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Character discussion gameplay-wise (minor spoilers)


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This is not an attempt at a tier list or anything scientific: It's just my feelings of the characters on how they are turning up so far and I'd love to hear other players opinions from their own playthrough. Please keep the spoilers at at minimum!

I'm currently at chapter 14 on Hoshido route on Hard, with a little bit of grinding which is mostly irrelevant since I'm using way too many units and I'm pretty sure I'm not overleved (I routinely face class-changed units, and most of mine are not, my highest level character being level 2 promoted). Here's a few to get things rolling!

-Female Kamui, +Def -Mag: Class changed to Knight at level 10, currently a General. Very solid unit, especially considering Hoshido's general lack of defense. Sky-high strength, good hit points, high defense (though not enough to fully negate enemy attacks) and enough speed not to be doubled. Do note that Female Kamui General design is extremely strange: If you disliked seeing female Robin's behind as a wyvern rider (or similar) in every cutscene, don't go female general Kamui because it's way, way worse.

- Rinkah: Extremely disapointing but still of some use on Hoshido. Contrary to her appearance, her strength is mediocre, her max hit points is lower than most other units and her speed is just acceptable. However, she has very high defense for Hoshido, and her class skill that removes 6 Magic Resist from enemies is quite useful, especially since she can have an A+ support with Orochi. However, at least in my game, Oboro has better stats than her in every single stats at similar levels. I feel that Rinkah has some use on Hoshido, but if she was on Nohr she'd be basically useless.

- Orochi: Middling. Think Micaiah but without the healing (at least before class-change). She has super high magic, but absolutely no speed (8 at level 15) and low durability. She has basically no durability, cannot double, but her one hit is very damaging. She's your one source of Capture, so if you want to grab some generics, she cannot be replaced.

- Oboro: Excellent, think Nephenee. All her stats are very good, and she's useful in every situation. She can deal good damage, can tank both physical and magic decently and has useful skills.

- Cyrus: Oboro on an horse. He's a godsent for Hoshido, and he was extremely solid for me.

- Sophie (Cyrus-Sakura): Worse than Cyrus in every way at similar level, except for magic, but she's still usable overall. Sakura's probably not a good paring. She destroys enemy units clothes entirely on most hits (literally strips them to their underwear) so she's at least useful for some laughs.

- Subaki: He's ok. He's really slow for a pegasus knight (which does not matter as much considering the bonus speed on attack), so his personal skill is not as good as it sounds. Hinoka was far superior to him overall.

- Hinoka: Amazing. She has amazing resist and speed as expected, but her strength and defense is actually very high for a pegasus knight. I'm biased toward Pegasus Knights overall, but I feel she's the best one in the serie.

- Matoi (Subaki-Hinoka): Basically identical to Hinoka. There's maybe a total of 3 points stat difference between the two. Glad she took from her mother and not her father.

- Kagerou: Very solid overall. She comes with excellent stats overall and has high strength and speed. She doesn't have Kaze's amazing resist so she can't tank mages as well as him, but she's faring very well in dealing with most enemies no matter their class.

- (Kaza)Hana: Nearly unusable. She's the cause of most of my resets so far. She dies in one single hit from most enemy units. Her speed isn't that good, and even with her additional evasion on the player phase, she still has 20% to get insta-killed by generic axe enemies. She has really good strength for a myrmidon/samurai, but she can't even double a lot of enemies. She's literally a liability in my team right now.

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Man, if Rinka had only one of bad HP/Str I'd be much less salty about it

But why both

Also female generals are battle panties now? WHY

I think Effie's model has actual pants (Can't confirm though, I don't have Nohr yet) and there's no generic female generals so if you don't make your Kamui a general (or reclass one of your other female units) you won't ever see that. Still, if you do what you do get is really more akin to a battle thong instead of battle panties, complete with a much more detailed behind. It's far worse than anything you had in Awakening in any class.

It's a real shame for Rinkah: I feel that character-wise she's the best thing that ever happened in Fire Emblem, but gameplay wise she's so unspectacular. One plus I forgot to mention about her is that she's your only source of axes/clubs for a long, long time in Hoshido. I did go look at the Growth's topic for Rinkah's stats, my Rinkah growths actually are as bad for strength and hp as I feared, so it wasn't just bad luck on my side.

More characters!

Crimson: For a level 1 promoted, her starting stats are amazing and is one of the few axe user on Hoshido. She's at least as good as my best 20/1 characters. I'm unsure of her growths though (I literally just got her), and she has only Kamui for support.

Yuugiri: Like Crimson, but with worse stats. While Crimson starting stats are amazing, Yuugiri's are "not that bad". Her class is good, but there's a ton of units that can get that class on Hoshido (Four Pegasus Riders and two archers) so she's nothing special.

Azura: Defensively, she's the standard dancer. No hit points, no defense. However, her offensive is extremely impressive. Her speed is really good, and surprisingly enough, her Strength growth seems to be very high. She's not your standard dancer.

Asama: Amazing. He unfortunately starts as a priest, but his growths are excellent. He's my highest HP unit (???) with really good stats across the board. I forsee a great future for him as a Mountain Monk (spear + staff) unit due to his higher-than-Rinkah strength BEFORE promotion.

Setsuna: She's a traditional FE archer. Not terribly impressive bases, low joining level comparatively and poor growth. I got good use of her for some time and her speed and skill growth is sky-high, but everything else barely ever get a point. She's really starting to drag behind at this point despite some good weapons.

Mitama (Asama-Setsuna): Not bad, but Asama is better in every aspect at this point (I think I got very lucky with Asama). On the positive side, she makes for a better miko than Sakura (who makes a great exorcist) due to her decent strength even has a priestess.

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I think Effie's model has actual pants (Can't confirm though, I don't have Nohr yet) and there's no generic female generals so if you don't make your Kamui a general (or reclass one of your other female units) you won't ever see that. Still, if you do what you do get is really more akin to a battle thong instead of battle panties, complete with a much more detailed behind. It's far worse than anything you had in Awakening in any class.

It's a real shame for Rinkah: I feel that character-wise she's the best thing that ever happened in Fire Emblem, but gameplay wise she's so unspectacular. One plus I forgot to mention about her is that she's your only source of axes/clubs for a long, long time in Hoshido. I did go look at the Growth's topic for Rinkah's stats, my Rinkah growths actually are as bad for strength and hp as I feared, so it wasn't just bad luck on my side.

I'll have to check the models out when I get the game, then. And avoiding General, got it. I like GK more, anyway.

I'm probably just going to give Rinka every one of my HP/Str boosters out of favoritism and keep her at Max HP -1 if I can due to her skill (on site) If raw stats fail me, There is always favoritism. No way I'm not using her.

Like, good Str would make a lot of sense with her design, and good HP low Str at least builds her like a pure tank in other RPGs. But being bad at both? uuuuurgh.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Rinka is really disappointing, but I feel like you could get lucky with her, she does have an okay strength growth at 45. She can just get easily rng screwed. Her Hp growth is just awful though.

Same with orochi. 15 speed is so bad. Good to see that Crimson is good though, same with oboro, I really like their designs.

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