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Rate the Unit, Day 29: Hawkeye

Thor Odinson

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Rate the Unit, Day 29: Hawkeye


- Ratings are assumed to be on LHM and HHM. Also, they should be based on when the unit is first available.

- Votes need some explanation to be counted (unless they fall into the general parameters of the average rating, but reasoning is still strongly encouraged on those even if you just wanna quote people) — incredibly low scores or high scores without proper justification will not be counted. Numbers for votes, please - not something like "Marcus/10", etc.

- Votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Makes it easy to calculate, please and thank you~!

- Make votes easily visible, please~! ##Vote:

- Every ranking phase ends approximately at 20:00 EST. Do the math for your timezone.

Best to Worst

Wil: 1.85

Bartre: 2.78

Rebecca: 2.84

Dart: 3.86

Dorcas: 4.19

Rath: 4.28

Canas: 5.07

Eliwood: 5.34

Guy: 5.71

Erk: 6.01

Lyn: 6.07

Matthew: 6.17

Serra: 6.27

Legault: 6.55

Oswin: 6.98

Lowen: 6.71

Lucius: 6.94

Isadora: 7.24

Hector: 7.63

Heath: 7.67

Fiora: 7.99

Kent: 8.17

Priscilla: 8.38

Raven: 8.39

Florina: 8.41

Ninian/Nils: 8.80

Sain: 8.83

Marcus: 9.63


Hawkeye. I love this guy.

Thanks to FE7 enemies having next to no speed, Hawkeye's low-ish speed base is a non-issue. As he uses axes and is a zerker, he can often land OHKOs using his criticals, especially if you hand him killer Axes buyable in C26. Hell, he even starts with one. How convenient. Base 18 str is quite sexy with axe use, too. And even without crits, he can kill a lot of things with ease. One speed proc means that he can double a good amount of the dracos in C26 (just what I remember off the top of my head, they have like 8-9 AS there) and orko them without crits, and there's a fuckton of those. He uses every axe that matters with no AS loss, too.

On top of his good offense, he has a sexy-ass 50HP/14DEF/10RES base, making him quite tanky. The few units that double him do next to no damage (lolmyrms) especially with Swordreaver equipped, and even the pesky CoD Valkyries do very little if you Barrier him up/stick a shot of pure water in. He's great to bait Vaida in her chapter so you can go shopping, as well, since he can actually survive a round of Vaida given that she hits him standing on top of a mountain with WTA. Yep. He walk on mountains. Which gives him even MORE durability aka shitton of avo. Hell yeah.

However, his huge con means that he can only be ferried by Promo!Eliwood and Rath, so his options are rather limited if he wants to get places fast. He doesn't have a horse, and can't fly, but it doesn't change that he's otherwise pretty awesome.


*upped to an 8 because he's hawt and it's a .25 difference lol

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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A good axe user besides Hector that doesn't require me to put up with any fail at all.


Edited by Metal King Slime
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Really good prepromote

Capable of many things

Also, brave axe has his name on it

Also, good speedwings candidate.

Also, quite bulky.

And his daughters hot.

And, personal bias

And has existant skill, unlike lolDart


Because I'm biased.

Edited by The Creeper
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He has an awesome battle sprite even though I haven't played with animations for years and his crit animation is the best thing ever.

Also, he's bulky as fuck and puts a huge dent in things he doesn't OHKO with a crit. He's a little slow though.


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Hawkeye. One of the curiosities of FE7.

He's got enormous base HP, and his defense ain't too shabby. 50 HP, 14 Defense, and 10 Resist means he has some seriously decent durability. But his growths are merely mediocre for his survivability. 50% HP, 20% defense, and 35% Resist. (although a physical unit with that Res Growth ain't too shabby...)

His class is REALLY sweet, despite axelock. Axelock, should you be weaponlocked, is one of the better ones to be locked to. 15% crit is ALWAYS nice. And mountainwalk is useful, esppecially in the near future of Chapter 26. 14 Skill isn't half bad for an axe guy.

His support is DECENT, but limited. Wind Affinity is OK.

He comes with a freaking killer axe. Either killing people or saving it for funds, booyah!

Time for the lame. 11 Speed. 25% growth. 30% Skill Growth.

Those alone, and the fact his spirte is as ugly as hell are what are making me vote


Edited by 13th
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Hmm...he has pretty terrible growths, and I'm not a fan of FE7-style promotes, but damn, it's hard for me to care with Hawkeye. His bases are high enough, and even on S rank runs you basically HAVE to rely on him to perform optimally in his starting chapter (have you SEEN those Living Legend bosses? My god.) as well as in Genesis (ofc, having limited slots and him being free is... wink.gif). However, he's rather slow, enough that I don't use him long term, although that's a personal preference thing. There are better characters, imo.


Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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If he was availible in fe6....

Oh god.

He'd be old as Marcus

And still be a decent filler.

Its like you have to TRY to get him killed :XD:

also, is it ok to use afas drops on him?

I always do.

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If he was availible in fe6....

Oh god.

He'd be old as Marcus

And still be a decent filler.

Its like you have to TRY to get him killed XD.gif

Man, I know...if he was just like 3 SPD higher, so I could get him to double most everything, auto-9/10.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Man, I know...if he was just like 3 SPD higher, so I could get him to double most everything, auto-9/10.


Hawkeye for manliest man in FE GBAs (Non-Mounted)

Only other contenders are Dieck and Gerik.

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Man, I know...if he was just like 3 SPD higher, so I could get him to double most everything, auto-9/10.

Wouldn't that make him a prime canidate for the Speed Wing?

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Wouldn't that make him a prime canidate for the Speed Wing?

Well, yeah, although that comes with a few issues, notably it kind of messes with one of his nice benefits in S-rank -- no promotion item needed, saving 10,000G. This is, of course, assuming you don't have anybody else wanting the Speedwings and just analyzing from a pure cost perspective. Also, his near-Dorcas SPD growth means he's stuck at 13 or maybe 14 SPD for a while w/ speedwing, which leads to a few issues starting around NoF and getting slightly worse later on -- nothing serious, but kind of depressing considering how valuable the Speedwings can be. His SPD is roughly 1 less than a 20/1 average Wil (I hate bringing him up since it derails shit, but it provides a decent perspective, considering people usually have legitimate gripes about Wil's SPD) going into 28 or 28x, but has the disadvantage of growing just slightly more than half as fast.

I was torn on how to rank him, stuck between 7 and 8, so I just gave him a 7.5 and was done with it. 9/10 if he had 14 SPD to begin with and Speedwings basically guaranteed 16-17 AS. Then you get a guy with hella high surability (by FE7 standards), extra crit, 1-2 range, AXES, and doubles nearly everything, being hindered only by his cost for S-rank runs and his availability.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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A berserker is always a nice unit to have; dishing out frequent criticals and sometimes killing units without them is a nice trait, especially since he can take damage very well, supported by high HP. His only problem is speed, which isn't extremely important as long as he kills them easily to start. Comes with a nice weapon, and he even has his own animation. Even problems such as resistance are overlooked by the team's ability to raise it with things like barrier and pure water; extremely useful against magic units, as his high HP can allow him to tank any damage that gets through the defense or resistance. A major problem is his travel; I usually want units to travel far and not be ferried, and last I checked, a guy his size probably couldn't fit on a wyvern, much less even a horse, no matter how humorous it'd be to see that.

My rating? 8/10

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Hawkeye is an awesome addition to your party, he's required for 23x, and he has a sexy Killer Axe. Essentially the best nonmounted axe user after Hector. He also doesn't cost a ton of money to promote. Decent stats, crit boost, can stand on a Peak and tank Flyers in 26.


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...Wow, didn't expect you guys to score him this guy. I was about to give him a six because of slight doubling issues later on, but that isn't much of a problem when he has high chances of 1HKO'ing. Probably the best axe user that mains axes. He is definitely a great candidate for the Speedwings, and definitely the best candidate for the Brave Axe.

EDIT: I forgot to mention how amazing his durability it is. He barely even fears magic users.


Edited by gaw
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