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Kaoz's HM Playthrough


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Chapter 17



Sold		Purchased
	Hand Axe (2)
	Steel Axe (Forge, +5 Mt, +15 Hit)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	19.00	40	14	5	16	17	12	12	7	A Oscar
Astrid	2.00	34	15	7	20	22	11	13	9

217 BEXP remaining

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Marcia, Lethe, Mordecai, Astrid, Muarim, Gatrie (T8)

Part 1

Oscar takes on the Fighters in the west, Ike, Lethe, Astrid and Muarim kill the Myrms and Armors in the east and Marcia fights the enemies in the north. Titania, Mia, Boyd, Lethe and Muarim KO the turn 3 reinforcements.

3 Turns

Part 2

Marcia starts in the worst position possible, so she's shoved a bit to reach the Arrive tile a turn sooner. The others face the Cavaliers in the west.

3 Turns

Part 3

Ike leveled up here and Mia promoted, map was routed. Gatrie was called as reinforcement in case someone needed additional weapons.

10 Turns

Part 4

Marcia is shoved 3 tiles and ORKOs Oliver with the Short Spear.

1 Turn

Total: 101

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	1.00	44	18	7	18	20	12	15	9	A Oscar
Titania 8.43	39	15	5	17	17	14	14	9	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	3.95	40	17	6	19	20	10	17	7	A Ike
Boyd	20.50	40	18	0	15	17	10	9	3	C Titania
Mia	1.00	33	14	6	19	22	13	11	7
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	7.45	35	18	5	20	24	11	14	15
Lethe	4.84	36	13	4	10	13	16	10	7
Mordecai3.33	43	15	2	9	8	10	13	4
Astrid	4.38	35	16	8	21	23	12	14	10
Muarim	9.32	45	16	4	13	15	11	12	5

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  • 5 weeks later...

Chapter 18



Sold		Purchased
	Hand Axe (Forge, +5 Mt, +25 Hit)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Oscar	4.00	41	17	6	19	20	10	17	8	A Ike

909 BEXP remaining

Deployed: Ike, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Marcia, Lethe, Mordecai, Astrid, Muarim, Volke, Sothe, Reyson

No seperate turns as this chapter is boring. Basically Oscar and Astrid solo the map with Titania and Muarim as back-ups. Marcia takes care of the Wyvern Knights and Boyd, Mia and Lethe kill the southern reinforcements.

7 Turns

Total: 108

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	1.00	44	18	7	18	20	12	15	9	A Oscar
Titania 9.10	40	16	5	18	18	15	14	10	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	6.26	42	19	7	21	22	11	18	8	A Ike
Boyd	20.69	40	18	0	15	17	10	9	3	C Titania
Mia	1.19	33	14	6	19	22	13	11	7
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	7.73	35	18	5	20	24	11	14	15
Lethe	4.91	36	13	4	10	13	16	10	7
Mordecai3.60	43	15	2	9	8	10	13	4
Astrid	9.76	38	19	9	24	25	14	15	11
Muarim	9.65	45	16	4	13	15	11	12	5
Reyson	3.50	22	1	10	11	14	15	2	20

Chapter 19



Sold		Purchased
	Hand Axe (Forge, +5 Mt, +25 Hit)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Astrid	10.00	38	19	9	24	25	15	15	11

1184 BEXP remaining

Deployed: Ike, Oscar, Mordecai, Astrid, Tanith, Reyson, Janaff

Turn 1

Reyson helps Tanith to move into Naesala's range (equipped with the Full Guard and a Sonic Sword). Oscar and Astrid (shoved by Mordecai) kill a Myrm and a Fighter.

Tanith kills the Wyvern Lord and one of the Kinghts on enemy phase and is attacked by Naesala. Astrid weakens a Warrior.

Turn 2

Janaff talks to Naesala, Tanith and Oscar kill the two Ballista Archers. Ike finishes the Warrior.

EP: Naesala talks to Reyson. Oscar kills two Myrms.

Some of the Ravens escape on OP.

Turn 3

Ike kills another Myrm. Astrid defeats Homasa (she doubles him <_<).

3 Turns

Total: 111

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	1.53	44	18	7	18	20	12	15	9	A Oscar
Titania 9.10	40	16	5	18	18	15	14	10	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	6.89	42	19	7	21	22	11	18	8	A Ike
Boyd	20.69	40	18	0	15	17	10	9	3	C Titania
Mia	1.19	33	14	6	19	22	13	11	7
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	7.73	35	18	5	20	24	11	14	15
Lethe	4.91	36	13	4	10	13	16	10	7
Mordecai3.60	43	15	2	9	8	10	13	4
Astrid	11.48	39	20	9	25	26	15	16	12
Muarim	9.65	45	16	4	13	15	11	12	5
Reyson	3.70	22	1	10	11	14	15	2	20
Tanith	10.29	32	16	10	18	24	18	15	13

Chapter 20



Sold		Purchased
	Thunder (Forge, +5 Mt)


Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Tormod	1.00	31	6	17	15	17	12	8	17

18 BEXP remaining

Reyson got the Boots

Deployed: Ike, Oscar, Lethe, Mordecai, Marcia, Astrid, Muarim, Tormod, Tanith, Reyson, Calill

Turn 1

Ike and Oscar move south, Oscar kills the Hand-Axe Fighter. Marcia moves (unequipped) into the range of a number of Wyvern Knights, Tanith is smitten/shoved by Mordecai, Lethe and Muarim and moves towards Shiharam. Mordecai is vigored, he, Astrid, Tomod and Calill kill the Halberdiers and Archer in the north.

Oscar kills a Wyvern Knight, a Myrm and a Sword Knight on enemy phase, Ike is attacked by an Archer, a Soldier and a Fighter. Tanith kills two Wyvern Knights with the Sonic Sword, the other Wyverns target either Marcia or Muarim.

Turn 2

Calill uses Meteor against Shiharam, Reyson vigors, allowing her to attack again. Tormod finishes the job with a third Meteor. Muarim and Osacr visit the houses, enemies are killed where possible. Tanith arrives.

2 Turns

Total: 113

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	2.07	45	18	7	18	20	12	15	9	A Oscar
Titania 9.10	40	16	5	18	18	15	14	10	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	7.47	43	19	7	21	23	11	18	9	A Ike
Boyd	20.69	40	18	0	15	17	10	9	3	C Titania
Mia	1.19	33	14	6	19	22	13	11	7
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	7.94	35	18	5	20	24	11	14	15
Lethe	5.10	36	13	4	11	14	16	10	7
Mordecai3.60	43	15	2	9	8	10	13	4
Astrid	11.66	39	20	9	25	26	15	16	12
Tormod	1.89	31	6	17	15	17	12	8	17
Muarim	9.81	45	16	4	13	15	11	12	5
Reyson	3.90	22	1	10	11	14	15	2	20
Tanith	10.52	32	16	10	18	24	18	15	13
Calill	6.42	32	8	19	18	18	16	8	17

Seeing as I still didn't use any skill scrolls and my supports might as well not exist, I'm starting to wonder how Maniac Mode is like... can anyone confirm this by any chance?

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That is interesting. I'm tempted to find out how much a JP copy of this game would be.

Weird choice with Tormod. You could probably have promoted him earlier than now with some combat exp. But grats on your Chapter 20 completion. It completely didn't occur to me to try using a Siege tome on him. Although it's worth noting that you should have 2-turned Chapter 19. The Knight Ring is really not as great as people would think.

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Thanks, I originally planned to use a combination of Calill and Tanith and have Marcia arrive, but I didn't manage to kill all the Wyvern Knights on enemy phase (might have worked with the Sonic Sword, but it's too valuable). So yeah, I remembered that Tormod had a C in Fire, and I had 1600 BEXP or so that I didn't know what to do with anyway. Also, he has 8 move as a Sage, and I feel that everyone with less than that is pretty worthless (even Ike....), so I finally have a healer... Arms Scrolls cannot be used to increase staff level by any chance, right?

As for Chapter 19, I'm not sure whether I need the KR at some point, and as I got more BEXP as well, I figured I'd sacrifice a turn. Might not have been the best decision, we'll see.

Finally, concerning the JP disk, I would have already bought one, but play asia doesn't have them anymore, so the only possibility I found is amazon, where it's rather expensive, at least when I don't even know for sure whether it works (when I could be reasonably sure, I'd probably order a copy though).

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  • 1 month later...

The first chapter in which I somewhat regret that I didn't train a healer....

Chapter 21

Deployed: Ike, Oscar, Mia, Lethe, Mordecai, Marcia, Volke, Astrid, Muarim, Tormod, Tanith, Reyson

Turn 1

Ike uses a Pure Water and is rescued by Marcia afterwards. Mordecai smites her afterwards. Everyone who can shoves Reyson, allowing him to Vigor Marica. She moves westwards and targets one of the Halberdiers with a Javelin. Oscar, Astrid and Tanith move forward as much as possible.

On enemy phase, the first Sleep Bishop targets Marcia, but misses. Other than that she gets attacked by two Soldiers, two Archers (for a total of 1 damage (Full Guard)) and a Halberdier.

Turn 2

Oscar and Tormod kill the approaching enemies (one Soldier and one Halberdier), which allows Mordecai and Lethe to smite/shove Astrid, so that she can kill the Soldier that blocks Marcia's way. Reyson Vigors Oscar, who then kills another Halberdier. Marcia drops Ike outside the throne room, everyone else moves forward.

Marcia is targeted by another Sleep Bishop, but avoids it again, she also kills an attacking Mage. Ike is attacked by the Sage. Astrid and Tanith kill a Soldier and two Myrmidons respectively. Tauroneo starts moving as well.

Turn 3

Oscar and Astrid kill the Knight and Archer that were blocking the bridge, which allows Tanith to move westwards. Lethe shoves Mordecai, so that he can smite Reyson, which allows Reyson to Vigor Tanith. She and Marcia then rescue-drop Reyson in front of the southern chest room. Ike recruits Tauroneo, trades him the Laguzslayer and uses another Pure Water. Tauroneo kills one of the Knights with a Silver Blade. Everyone else moves north.

I had to reset a couple of times then as Tauroneo was repeatedly put to sleep and I forgot to log the rest when it finally worked. Basically the enemies in the throne room are eliminated on turn 4 enemy phase and Tauroneo kills Ena on turns 5 and 6, thanks to a combination of Resolve and the Laguzslayer. Volke gets the Energy Drop on turn 6 as well.

6 Turns

Total: 119

Name	Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Ike	2.69	45	18	7	18	20	12	15	9	A Oscar
Titania 9.10	40	16	5	18	18	15	14	10	C Boyd/C Mist
Oscar	8.29	43	19	7	22	23	11	18	9	A Ike
Boyd	20.69	40	18	0	15	17	10	9	3	C Titania
Mia	1.94	33	14	6	19	22	13	11	7
Mist	1.99	16	1	4	4	7	6	2	7
Marcia	8.75	36	18	5	21	24	12	14	15
Lethe	5.10	36	13	4	11	14	16	10	7
Mordecai3.60	43	15	2	9	8	10	13	4
Astrid	13.78	40	21	10	26	27	16	17	12
Tormod	2.84	31	6	17	15	17	12	8	18
Muarim	10.16	47	16	4	14	16	11	12	5
Reyson	4.40	22	1	10	12	15	15	2	21
Tanith	11.18	33	17	10	18	24	19	15	13
Calill	6.42	32	8	19	18	18	16	8	17
Tauroneo14.87	48	22	11	18	13	14	22	14

Chapter 22 should be up rather soon, I should be able to one turn it while keeping all the priests alive...

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