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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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I think Huck Finn or someone else would have to be the one to do it. I can't say I like how the time's just ticking down though, in terms of the pending votes/knowing who's gonna die due to the majority of votes but no real hammer falling. I hope we're not repeating another Refa lynch here...

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And then you all decided Objection was mafia. But he already left, so you took out all of your anger on kirsche.

He was:

Dear Objection kirsche, you are a Mafia Driver!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Driving USER A and USER B". You will ensure that any night actions aimed at USER A will target USER B instead, and vice versa.

You aligned with the Mafia. You win when all threats are eliminated.

Princess Trollstool would've joined in the celebrations, were he not busy dying himself.

Dear Princess Trollstool, you are a Town Tracker!

During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Tracking USER". You will see who they visited at the end of the night phase.

You aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.

It is now Night 2. You have 24 hours to submit your actions.

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That should be everything.

You assemble in the morning ready to continue, only to find Euklyd is missing! After a few minutes of searching, you found him, not really in the best position to contribute.

Dear Euklyd, you are a Town Restorer!
During the night, once during the game, you may reply to your role pm: "Restoring USER's role". You will refill your target's role, and allow them to use it for a second time.
You aligned with the Town. You win when all threats are eliminated.
It is now Day 3. You have 72 hours to decide on a lynch.
Edited by SB.
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D'awww... poor Euklyd. D:

*I'm likewise interested at the other townie roles/results, since I'm pretty sure that whatever wasn't used on N1 was used last night phase (if not... well, that'll just be weird).

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I feel pretty sure that one of Shinori and Poly is scum. Two Trackers and a Watcher seems excessive, even if they're all one-shot, especially as the mafia is all one-shot too. I want both of them to out their results.

They both voted Objection last phase, but Shinori unvoted to vote Baldrick. At that time, Shinori and Objection were tied for 3 votes and Poly had 2. If Shinori were scum, unvoting the wagon tied with his would make it more likely he were lynched over Objection... which seems sort of a bad move if they were both scum, as Shinori is a more experienced player and had more of a chance to survive past the next day. This makes me lean towards Poly being scum instead? idk RESULTS

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@Shinori: I'd also like you to read/respond to my post on pg. 22/Post #429, with regards to your thoughts.

(His lack of posting since he made the comment on my posts earlier, especially around the lynching time, seems weird. But maybe he's been busy, who knows?)

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I feel pretty sure that one of Shinori and Poly is scum. Two Trackers and a Watcher seems excessive, even if they're all one-shot, especially as the mafia is all one-shot too. I want both of them to out their results.

They both voted Objection last phase, but Shinori unvoted to vote Baldrick. At that time, Shinori and Objection were tied for 3 votes and Poly had 2. If Shinori were scum, unvoting the wagon tied with his would make it more likely he were lynched over Objection... which seems sort of a bad move if they were both scum, as Shinori is a more experienced player and had more of a chance to survive past the next day. This makes me lean towards Poly being scum instead? idk RESULTS

Shinori's actions/lack of posting (and his slightly defensive posting early on D2) seemed to tick at my gut feelings of scum, but idk.

Poly's responses as of late haven't been bad, but there's also an underlying feeling that I can't quite shake. One of his last posts when the hammer was falling on Kirsche's head at the end of D2 left a funny feeling in my head:

We miss both and Shinori dies D3


In addition to:

He's scurred cause he knows his scumbuddy's gonna die

I'm not sure if he's trying to legitimately tag a scum read on Shinori, or else using Shinori as the next scapegoat/mislynch if one goes through.

After all, if he seemingly displaces himself AWAY from Objection/Kirsche, who ended up flipping scum, and furthers the wagon on someone else he KNEW was the early bandwagon on D2, it's a decent means of distraction/means of diverting attention from himself---

**And Shinori's post comes in right before I send mine. Huh.

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Well it's 6/2 so I don't see a point of faking a report. Also I thought Shinori was town on D1 and Poly was scum so I'm pleased with this.

##Vote: Poly

Last scum prolly Scorri or maybe Baldrick.

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##Vote: Poly

Happy with this especially after I reread his ISO. I almost wanted to switch to him yesterday but I just felt Objection was scummier and Kevin's push on eclipse felt desperate.

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