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Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia


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Prims - like was there literally anything to gain from no lynch when there was guaranteed scum between core/bananas?

Shino - God damn it.

Prims - no

Prims - but whatever town was awful except for bbm and excellen, myself included

Shino - no i figured eclipse might have been scummy but thought NL was the way to go for info

Shino - and just still wasn't sure of it

Prims - it wasnt

Prims - you had guaranteed scum between two players

Prims - didnt need more info

seriously what the fuck was that NL for

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After I was at work i ended up thinking that was a probable scum team and the more I thought of it the more i thought eclipse had reason to be scum with sb. But it was too late and I would have to wait through night anyway. This was silly.

Meh more reason to prove that I'm terrible at mafia.


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Two things:

1. My health problems on D1. . .were absolutely true. Looking back, I hit my wheat allergy by eating some nori which had a little bit of shoyu in it. Also, something ELSE happened, and that caused my body to screw up badly. The next time I decide a Jamba Juice is a good thing after a hard day's work, someone kick me.

2. I had this stuck in my head the entire time:

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Claiming (general)

Seriously people, I’m actually really disappointed in the number of early claims this game. BBM and I were the only two not to have claimed by N4. We both claimed D5, which was probably fine for that point. But anyway, scum or not, I was trying to learn from my past mistakes of claiming too early without necessitation. And with pretty much everyone claiming early, it gave us a good idea of what people were. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t claim this much in future, it gives the mafia too much information, which they can then use to determine good NK targets (hai Masons). Also, if you are a town PR that needs to stay alive to help town, claim under a wagon only, that’s fine. But expect to be the NK or similar that night, without exception. Scum should be trying to fakeclaim a reasonably strong PR under the same pretense, but not one that they can’t easily prove (eg: Lynchproof/Bulletproof, role that would be found out easily by faking). Sometimes, you shouldn’t claim your role as town if you’re about to be lynched, because that way you don’t have a sudden wagon jump and force someone else to claim. That would give the mafia more information early, so sometimes withholding your role and accepting being a mislynch can help town more than scum.

And on that note: Sometimes, townies have to be a mislynch to advantage town. I don’t think being selfish and making your survival a priority will necessarily be the best plan of action all the time. Yes, you know you’re town, but consider: Information for mafia against your role? If your role isn’t terribly strong, I’d just shut up and deal with being lynched. (eg: Vanilla’s are case in point (ie: what I do as vanilla town is exactly this)). If your role needs to be kept alive to help town, chances are that you won’t stay around that long after you claim anyway, so you need to weigh the consequences of actually claiming under a wagon in that case.

Remember that scum already has more information than town, and the more they get early, the quicker they can deduce the rest of it using NK’s. Town needs to limit the about of information they give to scum early. Later on, once town has more information from investigative roles, then you can be a bit more open with information.

honestly people should just ban mod PM quoting because it's stupid but uh

THIS. Far out, it’s the most annoying thing to have to fake whole role PM’s. And besides, it’s just stupidly annoying because it’s like what happened in Stop Crying Psych minimaf. I thought we learned from this.

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manix was obvtown

bananas was obvtown

eclipse was obvscum until i stopped paying attention to her


Edited by Prims
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oh soz

didn't see it


edit: fix'd it

Edited by Manix
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[7/20/2012 11:50:24 PM] Cam: who do you think is scum

[7/20/2012 11:50:35 PM] Iris: oh

[7/20/2012 11:51:32 PM] Iris: manix isn't doing real scumhunting as far as i can see, so that puts me off about him,

[7/20/2012 11:51:36 PM] Iris: um between sb and core

Biggest Town read= Shinori

Biggest Scum Read- Tables/Impy but that was like throughout the game.

Tbh I just went all OMGUS before I died so lol. Before that I was on the right track but then everyone wanted to lynch me and I went way off track.

Honestly you could like, ISO my posts and all. I didn't post a lot this game.

in other news cam is a terrible io

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Damnit, I KNEW Manix was scum. UGHHHH. I should have put a lot more effort into stopping the nolynch than just saying that it was a bad idea. But I was pretty sure that Manix and Shinori were not scumbuddies, and the fact that both of them were pushing for a nolynch threw me off.

Also, if I hadn't misvigged Elieson... Sorry town. :(:

And damnit, this is my first loss in a game of mafia where I was not modkilled. Curses.

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"We're gonna have fun with this thing."

"... Phy?"

Iris has been ripped to shreds. She was Manaphy, Town Role Swapper.

Dear Iris,

You are Manaphy.


A Seafaring Pokémon. Eighty percent of its body is made of water. It has the ability Hydration, which allows it to heal status effects at the end of a turn if it's raining. It is the only Pokémon that can use the stat-effect-swapping move called Heart Swap. Place a Manaphy and a Ditto in a Pokémon day Care, and they will produce an Egg that contains a Phione.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Heart Swap, USER1 and USER2". During the next night, USER1 will use USER2's role and vice-versa. You leave no trace and neither will realize that they have been switched until it's too late, if at all. The members of the mafia are organized enough to prevent their kill target from being changed though.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

"Guys! He's choking!"

"Somebody get him a doctor! Someone! Anyone!"

But it's too late. BigBangMeteor has died of poison. He was Solid Snake, Town Vigilante.

Dear BigBangMeteor,

You are Solid Snake.


A former member of FOXHOUND with an IQ of 180 and mastery of six languages. He's an infiltration specialist whose ability to carry out missions under any conditions has made him a legend. He's saved the world three times from the threat of bipedal, nuclear-armed mechs called Metal Gear. Currently he's working with the anti-Metal Gear group known as Philanthropy.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Plant mine". You will place a C4 on the Stage you are currently on. You can only place one C4 at the same time. The C4 will automatically detonate on the third night after it has been planted, killing a random USER on that Stage in the process. Be careful though, other effects may set it off earlier.

Alternatively if you planted a C4 on a Stage, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Now! Detonate USER". USER must be on the same Stage as your C4. You will set off the C4 and kill USER.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.


And with that, hope dies.

StSS has been endgamed by the mafia. He was Telly Vision, Town Hooker/Motivator.

Dear StrawSloththeSawSlothStraw,

You are Telly Vision.


A manager robot that comes with Chibi-Robo when you buy him. Telly can hover through the air using the propeller attached to his head. Unlike Chibi-Robo, Telly can speak the human language. In addition, Telly acts as a motivator of sorts, encouraging Chibi-Robo as he goes about working and gaining Happy Points.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Encourage USER". You will make USER feel good about themself, allowing them to use their action twice during the following day/night. However, USER will be exhausted the day/night after that, and will be unable to use any actions or switch to another Stage during the time. This doesn't affect killers, since seriously, who would let themselves get influenced by a talking TV?

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - After these messages, USER will be right back". USER will closely follow your broadcast tonight, resulting in them forgetting about what they wanted to do originally. This blocks USER's action.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.


If Core had a voice, he would scream. He was Sandbag, Town Doctor, and has been endgamed by the mafia.

Dear HeliosPrimsDelirium,

You are Sandbag.


An item that appears in the Home-Run Contest, where the goal is to do lots of damage to Sandbag, then send it flying as far as you can. It also appears in the regular game. If you smash it, a storm of confetti and items will burst out. Sandbag doesn't feel pain, though; in fact, it's happy to be of service.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Hey USER". USER will see you, carry you to a strategically save spot on the Stage and hide behind you. Any killing attempts on USER will hit you instead, allowing them to survive. You don't mind the beating though and will be fine. However, any direct killing attempts will still cause you to die since the killer will know what they are dealing with and plan accordingly. On the positive side, being an inanimate object, you won't get tired easily.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

"No draw. No escape. One wins. One loses. We shall end this. One of us will live... And one of us will die."

"Is that so? Well then... it'll be a date to die for! CHAOS... CONTROL!"

But it was too late, and there was no one left to help him. Shinori has been endgamed by the mafia. He was Shadow, Town Hijacker.

Dear Shinori,

You are Shadow.


Shadow The Hedgehog is a black hedgehog who resembles Sonic. He was created by Dr. Eggman's grandfather, Gerald Robotnik, to be the ultimate life-form. Not only does he look like Sonic, but he has equal abilities. He has great skill with the space-time warping technique called Chaos Control. To reach his goals, he'll use any means necessary.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Chaos Control USER1 and USER2". This will cause USER1's action to be redirected to USER2, regardless of it's original target. Your abilities have been kind of unstable lately though, so a change in surroundings may cause the chaotic energy to run wild.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

And then there was one.

"What's the matter, scared?"

Serious Bananas seems rather pleased with himself. He was Wolf Minus, Mafia Tracker/Watcher.

Dear Serious Bananas,

You are Wolf Minus.


A pilot whose real name is Wolf O'Donnell. He leads a group of mercenaries called Star Wolf. He's crossed paths with Fox many times, and each acknowledges the other as a competent rival. Wolf's constant interference with Fox is a result of Wolf's history with Fox's dad, James. Wolf's long history of criminal enterprise has resulted in a large bounty on his head.

You can cancel out of your side-B which makes your approach incredibly freaking annoying because it makes your approach fast and unpredictable, as oftentimes you can use this to teleport above people and move into a down air into some sort of combo or just use it to follow through on a combo you started some other way (or the same way because why not). You can also do some other stuff but none of it is nearly as annoying as that.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Observe USER from my Wolfen." You will fly around in your Wolfen out of sight of USER that night, learning who all USER visits and everyone that visits USER.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all threats to the Mafia have been eliminated.


Manix doesn't speak, but you can tell that he is elated. He is Olimar Minus, Mafia Jack of All Trades.

Dear Manix,

You are Olimar Minus.


Veteran spacefarers in the employ of Hocotate Freight. After crash-landing on an enigmatic planet, Olimar met the mysterious beings known as Pikmin. He enlisted their aid to find his spaceship parts and help him escape. Once home, he found his employer on the verge of bankruptcy. He was sent back to the Pikmin world with his partner, Louie, to repay the company debt.

You suck and are a disgrace to Olimar, the greatest Brawl character that instantly dies when he gets half a meter away from the stage. I'm pretty sure you are the only character that I would rather not have the Minus version of other than your Up-B becoming absurdly better and being able to use neutral B while airborne. I guess you're also tiny which means that it's hard to hit you sometimes, especially with Knee of Justice.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Attack USER with Red Pikmin." You will jump around trying to hit USER with Red Pikmin aerials, causing them to flee in terror. As a result, they will forget to perform their night action.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Grab USER with a Blue Pikmin." You will grab USER with a Blue Pikmin and hold on to him, preventing him from moving Stages the following day.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Spam smashes near USER with Yellow Pikmin." As Yellow Pikmin have the largest hitbox, anyone attempting to target USER will be unable to get in close enough to do so. However, killers are a bit more competent than that, and will thus be able to kill your pikmin and then their target.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Pluck Purple Pikmin!" You will pluck Purple Pikmin, which are the heavy hitters. As a result, you will be able to barrel through any sorts of hooks or redirects that night.

Alternatively, during the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Throw White Pikmin at USER." You will toss a bunch of White Pikmin at USER, which will do a high amount of damage. As a result, you will be able to finish them off with a stiff breeze, and they will die at the end of the following night even if they are being protected.

You may use each of those abilities only once during the game.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all threats to the Mafia have been eliminated.


"I've been waiting for this for a long time."

eclipse stands triumphant, for she has won. She was Ganondorf MinusBlack Knight, Mafia Networker.

Dear eclipse,

You are Ganondorf Minus Black Knight.


One of Daein's Four Riders and wielder of the blessed sword Ettard. Once an apprentice to Ike's father, Greil, the two eventually duel, resulting in Greil's defeat. Thought to be dead after losing to Ike and the blessed sword Ragnell, the Black Knight survives and comes to the aid of Micaiah, the leader of the Dawn Brigade, a band of Daein freedom fighters.

Holy balls you are amazing. Your damage, your spikes, that aerial side-B, that fsmash. Oh yeah, did I mention that your side-B has super armor? Yeah, you are awesome now.

During the night, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X - Contact USER." You will contact USER via one of the many screens in your lair in Subspace, where you will be able to talk outside the thread for the duration of the following day.

Additionally, you have sent your underling Bowser out to gather information on the resistance to your group. Bowser is not a player in this game.

You are allied with the Mafia. You win when all threats to the Mafia have been eliminated.

"Is that all there is? No challenge? No... resistance?"

Congratulations to scorri, Tableskitty, eclipse, Manix, and Serious Bananas for winning Super Smash Bros Universe Mafia!

Edited by Paperblade
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Town MVP: BBM or Llen because everyone else was fucking awful and they at least had decent reads. We seriously considered Kay (D1 lynch) and Psych (is Psych) for this spot

Scum MVP: Manix or eclipse, Manix was helpful but I think eclipse moled better

Kaoz wants to do like a two hour recording for this sooo the rest of postgame will be in like 7 months when we actually have that kind of free time

See you then!

Edited by Paperblade
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postgame nao

Most of the town (including me) was pretty stupid, I agree. I should really have stressed the point that a TrackerWatcher when we had two Rolecops was going a bit too far. And we should have lynched Eclipse and SB earlier, grr. I almost voted SB (like Prims did) on D2 just so that we wouldn't have had a nolynch. But I waffled at the end.

Also, I think Manix moled better. Manix was a neutral read for me for most of the game; it wasn't until the last day that he began looking really obvscum. Eclipse on the other hand looked scummy early on but then looked better later on, and Shinori (who I was reading as town last day because Manix looked really scummy) seemed quite sure that Eclipse was town, so I gave the last spot in my scumlist to Iris instead of Eclipse.

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postgame nao

Most of the town (including me) was pretty stupid, I agree. I should really have stressed the point that a TrackerWatcher when we had two Rolecops was going a bit too far. And we should have lynched Eclipse and SB earlier, grr. I almost voted SB (like Prims did) on D2 just so that we wouldn't have had a nolynch. But I waffled at the end.

Also, I think Manix moled better. Manix was a neutral read for me for most of the game; it wasn't until the last day that he began looking really obvscum. Eclipse on the other hand looked scummy early on but then looked better later on, and Shinori (who I was reading as town last day because Manix looked really scummy) seemed quite sure that Eclipse was town, so I gave the last spot in my scumlist to Iris instead of Eclipse.


I had originally planned to redirect tables to eclipse which would have resulted in scum death from scum kill.

I'm terrible though and listened to somehow i though was scummy and redirected eclipse to myself.

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Actually BBM, you suspected me on pretty much every day, just noting

particularly D1

Eh, I have a bad memory and don't reread as often as I should, so this is possible. What I remember more, though, is simply not ruling out the possibility that you were scum, and thinking that Eclipse was much scummier than you, particularly on D1.

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