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School of Hard NOCs (take 2) - Game over!


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So I tried to make a content post before, only to realize that well...it's already all been posted. Still townreading SB/BBM/J/BT (wow, those last two are a total surprise), and weaker townreads on Shinori/Gorf (but townreads nontheless, just ones that I'm AS confident about). PoE at this point is Poly/ScarletFlame/Elieson. The former two should be obvious, but the Elieson read warrants some explanation. I agree that his D1 associations were townie and most people were less active on D2, but the fact that he didn't even make a single D2/D3 post bothers me (or if he did, I can't remember them for the life of me).

BBM, why would you be OK with lynching ScarletFlame if you're scumreading SB? Anyways, I agree that the kill was weird; would've expected scum to NK SB/BT. Probably should take a closer look at the dude since I've been dismissing him since ED2 and he has actual content to read (unlike everyone that I'd be willing to vote for at this point), but I don't think I'll get around to that until tonight.

I can get why people are voting ScarletFlame but I'd rather not stick on my vote on someone who's going to inevitably show up at deadline and hammer someone in lieu of giving any actual content; there's no point to doing so, and it's probably why this day phase has stagnated so much (also because I've been playing Radiant Historia, for I am the cogs in the wheels that drive town or something to that effect).

##Vote: Poly

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well ScarletFlame would be a good lynch since if we're out of vigshots I don't want an essentially unreadable slot alive for *YLO. Also there's probably two scum left and even if SB is scum, ScarletFlame is still less likely to be town than Elie/Poly IMO, so yeah.

Is Poly really more likely to respond to your vote than ScarletFlame owo (is that how you do it Mitsuki???)

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(yes, have you seen the difference in the number of posts between the two players; it's like, at least ONE post)

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i can dig refa's scumpool and agree that elie not posting is really discomforting. but i think lynching scarletflame toDay is more imperative cuz, well, in poly's defense AT LEAST poly will be able to give us content as his lynch approaches and maybe offer more as far as progression toward toMorrow.

also let's not forget that we have THREE scum left and that one of em is an itp. i usually don't like reading for itp's but since in this case the existence of one is confirmed i think it'll be very useful. with that being said...

i think the best bet for an itp would be j if scarlet/poly/elie don't flip it. aside from the hardcore disassociation from flipped scum his play's been relatively... minimalistic, for lack of a better word. his poly read was cool n his prims read was cooler but i feel like there's still something being held back from really progressing the game. i DON'T like that he's come in toDay not having any sort of direction (especially when he shrugged off refa when he asked who scum is if rapier flips scum). maybe he'll give more since the game's progressed but idk.

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Well yeah, that's why I'm voting Poly over ScarletFlame. I could consolidate on ScarletFlame, but I'd prefer this at the moment because at least I can get more reads out of the slot.

To be fair to J, I think his lack of activity today is understandable because birthday and all (and really, noone has been particularly active today, including yours truly). Other points are valid but meh; I'm notoriously bad at hunting for ITP's.

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meh posting what i had in my doc so far bc i can see myself getting distracted enough not to post tonight so sorry but you just get a listpost (towniest at top)

13. SB. - If you think a scum!Mayor exists in 10/4/1(?) then lmao

14. BT. - Obvious

8. #HBC J - Contrast his interactions with Prims to Mancer's. It's pretty obvious.

11. BBM - Imo Mancer was trying to push him as a counterwagon after my vote on him when it became obvious Randa wouldn't be wagoned.

2. Poly - Whoa what he has posts. I'm inclined to say he's town because the thoughts at least read as genuine, rather than him coasting along as scum? Idk.

10. Refa - Interactions are kind of bad on his side but I think his play is generally townie? Kind of in limbo atm but leaning town.

15. Elieson - Torn on him as his interactions are a mixed bag. His vote looks good but at the same time he didn't really say anything on Mancer except he was "town flailing" and then didn't commit to a vote until latephase? At the same time I don't think he would admit to have only skimmed his name as scum so shrug. I guess I'd put him as town, but it's fairly weak.

12. Shinori - I don't remember how to read Shinori rip. Null for now.

3. ScarletFlame - Imo he's nervous scum giving us nothing to work with right now + stuff I posted before.

I have no idea where Gorf fits in yet. I'm getting the same feelings I got from him last game (rip dude) so I guess that should point to town? Need to reread him to make sure.


okay i thought i posted this an hour ago. Lynching for ITPs when you have no idea how to find them loses town games (SFMM4). We have roles and claims to out them, if we need to. I'm not even certain that the ITP is hostile considering the numbers of Healer, so.

Thoughts on massclaim? We have a cop with at least two guaranteed reports since the godfather flipped, so that could help PoE things down quite a bit I guess.

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I'd say hold off on massclaiming until tomorrow. Thought process behind this is 1) the dude who most people want to lynch isn't going to be around to claim anyways, 2) cop may have gotten roleblocked/scanned someone who died during the night phase (or be Larsa I guess, but that'd be the worst so I hope not), and 3) lets the cop scan someone else tonight (I'm kind of assuming the roleblocker is scum in this scenario, because of their choice of targets).

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I'll be honest I have town reads but I don't quite have too many scum reads at the moment. I need to read more to get my thoughts more in line.

I really don't like the idea of lynching inactives though. Simply because of the fact that I hate it when inactives flip town and then we basically learn nothing and waste a day phase.

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meh SB is probably town; scum mayor in 10/4/1 probably isn't a thing and his responses were good I guess

should we just turbo scarletflame and then massclaim tomorrow?

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So yeah that's why I wanted Scarlet's claim. Shrug, I bet Mafia have some sort of protection against non-Mafia kills but yeah I'm not certain they wouldn't have blocked a kill on Town!Scarlet just so we could burn a lynch on the guy. -_-

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So yeah that's why I wanted Scarlet's claim. Shrug, I bet Mafia have some sort of protection against non-Mafia kills but yeah I'm not certain they wouldn't have blocked a kill on Town!Scarlet just so we could burn a lynch on the guy. -_-

Well, I don't see why a Town!Doctor would protect him considering yesterday, so we can safely remove that as a possibility. At this point, I'd say 1) there's a Scum!Doctor who was confident enough that his scumbuddies wouldn't get NK'd and targeted ScarletFlame because of your reasoning or 2) he just has a BPV and could be any alignment (including ITP because everyone always gives those guys BPV's).

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Manix subs in for ScarletFlame, as of right now. Also, phase extension because RL decided to be a pain in the ass and conflict with mafia. NEW phase end time is November 10 at 9:00 PM HST - that's an extra 24 hours.
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number of people who did not pick up on my past slots role: zero from memory

sup guys. i'm only really been skimming the thread, but gutreads were that refa is a scumlord (and due to rolestuff, inclined to agree)

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Maybe your action failed because Randa was dying anyway? That's more of a mod thing and it can go either way.

Nah, I'm sure that's not it. Let's just say I asked for now.

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i'm gonna claim anyway since people wanted my slot to clam

i'm jailer, targets where bbm n1 and BT n2

i also stop ~all~ actions on my target, as well as roleblock them

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