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Having a hard time choosing between two sets of pairings..


Holy Blood Combination vs Pre-Promote Pursuit  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Which set would you prefer?

    • Holy Blood Combination Set
    • Pre-Promote Pursuit Set

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My default pairings are:

AideenxMidir (need that Hero Bow + Pursuit)

SylviaxClaude (Blagi + Blagi, UtilityxUtility pairing allowing the use of Reserve Staff off the bat)

FuryxLevin (need that Holsety but neither Sylvia nor Tiltyu have Pursuit)

TiltyuxAzel (my favorite pairing as it combines Holy Blood bonuses: Fala + Tordo and gives Pursuit with no problems with inheritance)

Now here's where I run into a snag as I cannot decide between higher stat growths with contributions from remaining Holy Blood parents (Lex, Holyn) or simply going with pre-promote Pursuit pairing to make better initial fighters. Lachesis is left for last as her suitor will be determined by who Brigid is paired with depending on the set. Although Holyn is a nice suitor for Aira I really don't need Major Odo or two sword skills overlapping each other. I do not pair Fin as I like having him promoted to be able to keep the two Silver Lances with kills on them, although Fin + Forest + Leadership + Prayer = Cross Knight Massacre proving that Prayer is quite good for solo army clearing on counter-attack. With the pre-promote Pursuit set I can also pass down the Pursuit Ring from Ethlin to Leaf so everybody's ready to fight >:D

Please vote at the top even if you don't want to discuss why you would prefer either set.

Holy Blood Combination Set

AiraxLex (Odo + Neir)

BrigidxHolyn (Ulir + Odo)

LachesisxBeowulf (the best offensive pairing skillset of available suitors)

Pre-Promote Pursuit Set

AiraxNoish (I get wet whenever Lakche activates Critical and Meteor Sword at the same time, don't you?)

BrigidxBeowulf (I prefer Charge on ranged units as it functions as a free attack without penalty and I use Patty as a ranged unit with a Magic Sword)

LachesisxAlec (I might as well put Awareness to use)

Thanks for reading ^_^

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Ayra/Alec, Briggid/Lex with a Pursuit Ring for Patty, and Lachesis/Noish.


You mean I can get Pursuit and Awareness to stack???

Let me just say, BridgetxLex is incredible; Especially if you want Faval promoted for chapter 9 and to use Patty.

For some reason I thought Faval came as a pre-promoted Sniper (I've only played up to Chapter 7) because it shows him having Pursuit as a "Soldier" skill. I understand Elite is real nice for these units as they come later in the second generation and Ambush + Sleep Sword for Patty is where it's at so it's worth considering as Lex and Holyn can be interchanged for Holy Blood contributions. The only flaw I can see to this is that Aira's children will have two sword skills, one of which I really don't think is that useful. A distant, distant second flaw is Ichival's "Life" skill negating Ambush.

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Ayra's kids do not need pursuit nor awareness, since pursuit is a class skill for both and Ayra comes with Awareness herself.

I just do HolynAyra for the HP, really. Ayratwins will never suck at combat ever 'slong as you train them.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Ayra's kids do not need pursuit nor awareness, since pursuit is a class skill for both and Ayra comes with Awareness herself.

I just do HolynAyra for the HP, really. Ayratwins will never suck at combat ever 'slong as you train them.

haha I'm aware that AiraxAlec produce absolutely nothing new in terms of skillset. I was merely feeding the troll so he wouldn't get lonely underneath his bridge =(

i'm leaning more and more towards the pre-promote pursuit set. i'll probably make a new long post with item inheritance as well so i can get feedback on that too. hopefully Waha Kitty What Kitteh doesn't see it and leave me a note about TLDR's.

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Here's my list of item inheritance for the pre-promote pursuit set. 1st Edit: The goal of this set is to have Johalva / Johan be the only person in need of the Pursuit Ring in the second generation as well as making sure every child has Pursuit before promotion. I've also included Holy Blood and skill inheritance by couple / shared between siblings.

Items in parentheses are items that automatically start in the child's inventory and no inventory goes over 7 items so the unit is battle ready upon appearance. 2nd Edit: Switched Speed Ring to Fury to keep in line with Continue users receiving Speed Rings. 3rd Edit: Let Cuan keep the Silver Lance he gets from killing Elliot in order to spread the love around / save Altenna repair costs on the Gay Bolg. 4th Edit: Let Ethlin pass down the Life Ring to Leaf because they're in more of a desperate situation / will help Nanna's healing / I don't want to have to use Fin as much. Plus Celice will get his own Life Ring through the event after Alvis's defeat if I recall. 5th Edit: Forgot to add Live Staff to Levin's inventory to pass down to Sety.

Please give any feedback / critique if there's possibly better choices for item inheritance. I've tried to organize the order of things as best I could in my own way and I believe some choices speak for themselves but I'm willing to explain if you have any questions ^_^

Thanks for reading.

EthlinxCuan (B: Baldo, Noba; S: Continue, Critical)

Ethlin: Light Sword, Slim Sword, (Iron Sword), Skill Ring, Pursuit Ring, Life Ring, (First) Return Ring

Cuan: Gae Bolg, Silver Lance, Slim Lance, Javelin, Thunder Sword

Fin: Silver Lance

AideenxMidir (B: Ulir; S: Charge, Pursuit)

Aideen: Recover Staff, (Relive Staff), Libro Staff, Warp Staff, Restore Staff, Bargain Ring

Midir: Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Hero Bow, (Iron Bow)

AiraxNoish (B: Odo; S: Awareness, Charge, Critical, Meteor Sword, Pursuit)

Aira: Steel Blade, (Iron Blade), Slim Sword

Noish: Silver Blade, (Iron Blade), Slim Sword

DeirdrexSigurd (B: Baldo, Naga; S: Awareness, Pursuit)

Sigurd: Silver Sword, (Slim Sword), Elite Ring, (Second) Return Ring

LachesisxAlec (B: Hezul; S: Awareness, Charisma, Pursuit)

Lachesis: Silver Sword, Prayer Sword, (Iron Sword), (Relive Staff), Return Staff

Alec: Hero Sword, (Iron Sword), Cutter, Clipper, Thief Sword, Shield Ring, Barrier Ring

SylviaxClaude (B: Blagi; S: Continue, Prayer)

Sylvia: Iron Sword, Knight Ring, Leg Ring

Claude: Relive Staff, Reserve Staff, (Libro Staff), Valkyrie Staff

FuryxLevin (B: Holsety; S: Continue, Critical, Pursuit)

Fury: Hero Lance, (Slim Lance), Javelin, Slayer, Wind Sword, (Berserk Sword), Speed Ring

Levin: Holsety, Elwind, (Lightning), Thunder, Live Staff, Silence Staff, Sleep Staff

TiltyuxAzel (B: Fala, Tordo; S: Pursuit, Wrath)

Tiltyu: (Elthunder), Wind, Fire

Azel: Elfire, (Wind), Thunder

BrigidxBeowulf (B: Ulir; S: Charge, Pursuit)

Brigid: Ichival, (Silver Bow)

Beowulf: Defender Sword, Earth Sword, (Sleep Sword), Power Ring, Magic Ring

Edited by black.ops
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Honestly, Cuan doesn't need any of that. He can take the Gae-Bolg and lances that Fin already has, like another Javelin or something, but Althena comes late enough that you want those items early and because she can just kill practically everything with the Gae-Bolg.

You could also try Ayra!Dew, since that gives interesting skills and the Sol is kind of useful actually. If you did Briggid!Holyn and Levin!Tiltyu, I would suggest giving Patty the Hero Sword and Arthur the Pursuit Ring.

Lex Tiltyu, Claude Lachesis, gogogo

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haha I'm aware that AiraxAlec produce absolutely nothing new in terms of skillset. I was merely feeding the troll so he wouldn't get lonely underneath his bridge =(

So I'm trying to make an easy game more interesting for you, sue me.


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AlecxAyra was one of the pairings I did in my first playthrough. It's pretty much HolynxAyra without the HP, Skill or Luna. DewxAyra is a favourite draft pairing of mine. Bargain really helps out with the Elite Ring.

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