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I Hate Cancer


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This is about the only place I am active online so I am making this thread.  My dad just pasted away this morning from stage 4 cancer. I just hate this so much. I have to be strong for my mom but it is really hard.  Anyway I just wanted to let SF know in case I don't respond to quotes or stuff like that.

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Prayers sent your way. 🙏 I am so sorry to hear that 💔 Much love sent your way. If you need someone to talk to to ease your mind a little, we are all here for you 🥰 God bless you during these troubling times.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you luck during this difficult time. I apologize if my answer seems too short, but truly, I do hope you can carry through.

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I'm really, really sorry. A bunch of people in my family have passed because of cancer as well, and it was really hard on me, even if it wasn't my parents.  I

really hope that things improve for you soon enough, and I (as well as many others, I assume) am happy to chat if it would help you.

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There isn't much I can say besides offering condolences. 

If you need anyone to talk to or talk at, I and many others would be more than willing to listen, even if you don't know us that well. We'll be here for you.

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You have my condolences for everything you’re going through, I know how hard it is to lose a parent. Please take care, if you ever need anyone to talk to I can certainly listen.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you find some time to grieve without constraint, as having to stay strong all the time is not a health way to live.

I feel strangely compelled to share the stories of cancer I remember from my own family, but I do not want to intrude too much, so feel free to ignore the spoiler box.


My grandfather died of cancer while I was very young. I was too young to have any reliable memories of him, but I remember playing with a moose puppet in a place that had that sterile chemical smell of hospitals. I have never been certain if that memory is real, or of him, or something my own mind conjured up, but alas that moose puppet he gifted me on his deathbed has been rendered to ash when my parents home burned down, so it is all I really have. When I was about a year into college, my mother had a very close call with ovarian cancer. Odd as it sounds, she was luck that it was such a fast growing tumor, as something that can grow to the size of a football in a matter of days is too painful too ignore, and thus it was found while still in an early stage. To add an uncomfortable addition to this, both of her sisters had a similar close calls with cancer within a few years of that, indicating some serious genetic predisposition. Lastly just as the pandemic was really starting an aunt on my father's side finally succumbed to cancer. She had been battling it for years, it would be be in remission for a year or two, but it would always pop back up somewhere else, and it became a bit of a joke that none of her organs worked right thanks to all the surgeries. It hit my father rather hard, as he was always close to his sister thanks to his mother dying while he was young, and at the same time my mother was having medical issues herself, which piled on even more stress om him.


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Thanks everyone. I have been crying on and off the past day.  Sadly due to covid we can't have the service for three weeks.  Right now I am just trying to keep busy so I will be tired and be able to sleep.  I think my sister is taking it harder then me in a way since they didn't talk much.  I guess being able to comfort others is helping me cope, plus my dogs (who are also upset) and my cats are a comfort.  I have to keep an eye on my mom because she has a very hard time crying, so I am trying to be with her as much as I can because she hasn't really expressed her grief yet.  The good thing about today is my mom was able to find the file with the picture I took of my dad before he got sick, which I thought I had lost.

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