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The Passione Mafia

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Because we need something to combat these commie bastards.

Anywho, Welcome to the Passione Mafia. We are a group of legitimate buisinessmen offering protection from people wanting to cause trouble in return for a monthly fee. We also supply the booze and beat pinko commies.

Currently, the family is, well, rather empty. However, we are willing to accept applications for membership. The ranking is as follows:

Don (Deathstroke)


Serenes Branch Lieutenant (Pride)


Serenes Branch Officers 1-6 (Ether, book of life, Klavier Gavin, Kedyns Crow, Who Am I?, soul1112)


Everyone else

Members get a 50 gold salary, protection, and a Dental plan. Booze too, with the Pub open.

Edited by Deathstroke
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I'll just see if this gets a good start, so don't put me on the list yet. And even if I did join now, leading is something I don't really think I'm good at.

Fair enough.

I'm surprised my old man hasn't joined this yet. I always thought he'd be the type to enjoy a commie beating promote capitalism...

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You really hate Souther, right.


Because he's a fucking douchebag who kills thousands of children in building himself a pyramid, all because Toki backhanded him.

And Kenshiro gave him a quick and merciful death. What the hell, hero!?

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You really hate Souther, right.


Because he's a fucking douchebag who kills thousands of children in building himself a pyramid, all because Toki backhanded him.

And Kenshiro gave him a quick and merciful death. What the hell, hero!?

You are mixing him with Amiba. Souther only did that for love. Also the reason why Kenshiro gave him a merciful fisting

Buuuut what the hell, you can sign me.

Edited by Rei of Nanto
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Congrats, Rei, you're now Officer #3.

[insert crowd cheering here]

Do I have some cookites?

Eh? Cookites? Google's not giving me much here...


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