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I should have just waited a bit longer, I already have Donny and Lissa ready to dump on you all.

Donnel x Lissa

C Support


Ah ha! I've been looking for you, Donny.


Huh? Did you need me for somethig, Yer Gracefulship?


No titles! We've talked about this before. I want you to think of me as an older sister.


I know, Yer Worshipful...er, Miss Lissa. But it feels so darn weird!


Well, get used to it!

You're one of a precious few allies younger than me, you know? I have to milk this!

Anyway, feel free to come ask for my help aaaaaanytime!


But yer the princess of Ylisse, Miss Lissa!


Then consider it a royal order. ...And drop the "miss" stuff!


Y-yes, ma'am!


...Well, I suppose that'll do for now.

Hee, this is great! I always wanted a little brother to order around!


Gosh! I'm honored, I guess.


Now, what can your big sis do for you? Anything at all, just say the word.


Er... I'm frightful sorry to dash your hopes'n all, but I can't think'a nothing' right now.

L-lemme work on it. Bye!


Wha? Hey! Get back here!

B Support


Looks like it's the two of us on provisioning duty today!

What should we hunt for? Mushrooms? Wild herbs? Ooh, maybe berries?


That all sounds tasty, but fightin' a war takes stouter stuff'n that. I vote for game!


So, er, meat. From animals. Riiight... Guess we need to hunt some, then.

Er, let's see...


Don't fret it none. I laid a half dozen traps yesterday just in case.

Just follow me, Lissa!


Whoa, look! Two rabbits and a boar! The traps really worked!


Good thing, too. Now I ain't gotta worry 'bout you wanderin' around in the woods.


I'm amazed, Donny. Where'd you learn how to hunt like this?


From my pa, at first. Past that, I just kinda picked it up on my own.


Wow. No matter where you are, you'll never lack for food.


From yer lips to Naga's ears!

'Sides, I couldn't see my dream through if I weren't able to get anywheres.


What dream is that?


To travel the world lookin' for the secret to this stone my pa gave me.

Was his dream, too, back before... Well when he was still alive.

...So I'm fixin' to do it for him.


That's wonderful, Donny.

You make me want to really knuckle down and buckle down on my own dream.


You got a dream, Lissa?


Hey! Why do you sound so surprised?


Wh-what?! Naw, I didn't mean it that way at all!


My dream is to become a true lady like my sister, Emmeryn.


Well, I reckon you'll get there eventually.




Er, real soon, I mean! Like tomorrow! I knows ya will!

Gosh, I can see it now. I bet you'll be the prettiest lady of 'em all!

Wearin' big dresses and dancin' in circles at them fancy balls...


You really think so?


Heck, I know so! Prettiest lady in the whole dang world, see if you ain't!


Heh heh. Thanks, Donny.

A Support


Settle down and take a seat. Professor Lissa is now instructing.


Er, if I'm gonna be learnin', I'd rather it was Sir Chrom teachin' me to fight proper.

I don't mean no offense, Lissa, but-


Tut tut! No talking! ...And it's PROFESSOR Lissa!

All right now, class. Open your texts to page 84.


Er, beggin' your pardon, Professor, but that constellation's the Wyvern, not the Dragon.




Yes, ma'am. And that bright star ain't Arthentine, it's Tryffin.


Rgh, fine! This astronomy lesson is OVER! Just...read the book quietly to yourself!


Aw, Lissa! Wait, I didn't...

Dang it all. Why'd I have to go openin' my fool mouth?


That little know-it-all! Pigs'll fly before I offer to team HIM again!


Oh darn it! I twisted my ankle!

Aw, why did I have to storm off so far from camp!

I...I could die out here! I'm gonna be eaten by a bear or a lumberjack or something!


Lissa? Miss Lissa, can you hear me? Where are ya, Lissa?


D-Donny?! Over here! I'm here, Donny!


Oh, thank goodness. I was worried ya... Huh? What's up with yer leg, Lissa?


I sort of...twisted my ankle...


Lemme have a look at that...

Pig slop! There ain't no "sort of" about it. Ya done sprained it bad.

Here, hop on m'back.


What? You don't have to...


Just hurry up and climb on! ...Er, please.

There's talk'a bandits showin' up all over these parts, so we best skedaddle.


A-all right.


...Hup! All right, you hang on now! I'll have us back in two shakes.


S-say, Donny? Were you out looking for me this whole time?

...I'm so sorry. I make a pretty terrible older sister.


Aw, that ain't true at all, Lissa.

I'm just happy ya care about me. Yer always so nice to me and all...


Heh... I'd say the same thing for you, Donny.

S Support




What are you up to, Donny? And what is that? A ring?


Gah! L-Lissa... This, uh... I was just...


Wait, is that what I think it is?


...Y-ye, ma'am, I reckon it is.


You can't!




Y-you're... You're not ready!


...Too soon, eh?


I mean, sure, you're more reliable than I'd thought...

And more knowledgeable, and kind, and able to survive on your own in the world...

Wait, maybe you ARE ready...

No, no, no! What am I saying?! A thousand times no!


Yeah, all right. I reckon yer just lookin' out for me.

'Sides, it's crazy to think a farm boy like me could be with a princess...


Wait, what? Donny, who are you talking about?


I'm sorry, Lissa. You were a little bit nice to me and I went and got the wrong idea.

Won't mention it ever again, though, don't ya worry.

I'll just be goin' now...


Hey, wait! You were planning to give that to ME?




Augh, stupid Donny! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID!


Awww! C'mon now, I done said I was sorry...


How can you just give up so easily?! I never said I WOULDN'T accept!


Huh? Then...


Donny, I would love to marry you!


Er, are ya sure? I'm just a big ol' pig slopper from the sticks...


I know.


So if ya get hitched to me, you'll be givin' up on bein' a high-class society lady.

No more big dresses or fancy balls or them masks that make ya look like a cat...

It'd just about kill me to take yer dreams away from ya.


Hee hee! This isn't the most convincing proposal, Donny.

Besides, none of that stopped you from getting that ring for me, did it?


Well, no, but...


You're not taking anything away from me. You're just giving me a new dream.




Yes. A dream of starting a happy family with you.


Golly, Lissa...


And I can become a true lady anywhere! ...Even on a pig farm.

It isn't about clothes or dances. It's a matter of character, integrity, and grace.

I intend to have all that. A true lady, a happy wife, and a good mother...

And I couldn't be any of tose things without you. So, will you help me?


Ye-haw! Ya bet yer life I will!

Oh, I swear I'll make ya the happiest girl in the world!


You already have, Donny.

Just in case there's any confusion, Lissa does refer to Donnel as Donny in supports.

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Completed Sumia x Frederick is up on my original post. Quite the first day accomplishment on my end, I've got three couples married and more on the way >__>

I've almost got Gaius x Maribelle finished, and I've gotten Cordelia x Libra started up, so expect those some time tomorrow. I think my only other first gen romantic support left is Lon'qu x Cherche, which I'll try to get up ASAP (still need to recruit Cherche what chapter does that even happen on).

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Phew! First one done!

It's the Sully x Vaike Time!

C Support


Mm-MMM! Now that smells like a slice of heaven. Whatcha eatin' there?


Bogsberry and cabbage pie, the best cream of treacle in all of Ylisse.


A shiny copper coin says it was baked them lady friends that were followin' ya!


Keep your coin. They gave it to me before we left to keep me warm on the journey.


Gremlin's tail! The Vaike's never had a gaggle of maidens bake HIM a pie!

How'd ya do it?! What's your secret?!...Er, not that I'm jealous or nothin'.


I suppose I'm just charming like that. Why, you need advice?


Har har! Ol' Teach don't need advice on that score!

I mean, sure no one's ever bothered to bake me a tasty pie...

But I knew a milkmaid once who gave me an apple—and it only had one worm in it!


Well, good for you.


'Sides, I'm more of a man's man, ya know? And men don't usually go for pie bakin'.

I'd rather eat a donkey's hindquarters than a pie baked by one'a my mates! Har har!

Still, I'd give anything to have lasses offering me their pies all the time.

...Maybe it's the horse? Ladies do love the horses...


An idiot on a horse is still an idiot.


What's that supposed to mean?

Hey, wait a sec, Sully. You're a woman. ...Er, right?

Got some tips for the Vaike? What do YOU admire in a man?

Sully: He has to be better than me. Someone I can respect.


Better? ...You mean better looking?

Sully: I mean better at important things! Smarter, stronger, faster with a blade and lance...


Well, maybe you should take me on. I'm pretty tough ya know.

Sully: If you think fighting me will attract women, you're an even bigger fool than I though...

...Eh, but why not? It's been days since I've dished out a good thrashing, heh heh.

B Support


C'mon, Sully. Help ol' Teach out here. Why can't I ever win the girl?

I got devilish good looks, the strength of an ogre, and the charm of a fancy noble!


Well, one of those is true. ...Sort of.

I suppose you can handle a lance, even if I'm better with a sword.

Our match was pretty darn even until you decided we should arm wrestle.

So, yes. I'll admnit that you're strong. ...Not bright, mindyou, but strong.


98... 99... 100!

Er, sorry. What was that last bit? Hard to hear you over these biscep curls...

Anyway, ya gotta help me out here, Sully. Ya just gotta!

Look at these arms! Just look at 'em! I mean, what else does a lady want?


Gods be damned, but you are thick. How about being kind? Or thoughtful?!


Er, what would a girl want that stuff for?


...Look. If you ask me, I'd want a man with ideals. One who wants to better himself.

If I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, I have to respect him.


Har! That's me up and down! Heck, I joined the Shepherds 'cause of my ideals.


Now that you mention it, you never did tell me why you're fighting for Chrom.

So? Out with it. What made you sign up?


Har! That's me up and down! Heck, I joined the Shepherds 'cause of my ideals.

I wanted to be the greatest warrior in all the realm!


No, idiot. I'm asking why you wanted to be a great warrior in the first place.


Well, it's a bit of a tale, but you need more Teach-talk that bad, eh? Well, all right...

I grew up poor in this podunk little villiage where I was famous for never losin' a fight.

Local kids latched on to me, and before I knew it, I had my own little gang.

Course, we were just a bunch of ne'er-do-wells as far as the adults were concerned...


What a surprise...


So one day, Emmeryn herself came to our corner of the world, and she said...

"I seek to bring prosperity and equality to all of the people of Ylisse!"

Well, that struck a nerve. Soon as I heard it, I knew what my mission was.


To forsake your misspent youth, join the Shepherds, and fight for social justice?


Er, yeah, that! That was it exactly! What you just said!

Okay, maybe not the EXACT same words I used, but...


...Vaike? You may not be such a complete moron after all.

You might even, dare I say it? ...Deserve some respect?


That's the Vaike! Man of your dreams, right here, reporting for d-


No, I stand correct. No respect warranted. None, whatsoever.



A Support


Hey-ho, Sully! Just the gal I was hopin' to see. Got a question for ya.


What is it? I'm busy.


Why did YOU sign up for the Shepherds?

I told ya my story, remember? Now you gotta tell me yours. Fair's fair!


My story is dull... I joined so I could become a knight.


Aw, come on! You're havin' me on!


You got a problem?!


No, it's just... See, I thought ya already were a knight.


I have armor and arms, but yet to undergo the formal ceremony...


Ah, I see. So you're gonna cover yourself in glory here with us Shepherds...

Maybe catch Chrom's eye and earn yourself knighthood?


Not quite. I was born into a long line of knights. My house and all that crap.

This tittle will be mine by inheritance when the time comes.

I could spend my life eating grapes from a damn silver bowl and still be called "sir"!


Er, so then why-


Because there's no honor in accepting someting you haven't earned!

A knight shouldn't just be lucky enough to be born to some damn noble!

A knight has duties. ...Responsibilities

"A knight is brave and true, aids all in need, and defends the weak from evil."

I can't up hold that oath without honing my skills. Suffering hardship. All of that.

How can I know courage if I don't face bloody death a bunch of times?

I'll fight for the Shepherds until I've damn well EARNED the tittle of knight!


Criven's horn, that's a rousing speech!


Oh please, I'm not trying to... It just means a lot to me is all.

I don't get a chance to talk about it much. I'm sorry if I bored you...


...Bored?! Har har! Ain't NOTHIN' boring about you,Sully.

In fact, the Vaike hasn't been this excited since the exalt came to visit my li'l ol' town!




Cross my heart and hope to... Okay, well, just cross my heart.

'Cause I realized something, Sully: you and me should duel more often!

You wanna be a knight among knights, I wanna be a warrior's warrior.

Seems we can help each other out!


Hmm... Don't expect me to go easy on you. It'll hurt....Maybe a lot.


Har har! Bring it on! The Vaike can take it!

S Support


Heya, Sully.


Oh. Hello, Vaike


So I was just thinkin', and i... Look, are you fallin' for me?



...Where the hell did you get that idea?!


Well, it's just that you've been actin' different around me. Not yourself, like.

I thought maybe that was the reason. But if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.


Well, I... I never said you were WRONG, exactly...Er, that is...

Well...yes. Yes, I suppose I am...maybe...starting to fall for you...a little... But I still don't like you a lot!


That's good enough for the Vaike! 'Cause truth be told, I'm startin' to take a shine to you, too.


Whatever happens...you should know...I won't be doing any damn housework


Har har! Not exactly what I was expecting to hear, but okay.

I mean, duh, I'd be the biggest fool in all of Ylisse if I expected that!

I'm a simple man, but I like being with you. I feel like I can trust ya with my troubles.

And I guess that's why I'm ya might...make a good...wife.


Thinking back, I never would have though...I mean this is all so unexpected, it's just...

Oh, hell with it! Why not? Let's get married!


Now hold on! I'm the man here, and that means I'm doin' the askin'!


Pfft! Too late, knucklehead.


Aw, this whoe thing's a mess! I spent all day plannin' it out, too

Even bought this blasted ring...


Well?! Are you going to give me that ring or stand here like a damn fool?!


Yah, all right. ...Here, catch! (Wow bro, classy)


Oop! Got it... Oh Vaike, this is... It's gorgeous.


Only the best for Mrs. The Vaike!

Edited by Naui
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Tada, the start of the klutzy pegasus knight and the overly dedicated butler great knight!

Frederick x Sumia

C Support


Frederick! What are you doing up so early?


Good morning, Sumia.

I'm inspecting everyone's weapons and armor to ensure all is ready for battle.


But it's not even dawn yet! Don't you ever sleep?


I have sword to serve Chrom and the Shepherds to the best of my ability.

As commander, Chrom bears a burden far heavier than any of ours.

It would ill behoove me to neglect any opportunity to lessen that load.


He's fortunate to have you. Imagine getting up this early just to check gear!


I did not stir this morn simply to satisfy myself as to our battle readiness.

I also exercised, performed a number of weapon drills, and patrolled the camp.

I then stoked the fire, readied the makings for morning tea, and consumed one egg.




Oh, and I scared off a noisy flock of birds nesting too near milord's tent.

Then, with no other pressing task, I took the time to inspect our equipment.


Good heavens .


Apologies, my lady. You must find my prattle to be terribly dull.

I have often been criticized for what some consider to be an excess of zeal.

Such devotion appears to make my comrades uneasy.


Well, I think it's wonderful!


... You do?


Absolutely! You're an inspiration, Frederick. There's no other word for it.

Look at all you do for Chrom! It makes me wish I was more like you.

I'm so sick of being the girl whose main contribution is falling on her face!

I know we all need levity in these times, but I would still prefer to do more.


I don't know what to say.

You're the first person who has ever understood what I'm trying to do.

Perhaps we should join our causes to each other.

We could be the grease that keeps the Shepherds running smoothly.


Now THAT is a splendid idea!

B Support


I'm so sorry, Frederick!


I-it's quite all right, milady. I suppose it is a bit complicated the first time.


But I can't believe I got lost patrolling the camp. So embarrassing!

And I don't know HOW I managed to drop that potion. That...expensive potion.

Although you did agree the broom was worn out before it broke, so that's probably...

Oh gosh, and the fire! I'm SO SORRY about the fire! You have a spare tent, right?


Yes, well, look on the bright side: you did a splendid job pulling weeds.

I don't see a single straggler in this entire camp!


Well, I always liked making little chains and bracelets out of flowers!


...Er, you did just pluck weeds yes? Not the flowers from the flowerbeds?



Oh, HORSE PLOP! It's true! All I'm good for is falling on my face!

I'm going to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head.


Please, milady, no! You mustn't give up.




The most important part of any battle is that you give your all.

Everything you did today was out of consideration for your fellow Shepherds.

And if the results were less than optimal? Well, it's not the worst thing in the world.

So long as you strive to help people, success will eventually find its way to you.


Oh, Frederick! If you really think so then I promise not to give up!

Perhaps I could make little flower necklaces for everyone!


...Please don't.

A Support


Hmm... What to do, what to do...


Hello, Frederick. Is something wrong?


Ah, Sumia. Yes, something IS wrong!

This horse escaped the paddock during the night.

I managed to catch it by the bridle, but the foul beast refuses to be led back!


Oh, is that all? Here, let me try.


No, milady, it's too dangerous! The brute is practically frothing at the mouth!


Oh, don't be silly...

There, what a nice horsey... Shhhhhh... Auntie SUmia won't hurt you, I promise.

But if you stay out here, the wolves might get you. Let's go back to your friends.


By the nine heavens! It's moving!


We'll be fine, Frederick. I'll make sure this brave guy gets back safe.


You have a gift, milady. I thought the creature would die on this very spot.


Oh, he just needed some encouragement is all.

It's kind of like how you aid and motivate Chrom!

Humans and horses both need friends to lean on sometimes.


Still, you performed a great service, and I am in your debt.


Oh, really, it's not a big-


Do not be modest, milady! I might have wrestled that beast all day without you!


Yes, possibly. Except, well, the thing is... See, last night, I fed the horses.

And you know the latch on the gate? The one you're supposed to close?

Weeell, there's a teensy-tinesy possibility I might have left it...kind of...open.


By the gods! So it was you who let this demon beast free!

S Support


Frederick! I've been meaning to thank you!

You're the one who polisehd my armor to such a lovely sheen, right?


I...wasn't sure you noticed.


Of course I noticed! My plate and weapons have never looked so good...

Why, I glittered like a lighthouse on my ride today! ...I actually felt pretty.


You are always beautiful to me, Sumia. In truth, I've eyes for no one else.


Hee hee! Not even Chrom?


'Tis no laughing matter, milady!

I serve Chrom because I have sworn to do so. He is my lord and master.

But when in your presence, I cannot tear my eyes from you. I am captivated!

True, at first it was because I feared you might blunder into a nearby tree...

But soon I found myself gazing at you whenever the opportunity permitted.


Oh, Frederick...


Please, milady. Would you do me the honor of accepting this gift?


...This is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen, Frederick.

Does it mean what I think it means?


My heart is yours, milady. Now and forever, if you would only but claim it.


But why? I'm so inept at everything! Weeding, fire starting, wagon repair...


None of that matters, so long as you are by my side!


I just can't imagine...

Gods, this ring is so shiny. You must have polished it for days.

Frederick, this is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me...


You deserve it and more. Were that I could, I would present you with the moon herself.


I don't want the moon, Frederick. I just want you!

So yes! Yes and yes and yes again! You've made me the happiest woman alive!

That actually was really nice. Much better than I was expecting! I really love how honestly sincere they were. I'm so pairing them together! laugh.gif

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*cries* Why you make it JP voices D:

You DO know that if they didn't include the Japanese voice option, I would have turned off conversation voices and then recorded the English text, and then recorded the voices from my JP copy, right?

I'll get to the English voiced one today.


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That actually was really nice. Much better than I was expecting! I really love how honestly sincere they were. I'm so pairing them together! laugh.gif

Same here, I considered maybe paring Sumia with Henry on my second run, but their S support convinced me to stick with this pairing.

After I unlock the Outrealm gate on my file, I'll spam event tiles with Vaike doubled with Chrom to quickly unlock their missing A Support, if the Barracks and event tiles on Paralogue one let me down. My first attempt on CH 3 failed and Vaike only gained bonus experience.

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Enjoy the English voices version then.

Now that was really adorable.

EDIT: Also, I have Awakening. Once I beat the game, I'll try to get my supports going.

Edited by Diortem
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I've got Sully X Virion done up to the B support. Hopefully I'll have it done up to the S support by the end of the day. For now, I'll just post what I have.

[spoiler=Sully X Virion]

[spoiler=C Support]Sully: Hrah! Yaaaaah!

Virion: Ah, most fortuitous fortune! It is none other than my dearly beloved Sully!

Your floating, so like a butterfly.

Your stinging, so like the bee!

Why, it's positively–

Sully: You got a point, Ruffles?

Virion: None save the point of my heart's compass, which strains ever toward Sully.

Sully: That sounds like a no. So get lost. I'm trying to train here.

Virion: So cold! I feel a chill coming on.

I'll surely catch my death if you don't spare a few warm words, milady.

Come now! All this training for war… All this angry grunting…

It's unbecoming of a lady so beauteous!

Sully: Pfft. A pretty girl can stab a guy as easy as an ugly one.

But she still needs to practice. …So clear out!

Virion: No doubt the poets would write of your grace in combat. "Stabulous," they'd say!

But there is no need for such exertions. Not when you've a man to protect you!

Sully: I've yet to see a man up to that task.

Virion: Milady, you wound me. Such a man stands before you at this very moment!

Sully: Wait, are you talking about…you?


Oh, you're a funny guy, Ruffles. I'll give you that.

Virion: …I wasn't joking.

Sully: Do you have any idea how many people try to kill me on a daily basis?

It'd take a certified hero just to keep up, let alone "protect" me.

Virion: And I vow to be just such a hero!

Sully: Ruffles, I'd hire a wet nurse AND her kid as protectors before I'd consider you.

Virion: So it's proof milady desires, is it? So be it! I shall gladly furnish such!

Watch closely on our next battle. I'll display such heroism as makes for legend and song!

Sully: Oh, this should be good.

[spoiler=B Support]Sully: Hey, Ruffles. I saw you in that battle.

Virion: Then you've seen the fearsome beast that lurks within this lover's tender bosom!

I only pray it did not frighten you, gentle lady.

And I trust it proved that I am the hero fated to keep yousafe!

Sully: Was it also fate that you chickened out of that duel?

Virion: That was common sense and nothing more! What reason had I to accept?

Sully: Running from a duel is hardly heroic…

Virion: At the very least I am that man's hero! By turning down his offer I spared his life.

Sully: I think we have a different idea about what the word "hero" means.

Virion: You wound me, milady! I assure you, I am no craven.

Had that cur but glanced at you, no force in this world could have stayed my hand.

Sully: Pfft. You've always got some clever answer ready…

Talking to you is like dancing. It's exhausting and sweaty and I hate it.

Virion: I speak only the truth, milady. Whether or not you believe me is your prerogative.

Sully: Great. Then I don't believe you.

Virion: Y–you might at least have paused a moment to consider before–

Sully: Har! Easy, Ruffles. I'm just teasing.

Sure, you fled the duel, but you actually looked passable the rest of the time.

Looks like you're still in the running to be Mr. Hero. I'm looking forward to next time.

Virion: All shall gaze upon my might and tremble, milady! This I swear!

[spoiler=A Support]

Virion: Ah, Sully…hmm?

Why are you looking at me so? …Is there something on my face?

Sully: I’m the wrong person to ask. I’ve been seeing things lately.

Virion: And yet, your beautiful eyes appear as clear and sharp as ever.

Tell me of these visions, milady, that I might proffer some support.

Sully: You fought a duel, you damned fool! What’s more, you WON!

AND you beat someone that the others had trouble fighting as a unit!

If that isn’t seeing things, I don’t know what is.

Virion: Are you truly so surprised at that, milady?

I told you before that I would accept a duel had I only a reason.

Sully: And what was this reason?

Virion: That man had to be stopped.

Had I let him escape, he might have turned his wrath upon neighboring villages.

Sully: So you risked your neck for a handful of strangers?

Virion: I fought to defend the defenseless. No true nobleman would do less.

But nor would he enter meaningless battles like a blood–mad savage in search of glory.

Ugh… The very thought disgusts me.

Sully: So…is that why you want to defend me?

Virion: Exactly !You, my dear, are a lady fair. A paragon of grace and beauty.

Any fellow who would call himself a gentleman would defend such a creature.

Sully: Don’t call me a creature, you flowery snot! And I can defend my own damn self.

Although… Well…

I guess I don’t mind if you call me a lady.

But only because I’ve seen you show a bit of courage on the battlefield.

If not for that, I’d send you off half the “gentleman” you used to be.

Virion: Then you accept me as a hero worthy of protecting you?

Sully: Let’s not get crazy now, Ruffles.

I just promoted you from lousy craven to decent guy. That’s all.

…And I suppose you can watch my back in a brawl.

Virion: Aye, and soon you’ll trust your tender heart to my love’s fearsome embrace!

Sully: …Okay, you’re still clearly insane.

But if there must be a dangerous madman about, I’m glad he’s on my side.

[spoiler=S Support]

Sully: …Virion.

Virion: Sully! What a prize, that these eyes might gaze once more upon your beauty.

Sully: ……

Virion: Goodness, Milady. Your countenance is so very…intense.

I should think a lesser man might burst into flames on the spot.

Sully: ……

Virion: *Ahem* Is it getting hot here? …I should be very relieved if you would only respond.

Sully: ……

Virion: …Enough! I yield, milady! Nothing is so daunting as a woman’s silence.

Sully: Ha! I knew it! I KNEW it!

It’s all well and good for you to pester others, whether they want it or not.

But turn the tables and you change your damn tune!

You can’t handle the attention!

Virion: This was a…test? Rather beneath a lady of your bearing, I must say.

Sully: I can’t get a word in edgewise with you if I play fair.

I doubt anyone can with that sharpened tongue of yours.

Besides, I needed to know at least one of your weaknesses beforehand.

Virion: Er, before…what, pray tell?

Delving into the character of your future husband before you wed him? Heh heh…

Sully: Yep.

Virion: Because frankly, I don’t see wh–WHAT?!

H–hold just a moment… Are you serious?

Sully: Deadly so.

Virion: Well, th–this is an honor to be sure, but I’m not… I haven’t prepared myself!

Sully: Ha ha…Adding prone to ambush to that list of weaknesses…

Virion: You have me at a loss, milady.

Sully: Oh? Where has your famous wit run off to? If ever a moment called for poetry.,,

I’m a lady, right? Paragon of grace and beauty? Don’t leave me dangling here…

Virion: N–no, of course, I… *ahem!*

I hereby swear to leave none of milady’s desires unmet, even at the cost of my life.

If would be this humble man’s great joy to accept your gracious offer.

Sully: Well, I suppose that works. …Barely. That really the best you’ve got, Ruffles?

Virion: …B–but, I…

Sully: Har har! Only jesting!

That’ll work just fine for me. Let’s go ring shopping.

I’ve got the place picked out already. Let’s move. …And nolagging behind!

Virion: Y–yes,milady…

Sully: I can’thear you!

Virion: Yes,milady! Coming, milady!

Ignore that the first line of every support is bolded. I copied and pasted everything from Microsoft Word, and the formatting is being retarded to me at this point. >_>

EDIT: Added the A Support.

EDIT 2: All done!

Edited by Karaszure
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I just got the call saying my 3DS bundle should be in tomorrow afternoon, so I'll try to do the FrederickxFemale Avatar support then! It depends if I can get my stepbrother to give me a ride. I just CAN'T wait! ^^

And lol, Sully calling Virion Ruffles. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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[spoiler=Cordelia x Gaius (1st Gen. Romantic][spoiler=C Support]Cordelia: Ah, Gaius. Weren't you wearing those exact clothes yesterday?

Gaius: That a problem?

Cordelia: And unless I'm very much mistaken, you also wore them the day before that.

Gaius: Yeah, well, this is my favorite outfit. Why are you so interested in my attire? You fancy me or something?

Cordelia: I'm simply trying to offer a piece of friendly advice here. Perhaps you don't realize that you took and smell like the floor of a tavern. That shirt is covered in honey, and the less said of your pantaloons the better.

Gaius: Oh. Actually, uh, I hadn't noticed.

Cordelia: Not to mention your hair needs a trim and you have crumbs stuck on your face. ... And is that a turkey leg I see sticking out of your pocket?! Heavens, Gaius! Don't you care about your appearance at all?

Gaius: Well, as long as it's not slowing me down on the battlefied, right? I'm not some fancywaist who needs to strut about like a peacock

Cordelia: Well, perhaps you should consider it regardless.

Gaius: All right, all right. Message received. I'll put on some new clothes, mother.

Cordelia: Don't forget to comb your hair. And wash those old clothes in vinegar, or you'll never get the smell out.

Gaius: ... I'm going now.

Cordelia: Once washed, if you want to reduce he wrinkles, take a willow reed and...

Hey! Don't walk away when I'm talking about laundry!

[spoiler=B Support]Cordelia: Gaius! Isn't that the same outfit you were wearing yesterday?

Gaius: Yeah, but it was CLEAN yesterday. One extra day won't kill me, right?

Cordelia: And have you combed your hair?

Gaius: Er, no. But I DID dunk my head in a watering trough a couple nights ago. Why do you care so much, anyway?

Cordelia: Because.

Gaius: Er, because why?

Cordelia: By the way, don't think you can run off again in the middle of our conversation. I have my pegasus saddled and waiting, and we WILL hunt you down.

Gaius: Crivens. Are all your chats this happy and carefree, or am I a special case?

Cordelia: No, just you. Now come over here and let me trim that hair.

Gaius: I suppose I'm not getting out of this, am I? All right, do your worst. but you still haven't explained why you're so obsessed with my grooming.

Cordelia: Because you are one of Chrom's staunchest and most valuable allies. *Snip* Turn your head a little, please... Thaaaank you.

Gaius: Staunchy ally, eh? I like the sound of that. All right. Message received. I'll dress like a dandy so as not to make Chrom look bad. Oh, and I like the sides short, if you'd be so kind.

Cordelia: *Snip* Already on it. Oh, and berfore I forget, use this soap when you launder your clothes. You have stains dating back to the dark ages, but this should get them out.

Gaius: I'll wash them so bright, it'll hurt your eyes to look at me...

Cordelia: We'll see.

Gaius: Hey, now. How about showing a bit of trust for your staunchy ally?

Cordelia: Trust is earned, my dear gaius. Especially when it comes to laundry.

[spoiler=A Support]Cordelia: Oh, Gaius... What a sight you are!

Gaius: Huh? Aw, now what?! I combed my hair as soon as I got up, and these clothes are fresh out of the stream!

Cordelia: You look very presentable.

Gaius: So if my ahir is fixed, and my clothes are clean, what's the problem? I'm doing my best here, Cordelia.

Cordelia: Oh, no, you misunderstand me. What I mean is, you look so smart and serious. You look like a grown man.

Gaius: Oh. Uh... yeah. Guess I'll take that as a compliment. Although, I appreciate the help, even if I didn't at first.

Cordelia: Really? You're actually grateful?

Gaius: Yeah, and to prove it, I bought you this ribbon down at the market. You know. For days you don't have time for a proper hair wash.

Cordelia: Oh, er, thank you. I suppose I have been neglecting my own appearance somewhat.

Gaius: It's because you're too busy worrying about how everyone else is doing! But don't worry. Now that I'm cock of the walk, I can help out once in a while.

Cordelia: Er, yes. I suppose--

Gaius: It'd be a shame for a beautful woman like yourself to look less than her best.

Cordelia: I see all that cleaning didn't scrub the silver from your tongue...

[spoiler=S Spport]Gaius: Er, Cordelia? Do you have a moment?

Cordelia: Yes. What can I do for you?

Gaius: ... Hey, you're wearing my ribbon!

Cordelia: Hee hee. You noticed?

Gaius: Sure. Although you always look beautiful to me, with or without it.

Cordelia: You can be very charming when you put your mind to it, Gaius.

Gaius: Only to you, Cordelia. Anyway, I was wondering if you have time to give me a trim.

Cordelia: Again? But I just gave you one the other day.

Gaius: Sure, but don't you think it's getting a bit shaggy? Look here, over my ears...

Cordelia: Well, I suppose there are a few stray strands here and there.

Gaius: Hmm...

Cordelia: Um, why are you clutching my hand?

Gaius: Just checking the size for this... riiight... here.

Cordelia: Oh, what a lovely ring! Did you make it yourself?

Gaius: Yeah, but I wasn't sure about your size. Glad to see it fits. See, because now that I'm all cleaned up, I thought you might want to... be with me?

Cordelia: Is this a proposal, Gaius?

Gaius: Look, I'm no Chrom, and I won't pretend to try to convince you otherwise. But I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to win you over. So what do you say, Cordelia? Will you marry me?

Cordelia: How very sly of you to slip the ring on before I had a chance to argue. But it IS very beautiful... I would hate to take it off again.

Gaius: I'll take a yes out of laziness. I'm not picky.

Cordelia: Then yes, Gaius. I would be thrilled to be your wife.

Gaius: Sweet! This'll save me a load in barber's fees... Ha ha. Kidding! ... Just kidding, dear. You won't regret this, Cordelia.

[spoiler=Miriel x Donnel (1st Gen. Romantic][spoiler=C Support]Donnel: Say, Miriel? Do ya have a minute?

Miriel: ......

Donnel: Er, Miriel?

Miriel: ......

Donnel: Hey! Miriel!

Miriel: Gwaugh?! What is it? Why are you shouting?

Donnel: I tried getting' yer attention, but you was off in yer own world.

Miriel: Yes. When I read, I often immerse myself in it to the exclusion of all else.

Donnel: Seems like yer always readin', Miriel.

Miriel: I strive to utilize my time efficaciously. What free time I have, I spend reading.

Donnel: I reckon ya must'a studied a whole bunch by now, huh?

Miriel: I cannot say whether the breadth of my scholarship constitutes "a bunch." But I have studied more than the average person, that much is incontrovertible.

Donnel: In that case, I got a favor I wanna ask ya for... Miriel, will ya teach me?

Miriel: Teach you what?

Donnel: Er, I dunno. Math and science and all that kinda stuff, I guess.

Miriel: Why?

Donnel: If I learn my subjects now, I'll be able to help my village when the war's done. We got no school back home, so there ain't no one what knows about book learnin'.

Miriel: I can instruct you in the basic theories of the usual courses. You may, however, find none of it to be immediate practical use.

Donnel: Well, so long as I know the theory, I can always think up ways to use it.

Miriel: Are you literate?

Donnel: Ol' Goatkeep Gran knew her letters. She taught me how to read all right.

Miriel: I cannot instruct you beyond the bounds of my own ken, but I will attempt the basics.

Donnel: Well, much obliged then, Miriel!

Miriel: Be forewarned-- I am not easy on my pupils.

Donnel: I wouldn't want ya to be!

[spoiler=B Support]Miriel: ... Let us conclude todday's lesson here.

Donnel: Whew! Good. I'm beat.

Miriel: Unsurprising. We covered material of exceptional complexity today. But that is not to say these lessons have been entirely free of surprises.

Donnel: Oh? Like what?

Miriel: For one, the voracity with which you attack your studies is remarkable. I accepted to your request for tutelage with the expectation you would lose interest. Yet here you are, having already mastered some of the more difficult concepts.

Donnel: Aw, shucks. I'm barely keepin' up! And I ain't sure I got a perfect grasp on it, neither.

Miriel: Even an imperfect grasp, in conjunction with a diligent attitude, is sufficient to advance.Often a nuanced, intuitive understanding is something that develops organically.

Donnel: Er, if you say so, Miriel.

Miriel: Given this rate of acquisition, you might...

Donnel: Hmm? You say somethin'?

Miriel: Nothing of import. Now then, class is dismissed. Be certain to revie the material before our next lesson.

Donnel: Yes, ma'am!

[spoiler=A Support]Miriel: I finished grading your examination.

Donnel: How'd I do?

Miriel: A perfect score. Exemplary work.

Donnel: Yee-haw!

Miriel: That concludes a canvass of the primary precepts of academic study. My lessons end here.

Donnel: They do? Gosh, I think I'm gonna miss 'em.

Miriel: But there is no end to learning. From today hence, you will be navigating the sea of knowledge by your own sextant.

Donnel: All by m'self, huh?

Miriel: Worry not. To extrapolate from the present data, you possess considerable aptitude. Continue to apply yourself, and you will find ample success in any academic pursuits.

Donnel: But I'd still rather be sailin' them seas with you, Miriel.

Miriel: I must recommend against such a joint venture.

Donnel: Why do ya say that?

Miriel: Empirical data shows that no previous attempt at such a partnership has survived. I have not always been without colleagues interested in collaborative investigation... Yet, ultimately, none were ever able to sustain the arrangement.

Donnel: Well, why not?

Miriel: According to them, I exhibit a tendency to press onward to new territory alone. Even I am aware that I tend to lose sight of all else when immersed in thought. As such, continuing my studies alone is the only natural conclusion.

Donnel: That ain't true at all!

Miriel: Hmm?

Donnel: It's their own fault for not keepin' up! Just 'cause they got lazy don't mean you should have to study alone forever.

Miriel: That is a fascinating theory.

Donnel: Let me join ya, Miriel. I'll do all I can to keep up! You said yourself I been makin' progress faster'n you thought!

Miriel: To use a metaphor, the path ahead is steeper still, and the footing unsure. There will be times I am unable to point the way. Are you certain you want this?

Donnel: Well all that sailin' talk had me nervous, but I'm a mountain boy. Climbin'? Now THAT I can do!

[spoiler=S Support]Donnel: Your studies been goin' well lately, Miriel?

Miriel: Quite smoothly, yes. Thanks to you. Many a time, you've provided the clue to surmount a current stumbling block. As the conventional wisdom goes, two heads appear empirically superior to one.

Donnel: Oh. That's real nice. So, um... I wanted to talk at ya about that today.

Miriel: About having two heads? You know that scientifically, this is highly improbable. Ah. Or perhaps you're finding it difficult to pursue studies in conjunction with me?

Donnel: Naw, it ain't that! It's the opposite, actually.

Miriel: Go on.

Donnel: I want us to be more conjuncted! Er, I wanna conjunct different... Shoot. Here! I wanna give ya this!

Miriel: A ring.

Donnel: It's a weddin' ring. I was hopin' ya might consent to be m'wife. I wanna keep ya as long as I live!

Miriel: I see no requisite for marriage in pursuing a joint exploration of academic studies.

Donnel: Well, no, I reckon not. So does that mean ya won't?

Miriel: However, accepting this ring would enable a host of other exploratory pursuits. And each could be undertaken as a collaboration with you... I can scarce think of a more exhilarating prospect.

Donnel: Um, could ya please just say yes or no?

Miriel: ... very well. I accept. A broad array of new frontiers now lie open before us.

Donnel: And we got the rest of our lives to explore 'em together!

[spoiler=Cynthia x Morgan (M) (2nd Gen. Romantic][spoiler=C Support]Cynthia: I am Cynthia, Vanquisher of Evil! My sword has judged you and found you wanting! ... Heh. Nice. I'm totally using that next time out.

Morgan: You seem as chipper as ever, Cynthia. I feel energized just watching you.

Cynthia: Hey, if i've got anything to offer, it's pep! Belting out catchphrases and awesome hero speeches always gets me going.

Morgan: So that's your secret, is it?

Cynthia: Yup! If you're ever feeling worn down, I can't recommend it highly enough. Hey! You should try it right now!

Morgan: All right, maybe I will! Let's see... I am Morgan, the, um, unwavering light that makes bad guys... really sad!

Cynthia: ... Well?

Morgan: Hey, that does feel good! I bet with a little bit of practice, I could really get used to this!

Cynthia: Oh, yay! It's always great to find someone who appreciates the art of heroism.

Morgan: Heh, it does seem like we're something of a matched pair.

Cynthia: And that means it's up to us to keep the speeches coming till everyone is energized!

Morgan: Look out, world! I'm gonna shout at you until I'm hoarse!

[spoiler=B Support]Cynthia: Hrmmm...

Morgan: Mmm? Cynthia?

Cynthia: Do they really...? but that would mean...

Morgan: Is everything all right?

Cynthia: Oh. Hi, Morgan.

Morgan: I don't think I've ever seen you this drained. Is something on your mind?

Cynthia: No, I'm... Well, yes, actually. Lately, it seems like the others have all been... staring at me.

Morgan: Er, you mean more than usual or... what?

Cynthia: Well, I'm used to them watching, but not... you know... staring. It's been happening when I give heroic pep talks. People always look, but...

Morgan: ... But?

Cynthia: But whenever I do it lately, people just stare. A lot. And hard. It's like they're boring into my soul with twin javelins of shame and regret.

Morgan: Oh, that's just your imagination, I'm sure.

Cynthia: No it's not. They pity me, Morgan! They're all embarrassed for me! And sonow that's all I can think about. I can't even fight anymore! Seruiously, I almost got stabbed by a blind codger on a horse the other day...

Morgan: Then I propose a little experiment.

Cynthia: Oh?

Morgan: If your heroic boldness is too much for them, why not try acting meek? In our next battle, take the field as a quiet, demure Cynthia. Then watch their reactions and draw conclusions from the experience.

Cynthia: Yeah, but... what will that tell me?

Morgan: If they're fed up with how rambunctious you are, they'll be glad you quieted down. But if they like your usual peppy self, they'll clearly be worried about you.

Cynthia: Geez. I'm not sure I even know how to act demure.

Morgan: Just think about your mother. Try to act as she would.

Cynthia: All right. I'll give it a try!

Morgan: Wonderful! We'll have your answer in no time, I guarantee it!

[spoiler=A Support]Morgan: Hey, Cynthia.

Cynthia: ... Morgan.

Morgan: So? How goes it? have you astered acting meek and demure yet?

Cynthia: ... Yes.


... I have.

Morgan: Er, right. You know, I'm not sure that's actually how demure works. Maybe you just need a little more time? Yes, I'm sure that's it!

Cynthia: ... No. That isn't...


... Necessary.

Morgan: I can actually feel myself growing old waiting for you to finish a sentence. I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

Cynthia: What? No way! I practiced really hard! Look, I'll even sshow you my demure face! Mmmmmrrrrgggghhh ...

Morgan: ... Please stop that. Er, all this aside, though, how have the others reacted to this new you?

Cynthia: Aw, it was really sweet! They were all very concerned. They kept coming up and asking me what was wrong.

Morgan: Oh?

Cynthia: Oh yeah! People were all running up and shouting at me and stuff!

"What is wrong with you, Cynthia?!"

"You look upset, Cynthia!"

"Why do you keep making that horrible face, Cynthia?"

So if what you said is true, that means they all miss the old perky me, right?

Morgan: Er... R-right! I'm sure that's what they meant. They all want you to be yourself. youre happy, energetic... very loud self.

Cynthia: Yay! It's such a relief to know for sure! Oof, all that worrying had my stomach in knots. But now that it's over, I'm hungry! You wanna grab sommething to eat? I think they have pottage today!

Morgan: Sure. It must be hard to be energetic on an empty stomach, after all.

Cynthia: I know, right? Come on, let's go!

Morgan:... Yeesh. Between the pauses and that face, it's no wonder people thought her ill. I doubt it had anything to do with her missing pep and verve. ... Not that I could tell her that without breaking her heart, though.... Ah, well. At least she's smiling again!

[spoiler=S Support]Cynthia: Morgaaan!

Morgan: Um, hi?

Cynthia: You're not... hiding anything from me, are you?

Morgan: Wh-what makes you say that?

Cynthia: Oh, please. It's written all over your face!

Morgan: I really have no idea what you--

Cynthia: The REAL reason everyone was worried when I was acting demure-- out with it!

Morgan: ... Ah. That.

Cynthia: I knew it! You knew I was wrong, and you just let me believe it! You said everyone's concern about me meant they missed the old me! You lied to me!

Morgan: It wasn't a lie! It was a... I mean, I... Wait, how did you come to the conclusion that the others didn't miss the old you?

Cynthia: Someone asked if I was feeling better, and I said yep, and then they said...

"Good. The funny talking had us worried it was permanent brain damage."

"You've always been crazy, but this time we worrieed you'd finally snapped."

This is your fault, Morgan! I made an even bigger fool of myself than before!

Morgan: I'm sorry, Cynthia. Really I am. I didn't mean to lie.

Cynthia: Then why did you?

Morgan: Because I missed the old you! The crazy girl with all the speeches and moves! So others may not get it. So what?! They were still concerned for you. But me? I just missed you. You, Cynthia! I think you're awesome!

Cynthia: Morgan...

Morgan: I love your energy, Cynthia! I love your heroic nature! I... I love YOU!

Cynthia: ... You what?

Morgan: I only realized it once you were gone. Er, once you went demure, I mean. But once it happened, I didn't know how to tell you without hurting you. And then, when you changed back, I didn't want to change your mind about why. So I didn't. I was a coward and I just... hoped everything would work out.

Cynthia: ... I forgive you.

Morgan: Really?

Cynthia: Yes. ... Because it led me to someone who really loves me for who I am. I hope you know what you're getting into. I can be kinda loud sometimes.

Morgan: Heh... I kinda notcied. But I'd have it no other way! *Ahem* By the mighty sword of Morgan, I shall love you forever!

Cynthia: Hey, that was actually pretty good!

And, one my favorite supports so far!~

[spoiler=Henry x Gerome (Parent & Child][spoiler=C Support]Henry: Hey-o, Gerome.

Gerome: What do you want?

Henry: Oh, nothing in particular. I just--

Gerome: Then why are you talking to me? I''m not here to make friends.

Henry: Apparently not! But what about family?

Gerome: ......

Henry: I was thinking: we're father and son... Maybe it's time we started acting like it. Lucina calls Chrom "Father," you know? We could start there!

Gerome: You may look like my father, but you are not the same man. My father is dead and gone. ... You are a stranger.

Henry: Wow! Is everyone this blunt in the future? Nya ha! Look, I know your true father is gone, and I'm sure you must miss him greatly. ... But I thought maybe our relationship could help heal that wound.

Gerome: Then you are a fool.

Henry: Hey! Mind your mouth! I'm only offering this out of a sense of--

Gerome: This conversation is over. I have business elsewhere. I must feed and cleany Minervykins before bedtime.

Henry: ... Minervykins?

Gerome: Er, that is... I did not mean to... Bah! Your stupidity is contagious!

Henry: *Sigh* That boy...

[spoiler=B Support]Henry: Hey-o, Gerome. Have you been taking good care of little Minervykins?

Gerome: I did NOT call her that! The very idea is ludicrous! ... You must have misheard.

Henry: Nya ha! No need to get your smallclothes in a twist, Gerome. Cherche sometimes calls her wyvern Minervykins, too. Eventually, I picked up the habit as well.

Gerome: Oh... Er, right. I knew that.

Henry: Heh heh. You're kinda adorable when you're flustered.

Gerome: ......

Henry: Don't you glare at me, young man, or I'll curse you into next week. I don't want to sure my own son, but I totally will!

Gerome: ... I'm not afraid of you.

Henry: Yeah, I know. It's because I'm not very scary. Nya ha ha! Though I gotta say, seeing you so angry reminds me quite a bit of Cherche.

Gerome: What do you mean?

Henry: Mmm? Oh, er, nothing... Hey! Is that your Minerva over there?

Gerome: It is.

Henry: Hmm, more intimidating than Cherche's... Scarier, more ferocious...

Gerome: Truly? In the future, people oft remarked she was the prettiest wyvern in the realm. Just look at those big, smoky eyes... She's such a cutey-poo! Er, I mean... Um... You tricked me into saying that!

Henry: Nya ha! I didn't trick you into saying anything! You said it all by yourself!

Gerome: That's it. I'm leaving. WE'RE leaving. ... Minerva, to me!

Henry: Nya ha ha! He really is adorable when he's flustered...

[spoiler=A Support]Henry: Hey-o, Gerome. Spending some quality time with Minerva again, I see?

Gerome: ... Why do you insist on following me everywhere?

Henry: Geeze, you make my rampant stalking sound so sinister! I just wanted to talk about our rellationship again. About being father and son. Now that I've seen your sensitive side, I thought we might--

Gerome: I have no sensitive side.

Henry: Uh, right. But remember when you said Minerva was a cutey-poo? The look of love that flitted accross your face was so tender and sincere, I--



... Er, Minerva?

Henry: Nya ha! Minerva would never attack me! She knows I'm family. There, there, little Minerva. You remember me, don't you?

Gerome: M-Minerva? ... Do you truly consider this buffoon part of our family? ...... ... I see. Very well, Minerva. If that is your wish...

Henry: Sooo... What did Minerva say?

Gerome: Hmph. You claim to be part of the family, but you can't understand her?

Henry: Usually I can, yeah. ... But she was mumbling.

Gerome: It matters not. Minerva says you are family, and I am thus duty bound to accept you. I'm... I'm sorry I treated you poorly. ... Father.

Henry: ... Did you just call me Father?

Gerome: Don't get used to it. ... Minerva, to me! We're leaving!

Henry: Wait! Say it again! Come on! Don't make me curse you!

Gerome: Bah, enough already!

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Here is my next support...

[spoiler=Maribelle x Henry Support C]Maribelle:

I am so weary of this gods-forsaken war.

Every time we turn around, Risen are tearing some poor village apart.

Ah, I fear this will all get darker before we finally spy the dawn.

And yet, look at this flower still finding a way to bloom amidst the devastation.

*Sniff* It brings a tear to the eye to see such a fragile thing struggle to the light.

What a good flower you are. Stay strong, little one.


Hi there, Maribelle! You all right?


ACK! Henry?! H-how long have you been standing there?


Oh, I dunno! Since before you launched into that soliloquy, anyway.


Eavesdropping is a shameful habit, sir. And on a lady, no less!

Were you birthed in a barn?


Aw, but its fun listening to you mumble! You say all kinds of crazy stuff.

I really liked the last bit where you started chatting with the flower.


I was NOT chatting with the flower. I was remarking on the... that is to say...

Oh, what's the use? You've caught me in the act, and that's that.

Go on, then! Point and laugh. Take this chance to mock your social betters.


Mock you? Why? I do the same thing all the time.

...Hmm? What's that, flower?

*mumble, mumble*

...Ooh! Okay, I'll tell her.


What in the WORLD are you doing?


Talking to the flower. She says she's very grateful that you spoke to her.

Also, she says she'll stay strong as long as you do, too.


I appreciate the gesture, sir, but you don't have to feign madness for my sake.


I'm not feigning anything. I'm just really in touch with the natural world.

I can talk to any living thing you want. Trees. Flowers. Maggots.

Ooooooh... Maaaggots...


That is a remarkable talent, if a shade disturbing.

[spoiler=Maribelle x Henry Support B]Henry:

Hi, Maribelle. You look like a cat ate your favorite canary.


*Sniff* It's a fate far worse, I fear. My flower friend has withered and died.


Aww, guess it hasn't rained around here for weeks now, huh?


Henry, can you still...talk to her?


Nope! Only living stuff.


Yes, of course. How silly of me. She's dead, never to bloom again...

It truly makes a woman think. Someday, on the battlefield, such could be my fate.



I mean, flowers die, people die... That's just how the world works.


Even so, the idea that I could be gone tomorrow? Or in an hour? Ghastly!

We try to ignore the ever-present threat of death, but it's always there.

And when you finally think about it, it;s a black yawning pit of utter terror!


Meh, not to me. Everyone kicks the bucket at some point, so why fret?


Perhaps its not so much death I fear as the pain of dying.


See, now that I can understand. But get this--

I've got a special curse ready, see? Been working on it for a while now.

If you're mortally wounded, it kills you off before you suffer any pain!

Just...poof. Off ya go!


I see. And this is something you could perhaps cast on me?


Sure, yeah. Heck, I can do it right now and if you say the word.

Then you'll never have to fear the old boneyard again!


I declare, Henry, you have the strangest ways of putting people's minds at ease.

And yet, I'm rather tempted to accept your offer.

(I unfortunately saved over before I could double check for errors with B : /)

[spoiler=Maribelle c Henry Support A]Maribelle:

Henry, do you have a moment?


What is it?


I've been watching you in our recent battles, and I noticed something...odd.

No matter how fierce the fight becomes, you always have a smile on your face.


Yep. I love fighting! Psgew! Pshew!


But as a mage, you go into battle with little armor and are often the first one targeted.

You could be injured or killed in an eyeblink, and yet you still smile!


It's cause I'm not scared, Maribelle. Fighting is actually pretty simple.

I just have to kill the other guy before he has a chance to kill me.


Henry, sometimes I find it very difficult to understand you.


Yeah, I suppose most animals are supposed to fear death and stuff.




But I'll tell you one thing--there's no reason to be sad about death.

Everyone in this army is going to crokk sooner or later--its just a matter of when and at the end of it all, we'll be reunited again on the other side.


You think so?


...Oh, wait! Holy crows! I just had a really weird thought.

That means all the foes we kill are gonna be over there, too.

Aw, rats. I'm gonna have to kill them all over again!

[spoiler=Maribelle x Henry Support S]Maribelle:

Henry, weren't you injured in the last battle?


Who, me? No, I don't think so. Didn't see any blood, at least.

And believe me, I always look reeeally closely.


That's good to hear. The part about being unharmed, at least.


Why the sudden concern?


Remember when you told me that you're not afraid of dying?

Well, I've been watching you in battle, and I see it's no idle boast.

But the more I watch, the more concerned I become.

I fear you may throw your life away on some rash act and that I might...lose you.


It's a definite possibility!

We're fighting a war, after all.


Do not make light of my fears! I couldn't bear to lose you because--


Because then I couldn't cast that curse that lets you die without pain?


No! It's not about that!

I mean, yes, I WOULD miss that, but it's not the reason.


Okay. So what is? Oh, wait! Lemme guess!

You worry I wouldn't finish my toenail collection?


Its because I'm in love with you, you idiot man!




Oh, my stars and garters. Did I really say that out loud?


Yeah, you said it out loud. Loudly!

But don't be embarrassed, Maribelle. I think you're swell, too.


Oh, Henry. Is it true?


Yep. I want to be your knight in shining armor. ...Blood-red shining armor!

In fact, I'm hoping that we can spend the rest of our lives together.

Which I guess is another way of saying that we should get married. Yay!

...Wait, aw, heck. I don't even have a ring ready or anything


The ring can wait, silly. The answer is still yes.

I loved Maribelle in the S support XD

Edited by TheGreatOld
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[spoiler=Avatar(F) x Cynthia (Friendship][spoiler=C Support]Cynthia: COME, FOE! TASTE THE STEELY TANG OF CYNTHIA'S DEADLY BLADE! ... Gah. "Steely tang"? I sound more like a culinary critic than a hero...


Robin: Cynthia? What's all the shouting about?

Cynthia: Oh, hello, Robin! Just practicing my opening line for when we go into battle.

Robin: You do that a lot, don't you? Talk to the enemy, I mean.

Cynthia: Of course! That's what heroes do! It's important to make the enemy understand how majestic and heroic I am.

Robin: Look, I love speeches and gallant poses as much as the next soldier. But doesn't that leave you exposed to a sudden strike from a foe?

Cynthia: Oh, no. That's against the rules! See, when heroes meet on the battlefied, everyone gets time to deliver their lines. If the foe knows anything about heroic derring-do, they'll wait their turn.

Robin: I don't think our foes give two figs about derring-do. You're far more likely to get a quick dagger between the ribs.

Cynthia: B-but was is civilized! It celebrates bravery and honer and all that good stuff. Otherwise, it's just a bloody mess. Otherwise, it's just random slaughter.

Robin: ... I'm sensing a steep learning curve ahead of use here.

Cynthia: Look, back in my future, the only foe we ever faced was the Risen. Now, when fighting brain-dead monsters, it's all about survival, niceties be damned. But I'm sure... I just assumed that here in the past, things would be more civilized. I mean, war can't ALWAYS be a horrific bloodbath! ... Can it?

Robin: Oh, Cynthia...

Cynthia: Well anyway, I should run. I need to practice my sword flourishes!

Robin: I can't decide if her attitude is admirable or pathetic...

[spoiler=B Support]Cynthia: I AM CYNTHIA! YOUR BLOOD SHALL RUN THICK LIKE A SWAMPLAND! ... Ew, no. That's a bit gruesome. I AM CYNTHIA! I FLOAT LIKE A LEAF AND STING LIKE A NETTLE! ... Eh. Too vegetarian. Although it might lull the foe into a false sense of security...

Robin: Hello, Cynthia.

Cynthia: Oh, hi, Fayt!

Robin: Practicing battle lines again?

Cynthia: That's right! Because I still believe in the rules of heroic and gallant fighting.

Robin: Just remember, not everyone follows the rules, or even knows about them. Some people have less honor than the Risen, in truth.

Cynthia: I know what risks are. But I refuse to give up the idea of civilized combat.

Robin: Do you promise to at least look out for treachery?

Cynthia: Hey, stop worrying already! I can take care of myself. I'm a hero, remember? It's my job to rally and inspire our comrades.

Robin: We all know how brave you are, Cynthia. You don't have to take risks to prove it. What good is a hero if she's so foolhardy everyone has to worry about her safety?

Cynthia: I hadn't thought about it that way...

Robin: Well, perhaps you should. What say you at least consider toning it down a little? Okay?

Cynthia: ... Fiiine. I'll think about it. And sorry if I made you worry.

Robin: She's such a sweet girl, and so innocent. I just hope that doesn't prove her undoing...

[spoiler=A Support]Cynthia: Fayt, can we talk?

Robin: Of course, Cynthia. What's on your mind?

Cynthia: Well, er, I've been thinking about what you told me...

Robin: You mean the risks of your heroic posturing on the battlefield?

Cynthia: Right, exactly. But see, I still believe in all the chivalrous rules of combat. ... I really don't want to give up striking poses and delivering my battle lines. But I've decided that I'll be extra careful, and only do it when it's absolutely safe.

Robin: And how will you know that?

Cynthia: Well, if I'm facing a noble foe who knows the rules, I'll go ahead and do my thing. But if it's a monster or a smelly bandit, I'll just hit 'em in the face.

Robin: That sounds like a fair compromise. Thank you for considering my words.

Cynthia: Well, it didn't seem fair not to, after you told me how worried you were. After all, a real hero is someone who can look after herself AND her friends. Imagine if a comrade was hurt because I was busy making the sun glint off my blade! If Chrom was gut-punched because I was yelling about my terrible might! If you were beheaded and quartered then set aflame, all because I was--

Robin: Okay, okay. I think I have the idea...

[spoiler=Morgan (M) x Yarne (Friendship][spoiler=C Support]Morgan: Ha ha, those guys are hilarious! Eating dinner as a big group is so much fun! And oof-- I am stuffed! I'm gonna sleep well tonight... Oh, hey Yarne!

Yarne: Oh, uh... Hi, Morgan.

Morgan: What are you up to all by yourself? The rest of us just finished dinner.

Yarne: You're chipper as always.

Morgan: Yarne, is everything all right? If you're not feeling well, I can get you something.

Yarne: No, nothing like that. I'm fine. I'm just surprised you can stay so cheery all the time. The war's got us in a constant panic, and you're an amnesiac on top of it! How do you do it?

Morgan: I never really stopped to think about it... I guess I was just born this way?

Yarne: Well, I'm jealous. I bet you're all smiles in the middle of combat , too, huh? I can't even imagine wanting to fight, even if I were all bubbly...

Morgan: Well, maybe you wouldn't be so scared if I stuck close and kept you safe!

Yarne: You... You'd do that?

Morgan: Well, sure! We're in this thing together, aren't we? I'm happy to do what I can to help.

Yarne: Wow, Morgan. Thank you. I really appreciate that! If things get hairy out there, I'll be counting on you to save me!

Morgan: Ha! It's a promise!

[spoiler=B Support]Morgan: Hey, Yarne.

Yarne: Oh, hey. Did you need me?

Morgan: Off by yourself again? You should come eat with the rest of us!

Yarne: That's just it. I'm not exactly part of the rest of us. Two days after you showed up, you were already everybody's best friend. What's your secret?

Morgan: Aw, heck. I dunno!

Yarne: All I ever hear from others is that I'm a big coward. They're always lecturing me.

Morgan: But you're just doing what you have to in order to keep the taguel bloodline going.

Yarne: See, YOU get it!

Morgan: Well, sure! You're the last of am entire race! Who wouldn't understand that?

Yarne: Literally everyone but you...

Morgan: Well, I think you're pretty brave to be fighting, given all that's riding on you. ... Hey, maybe that's why I'm so upbeat? Because I lost my memories?

Yarne: How would that make you happier?

Morgan: I don't have any grand fate or dark past to weigh me down. No heritage to carry on. I can just be me.

Yarne: And "just you" is a cheery guy?

Morgan: Apparently! Besides, in times this harsh, every group needs one joker to lighten the mood. I guess I fell into the role and I've been havinng too much fun to stop!

Yarne: You're something else, Morgan...

Morgan: Give it a try! I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised!

[spoiler=A Support]Yarne: Morgan! You're not gonna believe this!

Morgan: What? What happened?

Yarne: After we spoke, I decided to reach out and join the group. I've been talking to the others more, and I make it a point to keep smiling. Not like an idiot, mind you, but just... you know. All friendly-like.

Morgan: Great! How's it working out?

Yarne: It was pretty awkward at first, and everyone was still a bit cold. But they've since warmed up! Now I've got people dropping by to chat all the time!

Morgan: hey, that's wonderful!

Yarne: For the first tim, I actually feel like part of a team.

Morgan: Well, I'm really glad to hear it, Yarne.

Yarne: It never would have happenedd without your advice, Morgan. I'm really glad we started talking. I'd always watched you and wished I could be like that. Now I think I'm even ready to take the lead in combat and start protecting my friends!

Morgan: I don't know what to say, Yarne. I'm blown away. *sniff*

Yarne: Whoa, whoa, whoa--! Why are you tearing up?

Morgan: I'm just really, really happy for you. I'd noticed before, you know? You always looked so lonely.

Yarne: I guess I was, until you came along. You're the best friend a taguel could ask for! And I'm going to keep at it until I'm as good a friend to you!

Morgan: I know it won't take but a week, tops!

[spoiler=Selena x Gerome (2nd Gen. Romantic][spoiler=C Support]Severa: Hey, you there! Gerome! Stop!

Gerome: Yes?

Severa: I want to know why you wear that stupid mask everywhere.

Gerome: My mask is not stupid. Nor is it your concern.

Severa: Says you! But I'm the one who has to look at it all the time! It makes you look like a mime or burglar or an acrobat or something. It's totally weird, and everyone thinks you should take it off.

Gerome: I doubt you speak for everyone.

Severa: Whatever! Are you going to take it off your dumb bandit mask or not?

Gerome: You should spend less of your time worrying about others. The mask stays.

Severa: Hey, where do you think you're going? I'm not finished with you! Ooooooh! Who does that dumb acrobat think he is, walking out on me like that?!

[spoiler=B Support]Severa: Gerome!

Gerome: You again?

Severa: I want to talk to you, mister!

Gerome: I am not taking off the mask.



Okay, it is. Why do you keep wearing it? Are you disfigured? Or just vain? Or are you trying to keep your distance from the people of the past? Personally, I just think you're a big attention hog and you can't admit it.

Gerome: I will answer the question once, but only in the hope it makes you go away. Listen well. You'll not get another chance... In battle, the mask helps conceal my emotions and feelings from a foe. It gives me a valuable edge in the midst of any crucial struggle.

Severa: Doesn't it narrow your field of vision? Like horse blinders or whatever?

Gerome: Of course. That is why I trained myself to razor sharpness. My battle sense are so keen, I can fight--and win--blindfolded.

Severa: You must be great at parties.

Gerome: You've heard your answer. Now leave me be.

Severa: Pfft! That's not the whole story and you know it! What're you hiding?!

Gerome: Leave me be, I say!

Severa: Yeah, sure, the mask hides your emotions from bad guys and blah blah blah. But there's totally another reason, even if you don't know it! And I'm going to figure it out so you take your stupid thing off! I mean, come on! It has to smell terrible by now.

Gerome: I've had enough of this nonsense.

Severa: Gerome! Wait! Get back here!

[spoiler=A Support]Severa: Gerome?

Gerome: I don't want to hearabout the mask. Don't talk about it. Don't point. Don't even look at it. Just... Stand there.

Severa: All right, all right! Sheesh.


Okay, look. You said why you wear the mask, and I agree it makes sense. But I'm positive there's another reason. ... A secret reason.

Gerome: If my weapon breaks, I can hurl the mask at a foe. ... Satisfied?

Severa: Oh hardy har har. You're not gonna distract me that easily, mister! I know you have a secret reason, and i'm going to find it no matter what! You can hid your face, but you can't hide your true feelings and stuff!

Gerome: ... If I tell the truth--the real truth--do you swear to let me be?

Severa: I swear!

Gerome: You must also swear to never speak of it to anyone, under pain of death.

Severa: My lips are seald.

Gerome: ... When I was but a child, I often dreamed of being a warrior. And in my dreams, I always wore a mask, because... Because I thought it looked cool.


Gerome: I'm not finished! ... I began to wear masks all the time, just for the thrill. But it's as you know, I don't like to reveal my inner life if it can be helped. And soon, a child's plaything became a tool for keeping people at bay.

Severa: Ah... I thought it must be something like that!

Gerome: Then you were right. So, wait. You limit your peripheral vision just to keep people away from you?

Severa: Come on, Gerome. Even you have to admit that's pretty dumb.

Gerome: I kept my end of the bargain. See that you keep yours.

Severa: Hoooo! He looked maaaaaad at me. Well, at least I got him talking... That's good enough for one day's work, I'd say!

[spoiler=S Support]Gerome: .......

Severa: EEEEEK! Help! Intruder! Sound the alarm!

Gerome: Severa, it's me! Gerome! I was just washing my face.

Severa: Liar! Gerome would never be caught without his mask!

Gerome: It's me, I tell you! Here, I'll prove it. See?

Severa: Gerome! I-I had no idea... It's been so long... Wait! I just realized something.

Gerome: What?

Severa: I know why I was so obsessed about removing that silly mask. It's because I wanted to see your totally handsome face!

Gerome: Oh, er... Truly?

Severa: Yes! Sheesh, I'd completely forgotten about what you looked like! And man! You've always been easy on the eyes, but now? Oh me, oh my!

Gerome: But when you saw me before, you shrieked as if I was a ghoul.

Severa: I was just surprised is all. Don't be so sensitive!

Gerome: If I am, it's only because of your incredible IN-sensitivity! ... You have no idea how your words can pierce my heart.

Severa: How would I?! You're the one who insists on hiding all his emotions behind a stupid bandit mask! You can't do that and then act all whiny of someone hurts your feelings by mistake!

Gerome: But... don't you see how much I adore you?

Severa: Wha--?

Gerome: You torture me with your presence! You throw my heart into turmoil! I've no idea who I am around you! I must wear the mask--especially around you. Otherwise I simply couldn't function.

Severa: Oh, wow. That's... kind of amazing.

Gerome: What is?

Severa: You! The stuff you said! Everything! Because the truth is, I... I like you too...

Gerome: You don't know anything about me.

Severa: That's why I've been trying so hard to talk to you. Isn't it obvious?

Gerome: ... Are you sure about this?

Severa: If there's one thing I'm sure about, it's this... So from now on, you take off that idiotic mask around me. Got it?

Gerome: Er, well, I suppose I could. ... On certain occasions. ... Perhaps.

Severa: Hey, are you actually blushing? Your nose has gone all pink!

Gerome: W-what?! No! I am not blushing!


(Perhaps it's time to find a bigger mask...)

Oh gosh Gerome. <3

Also, I can do Nah x Gerome. If it still is currently unclaimed. I have not yet saved Gerome's-Severa S Support.

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Cynthia:I AM CYNTHIA! I FLOAT LIKE A LEAF AND STING LIKE A NETTLE! ... Eh. Too vegetarian. Although it might lull the foe into a false sense of security...

Cynthia, I think you got your reference wrong.(They have boxing?)

Gerome: This conversation is over. I have business elsewhere. I must feed and cleany Minervykins before bedtime.

There it is, the adorable nickname! Minervykins. Now imagine Gerome saying that wubbly-dubvy voice like his mom.

These supports bring out the weirdest things to the surface. And that why they so good.

(I want Awakening...C'mon Friday)

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Dunno if anyone will notice... but here's my tiny little contribution, Keldelia.

[spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, C Support]

Cordelia: ...Good. It seems that I have gone undetected.

Kellam: Oh, hey, Cordelia. What are you doing?

Cordelia: K-Kellam?! How long have you been there? ...Gods, but it's impossible to do anything in secret with this guy hovering around.

Kellam: Sorry, did you say something? I didn't mean to interrupt your training.

Cordelia: Ah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It's my fault I got caught.

Kellam: Practicing your stealth moves, eh? Are you planning some sort of covert op?

Cordelia: A good warrior should never neglect the chance to practice ALL her skills. You never know when they might come in handy.

Kellam: Wow, Cordelia. You're so dedicated.

Cordelia: Yes, but when it comes to stealth, you have us all beat.

Kellam: Yes, but I don't know if that counts. It's not like I practice or anything. People just seem to...overlook me.

Cordelia: Oh, come now. There must be SOMETHING special that you do!

Kellam: Not really. I just kind of stand here and fade into the background. Anyway, I'd better be on my way. Good luck with your training.

Cordelia: Kellam, wait! I wanted to talk more about– How does he DO that?! You'd think that armor would be a big clanking giveaway...

[spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, B Support]

Cordelia: *Pant* O-okay, I think I did it...

Kellam: Hello, Cordelia. Are you practicing your stealth moves again?

Cordelia: Kellam, there you are! Listen, I think I've got the hang of this now. I just circled the whole camp without being spotted by anyone!

Kellam: Really? Oh, well done! That must have been hard.

Cordelia: But here's the thing: I made a count of everyone, and I never found you.

Kellam: That's because I was on guard duty patrolling the camp's perimeter.

Cordelia: What?! B-but I was sneaking AROUND the perimeter! I didn't see you anywhere! Are you sure you weren't taking a nap in one of the tents? I won't tell.

Kellam: No, I was on the perimeter. I even saw you when you hid behind that raspberry bush.

Cordelia: Wait. You SAW me circling the camp? Then I didn't... Then I wasn't... Oh, blast it all!

Kellam: Aw, don't be glum. It's hard to be stealthy when you stand out as much as you do.

Cordelia: You think I stand out?

Kellam: Well, I mean, you're just so pretty, and you have that long hair, and–

Cordelia: That's it. I'm getting a haircut.

Kellam: Oh, no! Please don't do that!

Cordelia: I'm just joking, Kellam. Don't worry. But...thanks for the compliment.

Kellam: Oh, um... You're welcome.

[spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, A Support]

Kellam: Hmm... I haven't seen Cordelia all day. I wonder if she's practicing her stealth moves again?

Cordelia: Correct!

Kellam: GYAAAH! How long have you been there?!

Cordelia: Yes! Nailed it! I finally managed to sneak up and catch you unawares! Gods, but that took forever.

Kellam: Congratulations!

Cordelia: Well, I still can't just disappear at will like you can.

Kellam: I find it helps to turn sideways. But sometimes I just stand there.

Cordelia: I'll never have that skill, no matter how much I practice.

Kellam: Why are you so worried about stealth? You have lots of other skills.

Cordelia: Oh, I have lots of skills, all right. But I haven't mastered any of them. I just wish there was ONE thing I could be better at than anyone else!

Kellam: Aw, I bet there is. Just let me think... Oh, I know! You're better at being able to do more things than anyone else!

Cordelia: That's...not quite what I had in mind.

Kellam: But it's an amazing skill! You learn new things nearly every day, right? That means you're the best at being average at everything!

Cordelia: Um...okay? I suppose that IS something to be proud of, huh?

[spoiler=Kellam x Cordelia, S Support]

Kellam: *Pant, pant* Okay. This time I won't blink for 17 minutes. Ready... Gwwwaaarrrrrrfff!

Cordelia: That's quite a workout, Kellam.

Kellam: My eyes! They burn! ...Oh! Hi, Cordelia. I'm practicing the exercises you used to see me.

Cordelia: I never expected that I'd be teaching them to you one day! But I kind of like it. It's fun to have a secret training partner.

Kellam: I think it's fun that someone actually talks to me. Which is why I went out and made you this ring.

Cordelia: Oh, Kellam, this is beautiful! Did you really craft this?

Kellam: Yep. It's probably not worth much, but there's only one like it in the whole world.

Cordelia: I didn't know you could make jewelry!

Kellam: Well, I can't really. But I tried my very best. It took a lot of trial and error, but...

Cordelia: You did all that for me?

Kellam: I...I really like you, Cordelia! More than anyone! Not to mention, you can actually see me. So, I got to thinking, and, um... Well, I'd really like you to accept this, and...you know, be my...

Cordelia: Oh, dear. Kellam, I'm so sorry. I don't know how to say this...

Kellam: Uh-oh.

Cordelia: Just kidding. YES! Yes, yes, and yes again! I accept your proposal!

Kellam: Oh, y-you do? Gosh, that's great! I kinda thought you'd turn me down.

Cordelia: Now why would I do that?

Kellam: Oh, you know. Because I'm kind of a wet leaf of lettuce...

Cordelia: You'll have to ditch that attitude if you want to be MY husband, mister!

Kellam: R-right! You got it!

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Alright kids, here comes my first support!

Morgan (F) x Tharja

[spoiler= Morgan (F) x Tharja C]

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my mother... All my memories of father are so crisp and clear... I remember what an amazing tactician he was, all the time we studied together. But nothing at all about my mother. It's one big blank.

Tharja: What are you doing?

Morgan: Mother! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you! Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family style fate! Wait, no. How did father put it? "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us." So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link...thing!

Tharja: You don't say?

Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us. Er, but that reminds me...I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Mother. Do you think you could help me get those memories back?

Tharja: Well, I SUPPOSE I could spare the time...

Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!

Tharja:... Sometimes I can't deal with that child.

[spoiler= Morgan (F) x Tharja B]

Morgan: Mother? Do you have a moment?

Tharja: If it is quick...

Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Mom Back! Step one- figure out how we're going to trigger some flashbacks. I already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing. I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories. What do you think, Mother? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?

Tharja: Look, maybe you'd better take a break from all the head smashing, all right? Here, why don't you try staring at me for a bit? Maybe something'll come to you.

Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius! I must have seen your face a million times in the future. It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough. Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes...

Morgan: ....

Morgan: ....... (goes for several more boxes)

Morgan: Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing. It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Mother looked like?"

Tharja: *Sigh* Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day.

Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier to be honest... But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Mother!"

[spoiler= Morgan (F) x Tharja A]

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either... I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*

Tharja: Oh, we're crying now? Wonderful...

Morgan: B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Father. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them... I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*

Tharja: .....

Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there... Ngh! M-my head!... Wha-?!

Tharja: What now?

Morgan: I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but... I remember! You were smiling at me... and you called my name... Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little older, but it was DEFINITELY you! Oh thank you, Mother. I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I cab get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.

Tharja: Well... good luck with that.

Aw... Thanks, Mom.

Edited by Ike of Paris
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Sully X Virion is done. And on top of that, here's the C Support for Chrom X Gaius.

[spoiler=Chrom X Gaius]

[spoiler=C Support]

Chrom: Gaius, do you have a moment?

Gaius: What's up, Blue?

Chrom: …Blue?

Er, right. Well, you must have traveled a lot in your old line of work, yes?

Gaius: Sure did! Us thieves tend to outstay our welcome in a hurry.

Chrom: The reason I ask is that I've had little chance to see the world properly.

I've journeyed on diplomatic business, but that's pretty much it.

And frankly, one majestic court looks very much like another.

I've often wondered what it would be like to roam the world free of royal burdens.

Gaius: Ha! You royals up in your pointy towers really don't have a clue!

You think us commoners are free to just spend our days sauntering along!

Think we pick daisies and gaze at tourist attractions and eat bonbons all day!

Chrom: Look, that's not what I was implying at all. …And I think you know it.

Gaius: So what's the problem? Tired of silk pants and the undying adoration of the masses?

Chrom: I try to appreciate my situation, but being a royal can be incredibly…stifling.

It's a comfortable prison, true, but a prison nonetheless.

Gaius: Sounds like a serious case of not being able to count your blessings.

Chrom: It's true–I'm never hungry, I've a hot bath and a warm bed, people leap to my aid…

Perhaps you're right. What right have I to complain of such a life?

Gaius: Bingo.

[spoiler=B Support]

Gaius: Heya, Blue.

Chrom: You know, I really wish you wouldn’t call me…

Never mind. What can I do for you, Gaius?

Gaius: You got any plans for the evening? After supper, I mean?

Chrom: I have to inspect the armory and make sure we’re ready for the next battle.

Gaius: Boooooor–ing. What about tomorrow?

Chrom: Tomorrow I meet with the war council to discuss strategy and tactics.

Gaius: Man! It’s all work and no play for our fair leader, isn’t it?

Chrom: …What exactly did you want, Gaius? If it’s important, I’ll carve out some time.

Gaius: Oh, it’s not so important. …Or maybe it IS!

Chrom: Would you please get to the point?

Gaius: Look, I got to thinking about what you said. You know, about not having freedom?

Chrom: Yes?

Gaius: Well, I thought I’d give you a taste of what it’s like to be footloose and fancy–free!

Chrom: How do you propose to do that? I don’t have time for a ‘round–the–world tour.

Gaius: A single evening is all it’ll take! …You just tell me when you’re ready.

[spoiler=A Support]

Gaius: Finished your preparations? Ready to sample life outside the gilded cage?

Chrom: Preparations? I wasn’t aware that–

Gaius: Aw, come on! You want to dress up a bit, don’t you? …I mean, I would.

Chrom: Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Where are we going anyway?

How am I supposed to prepare when I have no idea what’s going on?

Gaius: Seriously, Blue?! Gods, if you royals aren’t the most coddled set of…

Look, we’re going out to have fun. You know about fun, right?

So try to wear something that doesn’t look like it was stolen from a corpse.

Chrom: Hey, I have a very keen fashion sense, thank you very much!

Gaius: …Well, I suppose those clothes’ll have to do, then.

Come on, Blue. Quit your grumblin’. I’ll explain on the way.

Chrom: B–but, wait!

*time passes*

Gaius: Ha ha! So,… What’d you think?

Chrom: It was…interesting.

Gaius: Yeah, but was it FUN?!

Chrom: Well, I suppose so. I’d never seen a man juggle flaming hams before…

And when those acrobats got into a knife fight…that really was something.

Gaius: I know you’re overwhelmed. It’s a lot to take in.

Still, we did what we set out to do.

Chrom: And what was that, exactly?

Gaius: To show you a slice of the real world!

Chrom: Ah, yes.

Gaius: So then? Still think you’re trapped in a prison made of diamonds and baby tears?

Today you wanted to experience something new, and that’s exactly what we did!

No one tried to stop you. No one asked for your autograph.

Nothing stood in the way except your own royal reserve.

King or traveling minstrel, the world is as narrow or wide as you make it.

Chrom: You’re saying it’s not duty that holds me back…but self–pity?

Gods… I’ve been such a self–indulgent arse…

Gaius: Aw, don’t be too hard on yourself, Blue.

Those silk–clad shoulders carry a heavier burden than I’d be willing to bear.

Just remember–attitude and outlook go a long way toward making your world.

Chrom: And you took me to that den of intiquity just to teach me that lesson?

Gaius: Naw, I like going there, but I can’t afford it unless some sap foots the bill.

But you be sure to let me know when you want to go again, all right?

Chrom: …Maybe later.

Edited by Karaszure
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