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Christmas Pokémon Giveaway/game : The 12 PokéCrusaders !


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Hi everyone. I asked Vincent for where I could post this topic, and advised me to do it in the Other Games boards, so there. :P

So, I dunno if there's people here who know about the LJ Community Pokéwifi, or even are members of, but if so, they may know I'm currently preparing a special Christmas Pokémon giveaway.


The theme of the giveaway/game is : the Twelve Crusaders of Fire Emblem 4.

In this giveaway, you'll be able to win a copy of one of my best 12 Pokés of all my carts, nature, IVs, and moveset-wise, among my breeds and special captures. Among those 12 are several OU, BL, UU, and a Uber. So the list is pretty diverse. ;)


The giveaway will take place on 3 boards :

* Serenes Forest board

* Pokéwifi,

* and my own forum, les 4F.

The date and hour scheduled for the giveaway to begin is :

Tuesday December 23th, 6:00 PM UTC+9.

It's very important, as the game will rely on the system of "first to answer, first served", so make sure not to miss the time !

The game will be open on that day and hour, and as soon as the questions' set will be available on this topic's second post I'm reserving.


This giveaway will take place as a mini-game, so to make things more interesting. :P

Here are the rules of it :

1) On each of the three boards, I'll ask a set of twelve questions, related to video games I know and appreciate.

2) Each person who will give a correct answer to one of the questions will get one of the 12 Pokés of the list.

You may answer as many questions as you want.

3) I'll only giveaway ONE copy of each Poké on each board.

To sum it up, I'll distribute, in total, 3 copies of each individual Pokémon/Crusader, for a total of 36 Pokémon for all three boards.

4) In case some people give the correct answer to several questions, since I want a maximum of people to benefit from my giveaway/game, I plan to give only one Poké to each participant who found at least one correct anwser.

5) In case of several correct answers, I planned to put all questions from most difficult question to easiest question (so, for example, question n°1 will be the most difficult, while question n°12 will be the easiest). When a person gives the correct answer to several questions, I'll only say "correct answer" to the nearest one of the top.

Example : Person A gives the correct answer to questions n°3, n°7, and n°12. I'll only tae into account the answer for question n°3, saying it's correct, and ignore all the other answers at the questions he did answer, be they're correct or wrong.

6) You may NOT participate in several of those 3 boards, if you're a member on several of them. The point is to distribute those Pokés to as much people as possible, that's why.

7) As for the distribution of the Pokémon once all questions will be answered correctly, it will be settled on the "First to give a correct answer, first served" style. The fastest to give the correct answer will get to choose freely in the list, while the last will have to get what will be left by the first.

8) It's very important : all those Pokémon are NON-REDISTRIBUTABLE. Only I have the rights to distribute them, so if I ever see someone distributing copies of them and claiming them as his/her on sites such as Smogon or Pokémon Marilland for example, I will be VERY angry and won't hesitate expose you there.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate asking. If there's something I forgot talking about in the rules (but I don't think so, I'll add it the future.

So to make you interested, and since we're just a few days away from the scheduled date, I think it's time to unleash the list of those 12 Pokés. Behold the greatness of them ! :D


* All moves written in red are either moves taught via Emerald, XD, and Platinum move tutors, or XD exclusive moves.)

* All those Pokés were bred and caught the old fashion way. I don't use (don't have either, and don't want to have) Action Replay, Gameshark, or all that kind of cheap cheating devices. I only used the Emerald Cloning Glitch to create copies of those Pokés, that's all. So we can say they are basically legit.


Salamence {Narga} Won by Wobbufett / Noremac

Lv. 100



Lonely (+Attack, -Defense)


Item : Choice Band

IVs : 5 / 9 / 26 / 27 / 18 / 19

EVs : 6 HP / 252 ATT / 60 ASP / 192 SPe

Hidden Power Ghost 68

Moves : Earthquake / Brick Break / Outrage / Aqua Tail

Ribbons : 19

* Effort Ribbon

* League Ribbon

* Hoenn Beauty Contest Normal & Super

* Hoenn Smart Contest Normal & Super

* Hoenn Cute Contest Normal & Super

* Hoenn Tough Contest Normal to Master

* Hoenn Cool Contest Normal to Master

* Emerald Battle Tower Lv. 50 victory Ribbon

* Artist Ribbon

* 100-man victory Ribbon gained in Pokemon XD

Sheen : Maxed, with max Toughness, near max Coolness, very high Cuteness, average Smartness, low Beauty.

Note : I have a way better competitive Salamence (Adamant, IVs : 31 / 31 / 26 / 15 / 26 / 31, EVs : 120 PV / 252 ATT / 136 VIT, with Dragon Dance as an Egg Move, but the one I'll give is Shiny, has decent stats and nature, lots of ribbons, and fits the Narga theme better, being a Shiny Dragon of Light ^^)

Since I caught this Pokémon a long time ago, when I didn't used the Emerald Clone Glitch yet, I trained him to Level 100 and EV-trained with a 6HP / 252 ATT / 252 SPe Choice Bander spread for the Battle Frontier, and thus don't have an UT version of it. Since with this spread, it ties with + Speed max Speed Gyarados, thanks to the EV reducing berries I was able to reduce its Speed to around the magic 270 Speed number. With this current spread, it has 272 Speed.

Lonely nature, and that very good Special Attack IV makes him good at using Fire Blast.


Eevee {Baldo} Won by Hikarusa

Lv. 5


Modest (+Special Attack, -Attack)

Run Away

Item : either Fire Stone or Thunder Stone (on its winner's request)

IVs : 20 / 31 / 28 / 30 / 15 / 31

EVs : 100 ASP / 100 SPe

Hidden Power Grass 66

Moves : Shadow Ball / Wish / Hidden Power [Grass] / Toxic

Ribbons : 0

Sheen : untouched.

Note : I do plan to distribute this one as an Eevee, since its Nature and Hidden Power can make him either a great Jolteon or Flareon.

A good Eevee with max Speed, near max Special Attack, good all-around IVs, and a high powered Hidden Power Grass !

It only has Wish as an Egg Move, but since with this Nature and Hidden Power, it will run Choice Specs sets, it's not that terrible. ;)


Sceptile {Holsety} Won by Choppy

Lv. 67


Timid (+Speed, -Attack)


Item : Leftovers

IVs : 25 / 28 / 30 / 31 /11 / 31

EVs : 6 HP / 252 SPA / 252 SPe

Hidden Power Ice 68

Moves : Grass Knot / Hidden Power [ice] / Focus Blast / Leaf Storm

Ribbons : 1 (Effort Ribbon)

Sheen : untouched.

Note : One of the two most awesome Treeckos I bred in my Emerald Battle Frontier Treecko project. Having a high powered Hidden Power Ice, it's designed for a Choice Specs set. Lack of Leech Seed hurts a bit, but it can't be helped, as it was bred with Crunch as an Egg Move for Emerald Battle Frontier purposes. And it still has a nice moveset here. :P


Gengar {Tordo} Won by Sealed Roy

Lv. 32


Hasty (+Speed, -Defense)


Item : TBA

IVs : 29 / 31 / 23 / 31 / 24 / 31

EVs : 136 ATT / 134 SPA / 252 SPe spread

Hidden Power Steel 49

Moves : Trick / Will'o'Wisp / Haze / Explosion

Ribbons : 1 (Effort Ribbon)

Sheen : untouched.

IMO the best of the four awesome Gengar which emerged from the breeding project I took for a member of Pokéwifi.

Sure, I also had a Hasty Gengar with a 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 30 / 25 IV set, but the IV Speed, when max EV'd, only allows to beat max Speed Timid Mismagius and Adamant Dugtrio, so yeah.

Sure, I bred a 24 / 31 / 25 / 31 / 30 / 31 one, but there's so much Timid Gengar out there, and it was bred with Explosion, so...

And sure, I also bred a Hasty one with 27 / 31 / 5 / 30 / 30 / 31 and HP Ground 67, but the defense stat irks me.

So, what makes this Gengar tops over those 3 in my mind ?

First, it has max IVs in all 3 offensive stats.

Second, it has the perfect HP IV for minimum Life Orb recoil damage.

Third, even if they're not stellar, its Defenses are still good.

and fourth, it has the perfect nature for using Explosion, and with that EV spread you will kill that fatass Blissey 100% of the time with Life Orb.

It's a wicked Pokémon, and probably one of my best breeds.


Charizard {Fala}

Lv. 80


Naive (+Speed, -Special Defense)


Item : TM10 Hidden Power

IVs : 27 / 31 / 5 / 30 / 31 / 31

EVs : 36 Atk / 252 SPA / 220 SPe

Hidden Power Electric 67

Moves : Flamethrower / Dragon Dance / Dragon Pulse / Focus Punch

Ribbons : 1 (Effort Ribbon)

Sheen : untouched.

Note : Boy oh boy, again a Poké I had before I used the Emerald Clone Glitch... And guess what I used him for, for him having such a high level ? He was the breeding parent of my competitive Salamence, with those awesome IVs !

When I re-discovered him in one of my Emerald boxes and calculated his stats, I couldn't believe my eyes before such greatness. Awesome IVs (save for the horrendous Defense), great Nature, and high powered Hidden Power Electric ! It suits perfectly Smogon's Life Orb set !


Groudon {Hezul}

Lv. 49

No gender

Impish (+Defense, -Special Attack)


Item : TM02 Dragon Claw

IVs : 22 / 27 / 22 / 20 / 17 / 27

EVs : 252 HP / 212 DEF / 46 SPd

Hidden Power Grass 39

Moves : Earthquake / Fire Punch / Rest / Sleep Talk

Ribbons : 1 (Effort Ribbon)

Sheen : untouched.

Note : when searching for the best Pokés, I also looked at my Legendaries, without too much hopes though, as at the time I didn't cared about IVs and natures for them, as I don't use them. And indeed, nearly all of them are absolute crap. But this one, and my Ruby's Regirock, are the exceptions.

It has nice IVs overall, and a good nature. With them, it screamed for Smogon's Rest-Talk set, and thus I gladly sacrified my Emerald Sleep Talk Move Tutor for him.


Ninjask {Odo}

Lv. 45


Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack)

Speed Boost

Item : TM40 Aerial Ace

IVs : 28 / 31 / 31 / 25 / 26 / 31

EVs : 252 HP / 40 ATT / 194 DEF / 24 SPe

Hidden Power Dragon 36

Moves : Protect / X-Scissors / Baton Pass / Substitute

Ribbons : 1 (Effort Ribbon)

Sheen : untouched.

Note : I have a better Adamant Ninjask IV wise (it has max HP and 29 SPd IVs, for 28 DEF IV), but it's yet another victim of my Emerald-Clone-Glitch-not-used-at-the-time curse, and thus I can't retool its EVs, designed for Advance battles.

Seeing the recently added moveset for Adamant Ninjask on Smogon, I decided one week and a half ago to rebreed it, so I could give him this new moveset and EV-spread. And the result ain't bad at all. :)

I tweaked the original EV spread recommended by Smogon a bit in order to suit this Ninjask's lower HP IV.


Aerodactyl {Dain} Won by Sandslash

Lv. 100


Jolly (+Speed, -Special Attack)

Rock Head

Item : King's Rock

IVs : 13 / 31 / 30 / 27 / 29 / 31

EVs : 6 HP / 252 ATT / 252 SPe

Hidden Power Dragon 49

Moves : Double-Edge / Rock Slide / Earthquake / Aqua Tail

Ribbons : 3

* Effort Ribbon

* League Ribbon

* Emerald Battle Tower Lv.100 Victory

Sheen : untouched.

Note : A Pokémon bred and designed for Advance battles, and him too was bred before I used the Emerald Clone Glitch, hence its level 100. But as it's a Choice Bander, it's still perfectly useable and pretty good in the 4th Generation.

Has awesome IVs (aside from the below average HP) and Nature, and it has a few Ribbons as well ! A nice Poké indeed !


Ditto {Noba}

Lv. 100

No Gender

Calm (+Special Defense, -Attack)


Item : Everstone

IVs : 31 / 31 / 6 / 16 / 30 / 24

EVs : none

Hidden Power Fighting 54

Moves : Morphing

Ribbons : 0

Sheen : untouched.

Note : I caught this Ditto by pure luck on my Fire Red cart, and oh boy how I'm glad of this. I commonly name him my "Master Ditto", as with those 3 flawless stats, it's a great universal breeding parent. So great that, he basically is the ancestor of ALL my bred Pokés. All of them, without a single exception, have this Ditto somewhere in their genealogy, be it either a very distant parent, such as my HP Grass Eevee, or a direct father/mother, such as my Aerodactyl. That's saying how great this little fella is. Comes with an Everstone, if you want to make use of its Calm nature for your breeds.


Altaria {Blagi}

Lv. 66


Mild (+Special Attack, -Special Defense)

Natural Cure

Item : Lucky Egg

IVs : 22 / 7 / 28 / 21 / 31 / 23

EVs : none

Hidden Power Ice 57

Moves : Heal Bell / Outrage / Dragon Dance / Roost

Ribbons : 1

* Purification Ribbon from Pokemon XD

Sheen : untouched.

Note : this Altaria is one of the rare good XD Pokémon I caught, IV-wise. Its nature is rather good too : sure, it hampers its defensive skills just a little bit, but it's also the recommended nature by Smogon for the Mixed Altaria set !

And it's also the father of the Charizard available in this list. :P

The main selling point of this Altaria is the combination of the XD exclusive move Heal Bell with those nice IVs. To complete the XD theme, it comes with a copy of the Lucky Egg I gained there.

It's un-EVed as well, so you can customize him the way you want, especially since it comes with the Platinum Move Tutor Outrage.


Seviper {Ulir}

Lv. 33


Naughty (+Attack, -Special Defense)

Shed Skin

Item : TM36 Sludge Bomb

IVs : 28 / 31 / 6 / 31 / 18 / 31

EVs : 56 HP / 220 ATT / 96 SPa / 136 SPe

Hidden Power Ghost 69

Moves : Hidden Power [Ghost] / Giga Drain / Flamethrower / Earthquake

Ribbons : 1 (Effort Ribbon)

Sheen : untouched.

Note : It's a glass cannon with those Defenses, but it has a great nature, max IVs on all offensive stats, and a high powered useable Hidden Power. Great UU wall-breaker.


Regirock {Neir}

Lv. 40

No Gender

Brave (+Attack, -Speed)

Clear Body

Item : HeartScale

IVs : 19 / 26 / 24 / 6 / 14 / 9

EVs : 100 HP / 100 ATT

HP Poison 62

Moves : Counter / Fire Punch / Thunder Punch / Ice Punch

Ribbons : 0

Sheen : untouched.

Note : The other good Legendary I have along with Groudon. It's low Speed IV and nature make him perfect for Trick Room teams, and if he has Sandstorm support as well it's in heavens. :P

I taught him 4 Emerald Battle Frontier Move Tutor, comes with a HeartScale, and is not fully EV-ed, so you can have great liberty at tweaking him.

EDIT : Crap, seems there's a limit on the number of pics we can have in the post. I thus can't add the Pokés' sprites, sorry. :(



Here is a list of all the people who kindly helped me building this Giveaway. Without them, the Giveaway wouldn't have been that good. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ! ~o~

* VincentASM, for allowing me to do the Giveaway on his board, Serenes Forest ;

* Becca, tigerwolfvix, and Treenote of the LiveJournal Community Pokéwifi, for providing me with Shards for the Platinum Move Tutors ;

* Wobbufett and Princess Kilvas of the Serenes Forest Boards, for providing me with Shards for the Platinum Move Tutors ;

* Ryn of Pokéwifi for providing with the 4th Gen TMs I needed for several Pokés ;

* Ccd-Tof of the 4F Forum for helping me sending Pokémon to tutor with Platinum moves from my Diamond cart to Platinum and back.

Edited by AceNoctali
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(PS1) = Playstation 1

(MD) = Megadrive / Genesis

(SNES) = Super Nintendo

(SFC) = Super Famicom

(GBC) = Game Boy Color)

(DS) = Nintendo DS

1) Tokimeki Memorial ~ Forever with you (PS1) : What is Saki Nijino's phone number (composed with the Playstation controller's buttons) ?

2) Star Ocean : The Second Story (PS1) : What are Ashton Anchors' beginning Relationship Values, both in Friendship and romance, for Precis F. Neumann ?

3) Puyo Puyo 2 (PS1 / MD) : Who is the main villain / antagonist of this game, and of the Puyo Puyo franchise in general ?

4) Rock 'n' Roll Racing (MD / SNES) : Which car has the exclusivity of the homing weapon "Sundog Beam" ?

5) Colony Wars : Vengeance (PS1) : What is the name of the best (and final) playable spaceship ?

6) Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney (DS) : Which animal Phoenix cross-examines in Case 4 of the game ? (Asking for the species, not the pet's name, even though you can tell it if you feel like it) Answer : Polly the Parrot.

7) Lunar : Silver Star Story (PS1) : In which kind of magic Nash specializes himself ?

8) Super Monaco GP 1 (MD) : On which F1 team you start the game with ?

9) Time Crisis (PS1) : What is the name of the game's final Boss ? Answer : Wild Dog.

10) Mother 2 (SNES) : Which playable character can't use PSI at all ? Answer : Jeff.

11) Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal (GBC) : What is the name of Johto's biggest city ? Answer : Goldenrod City.

12) Fire Emblem : Seisen no Keifu (SFC) : How many playable characters are there, IN TOTAL (i.e. even those not available at the same time during a single playthrough), in the game ? Answer : 63 characters.

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Please don't forget telling me your FC code and the Pokémon you'd like (among those available at the time), as soon as I say you have a correct answer. I'd prefer to trade with you when I still have you at hand.

I tried my best to make really easy questions, which can be found on the web in the case you don't know the answer outright. :P


Oh, and here's my Friend Code, if you haven't searched in the pinned topic :

Sety / 3222 8035 2300.

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Psch, I know 10 without google and I've never even played a Mother game. Maybe you should make the questions a bit harder, so that you have to have actually played the game to get a Pokemon?

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I don't want to hurt my brain again for a new set of questions (and if I had to do this on Serenes I'd had to do this on Pokéwifi and les 4F as well : 36 questions to re-make, ouch !), and that's the goal of having the questions easy, since not everyone has good video game knowledge. If I wanted to be a bitch with the questions, I could have been one, but then the people would have complained with the difficulty. Remember, it's more a giveaway than a game. :o

Do you want to answer a question and gain a Pokémon, or you aren't participating ?

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Got my friend code.


Also, the reason I chose Eevee isn't because I just started my game over a few hours ago. If it was then I would've chosen one of the high level ones to cheap my way through the game. Really, I'm not even gonna use Eevee until after I actually beat the game and start EV training. So don't think that. I thought this through.

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I see, for you Eevee plan. ;)

Ok, written down you FC. Going on Wi-Fi now.

EDIT : For my FC, use my Diamond one (Trainer : Sety), which you can find in the pinned topic.

If you feel lazy, here it is : 3222 8035 2300. :P

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I see, for you Eevee plan. ;)

Ok, written down you FC. Going on Wi-Fi now.

EDIT : For my FC, use my Diamond one (Trainer : Sety), which you can find in the pinned topic.

If you feel lazy, here it is : 3222 8035 2300. :P

I thought you'd assume you already put it up there when I saw it wasn't up there so I clicked on the link to go to your forum and looked down.

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Thank you very much. *Puts new Eevee in box 18 and names the box 'NO FIGHT' due to character limits*

Also, in case you were wondering why both of my Pokemon were named Phil's Hat it's sorta a running gag somewhere I go to.

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#9 time crisis's final boss

who is wild dog

If it is correct i would like the shiny salamance and you should have my friend code.

Correct answer, indeed. :P

Ok, going on Wi-Fi with your Narga now ! ;)

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The trade went smoothly this time, thank god. :)

Enjoy your Shiny Salamence Narga, Wobb ! ;)

(Hey, my Narga sure is popular. All three copies on the three boards were claimed very fast ! :P)

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The trade went smoothly this time, thank god. :)

Enjoy your Shiny Salamence Narga, Wobb ! ;)

(Hey, my Narga sure is popular. All three copies on the three boards were claimed very fast ! :P)

people like shiny things :D

And yes, it did go smooth this time

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True, myself, I like having Shiny Pokés. :P

Ok, I'm going to take a few hours of sleep. Will be back at around 10:00 AM UTC+9.

You can post answers during my absence if you want, but so we don't block the giveaway progress, please post the Pokémon you would like to have along with your answer (try your best giving the right answer then, so you don't get your hopes crushed if the answer turns out to be wrong and I say "wrong answer when I'll be back and check. As Krevin and myself said, the questions are easy.)

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6) Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney (DS) : Which animal Phoenix cross-examines in Case 4 of the game ? (Asking for the species, not the pet's name, even though you can tell it if you feel like it)

Polly the Parrot!

10) Mother 2 (SNES) : Which playable character can't use PSI at all ?

Jeff, I think.

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