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Thane's guide to basic Fire Emblem Fates kanji


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Hello everyone.

Fire Emblem: If’s Japanese release is rapidly getting closer, and I know that plenty of us will play the game before it comes to the west. However, I, like many others, don’t speak Japanese fluently (or even at a level where we can even hold a regular conversation), but I’ve got every intention to learn it one way or another.

That is why I’m trying to compose a list of kanji that’ll be useful to me and hopefully other members and guests of this forum. Naturally, I can’t know what kanji will be key to understanding the game, but I can look at what we’ve seen so far in Famitsu and look up the most important ones.

To understand this list, you will need to know hiragana and katakana, two Japanese syllabary writing systems which are fairly easy to learn. If you can't read either,
please use the following site: www.realkana.com

Also, the kunyomi will be written in hiragana and the onyomi in katakana. I also might not type every possible reading for a kanji since some of them have a LOT of different readings and meanings, and I believe I should probably just point out the more common ones – if that is absolutely bonkers, someone with more knowledge of Japanese than I might be kind enough to fill out the rest. I’m not used to this sort of thing, but I want to help out the community and potential newcomers.

Now, let’s begin, shall we?

Table of contents:

1 - The countries
2 - Stats
3 - General words
4 - Weapons
5 - Materials
6 - My Castle
7 - Menu
8 - Victory conditions
9 - Family
10 - Key words

1. Countries:

暗夜王国 / 白夜王国 = Nohr/Hoshido, respectively

暗 = くら、アン = darkness, shade
白 = しろ、ハク、ビャク = white
夜 = よ、よる、ヤ = night, evening
王 = オウ = king, rule, magnate
国 = くに、コク= country

Nohr and Hoshido are therefore pronounced: あんやおうこく、びゃくやおうこく respectively

2. Stats:

力 = ちから = strength
力 = ちから、リョク、リキ = power, strength

魔力 = まりょく = magic
魔 = マ = witch, demon, evil spirit
- 力 = ちから、リョク、リキ = power, strength

技 = わざ = skill
技 = わざ、ギ = skill, ability

速さ = はやさ = speed
速 = はや、ソク = quick, fast

幸運 = こううん = luck
幸 = しあわ、さいわ、コウ = happiness, blessing, fortune
運 = はこ、ウン = carry, luck, fate, destiny

守備 = しゅび = defense
守 = まも、シュ、ス = guard, protect, defend
- 備 = そな、つぶさ、ビ = equip, provision, preparation

魔防 = まぼう = resistance
- 魔 = マ = witch, demon, evil spirit
- 防 =ふせ、ボウ = ward off, defend, resist

攻撃 = こうげき = attack
攻 = せ、コウ = aggression, attack
- 撃 =う、ゲキ = defeat, conquer, attack

命中 = めいちゅう = hit
命 = いのち、メイ、ミョウ = fate, command, destiny
- 中 = なか、チュウ = in, middle, center, inside

必殺 = ひっさつ = crit
必 = かなら、ヒッ = invariably, certain, inevitable
- 殺 = ころ、サイ、サツ、セツ = kill, murder, diminish, reduce

回避 = かいひ= avoidance
回 = まわ、カイ、エ = -times, round, revolve, counter
- 避 = さ、よ、ヒ = evade, avoid, avert

3. General:

闘 = たたか、トウ = fight, war, battle (I believe you can also use ”戦”, they seem to be interchangeable. Verb form = 戦う、闘う)

竜 = たつ、リュウ、リョウ = dragon, imperial (note: I believe りゅう is the most common way to say dragon, but I may be incorrect)

竜脈 = りゅうみゃく = dragon's vein
竜 = たつ、リュウ、リョウ = dragon, imperial
- 脈 = ミャク = vein, pulse

死ぬ = しぬ = die
- 死 = し、シ = death

話す = はなす = talk
- 話 = はな、ワ = tale, talk

育てる = そだてる = to raise (children)
- 育 = そだ、イク = grow up, raise, rear

- Important note: 育つ = to BE raised

4. Weapons:

剣 = つるぎ、ケン = sword, blade
槍 = やり、ソウ、ショウ = spear, lance
斧 = おの、フ = axe, hatchet
刀 = かたな、そり、トウ = sword, blade (katana)

薙刀 = なぎなた = naginata
- 薙 = な、なぎ、テイ、チ = mow down

- 刀 = かたな、そり、トウ = sword, blade (katana)

金棒 = かなぼう = mace
- 金 = かね、キン、コン = gold
- 棒 = ボウ = rod, stick, cane

弓 = ゆみ, キュウ= bow, archery

暗器 = あんき = hidden weapon
暗 = くら、アン = darkness, shade
- 器 = うつわ、キ = utensil, instrument, tool

手裏剣 = しゅりけん = shuriken
- 手 = て、シュ= hand
= うら、リ = back, amidst, reverse, rear
剣 = つるぎ、ケン = sword, blade

竜石 = りゅうせき = dragonstone
竜 = たつ、リュウ、リョウ = dragon, imperial
- = し、セキ、シャク = stone

和弓 = わきゅう = Japanese bow
= やわ、ワ、オ = Japanese, harmony, peace
弓 = ゆみ, キュウ= bow, archery

魔道書 = まどうしょ = tome
- 魔 = マ = witch, demon, evil spirit
- 道 = みち, ドウ = road, way, teaching

- = か、しょ = write

魔道 = まどう = magic
- 魔 = マ = witch, demon, evil spirit
- 道 = みち, ドウ = road, way, teaching

価格 = かかく = price
- 価 = あたい、ク、ケ = value, price
- 格 = カク、コウ、キャク = status, capacity

在庫 = ざいこ = stock
-在 = あ、ザイ = exists, located in
- 庫 = くら、コ = warehouse, storehouse

5. Materials:

青銅 = せいどう = bronze
- 青 = あお、セイ、ショウ = blue
- 銅 = あかがね、ドウ = copper

鉄 = くろがね、テツ = iron
鋼 = はがね、コウ = steel
銀 = しろがね、ギン = silver
手 = て、シュ = hand (throw, used for hand axe/javelin etc)

Note: I have never heard kunyomi used for iron, steel or silver; for instance, I believe ”silver sword” (銀剣) is read as ”ぎんけん”. Combine the weapons and the materials to know what it is you’re using.

6. My Castle:

武器屋 = ぶきや = armory
- 武 = たけ、ブ、ム = warrior, military, arms
- 器 = うつわ、キ = utensil, instrument, tool
- 屋 = や、オク= shop, house, dealer, seller

道具屋 = どうぐや = vendor, shop
- 道= みち、ドウ = road, journey, street
- 具 = そな、グ = tool, utensil, possess
- 屋 = や、オク= shop, house, dealer, seller

闘技場 = とうぎじょう = arena
- 闘= たたか、トウ = fight, war
- 技 = わず、ギ = skill, art
- 場 = ば、ジョウ、チョウ = location, place

牢屋 = ろうや = jailhouse
- 牢 = かた, ロウ = jail, prison, hardiness
- 屋 = や、オク= shop, house, dealer, seller

温泉 = おんせん = hot springs
- 温 = あたた、オン = warm
- 泉 = いずみ、セン = spring, fountain

食堂 = しょくどう = dining hall, messroom, cafeteria
- 食 = た、ショク = eat, food
- 堂 = ドウ = public chamber, hall

料理 = りょうり = cooking, cuisine
- 料 = リョウ = fee, materials
- 理 = ことわり、リ = logic, reason, arrangement

クジ引き屋 = くじびきや = lottery
- 引 = ひ、イン = pull, tug, install
- 屋 = や、オク= shop, house, dealer, seller

7. Menu:

Preparation menu:

ユニット選択 = (ユニット)せんたく = selection (select units)
- 選 = えら、セン = choose, elect, prefer
- 択 = えら、タク = choose, elect, prefer

マップ配置 = (マップ)はいち = placement (view map)
- 配 = くば、ハイ = distribute, ration
- 置 = お、チ = placement, put, set

身支度 = みじたく = dress, outfit (inventory)
- 身 = み、シン = somebody, person
- 支 = ささ、シ = branch, support
- 度 = たび、ト、ド、タク = degrees, occurence, time

(Note: unsure of this, seeing as how strange the kanji are together)

支援会話 = しえんかいわ = support conversation
- 支 = エン = help, save
- 会 = あ、カイ = meeting, meet, party, join
- 話 = はな、ワ = tale, talk

スキル着脱 = (スキル)ちゃくだつ = remove skills
- 着 = き、つ、チヤク、ジャク = don, arrive, wear
- 脱 = ぬ、ダツ = undress, remove, get away from

戦闘開始 = せんとうかいし = combat start
戦 = たたか、セン = war, battle, march
- 闘 = たたか、トウ = fight, war, battle
- 開 = あ、ひら、カイ = open, unfold
- 始 = はじ、シ = commence, begin

戻る = もどる = return, back
- 戻 = もど、レイ = return, go backwards, restore

進撃準備 = しんげきじゅんび = battle preparations
- 進 = すす、シン = advance, proceed
- 撃 = う、ゲキ = beat, attack, defeat
- 準 = じゅん、ジュン = semi-, correspond to, conform
- 備 = そな、ヒ = equip, provision, preparation

環境 = かんきょう = environment
- 環 = わ、カン = ring, circle, link
- 境 = さかい、キョウ、ケイ = boundary, border, region

指南 = しなん = instruction (guide)
- 指 = ゆび、シ = finger, point to, indicate
- 南 = みなみ、ナン、ナ = south

決定 = けってい = decision, determination (ok)
- 決 = き、ケツ = decide, agree upon
- 定 = さだ、テイ = definite, final, conclusive

Regular menu:

持ち物 = もちもの = items
- 持= も、ジ = hold, have
- 物 = もの、ブツ、モツ = thing, object, matter

交換 = こうかん = trade
- 交 = まじ、コウ = mingle, association, mixing
- 換= か、カン = interchange, renew, convert

装備 = そうび = equipment
- 装 = よそお、ソウ、ショウ = attire, dress, disguise
- 備 = そな、ビ = equip, provision, preparation

外す = はずす = unequip, discard
- 外 = そと、はず、ガイ = outside

捨てる = すてる = discard, throw away
- 捨 = す、シャ = discard, throw away, resign, abandon

待機 = たいき = wait/end turn
- 待= ま、タイ = wait
- 機 = はた、キ = machine, mechanism, opportunity

8. Victory conditions:

勝利条件 = しょうりじょうけん = victory condition(s)
- = か、ショウ = victory, prevail
= き、リ = profit, benefit
= えだ、すじ、ジョウ、チョク = article, streak, item
= くだん、ケン = affair, matter, case

目的 = もくてき = goal
- = め、モク、ボク = eye, look, experience
= まと、テキ = mark, target, objective

敵全滅 = てきぜんめつ = defeat all enemies
- = かたき、テキ = enemy, foe, opponent
= まったく、すべ、ゼン = whole, entire, all
= ほろ、メツ = destroy, ruin, perish

敵将撃破 = てきしょうげきは = defeat the enemy leader
- = かたき、テキ = enemy, foe, opponent
- = まさ、ショウ、ソウ = leader, commander
- 撃 = う、ゲキ = beat, attack, defeat
- = やぶ、ハ = rend, rip, tear

玉座 = ぎょくざ = throne
- = たま、ギョク = jewel, ball
= すわ、ザ = seat, sit, gathering

城門 = じょうもん = castle gate
- = しろ、ジョウ = castle
= かど、モン = gate

防衛 = ぼうえい = defend
- 防 =ふせ、ボウ = ward off, defend, resist
- = エイ、エ = defense, protection

制圧 = せいあつ = seize
- = セイ = system, law, rule
= お、アツ、エン = pressure, oppress, dominate

突破 = とっぱ = break through
- = つ、トツ = stab, pierce, thrust

- = やぶ、ハ = rend, rip, tear

残りX = のこりX = X remaining (enemies/turns/whatever)
- = のこ、ザン、サン = remainder, leftover, balance

ターン = turn(s)

9. Family:

父 = ちち、フ(also:おとうさん) = father
母 = はは、も、ボ (also:おかあさん) = mother
兄 =あに、ケイ、キョウ(also:おにいさん) = elder brother
弟 = おとうと、テイ、ダイ、デ = younger brother
姉 =あね、シ (also:おねえさん) = elder sister
妹 =いもうと、マイ = little sister

10. Key words:

王子(おうじ)= prince
王女(おうじょ)= princess
様(さま)= A very polite honorific used when talking to people of a much higher social rank, for example: カムイ様
兄弟 (きょうだい) = brothers (or collectively siblings)
姉妹(しまい)= sisters
家族 (かぞく)= family
仲間(なかま)= fellow, companion
友人(ゆうじん)= friend (often really good/best friend)
友達(ともだち)= friend
運命(うんめい)= fate
戦争 (せんそう) = war
平和(へいわ)= peace
愛(あい)= love
憎しみ(にくしみ)= hatred
頑張る(がんばる) = work hard, try one’s best
下さい(ください) = please

正義(せいぎ)= justice

Special thanks to Kirokan, Ryo, Icy Toast and Bovinian for helping out with weapons, materials, victory conditions and the menu!

Edited by Thane
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Speed is most likely hayasa 速さ. The font in this game is pretty weird sometimes. The Hiragana き is also written like that but with one more line, though I forgot where I saw it... Oh here:


Edited by Ryo
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Speed is most likely hayasa 速さ. The font in this game is pretty weird sometimes. The Hiragana き is also written like that but with one more line, though I forgot where I saw it... Oh here:


That's the strangest Japanese font I've ever had the displeasure to see. I tried comparing it to Awakening's stats and I could see it was a さ just fine there, but I thought they changed it for some reason.

Oh well, I appreciate it, thanks a lot!

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Yeah the font this game uses for weapon and item text is weird enough that people whose hiragana/katakana skills are iffy might not be able to recognize some of them.

This is a good start to the list and I'd be happy to contribute to it too. Still, it's essential that people know how to look up kanji that they don't know. The traditional way to do it is to identify familiar radicals in the character and sort by those (jisho.org is a good place to do this, in addition to being a good dictionary in general). Shadowofchaos also brought up kanjitomo, a program that can apparently recognize and identify kanji from images, which seems very useful but I haven't tried that myself.

FE is pretty kanji-heavy (compared to games like, say, Pokemon) so it'll be pretty tough to get through all that text.

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Huh, practical. In fact, this should probably be in the General FIre Emblem forums, so that everyone can read it anytime.

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Great work on this! : ) I hope to implement translations onto menu screen shots regarding stats and the like so non-Japanese readers can memorize their positions on the screen rather than having to learn the characters themselves. (Well, that is if they are not interested in learning!) I think it may be easier.

Your terms will definitely be better for picking up basics along the story, though.

Other things to look into are various victory condition translations among other things...

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Oh wow, this is going to be majorly useful. Especially since I've been struggling with the kanji more than anything else. Thanks, Thane!

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It may be just me but I think it's really important to know the names of Kamui, Aqua and their siblings.


Marx (Personally, I think his name is Marks but everyone prefers "Marx." Oh well) = マークス

Camilla = カミラ

Kamui = カムイ

Leon =レオン

Elise = エリーゼ


Ryouma = リョウマ

Hinoka = ヒノカ

Aqua = アクア

Takumi = タクミ

Sakura = サクラ

It may be a lot for those who don't speak Japanese to remember but it will help you understand better. I assure it.

Edit: Added Aqua because she's a main character.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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The ら and the る... Even the す has such a sharp curve...

I've read very little Japanese in real world application, but this is so far the weirdest font I've come across.

I'm willing to provide names if wanted and perhaps Kanji, provided I can distinguish the tiny stroke differences between very similar Kanji.

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Basic weapon vocab


清銅 せいどう seidou - bronze

鉄 てつ tetsu - iron

鋼 はがね hagane - steel

銀 ぎん gin - silver

手 te (throw, used for hand axe/javelin/etc)


剣 つるぎ tsurugi - sword

槍 やり - yari - lance

斧  おの - ono - axe

So simply combine them to know the weapon:

鋼剣 -steel sword

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Great work on this! : ) I hope to implement translations onto menu screen shots regarding stats and the like so non-Japanese readers can memorize their positions on the screen rather than having to learn the characters themselves. (Well, that is if they are not interested in learning!) I think it may be easier.

Your terms will definitely be better for picking up basics along the story, though.

Other things to look into are various victory condition translations among other things...

I very much look forward to your work

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Basic weapon vocab


清銅 せいどう seidou - bronze

鉄 てつ tetsu - iron

鋼 はがね hagane - steel

銀 ぎん gin - silver

手 te (throw, used for hand axe/javelin/etc)


剣 つるぎ tsurugi - sword

槍 やり - yari - lance

斧  おの - ono - axe

So simply combine them to know the weapon:

鋼剣 -steel sword

Adding to this:

刀  かたな katana

薙刀 なぎなた naginata

金棒 かなぼう kanabou (aka mace)

杖 つえ tsue - staff (idk if Hoshido batons will be called something else)

Random menu options:

持ち物 もちもの mochimono: items

交換 こうかん koukan: trade

装備 そうび soubi: equip/equipment

外す はずす hazusu: remove/unequip

捨てる すてる suteru: discard

待機 たいき taiki: wait/end turn

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With the removal of unique weapon icons (which I'll forever bitch about), I think it's also necessary to translate the magic names in this game. Asterisk means not confirmed yet.


エル (Eru): El~ *
ギガ (Giga): Arc~ *
レクス (Rekusu): Rex~ *

Basic Anima tomes:

ファイアー (Faiā): Fire
ボルガノン (Boruganon): Bolganone *
レクスフレイム (Rekusu Fureimu): Rexflame *

サンダー (Sandā): Thunder
トローン (Torōn): Thoron *
レクスボルト (Rekusu Boruto): Rexbolt *

ウインド (Uindo) - Wind *
トルネード (Torunēdo) - Tornado *
レクスカリバー (Rekusu Karibā) - Rexcalibur *

フィンブル (Finburu) - Fimbulvetr

Recurring(?) Dark tomes:

ミィル (Miru) - Flux *
リザイア (Rizaia) - Nosferatu *

(The others seem to be exclusive to certain games, Light magic also has very low chance to return so I won't list them yet)

Hoshidan magic:



In general, the Hoshido version of staff is specifically called a 祓串 (Haraegushi) according to Sakura's class information. Nohrian staves or staves in general should still be called 杖 (Tsue), being referred to as such in the Famitsu issues.

Nohrian staves:

ライブ (Raibu - Life): Heal

リライブ (Riraibu - Relive): Mend

リカバー (Rikabā): Recover *

リブロー (Riburō - Reblow): Physic *

リザーブ (Rizābu - Reserve): Fortify *

女神の杖 (Megami no Tsue): Goddess Staff *

フリーズ (Furiizu): Freeze

Hoshidan staves:

春祭 - Spring Festival

夏祭 - Summer Festival

七難即滅 - Instant Extermination of the Seven Misfortunes (don't ask...)

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Great work on this! : ) I hope to implement translations onto menu screen shots regarding stats and the like so non-Japanese readers can memorize their positions on the screen rather than having to learn the characters themselves. (Well, that is if they are not interested in learning!) I think it may be easier.

Your terms will definitely be better for picking up basics along the story, though.

Other things to look into are various victory condition translations among other things...

Basic weapon vocab


清銅 せいどう seidou - bronze

鉄 てつ tetsu - iron

鋼 はがね hagane - steel

銀 ぎん gin - silver

手 te (throw, used for hand axe/javelin/etc)


剣 つるぎ tsurugi - sword

槍 やり - yari - lance

斧  おの - ono - axe

So simply combine them to know the weapon:

鋼剣 -steel sword

Kyaaa! Kirokan-senpai noticed me!

Seriously though, thanks, glad to hear you think I've done well. I didn't mean to steal your project or anything; this is, like you said, mainly for those of us who speak a little Japanese and want to learn more while playing. Of course I hope it can help others as well!

I'll get to work on implementing your weapon list soon, and I'll add a few other words as well; I think it's important to have everything in the original post for everyone's convenience.

Adding to this:

刀  かたな katana

薙刀 なぎなた naginata

金棒 かなぼう kanabou (aka mace)

杖 つえ tsue - staff (idk if Hoshido batons will be called something else)

Random menu options:

持ち物 もちもの mochimono: items

交換 こうかん koukan: trade

装備 そうび soubi: equip/equipment

外す はずす hazusu: remove/unequip

捨てる すてる suteru: discard

待機 たいき taiki: wait/end turn

Much obliged! I'll add it to the original post soon.

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Hey, this list is a pretty cool idea!

Hope you don't mind if I point out a couple of minor things that caught my eye in the first post.

闘技場 = とうぎば = arena

I believe the correct pronunciation here would be とうぎじょう.

武器庫 = ぶきこ = armory

The translation isn't wrong or anything, but the word used in FE is 武器屋 (ぶきや). (A 武器庫 would imply a place to store weapons, whereas a 武器屋 is a place that sells weapons.)

Note: I couldnt find the kanji for the training room nor the lottery, so Ill need help there.

I don't know about this "training room" (are you sure it isn't simply the arena?), but the lottery is クジ引き屋 (くじびきや)

And to make up for my nitpicking (sorry!) let me contribute some more words that could come in handy, especially in the Nohr route!

勝利条件 (しょうりじょうけん) = Victory condition(s)

目的 (もくてき) = Goal

敵全滅 (てきぜんめつ)= Defeat all enemies

敵将撃破 (てきしょうげきは)= Defeat the enemy leader

玉座 (ぎょくざ) = Throne

城門 (じょうもん) = Castle gate

防衛 (ぼうえい)= Defend

制圧 (せいあつ) = Seize

突破 (とっぱ) = Break through

残りX (のこりX) = X remaining (enemies/turns/whatever)

ターン = turn(s)

(So, as an example for anyone interested in seeing how these could be used in If, the victory condition shown in the My Castle trailer reads: "Victory Conditions - Defend the throne and defeat all enemies")

Oh, and perhaps you could also add 射程 (しゃてい, range) to the list of stats?

Edited by Icy Toast
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Hey, this list is a pretty cool idea!

Hope you don't mind if I point out a couple of minor things that caught my eye in the first post.

I believe the correct pronunciation here would be とうぎじょう.

The translation isn't wrong or anything, but the word used in FE is 武器屋 (ぶきや). (A 武器庫 would imply a place to store weapons, whereas a 武器屋 is a place that sells weapons.)

I don't know about this "training room" (are you sure it isn't simply the arena?), but the lottery is クジ引き屋 (くじびきや)

And to make up for my nitpicking (sorry!) let me contribute some more words that could come in handy, especially in the Nohr route!

勝利条件 (しょうりじょうけん) = Victory condition(s)

目的 (もくてき) = Goal

敵全滅 (てきぜんめつ)= Defeat all enemies

敵将撃破 (てきしょうげきは)= Defeat the enemy leader

玉座 (ぎょくざ) = Throne

城門 (じょうもん) = Castle gate

防衛 (ぼうえい)= Defend

制圧 (せいあつ) = Seize

突破 (とっぱ) = Break through

残りX (のこりX) = X remaining (enemies/turns/whatever)

残りXターン (のこりXたーん)= X turns remaining

(So, as an example for anyone interested in seeing how these could be used in If, the victory condition shown in the My Castle trailer reads: "Victory Conditions - Defend the throne and defeat all enemies")

Oh, and perhaps you could also add 射程 (しゃてい, range) to the list of stats?

No, I refuse to use your help because you pointed out flaws in my translations and hurt my feelings.

Buddy, I'm just grateful people care enough to read through my little list and correct me - it's part of the learning process. Although for my pride's sake I should probably point out that I found it odd that it wasn't "とうぎじょう". The shop kanji I just blatantly misread.

According to Kantopia's translation, there's a training room.

And thanks for all the help! I'll update the OP shortly!

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