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The Serenes Forest Free Love Soviet

Le Communard

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Because the institution of marriage has gone too far. Its time to tear down this antiquated relic of the old order--in the name the FESSR and the all the working peoples, regardless of gender, of SF! Comrades, the revolution cannot be complete without union of the sexes; let us join together and strike a mighty blow against the Establishment and its cronies, who use this as yet another weapon to keep us in the dirt.

Marriage is subjugation--it is tyranny. It is the subjugation of the Woman--who is forced to serve unrequited at the hands of her husband, just as the Proletarian slaves for the Capitalist. Who is a prisoner in there own mind, unable to grow beyond the boundaries set by her "husband-master". And yet it is also subjugation for the Man. For the man is forced to take on the "dead-weight" woman, in an attempt by the Oligarchs to keep him "at his station".

Marriage is constraint. The institution of marriage is shallow and fails in all ways to represent the complexity of love. Love is like a glass of water--we should be free to drink from it in any way we wish, not only with in the confines of sexual desire between man and woman. Love goes beyond such petty boundaries, and it is time the world recognized this as so.

Who is with me? Who is ready to take step forward into the future?

Here also, you may announce to the world your "free love associations", which will of course, be recorded in whatever fashion you do so wish.

*The Serenes Forest Free Love Soviet is a branch of the Glorious FESSR

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Isn't the FE4 Thread already a free love thing?

Well then I welcome them to our revolution! (I must admit, I've never had the will to brave the FE4 thread before, so I wouldn't know)

I have to agree with your stance on Marraige,it is indeed too constraining.

I welcome you then, Comrade!

Edited by Le Communard
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I disagree with this thread and its intentions for multiple reason. This thread was built upon the basis for attacking the marriage thread. Notice though that the marriage certificate requires two signatures. Two signatures symbolizes mutual love between the two that are to be united. Marriage is not the intentional tyranny you make it out to be. Tyranny in a family could be classified as domestic violence and the involved could file a divorce. Notice that the difference between tyranny and marriage is that with marriage you can step out with a divorce paper. We all know that Shuuda and rainbowwig2.jpg's marriage was agreed upon by the both of them. Point out one example within the current couples that agree with what you have said so far. Until a problem arises this establishment should be put down.

Oddly by typing r.evan's name a clown appeared.

Edited by BlackKnight666
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I disagree with this thread and its intentions for multiple reason. This thread was built upon the basis for attacking the marriage thread. Notice though that the marriage certificate requires two signatures. Two signatures symbolizes mutual love between the two that are to be united. Marriage is not the intentional tyranny you make it out to be. Tyranny in a family could be classified as domestic violence and the involved could file a divorce.

Any marriage at all is tyranny--by the Woman is dehumanized and subjugated. Just because a few slaves might be well treaded by the masters does not mean the institution is not rotten. Saying it is consensual is akin to saying a "Capitalist" contract is consensual--forced upon the Worker and Woman by a combination of low-brow bullying, denial of opportunity and conditioning. Anyway, none of the "wives" signed anything: their "men" all did it for them.

Notice that the difference between tyranny and marriage is that with marriage you can step out with a divorce paper.

Spoken like a true Patriarchal apologist.

We all know that Shuuda and r.vans's marriage was agreed upon by the both of them. Point out one example within the current couples that agree with what you have said so far. Until a problem arises this establishment should be put down.

Oddly by typing r.evan's name a clown appeared.

I can't make this any more clear; The Establishment is the problem.

Edited by Le Communard
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