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but Sigurd was too tanky and

omfg I feel you brother

that was the entire story of one FE4 draft I had recently, where Sigurd was like +5 DEF blessed and overleveled for that section. :(

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I did have some oddness in the last chapter, where the Dozel brigade suicided on Tornado!Leaf with 0% hit.

I really don't get FE4's AI.

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C4: Either 30 or 34. Can't remember... let's go with 30 (not just because it's lower, I think that's it) 30/138

Ugh Dew slowed me down by being undrafted.

C5: 26/164

Celice has a 73 kill Silver Sword, an 18 kill Light Sword, a 48 kill Hero Sword, and the Skill, Elite, and Power Rings. GRAHHHHH.

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I did have some oddness in the last chapter, where the Dozel brigade suicided on Tornado!Leaf with 0% hit.

I really don't get FE4's AI.

In chapter 1, Jamka's mooks only attack Sigurd if he has less than 36 base avoid... even though, because of forest, leadership and weapon triangle, they had 0% hit on him anyway.

Perhaps they don't take into account one of those?

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Leaf had precisely zero of those forces acting (on a meadow iirc, celice was god-knows-where, axe vs. wind) but he did have Charisma.

Edited by Integrity
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C6: 31/195

Could have shaved easily 5 turns with Knight Ring. OH WELL, CELICE GOT HERO SWORD TO 62 KILLS AND LIGHT SWORD TO 33 KILLS. Lana used almost an entire Libro staff, Delmud chipped with his Iron Sword, Oifaye was a boss, nearly breaking his Cutter and using half his Javelin, Julia tanked half of the Rivough Axe Knights with Resire, and Lester was terrible. Celice is 17, should promote very soon (as in Arena). Delmud will probs get the SILVER SWORD GRAHHH because Celice is fine without it. Also, Celice got no STR and 3 RES in his first three levels, haha.

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Chapter 4 - 28/113

Sigurd, Dew, Levin and Ayra went east, while the rest played with the mage squad. Then Levin zapped Sigurd and Ayra home, and used a Return Ring. From there, it was a throne rush, Sigurd going underneath the forests to avoid Lamia. As a result of having everyone glued to their partners, Alec and Aideen are lovers already, and LevinAyra, JamkaSylvia and AzelBriggid are all in love with each other. Looks like I'm waiting 0 turns. :B):

Chapter 5 - 21/134

Throne rush x3. Levin rushes with Sigurd for the first while the others trail behind, chills with Ayra so that they're bound while Sigurd rushes the second, then gets Warped ahead so he can rip up everyone and Silence Reptor before Sigurd gets there.

The Final Stats:

[spoiler=largish image]


Sigurd - 142 kills


Levin - 56 kills

49 of those were with Elwind. Forty-nine.

Ayra - 38 kills

Unspectular. At least she didn't slow Levin down too much.

Azel - 36 kills

By the time he was any good, he was stuck to Briggid.

Alec - 20 kills

If he doesn't get strength, he will suck. Couldn't even be bothered to promote him. Made a good arena bitch in ch 5, though.

Jamka - 19 kills

Ayra, except with bows. Did little of value.

Briggid - 14 kills

She murdered the hell out of anything she could reach.

Aideen - 1 kill

That Dozel knight must be so embarrassed.

Sylvia - Pacifist


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Chapter 7: 33/229

I know this turncount is bad, but shoot, I can only think of a single place I could have shaved turns with my team, and that would be two turns max, if I'd been able to have Lana warp Celice down to Melgen the same turn he captured Darna. She couldn't get to him until 2 turns later. Maybe a turn in the desert if I'd been better with where I dismounted/mounted? But that's it. Celice moved his full capacity every single turn, and captured every castle on the PP he ORKOed the boss- I can't see how to get any lower than 30. Julia was easily my MVP this chapter. She practically soloed Melgen, and then took on Linda's unit and one squadron of Alster Armour Knights. And since the Mage Sisters went top and it was all I could do to survive, each enemy she was able to lure away from Lenster was helpful. My team up north wasn't up to the task of killing any of the Mage Sisters- Fin's HP/RES value was off for Prayer, and Nanna got just enough avoid to survive a round using Prayer, but had no way to recover after that because Earth Sword wasn't good enough. I fed Leaf as many kills as possible, and Returned him to base the last turn, where he destroyed the entire Arena with a Slim Sword. Lol.

But how the fuck did Integ get his Leaf to 19.68 after C8 Arena, mine's at 8.something at the end of C7 and he's not getting 11 levels in the Arena even if he could afford an Elite Ring (which he can't).

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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I figured Lachesis passed on Return+Warp+Return Ring, and used that to get Leaf the Elite Ring then sent him to beat up armors in Lenster (which keep coming if you don't kill the general).

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I figured Lachesis passed on Return+Warp+Return Ring, and used that to get Leaf the Elite Ring then sent him to beat up armors in Lenster (which keep coming if you don't kill the general).

FALSE. How would Lachesis have passed Warp on, anyway?

Anyway, I had Leaf take the bulk of the kills around Lenster and Returned him to buy the Elite Ring and farm the Arena. After that (he was 11 or so?) he rushed south with the Leg Ring to nail Ares' squad before they could aggro south. Leaf only got most of the squad, too - if he'd gotten the whole thing he would have been Returned by Nanna (who returned herself) and promoted in the C7 base.

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Obviously Nanna used a Change Seal to become a Priest.

Chapter 6 - 29/163

Backup: Levin!Swordkids that are weaker but faster than normal, Alec!Lester, AKA Midir!Lester with no inheritance, staffbots, and Oifaye, the Jeigan who doesn't suck.

Celice got 90% of the kills, of course. Recruited Johalva because I have the manpower for it. Celice got to 18.24 after finishing off Schmidt, so I could use Oifaye to kill generic axe knight guard and Dannan so Celice could Seize them immediately. Julia got Resire and then was Warped back to Ganeishire; Sasha had to get the she was one square from the Skill Ring village when Celice seized.

One. Fucking. Square.

Chapter 7 - 31/194

But it matters not, since Julia somehow cleared the Arena, and so could buy LEG RING. Celice did a standard job to Yied, and once Melgen opened up, Julia went down and killed everything except Ishtor and the castle guards. She just kept healing herself with Resire. IT WAS GLORIOUS. At the very end, Lackhe, who could survive one hit from Bolting, knocked out a guard so Celice had a clear run. Then Oifaye went up the church path to Darna, shielding Lana and Alice, weakening everyone so Celice could finish a couple to reach the 50 kills on the Hero Sword (not Peppermint's, obviously) and kill the boss. On the turn he seized, Alice stepped within range of Darna, so the turn after Celice could move towards Lana, Alice gets Leen, who refreshes Celice so he can move after Lana warps. I forgot to bring my wind mage Amid all the chaos, so Linda got skewered on the straight path to Alster.

P.S. BBM Why did you go to Darna? It's pointless if you don't have Leen and Alice can easily outrun Jabarro's guys.

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I thought seizing Darna was required? Fffff that's like 6 turns I could have saved if it isn't...

Also, my Leaf didn't have enough moolah for the Elite Ring, and still doesn't. Or I would have considered sending him back earlier.

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Also, my Leaf didn't have enough moolah for the Elite Ring, and still doesn't.

Did you pass down the Bargain Ring? That's how you do it.

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Did you pass down the Bargain Ring? That's how you do it.

Bleargh couldn't save that village in time. But strategies for the next time I draft FE4!

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chapter 7: 26/172 turns

i haven't had to reach darna in a while but yay dancer

also holy god dewArthur blows

I hate to do this, but I just can't see it. Based on your team, I'm going to need more details than that.

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have celice dismount for yied

have dewarthur and claudelakche/skasha (somehow they're still better than roddlebad and radney i've never ever used them in a draft before) run down with yuria while celice runs down

celice remounts and gets that second castle on turn ihavenoclue

yuria and celice run back up (yuria mostly getting ignored)

celice nabs next castle leen get

leen already has the leg ring on due to inheritence

dance combo straight down; this isn't exactly rocket science and it's not the first time someone has pulled off something ridiculous (see: horace's 14 turn endgame)

it probably stands to reason that i ignored literally everything except the castle (and tinny because an extra combatant is an extra combatant)

(and honestly i can't be arsed to get into a whole lot more detail than that because there's no fancy rescue formation shit to go over, it's just a rush; based on my team means nothing to me because celice did all the heavy lifting anyway)

and i'm disappointed that you find me untrustworthy >_>

chapter 8: 16/190 turns

somehow slower than with rescue lana

i blame lack of amazing!arthur (dew arthur is okay post-promotion actually but he just doesn't have lex or levin's punch)

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and i'm disappointed that you find me untrustworthy >_>

Honestly, my first thought was that you'd come up with a new strategy that eliminated the time lost going to Darna.

My major issue is; Celice cannot go from Rivough to Yied in less than 11 turns. He cannot go from Yied to Melgen in less than 8 turns. He cannot go from Melgen to Darna in less than 5 turns.

So in order to complete C7 in 26 while going to Darna to recruit Leen (which is one reason I say based on your team), Celice must go from Darna to Alster in 2 turns. It may just be possible with Leen+Warp Staff+strategy, but you don't have Lana (the other reason).

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