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mia is ridiculous

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Proof: A conversation during a random GM chapter.

Ike: So how's everyone holding up? I have a bunch of resources to give out, but don't know who should get them.

Titania: I'm alright. I really want a speedwing though.

Haar: Tough luck, I want one too.

Gatrie: I really want a crown.

Oscar: Too bad, I want one too.

Ranulf: Is there an energy drop or adept scroll lying around? I'd appreciate one.

Ulki: Hey, I want one too!

Janaff: I'd like either one of them, or BEXP to reach level 30 for Tear earlier.

Neph: Hey, I want BEXP too.

Mia: Hey guys, what's going on?

Titania: Nothing much. We're arguing about who should get resources.

Mia: Oh, I beat you all to it already.

Everyone: ???

Mia: I took the adept scroll for myself.

Everyone: YOU SON OF A-

Mia: But that's not all! I also took the cancel scroll and a super forge, and I secretly supported Ike when no one was looking!

Soren: Ike! I can't believe you cheated on me!

Ike: Wait a minute-

Boyd: WTF? We only have two earth affinities in the entire team! Why do YOU get to support Ike?

Mia: Because I've been predetermined to be the best with it!

Titania: But everyone benefits from things such as the earth support, so why do you get it and not me?

Mia: Well, because you with the earth support is inferior to me with the earth support, adept, cancel, and forge, so therefore I'm better, and therefore I get the support and you don't.

Titania: *facepalm*

Shinon: Why do you need all that stuff anyway?

Mia: Well, the truth is...

*rhys walks in*

Mia: I need it to keep up with Rhys.

Everyone: ????

Rhys: You could say she... *puts on sunglasses* likes my staff.

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There are almost a half dozen regular posters here who could ably defend any number of Mia's merits. However, smash will not engage any of them in a good faith debate. Instead, we get juvenile potshot threads like this one, complete with misrepresented arguments and tortured logic.

Any time that you want to grow up and have an adult discussion, smash, just say the word.

EDIT: by the way, you know that word "trolling" that you use to inappropriately describe anyone who disagrees with you? This thread is real trolling. Which, I beleive, also makes it ironic.

Edited by Interceptor
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I don't know why I bother. Even Int didn't bother. I think I just like typing.

Well, I wouldn't expect someone like smash to understand optimal distribution of resources anyway. Seriously, Ike needs a support since he needs his bonus, he also needs someone to not slow him down. That basically leaves him with 3 options:




Everyone else either has less move than him (Gatrie) or doesn't get nearly durable enough with the earth support or doesn't have the offence now that everything is attacking it rather than Ike or a combination of all 3.

So in order to not give Ike an anchor that keeps him back from enemies to prevent a squishy support partner from dying from the abuse to which we can subject Ike, or simply to not give Ike a partner that kills nothing, we go with one of those 3.

Haar doesn't need earth. Sure, it might mean he doesn't need healing as often, but really he's fine as is. Also, without the speedwing and later on a crown he'll eventually have offence problems anyway, and chances are for part 4 he'll have doubling issues no matter what. Also, it'll lock him to 4-1 and 4-4 and he's a flier. What he can do with 26 speed in 4-P and then even if he's not doubling what he can do in 4-3... Plus he's got flight in other chapters and a habit of going off to different places because that's the reason we say "flying utility". Well, that and ignoring terrain. Ike holds Haar back if Ike wants to keep his avo.

Titania has those annoying movement issues and even with the 1-E speedwing and promoting around 3-10 or 3-11 she'll miss out on a fair number of doubles, and never double swordmasters. Mainly though it's 3-5, 3-7, 4-4. Also, she'll have to hang back instead of him. (Oh, and that's two characters that need a speedwing, and since you think deploying Ilyana in 1-E is a bad idea, well... I'd rather have a flying speedwing user than a mounted speedwing user, so Titania now has 21 speed and has even worse offence.) Also there's the part 4 issues where 27 speed doesn't cut it and she spends half of each map getting levels to resume doubling.

That basically leaves Mia.

Sure, smash, you can go ahead and give Ike to someone not in the three I mentioned, but then Ike can't go full speed anymore and even if his partner can survive that partner will leave so much more alive that it's slowing you down anyway.

But go ahead and distribute cancel, vantage, adept, Ike, and a critforge to any of those other units you like, maybe even all 5 things to the same unit (only soren can have adept + vantage + cancel, and Haar in tier 3, and Ranulf at level 30 can have all 3 and Rend) and go ahead and see the difference. The tier list is about efficiency, it's not called "Soviet Fire Emblem". Distribution of resources is to achieve an efficient playthrough, not to make sure everyone has a piece of the pie. Considering Soren isn't going to be durable with his 18 to 23 speed and all those skills and Ike, there's no point. Haar doesn't need it once he's tier 3 anyway. Nobody else can combine vantage + cancel + adept, so there's no reason not to give Mia cancel since she's the only unit capable of ever using it on enemy phase, and on player phase she's still outperforming with it. So go ahead and give vantage + cancel to a unit that won't have adept or a good crit rate and see how often that prevents getting attacked on enemy phase. Even give them Ike if you want. Then go ahead and give a critforge to someone else and see ~7 crit of it get washed away by enemy luck. Wow, what a good use of that money getting an 8% crit rate. And adept on a unit that doesn't double and only has ~21 speed? Wow, 21% adept rate vs. 51%. Oh boy.

And you seriously suggested giving Ranulf adept? Apparently you like only being able to use skills for about half the time. Also on things he actually ORKOs normally you now give him a chance to only get 1 wexp rather than 2, causing it to take even longer before he gets S strike.

The other hilarious idea is giving the 3-3 crown to Oscar of all people. Int has a link you should probably click on and scroll through for stuff about Oscar and the 3-3 crown. Also read some of the other posts around that for why Oscar getting that crown is absurd. You really don't care much about offence when the units you like are bad at it, do you? I'll take your lack of response to mean that this is your stance on offence. And just as an fyi, there is enough bexp to give Janaff tear and other units stuff as well. Sure, it's not like NM, but you get enough to spread it out as long as you aren't trying to give units 3 levels at a time. Of course, if you are saving all your bexp so that Aran can not suck in part 4 then I guess I see why you'd think there is an issue letting Nephenee have some and letting Janaff have some. Because as your rating topic indicates somehow giving Aran all that bexp is similar "favouritism" to giving Elincia paragon in 4-2. I suppose Int and I still haven't taught you that not all favouritism is created equal, and since you now have us on ignore I guess you'll never learn it. Nor will you ever learn that you distribute resources in this game with the goal of optimising team performance, rather than making sure everyone gets something.

Oh, funny note, she's actually better than Ike in 4-4. Sure, it's only one chapter, but it's funny. Also unless you slowplayed Ike to get 27 or 28 speed before promotion she'll be better than him in 4-1 as well. Sure, it requires giving her stuff, including the Ike support, but nobody else can say that even with the Ike support and whatever else you want to give them. Even Nailah lacks the 2 range, so she's not winning in 4-4. Aside from 2 generals in 4-4 that Nailah ORKOs, Mia has similar 1 range because she ORKOs everything else too, and against generals they'll have similar procs when given stuff. Then Mia grabs a tempest and ORKOs warriors, etc from 2 range. Ike doesn't double swordmasters, Mia does, and Ike doesn't ORKO generals anyway and Mia will have a better proc rate when both are given stuff. Also when both are given nothing but their best weapons.

So smash will never read it and I think most others already understood it, so I don't have an explanation for why I typed all this except for 2 reasons:

1: I like typing stuff about RD and nothing is currently happening in the tier list topic.

2: Considering there hasn't been any defences aside from stating that smash doesn't get it I thought it would be good to actually have some details in this topic in case anyone might be swayed by smash's biases.

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Gatrie also takes harsher terrain penalties than Ike, for example it costs him 3 mov to go through a single thicket, using all of it up if he goes through 2, wheras Ike can move through 3 thickets in one turn and another panel if my calculations are right thanks to 1 more mov and 1 less cost. A ledge has Ike with 4 move left, Gatrie only 2.

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Haar's too busy taking naps all the time to worry about resources. I bet he lost his eye because he fell asleep on the battlefield and somebody shot it out :P

*starts to read Narga's post, stops* Dude this is meant to be funny, you don't have to get all technical.

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Celerity would solve that issue.

But it's true, it's not like it's just Mia who wants the Earth support. Boyd doesn't get bad once he got an Earth support swallowed into him (granted he might want Oscar due to the speed of the support, but the Mov gap). Eh, some things are justified.

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Haar's too busy taking naps all the time to worry about resources. I bet he lost his eye because he fell asleep on the battlefield and somebody shot it out :P

*starts to read Narga's post, stops* Dude this is meant to be funny, you don't have to get all technical.

If it was anybody else, I'd agree with you. Being smash, though, I find it unlikely it's just supposed to be funny. If it was, he'd put it in his "Gatrie is ridiculous" topic. That's where all of his "funny" ideas go.

Celerity would solve that issue.

I didn't go into too much detail with Gatrie simply because it's a waste of earth. He's not dying with that crown, he already needs very little healing. It'd be the difference between healing him once every 4 turns and once every 7 turns or something. Meanwhile, Mia can be made unstoppable with it and you give that up to get...what?

But it's true, it's not like it's just Mia who wants the Earth support. Boyd doesn't get bad once he got an Earth support swallowed into him (granted he might want Oscar due to the speed of the support, but the Mov gap). Eh, some things are justified.

And Boyd's offence isn't as great. Give him anything it still pails in comparison. Also, he has more hp and similar defence. A base higher by 2 and an extra .1 in his growth, but really his #HKOs is only generally going to be one higher than Mia's. He's not going to be nearly as unhittable as Mia, so he's not likely to be more durable. Also, he doesn't double anything. Giving him Ike basically means his only way of killing anything is a killer axe. You could give him adept, but him with adept and a killer axe will have around half Mia's proc rate, and only a little more damage than a single hit from her since a killer axe only has 10 mt. So when he doesn't pull a crit, he does far less damage than she does. Also, since a killer in his hands will usually 3HKO, adept alone isn't enough and all it does is increase his chance of critting. Which is why I should say less than half Mia's proc rate. Give him a crit forge, he's 2HKOing, sure, but his crit rate drops from ~24% to ~9%. So a low chance of critting and a low chance of adept is still less than half Mia's proc. And he's still doing less damage when he doesn't proc than when she doesn't proc.

The point isn't just that a unit gets a durability increase, it's that they are now tied to "storm the enemy" Ike and drawing all the enemies. If you don't kill at least a few things, you are slowing everything down because there are more enemies on player phase to clean up and it's possible some enemies won't even move since all Boyd's facings could get blocked off. Then there is an enemy nearby with full hp that sometimes causes walling. Plus he's going to have a higher chance to die than Mia. Also since he'll get hit more he'll need healing more. Mia ends up needing very little healing, so Mist and Rhys can go do something else. Or Boyd loses a player phase self healing. A player phase made all the more important by the fact Boyd left more enemies alive at the end of enemy phase.

Point is, everyone else slows Ike down.

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Kind of funny though

You're right, this thread is kind of funny. Although, it's George Will funny, aka unintentional humor.:

Titania: But everyone benefits from things such as the earth support, so why do you get it and not me?

Mia: Well, because you with the earth support is inferior to me with the earth support, adept, cancel, and forge, so therefore I'm better, and therefore I get the support and you don't.

Titania: *facepalm*

Scene: 3-3

Enemy: Random Halberdier with 20 AS, 37 HP and 19 DEF.

Mia at -/9, a C support with absolutely anyone, and a Plain Steel Blade: doubles, 3HKOs, 2RKOs, 19% chance to ORKO via a crit. Upon failure to ORKO, 30mt from someone else is needed to finish the job.

Titania at -/16, support doesn't matter, Speedwing, Adept, forged Steel Axe with max crit and max mt: does not double, 2HKOs, 2RKOs, 23% chance of ORKO via Adept activation, 13% chance of ORKO via crit, 33% chance of one or the other. Upon failure to ORKO, 34mt is needed to finish.

Yay, I gave Titania a whole bunch of favoritism, and against this unit which appears 14 times in the chapter, she only manages to beat Mia by 14% ORKO on offense. And when they whiff the ORKO, Mia's enemy is easier to followup kill. Titania is so awesome.

Hey, I've got an idea, let's do the same thing again, except give Mia a critforge instead of a Blade.

Mia at -/9, a C support with absolutely anyone, and a critforge: doubles, 3HKOs, 2RKOs, 43.75% chance to ORKO via a crit. Upon failure to ORKO, 28mt from someone else is needed to finish the job. Boyd could OHKO it with a Bronze Axe.

Oh look, now Mia is beating Titania on offense almost as badly as Titania was just beating her on this particular enemy, and we've hardly given her anything at all.

Of course, this is only one specific situation/enemy, and ignored durability, but the myopia standard has already been set by the OP.

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Kind of funny though

You're right, this thread is kind of funny. Although, it's George Will funny, aka unintentional humor.:

Titania: But everyone benefits from things such as the earth support, so why do you get it and not me?

Mia: Well, because you with the earth support is inferior to me with the earth support, adept, cancel, and forge, so therefore I'm better, and therefore I get the support and you don't.

Titania: *facepalm*

Scene: 3-3

Enemy: Random Halberdier with 20 AS, 37 HP and 19 DEF.

Mia at -/9, a C support with absolutely anyone, and a Plain Steel Blade: doubles, 3HKOs, 2RKOs, 19% chance to ORKO via a crit. Upon failure to ORKO, 30mt from someone else is needed to finish the job.

Titania at -/16, support doesn't matter, Speedwing, Adept, forged Steel Axe with max crit and max mt: does not double, 2HKOs, 2RKOs, 23% chance of ORKO via Adept activation, 13% chance of ORKO via crit, 33% chance of one or the other. Upon failure to ORKO, 34mt is needed to finish.

Yay, I gave Titania a whole bunch of favoritism, and against this unit which appears 14 times in the chapter, she only manages to beat Mia by 14% ORKO on offense. And when they whiff the ORKO, Mia's enemy is easier to followup kill. Titania is so awesome.

Hey, I've got an idea, let's do the same thing again, except give Mia a critforge instead of a Blade.

Mia at -/9, a C support with absolutely anyone, and a critforge: doubles, 3HKOs, 2RKOs, 43.75% chance to ORKO via a crit. Upon failure to ORKO, 28mt from someone else is needed to finish the job. Boyd could OHKO it with a Bronze Axe.

Oh look, now Mia is beating Titania on offense almost as badly as Titania was just beating her on this particular enemy, and we've hardly given her anything at all.

Of course, this is only one specific situation/enemy, and ignored durability, but the myopia standard has already been set by the OP.

And now we give Mia earth support so that she can do that everywhere, rather than just player phase and sometimes some enemies on enemy phase. Hence why she gets the earth support, because it unlocks what is often the best non-Ike offence on the team. In fact, if Ike is a little slow getting speed, she's sometimes the best.

Okay, Shinon exists on player phase, but earth isn't helping his enemy phase issues. Gatrie is better from 3-4 to 3-8 if he has a crown, then needs a speed proc to continue being better. But he doesn't need earth either.

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rofl @ all the mia fanboys

I actually typed up a mia vs janaff argument for the tier topic, but I know it was probably going to be brushed aside, so I never posted it, but now would be a good time.

I think it's appropriate to start in the beginning with her lol 3-P and 3-1.

27 Mia, wo dao

24.0 atk, 28.0 AS, 175.0 hit, 42.8 crit - - 89.0 avo, 34.0 hp, 13.0 def, 8.0 res, 18.0 critavo

25 Soren, elwind

29.0 atk, 18.0 AS, 158.0 hit, 10.3 crit - - 62.0 avo, 28.0 hp, 9.0 def, 21.0 res, 11.0 critavo

If she switches to steel sword, she gets +2 att, but also loses 20 crit, which is probably a losing trade. It would depend on the enemy.

Against halbs who have like 36 HP/18 def/13 res, Mia does double 6s and Soren does 16. She'd need a crit to outdo Soren's damage. Only, since Soren already does 16 damage, it leaves these halbs at 20 HP, in which case it only takes 38 att (or 28 x 2) to finish it off. Gatrie, Ike (usually, if he doubles), Titania, and Shinon all reach this already. On the other hand, if Mia lands a crit, she leaves it at 12 HP, so you need 30 att to finish it off, and this will now include Oscar and Boyd. Unfortunately, if she doesn't crit, she leaves it at 24 HP, in which case it's 42 att (or 30 x 2) to finish it off. Chances are the only people who are going to accomplish this are Ike and Shinon. So about half the time she'll let Boyd/Oscar finish an enemy (halbs have ~13 lck, so her crit drops to ~30, so ~51% of the time she lands a crit), and the other half of the time she won't let Gatrie or Titania finish it. That looks even to me.

If she uses steel sword, her damage is now the same as Soren's, but since her crit rate goes to hell, she's very unlikely to let Boyd or Oscar finish off an enemy.

Warriors have like, 40 HP/15 def/9 res, which means Soren borderline 2HKOs @ 20 damage. Mia does double 9s (double 11s with steel sword), so she's not really any better unless she gets a lucky crit.

Snipers are about the same as warriors (less HP, but marginally more def/res).

SMs have 33 HP/15 def/11 res. Mia can't one round without a crit, and Soren knocks off enough HP for even Oscar to finish it off (so Mia lets, like, Rolf/Mist finish them off). These guys do double and 2HKO Soren though, but Soren can generally avoid their attack on player phase, plus if Mia attacks, she might get critted and OHKO'd, depending on what the SM is using. Of course, the crit rate is only 3, but since apparently Aran is terribad for facing 1 crit, Mia is equally bullshit.

The lulzy part are generals though, who have something like 38 HP/23 def/13 res. This means Soren does 16 damage which is a 3HKO, and Mia shouldn't even waste her time on them. Like, 7RKO assuming every attack is a crit. lolwut

Oh, at least she wins sages, except they're bullshit enemies because Mia can't even one round them without a crit, and Soren does enough damage to them that everyone except Rolf/Mist/Rhys can kill them.

Defensively, Mia might take an extra hit. Maybe. A lot of enemies have 30+ att, in which case both are 2HKO'd, so it's not always applicable. Annnnnnd... she might dodge. Might. Most enemies have 30-40 hit on her though, so I wouldn't call that very reliable, especially since I have far superior and reliable options to tank. I'd rather stick one of Ike/Gatrie/Titania/Oscar to be tanking. Hell, even Shinon. I'd rather not die and waste a few opportunities to counter than have someone die on me.

Soren's 2-range will ALWAYS let him avoid the counter, unless the enemy has 1-2 range, or for some reason he has to take a counter (like if it's a steel axe warrior and the only spaces to attack it are at 1-range). His enemy phase is terrible, but his 2-range allows him to fire over someone's head and not get pwned in the face.

Grats Mia, you may or may not be better than the worst fighter on the team that's not named rolf.

Well, at least 3-2 comes along and she can finally get a decent weapon, right?

Oh wait, 3-2 is an loladin swarm, thrown in with a bunch of dracos and sages and generals who largely have 17 or less spd (and there are a very few halbs/SMs), which means even people like Oscar and Titania can double, and Haar has a shot at doubling, and Gatrie can double a few things, which is funny because these guys pwn the crap out of these enemies. The tankiest paladins have 38 HP/19 def, which means Titania/Haar/Gatrie 2HKO every paladin with ease (and Titania having the easiest time doubling), and Oscar might be 2HKOing if he's using the silver greatlance from 2-E or something (or use killer lance, since he 3-4HKOs and doubles). There's the horseslayer anyway.

In fact, Shinon is probably better, on fucking enemy phase (on player phase he pwns the crap out of her). This is because the paladins like to hit and run, which means you can be taking a lot of hits on a single turn. Shinon just tanks and never dies because his durability is about as retarded as Ike's. Mia gets hit twice and is actually worried about dying.

3-3 is a little different, granted, since it's not loaded with slow enemies, and actually has enough warriors and halbs and stuff to worry about.

But wait. Since apparently it's fine for Mia to get EARTH AFFINITY ADEPT OTHER CRAP, I think it's fine to start throwing in crap for my other guys. Let's take Titania and give her a speedwing.

Oops, now Titania has Ike-level offense. No wait, it's probably better (their spd is about the same, Titania actually has more att, and her 2-range is better since hand axes don't fail at life. And they're forgable by 3-7). Unless you want to suggest that Mia beats Ike in offense (which will make you the laughingstock of the board, as the only chapter Mia beats Ike in offense is 4-4 since it's a BS chapter with its generals reaching up to 27 spd wtfisthisshit), you should give up on this argument.

Speaking of 3-3, we get the crown here, which means we can throw it on Gatrie or something and have him put everyone else out of a job because now he one rounds everything and never dies.

3-4 has cliffs, so I suppose Titania is out of a job. However, Ranulf comes in her stead, which is equally lulzy because he has a double digit lead in HP and def, which means that while Mia is buttlocked to Ike, Ranulf just goes wherever the fuck he wants, and the only thing he has to do to stay alive is spam grasses. Mordy also joins, which means I can throw resolve on him and now HE puts everyone else out of a job because he one rounds everything and never dies. And because ledges, Ranulf and Mordy have a gigantic mobility lead on Mia.

3-5 Ranulf and Mordy disappear for now, but Titania (and Oscar for that matter) are back, and it's hilarious because it's another loladin swarm, which means Titania/Gatrie go back to raping everything in sight, Haar does the same if he got a speedwing, and Oscar uses killer lance or horseslayer or something.

So Mia sucks hard in 3-P and 3-1, loses to liek half the team until Janaff joins, and then gets her ass kicked forever afterwards.

Clearly Mia wins.

oh w8...


Right, so Mia gets all that, and Janaff gets absolutely nothing.

Someone tell me what's wrong with this picture.

What everyone fails to realize is taht, regardless of whether or not Mia is the best candidate for all that crap (which is bullshit, since Ranulf/Ulki, and fuck even Janaff, have the same or more spd as Mia until she promotes, and by the time that happens we get the DB and some other people joining in, and that's just for adept), she's still preventing other teammates from using those resources. For example, if I were to not use Mia and throw in Janaff instead, I could have something like...

Soren or Boyd or Titania or whatever with Ike's earth support

Ranulf or whatever with adept

unit X with whatever else the fuck mia's getting. I lost track of how much favoritism Mia received.

It should be stupidly obvious that Soren/Boyd/Titania/whoever with Ike support >>> Soren/Boyd/whoever without Ike support, and that Ranulf with adept >>> Ranulf without adept, and so on. Thus, Mia has to overcome these disadvantagesbefore she can even start winning.

Well, it's not like anyone's stance of "X UNIT USES THE RESOURCE BEST THUS WE CAN IGNORE THE DRAWBACKS OF GIVING X UNIT THAT RESOURCE" will help Mia here, since I can apply the same bullshit logic to Janaff and an energy drop.

Watch this.

Janaff with an energy drop gets +4 att transformed. Since he doubles, that's +8 damage.

Beorc that doesn't double only gets +2 damage, so they're obviously out.

Beorcs that do double only get +4 damage total, which is obviously still worse than +8 damage. Several beorcs that do double are people like Shinon who one rounds everything anyway. BTW, Mia's a terrible candidate for one, because her cap is stupidly low.

Laguz that don't double get +4 damage. Except laguz that don't double would benefit more from something like resolve or a speedwing.

Other laguz that double get the same +8 damage that Janaff gets. Unfortunately, this is largely limited to Ranulf and Ulki (the only other laguz that double are either crap like Nealuchi or Vika, or are royals who don't need it as they one round everything anyway). However, since Ranulf and Ulki have 4 less att than Janaff, this means the energy drop just lifts them to Janaff's level. What this means is that, if Janaff is not one rounding already, then having Ranulf and Ulki being at Janaff's att level will not let them one round. On the other hand, if the energy drop is enough to let Ranulf/Ulki 2HKO, then that means Janaff doesn't even need it in the first place.

And you get 3 energy drops anyway. On the other hand, we only have one Ike support.

Oh snap, it looks like Janaff is getting an energy drop, at which point he starts soloing maps by spamming olivi grass because he one rounds everything and never dies.

"but samsh, janaff gauge"

If Janaff were to take so many attacks where he might accidentally untransform prematurely, Mia would already be dead (unless Mia got favoritism and Janaff didn't, lawl).

Janaff more than makes up for this by having flying and canto anyway, which means he can just smoke a grass and canto to Reyson (who's extremely unlikely to ever chant 4 people simultaneously, since not everyone on the team has canto and/or can move directly adjacent to Reyson for a chant, so chances are there'd be a free slot for Janaff to move to), and then just go back into the action in the same turn. The gauge problem goes away entirely by 4-E anyway, thanks to the laguz gems (and before anyone talks about Janaff taking these gems away from other laguz, keep in mind that Mia is taking the SS swords away from other people like Zihark). Plus, a grass just means he loses a player phase, not being entirely useless or whatever it's being exaggerated to.

Flying is just ridiculously awesome to begin with. It's great for the wtfswamp in 3-7 which means Janaff just goes wherever he pleases while Mia eats his dust. It's great for plugging potholes in 3-11, since without fliers all our footunits would be sitting around with their thumbs up their asses because the enemies are gay and use shine barriers everywhere. He rapes 4-3 because it's desert. 4-4 isn't too bad either because of the load of ledges, or 4-5 because of the swamp again. 4-E-1 has gaps, which means he can fly off and take out the siege tome sages or the sleep bishop or something, which are probably the most annoying enemies in the map. 4-E in general has loads of uber defensive tiles, as well as dragons with uber tide skills, and Janaff's canto means he's great at abusing them. Use a dragon tide and canto off to let someone else use it, or attack something and canto to a cover tile, etc.

And this is all just off the top of my head.

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I actually typed up a mia vs janaff argument for the tier topic, but I know it was probably going to be brushed aside, so I never posted it, but now would be a good time.

Merits of your post aside, dubious though they might be, what is the point of going through the trouble of making a tl;dr and then not posting it? It makes no sense to claim that you refrained in order to avoid being brushed aside, aka ignored, since there's a 100% chance of it being ignored as it sits on your computer. Are you afraid that people are going to tear your post to smithereens?

Well, it's a moot point, I suppose, since that's what's about to happen.

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I will point out now is that smash didn't give Mia adept in 3-P or 3-1.

plus if Mia attacks, she might get critted and OHKO'd, depending on what the SM is using. Of course, the crit rate is only 3, but since apparently Aran is terribad for facing 1 crit, Mia is equally bullshit.

The big difference being that Aran faces 1-2 crit every time he attacks in 1-4 (unless he procs LCK, in which case he faces 1 crit from half the map), while Mia faces 2-3 crit from three enemies who she might not even end up facing.

I'll edit more in if I feel like.

Edited by nflchamp
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