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To Fabricate a Miracle - An Engage One-Shot

Acacia Sgt

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Hello, everyone! Here I am, once again delivering a one-shot fic. Another Engage one. This one's about an idea I thought up recently. A possible headcanon, if you will, considering the game doesn't say anything about the matter. At least, that I know of. So then... enjoy!


To Fabricate a Miracle


The sun had sunk below the cloud layer that surrounded the Somniel. Night would soon come. A few of the place's denizens had taken to an early supper at the Café Terrace. Over at the desks in the corner was Lindon, an open book before him.


At the mention of his name, the old sage glanced up from his book, to see Alear standing next to him.

"Ah, Divine One," he smiled. "To what do I owe you this pleasure?"

"I couldn't help but notice you were staring quite intently that book," Alear replied. "Your food already looks like it went cold."

Lindon glanced back, where indeed a plate lied next to the book, its contents only half-eaten.

"Ah, yes, it seems I got too engrossed with the book," he said with a chuckle, before glancing back to Alear. "I do apologize, sometimes I can get carried away."

"It must've been quite the topic to keep you so focused on it," Alear noted. "What is the book about?"

"It's about Fabrications."

Alear's eyes widened.

"The Fabrications?"

Lindon nodded.

"Yes. I'm trying to research about them."

He glanced back at the book again.

"The Divine Dragons' counterpart to the Corrupted. Yet, they are not corpses reanimated. They are instead transfigured from mundane material such as wood or stone."

"Yes, I do recall being told something of the sort by my mother," Alear brought a hand to his chin. "So, is there a particular reason you want to know about Fabrications?"

"I must confess, there is more to it than just the desire to learn," Lindon replied, turning back to Alear. "It's a necessity. You see, Divine One, ever since your rebirth as an Emblem, I've been brimming with curiosity."

"Eh? Really?" Alear blinked, stunned.

"It's quite the unique phenomenon," Lindon's voice took a tone of excitement. "The result of the miraculous power of the Emblems. You are now part of their ranks, but are not an incorporeal spirit like they are. You are still of flesh and blood."

He then glanced over at the main part of the Café. Alear followed his gaze, to see he was looking over at the tables. During their talk a few more people had walked in, making the place become quite bustled with activity. Among them were a few of the Emblems, who unable to make use of the chairs, simply floated near the tables. Neither they could partake in consuming the meals being served, so they simply engaged in conversation with the patrons.

"You are blessed, Divine One, to still have your body," Lindon suddenly spoke again, more somber this time. "As it makes you able to still partake in the things we take for granted. Sure, the Emblems may still be able to make use of their senses, but their very nature makes them forgo many things. They can't enjoy the foods we so readily consume, or rest under the blankets of a soft bed. Any exchange between they and us have to be verbal. We can't shake hands with them in greeting, after all."

"That is… true," Alear went pensive.

He had to admit, he had never put much thought into it before. The Emblems themselves seemed content with their current state of being, or at least, they have long made peace with it. However, it did not make Lindon's words any less true.

I can't even imagine how that must be, Alear thought.

Perhaps the sage was right. It was a blessing to have avoided that fate.

"So, what does looking up about the Fabrications have to do with this?" Alear turned back to face him.

"Ah, you see Divine One," Lindon faced back to him as well, "I began to wonder if perhaps there was a way to correct that."

"You mean, give the Emblems a physical body?" Alear stared at him shock.

"Correct," Lindon nodded. "Because of their nature, the Fabrications would be the suitable vessels for them to inhabit."

Alear was speechless.

That sounds so… but if he were to succeed…

"And how would you be doing that?" He asked.

"That…" Lindon frowned, "is still something I am working through, I'm afraid. Which is why I'm researching about the Fabrications."

He then glanced to the book.

"I am very glad to have found this book. While the loss of life will always be the bigger tragedy, the loss of knowledge is not one to be belittled. With Lythos Castle destroyed, these books are all that remains of the trove of knowledge it once housed."

Alear glanced over. While he never got to see the royal library, it wasn't hard to see that the amount of books housed at the Somniel would pale in comparison. Being composed of only two rows of shelves from the desks as well as the nearby bulletin board, and not particularly long ones. Not even fully filled out, for that matter. There had to be only a few dozens of books total, probably not even making a hundred.

I guess that's one thing to focus on, once Lythos begins rebuilding, Alear mused.

"Got any luck so far, then?" He then asked.

"Well, I already have a theory in the making," Lindon replied. "I may need to finish the book first, but I think I may already be ready to put it to the test. Well, once gathering everything I need for it. It's going to be quite the experiment."

"An experiment, huh…" Alear trailed off, sounding unsure.

The old sage's experiments were certainly… something else. Lindon chuckled.

"Oh, I assure you Divine One, there's no need to worry," he said. "The worst that can happen is nothing."

"I'd hope so," Alear wasn't quite reassured by the old sage's words.

He then shook his head.

"Well then, I'll let you continue. Though, do tell me once you are going to do it."

"Don't you worry, Divine One, you will the first to witness it."

With that, Lindon returned to his book while Alear walked away, intending to finally have supper himself. As he did, many thoughts filled his mind.

It would be nice if the Emblems were to interact with the world properly. I do hope he can succeed.


A few days had passed. Lindon's project had retreated to the back of Alear's mind, the task of destroying the Fell Dragon Shards having become more paramount. Today, he was at Lookout Ridge, sitting at the cliff edge. He held a purple hourglass-shaped crystal in his hands, staring at it intently.

Just how exactly will this help us reach the next shard? He wondered.

He sighed. If only Zephia had simply just outright said it.

"Ah, Divine One, there you are!"

Alear glanced behind him, to see Lindon approaching.

"Oh, Lindon."

He stood back up. Lindon kept walking until reaching him.

"I have been looking all over the Somniel for you," he said.

"Is something the matter?"

"Today is the day, Divine One. I told you I would inform you when I would finally do my experiment."

For a second Alear looked at the old sage, confused. Then realization hit him.

"Oh, right. About giving the Emblems a physical body, right?"

"That's right," Lindon nodded. "I understand if our current mission has made you forget."

"No no," Alear shook his head, "it is something big, I should've been more attentive."

"It's fine," Lindon was nonplussed. "What matters is that you did remembered. Now then, can you please follow me. We are only now waiting for your presence to begin."

"We?" Alear tiled his head in confusion.

Lindon chuckled.

"You shall see."

With that, the old sage turned around and began to walk. Alear stood there for a moment longer before following after. They went back to the Somniel's main building, up the stairs, until they were before the doors leading to Alear's resting place.

"Huh? You're going to do it in my room?" Alear asked.

"Yes, I thought it would be a proper place," Lindon answered. "Now then, let's get inside, shall we? After you, Divine One."

Alear promptly opened the doors and went through. At first glance, there didn't seem to be anything different in the room from usual. The plants were as healthy looking as always, well-tended by the stewards. The piano sparkled by the light pouring in through the pillars. The nightstand still standing unassumingly in its usual place. His altar-bed at the center of the back area, with Marth's body lying peacefully atop…

Wait, what?

It took a full second for his mind fully to process it.


He blinked. Yes, it was Marth alright. He stood there, frozen in shock, until…

"It's alright, Alear. I'm right here."

A sudden flash of light appeared, and suddenly the spectral form of Emblem Marth materialized before him.

"Ah!" Alear did a double-take, startled.

"I apologize, Divine One. I should've wanted you," Lindon said, having entered the room behind him.

Alear glanced around behind Emblem Marth, to stare at the… body. Before then glancing back to Lindon.

"Lindon, what is going on? Why is there a… a..."

"Calm down, Divine One," Lindon said. "Allow us to explain."

The old sage then walked past him, stopping just before the altar-bed. Emblem Marth turned around and did the same, stopping to be next to him, though with enough space between them that the body remained visible.

"The body you see before, Divine One," Lindon began, "is none other than a Fabrication."

"A Fabrication? But then…" Alear glanced over to Emblem Marth. "Did you made it, Marth?"

"That's right," Emblem Marth nodded. "Thanks to the power flowing through the Somniel, just like how we can manifest without you wearing our Rings, making a Fabrication is possible."

"I see. So then Lindon asked you to volunteer," Alear said.

"Correct," Lindon said. "Naturally, the experiment couldn't be done without an Emblem's cooperation."

"When he approached me, asking for my help, I had to admit I was intrigued," Marth added. "To be able to interact fully with the world… that would certainly be nice. It was worth the try."

"Now I see what you meant by 'we'," Alear mused.

He finally stepped closer, to get a better view of the Fabrication. It was a perfect replica of Emblem Marth's likeness, down to the clothes. Its eyes were closed, as if asleep.

"Incredible, it's like you really are here, in the flesh," he said, amazed.

"Fabrications can look however we please. So making one to resemble myself is simple," Emblem Marth explained. "Though in this case, it was only the body."

"For a more real experience, it was best if the clothes were supplied externally," Lindon said. "Fortunately, we do have Mister Pinet here at the Somniel. So making the commission was simple. We didn't tell him the details as to why we needed them, but he was happy to make them all the same."

He then smiled.

"To our fortune, it seems working on them has inspired him to want to make replicas of the outfits of the rest of the Emblems. Should this succeed, then that should speed things up for the others."

"Well, that's great," Alear said happily, but then frowned. "So, um, how exactly are you going to get into the Fabrication, Marth?"

"Now that, is the crux of my theory," Lindon was the one to reply. "Having heard from the rest of our comrades, before I joined you you've fought Corrupted wearing the Emblem Rings, have you not?"

"Yes… we did," Alear said.

Even having long recovered them all, he still felt bad remembering.

"And all those cases were when they were infused with the Fell Dragon's power," Lindon continued. "So they could only sync with the Ring, never engage. I was curious if the Divine Dragons ever did the same with their Fabrications. But even looking through the book and asking Marth here directly, it seems that never happened."

"It's true," Marth said. "You might not remember, Alear, but even when all the other Divine Dragons perished, Queen Lumera would have the humans wear the Rings. She never gave one to her Fabrications."

"As such, it seems no one yet knows what could happen if a Fabrication were to engage with an Emblem Ring. Due to their nature of being golems without a soul of their own, unlike the Corrupted, then perhaps it could allow for the Emblem to take over the body, so to speak."

"So that's your theory," Alear said in realization.

He glanced back to the body. He had missed it before, but there, on his finger, was the Ring of the Hero-King.

"So that was basically all that was needed?" He asked. "Make the Fabrication, put the Ring, and make it engage?"

"That's the gist of it, yes," Lindon nodded. "It's all ready. Now with your presence, we can begin."

He then turned to face Emblem Marth.

"Now then, Marth, if you please?"

Emblem Marth nodded, before turning to face the body. The ring began to glow. Shortly after, the Fabrication followed suit. Being so close, Lindon and Alear shielded their eyes from the bright light. Once it dissipated, they brought down their arms to see Emblem Marth was gone.

That's when it happened. The body on the altar-bed began to stir. Then its eyes fluttered open. To Alear's shock and Lindon's excitement, it slowly lifted itself to a sitting position. Its head glanced down, as it lifted its palms into view, an expression of surprise etched on its face. It then turned to stare at them.

"Marth, is that you?" Lindon eagerly asked.

"Yes… ah," the Fabrication, or rather Emblem Marth, brought a hand to his throat.

"How are you feeling, Marth?" Alear asked.

"This is… a very weird experience, I must admit," Marth replied, glancing all over his body. "Even with the memories of my original self, I can't help but find this a bit unsettling."

"That's understandable," Lindon said. "You spent eons as an incorporeal spirit. It will take time for you to get used to it."

"That sounds about right," Marth nodded in agreement.

He then slowly stood up, but shortly after his legs began to wobble, before his body was sent toppling!



Fortunately, Lindon and Alear were quick to catch him.

"It looks like learning to walk will be part of it," Alear noted.

"I guess I can no longer just float everywhere now," Marth chuckled.

They then helped him sit back down.

"Well, that aside, I can now proudly proclaim the experiment was a success!" Lindon said, content.

Alear, however, looked a bit unsure.

"Just how long can he maintain the engaging like this?"

"Don't worry, Alear," Marth said. "I can feel this is quite different from engaging with you. It looks I may be able to maintain this for as long as I wish. At least, should there be nothing to disrupt it."

"That sounds fantastic," Lindon said. "But perhaps we should see if you really can maintain it indefinitely."

"I doubt I can fight like this, however," Marth then added. "Not when I have yet to get used to this."

"That's fine," Alear said. "We can fight like usual, then you can use the body while in here."

"I'm fine with that," Marth smiled.

"Excellent. Now then, let's make sure you can move properly," Lindon said. "So you can make quite the entrance once we tell everyone else about."

"Yes, I'm sure they will be quite shocked about it," Alear chuckled. "Then let's begin, shall we?"


A few hours later, everyone was gathered at the central Plaza, mortals and Emblems alike. Even the merchants had left their shops to stand among the crowd. At the entrance to the Café Terrace stood Lindon and Alear, facing them. A pairs of curtains had been placed behind them, blocking the view to the inside, with them meeting up right in the middle.

"I thank you all for having gathered," Lindon began. "You may be wondering why the Divine One and I have called you all here. Well, we have some fantastic news to share. Explanations would be long, so we still instead show you."

He then glanced to Alear.

"Now then, Divine One, shall we do the honors?"

Alear nodded. They then both grabbed both curtains, before then sweeping them aside. Now revealed in view, standing just before where the curtains were, was Marth. He stepped forward to a now stunned speechless crowd.

"Hello, everyone," he said. "Yes, it is I, Emblem Marth, in the flesh."

The crowd would soon erupt into chaos. All three men would quickly find themselves surrounded, as countless questions were thrown at them.


A few days more had passed. Alear did his usual rounds around the Somniel. One shard was still left to be destroyed, but that was not where his focus was. Instead, he watched. Watched his allies engage in all the various activities the floating isle offered. Unlike before, there was no distinction between some doing them, and the others only watching. The Emblems, now inhabiting Fabrications of their own, now partook in the activities as well. So he saw. How they exercised at the training area. Tends to the horses and the orchard. Fish at the pond. Swim at the pool. Try out the outfits at Pinet's shop. Feed the animals. Eat at the Café Terrace. He saw it all with a smile on his face.

His little patrol would finish at the main building. Entering the café, he quickly spotted Marth sitting down at one of the tables. He quickly went over to join over.

"Ah, good, you're here," Marth said as he approached. "How are things?"

"They're as good as they can be," Alear replied, sitting down. "They all took well to the Fabrication bodies."

"That's good to know," Marth smiled.

"This is so nice. I can't wait for this to become the norm, once we've defeated Sombron," Alear said.

Marth's smile faltered a little.

"Yes, that would be… nice."

Alear quickly took note of the shift in demeanor.

"Is something the matter?" Alear asked, concerned.

Marth shook his head.

"No, it's nothing."

"Well, if you say so," Alear said. "I'll go order some food now. I'll be back."

He then stood up, before walking over to the back of the room. Marth watched him go, before then glancing upwards. Though the view was blocked by the ceiling, he stared where Sombron's still unfinished portal would be; hanging even higher in the sky than the Somniel was.

We were ready to accept our fate, he thought. But then…

He then glanced down, raising a hand to stare down at it.

Perhaps, this way, there is a chance.

Marth sighed, before bringing the hand back down, glancing back up. Still, he then smiled.

We fulfilled a miracle for them. Just maybe, they can fulfill one for us in return.


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