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Short stories about things in Touhou


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It was a peaceful winter day in Gensokyo. Birds were chirping, ice fairies were having a snowball fight, Cirno was hit by Yukari's border train because she said there are no buses in Gensokyo. Somewhere, behind two trees was a bar. The bar was simply called "Suika's Bar". It only saw a few costumers on normal days, on special days it was filled to the brim with youkai, goddesses, whatever else lives in Gensokyo. Today was a little different. A mouse youkai by the name of Nazrin She was having a drink in Suika's Bar, until a winter spirit walked in and accidentally bumped into her. Causing Nazrin to spill her drink, "Oh, I'm sorry." the winter spirit said with a smile. Nazrin, who was obviously angered by this threw her shoe out of anger. "Who do you think you are?!?" she shouted. The winter spirit looked at her, then she sent a flurry of danmaku towards Nazrin, her clothes were tattered as a result.The winter spirit started kicking Nazrin when she was on the ground. "I'M LETTY MOTHERFUCKING WHITEROCK, BITCH!!", she shouted. Suika, who was watching the mini fight, was too drunk to do anything.

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