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Marth's support bonus?


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I was just testing one of my online teams, and I noticed that their crit rates were lower than I expected. After some testing, I realsed they weren't getting the 5% crit bonus from Marth's support.

The units I was using were Ogma, Barst, Bord, Cord and Marth. For example, Barst got a 15% crit boost when ogma bord and cord were nearby, but when marth moved in range, this number did not increase.

Anyone know why this is?

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Perhaps they weren't in the number of chapters required for A support.

Nah, that can't be right. I mean, they get supports from all the other characters. Which mean I had to have used them for at least that long. And since Marth is mandatory, he would have been in at least that many missions.

e.g. Cord gets a support from Barst, which is 18 mission for A, so Marth should have also gotten the 18 missions.

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