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Does anyone here play DotA? All my friends have stopped playing DotA for World of Warcraft and my clan only has four or five active people in it. If anyone plays DotA regularly on the Azeroth (US East) Gateway, feel free to PM me for a game.

My info:

Name: MechanicalClaw

Gateway: Azeroth

Clan: DotA Mechies (MECH)

I'm usually online between 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM Eastern, usually at least twice in one night. On weekends, however, I'm on at random times throughout the day.

NOTE: I would have done a search for any previous topics on DotA, but I didn't see any sign of a search button...

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Thanks for telling me where the Search button is. I expected it to be somewhere near the bottom of the topic list or immediately above it.

DotA stands for Defense of the Ancients. It's a custom map for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne.

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Gulcasa: Is your username Gulcasa?

Soluuloi: I have no clue what Garena is. Is it like GG (the thing that lets you play internet games over a VLAN)?

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Gulcasa: Is your username Gulcasa?

Soluuloi: I have no clue what Garena is. Is it like GG (the thing that lets you play internet games over a VLAN)?

You right. GG is the old name, the new name id Garena, they are the same.

Anyway, I just play the support heroes. Too bad that I am suck at late heroes.

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