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Conspiracy Mafia - End of Days


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Because you're one of the few people left who I think could be scum, and I don't like how you were so indecisive at the end of the day (like town can be indecisive too but you were just like "I don't like either of these wagons but am not going to say who bothers me more").

Also if anyone roleblocked SCUM, they should claim it. :V

Man, you really should have said that at the time, the vote looked totally opportunist, bro!

Poly, what's with the sudden new lease of life? You seemed pretty intent on dying yesterday but your vote sat on Cam. Although it's pretty neat that you didn't want to vote yourself, I'm getting mixed messages about what you were trying to do. And now you're kinda in the middle again, but not really answering to much. I really don't get it.

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Poly can be scum. I agree with your reasons about his claim not being the pinnacle of towniness and there are flaws there. I just think his general activity and tone comes across as more towny (again, while I don't think him ignoring cases on him is a bad thing, it doesn't strike me as something he'd do as scum especially considering how self conscious and reactionary he came across in past scum games) overall.

Also agree with what you had to say about Vhaltz (although actually I'm hard townreading him so yeah; I can't be wrong about him this time, right???) for the most part.

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Haha, best dismissal ever. But I don't really agree with you except that his claim wasn't townie; I'm not using it to influence my read since I can see where both sides are coming from on that one.

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case proto again then? has your read on him changed at all?

this is basically a continued D3

cam was obvtown aside from not actually being town :(

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Man, Proto hasn't made any more posts since I cased him. ONLY REAL TOWNIES CASE LURKERS AND LEAVE THEIR VOTE THERE.

I should probably look into you and Shin, I guess but I'm lazy.

That's the problem with lynching the ITP, both town and mafia have an interest in doing so (therefore it's harder to get reads off of that).

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Cam should've been obvtown though which is half why I think it's possible Vhaltz was trying to get a mislynch out of him in a situation where mislynches were dwindling and him being an ITP was just a bonus.

I'm seriously considering lynching Vhaltz at this point - if you think about his claim (which seems to be a nexus variant that targets people instead of being random) it makes no sense in this set-up which is obviously divided into useless roles / false positives that exist to kill themselves on Cam (Kay, Poly, kirsche, Euklyd, Shinori), confirmable roles without night abilities (me, the masons, Shin) and apparently some sort of protective role is out there. Vhaltz's role, like Weapons', is incongruent with all of these. It makes a lot of sense as a scum misdirection / anti-SK role, though!

The way he treated Poly's reactions was super bad and makes me think he started the gambit with the prior intent of considering Poly town from it, was let down, and had to find reason to handwave Poly as town anyway.

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Ha, your mason loving serial killing days are over! But yeah, it just seemed really odd that you'd follow after Cam's vote on me, it was too confusing, bro. I'm probably going to be eating soon, but I'll try and get a proper post in later - I keep getting distracted for some BIZARRE REASON.

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man I am super irritated since pushing this means giving up on Poly and I still think Poly is scummy as fuck.

Let me re-read Vhaltz/Weapons interactions.

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Don't see how it means you'd give up on Poly? I mean, you're pushing Vhaltz based off of his interactions with Poly from what I can tell.

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Vhaltz goes the entirety of D1 without having any real opinions on Weapons. He says he can't understand Weapons early on but never brings him up for the rest of the day. However, on D2, Mitsuki says she found Weapons "somewhat scummy". If this is true, why did she never have Vhaltz say anything about Weapons? Vhaltz never even got on Weapons' case for anything after finding Weapons confusing in like his first content post of the day.

Weapons only ever brings Vhaltz up here. The question itself is null, but Vhaltz and Mitsuki never actually answer it. town!Vhaltz should want Weapons to read his posts so that he has a voice in the game and can convince Weapons. Instead Vhaltz is either content to let Weapons give his slot a pass, generating no interactions between them, or didn't actually read Weapons' question. Vhaltz, why were you OK with Weapons never reading your posts?


##Vote: Vhaltz

Don't see how it means you'd give up on Poly? I mean, you're pushing Vhaltz based off of his interactions with Poly from what I can tell.

Despite Vhaltz's white-knighting of Poly looking forced to me, I have a hard time seeing them as buddies based of the exchange from the start of the day where Vhaltz thinks Poly "reacts badly" when if they were scum and both online Vhaltz would be coaching Poly through the process. Furthermore, Poly's "I thought you were something else!" isn't something I'd expect him to come up with for Realism Points (and I would clearly never underestimate scum. hi shin). I mean if you think it's possible I'm all ears since it means I can go 2/2 but I don't think Poly and Vhaltz are buddies.

Also what do you think of Proto?

I really hated his D1 but think his content on Poly has been solid. Haven't had any real problems with his posts since early on; I didn't agree with your most recent case since Proto wasn't acting like me (he wasn't supporting quickhammer) and I'm not sure where you get his content being there for the sake of it as nothing indicates that to me. Null leaning Less Scummy Than Other People. I could see him being buddies with Vhaltz or Shin, not so much with Poly.
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BBM do something. I need your towniness to sheep mindlessly to motivate me to be better myself. It's kind of like Superman.

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Also, reading their D2 posts Vhaltz said Mitsuki never told him about her Weapons suspicion, but... there's no reason for her to not actually bring that up if they were really playing a hydra. Abuse of hydra dissonance imo.

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sheeping the part of Prims's case that isn't sheeping my D2 case

##Vote: Vhaltz

tbh from PoE I feel like the scumteam is Vhaltz and either Prims or Proto. Proto has the Weapons interactions going for him and Prims has like everything else, but I don't feel like Prims has done anything legitimately townie other than play decently. His Vhaltz case is good but like... from what he's said there's no buddy for Vhaltz to have. Not me or Blitz, it doesn't seem like he's suspicious of Refa, Shin, or Proto atm, and he thinks that Vhaltz/Poly don't make sense as buddies (which I agree with). My gut is that he's planning on bussing Vhaltz today to ride the towncred to LYLO, mislynching Proto and Shin along the way (he'll probably flip on them in this scenario).

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you realize one of proto and shin has to be responsible for the no-kill right (which I seriously doubt scum hasn't figured out by now so I don't feel bad about outing this)

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