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SFMafia's Greatest Hits - Day 6


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I'm a Zombie-Treestump.

Welp, I stand corrected on Shinori. However, I do feel that his reactions were still legit, and that the way that Weapons executed his posts last day phase were terrible.

Moving on:


i lied. im a one-shot vig.

in short, i thought itd be smart to act like i have more than one shot cuz it puts the fear of death in scum, but then again the fact that im essentially a confirmed townie puts that same fear in scum via the numbers game. plus, yall might use your pr's to help me get a vig shot through, when in the end im pretty much a glorified vanilla townie. the risks of maintaining the lie just isnt worth it.

sorry ;_;

doc should still be on either me or weapons since were both confirmed town

Several things I don't like about this post:

1. Since when was weapons CONFIRMED town? Never. Shinori flipping as an ITP SK is true, sure. But finding/scanning and weeding out an SK doesn't make you insta-cleared town by any means. Scum have their own reasons for removing ITP, and thus it is not an action that Mafia wouldn't do just as much as townside would, and it's an easy way of gaining towncred with it.

2. You claiming that you're out of shots/a "glorified townie" basically fed scum team the knowledge that you are basically useless in terms of PR's on townside (if you even are town). Congratulations on narrowing down their options in terms of NK's- and if you're basically a vanilla at this point, then asking to be protected is pretty stupid IMO, since there's not a whole lot more you've to bring to the table for townside at this point minus words/a vote. Had you feigned holding more shots, you could've attempted to redirect scum kill attentions elsewhere, but since that didn't happen... Oh well.

3. Openly requesting X Y or Z protection to be on specific people like that is also kinda bad at this point- whether townside's protection roles exist or not, and/or whether they were likely to protect you two just makes it easier for scumside to read townsided actions. Once again, I do not feel as though this action/notion was really a good one.

4. On another note: You too (like weapons) are not necessarily cleared at this point; shooting someone who was (by public/the majority of our playerbase) the next highest priority on our list anyways doesn't really say/do much since he would've probs been lynched anyways this day phase. While I see your vig shot as possibly being more townie than the scan by Weapons, I don't see either of you two as being cleared fully at this point.

I will agree with some of the other posts though that Hannah's interactions have been pretty bad with the recent flips. Plus the fact that she hasn't really done much else to put things forward herself, her wagon/votes on her thus far seem reasonable at this point.

I'm a Zombie-Treestump.

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First of all, I'm LYNCHPROOF!!!! today. tl;dr one of my abilities makes me immune to lynch the day after we lynch a non-town. It's p. much a troll ability designed to make me look like a scum role when I claim buuuuuuuut I figured I'd get it out of the way now and not later since I don't really know what to do with it.


People I Would Not Lynch

Gorf: Shot mafia and has read as town all game anyway.

Lord Gaius: I think Gilgamesh quickhammering because he "wanted to test Gaius' claim" implies town!Gaius and his D2 content was much better than his D1 content and read town to me.

Marfsabers: Was Gilgamesh's attempt at a counterwagon to himself. Town. Also I like how Marf replaced the person with a Lucina avatar.

WeaponSnike: Town based on Gilgamesh trying to piggyback off his claim for cred. and tbh Weapons' sub-out read like demotivated town, assuming it's not related to IRL issues.

The Rest

Elieson: I'm putting him above everybody else because now that he's gotten his foot in the game I think it's pretty clear he's town on effort level, scum!Elie likes to coast.

BBM: Mancer was standard scummy. BBM has seemed off to me on account of his content being going for the ITP and some easy town-reads. BBM needs to make a read post and actually state who he prefers to lynch other than (I presume) Omega instead of just giving a blob of PoE.

Hannah: this reads list is super scummy; focus is distributed across the board and there's a lot of "I don't know" when she could just focus on who looks like mafia, easy way to feign content after being pressured for it without really giving any. most notably though Gilgamesh is the scummiest player to her and she... doesn't do anything about him. The entire day. She outright says she's willing to bet he's mafia but there's no vote.

J: looks really really bad in spite of Gilgamesh's flip just because he said... nothing about Gilgamesh all game, except to attack yoloswag. It adds to my frustration with J not talking about Weapons/Shinori; he's staying out of relevant arguments that town should have input on. I do think his approach to the game is different from what I saw from him as scum but the people who would know him better have all dismissed that and he's been sitting back all game. What gives?

YOLOSWAG: what are you doing? you've definitely had some level of suspicion on me and J but D2 you let those take a back seat to just jumping around the main wagons. now that the obvious targets are out of the way I'm hoping for more comprehensive content from you today as I can't tell if you're intentionally holding your cards close to your chest or are scum. also, why did you start out D2 preferring a Weapons lynch to Shinori?

##Vote: J

Lack of effort put into acknowledging anything other than his pet case on D2 has 180'd my read now that one of the main subjects yesterday flipped scum. It's an easy way for scum!J to not tie himself to any flips if he's not comfortable bussing. today I want J to post content ASAP instead of dawdling the whole day because it's too easy for him to blend in this way if he's scum. doesn't have to be perfect just Vote Somebody

My second choice would be Hannah; BBM / YOLO aren't as tied to the scumflip and I'd also like to get more to work with from them. FWIW I don't think YOLO/J is a thing. I can see Hannah/J because J's vote on her didn't actually go places. Hannah, if you're town you need to like... start voting people. I can't tell why you'd withhold your vote on Gilgamesh yesterday as town unless you don't know how votes work. We can't win the game without lynching scum and we can't lynch scum without voting them. Unless you're scum!

@Gaius: what are your reads on Hannah from a content perspective rather than a meta one? How cut-and-dry is her meta to you?

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I'm a Zombie-Treestump.

Welp, I stand corrected on Shinori. However, I do feel that his reactions were still legit, and that the way that Weapons executed his posts last day phase were terrible.

Moving on:

Several things I don't like about this post:

1. Since when was weapons CONFIRMED town? Never. Shinori flipping as an ITP SK is true, sure. But finding/scanning and weeding out an SK doesn't make you insta-cleared town by any means. Scum have their own reasons for removing ITP, and thus it is not an action that Mafia wouldn't do just as much as townside would, and it's an easy way of gaining towncred with it.

2. You claiming that you're out of shots/a "glorified townie" basically fed scum team the knowledge that you are basically useless in terms of PR's on townside (if you even are town). Congratulations on narrowing down their options in terms of NK's- and if you're basically a vanilla at this point, then asking to be protected is pretty stupid IMO, since there's not a whole lot more you've to bring to the table for townside at this point minus words/a vote. Had you feigned holding more shots, you could've attempted to redirect scum kill attentions elsewhere, but since that didn't happen... Oh well.

3. Openly requesting X Y or Z protection to be on specific people like that is also kinda bad at this point- whether townside's protection roles exist or not, and/or whether they were likely to protect you two just makes it easier for scumside to read townsided actions. Once again, I do not feel as though this action/notion was really a good one.

4. On another note: You too (like weapons) are not necessarily cleared at this point; shooting someone who was (by public/the majority of our playerbase) the next highest priority on our list anyways doesn't really say/do much since he would've probs been lynched anyways this day phase. While I see your vig shot as possibly being more townie than the scan by Weapons, I don't see either of you two as being cleared fully at this point.

I will agree with some of the other posts though that Hannah's interactions have been pretty bad with the recent flips. Plus the fact that she hasn't really done much else to put things forward herself, her wagon/votes on her thus far seem reasonable at this point.

I'm a Zombie-Treestump.

1. i retract my claim that weapons is pretty much confirmed town following elie's logic that a rolecop essentially fills that quota the same way, but the way everything went down yesterDay make me strongly believe in town!weapons

2. me being all but mod confirmed town (because it takes a shitload of balls to give scum a kill THAT BYPASSES NAR AND KILLS THE PLAYER IMMEDIATELY) is a threat because theres zero chance of me getting lynched, and me pretending to have shots could potentially influence town's prs in a negative way.

3. ive always known "x should be on y" to be a suggestion made by the person proclaiming it, much like when prims said the vig should be on gilgamesh yesterDay. i dont expect the doc to outright listen to me but its worth putting in my two cents.

4. ok eury

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gorf, why do you think Gilgamesh would vote the zerosabers/marth slot if they were buddies? He'd effectively be driving the day toward scum/scum wagons when scum had several not-them options at that point. especially given him trying to get a Shinori lynch later. I'm pretty sure he was just trying to save his hide.

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self awareness of his influence and position


lack of knowing anything else to talk about since voting dan was all that he did

to name a few

but im aware of the fact that its more likely they arent necessarily mates. i still think its a viable possibility though and am not willing to discredit it till i reread

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uhh OK so don't expect much activity from me this IRL day because not only am I going to the arcade in a few hours but more currently my internet is straight up not working for more than 5 seconds at a time right now and idk if this is going to be a long-lasting issue or what

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Work until 11PM today, home at 11:30, bed when i get home, work at 8-3 tomorrow. THEN I shall read and get back to everything, posting during my break right now. Will talk tomorrow, ignore the inactivity.

Mk, thanks, ciao all!

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tis a damn shame.

i say if we go the hannah-or-j route we lynch hannah first. off memory scum!hannah incriminates scum!j more than the other way around, and ill be sure to substantiate this stance more soon enough. too bad hannah opted to not write up the post at all during the Night, wouldve been a beneficial move to her play in general, and possibly to her position in the game.

@hannah dont take this as demotivation to make that post, it may very well still save you from being lynched, as well as aid you in the process of finding scum. just cuz i may have been wrong doesnt mean the scumhunting process isnt outlined well.

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@Prims- why wouldn't I go for the confirmed ITP who was also 95% likely to be harmful? I'm also not sure what you want in terms of "who is scum" from me because with the Gilgamesh flip as scum it should be fairly obvious that I think Omega and J are the scumteam.

Omega > J > Hannah is my order of lynch.

##Vote: Omega

I'm going to reread Hannah after I eat dinner (90% sure SB would re-roll a 3p scumteam with two newbs though) but Omega's play this entire game has been hopping around on main wagons and asking people he's not sure about to give their opinions on other people he's unsure about. A few posts where he was pressing J on D2 was his only moment where he ever did anything with all the questions he asked or talked about the answers. It reminds me of that old scum meta I used to have of just asking questions. His content other than that is "Weapons is wack", "Prims seems to be off" and agreeing with Prims on "I just feel Mancer is scum in my bones".

Omega, who do you want to lynch first out of me, J, and Hannah?

Gorf, what do you think of Omega?

for anyone who's curious the reason I thought Gilgamesh might have townslipped is that I thought his flavour would be Darros from NSFMM5 claiming Voyeur instead of Follower, and that buddies would have told him that his "voyeur" was actually a follower. But then I guess his buddies didn't even for the non-Darros flavour. gg

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I feel I have cracked the game. I'll make a post tonight who is the remaining two scum and power through them.

I'm gonna re-read first.


(j/k this game is hella interesting)

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i think omega is a non priority at this point. he plays like he did D1-2 as town more often than he does as scum (not to say its painfully easy to replicate as scum but still). since hes probz gonna stop playing so cryptically i figured i may as well reveal the meta. its a weird but really smart philosophy if played right, and while it makes him a pain to read, it makes reading others players' reactions toward him VERY interesting.

his play isnt scummy in a similar way mancers isnt. his play is part of the reason i am weary of lynching players off the basis of "theyre not doing anything so what gives?" is he a town read? no. but id rather see hannah j or zero go before him since theyre tangibly scummy rather than scummy by omission.

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why should I vote who other people think are scum instead of who I think is scum? There's no 1v1 or dichotomy between Hannah and J either; people are just narrowing down to them because there have been a lot of obvtown people and they aren't. I mean, you're probably right in that one of them is scum but I'm also confident that 2/3 of you/Hannah/J are scum.

and how about you stop wondering whether or not people are scum and start trying to actually figure it out? that's when I'll reconsider my opinion on you.

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Marth not having posted since his sub-in post is worrying enough for me to drop that slot down to my weakest townread but ultimately I still don't see the hyperaggressiveness coming from newbscum. I also think Prims makes a good point about the Gilgamesh interactions with zero.

I personally feel like there is literally no point in playing the way that Omega is when I know he knows how to give reasons for opinions, other than like, having a playstyle that's easy to replicate when you roll scum. But playing the metagame is lame.

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@Prims, Her content is not so good to be blunt. Her lack of placing a vote is probably what worries me the most. I wouldn't object to her lynch, but would much rather have J gone today. What do you mean by cut and dry? If it means how reliable, then I usually know can guess her alignment, but it might be different here.

Speaking of Prims, what's your flavor for your role? Claim is pretty alignment neutral, and you handled it in a townie way. His reads post is pretty OK by my books as well.

I'd also lynch Yolo today. Even though I'm not getting the same Thousand Names vibes and tone, he's just asking questions, and he doesn't do anything with his answers. If J flips scum, I can see Yolo/J because Yolo loves himself a good bus. Wouldn't pursue before J/Hannah.

I also can't wait for J's post African.

I want to reread Prims before dismissing him as a townread.

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Marth not having posted since his sub-in post is worrying enough for me to drop that slot down to my weakest townread but ultimately I still don't see the hyperaggressiveness coming from newbscum. I also think Prims makes a good point about the Gilgamesh interactions with zero.

I personally feel like there is literally no point in playing the way that Omega is when I know he knows how to give reasons for opinions, other than like, having a playstyle that's easy to replicate when you roll scum. But playing the metagame is lame.

latching onto incredibly easy targets is a trait many a scum possess. yolo looks the part.

if you look at his play closely there's certainly ties to other players; he revealed gilgamesh to be the lurker he was before it was cool and he made j expose himself in D1, two things i would be kind of surprised to see from a town!yolo, regardless of j's alignment (i'd understand the scum logic behind fosing gilgamesh if he was town but he aint town now is he). those two are just notable actions he did off the top of my head, but still very real. subtle, sure, but definitely real.

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Oh, so you are denying that you are a third party, huh? Interesting, either you or Weapons is lying and if it is you, I wonder why you would want to hide your role if it isn't malicious to the town?

I thought we made it a point that Gaius's role had to be tested after his quick Hammerer claim, no? I did get the hammer, yes, but if it wasn't going to be me, it was going to be someone else.

What are you on about? I did not say that Dan was a town read(A null result for me), I only said that his "overdefensiveness" by itself is not a pointing problem to him being scum. In the case of Dan vs Zero, Zero was the better result for me at the time because like I said she seemed to at least have some weight behind her reasonings.

I am glad that you brought this up then. Quite honestly out of the few Mafia games that I have played, I have never even heard of such a thing as it seemed like something that would be in a bastard game. Well, it helps Weapons in that case and I don't see why he would do this and then claim to be a third party investigative role.

Just for future reference, here are all of my current reads:


Eclipse: Like I said before, she gives me a strong feel of being town with her adequate scum-hunting and reads.

Gorf: His odd manner of posts in D1 aroused my suspicions at first, but in D2 I see his actions as benefiting the town

Prims: Like Eclipse he is a good "town leader" and makes good arguments about his findings.


Weapons: I was very skeptical of the whole "No Role PM" bullshit, but then it was brought up that this was an actual thing that some games have done. Well, it certainly was brave of him to quickly confirm that he did get his role at the beginning of the day.

Elieson: He makes some nice observations here and there.

Mancer: The inactivity really hurts(Like I am one to talk), but he is going to get sub'd, right? So I'll see how his replacement will handle it.

Hannah: As noted by Lord Gaius, I did have her in my "town" radar in D1, but that was only because I thought Hannah was just being 'cute" and new to say the least.

J- At the moment I am not sure what to make of him.

Leaning scum:

Omega: All the small postings and suspicions and yet doesn't tend to make strong cases for why he believes so.

Zero: I wish she didn't get replaced at such a critical time. She instigated the Dan wagon and made a few other worrying posts like going after Mancer for being inactive. Perhaps a lynch on her would be beneficial.


FoS: Shinori

FoS: Omega

Goddamn it, it's freaking after 3 in the morning, I should be damn asleep. >_>

If anyone has more questions to ask me, I'll answer them when I get out of work.

from this post, i still don't quite see the zero distance, but i DO notice his hannah read and checked the post from where it stemmed. literally the only mention of hannah was that she was a town lean for... no particular reason. now i DO remember there being some form of player consensus that involved getting good vibes from hannah D1, but it wasn't all that big and there were CERTAINLY other players that he could've included in that incredibly short original list. but he included eclipse and hannah. here, he states his reasons for feeling that way were the cute and new vibes. but there's absolutely nothing else tacked onto the end of that. it's a sensible association but not much else aside from that. it's also worth noting that out of the full reads list that had at least SOME sort of rationale behind every read (including the null ones), j and hannah are the ones without any sort of rhyme or reason.

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All I know is that dandragon's overdefensiveness is actually pretty town, if you think about it. Also I kind of want to live dangerously.

##Unvote, ##Vote: zerosabers

I say let them hammer. The pressure is real.

still laugh every time. g shit weapons

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I'll post in this later, I just got home from work and I have a few other things to deal with first.

But congratulations to Prims for not being a third!

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