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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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Ok, well, I exist, sorta. Sorry, kinda got hit harder with homework than I expected, should hopefully avoid that in the coming days.

Right. So. Thoughts.

Didn't think much of Grass's jump to Prims or Venn's self-vote. Both read to me as standard RVS stuff and were well within the RVS period, so I don't see a reason to find either of them suspect because of that. Don't like the fact that SB found Kay scummy for "coaching" Venn but then voted Venn instead of Kay as well as, like Elie pointed out, ignoring the fact that Poly did it too. Venn's vote on me is fairly empty since I hadn't posted yet, which is kinda eh. We'd moved out of RVS at that point, voting someone for not posting yet isn't great when there's other stuff that's happened. Shinori's not contributing anything but a joke vote on Grass and a bunch of one liners.

Current vague scum vibes: SB, Shinori, vaguely Venn but worried that it's just new player being eh.

##Vote: SB

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@Kay- My Shinori vote wasn't top tier, but it was also RVS and I thought it more worthwhile than simply voting someone randomly. And then I didn't have anything better to switch to after he responded. I didn't give my opinions about Venno right away because until #37 I thought the votes on him there were mostly being facetious. I gave my opinion after that so I don't see the problem here. And consider that of the people who didn't vote Venno early on (everyone except Prims and Bizz), I was the only person to actually give an opinion about him at any point at all. Everyone else gave no opinion whatsoever. Why am I specifically suspicious for this?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Kay

Bizz- why does it not matter if he's new? He apparently has more experience than I thought he did, but still, newer players are bound to do random stuff like that.

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Refa so mean! Just because I killed him in COD. He's not so super now!

Y-you must be scum of the highest order. I hope you're not expecting people to believe your lies!

PEdit: Second highest order, that is.

Didn't like the empty unvote without trying to address votes on him though.

##Vote: Vennobennu

"I'm sorry I self voted guys, actually my role gives me an additional day power every time I self vote, eventually I'll be able to day vig every other player on Day 1"

Seriously, da fuck would you expect a townie who self voted to say?

I DUNNO I have a weird feeling about Paperblade and also kinda Objectiom

Why Objection? IIRC you haven't said anything about him previous to this statement.

Some general comments for everyone to fawn over;

-Yes Vennobennu self voting is not pro wincon. It remains to be seen whether or not it was scummy. Also getting town vibes from his response.

-I don't even get the Shinori votes. Except Paperblade, his reason was totally legit.

-Not a fan of SB's coaching argument, but considering he didn't actually vote Kay for it, I'm not particularly gutted by it.

Bah, I suppose SB is the one bothering me the most atm. Not because of the silly coaching thing, but I don't like how he ignored Venno's response and voted him anyways for not addressing the votes (which is like, how is Bennu supposed to do that to any satisfying degree).



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BigBadMarshmallow (1)- Shinori -> Kay

Eurykins (0)- Grassbridger -> Shinori

Grassbridger (1)- Eurykins -> Prims

kaoz (0)- Ha, he can't vote at all, sucks for him

Kay (2)- BigBadMarshmallow

kirsche (0)- scorri

Miria Harvent (0)- Vennobennu -> SB

Paperblade (0)- Shinori -> Polydeuces

Polydeuces (1)- Refa -> Shinori

Professional PantsWrestler (0)- Vennobennu -> SB

Refa The Great (0)- Shin -> SB

SB (4)- Vennobennu

scorri (2)- SB

Shin (0)- The Objection!

Shinori (3)- Grassbridger

The Objection! (1)- Kay

The Protown SK (0)- Shinori

Vennobennu (1)- Vennobennu -> Unvote -> scorri

I thought I'd try changing up votals so you can see how the vote swaps and stuff worked...but, doing things this way turned out to be much more of a PITA than I thought. I just hope I got all of the links right...So yeah, shows who each person voted for, and the number to the right of their name shows how many votes the person has atm.

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I forgot I was still joke-voting Shinori.

Kay & SB have both been pinging me for various reasons; Kay for her questionable handling of that whole self-vote/empty unvote bit with Venn, and SB with the whole "easy votes aren't scummy" exchange with Bizz, which seemed somewhat defensive IMO.

Of the two, Kay strikes me as more curious. She pretty much does her bit with Venn, then leaves. The BBM suspicion was off to me as well, and she never did explain why she vote the Shinori vote from BBM was bad, which doesn't help right now.


##Cross Counter: Kay

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Bizz- why does it not matter if he's new? He apparently has more experience than I thought he did, but still, newer players are bound to do random stuff like that.

if I think something is scummy I'm not gonna handwave it because the player is new or whatever. I've let scum go that way. Fite me BBM

Why Objection? IIRC you haven't said anything about him previous to this statement.

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@Kay- My Shinori vote wasn't top tier, but it was also RVS and I thought it more worthwhile than simply voting someone randomly. And then I didn't have anything better to switch to after he responded. I didn't give my opinions about Venno right away because until #37 I thought the votes on him there were mostly being facetious. I gave my opinion after that so I don't see the problem here. And consider that of the people who didn't vote Venno early on (everyone except Prims and Bizz), I was the only person to actually give an opinion about him at any point at all. Everyone else gave no opinion whatsoever. Why am I specifically suspicious for this?

Fair enough. It was basically that you were voting someone for a meh reason as well as didn't address it, and I sorta felt like you might be grasping for something while trying to avoid notice by disregarding Venno. But that makes sense.


##Vote: Polydeuces

I forgot I was still joke-voting Shinori.

Kay & SB have both been pinging me for various reasons; Kay for her questionable handling of that whole self-vote/empty unvote bit with Venn, and SB with the whole "easy votes aren't scummy" exchange with Bizz, which seemed somewhat defensive IMO.

Of the two, Kay strikes me as more curious. She pretty much does her bit with Venn, then leaves. The BBM suspicion was off to me as well, and she never did explain why she vote the Shinori vote from BBM was bad, which doesn't help right now.


##Cross Counter: Kay

First of all, what's "questionable" about my interactions with Venno? Please elaborate. And yeah, I made some posts and then left because I had other things to do. Was it a particularly scummy time to leave or something, or was there something I should have addressed first? Also I explained it at least somewhat, if you don't think my explanation was sufficient, fine, but you're totally disregarding it.

I guess it's not as much the Shinori vote as much as that I thought the Venno wagon was big enough that he should have said something about it as well as dropping a vote on Shinori.

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First of all, what's "questionable" about my interactions with Venno? Please elaborate. And yeah, I made some posts and then left because I had other things to do. Was it a particularly scummy time to leave or something, or was there something I should have addressed first? Also I explained it at least somewhat, if you don't think my explanation was sufficient, fine, but you're totally disregarding it.

Well, the coaching is forgivable enough (especially since I kinda did the same thing), but then when you were called on it, you more or less ignored it aside from a very brief response to SB calling you on it in #53. The BBM-Shinori thing that you said later on also irked me; why would BBM need to examine a wagon that's heavily RVS votes before dropping a completely unrelated vote? Furthermore, BBM's vote itself read like an RVS vote and nothing more, which is at worst a nulltell at this point.

I guess I worded my point wrong, too; it's more how you reacted when others questioned the bit with Venno than the interaction itself. Calling the interaction scummy would be hypocritical and I'm not going to make that error.

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My vote on grass is actually semi-serious by the way scorri. Just sayin' And I'm not moving it at the moment because his post in reaction towards Levy seems extremely defensive.

Didn't really like SB's post WRT Kay's post. If you didn't like it, why not vote kay? She's the one more likely to give you a favorable reaction from what you are doing.

Didn't really like BBM's vote on Kay. I don't really see any actual reasoning for his vote on kay either honestly. The only question in response was "Why am I suspicious for doing this?" he didn't actually state any real suspicions of Kay in his post. The vote kinda just...happened.

Eury is posting very little this game, it entertains me to see such a vast difference in her past games lately. *Poke*

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Sorry guys I slacked majorly overly the weekend and now I'm really behind in homework, which is why I didn't do much today.

@Shinori- Kay's vote against me seemed to single me out for no reason even though the majority of the thread did the same thing as me. It made the vote feel arbitrary and sort of contrived to me.

How was Grass's response "extremely defensive"? The first sentence was a joke, and the second one was a sort of valid complaint considering the vote for which Grassbridger is under scrutiny from by Bizz happened on the first page. Yeah you can catch scum ED1 but that doesn't mean you are going to for sure, off the first 5-10 posts in the game.

Kay just unvoted but I don't think she really answered the point. Why was it not suspicious for the bunch of people who weren't even being semi-serious to not mention the Venno votes?

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Yeah you can catch scum ED1 but that doesn't mean you are going to for sure, off the first 5-10 posts in the game.

are you completely sure about that??
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also I agree with what Scorri said about SB. Regardless of whether or not coaching is scummy, if SB thinks doesn't like it, why is he voting the coach and not the trainee?

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ugh I dunno, everything I do is going to be sub-par until more things start happening. I'm not AS confident in my SB vote anymore and was gonna vote Paperblade but I want to wait until his possible temp sub comes in first.

I don't really know how to put it but something about how BBM's been conducting his arguments feels scummy to me but I'm going to have to figure out what it is and I'm heading for bed. Maybe it feels like he keeps trying to discredit things a lot? idk

I'm null on Kay/Poly rn

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Didn't like his random vote swap to Prims. Seemed very out of place and weird. It wasn't anything that I would have completely stayed with, which is why it was only semi serious at first. It was just the worst of a bad situation, which is why I voted him. Then it'st staying cause I felt he was defensive towards Levy saying:

My vote wasn't detached, I had to do research for it. I checked that Prims isn't in PIG Mafia!

Also I don't know what you expect when there's no information.

I mean mainly the entire thing looks defensive to me but the first part I guess is like a joke or some sort.

However the bolded line screams defensive in my eyes.

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eury's post is not good. we don't need to know if you're neutral on some guy unless he's a high priority lynch target or somebody explicitly asks you, just say what's important. based on past experiences with her i'm inclined to say it's :badplay: and null but still, step it up

How was Grass's response "extremely defensive"? The first sentence was a joke, and the second one was a sort of valid complaint considering the vote for which Grassbridger is under scrutiny from by Bizz happened on the first page. Yeah you can catch scum ED1 but that doesn't mean you are going to for sure, off the first 5-10 posts in the game.

why are you asking this question? is shinori scum?

the notion that bbm is overly focused on the "catching scum in RVS" is weird when he's made all of two posts about it and one was a response to something addressed to him. bbm is posting like he does when he's scum though. imo!

SB's reactions are impartial enough that I'm okay keeping my vote on him for ED1.

currently want people to spampost less. if there are more than 20 pages by the end of day 1 i'm subbing out (note: not actually subbing out if there are more than 20 pages by the end of day 1.)

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Refa is the scummiest to me right now. When he talks about my content on Venn's empty unvote, he pretty much says "what did you expect him to say". I expected him to acknowledge the thing with more than just a jokevote at the time accompanied by an empty unvote which seemed to be to stop giving people a reason to attack him. I didn't pursue the next post because I didn't think it was scummy but didn't really have a second suspect at the time or anything. Refa's vote tracking thing reads pretty much like he's faking contribution to me, I don't see how that's going to be of much use in RVS, when half of the votes on there weren't even serious in the first place. The old read he has in that post is on me and even that one is sort of waffling.


##Vote: Refa

Bizz's vote on me annoys me because I have pretty much no way of defending myself from it. "easy votes aren't scummy but yours was scummy because it was easy" =/

Eury seems to be kind forcing a lot of opinions, not really too happy with it.

Don't like the fact that SB found Kay scummy for "coaching" Venn but then voted Venn instead of Kay as well as, like Elie pointed out, ignoring the fact that Poly did it too.

I didn't vote Venn for being coached. I voted him for his empty unvote at the time. The fact that Kay was coaching the person who I voted was a coincidence. Kind of annoying that Shinori and BBM jumped on this thing too.

Kay & SB have both been pinging me for various reasons; Kay for her questionable handling of that whole self-vote/empty unvote bit with Venn, and SB with the whole "easy votes aren't scummy" exchange with Bizz, which seemed somewhat defensive IMO.

I don't really see how that was defensive at all. I wanted Bizz to have an actual reason I could understand for why she was voting me, and I didn't really have that.


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mafia sucks

Refa's vote tracking thing reads pretty much like he's faking contribution to me, I don't see how that's going to be of much use in RVS, when half of the votes on there weren't even serious in the first place.

Is this necessary to bring up? Both town and scum could find it useful so it's not alignment-relevant. Padding point imo.
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sorry not much time

@Prims- I thought (and think) that Shinori's reasons to hold down the Grass vote were/are kind of weak when he gives what seem like better reasons to vote other people. As I said, the bolded line is sort of true so I don't understand how people can harp on Grass for that.

@Bizz- If you think I'm opposing your reads a lot without trying to actually push you, that's probably because I am. I disagree with most of your cases, even on people I do find a little suspicious, like SB, but you're posting rather heavily to your town meta so meh.

@SB- Why was what Venn did worse than what Kay did, to you?

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