrounding Kenton? The game sort of detects the captured enemy and tries to display an attack range for them. Not to worry, nobody is in any danger.

Yxm9e2ae oNh1f5p9x oW6effu5f oBhbenaym o

Hwahahahahahahah... Well, sorry, that was wrong. This cyclops was in some pretty heavy trouble.

Dxlr9bp5 oWchln9fr o

That wasn't good, but Chrysler lives, which is all that matters.

Uvqvmou8 oYx6ui25h oBrhr1mvx o

Elliot gets doubled by this woman, but against all odds, he lands a blow and dodges another. Awesome!

Idh74xes oCqwnzuir o

NIna does a thing too, with her only proper tome.

5zcyvg59 o7nuoop1d o

Kenton reaches Astrea and delivers some more items. Another magic mallet is great, it allows Kirin to use her higher magic stat to perform axe funnies.

Jkqttr1f oIpxdszl8 oTln4udjn o

Holy shit, she turned into a living scythe. Shame about this game's lack of artwork. I haven't had the chance to add to the tired spoopy meme.

P5nq7oth o

Well... I think it's about time. All of these guys are stationary, and we're close enough.

Ukdlixoa o

So let's see what they have to offer! Starting with Bolo, who finally has a name after appearing in all those cutcenes.

6qestrhc oRvtrdrwt o52ztqwtv o

SGW and its weird ages, man... How is this man 67? Juna fruit shenanigans again? Ah, well, no matter. He carries yet another master crown, and he's a tougher-than-average bodybuilder with a shitton of HP, but he should fall swiftly.

Ci9mumfe oSvetlebd oE0du8whv o

Dexithea predictably fails to Jeigan, so Hawk does it instead.

5ofaxyx2 o

Daedalus makes himself useful by rescuedropping.

Eutc8oxq o

As for Evan... Ehhhh...

Cbudwdxm o

Nah, let's just stay put. We're well ahead of the time limit, there's no reason to take stupid risks.

5somzzgo o1sgsqjn9 o6sle0wqf o

Looks like the time has come for more capturing. These guys are so easy, and they're free physic staves and axes. Why wouldn't I capture them?

4k4frwuk o

Chrysler will level up from this. 23% movement growth, let's gooooo!

Dxy51igg o


No! What?! The woman with the extremely low movement growth gets 4 movement levels! The guy with the extremely high movement growth fails miserably to get more than that and instead ends up becoming a fast armor in spite of a low speed growth that is further nerfed by the scroll he's carrying?

...Well, okay, due to the Sety scroll, Dain's speed growth penalty is currently being negated. But it's still only 5% more! This is ridiculous! Ridiculous, I tell you!

Onxgryen o

Ah, who the hell cares. He already has above average infantry movement and can use Eren to become even swifter. Honestly, I'd be lying if I said I'm upset about Chrysler being as awesome as he is.

Gapxv4mr oQkxadzuo oPegkhceb oV1vrwcd8 o

And with that, let's begin to clean house here.

Hiiorrnr o

You too, Ryan!

Nbhky4y9 oM5xrtpqc oIom944is oDshsjq16 o

Awesome work, Ryan! Prove to everyone that dying or not, you've still got it!

G4i5sb3p oA4ydzerl o

Thanks to that crit, he was able to perfectly set up this kill for his niece.

Oh yeah, I don't think I've mentioned it, have I: Mirielle is Nina's daughter. I guess the madness runs in the family, huh.

5cr7mf7i oRixibljq o

Relina trades Kirin's aura to the top of her inventory and buffs her. In retrospect, that was pretty dumb. I should've saved Bolo for somebody in a greater need of experience.

Fvti1tqx o5whdtcij o4fgq241i o

Can you tell I am constantly afraid for Kirin's life?

Avspkjwi o

Your sprite looks nothing like you.

Eo8onzd5 oNsag8lxk o


Qn2v3v23 oHaunlxsr o


Did you know Kirin's PCC is 1? Jesus fucking Christ, she just doesn't give a shit, does she...

9xuyg3fi o

Can Kirin be any more amazing?

3b1n6dy0 o

Hell yeah she can. Not only has she somehow turned into a mixed fighter almost on par with Astrea, she's just capped speed. More! More green numbers, Kirin! Give me all the green numbers! Movement included! I mean, at this point I wouldn't even be surprised...

Yjo0tipa o

I know exactly who can grab that.

Mixtqfkm o

Oh dear. Reinforcements.

Brdihpot o

Also, our vision has improved further.

Z8c5eyil o8xe6a5jo o4pnjksbt oBd5iqudz o

That's the last of the captures. I won't complain about some standard axes, to be honest.

Ghmxhbck oUw4y3eo4 oJ5wkswkl oDhdjnbim o

Last bodybuilder is down.

Z3lay46w o

Only Kuroth remains.

B7zjlusr oJ3s0jpke oTuhstrhh oMak7i7mv o

He's... on par with Bolo, honestly. I mean, aside from his much higher speed, but... Eh, Kirin will handle him easily.

Yeah, I'm giving another boss to Kirin. Look, if you must know, I've been dared in the SGW discord to give all the important boss kills to Kirin. I don't think that includes the likes of Bolo and Typhoon, but still. She deserves it all.

4hdnvqso o

Pffffthahahahahah... Ahh, Kuroth. After all of your big talk. Turns out the true peak human specimen was... gentle healer girl.

Hvgicwbl o

Not gonna lie, I'm as surprised as everybody else. This was not what I had in mind when this whole thing started...

77f1hbpa oTuc8e7if oGiqbsvpt o

Boom, and...

Wozyjncq o2nsjvyi7 oLergtocr o


Skpw0r2l o

Sorry, man. Slavery is hereby abolished in this realm. Mostly because we've murdered all the slaves.

Hxabde2t o

20 con. I think this makes Kirin second only to Chrysler in terms of being absolutely fucking huge.

I... Ah.

4czjiytw oRy7i7ihm o

Round o' healing.

Kfamloe6 oU6jaduav o

We could just leave at this point, y'know. But I think I'd rather get some more experience while we're at it.

D28vudu2 oG0ovibkv o

So I give people a few kills.

B8n86xlw o

Mirielle keeps on powering up. Awesome!

Nkuc1g8p oVzdwx4kt o

Nina, you are on a mission to purchase shit for the army. Go!

Raq2nkqp o

Next up, this master crown. As I said, I know exactly who can take this.

By the way, yes. I completely forgot to give people the statboosters we got last map. I hope I won't forget again, because we're approaching the end of the game, and there's little reason to hoard.

Izbdigcg o


Zjx0fxbh o

The flashbang!

Xcs3zmuq o

No, I mean, the turquoise baron! I really like Chrysler's palette. It's... unique.

Soncnbai o

So not only does he have slightly better defenses than Evan now, he's actually faster than him. Holy smokes, Chrysler.

8ivponkv oUi0ivfzu o

Bows are semi interesting, at least. 2 range that is capable of doubling is nice.

Llewcioa oL598vnnx o

After that, some more fighting ensued. Mostly just feeding a level or two to some people and axe experience for Kirin. Here are the main highlights.

Pfbfssro oCmqrbivv o

Elliot could certainly use the speed, and Artemis doesn't want to bel eft behind by Mirielle. Nice. Kirin is also close to rank A. She won't get to S in time for the S axe, but I'm hoping she'll manage before the game ends.

W3e9puuj o

As for the purchases, I had Nina grab an aura, a fenrir and a silver weapon of each kind except the sword. We still have some gems in the convoy, so we should be able to have backup funds in case we need a quick iron weapon or something like that.

Itgjzivs o

It's done.

W8xfyrgl o

Oh hey, Kuroth is still alive.

Hqakufxx oThis voice... it can't be... Sol's bitch?

Lgjkwhcy o You want me to call Kirin over and work you up again?

Hqakufxx oWhy are you here?

Det8lbw5 oWhere's your fragment of Pyron? If Sol had one, then you should have one too!

Hqakufxx oFragment? Sol did have something like that. It could bestow great power... An unexpected side effect or... Haha...

H5hzhihg oHAHAHAHA! Oh, Father! I see it now! So this was what you really wanted. This is the final end goal of your plan. To truly push humanity over the brink!

Hnnbgihv o

H5hzhihg oAstrea. Before this battle's end, I gave my fragment to my love's last gift. I am sterile. I could never have a child of my own. But that man is Lynch and I's child. He has the fragment now.

Lgjkwhcy oStrangely wholesome, these villains. Y'know, if you forget the whole slave driving stuff. Oh, well. At any rate, it looks like Og's got Kuroth's fragment of Pyron. Come to think of it, we didn't see Og anywhere on the battlefield...

H5hzhihg oThe last two are with Pyron's core body.

Det8lbw5 oWhat of the other fragments in his possession?

H5hzhihg oI only know he possesses one fragment of Mila, Doma, and Naga each. I do not know where the others he has are, but I know of another Doma fragment. It was imbued in a sword to create a weapon to kill Zalmoxis. That sword was used by a great hero. Use this knowledge as you will.

Ycycqguw o

Well, that's been Kuroth. Second of the mayor villains to fall. Or, well, third, if you count Pyron getting demolished at Cyra. Honestly, he was a solid villain.

Det8lbw5 oA sword to kill Zalmoxis? This is all part of Pyron's plan?

Uvlq3kcu oThe sword of the great hero... Wouldn't that be Alester's Dragonbane?

Det8lbw5 oThat or the Emblem Sword that Pyron holds.

9qk5ifz8 o They're conveniently forgetting one other such weapon. See if you guys can remember it.

Uvlq3kcu oWhy would it need Doma's power?

Det8lbw5 oI can't say for sure just yet, but I have a good idea as to why.

Uvlq3kcu oRegardless, it's been a long day. Use this time to rest, Astrea. Your long mental battle is over. Say your goodbyes, and we'll leave tomorrow.

Det8lbw5 oYes... My goodbyes.

Xoc3sstc o

Det8lbw5 oYou know Sol, I'm sure burying you and your brother next to each other would be called too generous of me by everyone else, but after everything you did for me, and what I did to you in the end...

9qk5ifz8 oI still can't believe you came up with that, girl. Stone fucking cold, I love it.

Det8lbw5 o...Years gone in a matter of months, eh? Sol, as the last act of kindness I can give you, I'll always remember you for the person I first knew you as. Sol the Gold Knight, not Sol of the
Hell Hounds.

9qk5ifz8 oRemember the time he killed a hero so we could access a shop and buy a sagittae? Good times, good times. Also, he brought us that fire sword that would then go on to be used for the rest of the game! And let's not forget about the promotion! He's a hero if only for those things.

Det8lbw5 o...I'm going to stop Pyron, Sol. I will achieve the peace we once spoke of. When that time comes, I'll come back to visit you again. At that time, I'll give you my final farewell. Until we meet again!

Xqvyabuu o

That's very nice, but nobody cares about Barrel.

3sfvmzso o

T5kcwfit oI'm just glad you're okay after not seeing you for so long. After Cyrus disappeared, I worried about what could have happened to you.

Lgjkwhcy o Oh yeah, let's just introduce another character randomly in the middle of a line.

Tukb8mgw oI'm glad you're safe too, Mommy! Now we can go and find Daddy together!

Jiwsmr8a oRight! The first step to finding your father will be finding people with weapons like this one. Here Mirielle, you hold onto it so that you know what you're looking for.

Tukb8mgw oOh! It's adorable! It makes sense that Daddy would travel with a cute thing like this!

T5kcwfit o...Well, you're definitely my sister's daughter if you think that's cute. How does Jeff put up with you two?

Ojwkdfzl o

Hahahahahah... Those two, I swear. Killing edges, cute? That's what Navarres equip! Eww!

Xetijk9u oSnsikvqs o

Finally, we get our brave lance for beating the map fast-ish, as well as a sneak peek at the cutscene that, as always, I'm leaving for next time.

And, well, that's that! Aside from Elliot's unfortunate death, it went well. I really need to stop getting the lords killed, seriously... Next time, we'll wipe out another faction. Or maybe multiple. Wait patiently for me to release the next update, and in the process, please do fare well!


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 4 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 1, Elliot: 1)


Current perfect streak: Why do I even bother

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 9 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
                                             The one green dragon


BONUS: You know what this is, I don't need to explain it to you. First, the first scene if Lynch is dead.

Tqtlzxhq oMaster, does something trouble you?

Wwggyoef oI have not heard from my father or brother in quite some time. With Lynch gone, they're all the family that I have left. I guess you can say that I am feeling quite anxious. Our work in this area is very important to the dream we all share. With that idiotic girl's help, we're turning this wasteland into a utopia for the new world we all desire. This will be the first of many societies I'll create in the future.

Tqtlzxhq oWorry not, Master. Your loyal guard dogs are here. Go rest, and we shall keep you safe.

Wwggyoef oThank you, Bolo.

Wxqlen3y oYes, go and rest, Master. Without Lynch here, I don't have much to do.

Wwggyoef oI appreciate the work you do for me, Og. You are all I have left of Lynch now.

Wxqlen3y oThank you, Master. You have no idea how much that means to me. I'll go back to guard duty now and let you know if something goes wrong out there.

I like that Nina is acknowledged in this version of the scene. Next, Nina has some special recruitment scenes if certain characters visit her village.

Uvlq3kcu oNina? Is that you?

Jiwsmr8a oElliot? Oh, happy day! It's been way too long! What brings you to the Hecky Dog territory?

Uvlq3kcu oHecky dog? ...Glad to see you haven't changed these past few years.

Jiwsmr8a o? But I have changed. I'm a mother now! And a great one at... AHHHHH! I left Mirielle alone in Ryu without me! I need to get back to her!

Uvlq3kcu o...Definitely hasn't changed.

Pffft... Okay, I love how she just sort of realizes that she left her daughter alone for years. Eh, I wouldn't worry too much, friend. Your daughter is as much of a lunatic as you are...

Tukb8mgw oOh! Mommy, what are you doing here?

Jiwsmr8a oHi sweetie, I'm playing servant for your dad and an old friend. It's been a lot of fun and... actually, what are you doing here? Is everything okay back home?

Tukb8mgw oYes, Mommy! We won the war in Ryu, so now were(sic) here getting ready to defeat Pyron once and for all! Oh, and we're here with Elliot.

Jiwsmr8a oElliot? I haven't seen him in such a long time! I have to share stories of all my adventures with him.

Tukb8mgw oOh, okay. Let's go Mommy! Maybe we'll see Daddy next!


Jiwsmr8a oRyan? Yay! I'm so happy to see you!

T5kcwfit oNina?! What the hell are you doing all the way out here?

Jiwsmr8a oI was playing servant. Oh! And doing something to help out Jeff. He had me mixing up messages between Elementos and the Hecky Dogs so that only Rody knew Jeff was there.

T5kcwfit oOnly his brother... I wonder what Jeff is thinking trusting that maniac?

Jiwsmr8a oJeff is never wrong Ryan.

T5kcwfit oI know, but Rody's kinda...

Jiwsmr8a oHe's never wrong, Ryan.

T5kcwfit o...If you say so. Anyway, let's get you out of here Nina.

Jiwsmr8a oOkay, Ryan! Let's go find Jeff next!

I think this is my favorite of these. Also, we get some details on what exactly Nina was doing in the territory of the Hecky Dogs, which is great.

Vsljor2s oHmm? Have we met before?

Jiwsmr8a oMaybe. You do look like someone I met a long time ago. Ross was it? We met in that huge battle a long time ago, and then a few times in Cyra after.

Vsljor2s oRight. You're Ryan's sister. I never saw you often since you were with Jeff. And my name's Ricky. What are you doing here?

Jiwsmr8a oI was here to help Jeff with some stuff by playing servant. Ah! Wait, why am I telling youall(sic) of this?!

Vsljor2s o...It's alright. I'm here with Elliot.

Jiwsmr8a oOh, okay. I'll go speak with him then.

Vsljor2s oThe free spirit as always eh, Nina?

I like the callback to Ricky using Ross's portrait in CT. Funny.

Iqb5fuqx oNina? Nina, is that you? What are you doing here?

Jiwsmr8a oOh, you're Flora's daughter, Jenna! I'm playing servant! Jeff left me around here to do whatever, so I met Mr. Kuroth and he let me be his servant and run the hotel for his slaves. Ah, but Jeff also asked me to make sure he always got wrong information about Elementos.

Iqb5fuqx oSo you've been here as a spy?

Jiwsmr8a oI'm not playing spy. I'm playing servant, Jenna. If you're here, I guess it's time to stop playing?

Iqb5fuqx o...Yes. I'm here with Elliot and we're at war with Kuroth right now.

Jiwsmr8a oOh, that sounds like fun! I hope that I get to see Jeff soon~

Iqb5fuqx o...THAT'S Ryan's sister? I heard she was a free spirit, but isn't that a bit much for a woman nearing her 50's?!

You're in the bench. Tell me, which one is the most pathetic?

Finally, something more depressing: this is the final scene with Nina if Mirielle is dead.

Vhfxzqd0 oNina. I have something important to talk to you about.

Jiwsmr8a oOh! Donovan's other kid. You're a prince right?

Vhfxzqd0 o...Your daughter died during the war. I wanted to tell you personally.

Jiwsmr8a oOh, so she's with Mom and Louis now, right, Ryan?

T5kcwfit oYeah. I'm sorry, Nina, I should have done more for her.

Jiwsmr8a oHmm... I guess when I see Jeff, I should be the one to tell him this. He's never been one to take the death of his loved ones well. Though I'm not much different. Prince, please excuse me.

T5kcwfit oNina...

It almost seems like she doesn't care, until it no longer does. Sheesh...





























Pw7vngsi o
6ix55und o
Vp1kwwkl o
054ccxfy o

Gvo6wsba o

Asgn8xrz o
W2juwlyb o
Rmkr6alb o
3icnb01u o
Cq5dsqra o
Yjhv5rik o
Sisa03wx o
O8h8zwit o
7aghpwft o
Wzyxqti3 o
Lcmsr9ea o
J2epknty o
Djzjtule o
7ljqhdp2 o
Bvwaplfm o
Frx3njwd o
I2ztpzxa o
W0htqoqy o
Qzogsgcf o
Mltwabed o
9ywa73bw o
Rzbp1pb5 o
Gpjelu26 o
Kg2yraek o
Pst9dynj o
24dvglwa o
Trcolwpd o
Q6bnq47d o
Tsyrqvpm o
7zrr9d0y o
Yownazqv o
G1xjfrzs o
80hkf0jn o
At902dc5 o
Cmgs4bms o
Zbkj6m6s o
6syux5f5 o

2wmpyig9 o

Shft71cw o
Rqkwasjo o
Mcfos3xn o



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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
24dvglwa o
Trcolwpd o

Hey, wait! Ruby has Axebane! How the shit did she die to *that?*

Nevermind the fact that Ruby in my own Ironman died because she failed to Axebane


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Part 22 - Four-way brawl.



Eyy, welcome back, Spara!

On 6/1/2021 at 10:00 PM, Spara said:
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Hey, wait! Ruby has Axebane! How the shit did she die to *that?*

RNG giveth, RNG taketh.

Kirin, for instance, has gotten even more move levels since the last time you swung by.

Also, she's not confirmed dead

Nevermind the fact that Ruby in my own Ironman died because she failed to Axebane


I still cannot believe she was the only rider that survived my LP, honestly. Like, of all of them, Ruby? Really?


Vd16l6l0 o

We start with text from last chapter.

Vjxxigvm o

Oh, hey. It's the guy with the extremely dumb name and gimmick. Alongside Eubans #7 and what looks like an edgelord.

Womk3cni oEight of those ten are here before us, while the last two are missing.

9qk5ifz8 o Gee, I wonder who they could be.

Xpxkmqzh oAnd one of those two just has to be Jeff. Why?!

Womk3cni oThe sage he's with is pretty crazy as well. Those demon kings wiped out two of our five regiments.

Lp9rizoi oThe sage, Leo, said there should be three of them left. Supposedly, Rody will be here soon. Maybe he'll know how to deal with them.

Womk3cni oAnd if we're lucky, Jeff as well. They are brothers, right?

J72onhz2 oCoqfxkua oCxxslfih o

Well, there's the man in question. He warps in, the screen goes black for a second, and that entire row of assassins is obliterated. Nice.

R7x16deb o

Womk3cni oWarp magic and that level of instant death!? Curse you, Jeff! Watch! I'll take the lead!

Lp9rizoi oMen! Kill the hostages!

Vwdqhmht oLqvvxmsd o

The hostages start getting slaughtered while Mist takes the fight to Jeff. He somehow survived that 78 crit.

Qsrebdxs oNk5zf49f o

Then a bunch of demon kings arrive. One more than Watch had claimed were left. Gee, for a guy whose whole gimmick is that he likes to count stuff, he sure is bad at it, isn't he?

Azgosjhv o

Womk3cni oAnd they even brought tomes with them?!

Wiwh81gp oIt was a good use of our remaining warp casts. Farewell, Watch.

Tkjknor9 o

Wait, wha--

Ohxfg4om oJ2tampqq oO8apie6r o

....Pfffffhahahahahahahah! Well, that's the end of Watch. He appeared in two scenes before dying anticlimatically. Honestly, I love it. Guy was fucking worthless.

9j5hbnkv o

Womk3cni oWhere the hell are those reinforcements?!

Wiwh81gp oThey're hopefully being slowed down by our remaining demon kings. You think we wouldn't notice that they'd show up?

Womk3cni oSo that's why you attacked now. Dammit, everyone! Hold out as best you can!

Gfc1uq7v oNgjf5npm o

Some more fighting ensues, with the hostages using their newly-acquired weapons and the element of surprise to begin overpowering the assassins.

J1tfjkje o3kziklkb o

...Then shit hits the fan.

Ycroitst oOjvdhk4l o

Well, Jeff's screwed.

Rvmjglkg o4cw15ymt o6mnz2ico o

...Or not! Just barely lived through that!

Dymfl4aj o

G17lbsgb oAura?

Wiwh81gp oYou have dragon blood flowing in you, although it has become very weak. And here I thought we'd only be dealing with Kal.

G17lbsgb oHeh. My father died recently, and my mother betrayed me. I'm not in a good mood, so I was told I could blow off steam here.

Womk3cni oPrince Lars, thank you for coming to our aid. Are there any other generals here with you?

G17lbsgb oKal, Mandrake, one of his toys, and his slave with the Emblem Lance.

Lgjkwhcy o Evil Moulder is here!? Run, Jeff, Run! You cannot hope to defeat such a beautiful man!

G17lbsgb oPyron, Froid, and more are on their way here shortly. Assassin, I wish I could, but I can't kill you just yet. We need to know where the altar hosting the fragments is.

Cvlfknjd o
Mygaat1h o

Leo joins the fray! Since the last time we saw him, I've found out that apparently his sprite was supposed to be modelled after Ced? To be honest, I don't see it. The sprite is amazing, don't get me wrong, among my favorites in this game, but I don't see it.

3l2utph3 o

Wiwh81gp oLeo, I'll take care of the one behind him.

G17lbsgb o...Mist,

Txzubig9 o The edgelord is called fucking Mist?! Oh, please... Hahahah! Even if he's gotten better at it, there are points where you can tell that this game's names were made up by the same person that was behind the CT ones.

G17lbsgb ouse caution. Even if it's a bluff, stay sharp! Who knows what they could have found there!

Womk3cni oI could say the same to you, Prince Lars!

Mbhufq5x oWith the knowledge to make true use of the energy of space, I cast thee! Starlight!

3z4tnvbl oLvbwkzgy o

Oho! The legendary weapon flash...! And a crit, even though he has 0% chance to hit critically! He's just breaking all of the rules!

Jxcuimm5 oVhroc030 oAcg1r2cr oD7oih1h5 o

...wait, Lars is going down here as well!?

Rwan8yip o

Mbhufq5x oAt the altar, as expected, we found one fragment of Naga, Mila, and Doma. Combined together, I was able to figure out how to make space magic without the cost of sacrificing or using part of my soul. In this case, I crafted the spell, Starlight.

Womk3cni oLars!

Kejczerr oHeh... No one ever said that we were immortal, Mist. Ah, but I think I recognize you now. You were at Mark's funeral. You're his son, Leo, aren't you? To be put in place by Father's cousin...

97w2abik o
Xf13ok4t o

Holy shit, they're dropping like flies now. And we might see a few more, because more enemies have arrived, with demon kings of their own!

2pnrvnik o

Oeel1c86 oAh, Lars, my wayward prince. To meet your end here is but a stroke of luck for you.

Txzubig9 o Ahahaha... I love this guy. He makes death not even sound so bad!

Mbhufq5x oLuck?

Wiwh81gp o...Mandrake.

Oeel1c86 oOh, Jeff! I barely recognize you with that mask you wear! Rody! Your brother is here! Ah, but that is not the only reunion in store for you!

Git7uugi o

...Ergh... Yes?

Mbhufq5x oThe Emblem Lance! And is he under the effect of the old berserk staff?

Wiwh81gp o...Well, at least Nina and Ryan will be happy you're okay.

Mbhufq5x oI don't think we have any more time to waste here, Jeff.

Ddapweg6 o

Well, it seems he's recovered at least somewhat from his loss.

D07i6x5j oI'll let you keep him as a pet.

Wiwh81gp oRody, I'm calling in what you owe me about the location of the Dragonbane.

D07i6x5j oVery well. You may leave. I will kill those that try and block your escape.

Mbhufq5x oTrue to your promises, no matter the situation? You really are a nice brother like Jeff said!

Tcxddxt9 o

The both of them leave with their remaining demon kings.

Vglwnk9i o

A8s4p0uw oHey, wait for me!

W47alqfd o

Dude, you don't want to pick a fight with Rody. The guy was already insane before, and now he's lost the one person that gave him any happiness.

D07i6x5j oWhat talking meat dares to defy the will of the living?

Sbva34pn oTo work with Rody is to appease Rody. We need him to control the monsters.

D07i6x5j oYou dare to baby me? Do you wish to die?! Answer my question, slave. What is this garbage in front of me?

Womk3cni oI'll speak for myself. I am Mist, a member of The Assassins Guild.

Qvvv1qz8 o

Aaaaaaaaaand there you go. With this idiot's death, the Assassins Guild in Elementos is no more. And if you recall, it was established a ways back that these dummies were the only ones left from the Guild, aside from Conway. So yeah. This faction is on its last legs.

Rjgztpex o

Sbva34pn oRody, we do need to work with these people!

D07i6x5j oAll the current Assassins Guild members must die. Demon Kings! Kill all the remaining ones here! NOW!

J4do7qyn o

Oeel1c86 oIt matters not. My work is complete. Their bodies are still strong. Let Rody rampage to his leisure. If need be, you and I can kill him. It will just be another body to my collection here, much like Lars.

Txzubig9 oAhh, Evil Moulder. What would this game be without your permanently, unsettlingly chipper self?

Pvyni9ja o

Time for the map.

Foyo4dob oEqzmyjnq o8k7uidwi o

Remember how last chapter I said that Blademaster had remembered he had a billion factions to take care of?

Yeah. We're taking down the last remnants of the Red Army, the Assassins Guild and Nomad, in this one map. Gintoki is optional, but the other two are getting murdered for sure.

2m5tjhfr o

We arrive at a castle.

Hipeytjg o

I thought your home was elsewhere, though? I mean, they could've relocated after Rody put Yin, Yang and Ciri's heads on pikes, but Astrea couldn't know that. Eh, I guess I'll just accept it as fact.

Uvlq3kcu oSo Propater's main base was located all the way out here? It's no wonder you've never been found by your enemies. We're practically at the furthest edge of the continent.

7zsrvfhd oI can't wait to see Mother again! She'll be so excited to see how we've changed!

3t4acnv7 oAnd I can't wait to see Grandpa.

Lgjkwhcy o Yeah, you... might want to wait on that. I'm not entirely certain where your Grandpa stands at this point in time...

3t4acnv7 oThe war effort here must be going well with the Republic practically destroyed.

Uvlq3kcu oGarrison. The man who almost killed Pyron. I wonder what kind of person he is?

Lmiaqpxt o

Tpkcoqz2 o

Tocoma5g o

It's Mom! Been a while.

Det8lbw5 oMother! It's been too long.

3t4acnv7 oAh, but before we get off track, you said Grandpa left?

8pkscabs oCorrect. A few days ago, a woman named Remmy showed up.

Lgjkwhcy oWell, that's not good, is it?

8pkscabs oShe was apparently one of the people who Garrison had doing spy work in Cyra.

Uvlq3kcu oCyra? Why was he spying on Cyra?

8pkscabs oI'm not sure. I'd never even met or heard of this woman before.

Xqj2nh7n o

8pkscabs oHe said they were going straight to Elementos. With Rody having pretty much destroyed the Assassins Guild, and the Red Army now being almost eliminated, he figured that now was the time to strike there. Though it looks you've been busy as well. The Hell Hounds and the Royal Guard. Not to mention the Ryu attack front and the betrayal of other Republic soldiers thanks to Elliot. You've done well.

Uvlq3kcu oIf Garrison has already left, then we should go join him. We came here to team up with Propater and finish this war for good.

8pkscabs oIf you wish to join him, you are welcome to go. We only remain here so that he has a home to come back to. For now, I recommend you rest before starting your long journey.

Aivy6cno o

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda surprised you're still alive, Alice. This game isn't kind to its NPCs. Though for all we know, you're a traitor too...

7zsrvfhd oYes! It was wonderful to be home again after so long. It's a shame we have to leave so soon.

Det8lbw5 oMother, I'm guessing that you are staying here?

8pkscabs oI could leave Iskander here, but that might do us no good.

Lgjkwhcy o...Not as surprised as I am that Iskander is still alive, though! That guy was strong, but he didn't look like the kind of character that would survive in this game of all games!

8pkscabs oWithout Garrison, we have no ideal method of dealing with what remnants there are. I'm the best tactician we have left. I've been trying to come up with a strategy, but I've not had much luck.

7zsrvfhd oPerhaps we could ask Elliot if we could leave his forces here?

Opaxkm4d o

Oh hey, an NPC! And... wait, why is there a random enemy swordmaster standing overthere?

1zldvcue o


Vhfxzqd0 oNova! Those injuries, what happened to you?!

8pkscabs oYou left with Donovan and Ren. What's happened out there?

N3dppfho oWe were ambushed by the Red Army, Assassins Guild, and Nomad. They're all launching a joint assault targeting this base. Donovan and Ren cleared a path for their troops to try and escape through, but I didn't go. I rushed to deliver this message.

Tsdyocov o
8zvc9nqq o

Hahahahahah! Well, that's been Nova, folks. How did you like him? Did he change your lives with his riveting character development? Pffft... Jesus Christ, what a fucking useless character. He was even worse than Watch, for crying out loud! He could've gotten killed off between games like half of the CT cast and he would've been more useful than he was here. I'm half tempted to keep him out of the Blademaster kill count just to spite him, but... Nah. I mean, friggin' Gho is there. Besides, the bigger that kill count is, the smaller mine will appear in comparison. That is a good thing.

6z9vnbbz o

8pkscabs oWe could be looking at a real massacre if we aren't careful this battle.

Uedfz3v4 o P-Please don't say things like that!

N7o8sqhm oWe need to defeat all their leaders before too many of them surround us. If we can break their morale and chain of command, we'll have won.

8pkscabs oWell said. Troops, move out! This is an emergency!

Wam9ar7y o
Aojywoz5 o

Hi there, Gintoki. There is someone who would very much like to see you again.

That someone being Dexithea's axe.

Paliroj6 oOnly after Garrison has left does Ronald decide to lead an all out strike. If there was ever a time to abandon the Republic, it would be now. They've lost their capital. They killed many of our brethren. ...But we must honor the arrangements we've made regardless.

Dnorlvgv o
Iq5mdvvr o

Devtiue9 oAnd Kuroth is dead too. It's time for these lands to be ours again.

Lgjkwhcy o I dunno, man. You two and the generics are literally all that remains of the Guild.

Devtiue9 oJust like they were before Pyron came back at the war's end.

Rhwpieis oNo matter. Let's finish this battle for supremacy in Merv.

Mcacuduz oYgc5agft oYq9afkzs o

Evan uses a S pouch (is that "a" or "an"? Visually it looks like it should be "a", but S is pronounced "ess" so I'm thinking "an" sounds better... Bah, stupid English) so he can participate. Condor and Nereid leave because... let's be honest, it's a bit past their time.

Uturg9jz o

I give Georgio's speedwing to Chrysler, because he's very borderline fast, and with it, he becomes fast.

Ky9xdw9e o

Also, the body ring. I have nobody else to give it to, now that Astrea has tome access, a shitton of speed and actually fine con. I find it funny that he caps con with it. So yeah.

Lvt5ab04 o
Ved51c5w o0vo9fpdd oO1u8joiy o4wnkopol o

This is a rather busy map that can be cheesed really easily with warp. But we won't do that, because we're not filthy cheesers. The main goal is up north. We must kill Conway, then wait a turn (which can easily be done, since there's a dragon vein below Iskander). Ronald will then appear, and once we shank him, the map ends. Conway and the fliers will remain where they are until we enter their range, but Sabaktes will come running after us alongside the rest of the troops on the map.

Optional objectives include Gintoki, who carries the Emblem Bow, for which we have absolutely no use at all, for reasons that will become clear after the map's end. Still, I'd like to introduce him to Dexithea's axe. Also, the village. It is of extreme importance that we do not miss the village. It is the single best village I have ever seen in any FE game. Seriously. It's absolutely amazing.

K4tfgtid o

As for the new units...

M4jstksu o0ztetlsq o0z4athc2 oXlkuqcnq o0nernvsr o

They're actually not guests. Iskander and Alice are, remarkably enough, two early NPCs that don't die or turn traitor. They just... join. What?!

Anyway, Iskander. Iskander is... rather unfortunate. You look at him, and at first glance the man is great. Excellent defenses and raw power, with just speed and res as his weaknesses, double S ranks...

Skillwise, he's rather unremarkable:

- Thunderstorm. Same as Chrysler, if his weapon is heavier than the enemy's, he gets bonuses.

- Impale. RD-style glorified instakill. Next.

- Drive Strength. 2 strength to allies within two tiles. Worse than Bella's strength rallies, but then, we no longer have those, do we?

- Swap. Eh. Extremely situational.

At level 24, he gets Drive Def, which makes him somewhat useful as a support unit.

So yeah. Solid lategame prepromote that can serve as nice filler if you've lost too many units. What's not to love?


Nyv1dmuz oR4ptodao o

Yeah... The poor guy is just a carbon copy of Elliot with a bit better strength in exchange for worse skills. And not only is Elliot force-deployed for the rest of the game, he's already an extremely questionable unit due to his horrendous speed. Oof...

Xwufhx4k o

Iskander does come with the highest-tier magical lance. It'll be better in Relina's hands.

Ssdwr53w oVexjjhqo o4vron81q o1vdrkp0f oI04f7cxc o

I'd argue Alice is better off, even if at first glance she looks shittier. Elliot's awful speed with none of his awesome defenses? That's so bad! Well... no, not really, because as you can tell by her weapon ranks, she's intended to be used primarily as an archer. With 27 strength, she delivers a mean blow to anything you might want her to. You shouldn't leave her in the range of foes, but she can do a serviceable job as heavy artillery, so to speak.


- Certain Blow: 40 hit when initiating battle. Just one more part of her kit geared toward being a player phase nuke.

- Colossus: RD-style glorified instakill. God, how I hate these.

- Daunt: -10 hit and crit to all enemies within 4 tiles. This is pretty nice.

- Wrath. You know what this does. It's... eh.

At level 27, she learns Nihil, which is as always a completely boring skill that I constantly forget I have.

In summary, Alice isn't the best unit, but at least she's not completely outclassed by one of the lords. She can hurt enemies quite badly and reliably, which is never a terrible thing to have. Plus, Daunt is nice.

Also, one of her likes is dominance. I mean, c'mon. How can I not put her in my team? I just wish I could show you her C support with Charles. Maybe in the bonus.

Qsiviggz o
Ylllprv8 o

Alice can immediately support Astrea. I'm thinking a support triangle with her and her daughters is in order.

2ytztqsp o

8pkscabs oNo. There are always more men out there.

Det8lbw5 oThat... wasn't the answer I was expecting from you.

8pkscabs oIs it now? Well, I assume you ask because of Sol. I wasn't with your father like you were with Sol, but you'll move on.

Lgjkwhcy oGiven Alice never married Paris, I believe this implies that Sol and Astrea intended to marry. Oof...

8pkscabs oThere are plenty of fish in the sea. You'll find ones better than him.

Det8lbw5 oI don't think it'll be that easy for me to do.

8pkscabs oIt will.

Txzubig9 o Pfffhahaha... Holy shit, Alice has no chill.

Det8lbw5 o...I think this conversation is too straightforward for my tastes...

8pkscabs oNonsense. Just come out with Janet and I sometime. You'll see.

Det8lbw5 oJanet? Do you go out with her often?

8pkscabs oOf course. We're like-minded people. We get along quite well.

Det8lbw5 oMother...

9rysrlhv o

Well, that was, uh... Unexpected?

Mhorjz3w o

Let's get to work at last. This person near us has an interesting inventory, but as a commander...

536ut0mb o

...She is unfortunately uncapturable.

Riztszln oCkbailt2 oYh7jyb7m o

So let's just get some axe experience for Kirin off of her, and...

6zvbw5ey o


Cn1cbvjj oM98gaaro o

Guess Ryan gets the kill.

Jahkbzon oOspzsv6k o

Iskander tosses a spear at this person. She's carrying another zabuza. Dario's zabuza is still in the convoy gathering dust.

Im6xz0d6 o

So of course, my first instinct was to risk Evan's life to capture her.

Q4okgpje oNnwi3zum o

...Well, okay. I was at least a bit cautious.

Perhaps too cautious, because I refused to do that too.

6ibqzejv oAjr8ekgm o37e8vsgj o

Instead, I left Joanne stranded way back so I could have Nina buff his stats.

Uar8hu0c o

Aaaaaaaaaaand I still refused to give it a shot. That's a dead Evan right there. I refuse. 3% is too high. True hit, you say? Well, 1% is still too high. Enemy can miss? 0.002% is still too high.

Oetyylvc oFyfn2prc o

This is the point where I realized "hey, she's just carrying a shitty zabuza, what the hell am I doing?" and let Kenton have at her.

Vetq8owh o

Evan instead takes the graves. He's in range of a magician, but hitting him will be a problem for her.

Gkiy9c2f oN1x1xopu o

The rest of us just walk forward. I'm not entirely fond of the starting formation for this map, I've got to say. The entire group back at the castle spends one or two turns just catching up.

Wrtwowtl o

Here comes Sabaktes. He starts way at the corner of the map, sure, but on the other hand, he's got dancers to back him up...

Pyglw4aj oMgsouszc o


3zba0bit o

I mean, Evan on tombs. Did anybody expect anything else?

Slwaigli oVikmchoq o

Oh hey, that one has the assassinate skill, she doubled before Evan could attack!

Dc5atjny o

And she survived, too! Way to go, woman!

Wxn4fqlt oEsscsksv o8hhscbcb o

God fucking damned dancers... There's too many riders up there that they can boost right into our laps. I need to do something about them.

Gxzhryeg o7ccpgey5 oZrrz8n13 o

Well, regardless, let's begin work on this second commander.

Vp141wiz o9mepfrwf o

I am once again too much of a coward to try something that is extremely unlikely to fail. Not only would Kenton have to miss a 94, the enemy would have to crit twice to kill him.

Icthati7 oLbndf54m o

So I hesitated and captured this person first.

Dkcsm7co o

This filled me with the courage I needed to needlessly risk Kenton's life.

21m9vrdc o

Thankfully, through the power of flashbangs, he prevailed.

Cdnpyjiq oJ4twzcwx oI0p4zhka o

Nina gives Iskander a hand with those new supplies we've acquired.

Q5ioziw6 o

Clint goes after one of these killer snipers.

Qtuhgg09 oFdqtvtlr o

Awesome, he procced RD-style glorified instakill #4!

798tp9n0 o

Aaaaaaaaand he got a shitty level for his trouble.

C2fmatbf oMptlqzkw o5gslv8pi o

Chrysler does the same. SGW uses the boring axe general animations that remove the throw with the chain. Pah! What they should do instead is add the chain throw to the sword animation!

Biswf5xc oNxkeyjqs o6py34sqe oKy4j1egy o

Finally, Kirin dispatches the bow knight by blasting him to bits with the sacred light.

Kcsynhct o

Shitty-ass level, but hey, another capped stat!

Gyjt8jkp oDshufwff oOf30zw3d o

Dexithea does some dropping, Janet does some dancing.

Ck5cyzjt o

Oh my God, the range on that dancer. Oh, that's not good. That's not good at all!

Emsgicjn oYnccoioe o

I have an idea. Let's move Astrea overhere.

19yfgx9j o

...and then the idea was fucked, because Mirielle and Artemis don't have A staves and Ryan's magic is too low to reach the dancer with his sleep staff. Nice.

Lwxg89sw o

Here, Iskander. Have a spear.

Gml3oc5r o

Oh my fucking God, Daedalus. Oh my fucking God.

Why do I have to put up with this shitty ass...

Egnqfva5 o

Two units better than Daedalus support each other.

Ffmn7om6 o

Jiwsmr8a oDu du du, going to kill you. Du du du or maybe you?

Tukb8mgw oHmm?

Jiwsmr8a oHm??

Tukb8mgw o...

Jiwsmr8a o...

Tukb8mgw oThat enemy is mine.

Jiwsmr8a oNo, they're mine!

Tukb8mgw oYou can beat up that guy over there with the bloody hair!

Jiwsmr8a oThat's Elliot's dad, Sweety! I can't beat him up!

Tukb8mgw oThat's because you're too much of a coward! Oh wait, that is Eli.

Jiwsmr8a oHa! She's distracted!

Tukb8mgw oAww, no fair!

X6owimbz o

They're both batshit crazy. I love them.

Wpma386b oFn5dknnm o


Rcsywotc oMkutbljk o

With the aid of some Relina Speed Supplements™, Daedalus is able to avoid death... Except not really, because there's two enemies and he gets 2-shot. Because he's a great unit.

This is a terrible ideaAAAOOH MY GOD JANET IS IN RANGE

Uadwxggi o

I think I'm going to lose. Just a feeling. The two shitty lords desperately trying to plug a gap does not scream

Ua2a6wum o


P98ttddu o


How I wish I could bench the two of you... Elliot gets doubled by everything and Daedalus is even worse. Fucking hell...

Xgvrv2b2 o

Well, there we are, at any rate.

Ob70gzri o

Oh! She runs to heal! Good, we might stand a chacne...

3etuer0x oAz6x4xar oYpd2jiwt o

Iskander gets whacked twice with a poison sword. It doesn't do much because poison sword.

7jz3cedm oQiffp1i6 o

Then Elliot--

1wvgzbim o


Mzuwoo94 o

Nice, no speed. Thanks.

8pfdtctr o

What a terrible blunder that was... I believe we're well on our way to another reset.

Icu45dh4 o

Yep--Nope! Not yet, no!

Cqflj9al o

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh, fuck!

Oqn8btfe o

At this rate I'm going to end up with more resets than deaths. And that's just not right. My ironmans have never been very Ironmanish, but... Goddamnit, I almost kinda sorta behaved in my Berwick Ironman! I don't want to fall back to old habits of breaking every self-imposed rule!

4olczdyt o

All right, so this happens again...

Rofl11p3 o

Astrea, I believe your mother's probably heavy due to pure muscle. Come now, Astrea, such a basic misconception...

Aibfj9ry oZstzynkg oNdvlaieo o

Again, and again, the same things happen over and over again...

F30rppqj oLkzu51ls oVvxdzhlh o


T6cnxprl o

The main difference is that this time, I've sent Chrysler further ahead, to begin work on the snipers ahead of time.

Hxd9gonw o

Yeah, yeah, we know.

Xhd2csxf o

Unfortunately, Evan killed one less enemy this time around.

Thalgpgg oGbmmjga2 o

As planned, Chrysler begins to whittle down these snipers.

Ir3obbmf o4h426elq o

Then the dancers do their thing.

Xq8lp8ls o

All right, so this time, I went ahead and captured one of the snipers. Killer bows are good, and I'm generally running short on bows.

M4n5ktzd oXuay0kob o

Then Ryan hands over his sleep staff to Kirin (whom I just realized had no staves at all, I've been using her for combat so much that I've completely forgotten she's supposed to be a staffbot lol) so she can neutralize one of the dancers.

Leiadsyx o

Good level?

Vct7pgmr o

Hell yeah, good level!

Muqvyhfg o

Okay, Daedalus. You have one chance. Capture this, and you will not be redeemed, but maybe I'll hate on you 0.1% less.

Jr6hl8fz o

I've changed my mind, I'll continue to hate on you as before regardless.

9avtr3xv o

Now this, this is a real lord.

V5erxha4 o

But first, put those items in the inventory so I can proceed to do some dropping immediately. Imagine Daedalus's already shitty self having to fight while carrying a hostage. That'd be another reset.

Wuekbcjo o

Now you may kill.

Vtci8y1m oEkwphjel oMmsbfz3l o

Nina, with some help from Joanne, rids Chrysler and Daedalus of their capturees.

Aeiucd1u oBmr66apm oOm8aypj0 o

Over on this side, Evan and Iskander fell the commander.

Jzdxppjn o

Kenton is, unfortunately, unable to capture this swordmaster safely.

Oq6cysie oKyvujzs9 o

So he just murders him.

Wcx6tjeu oXig0rbbb o

...Aaaaand it was at this point that I comlpetely regretted my choice to trust in Daedalus for anything, and whisked him away with Nina.

Pqyvtzof oHhgttoiy o

This time around, the defense of this beach is up to Clint, who will do a far superior job than the two bad lords.

4d6bqv8w o

It's okay.

Z21oenxg oXd9et61v o

Relina buffs him and switches him to a sword to better fend off the assault of axes (axault?).

Vhqd1uet oJ9fovcre o

The crazy support happens again.

Ogqto1xq o

I think this might work.

Me8r9teh o

Sabaktes and his clones run south, but without the dancer's assistance, they won't be able to get the jump on us.

W56ma6eo oHvqylpup o

Enemy phase. This is once again a futile effort...

X2qqhhva o89qstd6e o

Trying to take down Evan proves even more futile.

Gamqpqqf oCtlmfmkt oMez82wv1 o

Then Relina gets hit by a 17% because my luck is fickle.

F2rnlnlh oNlld2yk7 o

This hooded guy goes after Astrea, who retaliates in kind.

Nqqce1qe oAlpovces oR3wxvgqd oJxkgqhfg o

Bwahahahaha... Clint just straight up one-shots these losers. Hell yeah. Beat that, Elliot.

Xksust6c oHgjhp08i o

Oh, man... I think this might not be as good a situation as I thought it was...

T1pczsbj o

Oh yeah, this isn't good at all. This isn't good at all! Fuck, no!

Gx1gpl54 oLvs0q4g9 oUerwiyzd o

Heheheh... Stepping on the dead's resting place protects Evan from even his old bane, magic. Who would've thought that blasphemy was so cool.

Iswg8mf6 o5jy3ezqe o


Zscveggw o


Yx2ema7n o

...You've... You've got to be kidding me.

Vzwklzcl o

You've got to be fucking shitting me! Poison death!?

Jb70u6bw o


Wzmgtro5 o


Hloyltyz o

Nooooo Kirin! My beautiful axe murderer, harmed!

Ve4xhiuj oYe2h97p8 o

ISKANDER! NO! Don't tell me you fuckers are going to start with this now...! We have enough problems as it is!

Dfqwyigd o

What was my thought process here? I took this screenshot for a reason. What was it?

If9xtw9j oPyplsdpn o2p9y8jch o

Well, there we go.

Q84bvkkm oKvpzueyq oPkwsykgp o

Okay, that works. As it has every other attempt. Maybe if I can stop getting the lords killed this millenium...

8zve3wkv o

Evan does his thing, and then it's on to the player phase already because we all know what happens in this turn and don't need to see it yet again.

Zv0y7lr1 oG3786nvo o

Chrysler captures a guy while Dexithea shoots another one down.

N4hnlhwz oJy6pzmyl o

Alice is on dropping duty. Plus, she can instantly use that bow!

Lzp2a2qh o

Hey, guess what, more repetition.

H0zzsn49 oGjyhtaez o

And hey, since he can, let's have him shoot down a person with swarm while he's at it.

Lsuru5gd o

Good level again?

Slrmxaik o

Eehh... Fine, I'll take the green number.

Anaw1xvi o

Astrea murders another sniper.

Guef41a4 oUnyjwrz4 oKcwyhkam o

Elliot tries to take out this commander, but fails, so Iskander has to pick up the slack.

Hetl4bmc o

Here's something different: This time, I am killing this enemy with Evan, instead of letting him get to Astrea.

Eqmtwmj4 o

...Well, by "killing this enemy with Evan," I mean to say, "try to kill this enemy with Evan." It's a perfect coinflip with jormungdr.

Mrb3l0kz oRy821lz6 o

I didn't spell that right, did I. Good thing it didn't keep Evan from performing a critical Glacies!

Wmzh4e92 oZsq2vhc1 o

Kenton helps him switch to his defense-buffing tome before attempting to take out this woman with his master sword.

Vxvcijxk o

Way to go, slow myrmidon! Seriously, he gets doubled by his fellow swordmasters. I love it, he's so bizarre.

Yjeo13p0 o

Evan is in range of this. Just thought I'd point that out.

I am kinda scared now. That's the only enemy that can really damage Evan, but... Sheesh, you never know what could happen...

X8rvpnfp oWfozfied o

This was my attempt at getting Evan out of there.

Pxbzbwxg o

Rescue is A rank, so that's fucked.

Lidnhjqw o

So, uh... let's... let's just--

Feoluxnj o

Clint you dick!

3xg1k0ff oR42gntrg o

I am not entirely confident in this formation, but then again, have I been confident in anything this entire update?

Mvsaq7jp oTabofapz oNxebwizx o

I'll give him this much: Iskander is well built for his starter chapter. He handles these idiots with flying colors.

...You know, I never quite got that expression. Flying colors? There's usually at least a semblance of logic to these things, but I don't understand this one. What is it supposed to mean, exactly, that the colors flying?

Fi0870eu oQv6tw6pr oZajinyrn o

Anyway, Relina handles a berserker.

5z0w0vet oDhdgga4t o

Shit then proceeds to happen.

Dzs1hmxc o

Hoho! Near perfect level for Clint! Great, now if we could by some miracle keep it...

Donon7mm oDoykiwnw oDgyoznu9 o

Much better already.

8jll2k7w oTxtziawb o

Oh, okay. So she went after Iskander. That's fine by me!

Th0lnahf o

Niiiice, Sabaktes and his group walked themselves to us! Fools... They have fallen right into our trap!

Anavjpgz o

Astrea even dodged this piece of shit this time around. I'm so glad things have worked out now that I've actually thought my moves through for more than two miliseconds.

2hk2zl0s o

Ah, shit! Phew... didn't think this one through, though!

F0wggque oP5xbugwr o

Another enemy for the pile? Sure, I think we can handle this much heat.

Jswhmmce o

All right... Let's get to work, because there's plenty to go around.

Exaeoqk1 oGc21tdj2 oJ0keh2fc o

Let's start with these two stragglers overhere. Iskander captures.

Rcs8d5fr oEknjhwjt o

Astrea burns this horse-riding person to a crisp.

Vadzfxeo o

Awwww... She can almost one-round these enemies with the master bow. Almost.

0eigvquq o

Okay, let's save the village. If Nina can't pull it off, I believe we can lure the berserker away by putting someone in his range. You can always rely on GBAFE bandits losing focus when there's carnage to be had.

Bbrhogys oJsaen7a3 o

Well, that makes things simpler.

Zgx9xkgs o

She's even out of everyone's range. I wouldn't want her to face that blademaster on her own...

Cnpnztjk o

I'd like to capture this girl, but it's not quite so easy. Ryan will help with some chip damage.

Xo5ugxcd oTp7f6vcm oYv60hi0y o

Ooooor he can just blow her to smithereens.

Gjdfuypn oAgpgfjur oBjszjg5v o

And there we go, captured.

2kv398jt o



Phjn9ibi o

Ahahahahahahaha... Chrysler one-rounds with the brave axe. Thanks, speedy armor.

Acok4ecm oZaefd0jm o

Before that, though. I am extremely afraid that the AI will be smart enough to have Conway begin charging us with the dancer's help, though, so let's remove the option entirely.

S69lxobz o

Bye, staff. You served us well.

Ngvbgmmv o

There's more tasks for you to do, Kirin. No resting yet!

X3flthho oIeue3hs7 oJ7t0upno o

Evan one-shots this assassin here.

Oskowt3z o

This is Alice with the killer bow. Not amazing, but it's a chance to one-shot, I guess.

1459glrf o

...You know what I really hate? Having left Joanne all the way back here. Why did I do that? Seriously...

Jaobddvw o

Okay, let's have Alice soften up this guy.

1inowoq9 o

Hah! Sure.

Nvi7drrr o

Whatever you say, man.

Xvfdlt0o oBf6zegcr oCzyohsa6 o

Oho! That was an exact kill! Except Mercy. Maybe I should've let Alice have it, but well, you  know who's gonna do it instead.

7w1icuhf o8ftvshem oDua1biuk o

Oh, by the way, here's Sabaktes. I believe I mentoined this before, but he's Oreades's brother, not that it matters. If you let him reach you, he'll be almost guaranteed to murder someone.

Gxsjdfxu o

We didn't do tha-- Ooooookay, better not chance that, though.

Kqwf6t1b oUexglzrl o4hp2fb39 oT72lrl4t o

First, let's do this.

Kdbppdpl o

Much better.

Wlgsgz8l o6hffummk o


Blyokd7z o

Bye, you asshole!

V7ktebnx o

Pfft. Go shave that three-day-shade in hell.

Ky21wyyu o

Elliot picks up a bolting from the convoy. For reasons.

Kg7zyp2n oBgklciqm o

Mirielle heals Astrea.

Kigx1rkc o

The reason Elliot grabbed that is so Artemis can take it.

Icyenn0a o

And use it to hopefully kill this person.

Wbeiolqi o5n72vuko o

Well, at least she landed the hit.

Ra9kpand oDvy6maxm oPsbpld9l o

Daedalus makes himself useful by taking these blades from the guy Iskander captured earlier.

Yyemu4lu o

I believe this'll be fine. I'm a bit worried about Alice, I think she can get crit to death, but... Ah, we'll see.

At this point in time, I hadn't checked the guide. Completely forgot to, I had to take the screenshots when I started writing the update. So I didn't know she was another game over unit.


Rbygxtys o

Thankfully, my worries were unfounded, as she was fortunate enough to avoid the chance of death entirely.

F04knpvv oWp5gqm0u oYc1muhuo o

Okay, that was just a terrible mistake on the enemy's part.

Mizqsqdv o

Oh, please...

Fqwkbsc2 o

Not quite so upsetting.

Qgdmv3lv o

Well... I believe the time may be upon us.

Oqwwkovp oLymcvzqi o

Make way...

Bco7x2ts o


Hgjo96ye oCbcrd8ze oJ3iwwzlf oXne696vi o

So why was this guy the leader instead of Jing Ke, again? That piece of trash was so much more threatening than this imbecile.

6ekwisyg oW21xtpek oCkfqkwcl o

Now, it's time to do some... preparations. I've got a plan... Hehehe...

Fm7hzckw o

The plan is to misclick so I am unable to perform the plan. Great.

Ys1a6rxd o7vairnl0 o

Oh, well. Let's just finish this guy and get Mirielle her S tome rank.

Ryahopen o

Fuck it, then. Let's go shank the asshat.

71awtvbe o

Devtiue9 oBut that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it!

Vsbvnmhy oA8f99n0i oIsrytrps o

I won't judge you if you get off to this.

0hnukmgp o

What a generic fucking death quote. Get outta here, Conway, you're an embarrassment.

5zv6zaat o

Oh, well.

Vqjcfnsl o9psgcy9m o

So here's the sword of Alester. Kenton can use it, so he'll get it.

8oadqpcp o

And now, for the finisher: The dragon vein. This will ensure we don't get murdered, then Roland will appear and get stomped into the ground. And then we win.

1bmubc4w o

First, however, let's go into this village.

Ggofndb8 o

Wouldn't be a FE hack without a reference to the creator's favorite anime. Or anime game, I guess. Apparently this is a character from a franchise called Fate? Not to be confused with Fates. He's called Gilgamesh, I believe. Pleased to meet you, Gilgamesh. Now give us your things.

Hnhlhojb oTrue treasures that matched the abilities of the ones in my world. But these weapons are trash, unworthy of being in my treasury. They insult the names of the weapons they are based on. It is not rare for a king to show generosity to his subjects. A mongrel like yourself might be able to make use of them.

Lgjkwhcy o You know, maybe we should've just let you get beheaded by that berserker. How about it?

Tljkiyzm o

Oh hey, S rank axe. Not bad.

Rxla1tuo o


Ejyrqbij o


Duyfka5x o


Eh75tpak o


Pqhpohna oHecbgadm oKt9hlfv0 oH5th3usc o


Uxjoqqyx o

Still not gonna thank that jerk for it. He's a jerk.

But yeah, you know how most FEs gradually hand you the legendary weaopns as you go? Not this one. SGW just goes "here, have all the legendaries. Enjoy." Let's fucking go.

Lhq5jdcx o

So anyway, Ryan levels up.

Ihmnrwv7 o

Hey, that's pretty damn good!

Tvje1sc1 oU8sri83z oFtiecmp9 o

Since my plan failed, I might as well shoot an arrow at this guy with Dexithea. Then Artemis finishes for experience.

Lidpu4xs o

Looking sharp. My plan has been delayed by the mistake, but it is not ruined.

3zqxzuyr o6toe2xoq o

Hah! Nice dodge, Lex.

Lmuqjf9h o


Dglvzk6u o

I thought that woman was asleep! What the heck...

...Well, I'm guessing the dragon vein status effect overrid the sleepment. Thankfully, she was unable to do anything more than kill herself on Chrysler.

F6tf99ll o

Ahahahahah... Capped defense, ladies and gentlemen. Not to mention that monstrous resistance, too. He has once again failed to get movement, but... At this point it's like, eh.

Ioksrdgr o

There he is.

3dku5zzs o

Sbzz2lp4 oIt doesn't matter, General Ronald. With you here, and Garrison gone, we have nothing to fear.

Tqdzqzh8 oBut this still means I have to kill all of these... ugh. The job of a general can be quite the difficult one.

7tbfqbs7 o

Oh, it's about to get harder than it has ever been, my friend.

Tdafsbcx oCt9skzux oXbm5fq6a o

Ronald is very bad.

Zpbblghg o

Okay, so... for the plan I mentioned earlier.

Uwcg2lud oRbt1fjhy o

I know it's a bad use of a warp charge, but I mean, who cares? I'm not gonna use it to warpskip, anyway, so might as well.

Vwnmrh58 oH1ykmyxw oMraeglhe o

If you let him fight, Gintoki's the most dangerous boss in the map thanks to his bow, but it's easy not to let him.

Wpirfygp o

Paliroj6 oYou would have made for a good wife, Dexithea.

Ekoa7oty oAnd if only you didn't fight for Pyron, Gintoki. Then I wouldn't have to kill you.

Xjt4chgw oPplphse5 o

Simply badass.

Zcde4xqp o

Axe flip!

Lwsgxksg o
L3zdicni o

Since she can no longer get speed, she's instead getting more strength.

C3znzqz4 o

This is a pretty awesome bow, but it doesn't matter. Again, more on that later.

Nt0zsn4l oQllzjmnx o

NIce screenshot of Chrysler's numbers.

83bobieh o

I really didn't expect this guy to be as despicable as he is. Like, there's no comic relief to this fucker. He's not even entertainingly evil. He's just a horrible dick in his two scenes.

Psk28a4m oXwkwbogc oRhjaxroa o

I like how he could barely do any damage and then he missed a 96 so he could do even less. But no matter, the important thing is that he gets closer so he can support Kirin.

Yhwqc18m o


N7reu1zn o4ys7hvio o

Let's help her out a bit, and then I think she can do it with the magic mallet.

Gyeehjda o

Mirielle heals Iskander, just for the experience.

Eflyghmj o

Why do I keep getting empty levels? I don't think I got this many empty levels in TRS...

Dgjyuv9j o

Let's also pay the locals a visit.

Ygkooggc o

Ltdtkfbh oLast time, I was talking about the location of the Tor Hammer!

Nos2w2pe oFor the last hint for the future, in the sealed room, use family to recruit the powerful mounted man. Good luck!

Qxcuhhih o4rztyyqf o3jtupfgb oMgudkc6t o

Also some experience for Elliot.

Sbej1xbi o

Seriously, why can't I bench you? Urgh...

Stbjpce2 oF79edljj o

Enough fooling around. Time to die, Ronnie.

Sxgarof4 oNqyeso4e o

Bwahahahahah! She even got a 1% crit to further disrespect him!

Iro5kuda o

To hell with you!

Awefjqa0 o

You think?

Qymkxsf2 o

Ahh, well, I'm glad we eventually got the strength on Kirin back.

Efecwnac o

3t4acnv7 oWith them and the Hell Hounds gone, we've effectively freed Merv.

Vhfxzqd0 oI'm glad that I was able to help contribute to saving your homeland, Astrea.

Lgjkwhcy o Yes, Daedalus, your contributions were most important. For sure.

8pkscabs oBut this isn't the time to celebrate just yet. Ren and Donovan are still dealing with the remaining enemy forces. We need to move out and see who's still alive.

Ha6vvytl o

Hi, Useless. Glad you're still around to be utterly inconsequential.

Zbaaezxw oFather... with this you are at last avenged... ? Hmm? This sword... It can't be... ! It is! The Dragonbane! The ultimate dragon slaying sword. Only those of Alester's bloodline can use it. But why did Conway have it? Nia... I hope that you are okay...

Lgjkwhcy o Uhh... Yeah, about that...

1if8fjtg o

Oh hey, it's the reason the Emblem Bow doesn't matter.

2r3s1rge oThe Emblem Bow. It's one of the four weapons blessed by the Fire Emblem.

Zgcyfelr oFire Emblem?

2r3s1rge oYes. An item said to be related to how the gods were born. The creation of these four weapons is because of, and managed by, it.

Zgcyfelr oI see. I feel... a connection to it.

2r3s1rge oDo you? Then, you are similar to myself. My father holds the Emblem Axe. They say that those who are worthy of these weapons can feel a connection to them, and that to some extent, that connection is tied to our blood. Perhaps it is asking you to use it?

Zgcyfelr o...You may be right.

Lgjkwhcy oSo yeah. The Emblem Bow is Nicole's prf for no reason at all. So it's worthless to us. Thanks a lot.

Uk8kijps o

Suddenly, a random field!

Eymmh3ls o

Also, Janet 2's in bad shape.

Zudfjaxe o

Zhrp5jtp oJanet! No, you can't die here!

Lgjkwhcy o Too bad. She absolutely can.

Zhrp5jtp oMonstrous bastard, what the hell did she ever do to you!

Ldvyormr oThe Bandit King only does what the Bandit King is paid to do. Boss man wanted me to find you. What happened to your false idol is free game under his orders.

Zhrp5jtp oFalse idol?! That was my wife!

1wpoz0pk o
3lmuvg93 o

Oh, dear.

Ry1j1h33 o

Zhrp5jtp oBaine?

Ldvyormr oBoss man! I held them off, just like you asked me to!

C1lykjww oYou've served me well, my friend. But this is a surprise. Ren. You lied to me.

S8xsr0js o...

Zhrp5jtp oRen? You know this man? Did you tell him where we were?!

Lgjkwhcy oI mean, if she did, I don't think he'd be calling her a liar, now would he?

S8xsr0js o...No. I don't know what Zalmoxis sees in keeping this man as his apostle. Bramimond made his judgement for a reason. Donovan, keep your guard up!

Zhrp5jtp oSo you're the one responsible for my wife's death?!

C1lykjww oThat false idol wasn't your wife. It was Ren's sister.

Lgjkwhcy oOh, all right. I guess that's one mystery out of the way. She didn't seem to react much at all when she saw her sister get clobbered in front of her...

C1lykjww oShe was a pawn of Bramimond's there to trick you in-

Kdnmyuz7 o

Pfft! Did Donnie really try to attack him in the middle of his speech? That's hilarious.

Zhrp5jtp o?! What was that? It's like the Aura Blade went right through him?

S8xsr0js oDonovan! You can't use that weapon against him!

C1lykjww oLet me show you how the real thing wields a blade!

Pnyifira o

8pkscabs oSo many of our allies are dead.

Det8lbw5 o! And that includes Janet... But at least Baine seems to be here? Wait, is he fighting against Ren and Donovan?!

Uvlq3kcu oThat man in armor? Those are Amateran colors. Why do you know him?

Det8lbw5 oHe's helped us numerous times throughout our journey. He wishes to stop Pyron. Why is he here now?

8pkscabs oIt looks like he's about to fight with Donovan.

Vhfxzqd0 oDonovan? You mean my father?!

Gr4t50qr oEman40eu o7eixki1o o

So he does. He only gets one shot in. So far it seems like Don's got a pretty good chance.

Zax9qfkj o

Also, the game immediately forgets all that "the sword went through him!" nonsense and Donovan damages Baine just fine. 'Kay then.

46d5uyku o

And then Don got hit critically. Why didn't you ever get any crits like this when you were fighting on our side, Baine, you asshole?

Mujlgyck o
Tqemocvq o

Holy shit, that's another one gone.

S8xsr0js o...Are you happy now?

C1lykjww oNow that my sword is back in my hand, I could not be happier.

Lgjkwhcy o"His sword"? "The real thing"? Is this guy actually...?

C1lykjww oBut as I said before, you lied to me, didn't you Ren?

S8xsr0js o...Bramimond didn't trust you! Did you really think I would?!

C1lykjww oI had thought we were good friends after our many conversations with each other. Though I guess my rejecting of your advances didn't help me.

Lgjkwhcy oErgh... Is this really what this is all gonna boil down to?

S8xsr0js oI exist in all my being to help Bramimond and Zalmoxis. I'm putting an end to this. Apostles should not war with each other!

W9dcnvk5 o

Nice. Fuckin' beautiful. She says that and immediately she tries to barbeque him.

5ydgvhza o

And fails miserably, I might add.

Aiafnvgo oEhmtn5td oRou7vps7 oAltznkir o

The true Donovan then uses his fancy new looks (I'm guessing he was wearing the Baine armor over his regular armor? Why...?) to obliterate Ren.

Rop94ey4 o

C1lykjww oduring the ritual to turn me into an Apostle of his, Bramimond cloned me. All to test a magical theory of his in an attempt to trick my family in Ryu. But this clone's memories were incomplete. And your apparent sister had to serve as an anchor for his fragile mind.

Cavjzlu3 oAnd thus, his plan to take over Ryu for himself failed.

C1lykjww oZalmoxis has no interest in ruling over humanity. He made me an apostle because our goals of killing Pyron aligned. When Pyron is out of his way, he will go back to rest. Bramimond's ambitions in this world are of no concern to him. However, I'd be lying if I said I don't feel a sense of personal anger about this. You got close to me to prevent me from finding this clone, didn't you, Ren?

I77sarqr o

Aaaand there goes yet another one. If you're thinking that this is getting a bit convoluted, hold that thought. It gets worse.

Nvwludtk o

Vhfxzqd0 oFather... for so long I've wanted to see you again, and yet...

C1lykjww oBlue hair... so you're Daedalus and not Derek?

Vhfxzqd0 oYou know my name, cur?!

D917y3su o

And now he's just quickly stripped off another layer of armor, to reveal his completely different attire underneath. Okay. At any rate, that's the real Donovan. He certainly looks a lot closer to his CT counterpart than the clone.

Det8lbw5 oThat hair...

Vhfxzqd0 o?! It can't be... are you...?

Eanpjtqp oMy name was once Donovan. Though my life is no longer my own. I am no longer that hero, but am now Baine, the apostle of Zalmoxis. I am no different from Bramimond, another apostle of his.

Det8lbw5 oApostle of Zalmoxis? Like Bramimond? What is the meaning of this? If Bramimond is your ally, why would you fight and kill Ren?!

Lgjkwhcy oHey, Astrea... Look, I know you're kinda distraught because Ren was your old friend and all, but she kinda attacked him first.

Eanpjtqp oBramimond cloned me to create that fake. And Ren got in my way of destroying it. He wanted to use it to take root and control over Cyra. Bramimond is one of the apostles of Zalmoxis with freedom to operate outside our home in Cyra. The other is a man you know well. That is Garrison.

Det8lbw5 oGarrison works for Zalmoxis?

Eanpjtqp oCorrect. Originally, Garrison and his wife were the apostles here in Merv.

1bhxchnr o

Det8lbw5 oHold on. Are you saying my father is still alive?

Eanpjtqp oYes. Garrison still needed someone to help with his job in Merv. Garrison was to take action should Pyron revive. He also monitored those like Gill who would pose a threat to Zalmoxis.

Det8lbw5 oWhy Gill?

Eanpjtqp oGill is the most dangerous mortal to ever live. He mastered Mila's resurrection spell and held two of her fragments. Zalmoxis feared what would happen if he became too strong. That's why Pyron keeps him so close by and why Bramimond helped me kill him during the World War.

Det8lbw5 o...Why tell us this?

Eanpjtqp oSo that you understand my actions. Do with this knowledge what you will.

Svqx55et o

Eanpjtqp oAt that time, I will leave the choice to ally with or against him to you.

Det8lbw5 oAre we not already allied with him if Garrison is fighting with us?

Eanpjtqp oAt Zalmoxis's command, Garrison would betray you all instantly.

9qk5ifz8 o Oof... Well, that's a shame. Let's introduce him to Kirin! Again, I mean. Properly, this time.

Eanpjtqp oGods are emotionless without a fragment of Mila. Self preservation is his highest priority. Humans that can rise up and defeat a god are a threat to him. And at this moment, Pyron is intent on creating such a threat, like Gill.

Vhfxzqd0 o! For his goal to evolve humanity!

Tvhvj8kx o

Eanpjtqp oHis goal is for humans to no longer need the gods. But war and battle are the only way he knows how to accomplish that.

Eanpjtqp o...Zalmoxis is calling. I must return to his side. Though before I go... Daedalus. I am bound to Zalmoxis and must always follow his will. Though the spell on me is weaker than the others giving me some freedom, I cannot face your mother or Janet at this time. Forgive me.

Vhsdq5ah o

Det8lbw5 oSo that's the real Donovan? Zalmoxis, Father, and Garrison... I need to talk to Mother about Father's betrayal again. All of a sudden, some actions of his and Garrison's are making more sense.

Lgjkwhcy oI'm glad they do to you, Astrea. In summary, this is everything we've just learned: The god Zalmoxis wants to beat up Pyron because Pyron wants humanity to surpass the gods, while Zalmoxis wants them to stay down. To that end, he has apostles that do his bidding. Donovan is one of them, against his will. Bramimond cloned him, his plan being to use the clone to manipulate the Ryu royals so he could rule their country through the clone. So that confirms that he's an evil bastard, if it wasn't clear enough. Also, Garrison's wife was murdered by Astrea's father, and his first instinct was to just go "meh, whatever" and have Paris replace her, faking his death to keep up appearances. So he's bad too. And now everyone has died and we're left in a rather awkward spot. Nice.

Zj3o8tlz o

I'm gonna be honest, I forgot you were here.

Ldvyormr oWell, he paid me for my work, so I guess I'll go drink now.

A79pjk0n o
Axd2j3b4 o

Pfffthahahaha... And as if this whole shit wasn't convoluted enough, now we've got random-ass revivals.

Qy9twrpa oWhy would that man rely on something like you?

Ipbxpkve o
P1d5f6qs o

...Is that...?

Oh my God he's achieved maximum buff.

Well, we're all screwed.

Vz9beugc o

My first time around I was a bit confused as to what was going on there, because the Bandit King never shows up again. Blademaster told me that this is supposed to mirror the scene way back in chapter 1, when Kuroth similarly arrived to have "a pleasant parley" with that guy Gustav and ended up murdering him. So yeah. The rando with no name is dead too. Hoo wee, that kill count's gonna look like my FE6 kill count at the rate we're going...

As for why Beige has been revived... honestly, I have no fucking clue. He does absolutely nothing. Blademaster did it because he could, and that's about it. I'll keep him in the Blademaster kill count because he still died, it's just been undone.

Fllgavyb o

Brave bow. Brave bow I can understand.

Well, that was... certainly a chapter. I cannot say it went well, because I lost the lords twice like a complete moron. Thanks a lot, brain. Urgh... well, hopefully the next map will go better. There'll be less factions, but... funnily enough, more bosses to deal with. Until then... Ahh, I don't feel like coming up with a fancy farewell. So just farewell. Till then!


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 6 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 2, Elliot: 2)


Current perfect streak: Nice I've already got more resets than proper deaths fuck my life

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 9 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
                                             The one green dragon

Bandit King guy


BONUS: Game over if we run out of time.

Xpxkmqzh oAlice, dire report! The other team failed in their mission! The enemies remaining forces are on their way!

8pkscabs oSo the great hero failed, did he? Heh, guess this is the end.

If Gintoki is still alive when the map ends:

Paliroj6 oRonald is dead? Men! Retreat! We have nothing to gain here anymore. If we are to battle Propater another time, so be it. For today, Conway and Ronald being dead is enough.

Gintoki's quotes.

Paliroj6 oI am Gintoki, leader of Nomad, owner of the Emblem Bow. Prepare to die.


Paliroj6 oElliot! Prepare to go join your wife!

Uvlq3kcu oKaze... I do this for you!

Conway's quote with Katherin.

Zbaaezxw oConway. How I've waited for this day!

Devtiue9 oThere's something different about this one... Could this be another one of his descendants?!

Sabaktes's quote with Oreades.

Rhwpieis oI don't know what god was thinking when they made you.

Chiohw7w oBrother, you greet me, but have no juna fruit wine? This is a terrible reunion.

Some quotes for Ronald.

Tqdzqzh8 oLady Lila? You betray us?!

Ozmotv0w oEwww. I can't even look at you. Please die. Now!


Tqdzqzh8 oElliot?!?! No, no, NO! Albert, save me!

Uvlq3kcu oCoward. You bring shame to everyone around you!

I love how he calls for the guy who's been dead for like 18 maps to save his sorry behind.

Alice's support with Ulysses.

3qv3zk51 oCaptain Alice! I'm glad that we're able to fight together again after so long!

8pkscabs oUlysses. What have I told you to call me when we're alone?

3qv3zk51 oAh, yes. A thousand pardons, Mistress.

8pkscabs oGood boy. I'll be counting on you yet again tonight and in this battle.

Hahahah... Okay, look, I just like how blunt this support is. No pussyfooting around the issue. You'd expect the B and A supports to be extremely weird, but... no, actually, they just discuss how the battles are getting more difficult and how they'll stay together after the war. Huh. What a wholesome little relationship these two have.

























7kzyqrxv o
Cm2i94tb o
5oud41mw o
Rvm1yx2p o
Kdyly6ph o
Duqcogwh o
8zrzfqbp o
8pwe0qei o
Khkbjqqo o
Hzbdybne o
Tovlna5u o
Rj6ndki4 o
Jhwumtpi o
Mmsgegw0 o
Cfpr1jeb o
Urgskion o
Scfka1gn o
9xbmsubg o
Yjq2mj0z o
Ujpo1z0a o
Pteutgdr o
3nxiv5u6 o
Demja7x2 o
Sdnslrff o
Gp7b5pz8 o
Knl0umh5 o
8e02fqv3 o
Ix2vrcyd o
Povxjt6s o
Fclj4kp6 o
Glgzt7qv o
6rntlid0 o
Xrm6ess0 o
Idiheaiq o
Uv6nlkkp o
Xvef4ges o
Xdt3osn2 o
Hdvsafax o
Tjp7mbxz o
7oupucak o
0c0j4nui o
7t8rdeo3 o
Jnqboc2p o
29byc7d0 o
Hwplj7sz o
Vbuxupus o
1iomlexj o
Ybpmnihb o
Qgm0s4fb o



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Part 23 - Buff girl.

We'll be done soon:



Oh dear:

Cqasi6wg o

It's actually not as much of a march as the Larry chapter. Or the next one.

Next map is the worst map in SGW, by the way. Also the only one I'd really call "bad." Now that's gonna be fun.

Btugkk12 o

We find the remaining Amaterans standing in a fancy formatoin. You think Pyron took the time to force everyone to position perfectly for the sake of flair?

Dfujsrf4 o

God lets us know that there has been a timeskip.

Sohhhqk8 oIn normal military terms, this would be quite the disaster.

Adpsh5xn oIn the time they've spent bringing the remains of Amatera under control, we were able to retreat here. And upon arrival, we learn that Lars is dead too.

Blcpljub o

Adpsh5xn oZalmoxis has long planned for my revival, and his efforts have shown. His interference makes me question how much of a role humanity actually played.

Sohhhqk8 oOur forces are already under attack by Garrison. I would say I am partly to blame for this situation as well. I failed to control Rody, and he eliminated what was left of the Assassins Guild.

Adpsh5xn oHaving his power is still comforting. Not many are as strong as he. He is perfect for the world I envision.

Lgjkwhcy o What a crap world it is, then...

Adpsh5xn oBut for now, let us see how our remaining commanders rally our troops.

Zsxru7w8 o
Mo6b4m6i o

I'm glad Evil Moulder has made it this far.

Oeel1c86 oToday, we gather for a sad occasion. We must defend our one true lord from harm. The blasphemous Space God, Zalmoxis, seeks to destroy our light, the Sun God Pyron. For these past years, we have trained just for this very battle. But to see it arrive brings pain to my, no, OUR hearts all the same. My children and I have long worked on a project in line with Pyron's dream.

8zuylpyf o

Oeel1c86 oAnd in trying to accomplish that, my children and I, much like Pyron's, have successfully finished that. Thanks to Kuroth's efforts, and two god fragments, he is here! It is the last gift of my children, of those that took their place, and of those that left and betrayed me in the end. Soon, he shall take the stage. And mark my words.

Nacshogn o

I still find it hilarious that the guy called Og turned out to be one of the most major characters in the story.

1xecsoic o
Vhkybs8i o

These two are still around. Standing next to the likes of Pyron, Evil Moulder, Gill and Rody, they feel... oddly normal.

Sbva34pn oAmatera, then the church, then Rody and Gill, and finally Pyron himself. Why Pyron chose to let that idiot guard our last line of defense is beyond me.

Ksrgpqa5 oAnd that he's being given a chance to speak before our troops is stunning as well. Maybe he'll be able to rally the dragon and monster troops to battle.

R4bailgo o

Hoo, boy. This is gonna be interesting, if nothing else.

Czbo5lzf o

D07i6x5j oThose filthy, shitty humans forgot how weak and powerless they are and dishonored me. As an early reminder, I removed the trash here that dared to fight with us. Having such filth around would just be an unnecessary distraction. Regardless, as you all know, I hate violence and death with all my being.

Txzubig9 o Pfft- What!? Did he seriously just say that...? Ahahahahah...! What a funnyman you are, Rody...

D07i6x5j oTo kill another living creature takes a toll on one's mind that will never go away. It is because of such burdens that I have become the acolyte of peace I am now. Thankfully, we can take solace in the fact that we won't be killing anyone today.

J5xp7pp5 o

D07i6x5j oFester for too long, I might add. Friends, the name of the game today is genocide. By day's end, no human shall be left. And after that, the gods are next. Dragonkin will rule this land once again. And the sin that is humanity shall never return.

Fvf7gscy o

Bwahahahahahah... Everyone picks on Rody. Poor guy.

Ksrgpqa5 oEven if we stop Zalmoxis, we'll have to deal with Rody afterwards, won't we?

Sbva34pn o...I don't plan to die today. I've never lost a battle before. I intend to make sure today is no different.

Ksrgpqa5 oI can't say the same. I already gave my fragment of Naga to Gill.

Sbva34pn oWell, such power would indeed better serve him right now.

Uozbhw4o o

That was it for our check-in on the remaining foes.

Kj6bjqko oY3mxwaoj o6cfbygoa oVrz1xw82 o

Uh, interesting interaction.

Gariqpye oPiwe8jrf o

Oh, dear. I mean, this'd be worrisome if this wasn't an easy map.

Ayhfchpc o

We're here!

Y5j7dsai o

And hey, it's another two NPCs that have survived without turning traitor.

Lzhmf5wd oThat worked out better for me! I finally feel at 100% again!

Eqjkhh5d oI'm glad that we can join your side at last, Astrea. That it comes right after my husband has at last been avenged... I'm glad we could spend this time getting all our thoughts in  order.

Det8lbw5 oAfter hearing Donovan's story, and thinking over Garrison's past actions, I couldn't bring myself to rush to Garrison's side.

Afwmuhrk o

Vhfxzqd0 oWe were able to subjugate almost all of Merv and Amatera during that time, but we heard little from Garrison. And after what you and Alice told us...

8pkscabs oYes. The story of my husband's betrayal.

Lgjkwhcy o I thought you never married him, though...?

8pkscabs oThe clearest sign of Garrison's failings. It was on Garrison's orders that he went to reinforce his wife's unit. After she was injured, I think  Garrison viewed her as a liability moving forward. That's why he picked Paris to lead that charge. To replace her.

Det8lbw5 oAnd Garrison always took extra care of me once he found out I had this bracelet. He was always interested in how I had gotten it, but I was a bit... well, embarrassed to say I got it from a boy back then. And yet, he personally trained me in tactics from that day forward, and put a great deal of trust in me as a result. It's likely the reason he personally went to save me when I was captured.

Sqdgk1wk o

??? Ah, so you've figured it out at long last, have you? Remmy, warp those three over here.

Qe2l7ydg o

Oh shit!

Plpvmdpf o

That looks to be Remmy, Bramimond, Garrison, and... wait, who's that other guy?

Tyztnmd5 o

Uvlq3kcu oGive me one reason I shouldn't kill you right this instant.

H7ggcm1g oBecause you are surrounded by Pyron and Zalmoxis's troops. And for now, the enemy of your enemy is your friend, yes?

Uvlq3kcu oI use a more progressive definition of friend.

Pkchoemn o

4aytmmnx oDuring Zalmoxis's test.

Det8lbw5 oIs he here too?

H7ggcm1g oHe, along with the other apostles, are(sic) already inside the ruins. We had hoped to make one of the fragment wielders the last apostle of Zalmoxis so that we may have eight of us again, but that was too much to hope for. What a failure you are, girl. Why can't you be more like Ben here?

Det8lbw5 oBen?!

Sbognikc o

Oh, shit! It's you! We haven't seen you since way back in chapter 5! You look... changed.

Jcbd4ptn oI even took some of the gigantism serum... and look at me. Look at me. LOOK AT ME NOW!

Uedfz3v4 o You sound changed, as well...

Jcbd4ptn oNever! Never in my wildest dreams did I conceive this! My power is overflowing! Beige and Mikey seem like ants compared to before!

Det8lbw5 oSo you were behind our kidnapping as well, Garrison?!

H7ggcm1g oI merely took advantage of the chaos that Kuroth created. I knew I wasn't going to be able to save you without canceling the operation.

Pauaqqbe o

Iear51dw oShould I kill you in Baine's place for killing Ren and my newest toy?

Lgjkwhcy o "You have wronged us as of late too, Baine killed Ren and the clone of Donovan without you having even the slighest involvement."

Vhfxzqd0 o...Bramimond.

Det8lbw5 oGuess we shouldn't be surprised to see you here.

H7ggcm1g oEnough. Astrea, help us defeat this misguided scum. Aid us properly, and we will judge you worthy of mercy.

Ja5zloaq o

Hah! Semi title drop? Sure, why not!

H7ggcm1g oOur forces inside can only handle so much more fighting, so for now, think of yourselves no longer as members of Propater, but as fighters in Zalmoxis's world preservation army.

9qk5ifz8 o How about neither? We can give ourselves our own name, like... Kirin's Worshippers. Yeah. Sounds good.

Det8lbw5 oDoesn't seem we have much choice.

Uvlq3kcu oAnd this battle won't be one we can play around in. The commander of these troops is Kal. He is the greatest warrior in Amatera. Even my skills pale in comparison to him.

Lgjkwhcy oYour skills pale in comparison to a lot of people, up to and including generics. Seriously, your speed is so fucking shitty.

Vhfxzqd0 oSo be it. Let's wrap this up and regroup with everyone else.

Xxtz14nv o
Z3g1dphz o

Oh hey, it's you two. If you've forgotten them (would be fair enough, we've only seen them once), these are the leaders of the Orca Pirates. They're just... sorta chilling here.

Qfvr4say oIndeed. The Emblem Axe has taken us this far, but no further. We will die today. But, it was a life worth living. I could think of no one else I would have rather spent it with.

Wzxo6vxw oMe too, my love.

Q9dfusbx o
Zafdv8cx o

Meteor lady is also here. This is the last time we will fight her.

Fd20w0ak oSo Elliot is among my enemies this time, huh? (Even after so long, with Larry dead... do I have to fight him? I...)

Ksrgpqa5 oThese apostles are no joke. Only four of them and some weaker troops, and they're all almost as strong as Garrison at least.

Sbva34pn oOne on one, only Froid and myself can last a few minutes. Zalmoxis and Propater at our front. Rody at our backs.

Kvulxvea o

Ksrgpqa5 oOnly one way to find out, my friend.

S4gdytoi o
Ti0hxxcq o

Finally, here's... Dullahan! Hell yeah, Dullahan! You don't remember Dullahan? How can that be? He had such a memorable introduction!

On 4/29/2021 at 9:58 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
8znfwzg9 o
Rftvgnky o

Hello there, person.

Fd20w0ak oAnd just when things started to get fun, we have to let the cannon fodder get the first move.

U4m5ackz oIt would be best if we could have some good news for when the king comes. We have word he's on his way.

Fd20w0ak oPyron himself, eh? I've never seen him fight before. I wonder what his and Zypher's fighting style is really like...

9qk5ifz8 o How's that for a character introduction? Try not to forget this guy's face, because he won't appear again in like, another 12 maps.

U4m5ackz oI wonder how my former pupil has grown after all these years. What to do, what to do... Zypher, why did you have to die? Is there even a way for your bloodline to continue?

9qk5ifz8 oYeah, Georgio's still alive-- Ooohhh, he doesn't know we spared him, does he... I see where this is going.

U4m5ackz oIf only I knew what to do.

Rknmobhf o

I have decided to give this spirit dust to Kirin. The reason being, all of our magical units either have a fuckton of magic or so little that this wouldn't make even the slightest difference (Ryan), so... I mean, might as well give it to Kirin so she can get more green numbers. Look at that shit. Max con, res, luck, speed and magic. Holy fucking shit. I doubt she'll reach strength, and HP, skill, defense and move will be impossible, but... I am very happy still.

Kjivnv0d oCasvgnwz o

Kenton hits the bench just for today, because we've no room and he has no supports to obtain. He'll return next chapter and stay the rest of the game, rest assured.

V6kayark o

Ysj3dxgb oEcxanpr9 o1swzuttc oF3uudj1h o

Today is a bit of a breather map before we start the final stretch. We get the final four temp units in the game, which was a relatively recent addition. They used to be stationary green units. With them being able to move, the map's already shaky difficulty was kinda cleaved in half. There's not really much to say. The upper team will make their way through the last of the Orca pirates, reunite with the three lords, and then together we'll pierce through to Kal so we can seize. The volcano is just an aesthetic, there's no annoying fire traps.

Vyrn9hki oLxpj34qe oZ8mz5fg2 oJyver7vw oJ3cupuiw o

We've got new units. First, Kat. Kat is Katherin without requiring that you waste hundreds of experience training her to this level of mediocrity. If you lost all of the Alesters, she can pitch in with the dragonbane, but she's pretty unremarkable.

- Astra.

- Vantage.

- Bracing Stance: 4 defense and resistance when foe initiates battle. It's okay-ish I guess.

- Lily's poise: Adjacent allies receive 1 damage and -3 damage taken. Another okay-ish skill.

So yeah. Not really much else to say. She's a crutch prepromote swordmaster that can be a decent asset, but... there's really nothing much to her, to be honest.

J7uekymw oYzse16pi oXk6fillt oClmqwwp4 oYit1cwcc o

At first glance you look at Barry and go "oh, now that's cute, a unit with 9 speed in the lategame." Then you realize he has:

- Wary Fighter: Unit cannot double or be doubled.

And that's it, really. He has other skills, but they don't really matter. He also has no growths and overall really bad, Daedalus-esque stats. Barry is Wary Fighter/10. He stops people with the power of never getting doubled. That's all he does, really. Funny concept, but he arrives so late and this game pours powerful Gotohs on you like there's no tomorrow, so... 

1e9titsa oGjmqcxqt oK9opsxjh oFwpsl15h o

As for the guests, here they are. Starting with Garrison, who is amazing. Can I get him instead of that runt Daedalus? Pretty please? He even has Tower Shield+, in its only playable appearance. Wow.

Sczlu8be oHzlmv6ti o7v2d59ql oJsy3ec8d o

Bramimond has the honor of being one of the only two guest units in this game that returns. He has powered up since we last saw him. He's not quite as useless now, but he's still the second-weakest of the apostles. Still, capped magic will allow him to do some healing if we need him to.

2ip8lgus oL8sb9vhc oAxpnwlnx oJykwdyuo o

Remmy is like Bramimond but worse. I do like that she has max strength and the best strength-based tome. It's cute. She's a pretty worthless healer, though, and her shitty defense makes her the worst of the apostles. You could say among them, she ranks last. It's funny because "ultima" in Spanish means "last."

Nuaefn0a oPa6hcthn oBmwd6abk oTjxgwqeo o

As for Ben, his skills grant him over 100 crit on player phase. He and Garrison are the best of these mooks, to be honest. I like his list of likes and dislikes, too. Reminds me of Owen.

Rjttwjpp o

To start today, we've got two supports to get.

T5kcwfit oI don't feel anything.

Tukb8mgw oThen it worked! Great! No more pain!

T5kcwfit oNo, you don't understand. I don't feel anything at all. It's dangerous for me to even be fighting in my current state. If I can't feel pain, how do I know when to stop?

Tukb8mgw oUm, the point is that you aren't supposed to feel any pain. That's a good thing. That means that it worked. Yay!

T5kcwfit o...You're my sister's daughter, alright.

2sdvmjm8 o

I think Mirielle murdered him and we're currently controlling a ghost.

Too bad.

9qtu32ba o

E9kjhydh oIf you are not feeling well, you should leave the heavy lifting to me.

T5kcwfit oNo... I can keep going. I know my body better than anyone. I know that it isn't my time just yet.

Mfmktp39 o

...Wha-- What do you mean, support lv. increased?! That's it!?

Well, yeah. This game's supports are a bit hit-or-miss like that. Their A is far better, though, I promise.

Hoh1xr9s o

All right, let us begin properly.

Xcznacla oZtz8q3yb o

Good way to get us started, Evan!

Sg54mogt oHki5n1fk oPkqdkwtc o

You too, Lex!

Z4jzftvr oDfem3pow o

That'll be a kill for Alice.

2ppob6yn oDhurqucb o

Better not let that reach her, though, she'd crumble to dust.

3q0ocrzo o

It was at this point that I finally realized why I couldn't get her supports with Relina: Relina's B is taken by Clint. Of course. Oh, well, B with Astrea is not that bad. I just want to be one of two people who have ever used Alice, okay?

9bxiq8im o

Protect your mother, girl!

Uov3hsza oYi1lz7fx o

Eren, you take on this enemy!

Yehjqeqb o

Gotta say, I am not very happy with Eren in this run. In all my past ones he always did a better job than this. Even leaving aside the movement fiasco, this is an extremely underwhelming Eren. And with no supports to speak of, he might just hit the bench next chapter, considering a certain unit that joins then... Oh, well. No hard feelings. I'm a bit disappointed, but well, can't win 'em all.

Mmqa1rro o

Move out of the way, friend.

1vh9oi5d o

This is your daily reminder that Kirin is the best thing to have happened to us.

Up4c2mr7 oVmrfug5d o

But first, the second best thing has to move forth and support her. To increase her odds of dodging, mostly.

Cjnubzrn oTihceg5o o

At this point I'm just trying to grind her axe rank. She doesn't even need it, Chrysler's titanic defense can make better use of the Helswath. Seriously, he has 40 defense with it, nothing can get through him. Kirin's lesser defenses aren't as well suited for it. I just want Kirin with triple S ranks. It sounds too good to resist.

Zpu8ykcj oTzom1s1o o

Clint will stand there and lure Erika closer.

Xdiirgsh oYcczgm20 oYopzehel o

Down here, some shit happens.

X15zksiy o

Including more text.

8s9bvrpq o

I like how he say sthis line that in any other context would be a nice mentor appreciation moment.

Here, though...

H7ggcm1g oYou would make for a great and most welcome apostle of Zalmoxis.

Det8lbw5 oI can't even live in this world without this pendant. You sure I wouldn't be anything but a liability?

H7ggcm1g oWell, we could just find a replacement for you.

Lgjkwhcy o Nice. That's totally the sort of thing you should be telling the person you're trying to recruit.

H7ggcm1g oJust know that Zalmoxis would like to keep fighting with you. Take this as proof of his word.

Jy03isqy o

Master crown, awesome! We're rather starved for those. There's only one, and Mirielle, Kenton and Artemis all need it... I'll have to think on this.

This isn't the only one of these conversations that can be had, by the way. Artemis can speak to Garrison as well, and Ryan has some words for Bramimond. Both convos give rewards as well, so I'll try to get them.

Oxg345d6 o

Garrison and Elliot will frontline.

Jvdudztd o

Hahahahah... Oh, Daedalus. You're such a unit. That I cannot bench.

Otrrwkw6 oLke7acuf oXlzuscdc o

The great "hero" helps him out.

H666qraw o


M8sxlq9b oSpkklhfr o

Not much in the way of damage, but what matters is Alice is safe.

Dxqnfcpq o

Wzxo6vxw oThen, we use our ships to transform the next. And the process will only repeat from there!

Eu1wlbrz oDzqbw74c o0ipd7mzv o

Best of luck with that. Truly.

Gmlprilv oVmv6osxf oThwudv44 oIknhlam3 o

Garrison and Elliot both respond to their attackers with crits.

Utqxi1t3 oJzgrxujs o

Oh no, reinforcements, what a nightmare.

Sdgvw8dl o

Might as well use this chance to give Kat and Barry something to do.

Ofvclq21 oFvsac6tq oFgac9ooj oCycvi8hu o

Not bad, Kat.

Wzlqfpte oRq6uigwo o

And not bad, Barry! I think that's all either of you will do for the rest of the run.

Tm8awrjs oIlw7pgsg oLiusmgwj o

Anyway, let's get to killing some folks with our trained units.

Siy6q8gc o

What the hell kinda pose is that?

J9ytgeoi oKsarute5 oGkm57udc o

So, Erika. These are Erika's stats. She's pretty powerful, and she has all sorts of breaker skills. You should only fight her with lancers.

Ncksefrz oOtsd5fsq o

Or, y'know, Kirin. Kirin works too.

Ddvx4vus oKhmmukok o

Ciao! We barely knew ye.

Tqtyvcgx oGpknnvyy o

If you say so.

Etm6eueh o

Goddamnit, HP only... If you're wondering, the magic level is merely a visual glitch with the strength-magic split patch. Her magic's very much still capped at 26, it just doesn't properly show in the levelling screen.

Wmwxwjtn o

Still not at Helswath level, but she can now use brave axes, a fact that makes me exceedingly happy.

7kqjf1ba o

Also, money.

Gvbhcjn2 oOipmyjao o

All right, let's keep going. First, Alice erases a man.

Rciijz9i oK7n1snz3 o

Chrysler does the same next.

Hjivrsae oPtrxuvus oMcdnmwcm o5yuhtdto o

As well as...

X2xqwnze o


Vgh2dfx0 o

That's it for Erika and her troops. Her husband will fall soon enough.

Fefn1nla oG6crtj4h oLlmtisoe oEkmecuol o

Daedalus continues to desperately attempt to make himself useful.

Vbmonasn o

You know, I just realized if I give him a bit more experience, maybe a boss kill or two, Daedalus will be another candidate for the master crown.

...Yeah, I think Kirin will make better use of the boss kills.

Up1lrvs8 oI4rkuj7g o0ekszjaz o

Ben, eat up this guy.

Bschfke7 oCum3qm2h o

Next, we must open the way to Dullahan for Elliot.

3rrdqtho oAi7rtt6e oXmda8ntu o

Remmy ultimas this guy, too. With this, few enemies will be able to reach Elliot.

Juzx9xmh o

Let's get this done!

I5czalw5 o

U4m5ackz oElliot... you are someone I would like to avoid fighting if possible. But with my orders as they are...

Uvlq3kcu oYour father long served Zypher. I saw Mac's devotion to the old king up close. We fought alongside him at one point. Over 30 years ago now. But Zypher is dead, Dullahan. The burden of your family no longer exists. Unless you wish to say you want to protect Georgio. ...I left him alive just for this.

U4m5ackz oYou spared him... so that I may fight at your side?

Uvlq3kcu oMy gambles have to work out in my favor at some point I would hope.

U4m5ackz oVery well. For Georgio, I will fight alongside you once again, my pupil.

Fjz8uhty oEfh6b4rc o

Painless enough. And since talking is a free action, he gets to blow away this dark flier too!

56fuuy23 oSuojz0hl oDqvz576o oAojmkvld oU3bkfyld o

Remember how Iskander was Elliot 2? Dullahan is Elliot 3, except he flies, which makes him better than both Elliot and Iskander. Other than that, same deal: huge defense, HP and strength, the shittiest HP and... capped res? Is Dullahan a mage killer, actually?

- Mage Slayer: Gain 2 damage and 10 hit when fighting magic units. Well, turns out he really is a mage killer.

- Countermagic: Reflect magic damage. Mage killer! Mage killer!

- Luna. Meh.

At level 27, he gains 4 damage when starting battle.

Dullahan is mage killer/10. He can deliver big hits and fly, and that's about it. Might actually deploy him, seeing how we have no physical fliers. Or... fliers in general. Nina's the only one. Or Artemis, if we promote her. But that's a big if, considering our master crown situation.

0e6tbnn3 o

For now, let's use him to get Elliot to safety. He's in range of two enemies.

7dqtdpa4 oReb49blo o

He can pick up some gear on his way out.

Xmcdsxc6 o


Kqpos2bt o

I had considered this. Don't worry, Remmy is only in range of one enemy.

3i5vx5sd oL72ppfh9 o

A futile effort!

Pa31zzuw o

...You've got to be shitting me. She gets doubled.

U9z4zvpx o

Oh, please...

Rqp018el o

You know what? I think I just realized why I keep getting game overs.

It's because all the game over units also happen to be the worst units I have. Except Astrea, but Astrea's defense is pretty bad, so...

Yeah. Thanks a lot, guys. Totally your fault instead of mine. I am a blameless genius.

F496d6q6 oXlizjghs o

More fucking resets. If it wasn't for them I could actually call this a pretty good Ironman. Way less deaths than usual. You know, if you don't count the one billion times the useless units I'm forced to drag around got shanked.

And Astrea. Astrea was my mistake both times, she's good. But Daedalus and Elliot? It's their fault. I hate them so much.

U5prpnux oQj6rovki o9udxebob oPmgjdyuh o

All right, let's go, let's go, hurry it up. We've places to be.

Qe4ifnwl oThbo2q5n o

I'm cutting to the chase this time. Kirin's going to handle Erika without any further ado.

9clmd79i oBuzoi3u0 oT2bn7maz oJlbpr9wy o

Also, I'm not going to try that. Instead, I perform a wonky rescue-trading chain in order to get her to 100.

Tc3owpbr o

You can call me paranoid. But I'm a paranoid man with a living Artemis.

Lcotngkm o

Who is ready for promotion, I might add.

4foykgtm oCverlrfy oYtuib4jx o

Okay, can we please not get the idiot guests killed this time?

D2telfsr oCnyphjag oBuj64tjf o

I don't know why I even bothered with them. Runesword Astrea, unleashed!

Bjdgzrsf o

This time, Relina is able to kill this guy.

T1khco01 oR8boskev oEosxqluz oH9em46kz o

Haha, what a story Mark.

1a3cwgah o

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... This game really needs to stop rewarding me for getting the game over units killed.

Cuuh5k2t o

Once again, we grow ever closer to Helswath Kirin.

8u8njtso o


Umqgtsl8 o

Sheesh... Shakier hitrates than I'd like, Astrea.

Kzs92fje oXng3d3ux oNfu0cc1i o

Nevermind, you're good.

Rso9efhs oK3zmvdm4 o

Garrison then blasts a valkyrie away and nearly ends a spartan.

R7dcmb27 oXztwuscf o

...Scribe undoes that last thing. Grrr...

Eu8aucxg o

Let's have these dudes do their thing again.

4i1w5gbr o

Might as well let them get a support.

Pwzber35 o

Lzhmf5wd oThere is no better challenge for a warrior like myself!

Eqjkhh5d oAt our age, it's better for us to fight in a more defensive fashion, Father. It amazes me that you can still move as you do at all.

Lzhmf5wd oHa! Never underestimate my youthful soul, Daughter! As I have said countless times, I will live until the end of days!

Eqjkhh5d oIf you insist.

Cpv74nrb o

I'll believe it when I see it, pal.

Dclvgizj o

That's a crit.

Yjzuqzu1 o

And another one! Good work, everyone!

Ri6tzigg o


7ypgnaow o

Good "worth a shot" moment.

Ufa6lx0c o

Oh, Christ.

8hvbwogl oRpkuacfk oKfwsasvb oN2eovh7f o

All right, we've cleared the area again. Now, can we finally be done getting game overs?

Jfyhlhp2 o

Okay, at least Eren hasn't lost the first good level he's ever gotten.

Xkokxwoq o

Healing for best girl.

Jgxpubrh o

Let's get ready for Froid's group. I think Chrysler can do it with his super defense axe.

Oxuxeoky oVh2atftp o9uz9fgmd o

But first, let's bring his support partner closer to him.

1racyoaa o

...Goddamnit, nobody can lift Relina. Seriously!? Relina, of all people!?

5a7cnxlc oP0uhbgzj oZj6qm2et o

All right, Clint can do it.

Mlexcg7l o

Okay, Daedalus. Try not to get an even worse level.

9id1dbal o

You still suck ass.

Mxfjv478 o

Can I keep Garrison instead? I know he's a dickhead, but I'd rather have him than Daedalus.

9ceqqgbd o

Oh, please... Elliot! Now I have to go with the shaky-ass master lance accuracy...

Nfn3ffy4 o

I mean, it worked out in the end, but... fucking hell, these non-Astrea lords. They're a disgrace!

S2ufmxiu o

You're a disgrace too. Everyone is a disgrace except for the units I like.

Dtyyecbe o

I don't know why, but at this point I tried recruiting Dullahan with Astrea.

Vpwnwxpj o

Patience. He can do it next turn.

Rqernnmo oNs59vveo oKo6bizl3 o

I was hoping this'd put him in heal AI, but I was lucky enough that I didn't need it.

J5sutz4s oAxxhmqcf o

All right, time for some more nosferatanking from Astrea.

Qj8kj3xf o

Hoho, and now it's even better! Excellent.

Htviabip oA4vo2pch oBg9avfsq o

What a sad display. Froid, is this really the best troops you could muster?

Urfvutto oRfhaq3o8 o

Astrea would've lost 1 HP from this round. She decided she wasn't going to lay down and take it.

1oiommls o

Oh, fuck off already, Scribe!

9ss5r1kh o

A few of the warriors charged forward after the first one that got obliterated by Chrysler. Froid himself didn't move, though. Let's clean up before we go after him. There's a fair chance that this'll be a kill.

Ommzyeje oPip966zl o

Hah! Fucking A, Alice.

Cyscdqch oFhfgtget oOc1u5uvy o

Chrysler, too, does a thing to the furthest warrior.

Mfifmhto o

Mostly so he can get into position to help Kirin one-round Froid. Because that's what she does.

Aw90kz8g o

Not to worry.

Xlkure2r oMo2xxxt4 oXdzrkezw oAlvuvqzu o

I won't.

Bmf9xvua oXwewqsvl oVwbqjhbj o8qohoxdl o

I like this guy's death quote.

V4jqoi8f o

...What?! Is she going to cap strength too!? Kirin, no! Your strength growth is just 40! I expected you not to do this! You can't...! Kirin, if you get any gooder you'll break space and time!!

X6iaa6ma oHelnqd40 oKzfj1p9x o

Oh, by the way, Froid's stats. The axe doesn't matter.

82b0sdnd o

Heal up! Though I don't think there was a reason to use a physic charge here, nobody was in range of her.

2ndiv4ac oHsys6orl oXc5wlz9h oLvkgcyrq o

And with this, the Orca Pirates are no more. One more faction down. More to go.

Pzfluleu o

Now... we ought to handle this mess here.

Ugosjfel o

First, heal the main tank of the group.

7z32id1m o

Down with the axewoman.

Gmtyt8cl oJr6a2htp o1fjjscxd o

I was going to soften this up for Dullahan, but sure, steal the kill.

W2ikshyr o

At least you suck less than Daedalus. A tiny bit less. Dullahan kinda kicks you out of the park, though. And... Hell, Iskander too, his defense and strength are both higher. Get a grip, Elliot!

Hgzay2oe o

Gasp! The most important skill of all, Nihil! We got this in the bag now...!

H9luiqef oBkvwzpde o

This is the shaky part. I don't think I absolutely need this crit to happen, but it'd certainly be nice.

Oekcsnx3 oIwhkg7a0 oFmeozfxt o

Woo! That's what I like to see, Evan!

Isiykklh o

Dullahan grabs some gear again.

Zx8wtxpe o1k7ozhxy o

Okay done.

Sskchpht oDo83lfji oYcotag0l oV5210zzd o

Elliot gets doubled by the living light blade and then accomplishes nothing because of Scribe. Excellent.

L1alomaq o

Oh no. Reinforcements.

Fey8ivsz o

...Okay, I don't want to handle this with Kirin alone.

Rhqy42sf oOuwuz1qp oDz72skao o

Let's get this sword while we think how to best handle that.

C4mzx5pm oDconm8lk oYtrjxszi oElyoenjn o

This one too. Man, Evan is so much better with this tome than Ryan, I should've given it to him a long time ago.

Cgp1pkry o

Eyyy! Clint's is almost broken, so this is nice.

Z6gmhdvr o

Scribe's close enough. Let's check out his stats.

5jyevoaa o1hys70uf oSwwr39ks o

Scribe is... pretty damn awful, and that's even comparing him to the bosses that have gotten one-rounded by Kirin. He has Celerity and increased staff range, which means his main use is to patch enemies up until he overextends and gets cleaved in half. He even uses the earlygame boss theme, guy's so weak.

Grd0rxl9 oHlugkn4n o

The solution to deal with Scribe is Kirin. I mean, what else?

0nhcpmsm o

I almost forgot to move the old folks.

3wjulkhg oGeewevpz o

Clint comes under attack from the reinforcements.

Xb4jwvlh o

He wins.

Vgivywea oCrrb8shf o

Ah! Okay, I was not expecting that... Don't think it'll be enough to kill Kirin, though.

...Also, didn't Pyron consider the worren a failure? Why does he have some in his army?

Kurdqrks oP0eafomg oY0zb5eko o

...Wow, I miscalculated really hard. Good thing Kirin is so epic!

Kfawtt8a o

Finally, the guy I've been expecting. Another one with his father? It's like... you know how in FE, when they have no idea what sort of character to give to a throwaway, they just make their weapon be their whole character? In SGW, it's Father instead. Everyone's always "my father" this, "my father" that. Enough!

Kgqndvny oSvimv2dg oGiftagjh oEri5deuh o

You're going to die for Amatera and for your father.

Sxi1czws oVjnivxxt o

There we go. Headsplitter!

82wziyf3 o

Head has been split.

Z0v6gjul o

I don't believe it. Kirin's out to get another green stat. She just needs one more point now and she's set.

What kind of a monster is this woman!?

Juenrseq o

I honestly have no idea why Scribe was carrying this.

E3hvguzi oHwdehvqo oAocjlzbf oXkotytad o

Let's get rid of these guys next.

9k9vyydm o

...Well, after we have some conversations.

Cbbgujz3 o

3t4acnv7 oI can't say the same about you right now.

H7ggcm1g oVery well. In case you doubt my feelings, take this. It's quite a potent tome. Its power borders my master's. A master that could become your master too.

3t4acnv7 o...I take no pleasure in this, but I won't turn away new power.

Pngf78be o

I don't know, this guy cared nothing for his own wife's death. What if it's rigged?

Qlssaaxn o

Anyway, this tome remedies Evan's one weakness and boosts his defense further. It's going to him, no questions asked.

Ohtnires oAahvmcse o

Another talk.

06etji8p o

T5kcwfit oMakes my efforts trying to solve Jeff's riddles all those years ago worthless.

Iear51dw oYou had potential, Ryan. Shame you wasted it all on this.

T5kcwfit o! My tome...

Iear51dw oSpace magic though it may be, it is pathetic compared to the real thing. Even my own magic is superior. Use it if you would like. I have no use for the weak soul of a pathetic man like you.

T5kcwfit oHeh, I'm sure. Perhaps you're hoping to squeeze a little more entertainment out of me yet.

6ebifxds o

Well, there it is. The tome that cost Ryan his future.

Dzcc2muy o

It's a less powerful, yet more accurate version of Naglfar without the res boost. It's okay. I think I'll let Ryan keep it. I mean, it is his tome.

Legp43zi oWmj8hau9 oWcmeydfk o

All right, let's finish wiping out these foolish reinforcements.

D1n8bt8f o

Hoho, not bad!

Ri0ebct0 o

Let's not leave it at that, however. Push through!

J2ysflmw oCussl0rk o

Oho, pretty awesome!

Ob8p64px oIhiwn9nr o

Astrea cannot one-round, so might as well hope for a bolt sword crit instead.

Puzlfro0 o

Nope. What a shame.

Thcouahu o

Ah, well, at least this gives Dullahan something to do.

Fxp0xwna o

U4m5ackz oFor what reason do I truly fight?

Rxkfeect o

Good work, man. I actually like your palette quite a bit! It's pretty fancy.

X6kwtbto o0uk8p1fl o

Get back, though. You won't survive in the frontlines.

Enrksu7w o

That works. Only one enemy can reach Astrea.

Db3gt6fv o

That being this enemy. Everyone to the south will suicide on Chrysler.

Ibxrax71 oBrr0f9vs oIshvkkk5 o

We're still well on our way to that speedwing.

Cmtodtp8 oP05nxbey o

Almost one-round and she even dodged one of the strikes. Nice.

0lnvhhkz oCeg7fnjm o9xapgua4 o1ys33rbq o

Then both of these fools get crit by Chrysler. Crit Machine Chrys, they called him.

Fsod93vz o

He just refuses to proc his 20% movement growth. It goes against his ideals to get movement. Christ, Chrissy...

Z5y9w5os o

Well... this map's looking rather empty now.

N5y1wytr oPrm32gin oKup1imr4 oAznusmmb o

Clint kills a sword and obtains it. It's this thing again.

7gxlmnn4 o

This is his reward for his deeds.

Rataerer o

I want to get to that chest down there. Also, kill that worren. To that end, I employ my bullet train.

Ykpw978g oRwaxnp6h o

...Damnit, almost one-shot.

Almost one-shot, guys. Kirin is almost one-shotting things with an axe without supports. Hahahahahah...

A0npykyl oD4ktxu8x o

Of course, with Chrysler nearby, the silver axe's just overkill.

Lgrulsne o


Cun2sb6q o0nuwwxfp o

Lex handles the clean-up back where the rest of the group is.

Jy2rcuht o

You know, I could also promote Lex with that master crown. But that'd be too predictable. Too... usual. No. It won't happen.

D9fnlpkw oNmdidkw4 o

With some rescue-dropping shenanigans, I am able to bring Janet closer to this chest.

Wsptqbil oDo3s85ou oGlwg4j2d oIsinhfnl o

Astrea then rushes forward and slaughters a fire sword, that we then pick up. We still have the one from chapter 2, haha. Such a good weapon.

E57dodqf o

If you're wondering, we're completely safe here. None of the enemies around Kal move, the warriors are too far away, and Hellen has lost her beloved meteor tome.

7p5b5hfv o12kbm3gb o

Hellen is mostly the same as ever. Tons o' power, not much else. She does have the legendary light tome, however. Ivaldi is... pretty damn shitty for a legendary tome, honestly. It's basically just a slightly better aura. And I do mean slightly, the def bonus is exactly the same, and that's the one Kirin needs. Still, she's so epic that she doesn't really need much more.

...Though it'd still be amazing if I could have her use Helswath.

Izu1flvl o

We're getting there.

Rbjrlhwo oDvofz134 oYgrpebml o

Neat axe animations.

Eqxwwizf o


3vsgco6x oMfax1wtn o

And that's already a new turn. Janet and Joanne plunder another axe for Kirin and an angelic robe for...


Rahuqyky oCjobyk2u oKbqrr6xe o

Aaaand that's it. You can tell we're approaching the end of this map.

W0xsbgwy oKsqppiwg o

Astrea gets hit by a low chance and then fails to kill. It's okay.

Ledpd7dn oByycd1bm oOtolvuik o

...Very okay, very okay. That was three healers on the one warrior, but very okay. Extremely okay.

G5z7tb39 o

Oh no, knights.

Debwk2c5 o

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Daedalus, a useful unit! I swear, Katherin did more shit in the first five chapters than this asshole has in all of his existence...

Ft67qr28 oP8f38okf oJexgfxb0 oF57ijjea o

You do it instead, Dullahan. I'm pretty sure two people have used Dullahan before. Maybe I can be the third. We have no fliers anyway.

Sogcjabm oQqun4hyt o

Alice is just a nuke. I like her.

Uqdica5y o1rcrhxpn oKsvvp8qr oW5ygnd4d o

Kirin is a nuke too. I love her.

Akqn5e1e o

Oohh, there's Hellen's meteor tome. Maybe we can give it back to her. Or at least give her back the meteors.

Cq1l1xqo oRqdqhexk o

Time for some frontlining by Chrysler.

S7yvsgl1 oQzjxv8si oVfpdawdu oH7nx77ve o

Pffft. This guy. Thanks a lot, RD-style glorified instakills.

X11zvuqy oFueus4eh o

Time to capture some bishops.

Egvxxvtw o

If you're worried, don't be. Kal has no range.

Yn1q6oj1 oPudczmky oX2zemvrx o

Of course, he also has Tower Shield+, so he's not defenseless. He has funnynumber HP and good stats overall, but... Eeeeehhh he's not the toughest opponent we've faced. Honestly, everyone here was basically cannon fodder. That's why they were set as the first line of defense, I suppose.

Jfpvxku4 oZ0g56sl7 oAjmtic2w o5xjfqang o

Of course, that gives me plenty of opportunity to capture bishops for their physics. Or, y'know, kill one of them for no reason whatsoever. That works too.

Ukxhebpb oKd25c8l4 o

Very well. It's time.

Bhqbc2e5 oYodgs3g8 o

Let's begin with a tussle between knights.

Azdijoz3 o

Eyyy, they both use the same palette! Mirror match!

Sbva34pn othen I will give this battle my all!

Lc8d8txd oQcd0xu8s o

Eren looks to be losing at first...

Ry8jt6fs oAfpb7xey o

But then, he pulls out the crits!

R73aqe57 o

He's able to just barely end on a tie.

And then Kirin does what Kirin does and it's over.

...But you know what? I want as high a chance of her capping strength as I can muster. Scroll 'er up!

Nqaachqz o

Except the only other strength scroll is on Relina, all the way up here. And they have magical reinforcements all up in their faces, so I can't exactly afford to wait for them...

Eqorjpjt o

...Or, wait, I can. I have a dragon vein, hah!

Cyfte6pk o6lacietk oUnkl4dii oKt6ozydf o09cjqyxq oSgogxzto oIywdp1sk oAqxw6czx o

Super trading chain, activated!

Hrjdfewp oCxpzolwd oIlltfl6r oFsec1cbj o

Now, let's see what manner of level she can give me with all of these growth supplements!

4ycwzd4c o

It looks like it, at least.

Twknvbze o

You know, you gotta love this woman's absolute refusal to get any skill whatsoever.

Wow. Pfffhahahahahahaaaaaa... What a woman, holy shit. That's max strength too... Jesus fucking Christ.

Qim7sgnv o

And she still has three levels to go. She won't be able to cap anything else (even if I do give her that angelic robe, HP isn't maxed at 60 in this game), but... wow. I don't think this is the best unit I've ever had in this game still, but this is definitely way beyond what I ever expected from Kirin. Hahahahahah... And it all started with two movement levels. Man, you better not die now, Kirin! We're so close to the end...! You've only three maps left, you cannot die now!

Eetn7s2z o

I could fight Hellen, but...

J3fm8jfh o

You know what? No. I'm not gonna.

W3rjb2v5 o

Det8lbw5 oGarrison and his comrades retreated further into Elementos.

Uvlq3kcu oSo they've entered the tomb of the gods then?

Vhfxzqd0 oThe final battle draws near. Monsters, dragons, and magic well beyond what we saw in Cyra lie in wait.

Det8lbw5 o...Let's proceed with caution.

Fwg3jznw o

Well, well, well. Hellen. You have survived impossible odds and stand before us now. Alive, and well. What do you have to say for yourself?

Uvlq3kcu oYou wouldn't say anything when we fought before, but now the battle is over. It seems that you have surrendered. What do you mean to do now, Hellen?

Fd20w0ak oI am supposed to be one of the fated. I am meant to die in battle. And yet, here I am. It feels as if I have overcome fate itself.

Uvlq3kcu oIs that so? If you feel that you have not found your place to die yet, then join us. Larry is dead. Lila and I are all that's left of our old group.

Akqctgja o

Fd20w0ak oI don't deserve forgiveness. I will merely take this new life and make the best of it.

Uvlq3kcu oThank you, Hellen. We had our differences in the past, but I'm glad to have you as our ally once again.

Gxnggiby o

And just like that, Hellen turns blue. Yup. We're recruiting this woman. I'm not sure Jenna will be too happy about it, seeing how she was partly responsible for her mother's death. But nobody cares about Jenna. In fact, not just Jenna - Carter has a support with her where he basically just insults the shit out of her, and then they get the most unique paired ending, in which he straight up murders her after the war ends.

Of course, Carter got killed himself, so Hellen gets to live on.

Oh, and for the record, you cannot do the same with Carbos. If Carbos lives up to this point, he just fights us normally. He's an asshole like that.

Ytnphop9 o

Yes you will, you've long since fallen off. I cannot find this scene in the text editor, and I don't feel like transcribing, so if you don't mind, we're just gonna move right on.

Yudjr1sp o9f7uuuho o

Thanks a lot, my man. This will not go to Kirin, but it will go to someone else.

Kqnctdrz o

...Oh, wow. We managed to fill the 150 convoy slots.

Bixz56ze o

Ehhh, we've got another two bolt swords that we won't be able to break anyway. Might as well get rid of this 9 use one.

Well, that went well, except for the part where a game over scrub died and wasted our time. I hate them, I hate all of them. Except Astrea. But the rest all fucking suck. Anyway! It's over. Next time will be a tragic update. Not only do we finally face and defeat the most beautiful man in Chicomoztoc, we will also get the bad SGW map. You'll understand why it is so bad as soon as you lay eyes on it. Oh, well. I hope you fare better than I most likely will while playing it, and as always, see you in the next update, in this very thread! I mean, where else am I gonna go?


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 7 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 2, Elliot: 2, Remmy: 1)


Current perfect streak: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 9 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
                                             The one green dragon

Bandit King guy


BONUS: As usual.

Qfvr4say oNo longer are you my daughter, Nereid. You are just another warrior in my way.

2r3s1rge oFather... farewell.


Wzxo6vxw oOut of my way, traitor.

2r3s1rge oJust when did I lose you, Mother?


Wzxo6vxw oLong time no see, Kat. A shame you will die here.

Eqjkhh5d oIn the past we worked and fought together, but today we are enemies. Funny how the world can work out like that, eh?

In CT these two showed up together. It was also almost impossible to keep Erika alive. So yeah. That's why they have a quote.

U4m5ackz oElliot. I remember the first day I trained you. A student must surpass his master. Otherwise, both are failures at their purpose.

Uvlq3kcu oI've failed at quite a few things as of late. This will merely be another.

I don't know why you would even consider fighting Dullahan with Elliot, but they do have a convo, so...

Also, Dullahan, he hasn't surpassed you. Your stats are all better and you have a flying mount. He sucks.

Fd20w0ak oElliot's forces... What am I...


Fd20w0ak oElliot, after all these years...

Uvlq3kcu o...

You might consider fighting Hellen, I suppose, but the fact that she's stationary without her signature meteor tome and appears doubtful in the cutscene makes it rather clear that she is well on her way to be recruitable.


























Rdjo5ouu o
Yqffjtzc o
3zy5rbez o
Ztfo88vp o
Enfviywg o

J4oi5ofn o

Wyv2rabm o
Ijwzqqcx o
5z3zmcg1 o
Mfkgi2pm o
Hviqqztd o
I31ykpxl o
0musxxmc o
Rdpjwy6d o
72cfaqnx o
X8890g1h o
Jziuvses o




Wxuvezl2 o
Vgdsckdv o
Guzvznqx o
M4dprmjv o
Xqyrg7xy o
Ibfwmht7 o
14cnlebe o
9v4aozbk o
Dh10zahy o
Yp6apkst o
Hxhpglxg o
2tyqrfla o
Lirpchoe o
5i5vvb4s o
Zk464pgk o

Lbhpcfpa o

Kmd2rmwt o
K6tcxyq6 o
Zwbw30ub o
Kcwc9jnq o
Tlbq4vw9 o
N5ocvwdj o
1dzqh36v o
Qpobderg o
Yyaapy9x o
Gvy05lmw o



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Part 24 - Bad map.




You read that right:

Vnocg5lg o

I wish I could say I'm glad we're finally at the Mandrake map, but I can't. This map sucks ass.

...You know, feels a bit weird to shit-talk a game when there's a non-insignificant chance the creator will be reading / be made aware of it. Usually it's old men in Japan that I go after. Meh.

W1rjqvxl o

...Okay, this is different.

Also, "one dead." Yeah, you thought Anna and Jake were safe from Blademaster's habits because they were meta characters that solely existed to break the 4th wall to explain rules and shit? Hell no, Zalmoxis out of nowhere. Jake is now dead. And yeah, he's going on the count.

A9sjs5wu oTook rare weapons. Analyzing. No threat to self. Only one weapon. Threat. Jugdral. Weak. No harm. No fear. Girl. Weak. Will kill. Hmm? You. Mandrake you face. Astrea. Daedalus. Elliot. Jeff. Leo. I need them. Alive. Mandrake. Kill. Arrive. On space he once stood on. Bathe in his blood.

9qk5ifz8 o The goal is arrive, but I think "bathe in his blood" is better. Just saying.

A9sjs5wu oDo my will. Go forth. Soldier of Zalmoxis.

7kgni1pv o

Well, that was a super cool twist on the Anna 'n Jake routine. My regards to Blademaster for this idea. A shame the map is quite the opposite.

Vhfxzqd0 oAnd it's so dark I can't even see what's before me.

Uvlq3kcu oAfter we defeated Kal, Garrison essentially just abandoned us and left.

Lgjkwhcy o Yes, thank you for reminding us of what happened last map.

Det8lbw5 oHe said his forces were engaged in some combat in the ruins. I wonder who he was fighting with?

En0kmo5l o

Badsd2iq o

Oh hey, it's these two. They're finally going to join the team.

Wiwh81gp oZalmoxis considers Leo and I to be traitors to his cause. And of course Pyron hates us because we are trying to kill him too. It cost us our demon kings and our remaining allies, but Leo and I managed to get out of danger once again.

Mbhufq5x oEven after studying with Bramimond and obtaining a fragment of Naga, my inexperience is clear. I let all my allies die. Only people as strong as Jeff and I ultimately survived. And our problems are not over. Mandrake's forces still lurk in the darkness here. And then there's the Emblem Lance user. I think he's easy to deal with, though. He married Ryan's mother, so he can break the spell holding him, along with anyone else who knows him.

Lgjkwhcy oWow, this dialogue is horrible. I'm sorry, but it really is. Way worse than usual. What even was the point of the last hint house? Leo just repeated the hint to recruit this guy!

Mkpn5cuy o

Mbhufq5x oThere are no demon king or gorgon traps, but all kinds of other ones. Notably, warp traps.

Lgjkwhcy oAh, yes. It's that point of SGW where the creator's hard-on for Thracia is entirely detrimental to the game.

Mbhufq5x oOnly the most skilled magic users, like those from Cyra, will be able to avoid their effect. Mages not from Cyra likely aren't familiar with this trap and will be warped. Though in your case, Astrea, a different power protects you. And I'd wager your sister is immune to them as well.

Lgjkwhcy oThis part of the dialogue still feels forced, but it is necessary. It explains Blademaster's desperate attempt to justify putting warp traps in his game. The idea is that you're supposed to trigger them with the immune units to disarm them. It is not enough to salvage the mechanic or the map.

03qn3ygd o

Wlehauo7 o

Ahh, but at least we get to enjoy Evil Moulder's beauty one last time. It's the one good thing going for this map.

Oeel1c86 oI am the pope of Amatera, veteran of the World War, Mandrake. And I have been given the honor of seeing to your deaths today.

Uvlq3kcu oMandrake. What sort of experiments do you have in store for us?

Oeel1c86 oWhy, all kinds of things! Worren, cerberus, cyclopes, sun magic, the works.

9qk5ifz8 o He almost makes it sound like we're going to take a fun tour around a fair. If only.

Uvlq3kcu o...Be on your guard, Astrea. This will not be a normal battle.

Oeel1c86 oCome now! I am in a nostalgic mood with so many of you here.

3xmq3jqg o

This is the second reason this map blows. It's really funny, you're gonna love it.

Oeel1c86 oOf course, there is a bit of a twist in place after all.

Det8lbw5 oOur forces have been split apart, but Leo is with the other party. Perhaps due to my fragment of Pyron, I was instantly able to tell. He is someone we can trust.

Lgjkwhcy oSince when is that one of Pyron's powers? That makes no sense...

Uvlq3kcu oHe certainly is. I recognize him, though he has barely aged. Probably because of Juna Fruit like some of those Cyrans, I'd wager. Either way, he is the son of my old guardian. I'd certainly call him trustworthy.

6k86ibz1 oV3ai9gcc oLsxdu5g1 oObmul6kd o

Today's team. Artemis and Eren hit the bench for now and possibly ever. Lex is out too because he's too good and I already got Alice.

Qabvl6rr o6xtlo7le o5zuecbcv oCbkurspo oZsoegrh3 o

Hellen is with us now. Let's check her out.

Of all these late joiners, Hellen is my favorite, which doesn't necessarily mean she's the best. Hellen brings incredible power countered by low speed, which, like Alice, doesn't affect her as much as it affects the likes of Elliot and Iskander because she can fight from afar. And I mean, really afar. You know how Hellen just loved her meteor tome in her enemy appearances? That still applies. Hellen's best use is to have her stay safely behind, healing and firing meteors at enemies. 30 magic would already make her the best unit to give the meteor tome to, but one of her skills makes it even better:

- Watchful. A side effect of reusing unit data. She still has this, even though it's completely useless on a player unit.

- Nihil. Booooooooooooring.

- Expertise: Take 2x damage from crits instead of 3x. On a unit with 9 defense, this is pretty useless, she's most likely getting one-shot anyway.

- Rightful King: Incredible! A unit with Rightful King that actually has a proc skill to make use of it! Can you believe it?

- Adept: This is the main one. Adept would be mundane enough, usually, but here's the kicker: It makes Hellen the only unit that can potentially "double" with siege tomes. On top of 30 might. Yeah.

Overall, Hellen is a really solid unit that will fit right into any team with her unique niche to double with meteor. Honestly, there's very little reason to give it to someone else. Hellen just makes the best use of it, and with B staves, she can make for a fine backup healer too. Useful unit, and fun too. I quite like her. I'm glad she's joined us completely out of the blue.

Vnhnjszb oDha6teup o

Statboosters. I give the angelic robe to Kirin, because of course, and the speedwing to Dullahan, because he kinda needs it. Kinda. His defense is actually godly enough (unlike Elliot's) that he can tank rather well even with low speed, but it never hurts to have more, and nobody else really needs it.

Sue0j8pd o

I decided to promote Mirielle with the master crown. Kenton gains very little from a tier 3 promo, he can wait a little bit more.

C9ewvxpr o

Mirielle has dyed her hair a darker green. Maybe her new horse just likes it better that way?

Xy1wosge o2xycoslz o

In any case, she gets some stats and swords that she'll never use.

Q9uknqa2 o

Lastly, I purchase two torch staves. We'lll need them. Desperately.

E0q5kyd5 o

Right as we begin, we get another two units.

By the way, yeah, that's Thracia fog. An image that's 75% black would be no fun, so I'll proceed further into the map before making the map.

6mvijdxc oKoobq2x2 oF0aoalj8 oUvarexmh oNcn5br1v o

Leo is basically Hellen but instead of super powerful and doubling with meteors, he's super fast and rallies movement.

- Spur Magic: Adjacent allies deal +4 magic damage. Neat.

- Glacies: More damage if it procs, we know this already.

- Nihil.

- Rally resistance, luck and movement. +1 movement is the most useful thing here, but it's... less amazing than you'd think, seeing how it requires that he keeps up and wastes his turn.

Honestly, I like him less than Hellen. He's good, don't get me wrong, but doubling with meteors is such a hilarious niche to have.

Gsfbt8q7 oUea7yzec oCmiglrb0 oOvtkffsn oIx2q9ct6 o

Jeff is probably the worst of all these lategame joiners. He's just... Kat but without the dragonbane access.

- Dragon Blood, Cunning, Pass, Daunt. We know all of these and I'm sick of going over units we'll never use.

- Killing Machine: Critrate is doubled. Eh. Neat.

- Lifetaker: 25% of Jeff's health is restored after killing an enemy. Meh.

Overall, Jeff is bad.

Vzloiwro o

He is extremely useful, however, since he can open this door so Joanne doesn't have to waste her turn.

Licvmthq o

Immediately we find another one of Blademaster's excuses for the mechanic: A warp staff available right here, next to the newcomer who can use it at base. Leo comes with a rescue, too, so surely he has everything he needs to make the mechanic good?

Nope. This is still GBAFE where staves have range. If you get caught in a trap further into the map, it's fucked.

Trqoyx5r o

Kirin could capture in one round. Because she's Kirin.

Eqy1tcxz oKnzdyg1e oU4aoqgbi o

Still, I'd rather avoid having her take that much damage, so let's just do this instead.

Ho810jn3 o

And now Kenton can capture.

3oyuattq o

Here we go. I totally planned Joanne's inventory so that she'd be able to just barely grab these goodies.

I589r3nw o

Let's get working on making that full map a possibility. Or at least half a map. Honestly, once you see a bit of it, you won't need the full map. Let this statement terrify you as you come to the horrible realization of what Blademaster did here.

V0msqbzc o8isn6g5i o

Ryan drops the cleric from before on his way to support Evan.

Pcpdrzsh oHsdpgjql o

You can guess what is going to happen.

Ha0wv70g o

Indeed, it's mercy. I want that killer axe.

1qlegzyb oAik0kujp o

Like so.

O164kre2 oLdks559o o

Dullahan picks the berserker up. Jeff will use his inventory space to take the goodies next turn.

Gbkaeuov oSrcxnplu o

More light.

Lomn1rwq o

Aaaaaaand s'more.

I think the time has come. Let's see the map.

Xwmlsk78 o
Ydbema8g oF5oh9il4 o

Yeah, I think is enough. Soooooo, look familiar? Remember when I said it feels weird to criticize a guy making a fangame instead of the usual old men in Japan that I deal with? Well, surprise surprise, turns out I was secretly criticizing an old man in Japan all along. Not just any old man in Japan, the Kaga, to boot!

Indeed, it's fucking chapter 24x from Thracia. Almost exact copy, down to the Eyvel chamber and a recruitable sitting in it. Blademaster wanted to put a nice little tribute to his favorite(?) FE in his hack, and so he had the brilliant idea to port the widely-regarded worst map in the game to his own game. Look, I love this game. I think Blademaster did a wonderful job with it. I have almost nothing but praise for it, and I would put it above a good chunk of the official FEs. But this? I have no excuse for this. This map sucks big time in its original game and it sucks big time here. And I don't even think this is the worst map in Thracia. 12x and 22 beat it. But still... of all maps, why this one, Blademaster?

Just because it's a bad map doesn't mean it's as bad as the original one, however. Blademaster did try to improve it, by adding an opening on the left side so the left team doesn't spend the entire map playing catch-up, making the goal arrive so you don't need to get everyone there, allowing you to disable the traps, handing you a free warp and rescue at the start, leaving the warp tiles in the same spots so you can look up a guide and brush off the whole mechanic... But ultimately, this is still a tedious, long-winded map filled with shitty gimmicks that is better off warpskipped. The best way to fix it would've been to just can it and make a new map, but oh well. It is what it is.

Yfkqs1qg oRkeb7ypa o

All right, now that the gig is up, let's get this over with.

1qonujp0 oEjghpanc oZnrqhmk0 o

Here we go!

D0wkr5sn o

Astrea and her mom B.

Ihlltyxr o

...Well, this is going to be awkward.

Det8lbw5 oI thought I did too. Janet? Really? I've never seen her not talk about(sic)... well, I don't even want to say it.

8pkscabs oWell, that's all she is. Talk. I tell her about my stories and she listens.

Det8lbw5 oShe doesn't jump all over them like you do? Really?

8pkscabs oOf course not. She's too vanilla to be like me.

Det8lbw5 oMother...

Uxgo4ysl o

You know what, I think I'm just not going to comment on that. Between the weird phrasing and what I'm pretty sure is a typo, I honestly don't understand half of what's being said there.

Well, other than the fact that apparently Alice jumps on her partners. That's... interesting knowledge, I suppose.

C414sanm o

Speaking of Janet, she dances for Hellen. You think I'm going to pass up on the opportunity to shoot some double meteors? Relegate her to torch duty? Puh-lease.

Vwgxkflw oSitxjzg8 o

Oh hey, it's a cool gem. I usually try to warp in and out quickly to get it. I completely forgot in this run. Thems the breaks. That's okay, there's not much left that's worth buying. Well, there is one thing, but it's like... Meh.

4mtjsoyc o

Also, sun meteors. They have 0 might, but that's still 10 damage that's basically unavoidable. Best tread lightly.

Nssud5ts o

Let's try Hellen out!

Qsysx5xc o

C'mon, c'mon, gimme some adepting!

Vi0nmthx o1yd0g5c1 o

...Never mind, I'm fine with that too.

Opnqkpbv o

More supports. It's time for Hellen and Elliot C.

Vjsguvys o

Uvlq3kcu o...

Fd20w0ak oWhat right do I have to fight against Pyron now after all I've done? I killed many of our previous allies. I didn't save your wife. Why am I here? Why... why did you spare me, Elliot?

Uvlq3kcu oI've seen enough bloodshed for one lifetime, Hellen. I wished I could have saved Larry as well.

Fd20w0ak oBut he would never degrade himself to fight with Donovan's blood again.

Uvlq3kcu oAnd yet he saved the lives of such people with his last actions in life. People can be redeemed if they try. Don't count yourself out yet.

Fd20w0ak oIf you say so...

8jojpkfr o

Short but sweet. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, Hellen's going to be redeemed the second she first procs Adept with meteor on an unfortunate foe.

Giamc3od o

One more. I completely forgot to trigger this one last map. That... might've cost us the A, but that's okay. Hellen can grab it if Dexithea cannot.

Fjiytwei o

Uvlq3kcu oThat's a good question... I originally only used swords. Then I picked up the lance as a sort of homage to my father. In his youth, he only used the sword, and then the lance. He excelled more at the lance and kept with it. After I felt I mastered the lance after ten years of training, I figured my wife had all the bow technique covered. And that's why I picked up the axe. My teachings have helped you, yes?

Ekoa7oty oYes! Even in Propater, no one was as good a teacher as you!

Uvlq3kcu oI see. I'm glad that time we spent training together paid off then.

Fymsmbkr o

You know, Elliot, at some point you could've worked on your crippling case of slowness. Ever considered that?

Bvyc6drh o

Done for now. Bring it on, Amatera!

3sssnxtu oEurwaywa oG0aqkkax o

Hah. Pathetic!

R35pcba9 oHa3fpgwm o

Even more pathetic, somehow.

Ornde9v9 o

...Oh, c'mon.

Rocdniis o


4lkymwaj o

And that's not all, there's another two silence assholes hiding there. This is FE6 levels of annoying status staves!

Lr4nxhll oMk3t4m0e o

Here you go, Jeff. Make yourself useful. Don't forget that this guy is a game over unit. When will the game stop forcing me to drag around bad units that cause game overs?

Pozawzef o

Aaaaaand that's it. This would've been a good time to warp in to steal the gold gem, but oh well.

6rtty20s o

Can this be it?

A6fgtkkn o

C'mon, c'mon...

Dvwjuvw2 o


4m2brqpn o

I love this woman already.

Bbi1b3mb oHgrrbi32 oOyus8akc oYhsysvjg o

Mirielle is not quite as epic, but she does some work at least.

Gkeo1rgo oZi6ic7yo oXj3yamzs o

Clint finishes it.

M56hbqan o

Well, that's close enough, I'd say.

Lvkohuqf oP85letzn oVj1tcj2c o

Instead of trying to go for a two-fer, Hellen instead obliterates this asshole so he cannot keep sniping us.

Rllavwim o

Good girl.

Vl4mcyb6 oTci2dsyk o

This asshole is carrying death itself. This spell used to be a lot more common, but it has since been relegated to the lategame. It's basically just dark sagittae, nothing too noteworthy.

Vw1kxcop o

Still, let's keep our distance.

Njkgug4d o

Ah! An enemy!

3l0sj67j o6tllhdz7 o

I kinda fucked up. Thankfully, this enemy is even slower than Elliot. And also missed.

Ajoxbjos oZixyvsir o

Aaaaaaaaaaand then everything went to shit.

Su2qpkya oVxscrlo0 o

At least you did a good job of dodging. Cool duds!

Njyf9bln o

Put your family's legacy to goo use, Kenton. Everyone knows over 70 crit is really 100 crit.

Pgypduzp oWzzzoejt o


Kb2cip8b o

Ahahahahah... Slow myrmidon! Slow myrmidon!

Hoelwhik oZt3irblm o

Ahahah... God, I love this woman, seriously.

4zlbfass oZflp2dsf oSqcinxhv o

Some staffing.

5ag9luoi o

Hmm... Well, that doesn't look too bad.

Jgidijey o

Let's try this. I'd love to get rid of one of these silence assholes.

8ayulx6z oEwrzeoz9 o


9ykjljwm oDk7bmhyh oYndchxaz o

Much better.

Xxozqjvr o

Well, one silence dick survived, but that's okay. Better than two.

Dzv1fhkj oW5zqkkal o3ikowaer oMwqpuvpj o

Over on this side, we recover from the sleepings.

K8zhzmt0 oFqkh3ipd oGbiitd0q oIln5eupx o

The newly recovered Alice doubles the death guy to, well, death. It's uncommon to see enemies she can double.

Kkdddwgm o

Fucking Christ, Elliot. I mean, he could do this from afar, but...

Oedjp77r oUumjcgyw o

For some reason I felt like putting him in dancer.

9m1t5sdj o9vndtkdb oFwrwsviz oUe9eqdpz o

Astrea charges forward and ends this cyclops.

Liw5mwpx o

Oh, dear.

Fkh2enu5 oXeemkyj6 o

I buff her twice and not once does it occur to me to swap her out to a runesword. Fss...

Vqwjrggd o

The screen darkens for a second, letting us know we've successfully disabled a trap.

49o7y6u6 o7nbvdeeh o

I dance for Hellen again because I love her. She will rain down a meteor on that doggy that... doesn't appear in any of the screenshots.

K8oujztz o

It totally exists, though! Look, right h--


W1syncdh o

Right here!

Cr9nj9hz oEf5btpbf o

Burn, burn till your blood boils and your flesh cooks!

Jmzbhoz4 oYjgkrene o

I took these screenshots to showcase the power of supports. Looking at them now, I realize half of the power difference comes from Mirielle's Blood Tide.

Uegbpzuv o

I give it a shot because she could've procced the RD-style glorified insta-kill.

Tkwa1a5v oLm4jufep oHclqegft oSscloxth o

Seriously, why did I let Astrea frontline without a runesword?

Ftwj5mwu o

Well... okay, sure.

Ezzx9agn oCfoe7ba9 oHgzujkpd o8rvazo5l o

Leo then dances around status staves.

Sf8ifsad o

Oof, so close.

Kdejzmnl o0wzrdlrf o

Nothing we cannot fix.

Tn016of3 o

Can I hope for another adepting, Hellen?

Amu2h0a7 o

Aww. Well, no skin off my back. You'll have more chances.

B46wffeo oKdht7t3f o

A bit late for the RDSGIK. Could've used it just a bit ago.

C3tcnddp oMzoxpnlh o7ubmcobz oNrod5ce7 o

Janet dances for Elliot, just so I can get him out of the way. The crit is a nice bonus.

Kdi4gqj6 oNnftayyh o

The reason being that I wanted to kill this guy.

Ged4h8o0 oFmlwkagy o

With all the mages having used up their turns, Astrea is forced to use this 2-use runesword to heal.

Gitu2j1r oT7wpyyn6 oV3dixwxf o7uqwy2dp o

She procs a skill and heals to full because she's great like that.

R01u2r8l oAuq8zrsx o

Clint finishes the job.

Mooaw4yw o

Good level, Clint!

Zvhqxuow oLdgsndfn oOssfovwv o

This time, I did remember to do the right thing with Astrea.

Rfzjvntj o

...Okay, that's extremely fucking annoying.

3xydhrzg o

And that can kill him. Oh, c'mon...

Inaa7wpn oOq5nweft oP2rbpxwq oHw4qwj18 o

Leo is carrying around FE6's legendary dark tome. I always enjoyed that animation, though the port is a bit wonky.

Rzejarri oWbbbtd7v oHzgunfwe o

Hah, pathetic.

Zggvlt08 o

And now Dullahan can safely do the thing.

O7wvnzqw o

Now, this guy.

Hvckxjrk o83vms2op o47voo09w oYif7xc4o o

...But first, I use Evan to demolish these two assholes. I won't have them taking potshots at my units, no matter how low their damage might be.

Ydeoouiy oAe5hm9ls oX1kobr3j oVzd63esv o

I am still terrified to strategize with Miracle. A part of me is just so scared that it'll randomly stop working for some reason.

Zqowxjnq oVbqoxsrl oJ4dpjzl6 o

Okay, so only that girl there can reach Kirin. Even if there's a mage with increased range in the mist (which I don't think there is, anyway), they won't be able to get through Kirin's resistance. I don't think. This is safe. I'm 87% sure.

Urzdyz1d oOqjbueqz oOouwpclq o

Okay, good. Now, unless an enemy pounces out of the darkness with 9 movement or something silly like that... C'mon, Blademaster wouldn't be that mean, would he? I know he put the worst map from the funny Kaga game in SGW, but he's still not the man himself...

5btsdtgs o

Wha... wait, did an enemy just disable a trap? Really? Does that work...?

D6aj8qrk o

Oh, come now, seriously?

Felgjvac o

Hwahaha... it's almost as if she wasn't attacked at all!

Qicijpe2 o


14hxgts0 o

He just doesn't want to, man. It's as if he's afraid of overshadowing his partner in crime, and doesn't want to take the spotlight from her, in this one run where she's truly showing off.

Not to worry, Chrysler. You could surpass her in movement and you'd still not overshadow her. She's that great.

Tjkamils oIox8dy0p oQiums92y o

Leo and Ryan can support, but there's no reason for me to do it. Ryan is already going to A with Evan for some nice paired ending shenanigans.

F9kjur30 oHzgdz0bz oSrlx6buw oBlpvsenm o

You know, I'm rather pleasantly surprised with Dullahan. I had never really thought much of him, but 28 defense is a ton of defense, actually.

Z7ckc2dw o

Done for now.

Kr4vtoxv oEzu8xeuh oU0fn3me0 o

HA I lied we're not done yet. You've fallen right into our trap!

L9gawhop oKidxcdkv o

Mwahaha! You shouldn't have let your guard down! You fool... Now die!

...That was Lang's battle quote, if you don't recognize it. I still find it absolutely hilarious. More often than not the guy's getting attacked, not attacking...

Oawvdqg9 o

More axe rank for Kirin. I swear, if I get to kill the final boss with Helswath Kirin, it'll be all I could ever hope for.

Rwxamtym oEucuew8v o7hdaqiic o

And she missed, so she got one more point! Awesome, Kirin. I love you so much.

Lmnbotqa o

Really hate these crammed corridors. Stupid map...

Wp2bl08d oHc7r721i o

Over on this side, Mirielle takes out another siege asshole.

O5l0zaao o


Evl2ks7i o

I then do the stupidest thing possible and have Clint charge into the darkness for no reason.

K1tpm34o oDitjqlkh o

Seriously, why didn't I start with this?

911osjsn o

At least Clint is safe. Thank goodness...

Sncnpkif o

Oh hey, there's the guy. Cyrus is Baryl's uncle as well as... I believe Ryan and Nina's father-in-law? Nina calls him, quite literally, motherfucker in her recruitment conversation, it's amazing. Unfortunately, she's not here, so we'll go for the comparatively boring Ryan recruitment.

Em26jaxt oVkza4kld o

That's neither here nor there, though. Let's keep at it.

Kpq0qqhy o

Astrea will fight a berserker with Relina's help.

R8tpisv6 oAdu1qrv6 o

With nothing else to do, the warrioress...es help Janet come closer to the action.

Evrxn4ft o

Oho! Well, sucks to be you, pal. You're not getting through Clint. Not in a million years!

Wwrp7spy o

...Oh, I almost forgot to move this useless asshat. I wouldn't, but more wolves are on their way, and knowing Daedalus he'll get his sorry behind one-rounded, and then I'll have to sit through the first half of this shitty map again. Let's not.

Tqppxtan oFnqmte4v o

This is my poor attempt at screenshotting Clint getting a crit.

29pr8v8m oZyfmau0m oXdjklfob o

Bwahahahahahahah... Almost one-shot. And I mean, who cares, she doubled anyway.

Ozkhfjxa o

Another trap disabled by the enemy? Well, I'm not going to even try it.

X2pbpmcj o

Oh my God, again!?

Wsumtwor o

Oh no, what a nightmare. If the guy before had landed his 0% Astrea could've died here.

O5seao7i o

Oh my God Kirin is already almost up to full. She doesn't even need fellow healers to keep her going. Jesus, this unit...

4t9egvta o

All right, we're ready. Open this door!

Ktpbnvso o

Ah! Good thing Joanne is immune...

Mqplar5c oA0ljzlsy o3ukgn0nx oXlitpzir o

Before handling the treasure room, let's clear the way forward.

Fypcjvhw oRwiv2bkx o

Crystal clear. Just the way I like my ways.

Fusfs09a oMagzed77 oXrn1smts oMdzpbdzk o

Evan sets up a kill for Dullahan. That's a sentence I just wrote. Well, to be fair, I want to capture, so it's not entirely unreasonable.

J8gtvnmw o

...Nope. Not happening. The other options are even worse, since she has Lancebreaker.

Epvys5z4 oC0r5ptic oLwhd1doq o8exauume o

Much better.

Qngkmytj o

Well, that doesn't look too bad.

Zkdq5aqc o2nbmzbgs o

Over on this side, Astrea prepares to handle the remaining berserkers.

37pkyc2x o6xldv3mv o

As for this warrior...

Q8yvtvui oW0ojznvc o9ztrujcy o

Dexithea's got it covered.

2jx7ae3g o

Oh, better not forget the deadweight.

Tz3xzdnx oJwzuhzdn oDucsreob oFeln3mpc o

It's a good thing Astrea was using her runesword, because dodgetanking is as unreliable as ever.

Pwnmlgea o


1c88rwdk o

...Oh, wait, that wasn't the mistake.

Dpfnfebp oEvzcwpky o

This was the mistake.

O6qp3hxj o

...Fuck my life. There goes the dragonbane, right before the chapter that has a bunch of dragons. Wonderful.

Umdnjcwa oUalstzwf oJerhvmht o

And here I was worried about Relina. She was never in any danger...

Vjl88yjh o

Joanne grabs the red gem from the warrior Dullahan captured earlier. I don't know what I'll do about the hammer. Discard, probably. There's like one enemy left in the game who takes effective damage from these.

31ia2myc oSdvbmfza oX8yctvgw o


Aflkanv3 oTfrm8suo o9ae59vdn o

Double revenge! I mean, you did absolutely nothing, but... Die anyway!

Yc8ooeh7 oWezirxj1 o

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha... Kirin, man. Never forget that this is Kirin. Some say Kirin could warpskip maps without warp.

R0twyifz o


Phelprwt o

Some more strength for best warrior.

Kjkrhesj o

Well, there's only two units left who can use this. Guess Artemis will have it.

Kojxlidk oGrcdghs9 o

Eyyy, I'm glad that silly frame where it looks like bow warriors are swinging a barbed wire fence around is also on these female warriors. I grew fond of it in my FE6 LP, when Lot and Wade showed it a billion times in screenshots.

Ffk9fxpb oCbfh0zel o

Hellen shenanigans, and it's over.

Z24urafb o

...Okay, that is atrocious. Someone has to pull back, right this second, or Joanne is history.

Refvav0z o

Also, it's a good thing I didn't forget to move with the deadweight. Imagine that.

Dosfbqvd o

I'm glad Kenton didn't have any scrolls on him, at least. Though at this point, I'd rather have lost one scroll than the dragonbane... Even with Kenton dead, at least Kat could've used that one.

Dgair08p o

Dullahan drops his captive, hammer and all, in preparation for the epic combat with a doggy.

Tvcnikjj oDqcm9flx o

Stone, huh? This is the kind of tome that makes you incredibly excited when you get it, but then when push comes to shove, there's just... not really any situations where it's all that great.

Yirrb6jd o

I like how the game claims that mages from out of Cyra won't recognize the warp traps, but Hellen disables one just fine even though she's very much not from Cyran.

I'm glad she does, though. If it were up to me, everyone would be able to disable them. Or better yet, they wouldn't exist, and neither would this map. But this ain't my hack. It's disrespectful to pretend I know better than someone who spent like 10 years working on this game and its prior instances. There's a better word for that than "instances", but I can't remember it and it's the most fucking frustrating thing ever. I've been on this fucking sentence for a full minute just trying to remember the word I'm thinking of and getting angry at nothing in particular, what a great LPer I am.

Wreakcpa o

Another turn down. Less till we get out of this shithole.

F4a0ekb9 oOb5zl1ve oHiq3totu o

Dullahan is more than a match for this dog. He gets doubled, but it is irrelevant.

Zb0myugp o

The enemy has arrived!

1mschppl o

There is an enemy here.

3jocfmum oOp6a6lcv o


10wdqdci oZwwh8ajk oDaefhxwy oNompophp o

before we rescue Cyrus, we must first disable a trap. Because of course there's a trap in front of the door. This map was made by Kaga originally, don't forget.

1pkfnw7j oSeyzvvgi o

I cannot move Chrysler to his full movement. There's a trap. Thanks once again, 24x.

Bzolpmfn o

The torch staves will be as much dead weight as Daedalus after this map. Let's use them as much as we can!

Qvyav0qb o

Holy shit, Hellen. I mean, there's very little you stand to gain from levels, your bases being what they are, but... holy shit.

Enwaufxy o

...Oh, fuck, I put Kirin in range of Mandrake's staves.

Ahh, who cares, she has max resistance and he seems to have relatively shitty magic.

C3jfpxpe o


Vxmbr9gp o

Good, thanks.

Etmsx5kg o

Clint, cover our backs.

Lek0soj5 o

Relina, cover Clint's back.

H1eniyj6 o

Meanwhile, Dullahan concludes his duel with a dog. It is a resounding success!

Urvmlelq o

Joanne pilfers a death. Guess I gotta put her on the count now.

Ucxxgivo o

God, we still have to walk all the way around to Mandrake...

95vlkmwe o

Shit happens.

0aqjpnbf o


Vwkapgq7 oY3sc4dv9 o

Oh, good lord, what was I thinking... Why oh why didn't I have anyone kill this asshole!?

Dbwut1ih o


Kr4ig6nk o

My poor heart.

Z8dt3bom oNx3gyaur oUd9qpgx8 o

Fucking piece of shit, perish!

4poviydc o4cxcrypo o

I am so fucking sick of this map. What now!?

Ynj1bt3i oRtu7qjvi o

You go help him, Jeff. On the double!

Rkesiofq o

Good, Joanne's out of range.

41walnrd o

The final item she gets is a swarm. All dark magic on this side, I see.

Rvok0yy1 o

All right, time to nab the blonde.

Egfzytxd o

My team, now!

Wuzkuhzo o

You know, it would've been cool if Mandrake had been equipped with a berserk staff, seeing how he clearly has access to one. Sure, it's the fancy one from CT that's technically different, but who cares. Gameplay-story integration, man! If you're gonna take one thing from Kaga, make it that!

...Wait, why am I trying to argue for making this map even more cancerous--

T5kcwfit oRemember my mother! Your love for your wife!

Eketubeo oALL HAIL THE... the.. uggghh... Ryan? Is that you?

T5kcwfit oYes, Cyrus. The effect of the staff is wearing off.

Eketubeo oDamn, where the hell am I? What the hell was I doing? ...Wait. Those men... Double crossing church bastards! The wielder of the Emblem Lance is no one's plaything! Ryan! Thanks for bringing me to my senses after all of that. Let's go mop the floor with these bastards!

T5kcwfit oOf course! After you.

Z4e7qoi6 o93wrdjvg oEcurv9aa oRrpapidl o9d5etxw5 o

Our reward for walking all the way up here is a slightly better Eren with nonexistent growth rates. His entire character is that he wields the Emblem Lance, and that's also his entire schtick as a unit. But first, some skills:

- Spectrum Stance: +2 attack, defense, speed and resistance when foe initiates battle. Meh.

- Canto+

- Knight Aspirant: +2 damage and +15 avoid when above 75% health.

- Tower Shield: Not to be confused with Tower Shield+. Grants him 6 defense when attacked at range. Attacked, not counter-attacked.

- Luna.

Xbobpong o

He's also carrying this, which I totally didn't forget to screenshot until just now. It is a 1-3 range lance with superior might, good hit, 20 free crit, no weight and the same effect as a scroll. Because why the fuck not.

Overall, Cyrus is Emblem Lance/10. He comes with the Emblem Lance, late enough that it will never break, and he tosses it around to kill things for the remaining two chapters of the game. Also, he supports Dullahan. Ain't that neat.

Okf7eogl oPyvipayx o0rgcmfr6 o

As for the secret shot, here it is. Honeslty, at this point, it sucks. We need none of these things. There's only two maps remaining.

3e45n4ed o

Well, we got it.

07fe2z1f o88ysgjny o5rbhexob oK6xyxclg o

Let us advance now.

3xld7iw3 o3thwxr6d oFguuhbzv oNslg4g2w o

Out of the way everyone!

Xwna45kq o

Well, that's... that's the turn.

0esridol o

Good lord...

Xhfsgi0g o4muqpimp o

Mandrake, no!

50jvxv3m o

...Ahh, fuck it. I am sick of this map.

Vyfrzcvw oL67uxmlv oUjc6mwad o

This isn't warpskipping, this is more just warp"skip running around the center chamber for two turns for no reason."

Honestly, there's like no game left. Who cares if we waste a few warp charges. We were never going to use them anyway.

Ugxyzd7a o

Ahhhh, what a shame... Kirin comes close, but she cannot one-roudn Mandrake. He's too epic for that.

Rrjktawv o

Okay, then. Let's instead destroy these asshats.

Qyvzcvac o5rr90zxj o3jbslrqh oYquzqsnc o

A crit, just as I wanted. You can always count on this woman to be epic.

Tdvchep1 oWfjfnggr o

Cyrus does his thing too. Mandrake is all alone now!

Rsibbyjs o

So... about him.

4zesooii oMzngbb5k oRbd0jwzf o

He's similar to how he was back in chapter 18, but now we've got an almighty Kirin that is better than him. If I had remembered to give her a magic mallet, I think she might've even one-rounded him.

U9on06as oDsrry1rm oXuacuxub o

So... about this guy. He has no melee weapons, so we can use Joanne to keep him trapped and defenseless. I just hope nothing ugly comes out of that one darkness tile, because if Jeff dies at the last second I'm straight up just skipping this whole map. I refuse.

Ussgbflq o

You've got to be fucking shitting me.

Kuvikkgu oNvxll1pv oYsiqeyf3 o

At least this guy's neutralized now. I don't think Jeff dies in one shot, but... This ain't great.

2l0hkelp o

Hoo boy...

Tf0pcjek o

Enemies on this side too... What a tiresome map, man.

2kv03jgl oGp69p4ha oTekh6urc oMi4kbmdy o

Kindly die.

Bdoyothh o

Could be worse.

Du7rdlgg oXwlywxfk oNlh38qks o

What a shitshow...

Asfd6rs7 oOzk0cf2m o

Clint does a thing.

Znarngt1 o

All right level. At least now you match Dullahan's defenses, more or less. That HP is still super low though...

25zvcw9b oOytw05w8 oRnf2fuc5 o

Hah! He just straight up one-shots these girls!

74ymzkwa o

Okay, so that could've been an absolute disaster.

Jekfo0el oXicolf8m o

Mandrake then fires two sleeps at Cyrus, failing twice. Way to go, newcomer!

Mnvl5erw o

Let's get this party started.

5ovnanmw o

Oeel1c86 oFarewell, and good luck in the next life.

Fheudyac o5stw2cyf oWm4hm9qd o

I love you so much, Evil Moulder. You're so genuinely nice and apologetic while you try to cut our heads off. I say the same to you; not only that, I grant you the honor to die by the hand of a true goddess.

Nxdwtfcq o

Empty level aside from the HP. That's fine, I mean, what else could she get at this point?

Shjwdeqv o

It is at this point that I realized he's not going to attack Kirin on enemy phase, since he still has staves. To finish this soon, I must warp Janet in.

Kj0gq3wc o11eo5c1o o

Goodbye, staff.

Z6t5oqcx o8jqnkcdd oYm7c4fnk o

All right, all right...

Dgcsfi4u oTiez8bwy o

It's over! Finally, we can leave this shitty map behind...

Fkmimhff o


Hpjcpmzo oZ6wf78ve o

This is the last time we shall see Evil Moulder. Truly a tragedy.

Etmdgft0 o

Kirin is so overlevelled now that even bosses don't give her that much experience. But who cares, I'll keep feeding her all of them.

Pv2v9xw9 o

The real problem now is these idiots. I cannot arrive to the destination this turn, and Jeff sucks too hard to be able to withstand a cyclops and a dog.

Yrsj8tby oXunbaxsj o

I mean, see, this is the real problem with Jeff. Sure, 94 crit, but when his damage is 6, that ends up being less hurt than something like friggin' Dullahan could do.

Hgwdckty o

Case in point.

Dfh2tnwt oWxjqzopr oXo098ajs oGcmppnvv o

He gets outta there with Joanne's help. I considered sacrificing him to distract the cyclops, but...

...Honestly, I don't know why I didn't do that. Now I'm putting myself at the mercy of the RNG. No...! I don't wanna reset now! A reset now would hurt more than any death! Just about. Kirin's death would hurt a lot more, but it's not like she can die where she is now!

9tprtega o

...Oh, thank the lord, the dog moved first. Now neither of them can attack. Hah! Idiots!

0nzmjfbe o

Let's get out of here before--

...Okay, wait.

Mmnjrwuv o1tikrc1w o

Let's get a little bit of experience first.

Iarvcydv o

Now we can leave.

C31hqxpr o

At long last, the shitty map is over. Our reward is more bad dialogue.

E9kjhydh oThough Mandrake didn't have a fragment of Mila with him as I thought he would.

Mbhufq5x oCorrect, my wise friend. He needed them to control the Emblem Lance wielder. I obtained the three fragments of the gods in this tomb, but more can always be of use. Now, where to next Jeff?

Wiwh81gp oPyron, Gill, and Zalmoxis are all lurking in this tomb. If we go this way, we will confront Gill and his dragon and monster army.

Det8lbw5 oThe mastermind of the World War. Is it time to face him at last? Hmm...

Jxyugmcw o

Det8lbw5 oI haven't decided what we should do with Zalmoxis yet, but letting him and Pyron weaken each other isn't a bad idea. Jeff, if you could lead us to face off against Gill.

Wiwh81gp oVery well. We face the full might of the dragons of old next.

Mbhufq5x oOh! Sounds fun!

E9kjhydh oOld habits die hard, eh? The curious mind as always, old friend.

Ezqxy8uc o

Tukb8mgw oYay! Daddy, I'm so glad that you are okay!

Wiwh81gp oIt's good to see you both as well after so long. I look forward to when this battle is finally over. At last, I'll finally be able to rest my sword. To never fight again... how I so look forward to that.

Jiwsmr8a oMe too! And I'll be with you the whole way through! By the way, this is the allowance I saved up for you while you were gone.

Tukb8mgw oI thought I was saving up Daddy's allowance, Mommy?

Jiwsmr8a oOh. I guess we both saved you some funds, my love.

Wiwh81gp oYou both know I don't need that money, rig-

Lgjkwhcy o No-- Take the fucking money, Jeff! Just so I can take it from you and use it!

Jiwsmr8a oJust shut up and take it, Jeff! Ugh, why is giving you money always so hard?!

Tukb8mgw oSeriously Daddy, just take the money. We can't afford you looking poor!

Ug8zr02j o
Mbool9ad o

Hohoho, 5000 bucks!

Well, and that's that. Surprisingly enough, no resets happened in this map! Of course, I just had to get someone killed for real for a change. Goddamnit, Kenton... And just before the map made for him and his sword. What a damn shame... Oh, well. Next time, we face off against Rody and Gill. Wish me better luck than this time, and... I can only hope the map sucks less. See you!


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 7 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 2, Elliot: 2, Remmy: 1)


Current perfect streak: UUUUUUUOOOOOORGH

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 9 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
                                             The one green dragon

Bandit King guy


BONUS: Something or other. Starting with some sad stuff.

Jiwsmr8a oJeff, my love! It's so good to see you again!

Wiwh81gp oIt's good to see you as well after so long. I look forward to when this battle is finally over. At last, I'll finally be able to rest my sword. To never fight again... how I so look forward to that.

Jiwsmr8a oMe too! And I'll be with you the whole way through! Ah, but Jeff... Mirielle died during the war. She won't be able to join us...

Wiwh81gp oShe... died? ...It has been too long since I lost a loved one. I no longer recall what I am really supposed to feel.

Jiwsmr8a oIt's okay, my love. I'll be with you to get us through this together.


Tukb8mgw oYay! Daddy, I'm so glad that you are okay!

Wiwh81gp oIt's good to see you as well after so long. I look forward to when this battle is finally over. At last, I'll finally be able to rest my sword. To never fight again... how I so look forward to that.

Tukb8mgw oMe too! And I'll be with you the whole way through! Ah, but Daddy... Mommy died during the war. She won't be able to join us...

Wiwh81gp oShe... died? ...It has been too long since I lost a loved one. I no longer recall what I am really supposed to feel.

Tukb8mgw oIt's okay, Daddy. I'll be with you to get us through this together.

And now, for something completely different. If Dartanion is still alive even after Mandrake dies, this happens.

Zgrowxlj oWell, aren't you in a sorry shape right now, Mandrake's son.

Auphvkij oOg... Pyron's hope... Kuroth's only son... For what reason have you... drawn me back from eternal oblivion?

Qy9twrpa oYou'll have your eternal sleep soon enough, meat. Boss still has use for you

Zgrowxlj oI don't just have a fragment of Pyron. I have a fragment of Doma too, right? And some of the Gigantism serum in me as well.

Auphvkij oYes... though that process was somehow leaked to Zalmoxis... Baine... I think that is the warrior who may have done so... But Father could never pin it on him... and he was so strong... Was favored by my friend Jonas as well. Useful for finding worthy test subjects.

Zgrowxlj oSo Pyron's last six fragments of the other gods are with him and Gill?

Auphvkij oCorrect... Two fragments of Pyron... Two fragments of Naga... Two fragment of Mila... And then there is my Mila fragment... You have his only fragment of Doma in you...

Zgrowxlj oGreat. All I needed to know. Goodbye!

At this point, Og moves towards Dartanion, fidgets a bit, and Dartanion disappears.

Zgrowxlj oAh! Man, does this feel good! I've been bossed around all my life, lead by people more powerful than I, but now I crush men of his build like a grape.

Auphvkij oYes, Og. As Pyron's new Grandson, you are the one to inhert the new world.

Zgrowxlj oHeh. That Leo bastard found the tomb of the three gods. With the last missing fragments of Mila, Naga, and Doma, he made Starlight. Three fragments to replicate Zalmoxis's power without sacrificing his soul. I guess it's a bit impressive. But I have three fragments now too. Either way, Zalmoxis, those shitty kids, Leo, Gill, and Pyron. Those are my remaining targets. With all the fragments, I will become the one true god!

Well, shit. Looks like the guy's become ambitious as well as buff! Also, I like how Dartanion was pals with Jonas too. Everyone is pals with Jonas.

A Mandrake battle quote.

Oeel1c86 oSo you really do still live. I thought that you had killed yourself, my son.

Vsljor2s oI almost did. But after learning what a fucked up bastard you are, there was something I knew I had to do first.

Finally, the remaining Cyrus recruitment convos.

Xzplhnm1 oUncle Cyrus! Listen to me! That stupid staff has warped your mind! You'd never fight for the church, remember?! What you told my dad?!

Eketubeo oALL HAIL THE... the.. uggghh... Baryl? Is that you?

Xzplhnm1 oBoom! That's how you do it, Uncle Cyrus!

Eketubeo oDamn, where the hell am I? What the hell was I doing? ...Wait. Those men... Double crossing church bastards! The wielder of the Emblem Lance is no one's plaything! Baryl! Thanks for bringing me to my senses after all of that. Let's go mop the floor with these bastards!

Xzplhnm1 oDamn straight, Uncle Cyrus!


Jiwsmr8a oCyrus! Stop being dumb and help us fight already!!!

Eketubeo oALL HAIL THE... the.. uggghh... Nina? Is that you?

Jiwsmr8a oYes, Cyrus. You were acting crazy. And dumb. Crazy dumb.

Eketubeo oDamn, where the hell am I? What the hell was I doing? ...Wait. Those men... Double crossing church bastards! The wielder of the Emblem Lance is no one's plaything! Nina! Thanks for bringing me to my senses after all of that. Let's go mop the floor with these bastards!

Jiwsmr8a oGlad to see you're being smart again, Cyrus you motherfucker you!

I just love that she calls him motherfucker and means it literally. It's hilarious.


























Cmd41lhk o
Ciy1o41g o
Dx8jahnn o
M5mimpam o
5yti6vd5 o
Bc2xdctj o
Dtia7or0 o
Khndhaxd o
Laokbq4e o
Nkjhfjp2 o
Szb73aet o
Ezzj3fas o
Ovp4rzuf o
B1wse5lk o
Ccrhj2qo o
1ybopima o
Va1ygnpg o
Ciatlwfx o
Ik7konxb o
U9hgpejb o
Uf6yy20z o
C0mhitfy o
Jpkrp1xx o
Jaioomqr o
Vohgttzq o
Jrronnp9 o




Omoamci4 o
Lxrqjvev o
4d2ldgld o
Lypn1k7m o
Eu31uwcr o
Gavqwgp5 o
Deothm4y o
Ywbviftt o
Q6j8drxk o
6zdzz1sw o
Zpoxpejy o
W6ejcl1m o
Um4fubbe o
Hono4p9h o
T6tqccko o
9kejhkze o
Libgyxud o
Sqjmyuki o
Tuwwkflb o
4frdzxg7 o
Ywirwh1z o
Cdjfxs0a o


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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


O6qp3hxj o

That put a nasty Denton him. 

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's a better word for that than "instances", but I can't remember it and it's the most fucking frustrating thing ever. I've been on this fucking sentence for a full minute just trying to remember the word I'm thinking of and getting angry at nothing in particular, what a great LPer I am.




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 I started playing SGW again, started at ch 5 and currently on 21. Will probably take a few days break again, feels like I rushed too much.

On 6/1/2021 at 2:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, he's a longbow archer. He's pretty nice to have, even if he's not Lex.

Yeah, he is doing fine so far, I am using all 3 archers and they are all doing really good. I would say Nichole is almost beating Lex in performance, only reason Lex is still slightly better is thanks to galeforce. While Carter isn't as good as them, he is still pretty useful thanks to extra range and high crit.

On 6/1/2021 at 2:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That would be because she was. A regular Kirin would be an extremely unremarkable staffbot with very limited combat capabilities. She would've been outclassed as soon as Ricky joined, too. But you know how it is with my LPs and units defying the odds.

Yes, a shame I didn't have your luck with move growths, don't think anybody have gotten a move level so far.

On 6/1/2021 at 2:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He fell in part 16. An enemy dancer boss refreshed an enemy magic dragon, and she had Charm too, which buffed the dragon's damage exactly enough to take out Joe. It was... infuriating.

Ahh that's a shame, I played that map recently and needed a lot of resets to finally beat it without losing anyone. Although, I did use Iris, which made killing dragons much easier.


On 6/12/2021 at 2:28 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Of all these late joiners, Hellen is my favorite, which doesn't necessarily mean she's the best. Hellen brings incredible power countered by low speed, which, like Alice, doesn't affect her as much as it affects the likes of Elliot and Iskander because she can fight from afar. And I mean, really afar. You know how Hellen just loved her meteor tome in her enemy appearances? That still applies. Hellen's best use is to have her stay safely behind, healing and firing meteors at enemies. 30 magic would already make her the best unit to give the meteor tome to, but one of her skills makes it even better:

I would have never imagined she would be recruitable. I probably would just kill her in the desert if I didn't read your update before playing it. Had enough time to kill her even with Pyron there.

On 6/12/2021 at 2:28 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Xy1wosge o2xycoslz o

In any case, she gets some stats and swords that she'll never use.

A shame I am not using her. That reminds me, literally all my current magic users are dark mages and hybrids. Although that will likely change once I get Hellen and Leo.

On 6/12/2021 at 2:28 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Leo is basically Hellen but instead of super powerful and doubling with meteors, he's super fast and rallies movement.

- Spur Magic: Adjacent allies deal +4 magic damage. Neat.

- Glacies: More damage if it procs, we know this already.

- Nihil.

- Rally resistance, luck and movement. +1 movement is the most useful thing here, but it's... less amazing than you'd think, seeing how it requires that he keeps up and wastes his turn.

Honestly, I like him less than Hellen. He's good, don't get me wrong, but doubling with meteors is such a hilarious niche to have.

That seems pretty useful, and nobody said you can't use both.

On 6/12/2021 at 2:28 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

...Fuck my life. There goes the dragonbane, right before the chapter that has a bunch of dragons. Wonderful.

RIP slow myrmidon, you will be remembered. Unfortunately my Kenton is just being a typical myrmidon with his growths, although str and def aren't that far behind.

On 6/12/2021 at 2:28 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Our reward for walking all the way up here is a slightly better Eren with nonexistent growth rates. His entire character is that he wields the Emblem Lance, and that's also his entire schtick as a unit. But first, some skills:

- Spectrum Stance: +2 attack, defense, speed and resistance when foe initiates battle. Meh.

- Canto+

- Knight Aspirant: +2 damage and +15 avoid when above 75% health.

- Tower Shield: Not to be confused with Tower Shield+. Grants him 6 defense when attacked at range. Attacked, not counter-attacked.

- Luna.

Are all the emblem weapons personal ones? That seems pretty sad, I don't think I will use the lance then. Hopefully the axe will have a better weilder, and I am already using Nichole.

On 6/12/2021 at 2:28 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
4zesooii oMzngbb5k oRbd0jwzf o

He's similar to how he was back in chapter 18, but now we've got an almighty Kirin that is better than him. If I had remembered to give her a magic mallet, I think she might've even one-rounded him.

Riev Moulder is hilarious, a shame we have to kill him.


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Part 25 - Dragons once again prove that they're really not that big of a deal.


On 6/12/2021 at 6:07 AM, Pengaius said:
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That put a nasty Denton him. 

Aaaugh, Butterman... Never change.


Iterations, goddamnit, iterations! That's exactly it! Thanks, Butterman. This has kept me up at night for the past three day.

...Okay, no, but still, it was so annoying.


On 6/14/2021 at 5:57 PM, ranger016 said:
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 I started playing SGW again, started at ch 5 and currently on 21. Will probably take a few days break again, feels like I rushed too much.

Holy shit, that's some progress! Yeah, take a break if you wish.

Yeah, he is doing fine so far, I am using all 3 archers and they are all doing really good. I would say Nichole is almost beating Lex in performance, only reason Lex is still slightly better is thanks to galeforce. While Carter isn't as good as them, he is still pretty useful thanks to extra range and high crit.

All three of them are pretty good. Nicole beating Lex is not that unlikely, actually. Lex had to be balanced somehow with his broken skills, so his speed sucks so hard that he'll never be quadrupling anything.

Well... until he gets the legendary bow with +5 speed. Then he might stand more of a chance. Honestly, the guy's fucking broken, but that doesn't make the other two bad.

Yes, a shame I didn't have your luck with move growths, don't think anybody have gotten a move level so far.

I must've stolen all of the LP's luck from you, haha.

Ahh that's a shame, I played that map recently and needed a lot of resets to finally beat it without losing anyone. Although, I did use Iris, which made killing dragons much easier.

I used her too, but she wasn't so tanky, so I tried frontlining with Joe. It didn't end so well.

I would have never imagined she would be recruitable. I probably would just kill her in the desert if I didn't read your update before playing it. Had enough time to kill her even with Pyron there.

Neither would I. In my case, I just lucked out and failed to get to her in my first run. Then her dialogue in chapter 22 made it pretty clear that she's recruitable.

A shame I am not using her. That reminds me, literally all my current magic users are dark mages and hybrids. Although that will likely change once I get Hellen and Leo.

I mean, dark magic is awesome, so that's understandable.

That seems pretty useful, and nobody said you can't use both.

True enough!

RIP slow myrmidon, you will be remembered. Unfortunately my Kenton is just being a typical myrmidon with his growths, although str and def aren't that far behind.

He's pretty good. Truly a tragedy.

Are all the emblem weapons personal ones? That seems pretty sad, I don't think I will use the lance then. Hopefully the axe will have a better weilder, and I am already using Nichole.

The axe is used by Nereid. She needs no axe training, just a promotion to be able to use the weapon type.

Riev Moulder is hilarious, a shame we have to kill him.

Kinda wish Evil Moulder was recruitable instead of Hellen. He's probably my favorite villain in this game. He's just too good.




Nvr4qavr o

Did someone say Kirin?

Kpl5liwv o

A9sjs5wu oSoon, Pyron will die. My will. Will have been done. Order will. Be restored.

Lgjkwhcy o You should watch your back. We aren't exactly greatest pals with you.

A9sjs5wu oBut first. An annoyance. Two at that. Those who challenge the gods. Challenge me. Show them my wrath. Gill. Eviscerate him. Bathe in his blood. Along with. His son. Astrea. Daedalus. Elliot. I still need. Loyal soldiers. They are. Still need replacement. One more apostle. Will decide soon.

Mngdspdj o
Nrw7nmsy o

We meet Astrea, Useless 1, Useless 2 and Iris as they contemplate Gill's army.

Uvlq3kcu oThey look much stronger than the forces from the previous war.

L6ldsx3m oOnce again, I find myself confronting my father in battle. In the previous war, he was the last enemy we fought. This time, there will still be more to face after him.

Htajra0y o

Wiwh81gp oIf we are to stop him, my sister, you should invoke his promise to you. If Daedalus, you, or myself speak with him, he'll listen all the same.

Vhfxzqd0 oIn exchange for his freedom, he will grant one request of you. His hatred of humans prevents him from joining us, but we can get him to leave the battlefield at least.

K9145ksb o

Mbhufq5x oIt's a shame there is no human that can show Rody humanity's value. As for Gill, with the Mila fragments we have, we can stop his resurrection magic at least(sic).

Det8lbw5 oRight. After we stop Gill, Pyron will be all alone. If we kill him, this will all finally be over... I hope.

Bg1qdb2s o

Up north, the baddies of the day discuss Gill's new look. How do you want him to put his hood back on? He no longer has a hood, as far as I can see.

6yzybw8p oNow, now, my child. Pyron's last minute gift has fully healed me. I am now near invincible, unlike in the past.

Lgjkwhcy oThat's a good joke.

6yzybw8p oEven you cannot defeat me in my current state anymore. After all, that is why your troops now listen to me, a true king, and ignore the wailing of a boy who cannot control his  temper. So long as I promise them the death of humanity too, why follow you?

D07i6x5j o...

6yzybw8p oAnd that shut you up, didn't it? Go kill the beings you call filth. Unlike in the past, I have nothing further to say or worry about from you, whelp.

D07i6x5j oOut of respect for Pyron, I have held back against my benefactor's right hand. But mark my words, Gill. Only Nia could protect you from me.

D07i6x5j o...

Fzuxjuwi o
Lxp0lqso oLvsschsv oI4cdl6eg oFltx905b o

This is the final chapter in the game where fatigue is an issue. For reasons. Therefore, let us use our remaining energy supplements on our fatigued mainstays so that they may continue to mainstay.

Gjnda0jx oQqgzjjru oZdlcl9nn o

This map's way less insufferable than the last. We just have to push forward through an army of varied dragons, with some spartans and dreadfighters here and there. The main obstacles, however, are four gorgons with stone. We get stoned at the wrong time, we're fucked, so let's avoid it.

Also, demon kings. The final boss of FE8 has been reduced to a generic. A powerful, rare generic in the final stages, but a generic nonetheless. Oof...

Xveojxrm o

Let's get started. Look, Elliot is doubling something! Shame his damage sucks.

E59ckhs6 oKkscoapz oKkf4jomd oUhgox8ap o

At least he can trigger some skills to deal a bit more damage.

Uez0eahg o1xs6qyp0 oLrw3jywc oKbej5jvo o

Still, being unable to kill with four strikes and two skill procs is pretty damn sad, Elliot.

Orqgeyxj o

Hellen can finish the job after she speaks with Elliot.

Uvdtneaj o

Fd20w0ak oYou don't need to lie to me, Elliot. Just give me a siege tome and let me fight from far away.

Uvlq3kcu oHellen...

Qrfjxjb0 o

Hah! I like the subtle acknowledgment that one of Hellen's best uses is to have her blast things with meteor.

L5onbtuc o

Okay, Hellen does her thing now.

Lk9l5qtx oFy4x2y5p oY6ul0t6z o3hwilnrp o

Alice performs a critical hit and almost kills this dragon. See, Elliot, this is how you do it.

Dpxzo6k8 o

Dullahan does the foul deed.

S8bvsm81 o

Dullahan knows what he wants. He wants to tank stuff.

Mowpvioq o

Mirielle rewards Alice for her efforts with healing.

Ip9ali2u oHerysbod oVzbgjh7k o55bmmkca o

Holy... Holy shit, that dragon survived one of the RD-style glorified instakills! Amazign!

Ltxebqsy o

Not two, though.

Rla40sjo oSrpdwxas oOkvsvsiq o

Astrea tries to kill another dragon.

Dpf8bs88 oDsrcwnab o


6zvaxub8 oKssojf9g o

That's it for the middle and left teams. Only the right squad remains to move.

Ppsfhqg6 oLqhoetxp oJaabs96u o

Evan performs his signature glacies+crit combo.

Pdkquyn9 o

Then the necrodragon's body glitches out of existence during Naglfar's animation.

Ucswsol3 o


0inupp96 o

Bad level, but who cares.

Anj3oxje oJg4saywr o

Here's the first gorgon of the four I described earlier. Until we can get Kirin just a bit closer, we must stay outside of the red area.

Hll7cwnf oTtyfjtp1 o

Emblem Lance shenanigans.

Rqkm3n9m oT9ulm5sb o

Hohohoho... Even on Ryan's shitty magic, it's hard to go wrong with 60 might.

Ohskn9lc o5kiskufw o


7kghezlx o

Awful, absolutely awful, Ryan, but no matter.

R0bwqqpy oGgwdvbkw o

Finally done. Daedalus is as usual completely useless. Dexithea also had nothing to do, but she's not useless. Nothing much else, Dullahan will frontline at the west, Kirin and Evan will do the same at the east.

7kgrytgq oL7bmbtt1 o

It's a terrible idea to go after Kirin, as usual.

Kvqlszer oYafsytwo oDhnttfds o

Even the RNGoddess is going after her now. She must feel threatened. Can't say I blame her.

Omdn1w1q oHbx870my o

Man, this map's enemies are seriously slow. Now Dullahan is doubling things?

Nabhbixk oVcijsm1w oWbsrxhbj o

Round of staffing happens. Kirin doesn't need such things.

Dapg5s9a o

Before proceeding any further, let's dispatch the stoner.

Z9kd4lzp o

No problem, we can try again.

2gqwmvxd oW5x29pzj oTfi2lrjt o4t3sgsrs o

Still no crit, but Glacies allows him to finish the job. Way to go!

Qljlt15f oDq7t6ftq oZchukdal oTjp21jr7 o

Not much else to say at this point, honestly. We're just cleaning up.

Smfkhtli o

I don't remember Astrea's caps exactly, but I think she might just reach one or two before the end of the game.

Nwhil8cf oLbwk3sti oSdk0au1u o

You don't need speed to double with a brave tome.

Qeujihk2 o96jvpg8m o3wefrpva o

The Emblem Lance is so good. Helps that it isn't attached to a growth unit, like the axe and bow. Or, y'know, to the main antagonist, like the sword.

R9ocggah oYrb91tmn o195ufrq5 o

Anyway, now that it's safe from stonings, Kirin can charge forth and do her thing.

Hoo24svm oJgpz7hpe oXiadw3yk o

This squad has fallen behind a bit. That's what happens when you don't have two siege tome users. And Kirin.

Suqimhjh oKu7meulm o

I don't care what anyone says, Alice is a great archer.

T898rkvx o

...Oh, please...

Opx4haxx o

Ah, good. Should've known better than to doubt you, Dexi.

I8xnypix o0o6avupg o

We're done for now.

Ygafpn71 o

This range is a purge bellerophon. Everyone in range has fine resistance, so we'll be okay.

Iu7jy4vl oMvdoohlo oL1q42sdf oOr55ri29 o

Yeah, gang up on Kirin. That's gonna end well for ya.

Q1wejrzv o

Utterly pathetic.

Miefa3dg o96biejk8 oId6rkju7 o

Foolish person, going after Kirin. Pay for your mistake!

Gv985zyx o

Here's one interesting thing: Remember how our dragon units suffer effective damage from dragonslaying weapons even if they aren't in dragon classes? Same applies to the enemies in this map, even those that aren't dragons.

3bttxytf oBm2o5s3x oMp5co76z o

This allows Chrysler to deal 180 damage. Wow.

Qu50o49n o

Next up, the purge woman. Hmmm...

Sshv7gfg o

A lil' dose of ice should do the trick.

Wa6o154b o

Just about.

Dgavat0c oI5kytzco o

No funny Adept shenanigans, sadly.

Vpdh2zxw oRrdcq1hu o

Time to break out the fortify. We've got... exactly two wounded units, but I mean, might as well. There's only two maps remaining where we can use this on. Or, well, one and a half, considering how far ahead we already are.

4q2fewjx o

Nice and healed.

Aca02ilz o

Time for an A support. Evan and Ryan!

Hvqlt0vi o

E9kjhydh oOf course. As you are my best friend's greatest student, I would be happy to help.

T5kcwfit oDon't bind yourself to your blood. Have a family. Don't suffer because of Bramimond's blood inside you.

E9kjhydh oHeh. You're putting me in a bit of an awkward spot.

T5kcwfit oHaving a family was the greatest thing I ever did in my life. Trust me, you won't regret it. Seeing Clea grow up... Nothing could describe it. And I know plenty of women interested in you.

E9kjhydh o...The last thing on this earth I want to do is have a family. Even if it is you asking, as your dying wish, I cannot change that. But... if I mature a bit more than I am now... I will take what you said to heart.

T5kcwfit oYou won't regret it.

L6nobafh o

Wholesome! And this will lead to a just as wholesome paired ending if I can keep them both alive till the end. Glad you didn't get crit by that one asshole last map, Evan!

Mpt3ofkz oFtov8er9 o

Oof...! Yeah, Evan's great, but he cannot match capped magic with an effective tome.

Vjgeqhpq o

Well, at the very least, he can borrow one of those from Hellen.

Lkylaxdu o

Much better.

Afcxtsgz o04g3osnk o

A lil' bit o' death for you!

Pebholvq o

Man, we're just mopping the floor with these losers. I can only imagine a couple of them might be regretting their decision to side with Gill. After all, Rody's responsible for a few of the names in the Blademaster kill count. Gill has no accomplishments to his name!

Xcuvbbt8 oYmo9bbqt oMiyzjuwd o

I was hoping for a Colossus proc. Why do they always happen when you don't need them...?

0xsk8vhw oTqcbz9o6 o7gse1n5c o

That's okay, we've got more units to help her.

Hsfcvqut oLr8w1ti6 oV9sug8ev oLwjhnbpu o

Ahh, there's the odd useful Colossus proc! Thank you so much, Dexi!

Exal9xvq oMzn9iekq oJuc9eosd o

Never forget, trees are highly vulnerable to fire magic. Let us commit crimes against nature with great glee!

H0o4yhfk o

Someone will turn into a statue for five turns, but other than that, we'll be fine.

Loxu4b5w oX7yeckkj o

...Or not, because Clint is a dodgetank in heavy armor! Sure, why the hell not.

Jptaiiam o

Also, this.

Mgfwmako o

Oh no, not reinforcements from behind. Scary.

Fatgegwy oJxg7yze0 o

I believe this is the first time we've ever used Wrath for anything in this game. Sadly, it just isn't well-suited for a melee fighter like Dexithea.

Z2u0mdno o

Absolutely horrendous, but it's not like you need stats.

Uho3moqj oPacxcavx o

Mirielle commits some more arson.

Hawmnfvy oLtozwb6a oL11u1hdi o

And just like that, the stone threat is no more.

It5xqhcd o

Capped strength, folks. She has officially achieved maximum glass cannon. I'm so proud of her.

Neumffj7 o

Makin' good progress! Daedalus is still with us, too.

57timfbp o1jztawp8 oPxhqsdee oUxgg1eoe o

Over on this side, it's time to do the same thing, but better, because Chrysler and Kirin are here.

1rhhtnii o

I hope she gets to 60 HP before the end. I mean, it's not like that's the cap in this game or anything, but it'd be a bit frustrating if she stayed at 59. Round numbers are pleasant to the human brain.

Gicdfs88 o7c1j2jhh o

Boom, area clear.

5dtlpxjw o

Well, mostly. Chrysler will be fine, I'm pretty sure, but it never hurts to take one more enemy out. Especially when the end of the game is right around the corner, I mean, why hoard the siege tomes?

Vmmxhoap oQ5utb7k3 oGscef7ls oYpj7jdc9 o

Evan unfortunately fails to hit critically, so Hellen has to pick up the slack.

28fnma1f o


Uruz51px oNdjxrszr oBte8t4kb o

He severely wounds one of the wyverns and downs another with a skill proc.

Pyldv6sf o


54wvv16o o

I mean, sure, at this point I took the Dainn scroll from him in favor of a steel axe for... some reason-- But c'mon, still! 15% growth and he gets two meager points in the entire game?! Kirin only needed a 3% supplement to become the greatest thing ever!

8x0lzwbs o

Okay, turn over. The reinforcements are catching up to us. It won't be a problem.

Jtvyngyj o

Good boy, so diligent in your pursuit. Here's your reward!

Jhpkkuek o

Elliot finishes what Chrysler started.

M7slgtul o

That's a good level. Too bad it won't save you from your fate of being Dullahan but worse.

9ezo58na o

This fomortiis is almost upon us. Let us stop it in its tracks.

1izwkztd oSozaukxb o

Way to go, Ryan, you...

Aovkjdkq o

...Petrified his nipple...? Ah, well, trying to apply visual effects to the big final boss's super elaborate sprite was never going to work out. That's not how hardware limitations work.

Gtax2b79 o

And now Kirin can grind her axe rank on him.

7nymr4i2 o

Wow, wow, wow, wow! I almost made the biggest mistake of my life...

Xzgm56yn oKgpfsxhb oH9x62xxs oDkygaa7i o

First you must go down. Funny number crit, you love to see it.

Ab6apvsz o

Now it's on.

Qijlh8um oWu2d2pgm o

Oh man, is she gonna one-round Fomortiis?

Ttf7g1nb oB9bsv7kp o

Awww... Shame. Oh, well, it's okay. She doesn't need the experience, anyway.

R2jkgd6x o

Look guys look. Daedalus is doing something.

2xso40w0 oKgtawlvy oR1rzpopu oUdqkp9zo o

I fucking hate you, Daedalus.

Kivugu43 o

Unfortunately, the time for Wrath has passed.

J0hxfnn2 oZrcgmarx o

So instead of doing that, she doubles back and blasts this side's pursuing dog to bits.

Zniwqvqg oKntmepjk o

Round 'o healing occurs afterwards.

Yxol9gps o

Hohoho... Great show, Mirielle!

5g737qqc oWtpgavle oTy156icn oLvozeybw o

That was fun. But now we gotta take out this guy. If he lives, Daedalus is a goner, and that'd make me upset because I'd have to reset.

Eublc63k oSmoqyerp oUuz9hv7c oCgx1fmjc o

Way to go, Clint! That's what I like to see!

Qonnayuj o

Well... shit. I've no use for this. Maybe I can give it to Ryan? Boost his stats a little for the final chapter? He has virtually no use for it, since he relies on his S ranks and a small boost of stats wouldn't do much to change that, but...

Dafw1z84 oWqubccrj o

Well, in any case, we're almost ready for Rody.

4qmpwqdf oGliumktv oK3voj6ca oTgohfk95 o

The guys guarding the staircases leading to Gill aren't stationary. As you can see, they charged Kirin. that's why I was worried about her getting stoned.

Mrxtajfl o




Qgko5v4k o

Three dragoons as reinforcements. Weak.

Qaqmn10a o

The time has come. It's time to deal with the genocider.

Nksktldk o

We can kill him or talk to him with Daedalus, Iris or Jeff to make him go away.

Runhuv3c oY9wy2myk o5wsyoib9 oUjvyuypl o


5wsyoib9 o

We can talk to him with Katherin. Yeah, Katherin. You might've noticed I was dragging her through the map all this time. We're about to see why.

Doqdkf6d o

Rody be like "hi, useless."

...Okay, no, that's me.

Zbaaezxw o...? (His guard is down? That doesn't seem like something this horror would do.)

D07i6x5j oIt can't be... Nia?

Zbaaezxw o! You know my sister?

D07i6x5j oSister...? So you are Katherin. Nia spoke much about you. I couldn't keep my promise to her. I failed to kill Conway.

9qk5ifz8 o Ah, don't worry about it, my man. We got you covered.

D07i6x5j oShe died because of my own weakness.

Zbaaezxw oNia is dead? ...You have my thanks for telling me that. In return, know that Conway has been killed as well.

D07i6x5j oI killed the entire Assassins Guild here in Elementos. If that man is dead, and Nia's dream is fulfilled...

4hszmln8 o

Hahahah, make his failings up to her, he says...

...Wait, what.

D07i6x5j oWhatever you wish, I will do. Even ally with you and your plague. I have never failed to keep my word to someone until Nia came along. I must do something to make it up to her.

Zbaaezxw oQueen Iris did speak of how serious you take your word. (Almost to the point of an illness).

9qk5ifz8 o I mean, at least he keeps his word. That's more than other villains in this game can say. Like the Prime Raisin. He swore to kill Donovan's children and ended up saving them instead. I wish he'd killed Daedalus. In the story, I mean. Then I wouldn't have to drag his worthless ass around.

Zbaaezxw oVery well. A chance to have the king of monsters on our side is one I won't pass. Help me in my mission to end this war. When I say it's over, consider your job complete.

D07i6x5j oOn my honor as the first prince of Ryu, Katherin, you have my word. I shall assist you in ending this war. May your enemies feel your wrath by my hand.

Nxskulzt o



Xcee1riq o8czh6scw oGe6fywxe oD2l7zg6l o

So, uh. Yeah. Rody. Rody is playable. You thought TearRing Saga had unexpected recruitments? Scratch that, you thought Hellen was unexpected? How's this for an unexpected recruitment? The genocider is on our side now. Just like that. Honestly, I love it.

As a unit, Rody is a pretty good lategame filler. He comes with a powerful dragonstone, which is nice, and he has capped stats, which is rare for a manakete in FE. His skills are the following:

- Double Lion: All weapons are brave in his hands. Hoho! Nice.

- Dragon Blood, Watchful and Nihil.

- Killing Machine: critrate is doubled, in case he needed even more help on top of Double Lion and 5 PCC.

- Night Tide: Def and Res +5 to adjacent allies. Hey, that's not bad! Could be of use against the remaining bosses.

Overall, Rody is a powerful and unique unit that has barely any availability. But that's okay. His purpose is to be a Gotoh, anyway.

Also, this officially makes the character I've spent the entire LP mocking for being useless more useful than Daedalus. Wow. You should be ashamed of your sorry self, you blue-haired little dipshit.

Nxskulzt o

Since recruiting is a free action, I can immediately give him a support with Katherin. It's completely useless, but he only has a c support with her and Iris, anyway.

Pvuseucg o

You are quite the odd one.

D07i6x5j o...

Zbaaezxw oWhat do you seek to gain by fighting to protect me? Nia is dead. That is not your fault.

D07i6x5j oWherever I go, death is sure to follow my every move. Is it wrong for me to want to let something live for once? After all the death I brought, can I be allowed just this, only once?

Zbaaezxw oSo, in truth, this is just a last selfish desire?

D07i6x5j oWhat happens to me after this war is of no concern, as long as you live. I failed Nia. You, who carry an almost identical aura, are all I can do to try and make up for my mistake.

Zbaaezxw o...I don't know what kind of relationship you truly had with Nia, but you owe nothing to me. Saving my life won't change that outcome for you.

D07i6x5j oBut I will have saved your life. That is all that matters to me.

Zbaaezxw o...To think the King of Monsters would have been reduced to this. Ah well, do what you want.

Xq8eqoca o

D07i6x5j oAt that time, when it comes to the sister she spoke of so fondly, so full of love, to the point that I would become jealous of her, I will proudly tell her that I saw her live through this war. That shall be my final act. What happens after that doesn't matter.

Z5zidy26 o

D07i6x5j oIf my soul is torn to shreds and merely becomes part of the mana cycle, that will not bother me either. All that matters is my last words to her.

Gcy8kbfl o

You know, crippling depression, heartache and redemption are not where I expected this character to go. Hoo, boy... Also, that "I deserve no heaven" line. So edgy, but... I dunno, I like it. Is that so wrong?

Cxkv70o0 o

I'd like to point out that Rody has an A support with Nia at base. The man's love for her was so powerful that he kept his support level with her even after her death, breaking the game's rules. Holy shit.

B578jawf o

I wish to give Rody a level. Usually I do this by feeding him Gill, same as how I often give Karel a level by feeding him Brunnya. However, I promised to give the important bosses to Kirin, so I can't do that. Therefore, Rody will eat generics instead.

Nwmpnrfq oHa5ylwzw o

But first, let's get rid of this one. She could seriously hurt Rody with her sun sword.

Li998p6j oIig7qrnd oZv5vzkoj o7wbdijoj o

Like so.

Iyehx9ef oOgwvi5rq oG1dpbvwh o79muepgj o

We've got gorgon reinforcements on this side. Best have Kirin dash to that side so she can kill.

Anfqooiy o

Pfffhahahahahahah... 1% crit. In your dreams, pal.

Oeqediww o7mxtfeig o

Down you go! That's a crit, I just failed to take a good screenshot of it.

Mia08yfw oT6tuyuph oCatkcn4g o

Elliot goes after the final boss of the original game.

P74odlb5 o

Funnily enough, Fomortiis's fancy death animation applies still.

Danzparf o

I'll have to think who can get this.

Hcblz76j oP7uwrds0 oFqhbw8uw o

Let's get Katherin out of the way. She's useless, but I'm pretty sure Rody leaves if she dies, so let's not let that happen.

W4vjngpf oBjcj6esq o

Rody can do some frontlining. Chrysler will take on a reinforcement.

Cyypvsvm oTdxhtyik oDg7y6zpj oI9adjblw o

Speaking of reinforcements, they're cleaned up on this side.

Dejx00yx o6ga8wjks o3wy7crhf o

Clock's ticking, Gill. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...

Lkvezhfv oVlcwb6h9 oJ37or7u9 o

All the rallying before was in preparation for this encounter. She makes great use of the buffs to one-round an enemy despite her WTD!

Sdaxrmcg o

The slaughter begins.

Zu5lh3oc o


V9h87cxb oO4g73e9l oXtgswemd o

One dragon is crippled, the other two perish.

Cffog7nw o

Aaaaand I made a whoopsie.

Wcggiayc o

Never mind, I continue to get lucky with the stone shots.

Sdi4fnbq oLmzgsgec o

AH 1% CRIT I need to remember to give him back his scroll for the final chapter.

Jpuzrw9c o

He can't even kill the guy for his critical offense. Well, no rush.

Deqxe9ec o

In our turn, Rody finishes what he started. His dragon pals are no more.

Ghms8few o

Heyy... I just got the most fan-fucking-tastic idea.

Lihqwtw3 o7pmtnjbb o

Hwahahaha... All right, Katherin. If you manage to score this kill, you'll have officially showed Daedalus up.

Tjrli5kc o


Lggopojs oFtwfaovg oOg0g59jr o

She even got a good level for a myrmidon. Nice. Eighteen more and you can replace Kenton.

Mqdggpes oMyjkra0g o

The entire team is injured. I'm too lazy to take two turns to heal everyone, so let's just cut some corners.

Qlgcopsj oImydzaej oUo3qtejm o

Fortify with those sweet, sweet Lyon animations! Plus a small glitch.

Vcr3kay4 o

Much, much better, goddamnit.

Zchgivbu oLtu9je5t oKsiarfan o

The entirety of this enemy phase's action revolves around Rody.

312dgl7e oI1dtquew o

Reinforcements. They've walked right into an ambush that we didn't even set up!

A0wtv8qo oHd2vwweg o1jsysal4 oDwuqvmnw o

Couple more kills for Rody. Closer to that wonderful 200% move growth level!

Etinghpw o

A reward for his efforts, too.

9nce0fvd oG7z77jhk oXymqr7rj o

We're mostly in the clear. It will soon be time to push forth.

81hxz3nw o

In fact, let's get to work on Gill's bodyguards. He has Tower Shield+, so we must kill at least some of them to have a chance to do him in.

0vqpuygz oOyc7uc25 o

Hoho, way to go, Hellen! Excellent work!

C1uyod4q o8eq7v8v8 o

Can we go for a twofer?

Yhzbwhhp oXpfbuowp o

Now that's great.

Ih0rgz3i o

Before I forget, let's handle the reinforcements. I wouldn't want Katherin to suffer a tragic accident now that she's useful.

Nud3msfe oZdbrupys oUf6a9z6g o

I gotta remember to hammerne the Helswath. It's still got like 10 uses, but I'd rather not run out in the middle of the final map.

B8ctfwsy oSd2jpi7a oPsjhmkvg oBa3xjtsj o

All right, it's over.

Pqhslz6g o

Now, to do the same on this side.

Erevaxvo o8sbwscqw oVhwmfwsk o

A double dose of female warrior does the job fine.

Sxk8jbbf o

All that's left is to dance around the final stoner's range, then take the fight to the big guy himself.

Clewlokt o

Awww... Okay, we'll need to do a couple things first.

Zzant8rr oDaj83g68 oCjbebule o

We can, however, begin to soften up some more of the bodyguards.

Oepibnvh oFwe5y8em o

As well as a wyvern. Hwahahaha... My favorite thing. Shame about the lack of kill, but hey.

Oaj3tkne o

Hellen becomes the first unit to reach the level cap. She gets speed for some more of a chance to proc Adept.

Mhsvucdq oI6plri58 o7sgo6l9b o

Evan succeeds to kill, but doesn't level up.

Gafkalji oH0ivwdjt oEu9mrkb3 o5najcd7k o

All right, the main goal has been accomplished. Without the stone threat to worry about, we can safely proceed.

Ecapfpmm o

Next turn.

0chs5udc o3zufx2cz oFkcupvws o

Eyy, nice 1% crit! He slammed the ground with his tail a bit, that's how you can tell.

3vpymkkg oTinapc7z o8bi4mjth oFezs5ezo o

The remaining wyverns go down.

Q6pf4hw6 o

I think it's about time to check out what Gill has to offer.

P73xpymd o0suqevmz oYba4kid1 oOeeiwdp9 o

Welp. He's not much stronger than he was in chapter 18. He probably won't die in one round, but he'll still be rather easy. I mean, he's a stationary boss. When have stationary bosses ever been tough? You can count them with the fingers of one hand.

Fybtglj2 o6i9dkxrx o8skpes6i o

Let's get rid of all the dragons before we confront him. I want as much room to maneuver as possible.

Gwsmfsuv oQhklmwgo o4qgu2jys o972otiwj o

It takes a couple of turns, but...

S9pxcdfc oNwol0fvf o5fljlnis o

Eventually, Gill is all that the remains.

Gpd1x9tw oKlo5czpo o

As I said earlier, I have decided to hammerne the Helswath.

Shy1ap5p oTe4ujywb o

Speed is cool!

Fpcbgq6c o3kfvx5lh oQy2jyy5g o

Next up, set Rody to fight Gill on enemy phase. For the experience, more than anything.

7xd1an1g oUcwnyrcm o

Gotta be careful, though. He does have 1-3 range.

Z9a7xqrv o

Rody?! Fighting with humans?! How is this even possible?!

283pcthl o

6yzybw8p oI like how, for all his big talk before, Gill is quick to panic when Rody stands against him.

Kh14pmlx oP0af5pun oUjvo75hb oPyfgpfn2 o

With that scroll Rody is carrying, they're evenly matched.

Ocs8tbfb o6ex9mtes o

Oh boy, reinforcements.

Ik4phcbu o

Let's delay them a bit. We'll be out of here soon enough, anyway.

35bcfs3y o

This is Gill's standard battle quote.

6yzybw8p oBeg for death's sweet embrace.

Cwhdznmw oG2shpuih oL6jxrh8g o

Let's just keep doing this for a little while until Rody levels up.

Ejdyeiwb o

Also, kill the reinforcements.

P6eu6tgr o

Also also, support. Has anyone ever seen this support before, I wonder?

Tcwiequ2 o

Eketubeo oDullahan? I guess to you, I am indeed lazy. You became one of the three holy commanders because I wouldn't.

U4m5ackz oAnd yet Mandrake still got his claws into you eventually.

Eketubeo oThat he did. But before that happened, the adventure I went on was indeed fun. You should try going on one yourself when you have the chance.

U4m5ackz oHmm...

Dhm7iy47 o

I'm just glad these two idiots have gotten some text. They had like, two lines each before this.

Csywuh41 oE2caxobo o

All right, time to wrap up.

9k351zvo o

First, the level.

1ubohuwo o

2 movement points. Love it.

Gzk4lr0c oPeyqf8bt oDjntcjeq oHgstsclf oCexz9zr9 oOhstahsp o

And now... with this elaborate set-up...

0j2s3yut o

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffhahahahahahahahahahah! He would've gotten one-rounded! I love you, Kirin. I love you so much.

Sdrydt9z o

Okay, but first, before I forget, let's hammerne Rody's fancy dragonstone.

Heptvk8f o

...Dragonstones cannot be hammerned. Of course. So arbitrary... I've never understood why this limitation is so common in these games. These things are rare enough!

Eepcntex o

Ah, well, no matter. I'll just hammerne Kirin's brave axe, because why not.

Yf6mpysk oKd7oofex oPkduwtsx oC4ed9yje o

Bye, king of dragons.

Apqnkxfs oOqpnrcik oTmmh9jbo o

You were one hell of a pansy.

Qgf273vr o

I don't think, I know.

Mrsov6lc o

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand she finishes her levelling career on an empty level. Yeah, the glitch says there's something, but there's nothing.

Of course. Kirin's been doing whatever the hell she wanted all game long. She wants to finish on a horrible level? Sure, she's earned the right.

That 59 HP hurts me on an emotional level, though.

Zdjqtn4i o

And with that, we cut to the cutscene, where Gill is starting to realize that the gig is up.

Chx8cikc oWait... of course, you have fragments of Mila, don't you?!

Mbhufq5x oCorrect. If they can be used to revive, they can be used to stop such magic. Farewell, former king of Ryu. This is the end of your journey.

Chx8cikc oDeath... so I will go and join my brother after all... Iris, you are truly the ruler of our people now.

2eqxdhbc o
Hbbq4to4 o

L6ldsx3m oThank you, Leo. This couldn't have been done without you.

Mbhufq5x oYou're welcome. But our fight isn't over just yet. Pyron is next.

2soobpse o

D07i6x5j oI fought alongside Nia's allies. Nothing more. Nothing less. She told me many stories about her sister. Out of respect for her memory, I will assist you from here on out.

Zbaaezxw oRody, thank you for taking care of my sister. I can't say I'm proud of everything that you both did, or the lives of my friends that you both took to kill Conway, but I'm glad to have someone as strong as you on our side for the time being.

Lgjkwhcy o I like how obviously difficult it's being for her to wrap her head around the fact that her sister gleefully murdered friends and colleagues alongside the lunatic genocider. And that the lunatic genocider is now on our side.

D07i6x5j oI always keep my word. So long as you live, you have my aid.

Zrh4rgil o
Netc2jsu o

Vhfxzqd0 oAnd in front of us must be where Pyron has holed up his last defenses.

L6ldsx3m oYes. I can sense a tremendous power in front of us. It matches the one he gave off back in Cyra.

Det8lbw5 oVery well. It's time for our last and final battle.

Skjiouvx o
Flkluqva o

Oh, shit! Quick, someone call Alice, her dearest beloved is here!

B6dze3n5 o

Vhfxzqd0 oDaughter? Astrea, this man is your father?

Det8lbw5 oYes. This is the man Garrison was supposed to have killed. A traitor!

Vhfxzqd0 oWhat would drive a man to kill his own allies?

Locyd52a oMy daughters. I am a mage of Cyra. My wife a powerful former general of Pyronia. Despite this, neither child could wield any magic whatsoever.

Lgjkwhcy oGee, it's almost like honorifics have absolutely nothing to magical power. Also, what the hell are you talking about? Have you seen Astrea? She's a better mage than you!

Locyd52a oNot only that, but one of my children fell victim to the Mana Plague. I am not an idiot. It was obvious to me what the plague was designed to do. Recognizing that my own blood could carry such weakness... I needed to do something. And something I did. I tested the limits of my magical power. And Zalmoxis rewarded me for my efforts, which Pyron had punished.

Lgjkwhcy oSo this is basically the story of how Paris became an apostle of Zalmoxis. He was angry that his daughters couldn't use magic and then he... did something and... Wait, hold on, wasn't he made an apostle after Garrison deemed his own wife unworthy because she was injured during a battle? Is that what he calls "testing the limits of his magical power", murdering a wounded woman...?

Locyd52a oTo Zalmoxis, everyone can have a purpose and be equal in this world.

4ziduoiw o

Locyd52a oIn this case, he's observed that one or both of you may be worthy.

Det8lbw5 o! A warp staff!

Bwjzbikl o

Astrea and Daedalus are warped away.

Szbdqqlz o

Locyd52a oTo challenge the weak link among Zalmoxis's eight apostles. He doesn't see potential in you or Leo any longer, but those two and their opponent can all be viewed as worthy.

Lgjkwhcy oZalmoxis is one hell of a dumbass, then. Leo and even Elliot both run circles around that piece of worthless shit, Daedalus.

Locyd52a oOf the three, only two will survive. Who will Zalmoxis judge as worthy?

Txzubig9 o Oh, well, that's easy. Daedalus, my friend, it's time to go!

Lgjkwhcy o...If only. The fucking game won't let me, though.

L6ldsx3m oDamn, we don't have time for Zalmoxis's games with Pyron so close by!

Locyd52a oZalmoxis's forces are engaging Pyron and his remaining Phobos as we speak. Your role in this war is over. Only Zalmoxis's will remains.

And with that, the map ends. Wow, that went surprisingly well. Anyway, turns out, I've been lying these past few updates... sort of. You see, there really is only one map left... for the army as a whole. There is, however, one short map that only Astrea and Daedalus can take part in. That's why fatigue doesn't matter in the final chapter - the army automatically rests during this chapter, so their fatigue is reset for the finale. Handy! In the next update, we'll face off against the purported "weak link" among the apostles of Zalmoxis in a really cool story-focused map where we'll get to make a decision. I already know what I'll do, but you guys will have to farewell and wait patiently! See you next time!


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 7 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 2, Elliot: 2, Remmy: 1)


Current perfect streak: 1 map, finally!

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 11 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1, Rody: 2)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
                                             The one green dragon

Bandit King guy


BONUS: Shit. First, this happens if Katherin dies before the end of the map.

L6ldsx3m oI don't believe it. You actually fought alongside humans.

D07i6x5j oI fought alongside Nia's allies. Nothing more. Nothing less. But with her sister having died this battle, I see no allies of hers. Only filth to be exterminated.

L6ldsx3m oIn that case, fulfil your promise to me, my brother. Exit this war. Leave this land and do not return.

D07i6x5j o...I always keep my word to those I promise it to. Dear Sister, I will do as you have requested. Until we meet again.

L6ldsx3m oRody... that girl's death seems to have pained him quite a bit. Just what happened to you these past few months?

D07i6x5j oNext, all of the convos that cause Rody to leave the battlefield.

L6ldsx3m oBrother! Heed my wish! In response to the favor you owe me, I request that you leave this battlefield and exit this war! When the world is at peace again, you will be free to do as you please. ...Though I hope you will just come back home to us. Though I have heard of the horrors that you have committed, you are still my dear brother that I love very much.

D07i6x5j oI am a man of my word, Sister. I will keep my promise. As for when we may meet again, we will see what the future holds.


Wiwh81gp oHalt, Brother. Iris wishes to exchange her favor with you.

D07i6x5j o...A withdrawal order. Very well. I will keep my word to her. I am a man of my word. Thank you again for telling me where the Dragonbane was. Until we meet again, Jeff.


D07i6x5j oHalf-breed, you should know better than to place your arms down in battle.

Vhfxzqd0 oMy mother sends you this letter in regards to your favor to her.

D07i6x5j o...A withdrawal order. Very well. I will keep my word to her. Farewell, half-breed. Pray that you never meet me again.

Vhfxzqd0 oWell, that's one problem solved.

I love how he treats Daedalus. He hates him almost as much as I do. Almost.

Now, some Gill convos.

6yzybw8p oCraft isn't here to protect you this time, boy.

T5kcwfit oI don't need his protection to defeat you for good.


6yzybw8p oYou're that bastard's child, aren't you? This will be the closest I ever get to revenge.

Xzplhnm1 oMy family ended your life once. It can easily do it once again.


6yzybw8p oPlease, Joanne! Don't make me kill you!

Vd6irww9 oYour love for me is truly disgusting. I want nothing to do with you anymore.


6yzybw8p oCome to rebel against me again, daughter?

L6ldsx3m oYour reign is finally at an end, Gill!


6yzybw8p oOf all my children, I always liked you the least.

Uavqr9ho oWow! That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!

This chick has the best convos.

6yzybw8p oJeff... this may actually require effort.

Wiwh81gp oHave at you, disgraced former king!

Please. Jeff fucking sucks.

6yzybw8p oHmph. One of the half breed bastards, eh?

This is his line against Derek, Nicole and Daedalus. Appropriate.

6yzybw8p oYou're one of that bastards blood, aren't you? I will eliminate you from this world. Torment me no longer!

Hah! To the bitter end, he cannot get over his petty grudge against Eli. This is his line against Elliot and Lila.

Here's some of Rody's convos, too. First, Joanne.

D07i6x5j oI think I remember you? You were Gill's second wife I believe. He loved you more than my mother. And you betrayed him despite all that. To be honest, you don't sound too bad. Well, if you can overlook you fighting alongside the plague.


L6ldsx3m oRody, wait!

D07i6x5j oIris, out of my way!


D07i6x5j oJanet? Can you even fight me? Or even hurt me?


D07i6x5j oAt last! A worthy foe at last!

Wiwh81gp oNo wonder you were so drawn to Pyron.

What's with all the hard-ons for Jeff? He's a fucking scrub!
























Jvpnhll8 o
Zugibba4 o
5gri20zk o
Cl6s00gp o
1hponxz9 o
Nfn76ujl o
Mysnsmm3 o
Abphbj3h o
4ankcirm o
Dvubk5mg o
90rlrpz7 o
Dxptpswc o
Ltbnx19z o
On0omy2v o
Lh2c5pxv o
Whq14pah o
Bx61mty0 o
Nutgfzgk o
Mk8irll1 o
Doaal59y o
Dyozlih1 o
Ao6v6vh7 o
Omcgfopz o
41cjhfcv o
Xa03mfrh o
Rfdz7b8b o
Pwet7ohm o
9tre7ymj o
2j5oxtfg o
7gmrtm7h o
B4ylkocj o
Fthg7uz9 o
Gv7khuu1 o
Jojsk5tj o
Vhheeaem o
Bydx8b2h o
0c3hfckd o
7f1sddgx o
Qnamn7dn o
5g0pim6b o
Jnp2u3v5 o
5i4gqcsj o
Wqv97dih o



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15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All three of them are pretty good. Nicole beating Lex is not that unlikely, actually. Lex had to be balanced somehow with his broken skills, so his speed sucks so hard that he'll never be quadrupling anything.

Well... until he gets the legendary bow with +5 speed. Then he might stand more of a chance. Honestly, the guy's fucking broken, but that doesn't make the other two bad.

Good to know Nicole is supposed to be strong too. I assumed she would be the average earlygame archer of the game from her stats and how bad her damage was with non magic bows.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I must've stolen all of the LP's luck from you, haha.

Why you! Stop stealing them right now I know I can't be funny even if I try

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I used her too, but she wasn't so tanky, so I tried frontlining with Joe. It didn't end so well.

I actually built a wall with all the armors for that map, it worked pretty well. Although still needed to kill some of the riskier threats before they reached the wall.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The axe is used by Nereid. She needs no axe training, just a promotion to be able to use the weapon type.

Wait, why Nereid...sounds like a weird choice to give it to someone who can't even use that at base. Still, good to know I will still have use for her, was thinking of benching her.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kinda wish Evil Moulder was recruitable instead of Hellen. He's probably my favorite villain in this game. He's just too good.

Don't forget he is polite too, even when killing someone.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A9sjs5wu oSoon, Pyron will die. My will. Will have been done. Order will. Be restored.

Didn't comment on him before, he looks like he belongs in Power Rangers universe.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Bg1qdb2s o

Up north, the baddies of the day discuss Gill's new look. How do you want him to put his hood back on? He no longer has a hood, as far as I can see.

I agree with Rody here, he loses all his seriousness without the hood.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Xcee1riq o8czh6scw oGe6fywxe oD2l7zg6l o

So, uh. Yeah. Rody. Rody is playable. You thought TearRing Saga had unexpected recruitments? Scratch that, you thought Hellen was unexpected? How's this for an unexpected recruitment? The genocider is on our side now. Just like that. Honestly, I love it.

Unfortunately I already got this spoiled as well as the guys you get in the next map. Also the only reason I bothered to train Katherin to lv10, so I can promote her in case it is too tough to get her to him.

Onto the unit, he seems awesome and worth using if only for that move growth.

15 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And with that, the map ends. Wow, that went surprisingly well. Anyway, turns out, I've been lying these past few updates... sort of. You see, there really is only one map left... for the army as a whole. There is, however, one short map that only Astrea and Daedalus can take part in. That's why fatigue doesn't matter in the final chapter - the army automatically rests during this chapter, so their fatigue is reset for the finale. Handy! In the next update, we'll face off against the purported "weak link" among the apostles of Zalmoxis in a really cool story-focused map where we'll get to make a decision. I already know what I'll do, but you guys will have to farewell and wait patiently! See you next time!

Yeah, that seemed pretty uneventful for the 2nd last map, and Gill felt pretty weak for a major boss. Hopefully the next one will be great.


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Just wanted to let you know that I'm having some big internet troubles with my laptop. Ethernet connection just stopped working and I've no idea why or if it's fixable. My wifi is not sturdy enough, so if I am unable to fix this issue, the next updates are going to come out slower. Good thing there's only a couple left and the next one will be short. Hopefully I'll be able to fix this.

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Part 26 - Deception.

I'm beginning to think I've got some kind of magical powers. Every time I announce a delay in one of my LPs, the cause of the delay is solved and the delay is cancelled just to make me look bad.

Also, today's update is the shortest of the LP. Just pointing that out.

Hi guys:

On 6/16/2021 at 1:55 PM, ranger016 said:
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Good to know Nicole is supposed to be strong too. I assumed she would be the average earlygame archer of the game from her stats and how bad her damage was with non magic bows.

Oh, make no mistake, Nicole's damage with non magic bows sucks forever. Unless you get super blessed or something. Of course, magic bows are common enough and powerful to the point where she can end up dealing even more damage than Lex, so she's perfectly fine nonetheless.

Why you! Stop stealing them right now I know I can't be funny even if I try

Hahaha... it's okay, I chuckled.

I actually built a wall with all the armors for that map, it worked pretty well. Although still needed to kill some of the riskier threats before they reached the wall.

That probably would've been a good idea.

Wait, why Nereid...sounds like a weird choice to give it to someone who can't even use that at base. Still, good to know I will still have use for her, was thinking of benching her.

Her father is the current wielder. After he dies, she inherits it. It's kinda arbitrary, but yeah.

Don't forget he is polite too, even when killing someone.

That's why I love him so much. He's so genuinely kind and gentle. He just happens to also be insane and lack a moral compass. I really think the man just doesn't understand what he does is wrong. Not saying he should be redeemable or anything (quite the opposite, it'd be really difficult to justify a change in a character like this), but... Well, I like him. He's a surprisingly well-written villain, with a face like that.

Didn't comment on him before, he looks like he belongs in Power Rangers universe.


I agree with Rody here, he loses all his seriousness without the hood.

He just looks like Jahn except he's trying way too hard to look epic. And we both know how pathetic Jahn truly is...

Unfortunately I already got this spoiled as well as the guys you get in the next map. Also the only reason I bothered to train Katherin to lv10, so I can promote her in case it is too tough to get her to him.

Ouch... Well, that's fine. As you can see, though, there's no need to use Katherin. You can just drag her through the map. In previous versions Rody moved (or at the very least, he had displayed movement), which made it a bit more difficult (you needed warp or a dancer to get her to him safely), but now that he doesn't, it's really simple.

Onto the unit, he seems awesome and worth using if only for that move growth.

The move growth is a meme on par with FE6!Karel's growths. You just feed him Gill and watch the movement go up.

Yeah, that seemed pretty uneventful for the 2nd last map, and Gill felt pretty weak for a major boss. Hopefully the next one will be great.

This one is a short, story-driven one. The final map though, while not too challenging, makes up for it by being absolutely badass. Just you wait...



I'm doing okay, how about you?:

A1thxao1 o

The title doesn't lie. This entire map is more of a puzzle to make a choice than anything else.

3m0sgl1e o

Daedalus and Astrea are warped to a remote corner of Elementos.

3zutszgo o

Gasp, it's you!

Det8lbw5 oYou? But we killed you!

Lgjkwhcy o I'm surprised you even remember. He didn't make much of an impression.

Mlfvch4m oThanks to the power of Mila that Zalmoxis once had, he managed to clone me into an army. Though brief, while Zalmoxis had Mila's power, he created us apostles. He wanted us to be the guardians of all life. But he gave away all his power to help Jedah start his pathetic country. And at the same time went back to being the heartless god he is now. Only acting out of his base functionality, the activation of your bracelet and the creation of that Og fellow have forced him to personally come here.

9qk5ifz8 o Og has singlehandedly lured God 2 here? Wow... He really is supremely buff now.

Mlfvch4m oWhile his forces engage against Pyron's, he has one last test for you.

Vhfxzqd0 oHe wishes to test us now?

Dabks2h4 o

Mlfvch4m oPrepare yourselves. Your opponent will be ready shortly.

Hzaf5js0 o

Follow will? Interesting goal.

Kzcgftbq o

And only Astrea and Daedalus are deployed? Elliot is green too, I know, but he's not here, believe me.

Mfovxncc oJaqmogni o

Fine, let's just equip these two with weapons that will help them survive.

Wkqxxbvy o

Mlfvch4m oTo make sure that one of you dies. Zalmoxis only needs two of you.

Vhfxzqd0 oI'll cut you all down all the same.

Lgjkwhcy oOh, shut your pie hole, Daedalus. you won't be doing shit.

Vhfxzqd0 oWhere is our opponent?

1bmq8zyv o
Kvhv09bd o
I6xwaw6n o

Yeah, it's Donovan. Of course it's Donovan.

Vd1pvrwo o

Vhfxzqd0 oFather!

Mlfvch4m oBaine, I personally think your son is the least worthy.

9qk5ifz8 o I agree with Serious. Let's kill Daedalus and then we can all go home and live happily ever after.

Mlfvch4m oAs you may hesitate to fight him, I'll be fighting on your side, mostly. You have your orders. Do our god's will.

Det8lbw5 oThere is no reason for you to fight back against us.

Eanpjtqp oZalmoxis has already targeted my family once. I won't let him do so again.

Det8lbw5 oThen you plan to sacrifice yourself?

Eanpjtqp o...

Cbza30rp o

Vhfxzqd0 oFather, please! We can work together and stop anything Zalmoxis tries! You did so by yourself before. Think of what we can accomplish together?

Eanpjtqp oThose who are apostles of Zalmoxis cannot oppose his direct will.

Det8lbw5 oBecause of Zalmoxis's power?

Eanpjtqp oNo. Because of Mila's.

It23ppkh o

You called them "worthy ones" five minutes ago.

Eanpjtqp oVery well. Direct orders from Zalmoxis are absolute. Let's begin.

Det8lbw5 oMila's power...

Kugj6pfy o

Well, that's basically the whole map. Pretty epic, climatic battle, complete with map music that isn't interrupted by battles. Undertale music, of all things (Asgore's the theme, if you're curious). As for the opposition, it consists of four Seriouses around us, and Donovan.

0bbj7zcq oQnlzmfnt oFcka4hzq o

With those stats, you'd think Donovan could whoop his son's sorry behind in no time at all, but...

Cudv7wkw o

He's not got his aura blade. Quite the opposite, he's come to this fight with the shittiest weapon in the game. Gameplay-story integration! The whole point of this map is that we have to choose between killing him or finding a way to save him.

Dm8igvls o6mx7x8xa oMhnh0bzl o8v2tbvmj o

As for the Seriouses, they're pretty similar. Stronger Seriouses will appear as the turns go on, similarly to Legion's gaiden in FE12.

P7wshngw o

So here's the thing: This is a puzzle. Donovan is no Camus. He can be recruited. However, it isn't quite as easy as talking to him.

K5y68nmy o

First, Astrea must fight him.

Det8lbw5 oKnow that I don't intend to die just yet.

Eanpjtqp oSo long as Mila's power controls me, this battle cannot be stopped.

Det8lbw5 oMila's power again... If I can't reach him, can Daedalus do so instead?

Iyq1uxf5 o

That seems to have been highly ineffective, but...

Htyoz7c9 o

Daedalus can now speak with him.

H2uulyp3 o

Eanpjtqp oZalmoxis's orders are absolute. He bade I obey Serious. There is nothing I can do.

Vhfxzqd0 oPlease! Don't make me do this! Dammit, maybe Astrea can reach him?!

Tnmfdjp1 o

Since he has a chance, let's whack a Serious.

Y2hjrcfg o9h0p3vpj o

I hate this guy. I hate him so much.

Cnaslqo0 oIjhexhq5 oT3zyafdh o

On enemy phase, Donovan heals and the Seriouses go after Astrea. They fail miserably to do anything.

7k0zqu73 o

Pretty sure her magic's capped, so this is kinda bleh.

0yafcxwo o

Goodbye, blond Legion. For now, at least.

0pb9lqoh oVlreflb9 o

As for Donovan, he tries to hurt Astrea. He isn't very successful.

Hczipz0g o

I will park Daedalus here. For reasons you'll discover soon enough.

Dwolzpjf o

4gbwstat o

Eanpjtqp oIndeed. Each god had a god that they had power over.

Det8lbw5 oWhich one was Pyron strong against?

Eanpjtqp oI cannot answer. That would help those who wish to assist Pyron, Zalmoxis's ultimate taboo. But you are a smart girl, Astrea. I know you know the answer.

Det8lbw5 o...! That's it! Daedalus!

Iwjeljdz o

Next step, talk to Daedalus with Astrea.

Fdis8a2j o

Det8lbw5 oIf it fails, it'll be fine though. Only I will die.

Uedfz3v4 o Are you fucking kidding me? It won't be fine! I don't want either of those pansies, you're the most awesome of the three!

Vhfxzqd0 o? What do you mean?

Det8lbw5 oThe god Pyron is strong against. It's Mila. My pendant. It contains a fragment of Pyron. With that, we can dispell Zalmoxis's control of him! I'll put it on him while you distract him! After that, we just have to hope he'll come to his senses.

Vhfxzqd0 o! I understand. Let's do it, Astrea!

Bb1a5pqm o

You'd think after that Daedalus has to talk with Don to "distract" him, but... no, it's Astrea again. With the correct positioning, you can just do the entire puzzle in two turns.

Ege2d0mi oOh2hnbnk o

Astrea runs over to Donovan and presumably puts her pendant on him.

Det8lbw5 oDaedalus... now! *Cough*

Vhfxzqd0 oFather! Feel Pyron's power flow through you and snap out of it!

Eanpjtqp o...! Daedalus! Astrea! Well done! Here, Astrea! Take your pendant back!

Det8lbw5 oHa...ha...ha...! Yes! It worked!

Eanpjtqp oEnough of the clones, Serious. Show me your true form! You and Zalmoxis no longer have any control over me!

Ab2fkcjy o

A tier 3 Serious appears.

Zhenrzb4 o

Mlfvch4m oIronically, the god he is strong against has his greatest weakness. But, only two of his apostles have the need for Mila's power.

Det8lbw5 oAnd how exactly did you plan to control me without Mila's power?

Mlfvch4m oWe figured you'd join Zalmoxis on your own after everything Garrison still did for you and because of your hatred of Pyron. It's not as if Zalmoxis wishes for you to die.

Det8lbw5 oJust to be controlled and not grow too much for him to no longer be able.

Wqeo5uma o

Bwahahahahaha... I love Astrea, man. What a badass she is. She has somehow managed to one-up the old "teenagers fighting God" trope by declaring war on two gods at once!

Vhfxzqd0 oWell said, Astrea. As for you, how do we leave this place? Where are our friends?

Eanpjtqp oDon't worry. I'll lead us out. After we finish this pawn off. You face the wielder of the Aura Blade, a weapon that can kill Zalmoxis. Enjoy the last moments of your life, Serious.

Mlfvch4m oDamn you, Baine!

Z65rubex o78xgummz o

Donovan gains his signature weapon and turns blue. Hell yeah!

Hd2qjkwl oPe5naqlm o

And since she has a free move, Astrea can just do one of the remaining Serious clones in.

H2fu97ta oQifdmdaz oBgrb3xkb oCawgyqy7 o

Donovan does the same thing with a skill proc. I believe he has Aether? Not sure. Didn't check.

Is8go05m o

The remaining two Seriouses go after Astrea and are summarily dispatched.

Y1wjj9z9 o

...Oh wait, right, the real Serious moves too.

Ounjzhm5 o

Det8lbw5 oI killed you once. I can do it again.

Tp2mvdbm o


Glte7xz9 o

Oh, thank God...

Gqm22g5z oGgowiivb o

Aaaand it's over.

Xawzrsub o0lj0ilvw o

Bye, loser.

I5knhajc o

Det8lbw5 oI'm glad I could help. Though it was very painful... Here especially, I need this pendant more than ever.

Vhfxzqd0 oI'm glad to finally be able to fight alongside you, Father. I'm sure Mother and Janet will be happy to see you too.

Eanpjtqp oI look forward to speaking with them as well. But, before that, a warning. What you did to rescue me will not work on Ben. The gigantism serum and fragment of Doma is what lets Zalmoxis control him. He's too drunk on his own power to be broken through to. It is my fault he has been reduced to this state. I'm sorry.

Lgjkwhcy o Noo... Oh, well, I suppose we'll just have to give him a quick death, then.

Jvguxxwj o

Eanpjtqp oFor now, follow me. Iris and Elliot are already fighting against Pyron. With this betrayal, Zalmoxis won't let this stand for long. They're all in danger.

And with that, it's over. As I said, short update. The end is almost in sight. With Donovan's help, we shall face off against both Pyron and Zalmoxis. Do we have what it takes to kill not one, but two gods and all of their allies? Of course. We've got Kirin, after all! Look forward to the grand finale to this adventure, and farewell till then! See you!



















Just kidding.

Gbfz3kft o

That is not at all what I intended to do from the start.

Jul9xibr o

We're instead going to blast Donovan to bits on turn 1.

6xi0mafn oJnr9qhed oRulr8uuy oGdi9g4jr o

Sorry, Don! But it has to be done.

Iollyzfp o

Honestly, way better level than the other one.

Si2pjrzc o

Aaaaaaaand that's it. Honestly, half the reason I showed the whole "saving Donovan" process was that otherwise this update would've been four screenshots and a bunch of text. Instead, it's eight screenshots and a bunch of text.

Mlfvch4m oYou have proven Baine to be the weakest link.

Vhfxzqd0 o...Father.

Det8lbw5 oWe passed your test. Where are Pyron and Zalmoxis? Our allies?

Mlfvch4m oZalmoxis is still fighting what's left of Pyron's forces. I will take you to him. I am sure Paris took your allies there already. Come, apostles of Zalmoxis. Our master awaits.

Lcen5cqi o

Det8lbw5 o...Avenge Donovan. It may not make him happy, but I know what to do now. I doubt even he will be able to resist our next move.

Sooo yeah. If this looks absolutely heartless, that's because it is, but it'll be worth it. You see, the final chapter changes dramatically if Donovan dies here. Without him and his Aura Blade on her side, Astrea will be forced to devise her most brilliant scheme yet in order to prevail. It's going to be absolutely beautiful. Just you wait... You'll never see this coming! And, of course, neither will our enemies.

And now for real, it's over. The grand finale is almost upon us. Fare particularly well, get enough rest, drink a lot of water... whatever it takes to be ready for the final update! Goodbye, and see you next time! Byeee~!


Death count: Charles


Reset count: 7 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 2, Elliot: 2, Remmy: 1)


Current perfect streak: 1 map, finally!

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 11 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 1, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1, Rody: 2)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
                                             The one green dragon

Bandit King guy


BONUS: Just a couple things here. First, Daedalus's battle quote against Donovan.

Vhfxzqd0 oI beg of you, Father! Listen to my words!

Eanpjtqp oYou are just another body in a row. Fall.

Vhfxzqd0 oYou can't expect me to take you seriously, can you?! Not with a weapon like that! Just what are you doing? I just need to speak to you to get through to you!

A bit forced at the end there, but I like how the game acknowledges that his weapon choice is so obviously crappy, especially when, after his recruitment, it is proven that he had the Aura Blade on him the whole time.

Next up, Don and Daedalus's battle convos against the real Serious.

Mlfvch4m oKnow the Space God's wrath, infidel!

Vhfxzqd0 oI see no reason to fear one as weak as you.


Mlfvch4m oYou would bite the hand that feeds you?!

Eanpjtqp oYour god gave me nothing. He only tried to kill me and my family. And tried to force my obedience to him. You will die like so many others who have faced me.

Finally, a scene I didn't even know existed: Donovan can die between his recruitment and the real Serious's death. It's almost impossible to see, but if he does, the final scene actually changes accordingly.

Eanpjtqp oI guess Serious was more powerful than I thought...

Det8lbw5 oDonovan... thank you for fighting alongside us. As short as it was, I was glad to have you as an ally.

Vhfxzqd0 oI feel the same, Father. I will tell Mother of your noble end.

Eanpjtqp oThanks, Daedalus. I'm sorry that I couldn't be there for you more. I just felt that I had a duty to explore the world beyond this one. Astrea, follow these instructions. They will take you to your friends. After my betrayal, Zalmoxis will view you as an enemy. There are two gods you will now have to kill.

Det8lbw5 oThank you again, Donovan. Rest now. Know that we will finish your mission.

Vhfxzqd0 o...farewell, Father.

Eanpjtqp oTake care you two. Daedalus, protect that which I loved...

Daedalus? Daedalus couldn't protect himself from a chicken.

























0ydrc59z o
Hchtr2uo o
Mep2pwcn o
9erdxvsd o
E4jnwjr1 o
Edropeb0 o
Xmwnqslz o
135f7jne o
5mvv4kwe o
8m1kizwt o
2r5mncpa o
1rkxdega o
G9vjrhmp o
1memjxtz o
8lyskjnp o
Oe8yde9p o
Fub5595k o
Nsqfgop4 o
Wbyuhbt2 o
Ayhtu2hz o
R0uxbjez o
K3jrmqjc o
V8y9fiyi o
Bshfxbzk o
Mzyphzqu o

Johpvpm7 o

Q2gfd9ej o
Eqsysilz o
Hohq9enl o
D1cpf1bw o
W44qgnxo o
Ikudpo0i o
Pxaz7gtm o
2yq1t2vv o
Uuas5tvs o
Atkqxlcp o
Le5vdcsh o
Vdj9sxko o
Gnc9d9pv o
Mmmovoyl o
Vurac4af o
Nmzojfha o
J6igv3qm o
Amder0sd o
Z77i8tad o
Du7vpguu o
J5zkhetx o
Jvjjfotm o
Xf1ifgng o
Wjof2lwx o
Oqugrz8h o



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Part 27 - The Wrath of the Gods.

It's over readers:



I don't have the high ground, but I do have the final update:

Gen0hk6s o

Here it is, folks. The end is in sight.

Iowqgcnj o

We return to Elliot with Serious in tow. Also, this scene isn't in FEBuilder's text editor, so I get to transcribe. Nice.

Uvlq3kcu oAstrea, Daedalus! I'm glad you're here. But who is this?

Mlfvch4m oI am Serious. I come with my fellow apostles Astrea and Daedalus. Come, we join with Garrison and wipe out Pyron for good now.

Det8lbw5 oHey Elliot, between our three forces, who has the most troops?

Mlfvch4m oThree?

Lgjkwhcy o He's... not very bright, is he.

Uvlq3kcu oWe do. I take it you have reached your final decision?

Vhfxzqd0 oIndeed we have.

9qk5ifz8 o After that, Daedalus wiggles a bit, and...

Mlfvch4m oBastard... what have you done?

Hjqj3ysu o

Oh, get the fuck outta here. There's no way that useless loser Daedalus could've one-shot Serious.

Det8lbw5 oBut before that, I have something I need your father to do for us.

Uvlq3kcu oMy father? He's only here in an advisory role. What can he do?

Det8lbw5 oYou'll see.

Vhfxzqd0 oEither way, this is our final battle. Let's prepare accordingly.

Knjgop13 o

With that taken care of, it's time to check out Pyron's forces. They're... not doing well at all. Pyron only has Og, Beige and four men left at his disposal. Everything else are getae.

Muk2df2m o

Yet another scene that isn't in the damned text editor.

Adpsh5xn oMy apologies, my grandchild. I have let you and my people down.

Zgrowxlj oWe aren't dead yet. It is odd to see you giving up already.

Qy9twrpa oYeah. Aren't you the god of energy? The fabled "combat idiot?"

Lgjkwhcy oPffft... I mean, I would imagine he's not too fond of that particular denomination...

Adpsh5xn oPyron is those things. But I am also Zypher, more so now than I have been in quite a long time.

83mzpocy o

Adpsh5xn oAll I have left are you two, a pet project of my impotent son, and a loyal servant of his that we have repeatedly sent on suicide missions.

Lgjkwhcy o Okay, so I guess that... kinda explains Beige? Sorta? I still fail to see how his return was in any way necessary, or what purpose he serves.

Zgrowxlj oIf you're ready to be Zypher again, then hand Pyron over to me. This world needs a real god. And I intend to be it.

Adpsh5xn oNo. You are not yet ready for that burden, young one. You are too rash. You are not used to having the power you have. And it is clearly corrupting you.

Lgjkwhcy oIs this happening? Is Pyron, of all people, giving Og a lecture on the responsibilities of power and shit? Unbelievable...

Rtneytxg o

Qy9twrpa oZypher died ages ago. As did Pyron, some would say. Either act like our god, or we won't fight for you.

Adpsh5xn oHeh. You two are quite amusing. Come. This is exactly the field I sought. Let us have our final grand battle!

9qk5ifz8 o This is where we begin to see the effects of our actions. If Donovan had been recruited, Og would've fought Pyron and murdered him. Then he would've taken his power and become a god of his own. However...

Hyavelm6 o

Zgrowxlj oThen I could've just killed him. Made his power my own.

Qy9twrpa oThe fates have prevented that opportunity from happening.

L9vccsxt o

Okay, can this scene be in the damned editor? Please?

1zhhldln o

Good, it is. Thanks.

4aytmmnx oThey would challenge the god of space?

H7ggcm1g oIndeed. My Propater project, much like the Cyra project, failed.

Iear51dw oSo be it. Let us remove these enlightened ones and others among the masses. An ignorant and stupid mortal plane is what we should create next.

Lgjkwhcy o Ah yes, because these guys needed to sound even more villainous. Leave it to Bramimond to seem like the most complete douchebag even among other complete douchebags.

4aytmmnx oWe must make it so that Master Zalmoxis never has to wake again. Or perhaps we should make him be the new true god of this world?

H7ggcm1g oNo. That is not something of interest to him. He rejected that idea when he created the apostle system. He hoped that we would lead the world in line with his wishes.

Iear51dw oAnd in that respect, we failed.

A48y8q52 o

Jcbd4ptn oI'm itching to test out the power Zalmoxis gave me!

Iear51dw oYes. Let us reset this world back to what it was after the first great war.

Ybog7ped o

Hah! Okay, "win the war" is the most badass objective ever, and you can't convince me otherwise. In actuality it is "kill all bosses", but win the war sounds way cooler.

Lbtzya6t oQfbew3ti o

First step, promote Artemis. She won't be coming today, but... I mean, sure, why the hell not.

Qpbtxvqc o

I could also promote Ryan, who is coming today, but I think it'll be more badass if he does what I intend for him to do in his base class.

G2kbvfxj o

Also, Rody grabs all of our dragonstones.

Yfj3hheq o

Next, I sell our entire convoy for... well, I sold a few more things after this, so let's call it 19000 bucks? Maybe?

Tangeziq o

The reason for this is that this chapter's prep store has... Ohohoho, hell fucking yes. You're seeing that right. It's boots. Buyable boots, everyone. Stuff like this is why I love this game.

I was in such a rush to buy them, that I completely forgot to take screenshots of my units' stats before the bootsplosion. But that's okay. After all, we can still keep track of everyone's natural movement levels in the death count.

Q46xuvaw o

The first step, obviously, is to cap Kirin's movement. Unfortunately, everyone caps movement at 15 in this game, so we can't quite go as insane as you can in FE6. Oh well.

I'd like to point out it only took two pairs of boots (counting the one she got way back) to cap movement. That's how insane this Kirin is. If we hadn't given the other pair to Astrea, she could've capped movement before the final map. Think about that.

Still, I don't regret. Astrea with cavalry movement is wonderful.

Osg6ehu0 o

At long last, my failed dreams of a super move Chrysler have been realized. I didn't want it to come to this, but... Well. If there's one unit I'm going to give a bunch of boots to, might as well make it the guy who needs to keep up with Kirin for support purposes.

9l80yymp o

Lastly, Astrea caps movement too. She deserves it.

Aawd2yfa oLapmq3zv oCxobstoy oOdxih8qt oEyygungu oHb1pggjm o

After that, I just gave all of our infantry one pair each.

6ggy9wzt o

Also, Chrysler gets the one speedwings we got last chapter.

All right, I think it's about time. As always, let's take a moment to reflect on the units that have made it this far, and see how they're looking now.

Xi3s5mco o

Let's start with Astrea, who only had +4 movement up until a couple minutes ago. I'm really happy with her, even if she was just shy of all of her caps. Not much in the way of defenses, but Astrea is still the hybrid combat unit, in my opinion. Whereas most units in FE are really only good focusing on one or the other, Astrea manages to excell at both magical and physical combat. This makes her the most fun lord in this game, and just a fun lord in general.

M0iabyqz o

Then there's this moron. This absolute buffoon. God, how I hate this asshole. There's really not much to say, he's just Hector in a game where there's little value in being Hector. He can tank and that's it... kinda? I mean, it's difficult to tell, because on top of being a complete bore he's extremely underlevelled. Who cares, honestly. I wish there are a path where he dies and we get Donovan and Pyron both. Now that'd be epic.

Avhkud6i o

Elliot is Dullahan but worse that is force-deployed. He'd be pretty okay, but his speed kills him. Still, better than Daedalus, that is certainly true.

Qgjhas2n o

Ahh, my gal Dexithea! Dexithea's great. Capped offensive stats! We knew this was going to happen. It's all she's ever gotten, after all. Capped res is pretty funny, too. Not much else, which has made her fall behind a bit, but at least she hits hard. I'm happy with her. Though I'm pretty sure she's massively con screwed... In my first run she was my go-to option to capture.

Hbypecb7 o

And now, for another female warrior. Alice proves that appearances can be deceiving. Sure, at first glance she's the worst. Elliot-tier speed without his defenses? Except Alice has S bows on top of 27 strength, plus the skill that gives her 40 hit on player phase. What this all amounts to is a unit that will never miss, will always deal heavy damage and has a chance to just straight up erase someone with Colossus. Really fun, to be honest. Surprisingly enough, one of the best late joiners. I'm glad for that, too, because I like her.

K1fheqra o

Speaking of late joiners, here's Dullahan. He's similar to Elliot, except he has even better defenses and he flies, so he's better. Pretty underrated, gotta say. Most people don't give this guy a second glance, but he's deceptively great. Though he sucks pretty hard at mage killing.

Hqsarqqu o

Doubling with meteors.

That's all I have to say about Hellen and really all I should have to say. Love this woman.

A2d6k7bo o

Emblem Lance/10.

Wkmccnxw o

All right, back to our veterans. Mirielle is a mage. Pretty typical mage, too. Her speed is great, but other than that, standard fare high magic, low defenses. Blood Tide is huge, though. Main reason to use this gal, that skill is so good.

Ozykfe8y o

Artemis is basically the same unit, except her defense sucks even harder in exchange for flight. A shame she never did get to use that flight. She won't be coming with us today, but she's been working hard all game. Least I can do is acknowledge her efforts.

9yszzlxr o

Same with Lex. He fell off during the lategame... Mostly because I let him. If I had promoted him, he would've gone right back to being the best unit ever. But he's kind of a boring pick, and I already got to show his full potential to you guys, so I figured I might as well go back to being usual Ruben and deploy Alice instead. Still, as good as he is, even I can't discard him easily. He's just fun, you know? Good, but fun. Suck on that, Seth.

Ppzmgti2 o

10% move cav ended up being a disappointment in every possible way, but that's okay. I still like him. He's been replaced by Cyrus, but that doesn't mean his efforts throughout the rest of the game are any less valuable for it. Way to go, man. I just wish you'd had better luck.

Yxx1zzon o

Same with Condor. The poor girl spent the entire game desperately trying to keep up. An early promo kept her going for a while, but eventually I just couldn't justify her presence. Still, she was good while she lasted. And she took out Carbos. I will always respect her for that, at least. Big-nosed piece of shit...

209pqqid o

I still can hardly believe this guy is playable. Stuff like this is why I love this game. That's the second time I say that in this update, but c'mon, am I right or am I right?

Qh8ukosz oSqsopgqm o

Dancers #1 and #2. Their stats are completely irrelevant because they have 5 defense and even if they had 30 they'd rather be dancing.

Vl8iklcd o

Clint's... Clint's a unit, all right. He's a knight with a skill that gives him movement outdoors that arrived in an indoor map, with a skill that he couldn't use until he promoted and huge speed that is countered by mage-tier HP. It's the HP that kills him at this point, really. He can't tank at all when he gets 2-shot by stuff. Well, that, and the fact that Chrysler turned out so good. More on that later.

Bkwf3cjo o

First, though, let's check out Relina. Consistently a horrible combat unit, but she turns everyone around her into behemoths, so she's still well worth taking along. Especially since I was able to get her Blood Tide. Using her feels like using the Kritzkrieg in TF2, except you're always at a 100% ubercharge. So good.

Ncgxhdcu o

My man Ryan! He hasn't grown much since we met him, which is appropriate. But that's okay, he's still useful in spite of his 11 magic. 21 speed goes surprisingly far. Especially when you're using busted legendaries 100% of the time.

Pvct7tca o

Now we're talking! We're entering the top 3. Up to this point there was no real order to this list, but I left the best for last. Evan is probably my favorite unit in the game, and for good reason. He's a mage that serves as the team's earliest tank. How amazing is that? Later on he tends to fall off a bit as a tank due to his mediocre speed and awful resistance, but with high magic and critrates through the roof, he can still blow stuff up. Well worth taking along. Show that grandpa of yours who's the true master.

Uyzgluxh o

Looking at him now, I realize how unfair I've been with Chrysler. Every level my sole reaction was "no movement, no movement, goddamnit Chrissy why no movement." My tunnel-vision kept me from realizing how great his growth has really been. Look at this. Capped defense, superb resistance, just one less point of speed than Clint, good strength, good accuracy... The man's just amazing! But, of course, he's not quite as amazing as...

Cd5fhkzu o

Bwahahahahahahaha... Ahahahahah! God, Kirin. Definitely the most pleasant surprise in this whole game. I have to wonder if she's somehow attained sentience. She heard me describing her as completely unremarkable and decided to stop my plans to bench her by getting a move level immediately. Then she ensured I'd use her the rest of the game by getting another move growth. Then she understood I was worried she'd be mediocre outside of that meme-worthy movement and decided to capped every stat. Then she got another two movement levels, because why the fuck not. She's still somehow not the most move-blessed unit I've had in this game (that honor belongs to my third run's Astrea, who got 5), the fact that this forgettable staffbot has become this incredible is just... Oh, so good. Like Matthis, Lot, Sasha and Adel before her, Kirin has beaten the odds to a bloody pulp, and then she has turned them around to her advantage.

She has a question to axe, and she won't stop till the gods themselves have answered it. Godspeed, Kirin. Take this invitation to the Awesome Units club, with my thanks.

2ozou84z o

Let's go. We've got gods to take down.

Zgrowxlj oShe apparently sent Eli of the Fire Clan.

Adpsh5xn oEli? And he's here to parley?

Qy9twrpa oGod King, be wary. Astrea is a talented tactician. Sol gave her his pendant with your power for a reason.

Adpsh5xn oIf my son could trust her at one point, I see no reason not to. Let me see Eli. I always did like him.

Pybpnlan o

Pygyuyg9 oShe wishes to deliver this letter to you.

Adpsh5xn oWell met, Eli. Sending a man of your caliber to speak with me. How could I refuse a request from someone who knows me so well?

Pygyuyg9 oPlease let me know your response at your leisure.

Adpsh5xn oAll business, eh? Let us see what she wrote here...

Adpsh5xn o...

Adpsh5xn oInteresting! Yes, I can see indeed why Sol picked this woman.

N1hk6bfb o

Adpsh5xn oAnd upon his death, she wishes to battle against me personally, one on one. I never refuse a duel. And killing Zalmoxis is my highest priority. Go, Eli. Tell Astrea she has my support.

Gd35utxx o

Hohohohohohoh... Yes, my friends... This is happening. You thought Hellen and Rody were unexpected?

Ofcbu3iq o

Well, how's this? Pyron is playable. Yes. The main antagonist. He's playable if you kill Donovan. See why I made the choice I did? And he's better than Donovan, to boot. Statistically, Donovan and his Aura Blade are a tiiiiiny wee bit better than Pyron and his Emblem Sword. Debatably. However, Pyron also turns all of his troops green, which allows you to get a head start on the upper side of the map and removes a whole bunch of threats to deal with.

Plus, we get Pyron. I mean, how awesome is that? Friggin' Pyron!

Voo0zejs o

And as if that wasn't enough, here's yet another advantage to getting Pyron: If you get Donovan, Paris doesn't appear until after you kill Og. However, in this version of the map, he appears instantly, so we get to skewer him sooner. Wow. And all it took as to orphan that shitstain Daedalus.

Dor7gqoe o

That's what you call "a problem"? It's a disaster for you, you idiot. You had 7 apostles (pretty sure Ren was one) and now that number has been almost halved.

Locyd52a oAnd it looks like Pyron's remaining forces are moving to ally with the traitors.

H7ggcm1g oThat is regrettable. I should have done more to brainwash Astrea.

Iear51dw oHeh. And if I didn't squander what my old allies left me in Cyra, maybe I would have been more trustworthy to my people as well. Ah well, it's no matter. This tomb is already a fitting place to end them.

Lgjkwhcy o Oh, how arrogant. Have you seen your starting position, Bramimond? We could kill you in the first turn. But we won't. I have plans for you, oh yes do I have plans for you...

3pngkc2m o

Suddenly... Wait, why is Guile's theme playing, of all things?

Mbhufq5x oHe kept the bodies of strong warriors there that he thought he could revive with Mila's power at some point. There were many corpses there. Most of them couldn't be saved anymore. I can't imagine what Mandrake was even keeping some of them for. Because of the fragment you gave me, I was able to revive someone with Valkyrie.

9qk5ifz8 o This is the other effect of killing Dartanion. Yeah, remember him? If we had spared him in all of his appearances, he would've gotten killed by Og at the end of the shitty map, and Leo wouldn't have his fragment of Mila. Then he would've only been able to cast Aum, and we would've gotten a different unit. As for who we're getting now...

Mbhufq5x oThe person we all agreed to pick was the strongest fighter with the most future potential there. It'll only last for a short while, but consider our pick to be super charged.

Det8lbw5 o! No way. It can't really be, is it?!

Nyxs3upr o

Mikey! Mikey's alive! Remember him? Mikey, from the prologue! He opened a door, then a couple of chests, and then he died anticlimatically to Beige, becoming the first name on the Blademaster kill count! Well, he's back. He was such a meme among the SGW players (again, for reason that I do not fully understand, but okay) that he can be brought back to life as one of the game's Gotohs.

Incidentally, if Dartanion lives to get smushed by Og, Lars is revived instead. Yeah, the Prime Raisin's son, for some reason. He is the one and only character in this entire game who has a beard. Which, honestly, fucking sucks. Why no more beards, Blademaster? What's wrong with beards?

D96tnx7c oAstrea, it's thanks to your efforts that I stand here now. Without you, and all the people everywhere that were supporting you, I wouldn't be here right now. And for that, I am truly grateful. This will give me a small taste of my true power for the time being, but I promise you. No one can stop me as I am now!

Det8lbw5 oI don't doubt that for a second. You'd make your father so proud, Mikey. It's comforting to have a warrior of your caliber here. Thanks, Leo. We couldn't have done this without your help.

Mbhufq5x oJust keep in mind, he's the only one I could revive for now. Even among the bodies in Mandrake's lab here, most weren't viable any longer. Mandrake must have recognized Mikey's potential to have taken such good care of him.

D96tnx7c oSo not everyone will be as lucky as me, it seems.

Gipsp9jz o


Yibiq63l oVivumvpj oHivyoi5i oZni2fu34 o

Let's go, goddamnit!

So, the final map. We must kill all five bosses to proceed. Two of them are standing right in front of us, for some undiscernible reason. Paris and Remmy move, too. So really, it's just a matter of walking up, then left, killing everyone in our path until we get to Garrison. There are no status staves, only three enemies with siege weapons, and... Honestly, this is a pretty easy map. Which means someone's going to die, because you know how I am with easy maps.

By the way, the map theme is God Shattering Star. Gotta say, I like it better here than in its original context. Because this map is actually epic enough to deserve it.

Anyway, you may've noticed a new character below Relina.

1esujhwh oCipmhbsx o3ssthfhh oLniadzhj oUtmtsllc o

Mikey is basically a nuke. He one-rounds demon kings and... that's really all he does. I love that this shmuck is back to life for no reason, but honestly, he's probably worse than Lars. Lars's combat is worse, but he comes with support skills, which is a lot more useful than just another combat unit.

He has skills, but I don't feel like going over them.

7mohhycn o

Okay, fuck Mikey, let's get to the actually interesting unit.

S1x8s2qa oBzoeko1d oM82t3fnw oYuw6jno2 oJzy5e81r o

Ahahahahaha... This is so fucking good. Pyron has growths that would make Karel blush, but he doesn't need them because almost all of his stats are capped. He also has a PCC of 5, a personal emblem sword, a skill called Rightful God that increases the chance of his proc skills by a whopping 30%, Sol, which is super appropriate and actually works rather consistently thanks to Rightful God... And Nihil. Everyone's favorite.

I love this guy. This guy's just so much fun. Just the idea of getting to play as the main antagonist, and it actually makes sense story-wise, too! It's hilarious. I love it. Kinda wish we also got Og and Beige, but... Nah, those two aren't important enough to warrant the blue paint.

Ihwlvxac oQwpjrxzt o5onqxqxy o

Og is extremely slow and he'll die pretty soon. A sad end to a character that's been evolving since the very beginning. This is the most unfortunate part of the Pyron path. Og doesn't get to achieve godhood as he does in the other path, and instead dies against generics with his buckteeth. Oof.

Mqn52utd o

As for Beige, he'll achieve nothing and die in two seconds. He's so fucking pathetic. At this point I'm convinced the only reason he's even brought back is so that he may have a battle quote with Mikey in the Donovan path.

Cllk2y0j oNmmwzpp1 o

Let's get started.

Yhylmznl oPkeqlosa oMzdfffvg o

Base magic Ryan is still useful in the final map thanks to the busted legendaries. I love it.

Dnpdhhai o

Not much further now, man. Your woes will be over soon...

Fmmplctu oBnb0vzow o

Nice. Off to a great start, are we...

Ni2tphze oMgaplg6g oZ3rlsik2 o

Ahh, there we go. That's what I was waiting for.

Cwj4cnev o

C'mon, Evan. Succeed where Hellen failed. Get a crit!

6atps62p oJtvkmwzl oOiq93kg5 oDcvsxswv o

Yes! Am I proud of you!

Hbc0khmw o

Okay, that's it for that side. Now, we get to check out bosses. Already.

Htc9mr8u oFukwu781 o

Ben is pathetic. He dies instantly and that's it. The poor fool doesn't even move.

Stlreoqu oWibzwigd o

So let's just... get rid of this succubus first... It's more of a threat than Ben.

Gejzklae oYvcalbbr oL7p1vfye o

Put your friend out of his misery, Mikey.

Re8nvk7x o

Mikey?! You have also powered up it seems! Very well! This will be FUN!

Nzt23ypl oDhw8i0qb o

I mean... I guess?

8n2dqxjs oLns2awcj o

Eyy, cool crit! I dig the green fire.

0axdjsac oF0u6fnal o

What a tragedy your story is. You had such big dreams, then you lost everyone, got corrupted into a bloodthirsty maniac and finally died an anticlimatic death in turn 1 of the final map. Sheesh...

Zucugfg4 o

Next up is a far more satisfying foe.

Ognmo8p1 oVx98cmcp o

He's basically Evan but better. Oh, but I've got an idea for this guy... A great idea indeed. You'll see.

Lqvbyfde o

But let's not be hasty. First of all, I'd like to get rid of the siege tomes.

Ngaru3ir o

Not to worry. Though he is in Bramimond's range, with the mage stone, Rody takes nearly no damage from him.

Vbu5qxm5 oGo0giesk o

So for now, let's focus on this side. It's the only one that remains.

I0vpveam o

Pretty good.

Vcq8acqf oB2cff8k4 oCtglc2ed o

Can you do a pretty good job too, Clint?

Bercnpwu o

Pffft... This guy is such a meme. A movement level in the final map? Sure, why the heck not. Might as well.

Nax0l4cg o

You finish the job, Chrysler.

H92rsfhu oL1mculpn oF0utkp8e oF5pvntsv o

I think this is the first time we've seen lance baron animations in this game. Shame about Joe...

7lzzjnqt oUjqwst1m oLgfeeddf o

Kirin then proceeds to do her thing. Her thing being to cut a thing in half. There's no stopping her. Nothing will keep her from obtaining the name of Twogodkiller. I won't give her all the bosses in this map, because well, I think Garrison and the final boss should be enough. Maybe I'll give her Remmy, too. But Paris and Bramimond have more deserving foes.

E1jvsoie o

...Drat, Cyrus just barely doesn't reach this eye...

Sveazrsd oPammohoe o

Now he can.

4tjabynn o


7fefiean oPbano8kt o

Yeah, better idea to get rid of this angel.

Xj0dbu9u o

There's one enemy that can reach Rody, but beyond that...

Xdipe9my o

Eyy! I was worried, but turns out Dexi can get her A support with Elliot right now!

Qfksnz1c o

Uvlq3kcu oYes. When I decided to leave the Republic, I made sure I left for good. While I missed my parents, my new family was who I wanted to be with. And I will do anything to come close to rebuilding that peace I once had.

Ekoa7oty oWell, when that time comes, count me among the help. I'm the old chieftain's granddaughter. Rebuilding the clan is my job. Can't have you doing all of the work!

Uvlq3kcu oIs that so? Then let us work together to build the clan we envision!

Mvjjvtdo o

This should let them have their paired ending.

Oxcltx5w oCpbuptg2 o

And now she can shoot a gargoyle down. The entire starting area is clean.

0lwkigqc o

Uh, mostly. There's one demon king, as you may've noticed, but we'll live.

Oqiaobku o

Oh, shoot, almost forgot to move Pyron! The only enemy in his range is this eye.

Dzy9hbsq oNkkk0elq o4pizadym oJkcchs3h o

It defends itself. To no avail. You stand before a god, little monster. What chance do you think you stand against him and his tiny head sprite?

Xkv8yrih o

As expected, Bramimond goes after Rody.

0c6wozom o

Iear51dw oTo make sure they never experience true hell. Today, I reverse that desire. Stare all you like. Before you is hell.

Vcutbv45 oIkfrjmpz oNka1ue0a oZgc3xjm7 o

Okay, that quote is really badass. I'll give you that much, Bram.

Nn6ujw3m o

The green units are then assaulted.

Wikdyi0c oVeefsqhu o

Two die immediately. One of them to a crit!

N0hm5pow oEqqq4lgt o

The eye just keeps on critting, too! It is, however, swiftly brought down to 1 HP by one of the Phobos.

T7hcc497 o

Then Og comes in for the finish-- Wait, no, where's he going?

Ictdzpe4 o

Zgrowxlj oAnd you are just a stepping stone on that path!

Cgnrn90y oGh1cazhx o

Well, that was... utterly pathetic. This is the almighty human specimen that got Zalmoxis to leave his slumber? Pssch. He wouldn't last two seconds against Kirin.

Zz0lmlnx oLedx0mh2 o

But at least...

7gi6w82o o

He's not quite as sad as Beige. Holy shit, this guy.

Egpymj1o o

Okay, it's our turn again. Reinforcements from behind? Nothing we can't handle.

R7xwloon o

Let's get started, shall we? It's time for Evan to do what he's probably been wanting to do for years.

Atocfayl o

Ahahahahah! He just straight up calls him "creature"! I fucking love it.

Iear51dw oProgeny, for too long have I let thee oppose. Thank you for allowing me to rectify that.

Mdn1ixsg oLmn2ojtl o

Oh yeah, you're gonna be doing a lot of rectifying.

Oh, and yeah, I didn't even want to give him the pleasure of a fair fight. Fuck that, he's getting a bunch of fleas all up in his face.

Pp47wyhr oZvg3cfqn o


5sboegqw o

Mikey and Rody have a talk. Considering Rody massacred his girlfriend, his father and his uncle, I can't imagine it'll be too pleasant.

Ijgbow3s o

D07i6x5j o...

D96tnx7c oI know all about what you did! You killed my fahter! My uncle and Ciri too!

Lgjkwhcy o Remember way back when Ciri, Yin and Yang died, I said that Yin and Ciri wouldn't be confirmed dead for a long, long time? Yeah. In this optional conversation between two missable characters in the final chapter, they're confirmed dead. Nice.

D07i6x5j oEveryone I killed is in the same locker that you were kept in. Their bodies are preserved. That mage can revive them after the battle, just as they did you.

Lgjkwhcy oUhm... He didn't say that, though...

D07i6x5j oLeave it to a human to be too stupid not to see this.

D96tnx7c oBastard, that isn't the point! What did they ever do to you?!

D07i6x5j oThey were human. ...Normally, I'd have cut you down by now, but Katherin's request is absolute. I'm leaving, eyeosre. Lest you wish to die when the war is over, I suggest you do the same.

D96tnx7c oIf you ever lost someone like I did, I'm sure you wouldn't feel the same. You're a disgrace.

P5nc0dd1 o

...Nooooo c'mon... Stop making me feel sad for the genocider, of all characters...!

D07i6x5j o...Nia... I will keep fighting, for you.

Ifyir3fb o


Well, I've no idea why that happens, but I'm glad. That stone is the best in the game. Screw all the others, then. Rody can just go with that for the rest of the game.

Gj8bnhwh oFmxtctfj oS67a1zij oNo2i384l o

Mikey is seriously reliable when it comes to killing these guys. He might not do much more than that, but hey. It's something.

Hjiyia2l o

Hmm... Nah.

0sqqkamr o

Hellen, you do it.

3sgwgdso o

Hellen, what's wrong with you today!?

V5k4gvus o

We can't even stone him. It doesn't work on bosses.

Vhy6mrxf o2yf0ebsy o

Let's, however, dance for him. For... reasons.

T7qvvwif o

Okay, let's just do a bit of chip damage to him...

92ar3yef o

All right, that's it. I'm sick of this nonsense.

Ol4h4jfm oZaob7ayd o

Much better.

Iueaa0j7 o

But no, it's not Astrea. Of course it isn't Astrea.

Xj7vxyoh oTiblj8wr o

Hahahahahaha... "Space magic though it may be, it is pathetic compared to the real thing", is it? "I have no use for the weak soul of a pathetic man like you", did you? Time to show you just what a mistake it was to underestimate Ryan!

Aaandz2c o

T5kcwfit oAnd in the end, this is where you plateau. What a fool I've been.

Iear51dw oWith the damage you've done to your soul already, this battle is pointless. A fast death. I take it you would much rather prefer this to the slow pain of your soul evaporating, yes?

Egcvxtr9 o

T5kcwfit oI will gladly endure the "slow pain of my soul evaporating..."

4pjaauxc oBghtvctw o

T5kcwfit o...if it means I can watch you die first!

Cnubq799 oR9w6vw9l oZ1x81maw oWhhzgfyk o

Goodbye, shithead!

Qkrje1ae oQvgdllzo o

Get the fuck outta here, Bram. Nobody likes you.

Ngtjsuub o

It's done, Ryan. You can now go without regrets.

Rkvkv1qr oFevlbfed o

Oh, we got his tome, too. It's a more accurate Tor Hammer, so I'll take it.

4osmyir8 o

All right, that done, let's keep at it. Pyron's already meager forces are falling fast, but fortunately...

Ororgkeb o0frzssnb oQcvuhzw5 o

Pyron himself won't be done in so easily. Don't forget, he has Sol and a 30% extra chance to proc it thanks to Rightful God.

Y811lwoo oCromgzpm o

Cyrus cannot double this guy? C'mon... how shameful.

Tc19gkzb oEivox9y9 o

...Okay, actually, we're in trouble.

Uv8ups96 o

Kirin, please make this work.

Rlpz5akk o

Of all times to fail me...

Fx5fkymd o

Let's at least deal with these idiots before they can come after us.

Esgooamx oS7o8xgwk oT64ybpq1 oU1x86rmu o


N0i8qqgm oBcsocm8g oFjb7gqim o

Okay, next idea. I will try to take out this guy with Relina.

Odrqduuu o

Oh my fucking God, guys.

Zfv942lj o

Well... Shit.

Miahpwve o

I swear to God, if Deadalus dies while Astrea is at half health, I'm going to laugh my ass off.

1u4ye6ru o

...Kirin? Really?

1zljdvos o

That'll never work, c'mon...

Yioyjkcl oVymsxh22 o0xdqggud oYfafjn3z o

The angels do their jobs, be it to slam meteors on the green units or heal their fellows.

Etamycwb oHockljbx oVtrzhhgg o

...Oh, Paris retreated to heal, too! He was charging right at us. What a shame. Guess he'll take just a little longer to die.

2viizofv o

Oh look, it's Beige's death already.

Yyw0ko4k o

He literally accomplished nothing. Astonishing.

Yxq8zbyz o

With Mandrake gone, I seriously doubt you'll "live again."

...Kinda wish Evil Moulder had lived, though. He was too cool.

Loubsx5i o

Soon, only Pyron will remain.

Q9aofpfk oDausyr4f oZv6xmlbj o

Hah! Okay, though, that one's earned his pay. He just tanked a crit and then killed the guy in return! Impressive!

Yhwctci5 o

...Not so... impressive, Og. Holy shit, you suck.

Wpbrao7k o

Hwahahah... Foolish monster! You truly thought you could stand a chance against Kirin!?

Ky3zilfy o


1s9dgk8v oHj44ahi9 o

Let's get some healing for everyone.

Mrf3eipn oClscshbq o

Look at this shit! While Og is fumbling about and failing to kill a guy who cannot defend himself, Pyron is out there one-shotting the opposition. Way to go, man.

6deuhnra o

That right there is the final siege angel.

Cs3hcnts o

I don't want to deal with it, so I will just put stone to good use.

Zf5fmxoe o

And probably only use, to be honest.

H8e4rrdd o

I didn't show it, but the same set of reinforcements as before has appeared on the other side. Let's deal with them swiftly.

Uwizi4p1 o

No double?

Pvac84na o

No double. Oh, well.

A6opxodc oDmhbcl2l o

That's okay, Dullahan can finish the job.

Y8g84pni o31lj7056 o

It is fine to send Chrysler back. Look at that shit. He can catch up in no time.

1xoobvp3 oD17zkybl oOqx6wvda oTbuue7gl o

And with that, the reinforcements are no more.

8ovjnlce oQce2ln19 o

This looks like a decent opportunity to begin to advance. Hiding behind Rody, because Rody is really good.

1pacebb2 o

Next turn, we begin to storm the north.

Vnze1she o

The last of Pyron's generic allies falls.

Xgvmj6cj oN4hiuehk o

Paris is still hanging back and healing, but Remmy is charging at us. She's in for an ugly surprise.

86bpmenr o

Pyron then came under attack.

Jgfjsvni oZdqmo38j oOsrwr1tg o

It was a futile endeavor. It doesn't display properly for some reason, but he did heal.

Fgepaiiw oEum679xo oQrvc0o5u o

Og, too, is attacked. He fares better against these guys than the one horseman, but he's still pretty lame.

Vmgubdc3 oQmsurnqa oMen4khx4 oYd301kbo o

Also, this.

Zcujsvpo o

Okay, though, I'll give him this: That eye has massacred Pyron's forces. Og doesn't even take damage from it. Way to go, Og. You must be very proud.

Raqkdapx oD3b5hjlo o

Hoho, and now he's killed that one! Sheesh... at this rate, he might actually live! I don't think anything happens if he does. He probably just disappears.

X17epklm o

Okay, so. Remmy.

M71iu5ri o2r5uskaz o

She's bad.

F5fbpcul oBhuz0upg oWz7ihwq9 oHifeeaq7 o

So let's just get rid of this enemy...

L2qznigk oInf56ece o

Barrier up Kirin even though her resistance is capped because I'm paranoid...

0mrmjaum oWplltxmd o

Bring Chrysler closer... I like how the guy's now so fast that he needs to swerve to stop.

Vq8mwgtm oEcnkvkis o

All right, and with that...

Xaizymm5 o

Would've been so funny if you used this level to cap speed and render Clint completely redundant.

Anyway, as I was saying, with that...

08vfthop o

We're ready to leave the apostles with one less member.

Koczdvm9 o

4aytmmnx obut today I'm not afforded such frivolities.

K5bmv9vb oFknjk7w1 o9jlomfsa o

Au contraire, mon ami. It shall be the hugest of pains.

Betiy4hj o

I don't know why I went for random French. After commenting on dozens of boss deaths, one is bound to run out of ideas.

Ykvszecn oIebdk6jq o

Pyron can one-shot the guy that Og's been desperately trying to take out all chapter. Pffft... way to rub your superiority in his face, Pyron.

Pcdq7kaq o

Can I hope for a double meteor?

V0mh2fnw o

Hellen, what's up with you today? You're not being yourself...

Ppqszc3y o3n7dsg6n o

Well, no matter.

A3liwanl oXxvye4ui oYt6h6pfm o

At this point we're just wiping them out.

G1fuyblm oYzsae0ow o

How the tables turn, eh, Paris and Garry?

Apdx7bms oHwvo6omk o

Now it's your forces that are looking like Pyron's at the start of the map!

3nfhvstf oCot1jyjx oDtrqnmnt oLrv7zf9n o

Okay, that's done. Astrea will be protected by Clint.

Egbqugw1 o

Yes. Come to us, Paris. Your beloved mommy's got a gift for you.

C8dfyleh o

...Wait, hold on... I think I may've made a slight mistake here...

Sigytwlu o

No-- Don't get a crit, you moron...!

Uzphi83z o

Clint got killed in two hits.

1memjfd1 o


2r5zcgfk o

I don't even know how to feel about this. What a positively anticlimatic death. Man's been with us almost all game, only to die at the very end because in spite of the 29 defense he was one of the squishiest members of the team. Somehow.

What a weird fucking unit, I swear...

Rxeuvdka o


X0rsmt99 o

Okay, he lives. Thank God. You know, I'm pretty sure that was the only battle he partook in the entire map. The most appropriate way for this guy to go out, certainly.

Vtkf2nob oD5pm508f o

Mikey, too, gets blasted, but to no avail.

Jaii2nr8 oXunpuykl oDwqcy6ou o

Then Og destroys the eye, at long last.

Knlbrka2 oNjoe7vbf o

All right, to business.

Urj4gtx9 o

So, dad.

O7xsfhhp oYdejzfgm o7gjedjqu oYimqjriv o

...What? Zalmoxis's first apostle? Wait, but that doesn't make any sense, does it? I thought he was brought on to replace Garrison's wife after she was injured...

Well, at any rate, he's a step far above Remmy, with capped magic, superb speed and Ryan's personal tome. That's pretty funny, considering Bramimond called it a "poor imitation" of true space magic. Maybe that's why he started so close to us. Paris told him that him being right up in our faces and completely vulnerable was vital to his plans. Hah!

In any case, he'll fall eventually.

97vvlsso o

Let's start by letting his daughters have a turn, shall we?

Qsgbpkrf o

Locyd52a oAt least you were better than Astrea.

Depo31y4 o9p15bcka o

You kiddin' me, Paris? She sucks at combat. I mean, she's great for other reasons, but she sucks at combat!

E27b6rfw o

You're up next, Astrea. Look at that. Who's the failure now, Paris?

Br49zj6g o

Locyd52a oOne who can't live in this environment is no match. As one who can't even properly survive in this environment, you stand no chance against me. Die, Astrea!

6is1hyuj oGcmajhqh oU0hitrkq o

Yeah, that's the full line. He just says the same thing twice with different wording. Clearly he was not born with that dangerous gift of eloquence.

4cqtb8sz o

And now, for the finisher. Let's remind this man who's the one in charge in this relationship, shall we?

0hpgmfyh o

8pkscabs oAt least you were good in bed.

Locyd52a oYour weak genetics ruined my children. Perish, you damnable woman!

Kj0azlqg o

He's childishly blaming Alice for "ruining his children" with her "weak genetics" even though she's strong enough to snap him in half, and she's completely ignoring the gravity of the situation and still thinking about sex before she shoots him in the face.

I think that was the funniest battle convo I've ever seen.

123nbrav oDv15cfz6 o

Anyway, time for you to join the group that is listed as your dislike.

Mivp5u4z o

And then there was one. We're coming for you, Garry...

K2kvtwqd o

Hwahahahah... Now that's fucking awesome. Show these rookies who's boss, Alice.

Occmrbyp o

Ah, of course, the most important part of the level: Nihil. Whatever would we do without Nihil.

Uz6tcymm o

Not much left now... Oh, but I better protect Alice. Wouldn't do for those two to become full-on orphans. Alice may be a weirdo, but she seems to be a good mom.

M5v0kjmy o

Unless... Can we defeat him now?

Nizew5fu o

I think we can.

Dgbffbtr oK1hno67h o

Okay, hold on, he has Nihil. This might be tougher than I thought.

Dop53ds7 oWdyk2l1u o7wchyx9u o

Okay, hold up, hold up...

Fvxy9us7 o

Aahhhhh, there we go! Kirin, bring it home!

A5jyaqj3 oJvapqrtm o


Soon as we kill these few remnants, we'll be set. I wager one or two more turns till Garrison falls.

8uhigm4w oSqxelrhs o

I just love that this guy's playable, man. He's half the fun of this whole chapter. Just watching him go. Even after we murdered him back then, too! He's not one to hold a grudge. Who would've thought he'd turn out to be the coolest guy among the villains... Well, him and Hellen.

Ztk3inrt o1vrpadco o

Vengeance for Clint!

Xu1zd46g oGpx9yu1e o

And healing.

Gcxeqxfg oXekya0ok o

Also, before I forget, let's get rid of this person before she recovers from the stone.

1zysprti o

Nothing left but to see what Garrison has to offer.

Payturuo oI0ai1xx3 oS5tm7xra oYu15x6hn o

I believe he's powered up a bit since he was our temporary ally. He's quite strong, the strongest of the apostles, and he cannot be attacked at range, to make things worse.

But we have something he doesn't have: Kirin.

F23ekinq oT3qrf5p5 oYyv709wv oAtiw9xko o

But first, let's watch some enemies kill themselves on Rody.

N0ngkgtc o

All enemies must fall. So decrees Katherin, the Useful.

V9zkxefb oNi4nfhml o

Ah, and I guess this happens, too.

Ekacdzxd o

Useless healing.

Uxwgcok0 o

No-- What!? Og, where the hell are you going?!

Rptwwdu5 o

Og, you had almost survived!

Jmaswkko o

Well, you've got nobody but yourself to blame for that one. Pfft!

T7kpnkpq oDyo58ezu o

All brawn and no brains only leads to pain, my friend. Keep that in mind for the next life.

2loniy8a o0goxy8a3 o

Okay, almost done...

L3befe76 o

There. Now we just have to deal with Garry.

Qz93jrxn oNdjwxjhg o

Let's have some revenge before we let Kirin have him, shall we?

Mlgt9ri5 o

Det8lbw5 oyour demise, Garrison.

H7ggcm1g oUngrateful wench, you will know my rage and power!

Cbtzjbfe oInfh2vvj oJvxae21x o


Fisg5k0q oYxfldhda o


There will be no proper bonus for this update, so I suppose I'll just put it here so we can appreciate Garrison's kindness just a bit more. This is Artemis's battle quote with Garrison.

3t4acnv7 oGrandfather... I never knew you were so cold.

H7ggcm1g oThere are many things I never told you. Such as how I ordered Paris to kill my wife and children.

He just nonchalantly reveals that he orphaned her because he thought her parents were too weak. Wow.

Pbsoia1o o
That's gonna make this all the more satisfying...

H7ggcm1g oBut to betray us here, and now? Clearly I led you poorly. The next humans I rise will not have this flaw.

Owvtgrfq oNebmhfrn o

Yeah, good luck with that, sucker.

Awbpa8zm o

With Garrison's death, the battle draws to a close.

Ilq80z8c o

This screen appears right after his demise.

Bmyudzwo o

And without further ado... There he is. The one and only.

Ikounbei o

The God of Space!

A9sjs5wu oImpossible. Those who challenge the gods ...detected.

K1xcikvw o

Pffft... This is so corny. I love it.

A9sjs5wu oThreat level. Critical. Mortal extermination process. Initiated. Zero Mortal Plan. Engaged

A9sjs5wu o...

6ongwaw4 o

A9sjs5wu oWe gods are emotionless, with the one exception of Mila. Those with fragments of her power, of course, but(sic)... In an emergency, we gods activate our true intelligent selves, and this is quite the emergency.

Lgjkwhcy o Good, thanks for the infodump. You know, Pyron never needed to resort to that...

A9sjs5wu oPerhaps we erred too much in the past. Perhaps we should have never given life any sentience at all. Why make the mortals have an adaptation that surpasses us? I made a mistake entrusting guiding the mortals to my apostles. But all the god fragments are now within my grasp. This time, I will just become the new creator god. I will remove the threat of mortals from this world forever. Then, at last, this space will be a true heaven.

Lgjkwhcy oSooo you want to destroy all life so that the world will be a perfect, motionless "heaven". Nice, good for you. Can we beat him up now?

Aklbiout o

Det8lbw5 oHigher functionality?

Adpsh5xn oA failsafe that all gods possess in their core essence. It activates the effect of each god in them at once. Mine was destroyed in the war ages ago, but Zalmoxis... Now he effectively has eight fragments of the gods now(sic).

9qk5ifz8 o Pfft. We've got Kirin. Who cares?

Adpsh5xn oAnd most importantly, with my fragment in effect in his possession, he can use Solaris Judgement.

Det8lbw5 oThat's your personal spell, according to legend, correct?

Adpsh5xn oIndeed. It destroys all energy in its presence. It cannot be defended against. I cannot remember the last time I was this excited, I must say. Come, Astrea! A true challenge lies before us.

Dhueh9w9 o

Pfffhahahahaha... I love you, Pyron. You're the best.

R2yoli9s o

So, the final battle!

Rsqnffia oWklqy8nh o6h32fbal oRmaexjli o

Zalmoxis is tougher than many of FE's final bosses, which is not saying a lot. He has big stats, deals big damage and has 145 crit, which means nothing because we've got scrolls.

He does, however, have a unique skill: if it procs, he will inflict berserk on his opponent. I'm pretty sure this is the only time berserk shows up in the entire game. Between that and the amount of powerful enemies around us, killing Zalmoxis in one turn is extremely important.

Otqgsrqe oTbme1vac o

The angels around Zalmoxis are buffing his stats to an obscene degree. We must get rid of them before we fight him.

36hjiyz7 oDag22urq oSsixbwhc oRnkzk9az o

So let's start with that.

Ybszcqvr o

Cool, but levels aren't important to you anymore. Your role in this game is over. Well, combat-wise, at least. You're absolutely vital, thanks to your speed buffs.

Aphitefe o

Bwahahahahahah... It's on, Zalmoxis. You puny little tricks cannot compare to the power of a Relina-and-Mirielle-buffed god!

Ltvusai8 o

A9sjs5wu oWe were meant to guide the mortals. Bring them peace. They were not meant to war. To fight! You betrayed our only oath. I will do what I must.

Adpsh5xn oI have freed the mortals from our cursed grasp. They do not need the gods any longer.

Usiwsknx o

Adpsh5xn oCome. Let us rest.

Zluluo3f oM55rz2uu o

Well, Pyron's a badass.

Ukikuced oHehv73do oWc2qhm9r o7bk0mx9f o

Zalmoxis has a fancy spell animation. I didn't feel like making a gif of it.

8txbydrx o

I know that doesn't look like much, but...

Cuazltv0 o

Mikey, you're up next.

Gdk4pqbu o

He was dead until five minutes ago.

A9sjs5wu oYou have faced many different challenges and trials. Some were ones I placed before you. Others were ones placed by Pyron. In all cases, you have overcome them. You have shown that you can outwit the gods.

9qk5ifz8 o Why, thank you!

A9sjs5wu oAnd that makes you dangerous. It makes you a threat. As such, I must bestow upon you divine judgement.

Ehjdf3hh o

Why, screw you!

Wfkeqcva oDsts9upa o52cxlidj o

Okay, whatever.

Jfycgsz8 oUrmxjlgy oJabjcusr o

Let's have Pyron give it another go.

Fub6wnq8 o2p0tvqu8 oBymbdmaw o

Aaaand another go.

Vkkzpzko o

Suddenly, support time! I just remembered I had this.

My4ghlvj o

That's kinda old news, but that's okay, I'll take any opportunity to talk about Evil Moulder.

Eketubeo oYeah. Mandrake was a good guy back when I kinda knew him. He was good friends with my brother as well. Craft used to tell me about how Mandrake would let him stay in his church.

U4m5ackz oMakes me wonder where he went so wrong in his life.

Eketubeo oI guess he must have always been a hardcore follower of Pyron. He did well to hide it.

U4m5ackz oPerhaps that is true.

Yjzkfn2r o

Well. That's completely useless.

Mht1pjgv o

Hahahahah... No, but wait, actually.

Teewrcdg o

Let's do it like this. Handaxe animations are ugly. Besides, only one thing is more badass than Helswath Kirin killing Zalmoxis, and that's regular-ass brave axe Kirin killing Zalmoxis!

23dyopkp o

The time has come, guys...

Riiaxger o

Wait, what?

8zpxcwh0 oMrnzy7dq o

Oh, it's the berserk skill, I think!

But, well... It is irrelevant.

Ns0czeqn o

This war is over.

Odnniipg oFy8smlme o

You hypocrite, you'll continue talking in the next scene!

Kbqalvr9 o


I'm so fucking glad.

Cun2wdda o

Adpsh5xn oI wonder what the others would think of what we have done. We are meant to be emotionless, yet it still seems we retain fear. Why else would I have warred with Naga after Doma and Mila died? And why would you have culled the growth of humanity?

Nc0yv1ro oYou are the victor. I have nothing left to say. For now, I die.

Adpsh5xn oSo be it. My peer, know that life in this world will still flourish with you gone.

Nc0yv1ro oIf you say so. That is our duty. You are the only one left.

Wxbjpzb4 o
Irvccrgj o

We've witnessed the end of a god. Neat.

Riqwdh8t o

Det8lbw5 oYes. As promised, we will duel. However, I wish to return this to you first.

Adpsh5xn oAh, the fragment of my power. With it, I will be whole again. Interesting! A true battle with me at my best once again! I can see why Sol liked you, Astrea. You are quite the interesting one.

Det8lbw5 oHere you are. ...Ngh...

Uedfz3v4 o Oh, fuck, that's not gonna end well...!

Adpsh5xn o! Yes! This power, so long has it been since I was last whole! Now, Astrea! Draw your arms. It is time for our duel!

Det8lbw5 oHa... ha... it seems that you have already won this fight...

Fitc5fki o
Mhv1tzix o

Vhfxzqd0 oYour power is what gives her the energy to survive in this environment.

Uvlq3kcu oCongratulations, you've won. I hope you're ready for round two.

Adpsh5xn oMy past actions were meant to weed out the weak in this world. Is a girl such as this, one I personally acknowledged, still not worthy?

Adpsh5xn oI see. This is what you wanted to show me. Truly, you are quite the interesting one.

Nztwya6c o

And that, my friends, is Astrea's last plan. By showing Pyron that weak people can still prevail if given the chance, she's proven to him that, in the end, he didn't need to go to the extremes that he did. She's basically gambled her life for the opportunity to make friends with God. How badass is that?

Adpsh5xn oYou win, Astrea. I have seen enough of you and your companions. Tell your friend Leo he may seal my power here. This land is the grave of gods. With people like you left, I am satisfied. The world is ready for my vision. With me gone, the mana levels will revert.

Det8lbw5 oThat is quite generous of you. I wasn't actually expecting this outcome. The Queen of Ryu had simply informed me that it was possible for you to grow.

Adpsh5xn oIs that so? Either way, at your leisure, I am ready.

Krioy4d2 o
Nndhwvt7 o

And with that, Pyron's redemption arc is over.

Pyron got a redemption arc. I can't believe it, this game is too good.

Det8lbw5 oAlthough we have won, it feels odd to know Pyron's goal ultimately succeeded.

Uvlq3kcu oThe next step will be to rebuild our respective countries.

Mbhufq5x oWith Bramimond gone, it falls to me as his last pupil to restart the government.

Uvlq3kcu oI have no intent of helping the Republic rebuild. We spared Georgio for that. I'll head back to Merv. I wish to rebuild the nomadic clans.

Det8lbw5 oI'll be going back to Merv as well. I think there's a lot of cleaning up that needs to be done there.

Vhfxzqd0 oAnd I

Lgjkwhcy o Nobody gives half a shit about you, Daedalus.

Mbhufq5x oYes. It falls to us now to make sure we do not fall into war again.

Uvlq3kcu oIndeed. My troops and I shall take our leave first. It has been an honor fighting together with you all.

Det8lbw5 oAh, we of Propater will go with you. Daedalus, Leo, take care of yourselves. If you need my aid in the future, you know where to find me.

Vhfxzqd0 oYes... take care friends! Thank you all for your help getting us this far!

Lgjkwhcy oYou wouldn't have made it anywhere without them, that much is certain.

3w0hjawj o

And with that, we move on to the endings! Relina's ending reveals that she created a new Propater alongside Astrea. Hopefully one that values loyalty a bit more than the old Propater.

Ii7q8fa4 o

Ulysses is still alive, though he was never used after his "death."

Mgw3dxlj o

Eyyyy, these two got together! Condor's clearly the top in this relationship.

Sqirnwk7 o

How's that for an age gap? By the time Ryan's great granddaughter he must've been like 200. Still, I'm happy for him, damnit. Look at that. 204 battles, 134 kills. He beats Adel by just a bit!

Ij8izn1s o

Hi useful.

N4dxsisq o

...Wait... Hold on, what?

Where's their paired ending!? They have a paired ending, I swear! Could've sworn they... Ah, whatever, who cares. Tactical knowledge? Since when? She always seemed to excell the most at beating the shit out of things...

D0kwy1ko o

I mean, it's not like she did much fighting at all in the war.

Tko9toxk oKcolajie oKs8febk3 oPhcrkyfh o8n0qzghc o81zscer2 o

Remember the fallen. I'm happy Bella lived a good life, at least.

Dpfsk3i9 oAkmlurx2 o

Couple more endings. Don't really have much to say about all of these.

Xfldjpaq oV6h6dkya o

Dancers 1 and 2 did things.

Drz8oqww oNm2c6uy4 o

I already forgot who you are.

G2jetlgu o

Ey, good to know this guy eventually stopped being a womanizer.

O4qvk8uy o

This... sounds weirdly rapey, but the ending says they were both happy, so I guess I'll take it.

Tkpunfqd o

What a sad ending.

0anslel0 oLvqdehtq oGqhvf6sx o1ydiwfua oEfljhwom oZ9t6w7nb o8pnerqni oL4szqx8s o

Characters I don't care about.

If you're wondering why Daedalus has two losses instead of just one, it's because he died halfway through chapter 25. Since I intended to kill Donovan from the beginning and only played beyond that to show you guys the other events, I opted not to count it.

Fucking useless dick, I'm so glad I no longer have to drag his worthless behind around anymore.

Nionur2p o

Not interested in Baryl,

Pl3cooia o

What a random ending.

Fuu0ba4x o

Did she ever grow her eyebrows back, though?

Pu14fpjt o

You know, Clea can be dead and it doesn't change Evan and Ryan's paired ending, even though Ryan's great granddaughter physically cannot exist if Clea bites the dust. Just thought I'd point that out.

Illd5ipv o

Good man Eren. I hope he lives long and healthy.

Ankt17oa o

This ending unfortunately isn't as awesome as the one where he opens up Juna Fruit Anonymous with Oreades. Shame.

Eevbwog6 o

Lila did things.

Zhiljxl2 o

Hahahah... Nina just continues to be Nina, I guess.

Nk9ydawn o

Mom retires and becomes an instructor. In her paired ending with Ulysses they just travel the world together, it's so wholesome.

9ia4vkdl o

Ahahahahaha... Okay, this ending is just completely out there. Barry just lives for hundreds of years for no better reason than he's Barry. Lovely.

Bunrg4tj o

This guy's awesome, I don't care what anyone says.

1lj8w89p o

But Lila has to lead the Fire Clan... Ah, well, no matter. I'm glad she made it all right. Unlike in her paired ending with Carter, where he just straight up murders her after the war ends. That ending is so... unique.

Dbevkpzt o

Leo had his quirks, but he's clearly a better man than that runt Bramimond. Cyra will prosper under his leadership.

1b7zjbvx o

Cyrus's whole character is still just Emblem Lance.

C5hjtedz o

Awww, that's so sad. This guy's story is so sad. Why is he so sad? He shouldn't be a sad character, but he is. How?

Bz2prwhu o

Okay, this is just Meme: The Ending.

Klgaojt1 o

Chrysler ensures that the new church won't be shit like the old one. Good on him. But he'll never be as beautiful as Evil Moulder.

Dllk9i3y o

Yeah, whatever.

2boprco1 o

Bwahahahahahah... Pyron is just happy with everything that happened. How wonderful. Seriously, those of you who had never played this game before: When the game was getting started and villains were being introduced, did you expect Rody and Pyron, of all people, to become the redeemed enemies? Honestly.

Fhmrdkbp o

Looks like Alice was right. There's always a bigger fish. Good for you, Astrea, you deserve it.

And finally... the most important one of all.

Hattaznf o

Kirin. The goddess of goddesses. Deity of deities. The greatest human of all. Godspeed, girl. I hope you'll be happy, and that all the blood in your hands doesn't screw with your conscience too much.

Imxas1tq o

And with that, we're just booted to the title screen, no "fin" screens or anything.

So... That's it! What's next for me? Well, I don't know. This has been a rather... uneventful LP, in terms of replies at least, and to be honest, I'm a bit tired of LPing right now. Don't get me wrong, I've had fun, but I think I'll stay away from this for a while. Does this mean I'll never come back? Eh, I don't think so. I just don't have any plans right now. There might come a time when I do. If so, I invite you all to tag along with whatever the next adventure shall be.

For now, however, I have nothing to add. Thank you for tagging along with me through this adventure, even those for you who have merely lurked. I hope you had fun, and please, do continue to farewell in the future! So long, byeee~! Till next time!





























Mqqvwdqi o
9pu9ijym o
P42x9mfi o
3hg4znba o
Dzcwkcuy o
Ampu6xnr o
Uvzni0ti o
W474sn3m o
4saqtmd7 o
Uymf0fi4 o
G7oxgckv o
Vlfkq1rh o
Roe6rhqh o
Epthx7gb o
74pmpnzd o
Jfnyea0w o
Lmuwmx35 o

A1zds5yh o

Zkc5lx67 o
Tbzfrumj o
Rbvg6rhd o
Abblnqcv o
Hgtgafhn o
Ebiygtql o
Uvkg8tdo o
Ha4akict o
5uyavbqq o
Znfa5y7x o
Ffltrldo o
Wmvk1xza o
Qch1pzi8 o
Mn5kcdxm o
Zxovq1mn o
Wbp07joe o

Axnxxqq2 o

Jbmre4rw o
Cqobiwnn o
Oayo060z o
73hbaogw o
A1scixks o
Igbhvkcm o
Gl2tn7in o
Cbd9wyx7 o
4gfu7iyf o
C9uqds7d o
E4bjkoxj o




2bvluiwd o
Zkgqlzn4 o
9ckkgbdw o
Y2hfdjjo o
Yhhnsjbm o
Fwpimoer o
Jrdqjk8z o
Clyyb5td o
K6jydcah o
Ven4fz9l o
Vok7gte9 o
Jaoi7zxw o
Rwptzavs o
Zs6u6hgd o
Uiq9rbt0 o
8auskiiv o
29pt7d3f o
0ef7mkrb o
Qrisdrfi o
Mt7glxne o
Omy1lvqi o
Ng8tdz5k o
Gmsf0kbi o
Twyzls94 o
Amerhqlf o
C8zfwmdo o
Ysyweeas o
Zoyqyw1i o
Jluirliv o
Qu7s8d3t o









Reset count: 7 (Ulysses: 1, Daedalus: 1, Astrea: 2, Elliot: 2, Remmy: 1)


Current perfect streak: 1 map, finally!

Best perfect streak: 7 maps


M O V E M E N T count: 11 (Lex: 1, Kirin: 4, Clint: 2, Chrysler: 2, Condor: 1, Rody: 2)

Blademaster's kill count: Mikey
                                             The one green dragon

Bandit King guy



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Aaand… it’s over. This was yet another joy to read, and I can safely say I haven’t enjoyed a lot of LPs as much as these ones.

Funfact: I finally started playing TearRing Saga, and I can see why you praised it so much. For the record, Leonie is currently a level 22 Sniper and she’s gotten 3 movement levels in her career. Aside from, you know, capping Speed and getting 13 Defense by the end of the first Runan split. I’ve been using the old gang (Juliattisnacordst (because I’m a die-hard FFV fan), Norton, Lee, Sasha, Kate…) with a few additions like Billford, Xeno and Attrom. It’s been great, honestly. Thanks for this, and for that.

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