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Conspiracy Mafia - End of Days


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hey paper, switch this with my ISO in the OP.

not much i'm wanting to say here; BBM's defense of Proto is weird but then again if BBM/Blitz are legit then he's town so idk what to think

I still say that Proto's scummy as hell and I don't like it

should re-read weapons to get an ass read

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I think Kay might be cult, altough I'm not super sure:

She dismissed Blitz's cultspec twice without giving solid reasoning on why, it feels like cult trying to dissuade others from thinking about their existence. Kay, what do you think of the possibility of a cult existing now?

It's not the cultspec, it's the day-3-start-spec and why-there-are-flips-spec. I think it's quite likely there's a cult.

Okay, if you guys must all sheep on an easy target, at least stop tunneling. Everyone voting Proto should list a secondary scumread.

Wait, so the Mafia are all told that they're innocent people but they still get a link to the Scum QT (which is what I assume the link is)? That's weird, this game is weird.

If that second kill wasn't an SK, they should claim (uh...assuming they're out of shots). If it was an SK, they should claim anyways (townside please kthnx).

Manix coming back to life is hilarious because I totally predicted it yesterday.

Also still kind of irked that Euklyd got lynched (at least we were both town this time around ;_;), going to do some wagon analysis now.

Refa's repeatedly pointing out that he's town is getting really dubious. I feel like the mechanicsspec here is contrived and just to sound confused enough so he doesn't look like he knows too much. Tryhard-town cred is running out fast.

HOSTS: Is it an error that Kirsche is on both the Living and Dead playerlists?

Xinnidy, where did your FFM suspicion come from? You never mentioned it in D1, as far as I can tell, so what is it based on?

##Vote: Refa

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okay so on re-read of Weapons I didn't find a whole lot besides the constant belief that eCam was a scumslot

so then I went back through Proto's ISO and he had his vote parked on Refa the whole phase from an apparent jokevote so idk what to make of it

Refa's ISO is a bit more interesting; it seems kinda fillery tbh (3 pages worth of ISO when there's 16 pages total? smh roofa) and a fair few things bug me

in reverse chronological order, Refa's pinged me in the following ways:

-doesn't even bother reading into anybody and then waffles the fuck out of his ass. reads upon going through Weapons' ISO, with the only concrete conclusion he comes to being that he feels Shinorikins isn't scum because of the prodvote.

-3P hunting when there's still normal scum to be found. also tries to ask SK to out, which is clearly never happening ever.

-a bunch of one-liners that do nothing to add to the discussion at hand; these come right after he sheeps on Euklyd.

-does very little in actually making cases as a whole after his few analyses of the major wagons of D1.

-general dropoff in post quality after my claiming debacle, aside from his few analyses

tl;dr: when Proto gets lynched I'm going for Roofa

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and cut by Kay

where exactly does Xin suspect the FFM slot? this kinda seems out of place with the rest of your post.

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and cut by Kay

where exactly does Xin suspect the FFM slot? this kinda seems out of place with the rest of your post.

...Roofa did you lock proto's vote on me

at least it's proto but there's ffm which is a worse offender imo.


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i guess i should look into refa, i think he's town though, refa is pretty transparent generally. but i'll give him another read tomorrow

FFM would be my second lynch choice. policy lynch's own

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I tried to read through the thread, but I've been busy with helping my brother prepare to leave the country and I couldn't really follow what's been going on in here. That being said, my brother will be leaving tonight, so I should be able to concentrate from tomorrow onwards, so I don't want to sub out.

Poly, why exactly are you certain that I'm scum?

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i guess i should look into refa, i think he's town though, refa is pretty transparent generally. but i'll give him another read tomorrow

FFM would be my second lynch choice. policy lynch's own

Well fuck, can never play scum again except in anonymous games.

Anyways, I'm here and will do uh...um...something, I guess. Maybe a reread, there hasn't actually been much that's happened since I've left.

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Poly, why exactly are you certain that I'm scum?

read my case from yesterday. nothing in there has changed for the better, so I'm confident that you'll flip scum.

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maybe i shouldn't forget that there's an active game going that i'm playing in

i don't feel like reading i'm just going to sheep dead!manix

##vote BBM


As much as Proto is definitely guilty of That Thing That Definitely Isn't Scumhunting, I want to know why Poly is so deadset on lynching him. "read my case from yesterday" doesn't cut it, there are many Things Of Note that have happened since. I also can't tell if he's claiming cop or not. If he is, he literally claimed it just to out that FFM scans as scum - something we already knew. He then goes on to use this fact to affirm that FFM is probably town, which is either really naive or bullshit (the claimed miller scans as scum, woohoo... Guess what other alignment scans as scum?). Poly, if you're not going to scan either your top scumread (proto) or someone else useful (anyone other than the claimed miller), you're going to need a better explanation than "role modifiers".

why the fuck would you out yourself as cop just to tell us something we already knew?

##vote poly

(i'm still catching up from the rest of the game fuck)

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okay cam guess what

if I scanned Proto or anyone who wasn't FFM, guess what they'd show up as (hint: not maf)

ergo, it's dumb to scan people because literally everyone but frosty gets me the same result

so I scanned frosty to see if he was legit with his claim and he was SO

also in regards to my wanting to lynch Proto, nothing has happened wrt Proto since then so I haven't felt the need to change my case against him

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hey guys and alive and my alignment is still the same (not that I expected any different overall, cause afterall, it was BBM that was more likely to get hit by both or at least one)

But what I didn't expect was 2 deaths and both my top town reads (good thing one of them ended up scum though cause that helps make up for your case of mislynching yesterday)

Weapons was my no.1 townread, and I really expected him to be town, but looks like scum!dar still sucks (needs some more tuning up I guess)

going into some rolespec which I know you all hate love

first off, anyone here willing to tell me who you are that killed Weapons?

also, notice that weapons was scum cop, which SHOULDN'T mean scum has another cop, effectively clearing Poly (for now) and further notice that there is one role that is even a more powerful godfather than Weapons, which would only make sense if it were an ITP (our Cultist or SK?)

next up, besides the death of Weapons, we had another two deaths, so I would like everyone to share what they think of the two town roles that died (after the game started I mean)

moving to Refa claiming persuader (I think he did at least?), in a game with a cult, it would be completely unbalanced to give it to mafia IMO (cause if this is the kind of cult where when cult leader dies, so does the group, mafia would have a huge advantage (but then again, the same can be said if cult recruits the persuader, but the mafia should still be able to take advantage of it, so, this situation is not so bad)

moving on again, we should remember that if we started with 3 innocent people, 1 Illuminati who recruits on odd nights (if this is not the case then we could have effective game over in the 3rd day assuming some things go the Illuminati's way and they do not get shot/lynched), which should mean we now have 2 mafias, 2 Illuminati and 1 SK? (can someone please confirm there really is an SK, cause I can't take it anymore). The only way I can balance the SK (and this matches the OP) is that our SK also kills on odd nights, effectively increasing the possibility of screwing over Cult.

okay, now then, moving off of Role specs

Weapons really was my number 1 townread, I don't even know what to say anymore

I don't think Proto is part of the mafia either, his interactions have been terrible in D1 and I think mafia should have some interactions with buddies to look townier. He was more like the guy who could be seen like he could be lynched whenever, but not be memorable at the same time

BUT this doesn't excuse him from being one of our 3rd party roles btw. We have seen a 2nd kill and know of the existence of Illuminati and therefore, he could be either.

I am all in for a Proto lynch, just like I was yesterday, but wouldn't hammer him just yet, we really need more discussion going, like who do you think is the lone SK? could be and who the 2 mafia can be along with the Illuminatis.

Anyone who doesn't participate in this day's conversations or avoids it should be our target for the next Day's lynch (there should be 5 people to lynch and we can only lynch one, but hopefully taking the head of Illuminati will take down the rest, so just 4 lynches)

I still think Camclipse is scummy and Weapon's interactions with her doesn't help. I now think Weapons left his vote intentionally on Eclipse cause he knew the 3rd guy could avoid the lynch whenever necessary. (of course, I could be wrong), I also think the 3rd guy's main job was to push for a Blitz lynch if this was the scenario (but Cam's posts do not help with this theory). I will look into the previous day to decide what I think of the people on my wagon later.

I think FFM should really claim what type of role he has cause his chances of being SK is the highest (the other interactionless guy is dead)

also, Cam, if you can revive someone, wouldn't it be better to revive Kirsche, who is actually helpful to town?

alright more rolespecs, I believe there are no scum among our masons now after the lynch and none of my buddies seem otherwise, therefore, I wouldn't like you guys talking further about who our 3rd member could be)

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