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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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I really wouldn't mind a BBM lynch if more people were into that, but it felt like my vote/case was going nowhere because everyone else is too focused on other things.

I don't think scorri is mafia.

I want to policy lynch Objection for the AtE but that's just me yoloswag420

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Hi! I return! Sorry for terrible inactivity. Over the last 5 days, I was flying on 4 of them (including Monday and Tuesday), so I haven't really been at a computer much. Before I get to actual scumreads...

Vhaltz: voting someone for inactivity is only good if they're actually around to see your vote. At the time you voted me, I had (as you pointed out) not been online since the day before. You weren't putting any sort of pressure on me, because I wasn't around to see it. Inactivity votes should be for people who are around and not contributing, at least if they're prodvotes.

Ok, things that have bothered me:

-Poly's post 86 seems really nit-picky and hypocritical, since both of them were coaching and then he calls her out for not responding to it right, essentially, which is weird if coaching is null as people seem to be saying.

-Bizz #89 (and similar posts) is weird because BBM wasn't focused overmuch on this stuff and wasn't claiming to be ABSOLUTELY SURE, so this just seemed unnecessary and a little misreppy.

-Shinori's post-hoc explanation of his RVS vote on me is pretty bad. I made an RVS joke vote on Prims and that (or my response to Bizz, where I made another joke) is supposed to be scummy? Enough that you'd leave your vote there for most of D1? It reads like a votepark, especially when you had other stuff to talk about.

-Shin's #111 bothers me, dismissing the whole Kay-coaching thing asa "slapfight" without actually judging the towniness or lack thereof of anyone involved, also his calling out of Elie for being a single-topic poster contains random references that remind me of a game I played in when Shin was scum (Avatar? I think?) when he posted random stuff about waffles. (The kind you eat.)

-Eury's #137 says that Shinori has a snide tone, which is weird because how do you pick out this specific instance of Shinori having a snide tone.

Anyway Shinori tends to get more snide when he's a lynch target but I can't remember if that's correlated with him being scum or town...

For now


##Vote: Shin

I'll be back soon and around for phase end, I think.

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-Bizz #89 (and similar posts) is weird because BBM wasn't focused overmuch on this stuff and wasn't claiming to be ABSOLUTELY SURE, so this just seemed unnecessary and a little misreppy.

already explained this and don't feel like explaining it again. just gonna quote myself

(Wrt bbm again if someone focuses on something for more than one post and I remember it it seems like a big deal to me because I don't do a lot of rereading in big games)

(this was in response to Prims who said this):

the notion that bbm is overly focused on the "catching scum in RVS" is weird when he's made all of two posts about it and one was a response to something addressed to him.

Do you think I'm scum, grass?

Also I already stated my opinion on Prims, I need to reread BADLY because at this point I'm only commenting on the small stuff lol. But even though his miller claim is null I don't think he's mafia, this is mostly meta though (which I explained).

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Also, Grass's case on me is rather lacking. It seems to be based almost entirely on my meta, which I wasn't aware that I had! I think you're referring to my RVS post in Super C9++, although I'm not sure of the direct relevance.

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@Everyone: PLEASE STOP POSTING HUGE WALLS. Holy shit you don't need to quote posts all the time, just link to what you're responding to. I barely want to read any of this garbage.

Vhaltz's point on me not reading his post is valid because I only skimmed his post because it was a lot of words. I haven't read the rest of his case on me either.

@BBM Vote is on Prims because I honestly think there's more chances of him flipping scum. That I can't seem to form an entirely solid case doesn't mean I'm uncertain that he's scum. Plus there's still a while left before people start deadline spamposting so it's better to push the point now that people are reading somewhat calmly to see if anybody agrees. I think it's pretty clear that my consolidation vote is pretty much guaranteed to land on you if there's no interest in a Prims lynch so there's no point in rushing that anyway.

This is bad though because it's evident nobody actually wants to lynch me, and if your case "isn't entirely solid" as you put it how do you expect to convince other people? Waste of a vote IMO.

@kirsche: Not undermining my townread, just explaining why I have it.

@Shinori: if SB really forgot to switch to Objection then obviously he only would once reminded; how is this scummy? I think you're being kinda graspy and I dunno why SB's a better vote over Eury after all you focused on her in that post.

@Poly: I just don't find Shinori scummy. Like... he does some silly stuff but I don't see the scum intent in his posts. Most people attacking him seem to be questioning him or nitpicking at him. I guess he could be mafia still but I don't see the case. The only thing that currently sticks out to me is that his reasons for voting SB over Eury are kinda contrived, which is why I want him to go into them more.

Eury is pretty scummy at this point because all of her posts just concern her and responding to other people and trying to validate her earlier weak content instead of making up for it by hunting scum. Talking to other people a lot is not necessarily contributing to the game.

Right now I'd lynch Shinori over SB, actually. SB's responses to Shin have been solid. I actually think Eury is worse than Objection now but will switch back if nobody wants to wagon her with me. Objection's post doesn't make him look better but I find Eury's posts scummier.


##Vote: Eurykins

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I also think that Grass' post is scummy at this point in the day. We're near deadline and there's no pressure on Shin and I can't tell what he would support. There is also way too much "this is weird" and not enough "this is scummy because X". At the very least, it's unproductive if he's town.

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@Grass I'm not really familiar with how this forum works at all. I now figure online times are probably somewhere on people's profiles but not having seen it before it didn't cross my mind to check when I was pretty much running out the door. Either way I disagree that the prodvote was useless beucase as long as there was a chance that you'd log on while I was doing practicals and saw the votes on you and it forced you to post it was still more useful of a vote than letting my vote sit on Scorri with zero to negative support for a lynch on her.


I dislike that all that the few people that have addressed my post about Prims seem to be sticking with the miller claim part of it which was just a side mention compared to everything else. It's fine that you guys have your own opinion on the miller claim but don't act like commenting on it invalidates the rest of the case.

Probably going to drop a main scumspect again by the end of this post due to lack of support, I guess I'll come back to it D2 if I'm still around.


Yeah after rereading I'm pretty sure I Object to the Objection lynch. Haha. *shot*

No but seriously I feel like he is too easy a target and the cases on him appear to be built on exaggerations regarding his lack of content or reads and not much else. The AtE in last post isn't as sharp as Bizz seems to be making it out to be either so it doesn't look like it's intentional to try and take heat off himself, in general I don't think scum would give up so easily when there's bigger wagons to aim for to avoid being the D1 lynch.

Prims leading the wagon may or may not be influencing my opinion (it does)


I've been rereading Shinori and he looks like the better option. At first I thought Eury may have been a bit too mad at him but I double checked his latest post in response to her and it feels like he's deliberately trying to be a jerk and goading her into taking a personal issue with him and I really dislike that. Not entirely sure whether it's just a personal kind of dislike or if I find it scummy since I can't really find the words to explain the scumminess in what amounts to an attitude. Mitsuki would probably be able to explain this a lot better.

Anyway, the reason why I still consider him the better option besides that is that I can't really disagree with most of the cases against him, I already pointed out liking Refa's analysis here, specially regarding the a-posteriori justification for the vote feeling forced and it being an excuse to votepark. Poly's points here are all pretty valid concerns. I don't think there's much I can add to the existing case, really. Just a little thing I missed from earlier while I was in classes:

I never said Prims/SB were buddies and I highly doubt that. I just thought the interaction was weird.

What's the point of calling out on the interaction like it's something super duper important then? This was worded in a way that makes it look like it adds something critical to the SB case, but then he doesn't actually think they're buddies which is ???

(post in question here)

The wagon on Shinori is also much better than any other wagon atm so I feel pretty good about it.

Objection! (3) - Prims, SB, Bizz

SB (4) - Elieson, scorri, Shin, Shinori
Shinori (4) - Eurykins, Refa, Vennobennu, Polydeuces

Now trying to decide whether to vote Shinori or BBM, I still have an hour left, maybe an hour and a half before I go to bed since I have no practicals tomorrow.

Noticed Prims cut, too bad I'm walling anyway.

Regarding my vote on you being bad, do tell what you'd do in my situation then, I have virtually no meta on the site so I don't immediately know which players generally get a free D1 pass, and my top two scumreads both appear to be in this category. I was hoping people here would be more willing to lynch you because of the silly shenanigans you appear to pull frequently, it doesn't seem to be the case but I had to try.

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I think people who AtE in that way should be policy lynched/voted anyway. It's a thing.

I can see a Eury lynch; I haven't read her posts thoroughly mostly because they're so long (which is kinda why I've been skimreading recently and falling behind, whoops) but for all that content she hasn't been that memorable to me

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I was hoping people here would be more willing to lynch you because of the silly shenanigans you appear to pull frequently, it doesn't seem to be the case but I had to try.

This sounds more like you wanted to mislynch me than push me as scum.

All I can really tell you is "don't give people a free D1 pass"? That's not even good play on MotK, it just becomes necessity because of people like Serela.

Last I checked I'm the only person giving scorri a pass. People aren't even giving me a free pass I'm just not scummy. 8)

Basically I think you seem more concerned about who's a viable lynch and site meta than actually voting scum... except if you were really concerned about that as Town I can't understand why you'd vote me with a case you're not even sure of. It's very arbitrary to give up on scorri just because one person said "I think scorri is town on meta"; I'm not the only voice in the town.

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Phone cut off part of my post

Yeah the walls have left me falling behind too and it's a lot to sift through. I'll admit I have been struggling which is why I haven't been hardcore analyzing anyone like I should. I did feel a bit bad for having a choppy posting style compared to everyone else but I don't even have that much to say atm

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Skimmed over Eury and Shinori and I'm not really too fussed about Eury. There are minor things and I wouldn't object to her lynch too much but she's not that bad. Could go for a Shinori lynch though due to his push on me for forgetting to switch my vote. Don't like Objection or Shin either (although the latter could be just kind of reactionary? I dunno but his cases are really bad regardless).

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@Prims Switch "mislynch" for "lynch you for being scum" and yeah.

Still feels like Prims isn't reading my posts, the reason why I initially dropped scorri was because her reply read genuine at first glance, then I slept on it and decided that it wasn't really that great (namely the part where she defended the way she used other people's previous arguments by saying she merely agreed with them, when my whole point was that she could've done that back then but didn't). The issue is I had nothing new to add to it and I didn't know how to push it further without resorting to blowing it over the top, didn't care much about your comment (could've been hard defending a buddy) but nobody seemed to be commenting on or caring much at all about my scorri case so I figured I'd have to go for more useful votes.

Of course I scrapped this line of reasoning when I started rereading Prims at lunchtime because the way he interacted with BBM by calling him scum but pursuing other seemingly less confident votes read heavily like a scum-scum interaction or just trying to paint town!BBM as scum. I'm aware D1 scumpairs reasoning is shit and people would not listen to me if I brought this up considering that I think BBM is likely to be scum, and hence why I tried to word my case otherwise.

Aside from that there's also how you suddenly grasped onto my reasoning for Eury!scum that I called you out on for not reading and proceed to slap it onto someone else using the word "weird". I don't see how throwing out that Grass read was useful for anything regarding deadline and it's kind of hypocritical considering that it's also one of the things that you criticised him for.

Would lynch Eury if the other options are SB or Objection (or any townread if they became wagons for whatever reason), but I'd much rather lynch within Shinori/BBM/Scorri/Prims.

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Would lynch BBM (though, it's more off of semantics + a hunch) and would lynch SB because of stuff we've gone over + a poorly founded Refa case.

Would not lynch scorri or prims due to average content.

WRT Objection, I want to leave him alone until a flip comes up because I need some associative reads to understand my thoughts on him.

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the reason why I initially dropped scorri was because her reply read genuine at first glance, then I slept on it and decided that it wasn't really that great (namely the part where she defended the way she used other people's previous arguments by saying she merely agreed with them, when my whole point was that she could've done that back then but didn't). The issue is I had nothing new to add to it and I didn't know how to push it further without resorting to blowing it over the top, didn't care much about your comment (could've been hard defending a buddy) but nobody seemed to be commenting on or caring much at all about my scorri case so I figured I'd have to go for more useful votes.

I... what? I'm really confused. When I first made my arguments against SB, I made an argument for why he was scum. Some of my reasoning was similar to reasons being used by other people previously in the thread, so I pointed out that I was using similar logic to them. I don't get why this is scummy.

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Still feels like Prims isn't reading my posts,

Well yeah.

Aside from that there's also how you suddenly grasped onto my reasoning for Eury!scum

I didn't do this because I wasn't reading your posts.
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@Prims Wait I just read back and I did mention the meta thing on scorri? the fuck?? ._.

That post must've been written at a point at which I was getting scummy vibes from you but I could've seen myself being wrong about it, but I don't remember doing that at all.

After mulling this over for a bit I think I just proved to myself that I'm maybe too heavily biased about you. I'll check up on you again tonight.


"I didn't do this because I wasn't reading your posts."

This doesn't help because I literally spelled out that argument when I was calling you scum, if you're town stop being pretentious and play properly.

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