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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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JUST made it!

Day 1 votals! (take 2, in order)

BBM (1) - Grassbridger

Eurykins (7) - kirsche, Prims, Vhaltz, Bizz, scorri, Polydeuces

Polydeuces (1) - Kay

SB (2) - Elieson, Shin

Shinori (5) - Eurykins, Refa, Vennobennu, SB, BBM

Vennobennu (1) - Objection!

Not voting - Shinori

Tick tick! Three minutes.

9 votes = hammer!

Edited by eclipse
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After much bickering, the lot of you decide that a ninja is not a doctor.

Dear Eurykins,

You are Sakura Haruno. You started out as the most useless character in Naruto after Konohamaru, and wound up being somewhat more useful once Shippuden rolled around. Still, you're the girl, so you're the medical nin, and that has got to change!

Since no one would believe that Yet Another Naruto Female Character was mafia (again), you will look like a member of the town upon inspection.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Keep an eye on PLAYER. You'll stand watch over PLAYER, and learn everyone who visits him/her.

Once during the game, you may reply to your role PM with Night X - Begone, PLAYER. You will hide PLAYER's corpse for the rest of the game. If you do this, you cannot use your other active ability!

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

After the majority of you have a small celebration, you go to your rooms.

It is now Night 1! I will edit in the end time later, as I will probably be away for Thanksgiving. Unless your role PM says that you can talk at night, be quiet!

EDIT: Timer is here!

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OK, my role means that I can talk at NIGHT. Although that's probably gonna kinda suck since I don't know if anyone else can. Eli's comment on the Eury wagon just before phase end concerns me. There's also the fact that Eury said very little about him in her reads, which may actually give away more than she expected. I'd imagine she'd have been told to mix some of team in with her "scum reads". I haven't really had issue with

I'm not as sure about SB anymore. Unless it were part of some elaborate plan, I don't think she'd have one of her scumbuddies as her number one read. Whilst I think SB's been rather lazy in his scumhunting, this puts me off a little. Then again, his "I don't mind a Eury lynch, but I'd prefer Shinori" is rather half hearted, and the vote switch at the end only adds to it.

Venno's lack of actual activity is still blatantly apparent. The last post had a lot of umming and ah'ing, I feel that he's not adding anything to the game, letting things happen around him. Green's tunneled pretty hard on Shinori, and I still don't quite understand his case on me. However, I'd like to think his scumbuddies would actually give him something to say, so I'm leaning either lazy town or his scumbuddies just really don't like him.

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I'm guessing from that either the other insomniacs hate me or it means I'm the only one. BBM's leaning town for me, he's generally kept his composure and he's been responding pretty well to most things. The hesitance to lynch Eury would have been considered odd if he'd been the only one. Eli, BBM and Shinori have all shown reluctance to do so, either I found the entire scum team in one go or it's non-indicative.

No new opinions on Kay, since she hasn't posted for about a day and a half. I'd like to see some non-RVS content from her.

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1. Phase ends in a little under three hours.

2. Because it's Thanksgiving (the holiday where nothing goes as planned), I might be late. ;/

3. I'm still missing a couple of actions.

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Dear Kay,

You are Zero. You're a surgeon by day and a dancer by night. The host seems to think that your nail polish is. . .unprofessional.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Dance in front of PLAYER. Your, erm, wild appearance will attract the attention of everyone that would target PLAYER, and they'll target you instead!

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Someone must've been pretty annoyed with that song. . .not that the majority of you blame the killer.

It is now Day 2! Phase ends on December 2 at 7:45 AM (I'm waking up early JUST for you guys). Timer is here!

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I'm writing up things now because I have to go on a field trip until lunchtime/afternoon tomorrow despite having most friday's off. I'll be posting this as soon as I wake up so I won't have read anything other than the flip.

About 95% sure that Prims is town from his deadline posts, don't see the point in Prims!scum suddenly deciding to shut off the SB wagon and pretty much any other wagon really to lynch his own buddy. If he were scum he didn't really need the cred, and if he really wanted to get it so badly that he'd bus like that he would've been better off waiting until D2 to get to use the janitor shot.

Anyway Eury's role seems OP as fuck and it appears that there was a large chunk of the playerbase that was reluctant to lynch Eury over other people, so I think it's highly possible that there was at least one buddy hard defending Eury at deadline to try and save her from the lynch.

Bizz suggests a BBM turbowagon in #284 and subtly defends Eury in #286, that was a pretty critical junction when it came to choosing the lynch for the day so it's a thing. I'd feel more bugged about it if it weren't because the one she wanted lynched instead was Big Bad Maflord and not Shinori (despite the fact that his wagon was still high and he hadn't claimed yet), Objection or SB.


He did push for Shinori's lynch after his claim somewhat but the majority of his deadline posting was dedicated to antagonizing Prims after he called him scum. I'm pretty sure Town!BBM would've been much more focused on reading and picking correctly among the existing lynch choices (the only post where he weighs Eury vs Shinori barely scratches the surface). Plus the way he commented on his own role in #292 was really unwarranted and I doubt I'd see him doing that as town.

This is freaking frustrating, I'm quite convinced that BBM is scum from those deadline posts but every time I try to explain the points don't feel solid enough. I guess what really sets my alarms off the most is his "hey guys lynch me instead plz" posts, #292 and #311, that I agree with Prims are heavily indicative of scum. It makes a lot of sense that scum!BBM would want to get lynched instead of Eury given how powerful her roles were and considering that she probably would've gotten cop scanned in following nights if she managed to survive (Eury being godfather).

His defense of Eury also seems too arbitrary for town!BBM, I've seen him hard defend scum as town over meta points before (Paperblade in whatever MotK game it was) but he didn't really seem to have any solid reason to defend Eury this game other than her claim, which I find odd because he found her worth deadline voting in #272 and imo the way the claim came out from Eury wasn't so alignment-indicative.


Poly didn't strike me as scummy when I was reading up on what I missed, but he defended Eury in his #287 so I just checked his ISO and there's several things bugging me. The way he defends Eury is odd, he calls her null as opposed to out-and-out scum and claims that he is opposed to the lynch, but proceeds to move her up his suspect list at the same time which reads really nonsensical, like scum trying to defend their buddy while simultaneously leaving themselves open for a bus just in case they needed to vote her later to avoid looking bad.

He also posted his thoughts on Shinori's claim in #303 and aside from the dislike of backtracking they really just amount to nothing
He doesn't explain why he thinks Shinori's claim is coming from scum or why scum would choose to fakeclaim something as specific as that, idk what roles in SF look like normally but the "investigates number of actions on target" part of the role seemed weird and uncommon enough to be genuine. Not sure if I'm properly conveying what I mean here, it just reads like the point to the post wasn't to discuss anything regarding Shinori's claim and he was just focusing on trying to discredit the claim and make it look as bad as possible.

The way he just suddenly dropped Shinori to go after Eury seconds after Shinori posted his last claim update really bugs me as well, I really doubt a 180º readswitch would happen that fast for town considering his earlier post on Shinori. Bizz voted Eury just a few minutes earlier and Prims was defending Shinori's claim at the time so it's possible that scum!Poly just gave up on saving Eury at this point.

I also intended to check on Grass and Refa (the way he popped into the thread during deadline but went missing entirely until he posted a wall seemed detached) but going to sleep without seeing the flip first killed my sleep quantity/quality and I'm having trouble concentrating today. Probably going to sleep now and leaving them for later because I don't really see them being any worse than Poly or BBM.

##Vote: BBM

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please refer to me as 'they' thank you

Idk, I really should listen to my gut instead of freaking out last minute because that's what I seem to do when there's a last-minute D1 scumlynch now. Oh well. Like I said before there were other reasons after her claim why I suspected her and should have just went with it.

##Vote: BBM

his mudslinging/fearmongering at the end of the day was terrible.

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I'm guessing from that either the other insomniacs hate me or it means I'm the only one. BBM's leaning town for me, he's generally kept his composure and he's been responding pretty well to most things. The hesitance to lynch Eury would have been considered odd if he'd been the only one. Eli, BBM and Shinori have all shown reluctance to do so, either I found the entire scum team in one go or it's non-indicative.

No new opinions on Kay, since she hasn't posted for about a day and a half. I'd like to see some non-RVS content from her.

You forgot me, jerkface (and some other people, seriously I can't name a single person who was particularly enthusiastic about a Eury lynch). :(

Also Shin being Insomniac + that off handed comment about Kay which I don't think he'd make considering the NK make me think he's not scum. Which sucks...because I was scumreading him. I guess he could be ITP but it's waaaaaay too early to ITP hunt. Also Elieson's end of the day I'M NOT SUSPICIOUS OF EURYKINS just seems like it would be really stoopid play as scum, I mean maybe he's WIFOMing, but bah...don't think so.

Also also also now I have to get new scumreads, this sucks. I think it'd be worth reading into the people waffling on Eury more than the people who have a definite stance, but considering like mostly everyone was waffling on her this might not be...the best idea overall. Probably should look into BBM. And Objection should still post things. And Grassbridger. But noone else, I can't put that much effort into a single reread.

Also also also also Shinori.

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vhaltz is essentially confirmed town since he enabled the eury wagon as mayor. if he's scum that's some next level bussing

im obvtown due to the flip of a godfather + also enabling the eury wagon

i was roleblocked, btw. ill post my thoughts later but they boil down to ##Vote: BBM

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