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Breezy Does a Thing! Pokemon X!

Breezy Kanzaki

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Good day fellow peoplez of the Forest. I am Breezy/Percilugh/Brokuni/ Other names. And welcome to my playlog of Pokemon X. I'd do Y but I have too many good stuff and the Pokemon Bank isn't out yet XD. No special restrictions or anything, just me playing Pokemon X. Hopefully this lasts until the Bank gets out (though probably not~).

Expect chapter 1 sometime soon I guess.

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Let's do this thing~

[spoiler=Chapter 1: A new dawn, a new game]

yes I'll play the game in English thank you very much.

Also I have the OST of this game and it is awesome. ./relevant information

Anyway. SYCAMORE. He's like so legit. On a scale of 1-10 he's 10.5. Gotta love than random Haxorus with the Bunnelby and Flecthlings. AM I A BOY OR A GIRL? Most important question. Let's see here, I was a boy on my Y file, girl my first X run, a guy on the previous X run, so patterns and OCD says I shall be a lady for this run. I go for the middle picture because looks cool. My name?


Anyway, let's take a look at my name scheme for OCD purposes. First was my IRL name, then was Alisa, then Ichiro. Through the power of bullshit logic, I have found a pattern for my naming and as such I will be Sumire for this run. it totally makes sense trust me. *Insert French words here* Yes it is a good name Sycamore. Thank you. AND INTO THE GAME WE GO.

It's a Fletchling. Probably not gonna use it this run. Why? I dunno.

FIRST STEP: Get out of pajamas. Then we talk to the mother. Neighbors are here I guess. Dem graphics. Hi Calem and Shauna. We gonna get a Pokemon.

ROUTE 1: Nothing interesting happens. Hey it's everyone else. Tierno has best derp face ever. Nicknames... What better way to come up with one than what other people have said about Sumire!

nah Breezy can have Sumire, the bitch

Who is the biggest cactus bitch on the face of the continent.

Errr, none of those are exactly ALLOWED thanks to censorship... Let's just use her last name as the nickname shall we? There we go, all nice and free from censorship! Okay Pokemon time.

CHESPIN: I love this thing, but I have a grass type planned already

FROAKIE: Meh, not my favorite, so not using.

that leaves FENNEKIN: WHAT DOES THE *shot* Anyway, it's a fox. I pick the fox. NICKNAME TIME.

What cool foxes are there in games...?

Super. FENNEKIN is now ALLYOYENS. In all caps

Brilliant. hey a Pokedex. Never seen one of these before! Hey a letter. Never seen one of these before! Trevor and Tierno leave. Great now I'm stuck with Calem and Shauna. Let's book it as well. PLOT TWIST we have to fight Shauna and her Chespin. Pretty easy fight. Also I love the rival music in this game. So good~! her Chespin is a girl. Lucky.... 2 Embers from ALLYOYENS kill Chespin. And ALLYOYENS levels up. Awesome. And I stole money from her. Even better! Okay before we end off this chapter, what nature is ALLYOYENS? +DEF -SPD Relaxed Nature. Not the best by far, but not too bad.

Hope you all enjoyed this update, and tune in next one!

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Gonna update on my phone. This is a bad idea

[spoiler=Chapter 2: Birth of a Demon Killer? Or just me~]

We head back to our house to talk to the mother. And we have a Fox 10/10. Sumire: Best Sakura Wars character and Pokemon Trainer 10/10. Town map get~ Where's the Imperial Theatre? Hi Rhyhorn. Leave me alone plz.

Anyway on to Route 2. First encounter is a Pidgey. Murdered by ALLYOYENS. Cool. Yeah yeah tutorial. Please be something useful like how I can play Sakura Wars over here without buying 5. Please ^-^

Nope just how to catch stuff. Calem gets a Bunnelby you never see him with again. Calem for jerkest trainer in game. *insert kinky joke here* Okay time to find a Pokemon. It's SCATTERBUG FIRST TRY YEAH~ Vivillon is the best. ALLYOYENS weakens it. And caught~ and ALLYOYENS leveled up. Nickname for Scatterbug: Breezy Inception or something. Neutral nature. Cool.

One trainer before the end of this update. A Zigzagoon. Breezy starts and I switch to ALLYOYENS. 2 Embers take it out. Easy. And Breezy levels up to 4.


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It feels like I write too much in my playlog

Yay, a Scatterbug!

I blame phone :/.

I just wanted to get Scatterbug then stop.

Also, give me suggestions for my final team member. I have 5/6 planned.

Anyone can give me one more and I'll see

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I blame phone :/.

I just wanted to get Scatterbug then stop.

Also, give me suggestions for my final team member. I have 5/6 planned.

Anyone can give me one more and I'll see


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Let's move on shall we?

[spoiler=Chapter 3: Exiting the forest....]

Santalune forest is our stop for today. Shauna comes along and will heal our team at any time. Nice~ Shauna finds a Paralyze heal.

Trainer fight: It's a Scatterbug. In an epic fight between bugs, Breezy proves his superiority. Next is Flecthling. I switch into ALLYOYENS because I can. 2 Embers kill it. ALLYOYENS levels up to 8. Breezy levels to 5. Moving on...

Wild encounter with Weedle. More sustenance for Breezy.

Trainer fight: It's a damn Pikachu. It's AI is being stupid so far. And of course Static. Breezy still kills it no problem and levels up to 6. Stun Spore get!

Wild encounter with another Weedle. Moar food for Breezy. 2 Poison stings and no poison. Go me?

Trainer fight: Weedle. 2HKO with Tackle from Breezy. Next is Bunnelby. Woah this thing gets Agility early. Still useless 0/10. Breezy makes a meal out of this one as well. With a crit even.

Wild encounter: Another Weedle. Still no poison. Breezy gets level 7. Yay we made it to the end~ Route 3.

Trainer fight: Caterpie. Easy kill. Azurill next. Second verse same as the first.

Trainer fight: Pichu. Of course it's Static. When I'm not poisoned, I'm paralyzed. It still died tho. I use the PARLZ HEAL on Breezy.

Trainer Fight: Bidoof. The Derp master himself. Breezy takes a break while fighting for ALLYOYENS to make an appearance. It died. Super Potion get!

Trainer fight: OH gezz it's the monkey trainer. Breezy murders the Grass one and hits level 8. ALLYOYENS takes over from there. ALLYOYENS hits level 9. All the monkeys died. Why is Play Nice's animation so stupid and so long again? I use a Potion on Breezy. And turns out that wasn't a trainer. Great. Anyway, I'll leave off here in Santalune City.

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Oh yeah... Guess this is a thing..

[spoiler=Chapter 3: That one Route I never explore]

God dammit Trevor I don't need a fucking tutorial about Pokemon Centers. Oh look a clothes store. We should check it out. Bought a new hat. Cool. Onto route 22.

Trainer: Psyduck first. Breezy takes it out well enough.Next is Litleo. Meh, let's stay in. okay don't stay in and switch to AYY because damages. After like 50 million turns it dies. Both of the team levels up. Also Breezy is evolving. Meh, I could care less for the first 2 forms. Spewpa get. Imma get to level 11 for Breezy just because. I wanna make my life easier for the gym.

Next trainer has a Goldeen. Essentially the thing is death fodder and more EXP to me. Next is Marill. Same thing as before. It dies.

Next trainer has.... Riolu. Once again, easy food for Breezy.except for Counter so I switch in AYY. It dies easy to Ember. Breezy gets level 10.

Now for the trainer in front of the gym, then I'll end this off.

She has.... Zigzagoon. It dies and I get roller skates. Anyway, next time we have a Gym to fight. See ya then.

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I'm pumped up today for some reason.

[spoiler=Chapter 4: Sorry. This update has too many bugs to be read]

Not really tho. Before heading into the deathtrap known as Santalune Gym. I do preparations. Also known as buying 9 Potions for an even 10. Let's go.

SANTALUNE GYM: Type: Bug Gym Leader: Viola. It's funny because that's like a word in French or something. Down the rope we go. And we're on a web. First trainer:

It's a Ledyba. Of course the supersonic when it's in Red hits.... Ah well Breezy's a boss and hits through it anyway. Trainer 1 down.

Trainer 2: I know he has a Spewpa before even fighting. EPIC SPEWPA FACEOFF. Except not really :/ Breezy uses Stun Spore then leaves for AYY to clean up. 2 Embers take it down with minimal damage (8) dealt to AYY. AYY levels up to 11 and gets Hown. Breezy gets 11 as well. Awesome. One last Trainer before Viola.

Starts with Kakuna. inb4 POISON. Switch RIGHT out to AYY. Nope no poison and a 1-Shot. Excellent. Next is Combee. Switch Breezy back in. Then go back to AYY. It goes down easily as well. AYY gets level 12. And onto Viola.

And with that. Goodbye

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This is actually chapter 6. I can't count!

[spoiler=Chapter 6: Trampled Flowers]

This has like a bazzilion different meanings. Yay!

After claiming our prize, we leave the Gym. I heal up before heading on to route 4 I think? And we get the EXP Share. Yay. Makes training a lot easier for me.

Yeah Route 4. I love this route because instead of regular grass, it's flowers and it's so cool~ Anyway, we have a thing we need to catch here. And it is not Flabebe or Ledyba. God dammit Flabebe go awaaaaay. This'll take a while. I say as I run into a guy Budew..... DAMMIT IT NEEDS TO BE FEMALE.

Next encounter is.... flowers. Okay, running total of encounters until Female Budew...



Holy shit a Ralts. 3




Holy shit Skitty O.o. 7



Ralts. 10



Another Skitty. 13



16 If it's taking me this long to find THIS, oh god the rest of my team. RIP: My sanity

Skitty number 3: 17




21 How fucking rare are Budew?

OH GOD FINALLY A FEMALE BUDEW~! Breezy weakens it, and caught! Nickname time! Also Breezy gets level 13. The nickname for Budew is....Mikasa. Because this is awesome. +Spec ATK -Spec DEF nature. <3.

Trainer fight!: Flecthling. 2 Embers from ALLYOYENS kills it. Level 14 get! Flame Charge replaces Scratch.

Next trainer: Budew. 1 Ember and the burn from it are enough to kill it. Yay~ Mikasa gets level 9.

Next trainer: Pichu to start. 1 Ember takes it down. Next is Pikachu. I send in Mikasa to see how it goes. Pikachu is being stupid as usual. SUPER POTION WHAT!? WHEN WAS THAT ALLOWED?! Ah well Pikachu still dies to Mikasa. Awesome. Level 10 for Mikasa. Stun Spore get!

Next trainer: Corphish VS Mikasa. 3 absorbs and the Corphish is dead. And level 11 for Mikasa.

Another Trainer: Corphish again. 2 Absorbs kill it dead. ALLYOYENS hits level 15.

One last trainer: IT'S A MAGIKHRP. KHRP! 2 Absorbs kill it. And Mikasa hits level 12. Great. And that looks to be everyone on this Route. Onto Lumiose! But first...

Sina and Dexio. They are pretty cool people. To the Pokemon Lab we go! I'm ending this before we get into Lumiose proper. See you all next time!

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