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Create your own Share a Meal/Group Task Dialogues

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As you may know each character has generally very limited amounts of Share a Meal/Group Task dialogues in which only a few characters can do them with more than 2 units (in which this includes DLC). Here are the rules/guidelines here.

1). While you can do any given pair of units, it might be for the best to do it for folks who can actually support in the game.

2). While you can do multiple bits for Share A Meal, and the Group Tasks for Stable Duty/Sky Watch (corresponding with their supports up to B or A) or one but each pairing only gets one dialogue for Weeding/Clearing Rubble.

3). You can make it complete (Share A Meal, Stable Duty/Sky Watch, Weeding/Clearing Rubble) or 1 or 2 out of the 3 its up to you. However that being said if you are doing any of the Group Tasks you should also do the results dialogue as well (both Perfect & Good)

4). If you want to do any of the pre-existing ones I would recommend expanding them especially the ones that had rather little in dialogue such as Alois/Bernadetta for example.

Anyways I shall give an example or two.

[Bernadetta X Caspar]

(Share a Meal - C)

Caspar: Ah this hits the spot, makes you feel lighter than air huh Bernadetta?

Bernadetta: If you say so Caspar... *sigh* Maybe I should start bulking up.

(Share a Meal- B)

Caspar: Say Professor I've rumors that someone was kidnapped here recently, twice. No idea who it could be though.

Bernadetta: *sigh* Of course you wouldn't know.

(Share a Meal- A)

Caspar: Hey Bernadetta, shall we take this meal to our special spot?

Bernadetta: Okay but as long as you carry the food, alright?


Bernadetta: Yes! Weeds, this shall be perfect for a recluse like me!

Bernadetta: Prepare yourself for Botancial Bernie!

Caspar: Wow Bernadetta you got really confident all of a sudden, I like it.

(Clearing Rubble)

Bernadetta: Aw this looks like this will be so exhausting.

Caspar: Well if you like Bernadetta I can carry you if you get really tired.

Bernadetta: Normally I would be bothered by that... but just this once I'll let it slide.

(Group Task - C)

Bernadetta: Oh I hope this won't be too exhausting.

Caspar: Not too worry Bernadetta, if you like I can carry your workload too.

Bernadetta: Well as long as its my workload and not me...

(Group Task - B)

Bernadetta: Alright Caspar, Professor says I should be working with you this time.

Caspar: Alright but don't get carried away, we both know that I'm the stronger worker here.

Bernadetta: Don't get carried away?! *groan* Can't believe you said that.

(Group Task - A)

Caspar: Well Bernie as soon as we're done I'll take you to our spot.

Caspar: But don't worry I'll hold your hand this time.

Bernadetta: Oh that is a relief... I mean yes thank you.

(Results C)


Caspar: Oh sorry Professor I guess I got a little carried away for a moment there.

Bernadetta: Well I know how that feels.


Caspar: Well that was okay but it could be better, right Bernadetta?

Bernadetta: Well I did manage to stay on my feet today so at least I have that.

(Results B)


Caspar: Woo-hoo! We did it, lets go somewhere to celebrate Bernie!

Bernadetta: Alright Caspar but lets not get too excited, okay?


Caspar: You okay Bernadetta? You seem a bit more skittish than usual.

Bernadetta: Well getting carried away twice will do that to someone.

(Results A)


Caspar: Ah yes you know Bern, we make a very good team don't we?

Bernadetta: You know what Caspar, yeah we do, we really do.


Caspar: Wow that was tiring, maybe I should let you carry me for once.

Bernadetta: Tempting, but I'm pretty tired too...

[Ingrid X Dorothea]

(Share a Meal- C)

Dorothea: Well this is not my ideal choice for a first date, but this is decent enough I suppose.

Ingrid: This is not a date! *sigh* Lets just have our meal in peace, alright?

(Share a Meal- B)

Ingrid: Okay Dorothea I'll let you dine with me, as long as you stop hitting on me.

Dorothea: Okay Ingrid message received. Say Professor do you know if Mercedes is available? *growl*

What do you think folks?

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I like this conceptually, I must admit. How about we do some with the least-characterized unit in the game?

Anna x Linhardt

Anna: I've gotta eat quick today, Professor. Business awaits!

Linhardt: Goodness, are you even chewing? You could give Caspar a run for his money...

Anna x Ashe

Ashe: Ooh, I quite like this recipe. Given the time and ingredients, I'm sure I could recreate it.

Anna: You make it, I'll market it! We'll have this place eating out of the palms of our hands.

Anna x Leonie

Leonie: There's so much here... I'd better take some home as leftovers!

Anna: "Leftovers", hmm? I wonder if that kind of approach might widen my profit margins?

Anna x Hapi

Hapi: Now, this is good. Way fresher than the slop we get down in Abyss.

Anna: Sounds like there's a demand for food underground - think I could supply it?

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Well that is most definitely understandable (and in those cases amusing). Still here are a few more Share a Meals... *ahem*

[Dimitri X Mercedes]

(Share a Meal - C)

Mercedes: Yah! Hiyah! Oh I'm sorry I was just practicing how to chop with butter knives.

Dimitri: Butter knives huh? *gulp* Uh... good idea Mercedes.

(Share a Meal - B)

Mercedes: Oh yes and after this meal I can give you another sewing lesson.

Dimitri: Thank you Mercedes, though I promise I will try not to bend your scissors again.

(Share a Meal - A)

Mercedes: Say Dimitri how about later on tonight I treat you to my finest cake in my room?

Dimitri (blushing): Why uh... yes I would like that, I would like it very much.

[Felix X Lysithea]

(Share a Meal - C)

Lysithea: Say Felix have you had a snack before our meal by any chance?

Felix: No, why would I do that?

(Share a Meal - B)

Lysithea (singsong): Felix, have you tried my cake yet?

Felix (annoyed singsong): No, go away!

(Share a Meal - A)

Lysithea: Now don't fill up too much on this meal Felix, I still have more cakes to give you.

Felix: Heh heh oh what did I get myself into?

[Claude X Petra]

(Support C)

Petra: Claude, perhaps I shall give you lessons in climbing trees? You can hold on to me while I teach you.

Claude: Well I was going to take a nap but how can I refuse an offer like that?

(Support B)

Petra: You say I'm a wonderful abnormality Claude? Oh Claude you do know how to pleasure me greatly.

Claude: Why I'd be happy to milady... uh... what I meant is... why yes that is rather pleasing.

(Support A)

Petra: I wonder if the man I will marry can unite Fodlan & Brigid? Hmm...

Claude: That is a distinct... maybe, would you settle for Almyra & Brigid by any chance?

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