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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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Either nobody was persuaded or the person who was hasn't shown up yet. Considering the quantity of silence in this game, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Now, I can see we have a good idea of at least a couple people who most likely aren't scum, but what about said scum? You know what, I'm going to put on the Survey Hat.

1. How many mafia do you think there are?

2. Who do you think they might be? Leave out not the tiniest detail of suspicion.

3. If Sho finds the Ice Barrier/s, what do you think will happen?

4. Who seems like town to you?


1. Four or five. Leaning towards five.

2. Wen, Strawman, Rothene, and anyone else who's drawing all over the walls with crayon instead of making some attempt to contribute like they're fucking supposed to. Snike encouraging Rein to out himself caught my eye.

3. apocalypse Maybe he gets some kind of kill ability, maybe the Ice Barriers get a little group PM, maybe they get some kind of protection. It's wide open as far as I can see.

4. Paper, Sho and Rein seem the towniest to me. It's pretty hard to get a read on anyone when half the players never even talk, though.

lawl sorry for inactivity. I actually typed out a post earlier but I guess I forgot to actually post it. I think it had to just do with how Rein giving his role away was a bad idea at this point and that survivors aren't really threats currently.

Anyways, to answer your questions:

1. Four or five seems like an acceptable amount.

2. I agree on the scumminess of inactive players, even myself lol. But now that its the weekend I should have time :D plus its almost thanksgiving. There are some definite scummy vibes going off in the Kay/Paperblade/Proto arguments. Seems people in this game are getting way too defensive imo. But then again getting very defensive isn't really exclusive to scum. I know I tend to get most over defensive when I get accused and am town so I can't really judge anyone based off that.

3.Well in one post it sounded like he wanted to kill them or something. At least that what I got from it. It at least didn't sound too much like a good thing. Plus he was being a little forceful. I dunno, if I was one I'd probably be too scared/apprehensive about how he phrased what he said.mellow.gif Especially since he fails to give even a hint of a reason as to why he'd want them to claim.

4. At this point I'm not quite sure. Sho seems either like town or independent. Or maybe he is currently town/independent and has to find a certain Ice Barrier card to win/change his win condition/change his ability? Idk.

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That was AFTER the huge walls of text. Did you not notice the order of the events? Naggy didn't think the Thief was Town, and I told him that for a Thief to not idle does not necessarily mean that he's anti-Town. ShoM argued against what I said, and he also added statements like how Thief would be bad as a Town role, and that a Town Thief wouldn't have targeted him ("because he's always Town"), which seemed to have heavily implied that he believed the Thief to be anti-Town.


You mentioning this point implies that it was a bad point. You may disagree, but I really do think that Jack-of-all-Trades is an awesome role. Even if my logic is flawed, I don't see how this opinion is scummy.

It's not that the opinion is scummy, it's that you felt that that needed addressing as opposed to doing, um, anything relevant? Basically it made you look like you were having discussion when in reality nothing happened, which is why a lot of people are annoyed with the both of you and you are currently going to get lynched.

He said something that I disagreed with. I expressed my disagreement. And there was nothing else to talk about at that point. Posting your thoughts about something that may not be immediately relevant, but might pop up later in the future, is better than not posting at all. In fact, I think posting anything related to the game at all is better than not posting at all (or posting without actually saying anything). The Thief was being discussed, and I decided to join in.

You start a conversation you can't even finish it.

You're talkin' a lot, but you're not sayin' anything.

When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed.

Say something once, why say it again?

And I didn't intend to bait him into an argument. In fact, I STILL have absolutely no clue why he was even arguing in the first place. ShoM was the one who argued with me when I suggested that the Thief could be Town. Given that he didn't actually think that the Thief was anti-Town and didn't mention it until after it was all over, it seems more like he was baiting me into arguing.

Because Sho also has a learning disorder that prevents him from realizing when he gets on people's nerves.

And here I thought my posting was always scummy. At least in your eyes.

"at least in your eyes"

Yeah I'm the delusional one here; that's why you have a bunch of votes because people think you're ridiculously scummy.

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1. How many mafia do you think there are?

2. Who do you think they might be? Leave out not the tiniest detail of suspicion.

3. If Sho finds the Ice Barrier/s, what do you think will happen?

4. Who seems like town to you?

1. Im thinking 4 or 5 prlly 4 though since there is one survivor.

2. Possibly proto, kay or haze. I can't say for sure and i have no real reasons except that proto was quiet(Probably because of school) And then kay instantly went from behing quiet to standing up for him. Kinda seems off.

3. No idea, maybe something involving the ability to work together and get extra votes or maybe he might be mason of some sort but only for ice barriers and only if he finds them out.

4. Sho seems like town to me for the most part.

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1. How many mafia do you think there are?

2. Who do you think they might be? Leave out not the tiniest detail of suspicion.

3. If Sho finds the Ice Barrier/s, what do you think will happen?

4. Who seems like town to you?

1. 4 or 5. Any less would suck, any more would be really good.

2. broto kay scumteam 2012 right now ;/

3. Vigilante, maybe? Who knows?

4. self, Paper is pretty town, nags, kinda sho

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1. How many mafia do you think there are?

3 initially (American 51). There is likely a conversion coming up, judging by things like the nature of my role mirroring thing in the previous game.

2. Who do you think they might be? Leave out not the tiniest detail of suspicion.

The Proto triad, since they're really getting personal, and it bugs me.

3. If Sho finds the Ice Barrier/s, what do you think will happen?

some sort of mason contact and/or conversion to mafia.

4. Who seems like town to you?


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Oh, and zak, while I never heard of a Mafia idling to get a Doctor to reveal his target as a clear, I have heard of Mafia idling to get a roleblocker to reveal his target for a mislynch. A cleared Townie isn't valuable enough in NOC to miss the opportunity to kill, particularly when there are a large number of players, reducing the likelihood that the Tracker/Watcher will notice them performing the kill.

Oh, right. That's another possibility I hadn't considered.

So, since nobody outed or tried to out, in relation to the failed kill last night, it seems safe to conclude that there was no vest, and we that we probably don't have a town-aligned role-blocker. Pro doctor was pro, then. May you be as much of a wizard on N2 as you were N1.

1. How many mafia do you think there are?

2. Who do you think they might be? Leave out not the tiniest detail of suspicion.

3. If Sho finds the Ice Barrier/s, what do you think will happen?

4. Who seems like town to you?

1) I have to agree with the general consensus here, leaning more toward the 4 side. We've already got one independently aligned, it wouldn't be a stretch to see another.

2) Rothene has 2 posts; I know he's mentioned something about having turn his router off in peak hours lately to avoid being overcharged by his internet company, but even still... That's just bad. I have trouble imagining there being a second post-restricted-in-a-terrible-fashion role such as Psych's either. Strawman continues to act mildly shady, less so because he isn't posting a lot, but more for the attitude that seems to crop up every time one of these surveys appears, where it's all "I know you guys keep thinking I'm suspicious, but I'm not going to change my behaviour at all".

I really wanted to add Kay and Proto to the list, but based on tallying the various performances in the past recent games, I think it's less that they're actually aligned, and more that the two of them just cannot keep a straight head whenever one or the other gets threatened. Unable to consider the situation logically, they will always rush to the defense, even if it is a stupid idea. This doesn't rule out that one or both of them are scum, but, I'm starting to feel less confident in leaping to this assumption.

3) If the group is sized 3, probably masons. If sized 2, maybe they have some sort of wonder-twin powers. Maybe paired driver?

4) Haze, Rein, Sho.

I... still don't know who actually deserves the noose most, today. :S

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Talk brothene

Actually, I doubt this is going to happen this phase, since everyone wants to lynch Proto for being scummy. We can tell because he argued with you about thieves and he tried to defend himself when votes got put on him.

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Back reading. You guys say a lot of things that I'm not sure how to make use off, my notepad's overfilled with posts, but no comments by me thus far. Maybe because I'm way too trusting.

If you want me to be honest? I can't picture who's suspicious. Which makes me paranoid of who to trust. Arguement about the thief thingy seemed more like a personal thing from my perception. And I'm still not clear on how Kiku got so many votes on him.

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I think the thing is, I vote, then everyone follows me

what the hell people

do I look like I carry a crook

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1. How many mafia do you think there are?

4 or 5.

2. Who do you think they might be? Leave out not the tiniest detail of suspicion.

Paperblade, Rein.

3. If Sho finds the Ice Barrier/s, what do you think will happen?

I would guess Sho is Ice Barrier, and is separated from the others.

4. Who seems like town to you?

Snike, Sho, Proto.

I'd like to hear more from Blitz, as well, when he has a chance to come online.

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[20:21] <Paperblade> "I think the cop claim is mafia"

[20:21] <Paperblade> okay dude

[20:21] <clipseykitty> What!

[20:21] <Paperblade> Kay

Mafia Cop. That would explain his lack of reluctance to claim. It wouldn't be the smartest time for mafia to claim cop, either, but I think that decision had been considered quite stupid already.

Besides, I never said it was a strong suspicion.

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I would think that Rein and/or his scumbuddies would be smart enough to tell him that claiming to try to get a survivor lynched when the game is nowhere near mylo and thus he runs the risk of the real cop showing up to fuck his shit would be a bad idea.

Which in turn makes me think there are better people to be suspicious of...

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