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(Fe15) Shadows of Valentia now with less grinding!

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1. This is a draft for 3 players
2. Genny Silque Alm and Celica are free 
3. This will be played on hard mode


1. No deploying undrafted units

1b. For 1-1 and 1-2 undrafted units may not fight but they may block heal tiles 
1c For Berkut fight undrafted units that are forced into the temple must hide in a corner and may not trade or use white magic ect, with drafted units
1d For Dungeons use the evacuate command to undeploy undrafteds

2. All turns spent in all maps count This includes Map spawns and Dungeon fights, Grinding in dungeons IS allowed but you have to pay the turncounts 

      (advice, if you wish to skip map spawns you can use hover rigging https://youtu.be/mCu-rQIVVCo
2.a.b if you wish to avoid getting ambushed by a map encounter use the wait command to control where the map spawn walks.


3. Saber and conrad are Free for 2-E 

4. You are required to do all fights on the world map including Nuibaba's abode and Beast Hunt and also do The dragon shrine fight, the duma lance fight and the Hexlock Shield fight  (the necrodragon fight between Zeke's map and Rigel Falls is skippable)

5. Drafting order is snake draft 1-2-3-3-2-1 repeated until all 30 draftable units are taken (Sonya and Deen are drafted separately)

6. Money grinding in dungeons is limited to 15 silver worth of box breaking/grass cutting per dungeon, ( excluding duma tower) provisions are valued at their sell price at the smithy. The first 4 seabound shrine corral does not count toward this limit, in deliverance hideout/Thieves shrine this limit is shared between alm and Celica.

6b. unlimited amounts of grinding is allowed in duma tower

6c. A player upon reaching duma tower is allowed to use the mila's gift DLC to gain 8 extra gold, aside from this all DLC is banned.

7. 0 turning  your first visit to dragon shrine will count as 0 turning it, but 0 turning any other map will count as 1 turning it. 


1.Skipping Fear mountain or Nuibaba's abode is a 5 turn penalty

2.Skipping any dungeon map (Duma lance, Hexlock shield, Necrodragons in dragon shrine, Brigand boss) is a 2 turn penalty

3.Having an undrafted unit fight is a 1 turn penalty each time they fight something. (except for saber in 2-E)

4.Deploying an undrafted unit is a 1 turn penalty per unit (on top of penalty 3, does not apply in the final dungeon 1-1, 1-2 or when ambushed by a map reinforcement)



Edited by ussgordoncaptain
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