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[FE9] PoR Hard Mode Draft Tournament

Radiant Dragon

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1. 5 people (4 + myself) will each draft a team consisting of: Ike, Titania, the Laguz royal of your choice, and 8 drafted units. The goal (as always) is to complete the game in with the lowest turncount.

2. Do not BEXP abuse (give BEXP in small increments for good level ups).

3. Undrafted characters may not: enter combat (no meatshielding), shove/smite, build supports, heal, steal, visit villages, open/break doors, rescue drafted characters or NPCs, etc...

4. Undrafted characters may: trade with units, rescue other undrafted characters and find stuff in the desert.

5. 4 turn penalty for using an undrafted character for something that they may not do.

6. Any other rules that I forgot.

7. Undrafted units may not be used to Arrive.


1. Radiant Dragon: Marcia, Lethe, Astrid, Calill, Makalov, Geoffrey, Ranulf, Ena or Nasir.

2. Soul: Oscar, Soren, Nephenee, Volke, Devdan, Janaff, Largo, Bastian.

3. Kaoz: Jill, Tanith, Muarim, Zihark, Haar, Tauroneo, Shinon, Rolf.

4. Sadistic Fox: Reyson, Mist, Mordecai, Ilyana, Mia, Stefan, Brom, Lucia.

5. Integrity: Boyd, Kieran, Rhys, Tormod, Gatrie, Elincia, Ulki, Sothe.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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I don't think I ever finished my original HM run, and I've never been in a Draft before, so...sure, why not?


Resource distribution:

Ike - Occult (1), Provoke

Titania - Dracoshield (2), Talisman (1), Energy Drop (2), Savior

Mia - Seraph Robe (1), Dracoshield (1), Guard

Ilyana - Speedwing (2), Spirit Dust (1)

Mist - Seraph Robe (2), Occult (2)

Mordecai - Speedwing (1), Energy Drop (2)


Stefan - Ashera Icon (1), Smite

Reyson - Boots



Ike - 106 (2nd)

Titania - 290 (1st)

Mia - 94 (3rd)

Ilyana - 85 (4th)

Mist - 36

Mordecai - 46 (5th)

Brom - ?

Stefan - ?

Lucia - 16

[spoiler=Chapter data]Ch#: Turns taken/total turns (Turns cut from original run by chapter/overall)

P: 4/4 (-0)


1: 3/7 (-2/-2)

I had Ike attack the Fighter further from him, and in order to get him closer to the space on the next turn, Titania had to move to the space diagonally northwest so the Myrmidon would target her after getting the Steel Sword. Gets the Robe on the next turn as Ike gets closer and heals up, kills the boss and Ike ends it after grabbing the Steel Sword.

2: 4/11 (-5/-7)

I wish I'd thought to test before if Ike would be targeted before Boyd. Urgh. This took some dodge luck on Ike's part along with the power of the Steel Sword to pull off.

3: 3/14 (-3/-10)

Titania charged. Marcia died. For a while I thought it wouldn't be possible to do this in 3 turns while getting the Hand Axe, but then Titania landed a critical on the boss. Huzzah!

4: 2/16 (-2/-12)

Pretty standard. Titania rushes forward, killing an Archer to avoid possible annoyance on the way while Ike blocks off stuff on the other side. Titania attacks the boss on the player phase and he suicides on enemy phase.

5: 6/22 (-0/-12)

Ike holds back again while Titania rushes. Got all items.

6: 5/27 (-5/17)

Holy fuck, this was annoying to pull off. I had to plan this down to the exact square for it to work, and in the end I think I only managed it due to a lucky crit from Titania (again).

7: 9/36 (-4/21)

It took some clever maneuvering with Titania to avoid a penalty on this one. Ironically, I also had an easier time with Ike and Mia. I managed to get the Ward staff without a Chest Key by having the Thief open it and killing him.

8: 8/44 (-0/21)

Obvious turn count. Did pretty well in terms of items collected (aka any possible) and experience gained, even ending with Ilyana at 99 experience.

9: 7/51 (-1/22)

I was literally 1 HP of damage from this being 6 turns. There was a Myrmidon in Titania's way of the boss, and Ike's two hits of 12 to his 25 HP hadn't been enough. It wasn't a complete waste, though, because the extra turn allowed me to get some experience and the Talisman. I could have restarted, but I'd already done that at least ten times.

10: 5/56 (-4/26)

This was tough to do while killing the boss for his Seal and getting the Chest Keys. Titania had a lot of work to do, and there was a good deal of dodge luck involved. Also managed to open Brom's door on turn 5, so at the very least he didn't cost me turns.

11: 5/61 (-2/28)

Stupid Thief got in the way of my Killer Lance on the last turn. Got the other villages, though, and recruited Zihark. Titania charged for the spot alone, but unfortunately was not able to kill the boss. Mia and Ilyana started south west and cleaned up some of Titania's leftovers, the others went east to handle stuff over there. Lethe actually recruited Zihark so Mordecai could do other things.

12: 8/69 (-1/29)

This is not possible to do any faster without Marcia, and with Jill it might be possible in 7. I got Mia as much experience as I could here because I wanted her to promote for the next map. Stupid Seeker activated both Corrosion (on my Laguzslayer) and Miracle against Mia. Asshole.

13: 10/79 (-0/29)

I don't think this one's possible to do faster without a flier either, but it might have been if I'd opened all the chests fast enough. At least I got the Energy Drop this time (and yes, the first one to go for the Energy Drop has a droppable Coin), only missing the Elfire and Longsword, and otherwise getting a good amound of experience for everyone.

14: 3/82 (-2/31)

I missed the northern villages for this, but still got the Red Gem. Simple stuff, really. Titania ORKOs boss on turn 3 enemy phase with the others cleaning up.

15: 6/88 (-0/31)

Same as before. Mordecai to Stefan; Mia, Ilyana, and Mist to Muarim while others scuffle around the desert. Ilyana had gotten promoted in the base.

16: 6/94 (-3/34)

This took some precision to pull off while getting the Bolting, which will be useful later (at least it was supposed to be), and the Dracoshield. Titania charged for that chest, and everyone else charged Ike to the seize square, which required a total of 4 Shoves and Ike using his full movement every turn. Mist promoted in the base.

17-1: 3/97 (-2/36)

This was easier than I expected. I just needed to Smite Titania a couple times so she could draw the northern enemies in on turn 2 enemy phase, then be sure someone who could kill the Myrm reinforcements was ready for them (Stefan).

17-2: 3/100 (-1/37)

I planned out the unit placement in advance to pull this off. It required Titania in the north eastern square and Mordecai in the one closest to it so he could Smite her through the swamp, giving me a 3 turn clear with some breathing room.

17-3: 10/110 (-0/37)

Good stuff. Slaughterfest.

17-4: 3/113 (-1/38)

This would have been 1 if I could Bolting Oliver from where you start. Instead I had to use enemy AI to my advantage so Titania could get to Oliver fast enough for a 3 turn clear, since those damn Knights really get in the way. Bolting was still useful, just not 1 turn clear useful, and I again missed the Adept scroll.

18: 8/121 (-1/39)

Made sure I could get someone with 1-2 range (Ilyana) to kill the reinforcements on turn 8 enemy phase for this. Otherwise, sent everyone out fast enough to clear the Ravens by turn 8 while getting the Silence staff.

19: 2/123 (-0/39)

Same exact strategy as before. Turn 1, get a Swordmaster to the Myrmidon in front of the Ballistae by using Reyson, then Smite Titania so she can take the ballistae out. Next turn, clear all nearby enemies that move before the boss, clear the path for Titania, Shove Reyson enough so he can give Titania four extra spaces, then kill the boss on player phase + enemy phase. No Knight Ring, no Raven BEXP.

20: 4/127 (-0/39)

I don't remember how I did this before, but for some reason it was much more difficult this time. I did it mostly the same way, though. With the aid of supports and Sonic Sword, Mist ORKOd Shiharam, allowing Titania to Arrive. It took a good amount of Shoving/Smiting and Reyson to do so. Also managed to visit both villages. Brom promoted in the base.

21: 9/136 (-2/41)

Contrary to the above, this was much easier this time around. I may have had some Sleep dodging luck, though. Reyson ultimately made this possible (I planned to use the Rescue staff but ended up not), and I even managed to recruit Tauroneo before Titania killed him. Ena took three shots of a max MT Steel Axe forge from Titania + Mist with the Sonic Sword, both supporting each other, and exactly (though since Titania doubled I could have done up to 14 more). Got the Energy Drop (given to Mordecai) and Brave Sword again.

22: 1/137 (-0/41)

Same as before. Bolting, Reyson Chant, Bolting. Also got the map's Bolting this time around, which I missed before due simply to not knowing it was there. Thank you, Ilyana.

23: 6/143 (-0/41)

This was cut pretty close by the end. Titania was able to kill Petrine in two rounds, luckily enough. The last turn had a lot of "one space short" scenarios. Ballistae are annoying.

24: 4/147 (-1/42)

Four turns was possible by giving Titania 7 extra movement squares from Reyson, then a Smite on the next turn so she could pass by the enemies through the Thickets. Her full move got her to the end exactly. Also managed to get the Smite scroll.

25: 6/153 (-0/42)

This was cut quite close as well, and also relied on some dodge luck on Reyson and Ilyana's part. Used a Laguz Stone for faster advancement.

26: 4/157 (-1/43)

Same strategy before with Smite and the Rescue staff. In order to get the kill on turn 4, I had to leave another enemy with less HP than Bertram so the Bishop would heal it instead of him. Three hits from a doubling Titania's max MT forged Silver Axe did the trick and everyone else just killed scraps.

27: 4 + 1/162 (-0/43)

Fucker would trigger Miracle and make me miss the Physic staff, wouldn't he? Otherwise, same strategy as before: "It took Brave Axe, Bolting, Reyson, and the Rescue staff to do."

28: 5/167

I was only going for 6, but Ike was able to rape enough for a 5 turn to be possible. I also needed to have Reyson use a Laguz Stone immediately to go fast enough.

E: 8/175

I kinda just went in with a quick Rescue staff and Reyson strategy to see how well it would do, and I don't know how much better I could have done without a lot of Aether triggering luck (I skipped the Wrath and Resolve scrolls because I didn't think of the strategy until it was too late). Luckily Reyson was here, so I could get Giffca to Berserk Ashnard quite fast. Cleared every other enemy, but not before losing Brom (due to Deadeye putting him to sleep) and Stefan (simply couldn't take the heat).

[spoiler=Final stats]

Ike, 20/20. A Reyson, B Titania. S Swords. Aether, Provoke.
HP: 53
Str: 26
Mag: 10
Skl: 27
Spd: 28
Lck: 18
Def: 24
Res: 16

Titania, --/20. A Mist, B Ike. S Axes, A Lances. Savior, Counter.
HP: 50
Str: 24
Mag: 8
Skl: 24
Spd: 26
Lck: 20
Def: 20
Res: 16

Mia, 20/15.25. B Ilyana. S Swords. Vantage, Guard.
HP: 48
Str: 21
Mag: 10
Skl: 25
Spd: 30
Lck: 18
Def: 16
Res: 10

Ilyana, 20/17.69. A Mordecai, B Mia. A Thunder, C Fire, C Wind, D Staves. Shade
HP: 39
Str: 10
Mag: 26
Skl: 25
Spd: 22
Lck: 19
Def: 8
Res: 28

Mist, 20/20. A Titania, B Mordecai. S Staves, A Swords. Miracle, Sol.
HP: 46
Str: 16
Mag: 26
Skl: 15
Spd: 25
Lck: 29
Def: 11
Res: 25

Mordecai, 14.86. A Ilyana, B Mist. Smite.
HP: 60
Str: 24
Mag: 2
Skl: 15
Spd: 16
Lck: 15
Def: 17
Res: 6

(From start of Endgame)
Brom, 20/10.33. A Lances, E Swords.
HP: 47
Str: 22
Mag: 5
Skl: 22
Spd: 18
Lck: 7
Def: 25
Res: 9

(From start of Endgame)
Stefan, --/15.21. S Swords. Smite.
HP: 44
Str: 23
Mag: 9
Skl: 29
Spd: 28
Lck: 9
Def: 14
Res: 11

Reyson, 9.00. A Ike. Canto, Blessing.
HP: 26
Str: 1
Mag: 12
Skl: 14
Spd: 17
Lck: 18
Def: 3
Res: 24

Lucia, --/17.77. A Swords. Parity.
HP: 40
Str: 17
Mag: 13
Skl: 24
Spd: 26
Lck: 19
Def: 12
Res: 10

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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