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Item Drops


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This will be a thread dedicated to item drops mainly for FFIV and Earthbound series since this is what makes them so addictive and fun to play. Only attempt to get all of these only if your an item dropping nut.






In just this run for the Lilith Rod. :D

The amount of spells that they've learned made me happy as well.


Onion Sword(Red Tail)(DS Only)

-Red Dragon

Onion Shield(Blue Tail)(DS Only)

-Thunder Dragon

Onion Helm(Green Tail)(DS Only)

-Green Dragon

Onion Armor(Black Tail)(DS Only)

-Armored Fiend

Onion Glove(Yellow Tail)(DS Only)

-Yellow Dragon




Never attempted!

Adamant Armor

-Flan Princess

Ah! The mother of all drops in this game. I have got two of these with only 60 alerts/sirens in one of my runs. (PSX)

Cursed Ring

-Evil Dreamer
-Bone Dragon

I usually get these from the Spirits/Souls and Evil Dreamers since they all travel often in groups of 4-5 increasing your odds greatly. This may seem like a worthless item, but what it does is...that it allows any armor you equip that halves damage to be turned into absorption. Diamond Helm, Elemental Armor/Shield, Hero Shield(PSP Only), Crystal gear, Adamant Armor(Works best with this). Annnyway...I've obtained two in my DS run and one in my PSP run.

Break Blade
-Black Lizard

Only time that I've got this was in one of my 7 runs in the PSX version.

Rune Axe

-Armor Construct
-Armored Fiend/Red Giant

Never found this.

Rune Staff

Marionetter - Tower of Zot
- Tower of Babil
Sorcerer - Tower of Babil
Summoner - Passage of the Eidolons

Never found this.

Artemis Bow


Never found this.

Dragon Whisker(Whip/Not Lance)

-Blue Dragon

Found this in the PSX version.


Bog Witch - Sylph Cave
Dark Sage - Lair of the Father
- Lunar Subterrane

Have got this from the Dark Sage's in one of my PSX runs.

Glass Mask


Never got this...though I've tried so many times.

Crystal Ring

-Red Dragon

Only once and on the SNES version (FFII)

Gold Apple

0.4% drop from Clockwork Dragon
0.4% drop from Gold Dragon

Never found this.

Silver Apple

0.4% drop from Sand Worm
0.4% drop from Alligator
0.4% drop from Zu
12% drop from Lilith
0.4% drop from Gigas Gator
0.4% drop from Flood Worm
0.4% drop from Rukh
0.4% drop from Fledgling Rukh
5% drop from Green Dragon
5% drop from Yellow Dragon
0.4% drop from Silver Dragon

Have got this from Aqua Worms and Liliths.

Soma Drop

-Bog Witch
-Dark Sage

Never found it.

Lilith Rod


-Lamia Queen(DS/PSP only)

Only on the DS/PSP versions. This may be Rydia's best weapon in the game. Since she won't be attacking much anyhow, with this...free Osmorse which further allows her to easily abuse spells. Good for Palom and Tellah to use as well. Most useful for Tellah as he will burn your Ethers more than anyone else since he never gets any MP upon levelling up. He's the Jagan of this game. But...be sure to switch it of Palom before battling the second dark lord and before encountering Golbez for Tellah as you won't see them again after that.

Goblin Summon(Rydia)

-Li'l Murderer

Never got this.

Cocktrice Summon(Rydia)

0.4% drop from Helldiver
0.4% drop from Cockatrice
0.4% drop from Fledgling Rukh

Never got this.

Bomb Summon(Rydia)

0.4% drop from Balloon
0.4% drop from Dark Grenade

Never got this.

Mindflayer/Mage Summon(Rydia)


Never got this. Have tried many times.

Rainbow Pudding(DS Only)

-Any of the flan enemies


Dragon Spear

-Blue Dragon

Once on the PSX version.

Zeus Gantlet/Giant's Glove

-Steel Golem/Staleman


-Mad Ogre

DS version. That's it. :)

Cat's Claw


Once in PSX version.

Minerva Vest


-Elite Trooper(PSP Only)

Once in PSX version.

Power Robe


Once in PSX version.

Avenger Sword


Once in PSX version.


Buyable items, but nice to win...too along your adventure.

Flea Bag

-Stray Dog

Once along the way.

Magic Herb



Noble Seed

-Big Woodoh

Never got this.


-Bag Lady




Never found it.

Laser Beam


-Giga Borg

Once from Scrapper and Giga Borg.

Plazma Beam

-Ultra Barbot


Magic Coin

-Red Snake


Rare items

PSI Stone


-Last Starman


Never got this.


-B.B Gang

Many times.

Super Bomb

-Star Miner





Brain Food Lunch-Once from the Starman

Broken Antenna-Every run. =)

Goddess Ribbon-Every run.

Sword Of Kings-Most runs

Gutsy Bat-Once have tried on emulator and failed. Actual Cart got once. Most that everyone goes for, because like the Adamant Armor(FFIV) the drop is incredibly desireable more than any other throughout the entire game. The mother of all drops of this game! ;)

Magic Fry Pan-Most runs except two.

Pizza-Have got this once from the skate punk in my 15th run.

PSI Carmel-Have got this once from the Terrestrial Oak in just my last run and the Insane Cultist twice out of my 20+ runs.

Secret Herb-Obtained once from the Violent Roach in my 16th run.

Star Pendant-Only in two runs out of my 20. Because of near impossibility of Snotting, this makes it very difficult to obtain.

Meterinum-Once from the Plain Crocodile.

Meteotite-Once from the Hyper and Military Octobot.

Xterminator Spray-Never found this.

Mother 3


To this. I've found them all in all 3 of my runs. =)
Edited by PuffPuff
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