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Fates Hacked PMU


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Hey everybody, I'm looking to play conquest again, but this time, I have full access to save editing. You know what that means- poor choices time!

Essentially, I want a Corrin and 15 other Conquest units/classes. Will I do this again for BR/RV? probably, idk.

HOWEVER, I have full access to every class and SKILL in the game, AND the ability to have any character START as any class. Give me anything! Go absolutely wild. You can make units have genderlocked (or genderswapped, if you so wish) classes, and you are no longer bound by any sort of limitations the vanilla class change system might inflict


- Hard/Classic

- Assign your character a class (anything from lords, to dancers, to beasts, to dlcs!) The only limit is that Garon/Anankos/Enemy exclusive/Feral dragons arent allowed because they either dont gain xp and/or cant get support points, and that makes things less fun

- Give you character ANY skill to start with! Have some fun

- Give your character a special boost: A second skill to start with, or a couple (like 2 or 3) statboosters of your choice

- Give me a parent if you're going for a kid

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Time for me to suggest a brilliant idea (that I 100% stole from @Benice ) and go for Astral Dragon Corrin with skill boon and luck bane, give em Draconic Hex for the first skill, and if enemy only skills are allowed for the bonus add immobilize, if not add Lethality instead for the lulz.

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Ooh this sounds like fun

Villager Mozu!Kiragi with the Aggressor skill and give him three speed boosts



Dread Fighter Laslow with the Vantage skill and the Awakening skill

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7 hours ago, LordoftheKevins said:

Hey everybody, I'm looking to play conquest again, but this time, I have full access to save editing. You know what that means- poor choices time!

Essentially, I want a Corrin and 15 other Conquest units/classes. Will I do this again for BR/RV? probably, idk.

Is it allowed to suggest a Pair-Up Partner and that units skills as well?

Also, as for skills to suggest, would it be allowed to give you a completed build, as in unit x with skills a, b, c, d, e but you have that unit learn these specific skills as per Fates rules (lv 1, 10, 5, 15)?


Edit: Screw it, take this Troubadour Nyx with Staff Savant and Inevitable End.

Edited by Imuabicus
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I'm sorry, I should have made what I was able to do more clear

By "any skill to start with" i mean any skill in the game (Except For personal skills, because dont know if FEFTwiddler can do that and I couldnt find a way on my own) that that character would not learn in the class you give me (Ex: Selena as a Spear Fighter -> Basara could have Rally Speed to start with, but not Rend heaven because shed get that anyway)

Also sadly I have absolutely no clue how to generation swap units.

Thank you for the cool ideas tho :]

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Azura x Laslow. Can you access to dlc/amiibo/cipher classes? If you can then: 

Laslow : Nohr prince

Azura : Hoshido Princess

----------------------- chlidren class ----------------------------------

Shigure : Lodestar (Marth class)

Soleil : Great Lord (lucina class)

- if you can't access to those classes then

Shigure : Kinshi Knight

Soleil : Malig Knight


Make Xander & Ryoma become furries. Xander: Wolfssegner. Ryoma: Nine-Tails. Don't you love it dog vs cat?

Edited by Hasechi
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Ok so you can do: 

Azura marry with Laslow.

Laslow : Nohr prince

Azura : Hoshido Princess

----------------------- chlidren class ----------------------------------

Shigure : Lodestar (Marth class)

Soleil : Great Lord (lucina class)


============= growthrate ==================

Their growth rates : 45% in all stat growth. Let's see what RNG god will give us. If you think that is too low, the make it to 55% or 55%

~~~~~~~~~~ skill ------------------------------------------------

Just choose skills that are fun to play with. And don't equip their skills from their original  classes, Example Azura Hoshido Noble, then don't use Dragon Ward, Hoshidan Unity for her

Edited by Hasechi
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Effie is now a Fighter and gets the benefit of 3 energy drops. She also starts with the Strength +2 skill in addition to her regular Defense +2.

Let me know if slots become open for more than one unit suggestion, I'm sure I could come up with something creative.

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  • 1 month later...

Apothecary -> Merchant Beruka, starting skills Life and Death + Locktouch. Give her a Seraph Robe and a Goddess Icon. I'd love to hear how life and death plays with spendthrift.

Edited by steamed_greens
just realised i'm necroposting
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