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Alright, I'm pleased to show off my first support that I've transcribed myself.

Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare for

[spoiler=Sully/Frederick C support]

Sully: There you are, Frederick! I thought you might be up for a little sparring.

Frederick: Certainly, Sully. ...All right, you may strike whenever you are ready.

Sully: Get ready for a whuppin'!


Frederick: Mmm... Good technique and excellent form.

However, it is my turn...

Sully: Gah!

Frederick: Are you all right?

Sully: Oh, yeah! Just peachy! Thanks!

Er, Think I'm going to yield, though.


Frederick: Is something the matter?

Sully: Just wondering how you beat me so easily, is all.

Frederick: I would hardly call such a match "easy."

Sully: Yeah, but I never lose to anybody!

Frederick: Sometimes these things are a simple matter of chance.

Sully: Hmm...

Well, thanks for the practice. I'll let you know once I've honed my edge a bit.

Frederick: I look forward to it.

[spoiler=Sully/Frederick B Support]

Frederick: You weren't your usual self in that last fight, Sully.

If something is troubling you, I'm happy to hear it.

Sully: I can't figure out how the hell you beat me when we sparred! That's what's wrong!

Frederick: Good heavens. That was days ago...

Is there really any need to compete? We fight for the same cause.

Sully: Yeah, but it... I don't know. It was as if I KNEW you were going to beat me. I've never had that feeling with anyone else. ...Never.

Frederick: When you first joined the Shepherds, I was the one who taught you.

Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Sully: Ha! I remember... I came in thinking I could mop the floor with all of you.

And I might have until you showed up!

You didn't look like much back then, but you beat the crap out of me.

Frederick: I wouldn't say I beat the... *ahem* Yes, well. I suppose it was a rite of passage of sorts.

Sully: I didn't sleep for days after that... I was just so damn angry.

Frederick: Perhaps this is the cause of your current consternation.

When master and student first fight, the student naturally stands no chance.

The perception that one's teacher is unbeatable can be difficult to shake.

Sully: So I can't beat you now because you beat the crap out of me when I was 15?

Frederick: It doesn't sound quite so honorable when you say it in that manner...

[spoiler=Sully/Frederick A Support]

Sully: Did you see me out there today, Frederick?

Frederick: Truly impressive work! It seems you've made a breakthrough.

Sully: It's thanks to what you said before.

I've always felt like I needed to be better than everyone, you know?

If there was one person better than me at anything, I considered it a failing.

And when I couldn't beat you, I let it get into my head in a big way.

Frederick: There is a certain strength in such a mind-set, methinks.

Sully: To admit, it made me strong back then. But now it's just holding me back.

I didn't train all these years to beat you.

I've trained to be become someone you can rely on as an equal.

Frederick: And you have grown into a fine soldier. I fear nothing when you are by my side.

Sully: When I stopped to really see how I felt, it was pretty obvious.

Anyway it's all thanks to your teaching. So... thanks.

Frederick: You are a student no more, Sully, but a master in your own right.

From this day on, we fight as equals.

Sully: You're damn right we do!

[spoiler=Sully/Frederick S support]

Sully: Hmm...

Frederick: Something on your mind, Sully?

Sully: Just thinking about why I couldn't beat you the last time we sparred.

Frederick: I though you'd already found your answer.

Sully: Yeah, I thought so too, but...

Well, now I'm no so sure. See, I don't think it's because you were my teacher.

Frederick: No? Then what is it?

Sully: When I'm around you, I get... clumsy. I can't focus like I need to.

I'd never felt that way with anybody else before, so I didn't know what it was.

But it's not because you taught me. ...It's because... I love you.

Frederick: ......

Sully: I know that's big news to dump on you out of nowhere.

But I can't move forward until I deal with all this crap.

So, um... What do you think?

Frederick: In truth, I also wondered if that might have something to do with it.

And so I prepared this gift for just such an occasion.

Sully: ...Oh, Frederick! It's a ring with my name on it!

Frederick: I'd planned to give it to you once this war was over.

Sully: I just can't believe it! I mean, me? Really? But I'm so...

Frederick: Strong? Brave? Intelligent? Yes, Sully. You are all of that and more.

Sully: Okay, my heart is pretty much just sunbeams and puppies right now.

And I never say cute crap like that, so you KNOW it's serious!

Frederick: I feel the same... albeit with perhaps less flair for the dramatic.

Sully, my love, will you be my sunbeam?

Sully: Only if you'll be my puppy!

Frederick: ......

That was embarrassing.

Sully: Er, yeah. It was... Let's go spar!

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Welp, I forgot to transcribe most of my first playthrough pairings because of my need to play. Anyhow, I'll just use the Support Viewer and post after I finish the game.

[spoiler=Lucina x Laurent (2nd Gen. Romantic][spoiler=C Support] Laurent: A moment, Lucina, if you please.

Lucina: Hmm? What is it, Laurent?

Laurent: Might I take a look at your left leg?

Lucina: … What's this about?

Laurent: If my suspicions are correct, you have been injured.

Lucina: But… How did you know? I didn't tell anyone. … They would have just worried needlessly.

Laurent: You're favoring your right slightly when you walk. I knew something was amiss.

Lucina: I'm impressed by your attention to detail.

Laurent: I consider it my role to monitor this army's condition and aid in its preservation. I ask that you seek prompt and thorough treatment for your leg. The desire to spare your allies worry is noble, but misguided. Hobbling yourself with a poorly healed leg will cause far greater woe than the truth.

Lucina: … I shall have it looked at and be sure to give it proper time to heal.

Laurent: I wish you a swift recovery.

Lucina: Ever the voice of reason… I should learn from his example.

[spoiler=B Support]Lucina: Rgh… Strange…

Laurent: Is something amiss, Lucina? You have an air of consternation.

Lucina: Oh, hello, Laurent. I've been practicing my sword form, but something feels off.

Laurent: In what way?

Lucina: The force behind each swing feels weak.

Laurent: Well, I fear your grasp of swordplay far exceeds my own... But I do understand something of forces. Might I ask you to demonstrate?

Lucina: If you think it might help. On three, yes? One… two… HAAAH!

Laurent: Ah! I think I've got it.

Lucina: Already?!

Laurent: I suspect you've begun taking shallower steps due to your erstwhile leg injury. A common phenomenon among the recently recovered, I've found. Add another half step's length to your lunge, and you're likely to find your old form.

Lucina: I see. I'll give it a try. One… Two… RAAH! Ah! Yes, that's it exactly! Laurent, you're brilliant! I'm in your debt again. Such a talent almost defies all measure.

Laurent: Not at all.

Lucina: You really do keep such a keen eye on all of us. On behalf of the whole camp, it is most deeply appreciated.

Laurent: You are too kind. Perspicacity and analysis are the only things I have to offer. If you ever find yourself in need of either, I am at your humble service.

Lucina: I'm sure I'll have need of your talents again soon!

[spoiler=A Support]Lucina: Laurent? Might I have a moment?

Laurent: Yes, of course.

Lucina: Lately, I've been hearing some disquieting talk. People are saying that the quality of your work has… faltered, as of late.

Laurent: What?

Lucina: Mind you, it's hardly fair to complain. We all rely on you too much as it is. And I, for one, am confident that there are no grounds for the accusation. However, as your friend, I did want you to know.

Laurent: … I see. Yes, well, thank you for alerting me.

Lucina: There's no truth to it, is there? I'll find the source of this baseless rumor and make them―

Laurent: N-no! … Er, please, say nothing. I fear they have the right of it. Of late, I find myself…distracted.

Lucina: If something weighs on your mind, I'd be happy to lend an ear.

Laurent: Hmm… How toput it?

Lucina: No need to hold back, Laurent. You can speak plainly to me about anything. Well, as plainly as you ever speak… I owe you at least that much after all the help you've given me.

Laurent: … Very well then. I fear I've lost sight of myself and the role that I serve. As I was making my rounds, helping others in their training. I had a thought… What if all my efforts were nothing more than idle ego? Everyone in this army possesses tremendous skill and physical aptitude. Who am I to tell them how to go about their training? Or take care of their health? I worry that I serve only my own pride with these foolish endeavors.

Lucina: That's absurd, Laurent! I, of all people, know how helpful you truly are!

Laurent: Lucina…

Lucina: The only person here you could stand to spend more time helping is yourself.

Laurent: Er, myself?

Lucina: Yes! Work on learning to give yourself more credit. If you're unsure how, I'll show you.

Laurent: At the risk of sounding rude, you hardly seem the most qualified teacher. If there's anyone in this army who is harder on themselves than I, it is you.

Lucina: Hah! Well, that just might be true! I'd be absolutely no help at all, heh heh…

Laurent: Perhaps the two of us can work on improving together?

Lucina: Heh, a fine idea. It's a deal!

[spoiler=S Support] Lucina: Are you free, Laurent?

Laurent: L-Lucina!

Lucina: I thought we might join minds to think up some new ideas for…

Laurent: ……

Lucina: Um, Laurent? Is something wrong? You seem unwilling to meet my gaze.

Laurent: A-apologies, milady!

Lucina: You're acting very strange. Whatever is the matter?

Laurent: No, I merely, er… It's just that…

Lucina: If something is on your mind, perhaps I might help find and answer. I've told you before, you can always speak frankly to me.

Laurent: … very well then. When I spoke to you before about my distracted state, I mentioned my doubts. Was I really helping others, and so on. You recall this conversation, yes? Well, I fear it was… a half-truth.


Laurent: I was not worried about whether I was fit to support the army… I was worried I was unfit to support you. Thoughts of how I might better aid you and you alone consumed me! That was my true distraction from watching over the others.

Lucina: Laurent, what exactly are you saying?

Laurent: You're Chrom's daughter, and in your veins runs the blood of exalts and heroes. … So how could a common man such as I ever be worthy of you?

Lucina: That's ridiculous! Birth has nothing to do with talent or ability!

Laurent: I want to serve as your support, but how can I believe it's possible? And without such belief, nothing matters. I am but a twig floating in a stream.

Lucina: So that's the full reason, is it?

Laurent: I am in love with you, Lucina. I can say it no plainer.

Lucina: … Oh.

Laurent: I know I'm a fool to harbor a love far beyond my station, and yet―

Lucina: Laurent, please―have you ever heard me talk about station before? I don't give a whit for your parentage. I care about what's in your heart. … And in truth, I feel much the same about you.

Laurent: You… You do?

Lucina: I do, and have for quite some time.

Laurent: Th-this is wonderful! Stupendous! For once, I don't know what to say…

Lucina: I want to support you as you have me. Together… Forever.

Laurent: As do I. It's only right two souls derelict in caring for themselves find each other!

[spoiler=Cherche x Henry (1st Gen. Romantic][spoiler=C Support]Cherche: Oh, hello, Henry. Have you come by to pet Minerva?

Henry: Sure have! She's as cute as a button, that one. … Well, if buttons were cute. We had wyverns in Plegia, you know, and also the occasional fell beast. But we didn't have a single wyvern that was as pretty as Minerva.

Cherche: You're very astute. Not many humans realize how beautiful she is. They think wyverns all look the same, but people like you and I know better!

Henry: Yeah, it's sad that some folk can't tell the difference from one animal to the next. I mean, pegasi, wyverns, dogs, birds… They're all as different as you and me!

Cherche: You must really love animals.

Henry: Yep! I make four-legged friends wherever I go! And even some two-legged ones. I'm also pals with a three-legged bear, but that's a story for another time.

Cherche: I only hope you and I can become such fast friends one day. Now, why don't you slowly approach Minerva and try scratching her ear?

Henry: All right, here goes! Hey there, Miss Wyvern! I'm Henry. Nice to meetcha! Yowza! Sh-she tried to bite me! Look, I'm bleeding! Mmm, blood…

Cherche: Minerva! What's gotten into you?!

[spoiler=B Support] Cherche: Henry, I'm sorry about the other day, when Minerva almost… bit your hand off. She was terribly excited about something, but I'm not sure what.

Henry: Aw, it's fine. I bet I just give off some kind of animal aura. Or maybe she thought I was a big ham? I do smell kind of ham-like.

Cherche: In any case, I gave her a stern talking to. I don't think it'll happen again. I hope you won't hold it against her, and that you're still willing to be friends.

Henry: Are you kidding? Of course! Minerva and I are going to be besties for sure!

Cherche: I know everyone is fond of Minerva, but you seem especially attracted to her.

Henry: Well, when I was young, my best friend in the entire world was a giant wolf. My parents ignored me most of the time, so that wolf became my whole family. Then one day she came to visit me, and some hunters in the village… They shot her full of arrows. Killed her on the spot.

Cherche: … Th-that's terrible!

Henry: But they paid… Oh, how they paid… They paid in BLOOD. Er, but yes. None of my magic could bring my beautiful wolf friend back. So I guess that's why I hang out with you and Minerva. 'Cause it reminds me.

Cherche: We can never replace your wolf, but Minerva and I would love to be friends with you. In fact, we were just about to go and fly a patrol around the camp. If you have nothing else to do, you're more than welcome to join us.

Henry: You mean, you'll let me ride on Minerva's back?! In the SKY?! Holy horsefeathers, yes! Please let me come!

Cherche:Great. This will be lots of fun!

[spoiler=A Support] Henry: Cherche? Do you mind if I pet Minerva a little bit?

Cherche: Of course not. I was wondering if you were going to come by today.

Henry: I know I'm here a lot, but I always feel safe and happy when I'm with Minerva.

Cherche: … So now that you're here, Henry, I hope you'll let me ask you something. You're always smiling and laughing and acting as if you hadn't a care in the world. Yet, you never seem to make friends with people or allow them to get close. … Even me.

Henry: What? You think so? Nya ha ha! I'm not like that at all!

Cherche: There you go with that laugh again. It just sounds so hollow… I wonder if it's even possible for someone to be your true friend?

Henry: Sheesh, Cherche. It's not like that! We're already friends! Anyway, I'm glad we had that chat, but are we going on patrol today? I want to fly on Minerva's back again!

Cherche: … No. Not today. I think it's best if you don't see her for a while.

Henry: Wha―?!

Cherche: I'm very happy that you like Minerva and you two get along so well. But I think you need to spend more time with human friends―namely, me. So I'm going to carry out my patrol on foot, and you're coming with me.

Henry: Huh. Well, all right. If that's what you want, it's fine by me!

Cherche: Good. Let's go, shall we?

Henry: Forwaaaaaard, march!

[spoiler=S Support] Henry: Welcome back, Cherche! How was today's patrol?

Cherche: Uneventful. Did you come out here to meet me?

Henry: I figured the old dogs would be barking, so I brought a homemade bunion salve.

Cherche: Why, thank you, Henry! But how did you know?

Henry: We've been on so many patrols together, I've memorized your whole routine. After this, you'll put a cold towel on your head and drink a cup of hot elderberry tea.

Cherche: It's quite remarkable how much more attention you pay to other people now.

Henry: Nya ha ha! Yeah, I know. And it's all thanks to you!

Cherche: In any case, I'm pleased that we've become good friends.

Henry: Actually… being friends is nice and everything, but I want more. We spend so much time together, I'm thinking we should make it official.

Cherche: Er, make what official?

Henry: Aw, come on. You've been around the carousel before. You know what I mean! So here. This is for you.

Cherche: … A ring? Henry, are you―?

Henry: You've been really good to me, Cherche. More than just a good friend. Going on patrols together is fun and all, but I want to see you ALL the time. So, I was thinking we could, you know… get hitched. What do you think?

Cherche: Goodness, Henry, but this is sudden. However, I have found myself… thinking about you a lot lately. Ever since we met, I've wanted to know the real man behind that jolly façade. And this would be a chance to do just that. Very well, Henry. I accept your proposal!

Henry: Fantastic! This is great, Cherche! You and me are gonna be a family!

Cherche: … I think you're forgetting someone.

Henry: Who, Chrom? Well, I guess he can be involved somehow, but that seems… Oh, you mean Minerva! Nya ha ha! I almost forgot! Yeah, of course! Minerva'll be a part of the family, too!

Cherche: … Was your first thought really CHROM?!

Henry: Who, Chrom? Well, I guess he can be involved somehow, but that seems…

Oh gosh Henry I love yah! XD <3

Edited by Fayt
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No one claimed FemAvatar x Gregor, so I picked it up. Hope no one minds. His speech is really annoying to transcribe. D: I may do Donny's too while I'm at it.

[spoiler=FemAvatar x Gregor Rank C]

Gregor: Here, Avatar. You will drink this, yes?

Avatar: Hmm? What is it?

Gregor: Is special medicine Gregor drinks on hard journey! Tastes like bottom of old well, but is very good for you.

Avatar: I don't need medicine, Gregor, I feel fine.

Gregor: You have no hurting throat? No hacking up of lung?

Avatar: Well, now that you mention it, my throat has been a little sore...

Gregor: In battle, Gregor hear you breathe. Is raspy like old dying donkey.

Avatar: You must have a terrific sense of hearing to notice that over the din of combat.

Gregor: For a sellsword like Gregor, health very important. Soldier must be strong, yes?

Avatar: I daresay you're right. I don't pay as much attention to my health as I should. What kind of precautions do you take to avoid becoming ill?

Gregor: Gregor have three rules: gargle, wash hands, and take temperature!

Avatar: Oh. That sounds easy enough. Any other tricks?

Gregor: Gregor may have one more thing, but is very secret.

Avatar: Ah. Well, I wouldn't want you to reveal anything you're--

Gregor: You sleep in same bed as Gregor! Then we share body heat!

Avatar: --not comfortable with... I beg your pardon?

Gregor: Body becomes very cold at night, yes? This keeps muscles limber!

Avatar: An extra blanket will do just fine, thank you.

[spoiler=FemAvatar x Gregor Rank B]

Avatar: Say, Gregor? I wanted to thank you for that medicine you gave me. I was feeling great after taking it...but I think it gave me strange dreams.

Gregor: Is Gregor maybe in these dreams?

Avatar: Er...

Gregor: Ho ho ho! Is true! You dream of sharing bed with Gregor!

Avatar: We weren't in a bed! We were flying through the air...Then we landed...on the sun, I think. And I rested my head on your knee...Gods, it was horrible...

Gregor: Do not be feeling special. Gregor have that effect on many people.

Avatar: Since then, I haven't slept in days! Days! Look at my eyes! They're bloodshot!

Gregor: Some of greatest romances in history start with dreams like this.

Avatar: It's not funny! It is most definitely not funny! I have ch-chills up my back even as we speak...

Gregor: Chills? Hmm... Here, Avatar. Let Gregor look in eyes.

Avatar: No! Stay away from me!

Gregor: You are strange person. Now make with the hushing!

Avatar: .....

Gregor: Bloodshot eyes...Chills on spine....Strange dream... You had insect bite not long ago, yes?

Avatar: Er, yes, actually. A great big millipede bit me on the ankle the other day, but...

Gregor: Oy, is so terrible! You suffer dangerous infection carried by large bug! We must render treatment with no delay. Gregor fear your life is at stake.

Avatar: R-really? It's that serious?

[spoiler=FemAvatar x Gregor Rank A]

Gregor: Ah, Avatar. How is recovery?

Avatar: Good, thanks to you. The healers said if you hadn't caught the infection when you did, I'd have died. I owe you my life, Gregor.

Gregor: Oh ho ho! Sometimes batty old man knows thing or two, yes? You are clever yound lass, but old man like Gregor can be teaching you many things. You

listen to elders, and one day you might be smart like Gregor.

Avatar: Heh, yes. I'll certainly pay closer attention from now on.

Gregor: This is water running under bridge. But...

Avatar: What? Is something troubling you?

Gregor: You still have nightmare dream? Where you fly and put head on Gregor's knee?

Avatar: Not anymore, thank the gods.

Gregor: Is good. ...Because Gregor has to charge performance fee for appearing in dream.

Avatar: A performance fee? For a dream?! That's ridiculous!

Gregor: But if you say no more dream, then is okay. We call first one rehearsal. Gregor give steep discount. Now, you look after health so you see no more bad dreams, yes?

If you get weak again, you can rest head on knee, no charge.

Avatar: I assure you, I will be watching my health very carefully.

Gregor: You sound very with the motivation! Gregor believes you!

[spoiler=FemAvatar x Gregor Rank S]

Gregor: Oy, what is with long face like horsey? You have nightmare of Gregor again?

Avatar: Actually, I haven't dreamed about you for a while, unfortunately.

Gregor: Well, is good news, yes? Why no making with the skipping of joy? ...Wait! You say "unfortunately." You miss dream starring old Gregor?

Avatar: Oh gods, did I say that out loud?!

Gregor: Uh-oh. Now you red like ripe tomato! So you DO miss nighttime Gregor visit!

Avatar: Well..yes, as a matter of fact. You haunt my dreams when I don't want it, but when I start to actually LIKE you? Poof! You disappear completely!

Gregor: Is true. Gregor is rude dream stalker. In penance, Gregor offer small trinket.

Avatar: Trinket? But Gregor, this is...

Gregor: Is magic ring that allow Gregor to stay in dreams as long as you want. Only big condition--when you accept, spell can never be broken. What you say?

Are you prepared for life with Handsome Gregor?

Avatar: This...Is this a marriage proposal? Are you serious?

Gregor: No need ask question when you are knowing of answer. Handsome Gregor never joke about affairs of heart!

Avatar: Gregor, I know this is hard for you, but I need you to speak as clearly as possible. Are you proposing?

Gregor: If you no need ring, is fine.... Just throw in junk pile along with Gregor's broken heart!

Avatar: N-no! I do want it! I gladly accept! With all my heart!

Gregor: Then Gregor be with you in dream and in the real life, every day!

(Voiced) Now you listen. Gregor promised to bring his beloved many happiness for as long as they both keep on living.

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Here are the supports for Maribelle x Ricken.

Maribelle x Ricken

[spoiler=C, B, A, and S]

[spoiler=C Support]

Maribelle: The tea is ready, Ricken.

Ricken: ...Mmm, that's good. Thanks, Maribelle.

Maribelle: It's the least I can do after you saved me from those Plegian scoundrels, dear boy. A single cup of tea will scarce repay the debt I owe you!

Ricken: Aw, you don't owe me.

Maribelle: Ha! Without you, tea would be leaking from sword holes on every side of me! This debt must be paid, especially as we're both members of Ylisse's old high houses.

Maribelle: We may not be as close now as in ages past, but we're peers nonetheless. If I can ever be of help, you need but ask.

Ricken: Th-that's...

Maribelle: Whatever is the matter, dear?

Ricken: I'm just surprised to hear you say so, is all.

Maribelle: Come now! You saved my life! Surely you don't think me the sort to forget a debt?

Ricken: No, not that! The part about our houses. My house isn't like it used to be. ...Actually, we're dead broke.

Maribelle: Ah, yes. That. Well, the recent financial struggles of your house are hardly-

Ricken: I was just surprised to hear you call us peers. That's all. Plus, look at me! I'm hardly an aristocrat.

Maribelle: And what else could you be, mmm? A noble's honor isn't measured by size of purse, but quality of character. And anyone who would risk his life for another has a noble spirit indeed!

Maribelle: Your family is every bit an equal to mine, and hang those who say differently!

Ricken: Heh... Thanks, Maribelle.

[spoiler=B Support]

Maribelle: Oh, Ricken, dear? Let me see your leg.

Ricken: Wh-what? Why would you want to--

Maribelle: Ricken!

Ricken: Urk! Y-yes, ma'am.

Maribelle: Heavens, look at this wound! Small wonder you're gimping about like the village drunk!

Maribelle: Why didn't you say something about this?

Ricken: What, this? Ha ha! Oh, this is nothing! Just a ...flesh wound.

Maribelle: And what if this "flesh wound" were to get infected? Mmm? What then?

Maribelle: You must stop taking unnecessary risks! ...Such as fighting at all.

Ricken: What?! What's THAT supposed to mean?

Maribelle: Putting someone so young in the line of fire is the worst kind of cowardice.

Maribelle: Yes, you saved me, but you could have died a hundred times along the way!

Maribelle: Well, never again! I shall demand Chrom find a way to spare you further combat.

Maribelle: I should have done this sooner, dear boy. Oh, I hope you can forgive my--

Ricken: Don't you dare! ...And don't call me a boy!

Ricken: I can handle myself in a fight, Maribelle. You should know that better than anyone.

Maribelle: Now see here! No one doubts your abilities, least of all me.

Maribelle: But I would be devastated beyond comfort if anything happened to you.

Ricken: I have this power for better or worse, and I know how to fight.

Ricken: Don't ask me to sit by while my friends, my family and my country are in danger.

Maribelle: I suppose if you're truly certain, it is not my place to stop you.

Maribelle: I only ask that you don't stop me from striving to keep you safe.

Maribelle: TELL me when you're hurt, Ricken! Let me use my gifts for you as well.

Maribelle: You'll keep no one safe by playing the stoic.

Ricken: All right.

[spoiler=A Support]

Maribelle: This war grows more intense with each passing battle.

Ricken: I'm exhausted as well, but if we give up now, all of Ylisse will suffer.

Ricken: We have to stay strong for them.

Maribelle: Ricken, I owe you an apology for my words from the other day.

Maribelle: You understand the situation as well as any of us, and I was wrong to imply otherwise.

Ricken: You weren't wrong. ...Not totally, anyway. I AM young, and I DID hide an injury.

Ricken: I'm trying to be more careful. I really am.

Maribelle: Good. You tell me the moment you get even a scratch, are we clear?

Ricken: You may not believe this, but I have no desire to suffer a terrible injury.

Maribelle: Yes, well. So long as that's understood.

Maribelle: By the by, I procured a delicious blend of tea in town the other day.

Maribelle: If we both manage to survive the coming battle, I promise to share it with you.

Ricken: Ha! That sounds delicious! Just make sure you're careful too, all right?

Ricken: I'm not the only person on the battlefield that people care about.

Maribelle: You've become quite the noble young man, Ricken.

[spoiler=S support]

Maribelle: Ricken...

Ricken: Oh, is it teatime already?

Maribelle: Er, not quite. I've actually come to you with something of a proposal.

Maribelle: You see, I would like to help with the restoration of your family's fortune.

Ricken: That's really kind, but not necessary. It's not like we eat crumbs off the floor.

Ricken: And while your coin might repair the house, our name would still be sullied.

Ricken: We have to do this ourselves.

Maribelle: Well, yes, naturally. But...

Ricken: Although, I've been thinking. I know this may sound odd, but...

Ricken: I have a proposal of my own.

Maribelle: Oh?

Ricken: I want you to have this.

Maribelle: ...This is a signet ring. And it bears your house crest!

Maribelle: Ricken, I cannot accept this. Such a token is best reserved for your future wife.

Ricken: Yes. I know.

Maribelle: Oh, moldy caviar! How could I have been so daft?

Maribelle: It seems you and I are proposing the same thing.

Ricken: Wait, you WANT to get married? I thought you'd say I was far too--

Maribelle: Of course! As you say, a family's name can only be restored from within.

Ricken: I don't give a whit for my name, Maribelle! I'll only marry you if...if you love me.

Maribelle: I believe that I do, yes.

Maribelle: It seemed a bit... Well, unusual, I suppose, so I thought if I covered it somehow...

Ricken: You made up the thing about my family name because you were embarrassed?

Maribelle: Perish the thought, Ricken! I'm deeply concerned for your family's honor.

Maribelle: Besides, do you think me the sort who would marry a man she didn't love?

Ricken: Oh, Maribelle! I've been in love with you since the moment we met!

Ricken: I'll make you happy! I swear it!

Maribelle: R-really? From the moment we met?

Ricken: I nearly went mad when I heard you'd been taken captive!

Ricken: Chrom tried to stop me from going, but I wouldn't hear of it!

Maribelle: I don't know what to say...

Maribelle: You have become a man with strength equal to the passion of his convictions.

Maribelle: And now I'll have the pleasure of sharing tea with that man for the rest of my life.

Ricken: Then prepare the kettle, my love!

Edited by Taichi01
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These supports are so well-written! I'm tempted to just cave and download it so I can contribute too. I want to see F!AvatarxRicken, I haven't even seen a Japanese one.

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I said freaking Day One. And I meant I'd power through within 24 hours regardless of freaking school workload.

MU/Avatar x Olivia Support Conversations videos:

[spoiler=Japanese Voices]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpeVb3blv_g

[spoiler=English Voices]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuNSny9aNBc

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These supports are so well-written! I'm tempted to just cave and download it so I can contribute too. I want to see F!AvatarxRicken, I haven't even seen a Japanese one.

>_> I forgot to transcribe that and quite a few others yesterday.. Priority. I'll get it in by 2PM.

Edited by Fayt
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For my remaining supports I'm going to beat the game and get the convos from the library. Typing them as they showed up was ruining the pacing of the game for me. Hope you guys don't mind.

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[spoiler=Donnel x Laurent (Parent & Child][spoiler=C Support]Laurent: This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.

Donnel: Heh! You sound just like yer ma, Laurent!

Laurent: Naturally.She IS my mother.

Donnel: Well, sure, but still… You two're so alike, I sometimes wonder if ya inherited anythin' from me!

Laurent: Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.

Donnel: Like what?

Laurent: Like… the color of my hair.

Donnel: Er, well that's true, but I reckon that ain't quite what I had in mind. Anythin' more meanin'ful? Maybe ya like to put pots on yer head and the like?

Laurent: Hmm,no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.

Donnel: See, that's what I mean. Yer always so serious and uptight. You could stand to loosen up a bit, maybe act a bit more yer age.

Laurent: We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged.Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.

Donnel: Wait, how could ya be older'n Lucina? She's already been born here, but yer ma and I still ain't birthed you.

Laurent: I…I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Donnel: Laurent, wait! … Now what in tarnation was all that about?

[spoiler=B Support]Donnel: Heya, Laurent.

Laurent: Father. How may I help you?

Donnel: I been thinkin' 'bout how ya said you were older'n Lucina. Can you try explainin' that? I'm a mite bit lost.

Laurent: It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are… variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.

Donnel: Hoo-ee!There's that much of a spread between when you two landed?

Laurent: … Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.

Donnel: So ya been 'round these parts for five years all by yourself…?

Laurent: Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me…

Donnel: Laurent, wait! Why haven't ya ever mentioned any of this 'fore? You were cut off from everyone else for five years. Musta been lonely somethin' fierce…

Laurent: As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. … I managed fine on my own.

Donnel: Laurent…

[spoiler=A Support]Donnel: Laurent.

Laurent: More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.

Donnel: Oh, ya were. But today's different. 'Cause today… Coochy coochy coo!

Laurent: Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-father, have you gone mad?!

Donnel: Shuck my corn! Ya CAN smile!

Laurent: I beg your pardon?!

Donnel: Yer always so bent on bein' the serious, grown-up type. I worry ya put too much pressure on yerself.

Laurent: For the last time, I am not a child!

Donnel: Age ain't got nothin' to do with it. It don't matter if yer older'n Lucina. Or heck, older'n me! Yer still a child. Yer MY child. … My son.

Laurent: Er,I…

Donnel: And ya ain't alone no more. So stop isolatin' yerself already. Ya got friends, and ya got me.

Laurent: ……You're right. All that time, it was… I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone… Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were… I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was… awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That pain would kill me, or…

Donnel: I'm awful sorry I didn't find ya earlier, Laurent. Please forgive me. Just know that I ain't never gonna leave ya again! Cross m'heart and hope to spit!

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Finally got one of my supports finished.


C Rank

Donnel: The swan princess done lost her love, and now her luck is buuuuusted!

Olivia: She looks so sad beside the lake, her wedding ring a'rusted!

Donnel: Yikes! You done scared me ,ma'am!

Olivia: Oh, did I? Gosh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

But that's one of my favorite ballads, and I couldn't help but join in!

Donnel: Eh? You know that song?

Olivia: Oh, yes! All dancers dream of the day when they might perform as the white swan.

Donnel: It's a sad song somethin' fierce, and I always get to feelin' low when I sing it.

Just the way that poor white swan princess is out lamentin' her black swan prince.

She sets out to journey 'round the world, hopin' to meet him one more time.

But while she's gone, the evil swans wreck her home and put her realm to the torch!

That's why she gets to cryin' out by that pond in the song, most-like.

Olivia: But, Donnel, it doesn't end there. Don't you know the other verses?

Donnel: ...It don't end with that line about brewin' up tea?

Olivia: No, that's just the end of the middle act! Here's the rest...

The moon sees the swan princess sadly sipping her tea and takes pity on her.

He calls out to the black swan prince and tells him how the princess suffers.

When the prince hears this, he summons his allies and chases the wicked swans away.

Then prince and princess are reunited in the smoldering ruins of her palace!

There they embrace tenderly while the princess smiles softly up at the moon.

Donnel: Well pluck my feathers and feed me grits! That ain't a sad song at all!

Olivia: No, it's not.

Donnel: Gosh, thanks for settin' me straight, ma'am. I reckon I like it even more now!

Olivia: Oh, you're very welcome!

B Rank

Donnel: Say, Olivia? I've been a'ponderin' that swan princess from the song.

You wanna know what I think? I reckon it really is a sad story.

Olivia: Oh? How so?

Donnel: The princess's whole kingdom was burned up, but they never got put right.

Olivia: Well, it's true that the song doesn't mention rebuilding...

Donnel: So even if the white swan hitches up with her true love, her home's still rubble.

I don't see how she can be properly happy like that. I surely don't.

Olivia: I'd...never thought of that.

Donnel: Right? It ain't no cheerful ditty at all- it's one'a them funeral dirges!

Olivia: And if that's so, it casts her final act in an entirely different light...

Donnel: Olivia? You chewin' on straw there? Whatcha mumblin' about?

Olivia: Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about the choreography for that song.

There was one point that always puzzled me, but I think you've given me the answer.

Donnel: I did?

Olivia: In the choreography, the princess smiles at the moon when they embrace.

But the movements are slow and sad, as if they were full of loss.

I never understood how she could be so sorrowful in the midst of an embrace.

But now I think I get it.

Donnel: She's happy for herself, but still thinkin' 'bout her home bein' all busted up.

Olivia: Yes, exactly. Thank you, Donnel. This has been an eye-opening talk!

I might be able to add a whole new dimension to this dance.

Donnel: Gosh! I'd pay anythin' to see that!

Olivia: Erm well, I need much more practice. I'm not much of a dancer...

Donnel: Well, you get to rehearsin' and lemme know when yer ready to go!

A Rank

Olivia: Donnel? Do you mind coming over here for a second?

Donnel: What's up, Olivia?

Olivia: Er, well... I was hoping that you might want to watch me dance.

Donnel: Jumpin' jacksnakes! You're all done practicin'? Show me! Show me!

Olivia: Yes, but I can't dance without music. Would you be so kind as to sing?

Donnel: Aw sure! But I only know the words partway.

Olivia: That's all right. I'll sing as I dance, in the sections you don't know.

Donnel: Okeydokeys. Ready? Here goes nothin'!

The moon was smilin' gently down...


And now at last, the two embrace, and in his arms the swan does sigh...

Olivia: Up she looks, with smile so wide, to gaze at the moon in the sky.

Donnel: ......

Olivia: Er, Donnel? ...Hello? Did you like it?

Donnel: Aw, shucks, Olivia! That's the purdiest thing I ever seen in m' while darn life!

*Sniff* Gosh... Aw, shucks...

Olivia: *Sniff* Donnel? You're crying!

Donnel: *Sniffle* So are you...

Olivia: *Sniffle* Heh... I guess I am.

I got so caught up in the dance, I actually became the white swan!

Donnel: I know! I'd a'sworn you were the princess!

Olivia: Oh, well now... It wasn't THAT good...

Donnel: I reckon I could watch you dance all day! ...Don't suppose ya would, though.

Olivia: I might be up for one more...

S Rank

Donnel: ......

Olivia: Donnel?

Donnel: ......

Olivia: Donnel!

Donnel: What in tarnation? ...Oh, hi, Olivia.

Olivia: Is something wrong? You're just sitting there like a stunned toad.

W-was my dance that bad?

Donnel: Jeepers, no... I couldn't tear my eyes away, you were so beautiful.

Olivia: T-truly?

Donnel: It's like I was hypnotized or somethin'. Hope I ain't gettin' sick...

Olivia: Oh dear...

Donnel: I just get so weepy when I imagine you as the white swan.

It's almost like I'm the black swan and I've fallen in... Er...

Which is by way of sayin' I went'n bought ya this.

Olivia: Is that... a ring?

Donnel: Now, I know I'm no prince or black swan. ...More of an odd duck, I s'pose.

And I know a grubby old ring like this won't make a princess smile at the moon but-

Olivia: Donnel, any gift from you has the power to make this princess smile.

Donnel: So does that mean...?

Olivia: I think it's time for me to dance again.

Except, in this performance, I won't be dancing for the black swan prince.

Donnel: N-no?

Olivia: No. This time I'm dancing for you. For you... my love...

Donnel: Aw, gosh! I'm gonna sing that song like it ain't never been sung 'fore!

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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[spoiler=Ricken x Morgan(M) (Parent & Child][spoiler=C Support]Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my father... All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear... I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together... But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank.

Ricken: What are you up to, Morgan?

Morgan: Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate! ...Wait, no. How did Mother put it? "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link... thing!

Ricken: Heh, Is that so?

Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me... I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father. Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?

Ricken: I'd be happy to try. After all--

Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!

Ricken: Boy, he's certainly got energy to spare...

[spoiler=B Support]Morgan: Father? Do you have a moment?

Ricken: Of Course!

Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Dad Back! Step one--figure how we're going to trigger some flashbacks. I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Father? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?

Ricken: Hey, let's just...hold off on the head smashing for now, okay? Why don't you try just staring at me for a bit? Right into my eyes.

Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sory to invade your personal space here, but... here goes...





Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing. It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?"

Ricken: Er, right... Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day?

Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest... But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Father!

[spoiler=A Support]Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either... I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*

Ricken: Come now, Morgan. No tears.

Morgan: B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them... I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*

Ricken: Morgan...

Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there... Ngh! M-my head! ...Wha--?!

Ricken: What's wrong?!

Morgan: I...I rememebered something! Just one tiny little memory, but... I remember! You were smiling at me... and you called my name...Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you! Oh thank you, Father. I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.

Ricken: Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you!

Morgan: Aw... Thanks, Dad.

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