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Rate the unit, Day 4: Serra


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First healer. Unmounted. Frail. Decent supports. Passable light magic offense with higher than high luck when promoted. Loud and has pink hair. Requires work, and tell me if I'm wrong.

My rating, 3/10.

Disclaimer: all ratings should be based on the assumption that the game is being played on HHM. Also, unit rating is organized based on availability starting at their first available playable chapter.

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I really, really, really hate having to do this.

This is...ugh.

Forgive me.

7/10. Would that I could drop her to nothing.

Edited by Furetchen
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Serra is your only healer for a whole 3 chapters. Maybe 4 if you do not recruit Priscilla on that chapter you could get her. Her average stats are incredibly similar to Priscilla as well. However, Serra gets stuck using heavy light magic with little base power. Compared to Priscilla who gets to use lighter and more powerful Anima magic at a slight lose of critical and accuracy. Also, Serra cannot rescue units and move again or have a high movement. If you call Serra good, you have to call Priscilla even better because Serra has nothing on Priscilla at all that is very significant.

I find it hard to place a number on Serra when she gets overshadowed by Priscilla. I guess I will have to go with a 5.5/10 on this one. You won't have any set-back using Serra in the long run since she will do what a staffbot should do. She just lacks the extra utility to warrant using her. On the side, she is free experience for anyone doing a ranked run or needs to get the 700exp requirement later on. Priscilla cannot move in the starting position like Serra can on the desert chapter. So I suppose that's another plus she might have.

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she has some use early on, but it just takes too much trouble to get her to promote. locked to staves is one of the worst things in FEs without Bexp.

I'd choose vulneraries and fort healing over Serra usually. HHM is just too crowded to keep your healers safe.

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Serra's light. She uses staves. And I have bad memories about her 50% Magic growth, because it likes to bite me in the ass. Even if she does make it to Bishop, I wouldn't put her anywhere near the front lines.


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Durability doesn't even matter for healers 90% of the time, because if they get attacked at all that means you messed up anyway. Maybe sometimes you'll be forced to have them dodgetank a couple of things and it's nice if an unlucky hit doesn't OHKO them, but that's about it and it's still really an emergency measure.

That said:

- For my playstyle, completely redundant once Priscilla becomes available; 1 healer is enough. So she really only gets Ch 12, 13, 13x and 14, and in 14 she'll be distracted at least 1 turn (and it should be a short chapter in efficient play) by recruiting Erk. 13x she might not be needed at all, depending on your approach and whether you're trying to get the village, defeat Puzon etc. 13 she probably won't really be needed to support a Marcus rush, even if you could ferry her along at Marcus' speed. And 12, Matthew and Serra should normally just GTFO and let the men with metal suits do the work.

- Not worth training for Warp because of Pent.

- For the time that she's exclusive, barely heals more than a Vulnerary due to 2 base Mag, and in fact loses Mag forever to Priscilla even if you do use them both.

- Can't keep up with the front lines, which a healer needs to be able to do even though they aren't supposed to be exposed on EP.

- Compounding the Mag fail, uses Light magic when promoted which <<< Anima in this game.

- High luck is really just not worth very much. Maybe if it factored into crit% instead of just crit evade%. But even then, Priscilla wins both in base and growth rate.

- Even if we assume LHM+HHM, she's totally not needed in LHM (which can be done pretty efficiently without her or Vulnerary use).

That said, she'll sometimes get you out of a jam, and is sometimes better filler for an extra deployment slot than a poor combat unit would be. So she isn't totally useless.

1/10 Eryth is right, you might very well need her for the desert chapter. I wouldn't really call Serra staff-spamming "free experience" though, considering that only the <10 use staves can get you more exp than a typical combat kill. So 2/10.

Edited by zahlman
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9.5/10. She's pretty amazing. Your first healer earlygame, only healer in Lyn mode, gains a huge amount of exp without taking combat exp from the rest of your units. Solid combat post promotion. Yes, Priscilla is good too, but she's going to be behind in levels, and I'll almost always use them both. Loud and obnoxious, yes, but that doesn't detract from her usefulness.

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9.5/10. She's pretty amazing. Your first healer earlygame, only healer in Lyn mode, gains a huge amount of exp without taking combat exp from the rest of your units. Solid combat post promotion. Yes, Priscilla is good too, but she's going to be behind in levels, and I'll almost always use them both. Loud and obnoxious, yes, but that doesn't detract from her usefulness.

HHM has no Lyn mode

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Serra's alright but completely outclassed by Prissy as a healer due to horse and Lucius as a light user due to ranks and being able to use tomes right off the bat vs having to promote first as a healer which takes a while. But a healer is still a healer. HHM isn't that hard though, and I never really used her after Prissy joined. I heard that she's good in ranked and shit, but Prissy is just better than her at what she does.


2/10 if personality's being assumed.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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zahlman, part of my strategy sometimes involves using my healers as bait.

Part of the reason I 5 turned dragon's gate was using serra as bait to an armor that just barely let her survive.

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HHM has no Lyn mode

True, though everything else I said still stands. Also, I have to be honest, I never saw what the point was in discounting roughly 1/4 of the game due to the fact that it's Lyn mode, especially since it leads directly into HHM. If that's how this ranking works though, fine.

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Serra is pretty useful when you first get her, being your only healer for her first 3.5 maps, so she gets bonus points for that, even though Priscilla spits on her movement after she joins. Especially considering that a healer can allow a unit to enter combat on PP without needing to chug a vulnerary, Serra gets big points for that. However, staff exp really sucks(like 11exp per heal. Lame), which means that Serra will have a hard time playing catch-up with her peers, and even if you staff-spammed all the time in Lyn mode, I'm not seeing anything higher than Lv4 in Chapter 12, which gives Serra 19HP/4mag/9spd/2def/7res.

Serra's concrete durability is horrid. She has 17HP/2def at base with 50/15 growths, respectively, meaning that she is getting 2HKO'd by basically everything. Granted, she shouldn't be hitting the front lines anytime soon, but she really cannot be exposed. Even at something ridiculous like 15/1 in Chapter 24, she only has 27HP/6def, which is roughly what Raven started with(and Raven should be 15/3 or better by now.), and her evasive durability is only average(45 avoid at 15/1, assuming no supports.). And her offense after promotion is lame. At 15/1, Serra has either 14 atk/14AS with Lightning or 16 might/12AS with Shine, which fails to ORKO anything(and there might be a few things that 12 AS can't double by this stage.), so she may as well not fight at all.

Overall, Serra is useful in the earlygame, but she isn't worth blowing a promo item that Erk, Canas, or Lucius use better.


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Serra's just not worth it imo. A healer who's outclassed about three chapters into the game. Lower movement than Priscilla and Prissy's on a horse. Now I know I defended Oswin for his movement issue,but that's because he's a superior combatant who has his uses. Serra just can't keep up- staffbots take a long time to reach lvl 20 in the first place, considering she's too frail for anything. Priscilla can rescue drop but Serra can't. Also Lucius is a much better choice for a bishop, so there. Totally inferior to every magic user we get in the game bar Nino.

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I remember using her once. She was a good fighter on promotion, but I think that was not HHM. So that doesn't count.

Things I agree with have been said already. The negatives outweigh the positives here.

Base 2 magic. Unmounted. Fragile. 4/10.

Her only redeeming factor is that she's the only healer for the first few chapters, where she can save you a few vulneraries at least. 8/10.

Raven's rating: 60%

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Being a healer is always nice, since it means saving up on vulneraries (and the cash that would otherwise have to go towards vulneraries, and on that note, in Hector mode, you don't start with the truckloads of cash that you'd have in Eliwood mode).

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9.5/10. She's pretty amazing. Your first healer earlygame, only healer in Lyn mode, gains a huge amount of exp without taking combat exp from the rest of your units. Solid combat post promotion. Yes, Priscilla is good too, but she's going to be behind in levels, and I'll almost always use them both. Loud and obnoxious, yes, but that doesn't detract from her usefulness.

She's hardly useful in's Lyn's mode. I've done LHM in most of my runs without even having to use her. And he post promotion is nowhere near "solid" because if she's going to be a few levels behind, like you said, she won't be able to promote earlier where her combat might be salvagable. Seriously, 17 Atk with 15 AS and the fact you have to build your magic rank from scratch is not decent.

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