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Doomsday Clock Mafia - Town/ITP Win


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BBM I dunno about others but my problem with your townreads are that they're all based on D1 shenanigans and it feels like you never reconsidered them at all.

If the entire really is full of inactives Idk what to say, I'd be really mad >_>

Ok, FWIW, I think BBM making multiple posts to defend his townreads isn't something I expect him to do as scum, so he's at the bottom of my lynch priority atm.

Also I HIGHLY DOUBT that the scumteam is among Poly/Elie/Eury/Shinori BUT I think he's right as far as the Shinori scumread goes. I saw Shinori read the thread earlier but not post anything, btw. I think this play is similar to his recent scum games where he initially posts a flurry of content/ big walls and then goes inactive. ITTD, ICINSFMM4, British(IDGAF he flipped scum in that game so I think its fine for me to mention this)

Most of the cases on kisrche have sucked so far because they keep harping on his ED1 play and tone. The only good case on kirsche is from Mitsuki, who I'm also scumreading lol. I don't get why kirsche voted Eli over me though, because I'm guilty of the same things he's accusing Eli of.( And I don't think w/e Eli has done is scummy at all)

I'm annoyed with Mitsuki because of her semantic based case on me explaining what scum behaviour is and isn't and what town behaviour is and isn't. I've also further explained why I think people throwing out their townreads out here like they're dirt isn't town play at all and is scummy but that's fallen on deaf ears. Personally think this is scum grasping at straws. I haven't played with Scum!Mituki either but I don't agree with the town meta reads so ;/.

Scorri hasn't done anything at all this phase and I get that she's busy but there has been lack of effort in scumhunting throughout the game from her side. Idek anymore.

Priority would be like: Scorri/Mitsuki>=Shinori>BBM. Go figure.

Oh yeah also votals are something like two votes on kirsche and then many players with one vote on them.

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I'm still okay with lynching Kirsche and Marth. Let's not lynch Elie (or any other of my townreads, but they don't seem to be lynch candidates), I think Kirsche's case on him is based on Elie being bad more than being scum and I think Elie's being bad town not bad scum. Scum wouldn't be able to fake being biased so well.

If Kirsche and Marth don't get enough support I'd lynch an inactive (Poly or Shinori, it seems like Prims will replace into Eury's slot).

I don't like how Marth says my read on Kirsche is good but invalidates it with the fact that he's scumreading me. If you think it's good a scumread you shouldn't care about who's making it. Also it feels forced to choose to invalidate the scumread without thinking why it's wrong instead of thinking whether it could be bussing or a town case.

Kirsche > Marth > inactives

I'm not answering to Elie anymore unless someone wants me to answer to some point if they think it's relevant. I don't think arguing with him will achieve anything, and Vhaltz's here now so I can't waste much time on mafia.

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My case on Elie is that he's panicky and eager to cast doubt on people's townreads. That isn't "Elie is scummy because of bad play" that is "Elie is scummy because of scummy play".

@Marth tbh I haven't read any of your posts for some reason. My motivation died with the game. On a skim I don't get the same vibe from you but it's hard to explain. I guess it's because you don't read as desperate as Elie does to stop the PoEing. This could be due to the fact that you're not implicated by his PoE, but still, not seeing the panic means that I'm more comfortable with you.

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I really think that we should lynch Shinori. His one post wasn't townie, and before you guys say that you don't want to lynch him off one post, several of you were willing to do that with Darros on D1. Additionally, he's been online and around kind of in this period of inactivity, so I think his inactivity is alignment related.

I'm willing to lynch Elieson if it comes to that but I feel like if he was going to misrep me and whatnot intentionally he would actually vote me or at least put me in a priority list rather than just say that he's not even scumreading me. I mean, Manix, Marth, and Refa had all put me at or near the top of their priority lists, so his vote would make that block larger than me/kirscke/Mitsuki (the other active people). He could be doing it to push me without a vote but considering I seem to be somewhat polarizing (people are either townreading me or scumreading me), this seams like a tactically bad move- you're unlikely to influence someone's townread with a subtle push. He still has a high chance of being scum IMO but I don't feel as confident today about him as I do about Shinori.

running late for work but Marth townread quickly:

-good reaction to Refa's test IMO

-generally decent scumhunting/tone/etc (haven't disliked anything other than scorri case)

-hasn't used the lurking of his top scumread, scorri to lurk himself (I admit the fact that I think the scum are all inactive has caused me to active lurk for parts of D2)

-chose to shift me down on the lynch priority list during consolidation time when a lynch could easily be pushed on me because of how spread out the votals are

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something I randomly remembered- Manix, you got suspicious of me for picking an inactive as my claimed cop target because vigs could take care of them. Why didn't you vig an inactive then?

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Because it still annoys that you realized it was a reaction test and ruined it on purpose when you could have waited for it to be over to make the same point you did (me being lazy and avoiding effort etc.) and INACTIVES COULD BE VIGGED was the reasoning you gave.

kirsche townread:

-He was being kind of an ass ED1 but he was still the first one to try and take us out RVS, which is something

-I feel like he dropped his vote against me in a townie way; there was no real reason to stop pushing me considering how small an addition I made. Plus I stopped voting him so it's not like at the time anyways he was getting suspicion for it.

-Whatever Manix says I think that asking people to comment on what you're doing is townie. Being town mcobvtown isn't always a good strategy as scum because people start wondering why you aren't dead. Posting decent content without having others comment on it much means they're not really seeing anything wrong with it, which means you're still neutral or better to other people without that feeling that you should be dead (see: all my anonymous scum games). Asking people to comment early on is also pushing forward discussion and stuff.

-despite being a wagon most of D1/D2 he's still put forward content instead of just going into defensive mode

-I reread Draft recently and Prims was saying that he was obvtown all the time but he was just using that as his defence and not actually offering anything else. He also did that kind of in Manix's Unnamed game. Compare to kirsche still responding to points against him makes me feel he's not just saying he's obvtown to WIFOM or something.

-generally okay gut vibe

-I feel like he wouldn't sheep me so blatantly as scum

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The more I think about it the more I want to lynch Shinori, him posting that he needed to read and not doing anything else afterwards seems scummy to me. He had enough time to post in British mafia, so I'd expect him to have time to post at least a little bit now that he was lynched there. Also, someone mentioned they had seen him reading the thread but not posting.

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ergh i cannot into motivation

i keep thinking about mitsuki's setupspec and it irks me still. but every time i think hard about it i come to a non-conclusion using logic (if mitsuki was scum whose nightkill failed, then there's reason to think there's sk fhpov, but that doesn't line up at all with my assumed town/mafia game at all)

i just wanted to throw that out bc it keeps praying on my mind.

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I don't think mits would be so obvious as to go HEY I THINK THERE'S A SERIAL KILLER if her kill failed on their BPV bc it would look really bad on following nights with two kills.

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also yeah shinori's distinct lack of content is Bad. i think i've mentioned this before

in other news i'm lessening on my bbm read a little bit now. the effort now expended is a bit better than before, which was the major crux of my case against him. maybe i might change my mind if i do a Hard Reread but lol doing that now

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Ugh, ok, so I finally got a chance to reread and like... I'm still having a really hard time reading most people? I guess partially cause they've been inactive and partially cause I've been inactive. I'm starting to rethink my kirsche case. Reading over him, I'm still not convinced he's town, but I'm also not sure he's scum anymore? I dunno.

Manix's hypocrisy of "BBM your reaction test was bad and you should feel bad" followed by a reaction test of his own irks me a bit but I don't think he's scummy for it. Just frustrating.

Is there a reason Shinori is worse than Poly that I'm missing?

Going to


##Vote: Poly

for now. Not 100% sure how much time we have left but I think I'll be online before phase end???

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mitsuki you should vote Shinori with me smiley.gif

Although your image bugged out, I could hop on this [shinoriWagon.png]. I'm starting to doubt my Mitsuki read now that my cereal thought process has been ripped to shreds and handed back to me in a bowl of milk.

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@scorri: shinori also promised content and failed to deliver and at least has something to work him, whereas poly is pretty much just plain inactive

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Votecount 2.2

kirsche (2): Mitsuki, Poliwrath

Mtsuki (1): Elieson

BBM (1): Curly Brace

scorri (1): Bluedoom

Elieson (1): Kirsche

Shinori (1): BBM

Polydeuces (1): scorri

~11 Hours till the day is over, 7 to Hammer

The Nuke will hit in 9.5 hours.

Get consolidating.

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